From: AAAI Technical Report FS-01-01. Compilation copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Grounding of Robots Behaviors Louis HuguesandAlexis Drogoul Universit6Pierre et MarieCurie, LIP6- Paris - France, Abstract of real experiencescontainingpertinent associationsof pereeption and action. Thispaperaddressesthe problemof learningrobot behaviorsin real environments. Robotbehaviorshavenot onlyto be grounded in the physicalworldbut also in the human spacewherethey are supposeto take place. Thepaperbriefly presentsa learningmodelrelyingon teachingby demonstrations, enablingthe user to transmit its intentionsduringreal experiments.Important propertiesare outlinedandthe probabilisticlearning processis described.Finally,weindicate howgrounded behaviorcouldbe interfacedto a symbolic level. Teachingby Showing The worksrelated to this view are Programming by Demonstration (Cypher93), Imitative Learning(Demirisand Hayes 96) or Supervised learning methodssuch as in the ALVINN system(Pomeflau93). Introduction It has been shown in numerous works that behavior paradigmis a good way to specify the actions of robots in real environments.0nee clearly identified and named, behaviorscan be incorporated into complexaction/selection schemesand can be referred to, symbolically, by deliberative processes at upper levels. Thusbehaviors provide a nice humandesigner/robot interface. Howeverbehaviors are still difficult to modelandformulatein the real world.In realistic applications, robots behaviorshave to be adapted to the Physical space and the Human space. In the Physical Spacebehaviors have to deal with sensors incertitude and imprecision, incompleteness of real world models and actions too peculiar to be easily defined and specified. In the Human Space they have to be adapted to our intentions and requirement, our habits, the way we organize our environment(signs, stairways...) and the importance give to variouscontexts. Figure 1: Three exampleswhich maybe used to shape the behavior"Exit by the door". Wepropose a modelfor behavior learning by demonstration - more details can be found in (Huguesand Drogoul 2001). Theapproachdo insists on the followingpoints: ¯ Shapinga behavior with a few examples: The user must be able to incrementally shape the behavior by showing a few examples. To showa behavior such as "Exit by the door" in figure 1 we wouldlike to demonstrateit by showingonly a fewsignificativefacets of the behavior. ¯ Finding a Perceptual Support for the behavior A behavior needsa supportin the perceptualfield, somefeatures to rely on for choosingthe right actions. The features to be detect cannotbe modeleda priori, they mustbe inferred from the demonstrations.In a wayinspired by Gibson’s Theoryof affordances (Gibson86), the environment is viewedas directly providinga supportfor possible behaviors. Thisleads us to learn actions by relating themto the elementsof the perceptualfield at the lowestlevel. Behaviors have to be grounded either in Physical and Humanspace, and explicit programmingof behaviors or optimization processes (genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning..) cannot alone provide a satisfying adaptation to those both spaces. Teachingbehaviors by showingthemto the robots permits to face this problem. By showingthem directly ( ie: using a remotecontrol device ) robots behaviors are anchoredfrom the beginningin the only space that matters, the space of the final user’s intentions in its real physical environment.The learning process can take benefit ¯ Contextof the behavior:The behaviorhas to be independent of irrelevant features of the contexts of realization and it also mustbe triggered only in valid contexts. The identification of contextshas to be associatedtightly to a behaviordescription. Copyright~) 2001,American Associationfor Artificial Inteliigenee( All fights reserved. 115 BehaviorSynthesis A synthetic behavior is represented by a large population of elementary cells. Eachcell observes, along each exampies, a particular point in the perceptual field and records statistically the valueof the effectors. Cells are activatedby detection of specific prope~es(visual properties mainly) of the perceptual field such as color, density, gradient of small pixel regions. A cell records the arithmetic meanof the robot’s effectors taken over its periods of activations, the importanceof a particular cell dependson the number of its activations. Duringthe reproductionof the behavior, the current values of the effectors are obtained by the ponderatedcombinationof active cells. The synthetic behavior also contains a context description formed by several histograms recording distribution of perceptualproperties ( again color, density etc ...) over all the examples.Thebehavior synthesis is divided into four main steps: (1) individual synthesis of each example a population of cells and context structure. (2) Fusion separate synthetic behaviors in a unique population. (3) Real-Timeuse of the cells structure. (4) Eventually,on line correctionby the tutor. multiplicationand importantfeatures are highlighted. Step 3 : Real-time use At replay time, the behavior can be activated if the context histogrammatchescurrent video images.Robotis controlled in real time by deducingeffectors values fromthose stored in active ceils (usinga majority principle), Theset of cells reacts like a populationwithdominant opinion (possible opinion are the possible values for the effeetors). Videoimageshave only to overlap partially the recordeddata so as to producecorrect control values. Step 4 : Online correction The final behavior can be corrected on line by the tutor. The tutor corrects the robots movements by using the joystick in contrary motion. Active ceils are correctedproportionallyto their importance. Behaviorinterface with symboliclevel Modulesoperating at symbolic level (action/selection mainly)can interface with a groundedbehaviorby referring to its logical definition (whatit is supposedto do in logical/symbolicterms) and its associated context stimuli. The user can re-shapethe behaviorreal definition independently of the symbolicmodules. The value of the stimuli correspondsto the quality of matchingof context histogramand is used to trigger the behavior.Themodelthus providessupport for programming at the high level and groundingin real data at the behaviorlevel. Conclusion This modelis implementedon pioneer 2DXrobots equipped with color camera.In a preliminary phasewe have obtained promisingresults for simple behaviors such as object approachand door exit. Despite its simplicity the population of cells encodesa large numberof situations and is robust to noise. Fewexamples(< 10) are neededto synthesize this kind of behaviors. Weare currently extending the workin three directions : Validationof contextdetection, validation over morecomplexbehaviors,( integrating time and perceptual aliasing), integrating behaviorsinto an action/selection scheme. References L. Huguesand A, Drogoul (2001) Robot Behavior Learning by Vision-Based Demonstrations, 4th European workshop on advancedmobile robots (EUROB OT01). Figure 2: Collective reaction of the cells in two different situation of "Exit by the door" behavior. (Top)Far formthe door the cells proposeto go forward- (Bottom)near the door a lot of cells tells to turn left. A.Cypher, (1993) Watch what I do, programming demonstration. MITPress. CambridgeMA. J.Demiris and G.M. Hayes (1996) Imitative Learning Mechanisms in Robots and Humans. In Proe. of 5th EuropenaWorkshopon Learning Robot, V Klingspor (ed.). Step 1 : ExamplesCapture Each exampleis shownusing a joystick, the robot vision and movements are recorded. Cells are activated by video frames of the example. The meanof the effeetors values is stored in each cell for periods of activation of the cell. A Context Histogramis deduced fromperceptual properties observedalong the example.Step 2: FusingexamplesThe final behavioris obtained by fusing separate cells populationcomingfromseveral examplesinto a uniquecell population. Context histogramsare mergedby J.J. Gibson (1986) The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception,LEAPublishers, London. D.A Pomerlau, (1993) Knowledge-based training artificial neural networksfor autonomous robot driving. In J,Connell and S. Mahadevan(Eds.) Robot Learning (pp. 19-43) 116