HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 1 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Interviews: 1200 Registered Voters, including 420 respondents with a cell phone only and 45 respondents reached on a cell phone but who also have a landline. Study #16139 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Date: March 3-6, 2016 48 Male 52 Female Please note: all results are shown as percentages unless otherwise stated. The margin of error for 1200 interviews among Registered Voters is ±2.83% The margin of error for 397 interviews among Republican Primary Voters is ±4.92% The margin of error for 410 interviews among Democratic Primary Voters is ±4.84% Unless otherwise noted by a “+”, “^”, or “^^” all previous data shown reflects responses among all adults. Q2a For statistical purposes only, would you please tell me how old you are? (IF “REFUSED,” ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong to? (READ LIST) + 18-24 ................................................................ 9 25-29 ................................................................ 9 30-34 ................................................................ 10 35-39 ................................................................ 8 40-44 ................................................................ 9 45-49 ................................................................ 7 50-54 ................................................................ 9 55-59 ................................................................ 10 60-64 ................................................................ 11 65-69 ................................................................ 7 70-74 ................................................................ 4 75 and over .......................................................... 7 Not sure/refused ................................................. + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q2b To ensure that we have a representative sample, would you please tell me whether you are from a Hispanic or Spanish-speaking background? + Yes, Hispanic ................................................... 10 No, not Hispanic ............................................... 89 Not sure/refused ............................................. 1 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q2c And again, for statistical purposes only, what is your race--white, black, Asian, or something else? + White ..............................................................75 Black ..............................................................12 Asian .............................................................. 3 Other .............................................................. 4 Hispanic (VOL) ............................................. 5 Not sure/refused ........................................... 1 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q3 Study #16139 -- page 2 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Are you currently registered to vote [LANDLINE: at this address; CELL: in (STATE)]? + Registered ........................................ 100 Not registered ................................ Not sure ..........................................- + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q4 In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president? 3/16+ Approve.................49 Disapprove ............46 Not sure .............. 5 2/16+ 49 47 4 1/16+ 47 49 4 12/15 43 51 6 10/2529/15 45 49 6 High Low 6/15 48 48 4 4/09 61 30 9 9/14+ 40 54 6 10/812/14+ 42 52 6 9/14+ 40 54 6 8/14 40 54 6 6/14 41 53 6 10/1518/15 46 49 5 9/15 47 47 6 7/15 45 50 5 4/15 48 47 5 3/15 46 50 4 1/15 46 48 6 12/14 45 50 5 11/14 44 50 6 10/3011/1/14 + 42 52 6 4/14 44 50 6 3/14 41 54 5 1/14 43 51 6 12/13 43 54 3 10/2528/13 42 51 7 10/79/13 47 48 5 9/13 45 50 5 8/13 44 48 8 7/13 45 50 5 6/13 48 47 5 4/13 47 48 5 2/13 50 45 5 1/13 52 44 4 12/12 53 43 4 10/12+ 49 48 3 9/2630/12+ 49 48 3 9/1216/12+ 50 48 2 8/12+ 48 49 3 7/12+ 49 48 3 6/12 47 48 5 5/12 48 46 6 4/12 49 46 5 3/12 50 45 5 1/12 48 46 6 12/11 46 48 6 11/11 44 51 5 10/11 44 51 5 8/11 44 51 5 7/11 47 48 5 6/11 49 46 5 5/11 52 41 7 4/11 49 45 6 2/11 48 46 6 1/11 53 41 6 12/10 45 48 7 11/10 47 47 6 10/2830/10+ 45 50 5 10/1418/10+ 47 49 4 9/10 46 49 5 8/2630/10 45 49 6 8/59/10 47 48 5 6/10 45 48 7 5/2023/10 48 45 7 5/611/10 50 44 6 3/10 48 47 5 1/2325/10 50 44 6 1/1014/10 48 43 9 12/09 47 46 7 10/09 51 42 7 9/09 51 41 8 8/09 51 40 9 7/09 53 40 7 6/09 56 34 10 4/09 61 30 9 2/09 60 26 14 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q5 Study #16139 -- page 3 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Now I'm going to read you the names of several public figures, groups and organizations, and I'd like you to rate your feelings toward each one as very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative, or very negative. If you don't know the name, please just say so. And, just a few more. (RANDOMIZE EXCEPT BARACK OBAMA) Barack Obama March 2016+ ................................ February 2016+............................ January 2016+ ............................. December 2015............................ October 25-29, 2015 .................... October 15-18, 2015 .................... September 2015........................... July 2015...................................... June 2015 .................................... April 2015 ..................................... March 2015 .................................. January 2015 ............................... December 2014............................ November 2014............................ Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2014+ ............... October 8-12, 2014+ .................... September 2014+ ........................ August 2014 ................................. June 2014 .................................... April 2014 ..................................... March 2014 .................................. January 2014 ............................... December 2013............................ October 7-9, 2013 ........................ May 30-June 2, 2013 ................... April 2013 ..................................... January 2013 ............................... December 2012............................ October 2012+ ............................. September 26-30, 2012+ ............. August 2012+ ............................... July 2012+.................................... June 2012 .................................... January 2012 ............................... August 2011 ................................. April 2011 ..................................... January 2011 ............................... December 2010............................ November 2010............................ October 28-30, 2010+ .................. June 2010 .................................... May 20-23, 2010 .......................... March 2010 .................................. January 23-25, 2010 .................... December 2009............................ October 2009 ............................... February 2009 .............................. January 2009 ............................... High February 2009 .............................. Presidential Term Low August 2014 ................................. All-time Obama Low October 28-30, 2006+ .................. 1 Neutral Somewhat Negative Very Negative Don't Know Name/ Not Sure 19 18 20 21 17 17 18 20 20 21 20 21 21 21 20 22 20 18 21 20 20 19 20 21 19 17 21 16 15 15 17 16 19 22 20 22 23 23 21 18 20 19 19 23 21 20 21 23 10 11 11 9 12 12 14 13 13 13 12 13 10 11 12 11 11 13 13 15 15 13 11 11 13 10 11 9 8 6 8 8 14 10 12 14 15 14 12 12 13 15 11 14 13 11 12 17 12 11 12 14 12 13 11 14 14 13 14 12 13 11 13 12 13 14 14 13 14 14 13 11 12 15 11 14 12 11 13 11 11 14 14 13 14 14 13 15 15 14 14 14 15 12 9 8 31 30 30 32 31 31 29 29 27 27 29 29 31 32 32 34 33 33 31 28 30 30 33 30 28 27 26 24 31 31 30 32 27 25 30 23 18 24 26 27 25 24 24 20 22 21 10 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 47 21 12 9 10 1 22 18 13 14 33 - 14 17 18 5 6 40 Very Positive Somewhat Positive 28 30 27 23 27 27 28 24 25 26 24 24 24 24 23 21 22 22 20 24 21 23 22 26 28 30 31 37 34 37 31 33 29 28 24 28 29 25 28 29 27 28 31 29 29 36 47 43 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 1 The historical trend data for this item does not include every survey in which this item has been asked. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q5 (cont'd) Hillary Clinton March 2016+ ................................. February 2016+ ............................. January 2016+ .............................. December 2015 ............................. October 25-29, 2015 ..................... October 15-18, 2015 ..................... September 2015 ............................ July 2015 ....................................... June 2015 ..................................... April 2015 ...................................... March 2015 ................................... January 2015 ................................ November 2014 ............................. September 2014+.......................... June 2014 ..................................... April 2014 ...................................... March 2014 ................................... September 2013 ............................ May 30-June 2, 2013..................... April 2013 ...................................... January 2013 ................................ December 2012 ............................. November 2011 ............................. May 2011 ...................................... April 2011 ...................................... December 2010 ............................. January 10-14, 2010 .................... July 2009 ....................................... February 2009 ............................... January 2009 ................................ December 2008 ............................. September 2008+.......................... August 2008+ ................................ June 2008+ ................................... April 2008+ .................................... March 24-25, 2008+ ...................... March 7-10, 2008+ ........................ January 2008 ................................ June 2007 ..................................... March 2007 ................................... December 2006 ............................. April 2006 ...................................... December 2004 ............................. July 2003 ....................................... March 2001 ................................... January 2001 ................................ High February 2009 ............................... Low March 2001 ................................... 1 Study #16139 -- page 4 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Neutral Somewhat Negative Very Negative Don't Know Name/ Not Sure 20 20 24 21 23 20 25 22 23 23 23 25 19 22 21 25 21 25 20 24 22 24 22 29 27 28 27 27 27 29 26 24 25 28 22 20 23 23 24 23 22 19 21 21 19 22 11 13 11 15 12 12 13 14 15 14 19 17 16 16 18 19 20 17 18 14 19 14 22 23 21 18 22 15 18 14 20 15 16 14 14 15 11 11 15 17 17 19 14 20 15 13 12 11 12 13 12 13 13 15 11 10 13 14 15 15 14 11 12 12 13 14 12 16 12 12 11 11 13 15 11 15 14 17 18 17 19 21 14 11 16 15 12 13 11 13 18 12 39 39 37 35 35 35 34 33 29 32 23 23 25 26 23 21 22 19 18 15 13 12 10 9 11 16 12 16 11 14 12 20 23 22 25 27 29 30 26 28 26 28 29 27 31 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 32 27 18 11 11 1 16 19 15 18 31 1 Very Positive Somewhat Positive 18 17 16 16 17 19 14 15 21 19 21 20 24 21 23 23 23 26 29 32 34 34 33 26 29 26 25 26 32 27 27 23 17 18 20 17 22 24 18 16 21 19 24 16 16 27 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 1 The historical trend data for this item does not include every survey in which this item has been asked. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q5 (cont'd) Study #16139 -- page 5 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Neutral Somewhat Negative Very Negative Don't Know Name/ Not Sure 23 22 20 18 19 22 17 14 8 18 17 20 19 22 19 23 20 22 13 12 12 13 9 11 9 10 6 23 23 19 18 19 16 13 9 7 3 6 11 14 16 16 23 37 49 12 11 14 12 10 13 8 10 9 9 4 3 3 13 17 15 15 17 17 17 16 17 17 12 11 11 11 12 12 13 17 17 16 16 40 38 28 25 28 10 10 11 12 14 14 14 13 18 14 24 23 25 54 49 47 47 42 39 44 43 11 15 25 32 24 1 1 1 1 2 5 7 7 6 9 Marco Rubio March 2016+ ................................. February 2016+ ............................. January 2016+ .............................. December 2015 ............................. October 25-29, 2015 ..................... October 15-18, 2015 ..................... July 2015 ....................................... June 2015 ..................................... April 2015 ...................................... November 2014 ............................. September 2014+.......................... July 2013 ....................................... April 2013 ...................................... February 2013 ............................... 7 7 7 8 7 9 5 7 8 7 6 7 12 10 21 23 24 22 19 22 19 16 14 14 15 16 16 14 26 26 25 24 25 23 24 24 24 21 21 20 18 20 21 18 17 16 14 14 14 12 12 10 11 11 8 9 18 15 12 11 11 11 9 12 11 9 10 9 8 8 7 11 15 19 24 21 29 29 31 39 37 37 38 39 Ted Cruz March 2016+ ................................. February 2016+ ............................. January 2016+ .............................. December 2015 ............................. October 25-29, 2015 ..................... October 15-18, 2015 ..................... July 2015 ....................................... April 2015 ...................................... November 2014 ............................. October 25-28, 2013 ..................... October 7-9, 2013 ......................... May 30-June 2, 2013..................... 10 8 11 9 8 7 7 5 5 9 7 4 17 20 20 16 15 14 12 12 11 10 7 6 23 20 22 24 22 23 24 24 18 16 13 13 17 15 14 12 13 12 12 13 8 8 8 4 28 28 21 23 20 22 19 19 18 22 20 8 5 9 12 16 22 22 26 27 40 35 44 65 Very Positive Somewhat Positive 20 20 18 18 15 16 15 10 8 Donald Trump March 2016+ ................................. February 2016+ ............................. January 2016+ .............................. December 2015 ............................. October 25-29, 2015 ..................... October 15-18, 2015 ..................... September 2015 ............................ July 2015 ....................................... February 2011 ............................... May 2004+ .................................... December 1999 ............................. October 1999 ................................ July 1990 ....................................... Bernie Sanders March 2016+ ................................. February 2016+ ............................. January 2016+ .............................. December 2015 ............................. October 25-29, 2015 ..................... October 15-18, 2015 ..................... September 2015 ............................ July 2015 ....................................... June 2015 ..................................... + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q5 (cont'd) Study #16139 -- page 6 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Neutral Somewhat Negative Very Negative Don't Know Name/ Not Sure 21 19 9 7 31 32 21 18 10 10 6 6 4 4 3 4 22 28 56 61 5 8 12 12 24 19 18 18 13 9 10 10 6 6 4 5 6 5 7 6 10 6 7 10 9 7 9 4 6 5 4 3 17 19 21 23 19 22 20 20 22 24 24 23 22 25 20 21 21 19 20 19 18 15 20 18 19 21 16 18 18 16 11 8 32 29 25 21 12 14 18 17 23 22 23 26 28 26 30 32 30 32 30 30 30 29 29 30 31 24 26 27 26 23 24 22 25 22 19 18 15 14 16 15 16 17 19 18 20 21 21 17 17 18 16 13 10 20 16 12 17 19 16 17 14 13 11 7 19 18 20 26 29 30 27 29 24 22 19 18 19 15 11 13 12 11 10 12 10 10 9 8 11 13 11 12 11 7 6 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 6 5 6 5 7 14 12 14 15 17 20 22 20 19 22 13 16 22 22 25 36 44 56 Apple March 2016+ ................................ 27 27 26 9 5 6 Google March 2016+ ................................ 38 29 24 3 1 5 Very Positive Somewhat Positive 12 7 5 4 Mitt Romney March 2016+ ................................ January 2015 ............................... September 2014+......................... December 2012 October 2012+ September 26-30, 2012+ ............. September 12-16, 2012+ ............. August 2012+ ............................... July 2012+ .................................... June 2012 .................................... May 2012 ..................................... April 2012 ..................................... March 2012 .................................. January 2012 ............................... December 2011 ............................ November 2011 ............................ October 2011 ............................... August 2011 ................................. June 2011 .................................... February 2011 .............................. December 9-13, 2010................... September 2010 ........................... March 2010 .................................. July 2009 ...................................... April 2008+ .................................. January 2008 ............................... December 2007 ............................ November 2007 ............................ September 2007 ........................... June 2007 .................................... March 2007 .................................. December 2006 ............................ John Kasich March 2016+ ................................. February 2016+ ............................. July 2015 ...................................... November 2014 ............................ + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 7 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey SUMMARY TABLE OF IMAGES – BY D/S (POSITIVE – NEGATIVE) TOTAL TOTAL D/S POSITIVE NEGATIVE Google ................................................... 67 4 63 Apple ...................................................... 54 14 40 John Kasich ........................................... 33 14 19 Bernie Sanders ...................................... 43 36 7 Barack Obama ....................................... 47 43 4 Marco Rubio ........................................... 28 39 -11 Hillary Clinton ......................................... 38 51 -13 Ted Cruz ................................................ 27 45 -18 Mitt Romney ........................................... 22 44 -22 Donald Trump ........................................ 25 64 -39 Moving on… Q6 Putting aside for a moment the question of who each party's nominee might be, what is your preference for the outcome of the 2016 presidential election––that a Democrat be elected president or that a Republican be elected president? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) And do you strongly prefer a (Democrat/Republican), or is your preference not that strong? 2008 Election Trend 3/16+ Democrat 46 Strongly....................... 37 Not strongly ................. 9 Republican 42 Not strongly ................. 7 Strongly....................... 35 Other (VOL) .............. 4 Not sure .................... 8 2/16+ 45 36 9 45 9 36 3 7 1/16+ 46 33 13 43 10 33 5 6 12/15+ 44 34 10 44 12 32 5 7 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q7 10/2529/15+ 43 33 10 44 9 35 6 7 8/08+ 46 36 10 37 13 24 6 11 7/08+ 48 43 5 36 8 28 4 12 6/08+ 51 44 7 35 8 27 4 10 3/710/08+ 50 44 6 37 8 29 4 9 11/07+ 49 41 8 39 8 31 2 11 9/07+ 47 40 7 38 9 29 4 11 6/07 52 42 10 31 8 23 5 12 4/07 49 39 10 31 6 25 6 14 Now, if there were a presidential primary election in your state, would you vote in the Democratic primary, the Republican primary, or would you wait to vote in the general election in November 2016? 3/16+ Vote in Democratic Primary ................................ 33 Vote in Republican Primary................................ 32 Wait until the general election ................................30 Already voted in the DEM primary (VOL) ..............1 Already voted in the GOP primary (VOL) ..............2 Do not plan to vote at all (VOL) .............................1 Not sure ................................................................1 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 2/16+ 32 31 35 NA NA 1 1 1/16+ 28 33 37 NA NA 2 12/15+ 33 33 33 NA NA 1 10/2529/15+ 28 32 40 NA NA - 10/1518/15+ 31 31 34 NA NA 1 3 9/15+ 31 28 38 NA NA 3 7/15+ 30 30 39 NA NA 1 6/15+ 30 28 38 NA NA 1 3 4/15+ 32 29 35 NA NA 1 3 3/15+ 30 25 40 NA NA 2 3 HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q8 Study #16139 -- page 8 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey And, would this be your first time voting in a (Democratic/Republican) presidential primary or not? Yes .................................................................. No .................................................................... Not sure ........................................................ All Primary Voters 14 85 1 GOP Primary Voters^ 15 84 1 DEM Primary Voters^^ 14 85 1 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary ^^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Democratic Primary (ASKED OF PREVIOUS PRIMARY VOTERS) Q8A And, would you say you would be better described as an occasional (Democratic/Republican) primary voter or a frequent (Democratic/Republican) primary voter? Frequent Primary Voter ................................... Occasional Primary Voter ................................ First Time Voter (Q8) .................................. Not sure ........................................................ All Primary Voters 70 14 14 2 GOP Primary Voters^ 68 15 15 2 DEM Primary Voters^^ 72 13 14 1 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary ^^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Democratic Primary HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q9 Study #16139 -- page 9 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Next, I’m going to mention a number of people running for president in 2016. For each one, please tell me, yes or no, whether you could see yourself supporting that person for president in 2016. If you don't know the name, please just say so. DATA SHOWN AMONG REGISTERED VOTERS+ THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY YES Bernie Sanders March 2016+ ......................... December 2015+ ................... December 2014+ ................... Hillary Clinton March 2016+ ......................... December 2015+ ................... December 2014+ ................... John Kasich March 2016+ ......................... December 2015+ ................... Marco Rubio March 2016+ ......................... December 2015+ ................... December 2014+ ................... Ted Cruz March 2016+ ......................... December 2015+ ................... December 2014+ ................... Donald Trump March 2016+ ......................... December 2015+ ................... Yes, Could See Self Supporting No, Could Not See Self Supporting Don’t Know Name Not Sure 44 39 10 52 52 30 2 7 57 2 2 3 43 44 50 56 55 48 1 1 1 1 40 15 45 52 13 30 2 3 38 36 20 56 51 43 3 10 33 3 3 4 37 32 17 58 55 44 3 11 35 2 2 4 32 31 67 66 - 1 3 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. DATA SHOWN AMONG DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY VOTERS^^ THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY YES Hillary Clinton March 2016^^ .................... February 2016^^ ................ January 2016^^ .................. December 2015^^ .............. October 25-29, 2015^^....... October 15-18, 2015^^....... September 2015^^ ............. June 2015^^ ....................... March 2015^^ .................... Bernie Sanders March 2016^^ .................... February 2016^^ ................ January 2016^^ .................. December 2015^^ .............. October 25-29, 2015^^....... October 15-18, 2015^^....... September 2015^^ ............. June 2015^^ ....................... March 2015^^ .................... Yes, Could See Self Supporting No, Could Not See Self Supporting Don’t Know Name Not Sure 82 77 79 82 85 81 76 92 86 17 22 18 17 13 17 21 8 13 - 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 72 66 66 65 61 64 62 40 21 26 29 25 28 28 25 24 32 21 1 3 6 6 7 8 10 23 54 1 2 3 1 4 3 4 5 4 ^^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they would vote in the Democratic Primary HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 10 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey DATA SHOWN AMONG REPUBLICAN PRIMARY VOTERS^ THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY YES Yes, Could See Self Supporting No, Could Not See Self Supporting Don’t Know Name Not Sure 67 65 71 67 57 48 45 52 51 57 40 31 33 25 27 34 41 44 38 31 28 38 1 1 2 4 4 5 8 7 14 12 18 1 1 2 2 5 6 3 3 4 3 4 66 70 67 64 59 65 63 62 74 74 56 31 28 28 29 32 26 27 29 15 15 26 2 1 4 4 5 5 9 7 8 9 14 1 1 3 4 4 1 2 3 2 4 64 49 28 22 28 26 34 30 25 28 41 52 53 46 45 44 31 30 8 7 18 22 22 23 20 36 42 3 2 3 4 6 2 3 3 56 56 65 58 60 59 47 47 32 23 43 42 34 40 37 36 52 49 66 74 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 4 2 2 Ted Cruz March 2016^ .............................. February 2016^ ......................... January 2016^ ........................... December 2015^ ....................... October 25-29, 2015^ ................ October 15-18, 2015^ ................ September 2015^ ...................... July 2015^ ................................ June 2015^ ................................ April 2015^ ................................ March 2015^ .............................. Marco Rubio March 2016^ .............................. February 2016^ ......................... January 2016^ ........................... December 2015^ ....................... October 25-29, 2015^ ................ October 15-18, 2015^ ................ September 2015^ ...................... July 2015^ ................................ June 2015^ ................................ April 2015^ ................................ March 2015^ .............................. John Kasich March 2016^ .............................. February 2016^ ......................... January 2016^ ........................... December 2015^ ....................... October 25-29, 2015^ ................ October 15-18, 2015^ ................ September 2015^ ...................... July 2015^ ................................ June 2015^ ................................ Donald Trump March 2016^ .............................. February 2016^ ......................... January 2016^ ........................... December 2015^ ....................... October 25-29, 2015^ ................ October 15-18, 2015^ ................ September 2015^ ...................... July 2015^ ................................ June 2015^ ................................ March 2015^ .............................. ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they would vote in the Republican Primary HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q10 Study #16139 -- page 11 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey And, if the next Democratic primary for president were being held today, which one of the following candidates would you favor? (READ LIST. ROTATE. IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? (ACCEPT ONLY ONE ANSWER.) 3/16^^ Hillary Clinton................................ 53 Bernie Sanders ................................ 44 Martin O’Malley ................................ NA Jim Webb .................................................. NA Lincoln Chafee ................................ NA Other (VOL) ................................ None (VOL) ................................ 1 Not sure ................................................. 2 2/16^^ 53 42 NA NA NA 1 4 1/16^^ 59 34 2 NA NA 3 2 12/15^^ 56 37 4 NA NA 2 1 10/2529/15^^ 62 31 3 NA NA 1 1 2 10/1518/15^^ 58 33 1 2 3 3 9/15^^ 53 38 1 1 1 2 4 ^^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Democratic Primary 7/15^^ 59 25 3 3 1 1 4 4 (ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO MADE A CHOICE IN Q10) Q10A And would you definitely vote for (Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders), probably vote for (Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders) but are still thinking about it, or are you just leaning toward voting for (Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders)? Definitely vote for candidate ........................................... Probably vote for candidate ........................................... Just leaning toward voting for candidate ........................ Not sure ....................................................................... Clinton Voters^^ N=218 70 16 12 2 Sanders Voters^^ N=181 68 16 15 1 ^^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Democratic Primary Q11 If Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee for President will you be very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? ^^ Satisfied 78 Very Satisfied ................................ 44 Somewhat Satisfied ......................... 34 Dissatisfied 22 Somewhat Dissatisfied .................... 11 Very Dissatisfied .............................. 11 Not Sure ................................ - ^^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Democratic Primary 6/15^^ 75 15 2 4 1 2 1 HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q12 Study #16139 -- page 12 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey And, if the Republican primary for president were being held today, which one of the following candidates would you favor (RANDOMIZE :1-4)? (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? (ACCEPT ONLY ONE ANSWER.) (IF CHOICE, THEN ASK:) And, which of the following candidates would be your second choice (RANDOMIZE REMAINING LIST FROM :1-4)? FIRST CHOICE THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY HIGHEST PERCENTAGE 3/16^ Donald Trump ......................... 30 Ted Cruz ................................ 27 John Kasich ............................ 22 Marco Rubio ............................ 20 Ben Carson ............................. NA Jeb Bush ................................ NA Chris Christie........................... NA Carly Fiorina ............................ NA Rand Paul ............................... NA Mike Huckabee ....................... NA Rick Santorum......................... NA Jim Gilmore ............................. NA Bobby Jindal............................ NA Lindsey Graham ...................... NA George Pataki ......................... NA Scott Walker ............................ NA Rick Perry ............................... NA Other (VOL) .......................... None (VOL) .......................... Not sure ............................... 1 2/16^ 26 28 11 17 10 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 3 1/16^ 33 20 3 13 12 5 5 3 3 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 1 12/15^ 27 22 2 15 11 7 3 5 2 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 10/2529/15^ 23 10 3 11 29 8 3 3 2 3 NA NA 1 1 3 10/1518/15^ 25 9 3 13 22 8 1 7 2 3 NA NA 1 1 5 9/15^ 21 5 6 11 20 7 3 11 3 2 1 1 NA NA 1 2 6 7/15^ 19 9 3 5 10 14 3 6 6 1 1 15 3 1 4 6/15^ 1 4 1 14 11 22 4 2 7 9 NA 1 17 5 1 1 4/15^ NA 11 NA 18 7 23 5 1 11 5 NA NA NA NA NA 14 2 3 7/15^ 17 4 16 30 21 30 9 2 11 11 2 4 24 7 2 5 6/15^ 11 1 34 4 19 40 10 3 16 18 NA 1 24 10 1 4 4/15^ 18 NA 41 NA 11 37 14 3 20 15 NA NA NA NA NA 27 7 4 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary COMBINED CHOICE THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY HIGHEST PERCENTAGE 3/16^ Ted Cruz ................................ 51 John Kasich ............................ 49 Marco Rubio ........................... 49 Donald Trump ......................... 42 Ben Carson ............................. NA Jeb Bush ................................ NA Chris Christie .......................... NA Carly Fiorina ........................... NA Rand Paul ............................... NA Mike Huckabee ....................... NA Jim Gilmore............................. NA Rick Santorum ........................ NA Bobby Jindal ........................... NA Lindsey Graham ..................... NA George Pataki ......................... NA Scott Walker ........................... NA Rick Perry ............................... NA Other (VOL) ......................... None (VOL) .......................... 4 Not sure ............................... 3 2/16^ 45 24 40 38 26 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 4 1/16^ 47 8 30 47 19 12 12 7 6 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 2 12/15^ 40 5 33 39 28 12 9 11 5 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 4 10/2529/15^ 23 6 24 35 50 15 6 14 6 8 1 1 NA NA 1 2 5 10/1518/15^ 17 7 26 39 44 17 3 18 6 7 1 1 NA NA 1 2 7 9/15^ 11 8 26 31 35 19 5 28 6 8 3 1 NA NA 3 7 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 13 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey (ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO MADE A CHOICE IN Q12) Q12A And would you definitely vote for (Marco Rubio/John Kasich/Ted Cruz/Donald Trump), probably vote for (Marco Rubio/John Kasich/Ted Cruz/Donald Trump) but are still thinking about it, or are you just leaning toward voting for (Marco Rubio/John Kasich/Ted Cruz/Donald Trump)? Definitely vote for candidate .......................................... Probably vote for candidate ........................................... Just leaning toward voting for candidate ........................ Not sure ....................................................................... Trump Voters^ N=118 67 15 18 - Cruz Voters^ N=108 61 14 22 3 Kasich Voters^1 N=87 NA NA NA NA Rubio Voters^1 N=78 NA NA NA NA ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary 1 Results not shown due to small cell sizes. (Q13-Q15 RANDOMIZED) Q13 Now, if you had to choose between ONLY (ROTATE) Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in the Republican primary for president, which one would you favor? (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? (ACCEPT ONLY ONE ANSWER.) Donald Trump ............................................... Ted Cruz ....................................................... Neither (VOL) ............................................. Not sure ...................................................... 3/16^ 40 57 2 1 2/16^ 40 56 3 1 1/16^ 43 51 5 1 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary Q14 Now, if you had to choose between ONLY (ROTATE) Donald Trump and Marco Rubio in the Republican primary for president, which one would you favor? (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? (ACCEPT ONLY ONE ANSWER.) Donald Trump ............................................... Marco Rubio .................................................. Neither (VOL) ............................................. Not sure ...................................................... 3/16^ 43 56 1 2/16^ 41 57 1 1 1/16^ 52 45 5 1 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary Q15 Now, if you had to choose between ONLY (ROTATE) Donald Trump and John Kasich in the Republican primary for president, which one would you favor? (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? (ACCEPT ONLY ONE ANSWER.) Donald Trump ................................................ John Kasich ................................................... Neither (VOL) .............................................. Not sure ...................................................... 3/16^ 40 57 1 2 2/16^ 52 44 2 2 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q16 Study #16139 -- page 14 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee for President will you be very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? ^ Satisfied 53 Very Satisfied ................................ 24 Somewhat Satisfied ......................... 29 Dissatisfied 46 Somewhat Dissatisfied .................... 15 Very Dissatisfied .............................. 31 Not Sure ................................ 1 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary MARCH 2012 MITT ROMNEY SATISFACTION TREND Satisfied .............................................. Dissatisfied ......................................... Not Sure ........................................... 3/12^ 72 24 4 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they would vote/have voted in the Republican Primary HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 15 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Thinking again about the 2016 presidential election… (Q17-20 RANDOMIZED) Q17 (And,) if the election for president were held today, and (ROTATE) Donald Trump were the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton were the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? Donald Trump ................... Hillary Clinton .................... Depends (VOL) .............. Neither/other (VOL) ........ Not sure ......................... 10/253/16+ 2/16+ 1/16+ 12/15+ 29/15+ 9/15+ 38 40 41 40 42 39 51 50 51 50 50 49 9 9 6 8 6 10 2 1 2 2 2 2 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q18 (And,) if the election for president were held today, and (ROTATE) Ted Cruz were the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton were the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? 3/16+ Ted Cruz ................................ 45 Hillary Clinton ........................... 47 Depends (VOL) ..................... Neither/other (VOL) ............... 6 Not sure ................................ 2 2/16+ 46 46 6 2 1/16+ 45 49 1 4 1 10/1512/15+ 18/15+ 45 41 48 49 6 6 1 4 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q19 (And,) if the election for president were held today, and (ROTATE) Marco Rubio were the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton were the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? 3/16+ Marco Rubio ........................................46 Hillary Clinton ......................................46 Depends (VOL) ................................ Neither/other (VOL) .......................... 6 Not sure ............................................ 2 10/25- 10/151/16+ 12/15+ 29/15+ 18/15+ 6/15+ 4/15+ 46 48 44 45 40 43 47 45 47 46 50 49 1 4 5 5 5 8 5 2 2 4 4 4 3 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q20 (And,) if the election for president were held today, and (ROTATE) Donald Trump were the Republican candidate and Bernie Sanders were the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? Donald Trump .................. Bernie Sanders ................ Depends (VOL) ............. Neither/other (VOL) ....... Not sure ........................ 3/16+ 37 55 7 1 10/252/16+ 29/15+ 9/15+ 37 41 36 53 50 52 8 6 8 2 3 4 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q21 Study #16139 -- page 16 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey There has been some speculation about a third-party or independent candidate. Without naming the specific candidate, if the major party candidates were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, would you definitely consider, possibly consider, probably NOT consider, or definitely NOT consider voting for an independent or third-party candidate? + 46 Consider Definitely consider ............................................................ 20 Probably consider............................................................ 26 51 Not Consider Probably not consider....................................................... 15 Definitely not consider ...................................................... 36 Not sure............................................................................ 3 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 2012 & 2008 TREND 4/12 Definitely consider .............................................................. 13 Probably consider .............................................................. 27 Probably not consider ......................................................... 20 Definitely not consider ........................................................ 38 Not sure ............................................................................ 2 1 1 In April 2012, the candidates were Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. 1/08 16 22 12 44 6 2 2 In January 2008, the candidates were Barack Obama and John McCain. In 2012 & 2008, the question read: “There has been a lot of talk about a thirdparty or independent candidate…” Q22 Next, please tell me one word or short phrase that best describes how you feel about the 2016 presidential election. ASKED OF ONE-HALF THE RESPONDENTS (FORM A), 596 RESPONDENTS, SEE VERBATIM RESPONSES HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 17 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Changing topics… (Q23A & Q23B ROTATED) Q23A Do you think if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency she will mostly bring the right kind of change to the country, mostly bring the wrong kind of change, or will not really bring much change either way? + Will bring right kind of change ....................................... Will bring wrong kind of change .................................... Will not bring much change either way ......................... Not sure ...................................................................... + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. BARACK OBAMA 2012 TREND Will bring right kind of change ....................................... Will bring wrong kind of change .................................... Will not bring much change either way ......................... Not sure ...................................................................... 25 29 45 1 8/12+ 37 32 29 2 5/12 35 31 33 2 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 2012 Trend Language: Do you think if Barack Obama is re-elected as president he will mostly bring the right kind of change to the country, mostly bring the wrong kind of change, or will not really bring much change either way? Q23B Do you think if Donald Trump wins the presidency he will mostly bring the right kind of change to the country, mostly bring the wrong kind of change, or will not really bring much change either way? + Will bring right kind of change ....................................... Will bring wrong kind of change .................................... Will not bring much change either way ......................... Not sure ...................................................................... + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. MITT ROMNEY 2012 TREND Will bring right kind of change ....................................... Will bring wrong kind of change .................................... Will not bring much change either way ......................... Not sure ...................................................................... + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 8/12+ 38 34 26 2 27 52 18 3 5/12 32 25 37 6 HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 18 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Now thinking about just one of the candidates for President… Q24 Which of the following best describes your feelings about Donald Trump… (ALWAYS READ PUNCH ONE FIRST; ROTATE PUNCH TWO AND THREE) + He represents the values and positions of the Republican Party ............................................................. 8 He represents something different that is harmful for the Republican Party............................................. 61 He represents something different that is positive for the Republican Party ................................ 27 Not sure .................................................................................................................................................. 4 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q25 Which statement best describes your reaction to Donald Trump’s campaign statements…(PUNCHES 1-3: TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP. PUNCH 4 ALWAYS LAST) 3/16+ 12/15 Trump's comments are frequently insulting and he has the wrong approach on many issues ................. 50 41 Trump’s manner and language bother me, but he is raising important issues ................................ 21 24 Trump tells it like it is and he has the right approach on many issues ...................................................... 18 22 Or none of these statements come close to describing what you think .................................................... 10 12 Not sure .................................................................................................................................................. 1 1 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Changing topics… Q26 Recently, a Supreme Court Justice passed away leaving a vacancy on the court. President Obama will nominate a new person to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Would you prefer the U.S. Senate ... vote this year on the replacement nominated by President Obama or leave the position vacant and wait to vote next year on the replacement nominated by the new president or do you not have an opinion one way or the other? Vote this year on replacement ........................... Leave vacant and wait ....................................... No opinion ......................................................... Not sure ........................................................... 3/16+ 48 37 14 1 * Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q27 2/16+ 43 42 15 - The U.S. Constitution requires the President to nominate a candidate to fill an opening on the Supreme Court. The U.S. Senate has the responsibility to confirm or reject a nominee. Republicans who control the Senate say they will not hold confirmation hearings and have no plans to consider a nominee put forward by President Obama. Do you approve or disapprove of this decision not to consider President Obama’s nominee, or do you not have an opinion one way or the other? (IF "APPROVE" OR "DISAPPROVE," ASK:) And do you strongly (approve/disapprove) or just somewhat (approve/disapprove)? +** 28 Approve Strongly approve .............................................................. 22 Somewhat approve ......................................................... 6 55 Disapprove Somewhat disapprove ...................................................... 10 Strongly disapprove.......................................................... 45 No opinion ........................................................................ 16 Not sure .......................................................................... 1 ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Q28 Study #16139 -- page 19 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey And, if this situation were reversed and there were a Republican president in office do you think that Democrats in the Senate would do the same thing and refuse to consider a Supreme Court candidate nominated by a Republican President? +** Yes ..................................................................................... 62 No....................................................................................... 29 Not sure............................................................................ 9 ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Now, switching topics… Q29 Which worries you more (ROTATE) that the United States will not go far enough in monitoring the activities and communications of potential terrorists living in the United States or that the United States will go too far and violate the privacy rights of average citizens? Will not go far enough..................... Will go too far.................................... Both equally (VOL)......................... Not sure.......................................... 3/16+ 47 44 4 5 12/15 55 40 3 2 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. Q30 1/15 46 47 2 5 7/13 36 56 3 5 7/06 43 45 8 4 12/01 55 31 9 5 Recently, the U.S. Justice Department has demanded that Apple create software to unlock an encrypted iPhone used by a terrorist in the San Bernardino shootings. Apple is resisting, saying that creating the software would create a precedent that weakens the security of all of its phones. Which of the following statements comes closer to your point of view about whether Apple should or should not cooperate with the Justice Department, or does neither one describe what you think? (ROTATE) Statement A: Apple should cooperate because this is an issue of national security and in cases like San Bernardino, the government should have access to all information available to investigate any possible link with international terrorists. Statement B: Apple should not cooperate because if they develop this software the Justice Department will want to use it for other cases not related to national security. This software also might make it easier for hackers or foreign governments to steal data. +** Statement A: Apple should cooperate ................................ Statement B: Apple should not cooperate .......................... Neither one describes ........................................................ Not sure ........................................................................... ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B). + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. 42 47 9 2 HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 20 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Now I am going to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. QF1b/c A lot of people are unable to get out and vote for many reasons. Did you happen to vote in the November 2012 election for president? (IF “YES,” ASK:) For whom did you vote––Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or someone else? + Voted for Barack Obama ............................... Voted for Mitt Romney ................................... Voted for someone else ................................. Not sure ......................................................... No, Did Not Vote ............................................ Not sure ....................................................... 44 33 7 1 13 2 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. QF1d And did you happen to vote in the 2014 election for U.S. Congress? + Yes, voted ............................................................... No, did not vote ....................................................... Not sure .................................................................. + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. QF2 64 32 4 Are you currently employed? (IF "CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) What type of work do you do? (RECORD UNDER "6--OTHER.") (IF "NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) Are you a student, a stay-athome mom or dad, retired, or unemployed and looking for work? + Currently Employed Professional, manager ............................ White-collar worker ................................. Blue-collar worker ................................... Farmer, rancher ...................................... Not Currently Employed Student .................................................... Stay at home mom/dad ........................... Retired .................................................... Unemployed, looking for work ................. Other ....................................................... Not sure ................................................ 31 19 15 3 5 23 3 1 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 QF3 Study #16139 -- page 21 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey What is the last grade that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ CHOICES.) + Grade school ........................................................... Some high school .................................................... High school graduate .............................................. Some college, no degree......................................... Vocational training/School ...................................... 2-year college degree .............................................. 4-year college/bachelor's degree............................. Some postgraduate work, no degree ...................... 2-3 years postgraduate work/master's degree......... Doctoral/law degree ................................................ Not sure/refused .................................................... + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. QF4 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "STRICTLY INDEPENDENT.") + Strong Democrat ............................... Not very strong Democrat ................. Independent/lean Democrat .............. Strictly Independent........................... Independent/lean Republican ............ Not very strong Republican ............... Strong Republican ............................. Other (VOL)..................................... Not sure........................................... + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. QF5 3 19 15 2 12 28 2 14 4 1 24 10 10 12 10 8 20 3 3 Thinking about your general approach to issues, do you consider yourself to be liberal, moderate, or conservative? (IF "LIBERAL" OR "CONSERVATIVE," ASK:) Do you consider yourself to be very (liberal/conservative) or somewhat (liberal/conservative)? + Very liberal ......................................................... Somewhat liberal ............................................... Moderate ............................................................ Somewhat conservative ..................................... Very conservative .............................................. Not sure ........................................................... 11 14 39 16 17 3 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES March 2016 Study #16139 -- page 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey QF5a-f And, on a scale from one to ten where ten represents a description that is perfect for you and one a description that is totally wrong for you, how well do each of the following describe you? You can, of course, use any number between one and ten. __ __ (RECORD EXACT NUMBER 1-10, USE 99 FOR DK/REF) To what extent do you regard yourself as…(RANDOMIZE) DATA SHOWN AMONG REPUBLICAN PRIMARY VOTERS^ THIS TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE 8-10 8-10 4-7 A supporter of the traditional definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman ......................................... 67 15 1-3 Refused 17 1 A supporter of the Right-to-Life movement ............................. 55 29 13 3 Someone who enjoys listening to conservative talk radio ....... 35 35 30 - A supporter of the Tea Party Movement ................................. 26 46 23 5 A Libertarian ........................................................................... 11 38 45 6 ^ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters who say they have voted/will vote in the Republican Primary QF6a/b Are you a current or retired labor union member? (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY "NO" OR "NOT SURE" IN QF6a.) Is anyone else in your household a current or retired labor union member? + Labor union member ........................................ Union household .............................................. Non-union household ....................................... Not sure .......................................................... 15 7 77 1 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. QF7 How often do you attend services at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship? (READ LIST.) + Never ....................................... Once a year ............................. A few times a year ................... Once a month .......................... About twice a month ................ Once a week or more often ..... Not sure ................................. 21 8 21 6 9 33 2 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters. QF8 If you added together the yearly income of all the members of your family who were living at home last year, would the total be less than ten thousand dollars, between ten thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars, between twenty thousand dollars and thirty thousand dollars, between thirty thousand dollars and forty thousand dollars, between forty thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars, between fifty thousand dollars and seventy-five thousand dollars, between seventy-five thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars, or would the total be more than that? + Less than $10,000 ............................................... Between $10,000 and $20,000 ........................... Between $20,000 and $30,000 ........................... Between $30,000 and $40,000 ........................... Between $40,000 and $50,000 ........................... Between $50,000 and $75,000 ........................... Between $75,000 and $100,000 ......................... More than $100,000 ............................................ Not sure/refused ................................................. 4 6 8 8 8 16 12 31 7 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.