Sticker Sta in in One-inch Red Alder Lumber By B. G. Anderson V R. G. Frashour Report No. D-3 April 1954 OREGON FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY State Board of Forestry and School of Forestry, Oregon State College, Cooperating Corvallis STICKL STAIg li! CNE-LCH hED ALI2R LUEI by B. G. Anderson R. G. Frashour INTRODUCTIOI\ The Oregon Forest Products Laboratory was asked in July 1953 by the Oregon Alder and Maple Company, Willamina, to work on the problem of dark ' stain which developed at sticker crossings in air-drying red alder (Alnus rubra, Bong.) during the surrmer months. Previous experience at the Oregon Alder and Maple Company had derncnstrated that the uniform light-brown shade preferred by furniture manufacturers could be obtained by kiln-drying the lurber inediately after sawing, using a high initial humidity and an initial dry-bulb temperature from 130 to 150 degrees F. It was observed that the color of the lumber when kilndried green could be varied from nearly wh2,te to chocolate brown by maniulation of the relative hui4dity and dry-bulb temperature during the first hours (approxiI niately 48) in the kiln. Lumber handled in this manner did not cevelop sticker stain. This suggested the possibility of fixing the color of the lumber by a steaming treatment before air-dryinig. With the elimination of sticker stain and poor color, favorable air-drying weather could be used to full advantage, with the possibility of saving from 2 to 4 days kiln time. Four charges of freshly sawed one-inch alder lumber were first steamed under various conditions, then air-dried. out previcus steamir3g, as a control. A fifth charge was air-dried with- 2- DRYING PROCEDURE Five charges of approximately 200 fbni each of random-width, rough, one- inch red alder lumber were driec, surfaced, arid inspected to determine the effects of the exper1rental treatment on the occurrexce of sticker stain in the finished lumber. The type of treatment given to eac:i of the five charges is indicated in the following table: Steaming treatment Chg 1 2 3 4 5 DE1 WB2 Time Final avg MC 140 18 136 180 177 18 Not steamed 65 77 89 130 120 94 86 130 120 24 24 Air-drying Dates Type of sticker 7/16-8/3 Soid 7/16-8/3 7/15-8/3 I' Hollowback 8/7-10/12 Solid 8/7-10/12 Final avg MC Kiln-drying Final avg NC DB WB 145 145 145 3]. 8.7 15 180 180 180 31 31 8.0 8.9 16 18 180 180 145 120 4.7 145 120 5.0 15 14 Time 1 Dry bulb. 2 Wet bulb. After kiln drying, charges 1, 2 and 3 were taken to the Oregon Alder arid Maple Company for planing and inspection. a thickness of 15/16 inches. All 3 charges were surfaced to All boards iii these three charges were found to be free from sticker stain. The color characteristics of tie five charLes after final kiln-drying are summarized as follows: -3- Charge Color Pattern 1 Light-brown Uniform None Desirable color 2 Flat lightbrown lJnif'orin None Lusterless; undesirable 3 White to pink Mottled None Undesirable color Similar to charge 3 Somewhat mottled None " " Lighter than charge 4 Slightly mottled In 18% of boards I, II Sticker stain Remarks If Boards in charge 1 were colored to a uniform light-brown color with no mottling. The shade of o1or in charge 1 was said to conform with the desires of California furniture manufacturers. Boards in charge 2 wore colored to a uniform liht-brown color of lighter shade than that in charge 1. The shade of color in charge 2 was said to fit the term "lifeless" or "without luster", as described by floyd Edmiston, of the Oregon Alder and i'iaple Company. Boards with a shade of color found in charge 2 are said to be undesirable from the furniture raanufacturers' standpoint. The difference in color shade or luster between charges 1 and 2 was attributed to the difference in steaming temperature. Boards in charge 3 were free from sticker stain, but contained irregular areas stained in a mottled pattern. from white to pink. The background color in these boards was Color in charge 3 was unsatisfactory for exposed parts in furniture manufacture. Charges 4 and 5 were surfaced at the Laboratory after kiln-drying, and inspected for sticker stain. Charge 4 was free frothi sticker stain, but contained slight not';ng of color. Colcr in this charge was similar to that of charge 5 contained was lighter than that of t.ekor stain in l he. charge 3, per cent of 4. and also had less mot -4- During the inspection of surfaced boards in charges 1 and 2, an improvement was noted in appearance of tight knots. Tight knots in these charges appeared to have suffered less checking during seasonin and machining than was observed in the commercial lumber currently being run. This difference was tentatively attributed to the steaming treatment given the experimental lumber before air drying. Subsequent adjustment in initial kiln-schedule conditions resulted in confirration of this observation in commercial runs. The schedule adjustment made was a change in initial wet-bulb depression from 10 deg F to 5 deg F. Figures 1 through 5 show the progress of air-drying in th various charges of lumber. All charges air-dried to an average of about 20 per cent moisture content in ten days. Charges 1 through 3 air-dried to an average of about 15 per cent moisture content in 18 days. All charges were put out for air-drying in July or August. after air-drying, charges 1 through 3 were kiln-dried to an average of 8-9 per cent moisture content in about 30 hours (Figures 6,7, 8 Charges 4 and 5 were kiln--dried to an average of 8-9 per cent moisture content in about 40 hours, although these two charges were left in the kiln for a total of 120 hours (Figures 9, 10). Charges 1, 2, and 3 were kiln-dried together, as also were charges and 5. 4 As can be seer; from the drying rates of the kiln samples for the sep- arate charges (Figures 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), the charges in each group drted in much the saxre manner, regardless of differences in treatment before kiln-drying. Figure 11 shows average shrinkage in width during drying for kiln samples in all charges. Average shrinkage was 4.5 per cent to an average moisture content of 10 per cent. Average shrinkage was 5,1 per cent to an average moisture content of 7 per cent. -5- Fiure 12 gives a cumulative distribution of final moisture-meter rea& ings in charges 1, 2 and 3. 7.0 and. 11.5 per cent. All the boards gave mcisture-meter readings between Ninety-five per cent of the boirds gave readings below 10 per cent, and 80 per cent of the bord gave readins below 9.0 per cent. The average moisture-meter readin was 8. per cent. The averaçe final moisture content after conditioning of the kiln samples used in the three chres was 8.5 per cent by the oven-tent method. Figure 13 gives a cumulative distribution of shrinkage in width of 18 kiln samples dried, to an average of 7.7 per cent moisture content (before conditioning). The average shrinkae value ws 4.9 per cent. of the shrinkage values were 5.5 per cent or lower. Iiriety por cent Eighty per cent of the shrinkage values were 5.2 per cent or lower. C0CLUE IC']5 - The occurrence of sticker stain during air.dryin, of oi.e-inch red alder lumber could be elimnated by a steaming treatment of the stickered lumber prior to air-drying. A desirable and unifcrm shade of color in the final dried lumber cn be obtained by the use of this preliminary steaming treatment. The optimum conditions fcr this treatment appear to be about 140 deg F dry-bulb te:perature, 4 dee, F wet-bulb depression, and minimum steaiing time abcut 18 hours. No doubt, adjustments in the shade of color could be obtained by using different dry-bulb temperatures and wet-bulb depressions during steaminE. The immediate objective of this short-term project was to determine the effects of certain preliminary treatments on the development of sticher stain durin air-drying. The limited data obtained in this study do not permit exact observations on the color shades resulting frorr various steaming conditions. The preceeding conclusions are based on the assumption that the lumber will be freshly sawed when subjected to the steaming treatment. -6- Following the method outlined will allow the operator to take full advantage of air-drying during the sunrer irionths, with no losses from sticker staining or undesirable color, and with reduction of 2-4 days in total kiln tiri:e needed. 100 80 60 40 AvRG: OF SIX PICS 20 0 4 12 8 1 20 TINE, DAYS Figure 1. ioisturo content during air-drying of one-inch rod alder lumber after steaming at 140-136 degrees F for 18 hours; July 6 to Au,ust 3, 1953. H (charge 1) 100 80 0 p1 ... 60 uGH 00 40 AVERAGE OF SIX FIECLS Es C.') -- 20 - LOW 00 --- - 4 - 12 - -- - - a- --,,-- 16 20 TLE, DAYS Figure 2. Moisture content during air-drying of one-inch red alder lumber after steaming at 180-177 degrees F for 18 hours; July 16 to August 3, 1953. (charge 2) 10 0 0 IH'AEAEO I 04 Cl) ICSF_ 0 8 4 12 1 20 TII, DAYS Figure 3. Moisture content during air- drying of one-inch red alder lumber not steamed, but stacked on hollow-back stickers from July 15 to August 3, 1953. (charge 3 T 8C 0 0 L 040 HIGH E-1 Cl) AVERAGE OF SIX PIECES 0 20 ------ LOW 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TIME, DAYS i.gure 4. Moisture content during airdrying of one-inch red alder lumber after steaming at 130-.130 degrees F for 24 hours; August 7 to October 12, 1953. (charge 4) 10 0 6c HIGH 0 0 0 811 20 20 10 30 40 50 --60 TIME, DAYS Figure 5. Moisture content during air.-dryirg of oneinch red alder lumber after steaming at 120-120 degrees F for 24 hours; August 7 to October 12, (charge 5) 200 180 DRY BULB 175 rx 16 150 WET BULB 125 20 HIGH AVERAGL CF SIX PICIS .- LOW 0 10 20 40 30 TIME, HOURS Figure 6. Kiln schecu1e-dryin rate for one-inch air-dried red alder lumber; charge 1. 50 1953. 200 DRY BULB - 175 l65 WETBULB ¶12 125 20 NIGH AVEBAGE OF LIX PIOES LOW 10 20 40 30 TIME, HOURS Figure 7. Kiln schedule-drying rate for one-inch air-dried red alder lumber; charge 2. 0 200 i4 DRY BULB 180 175 165 j E-s WET BULB 0 125 . h (Jj 20 I HIH 1 OF CIX --: PIECS 10 5 00 10 20 30 40 TIME, HOURS Figure 8. Kiln schedule-drying rate for one-inch air-dried red alder lumber; charge 3. 200 180 175 DRYBULB .161 150 4IJ.5 wI 125 20 15 HIGH N z 0 AVAGE OF SIX PIECES 10 N LCW 0 20 40 60 go 100 120 TflvFT, HCURS Figure 9. Kiln schedule-drying rate for one-inch air-dried red alder lumber; charge 4. 200 DRYBULE 1 F() .161 E-1 150 145 WET BULE 0 125 z 20 I HIGH 15 1R GE 02 SIX PIECES l0 0 20 40 4 60 80 100 TIME. HOURS Figiire 10. Ki.ln schedule-drying rate for one-inch air-.dried red alder lumber; charge 5. 120 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 AVERAGE MOISTURE CONTENT, PER CENT Figure 11. Average shrinkage in width during drying of one-inch red alder lumber. 100 :i.00 C) 213 BOARDS 13 BOARDS REPREE ENED AVG REA.DIr[G: REPRESEFTD AVG ShRINGE:! N 0.0-t fo' r "5 C.) t 4.9 % 0 150 25 0 7 8 10 11 9 12 MOISTURE METER READING, PER CENT Figure l. Cumulative distribution of O final moisture meter readings of one-inqh red alder; char,es 1, 2, 3. H-- 6 4 7 SHRINKAGE, PER CENT Figure 13. Cumulative distribution of shrinkage values in one-inch red alder lumber dried to 7.7 % avg mc; 'een-weight basis.