Some Computational Desiderata for Recognizing and Reasoning About the

Some Computational Desiderata for Recognizing and Reasoning About the
Intentions of Others∗
Paul F. Bello
Nicholas L. Cassimatis & Kyle McDonald
Air Force Research Laboratory
Information Directorate
525 Brooks Rd.
Rome, New York 13323
Department of Cognitive Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York 12180
Reasoning about intentional action is a pervasive and
critical skill in the human cognitive repertoire. Intentions have taken center-stage in discussions of how
humans parse perceptual input, understand language,
make moral judgments, and predict the behavior of
conspecifics. In the quest to engineer machine intelligence, intentions have largely either been ignored entirely, or have been given oversimplified construals as
either preference-orders over actions, or as simple predicates in computational theories of action. In this paper,
we will motivate the need for intelligent systems capable of reasoning about the intentions of others by presenting a number of germane application areas, including those which deal with the integration of intentionrecognition with other cognitive processes including dialogue processing. We then briefly review the relevant
psychological literature on the development and operation of the human capacity to recognize and reason
about the intentions of others. In doing so, we will
extract a number of desiderata for the development of
computational models of intention-recognition. We will
then show how these requirements motivate principled
design choices for the construction of intelligent systems. Finally, we will close with a brief description
of Polyscheme, a computational cognitive architecture
which we feel sufficiently addresses the computational
challenges entailed by our desiderata.
The human capacity for recognizing and reasoning about intentional action is critical for enabling effective interaction
with the environment, most especially environments populated with other intentional agents. Judgments of intentional acts help us to cut through much of the perceptual
clutter which would otherwise paralyze and relegate us to a
life filled with filtering out unimportant percepts. Advances
in the development of intelligent systems capable of recognizing and reasoning about intentions have far-reaching implications for human-computer interaction (HCI) to multi∗
The authors wish to thank Arthi Murugesan, Magdalena Bugajska, Scott Dugas and David Pizarro for their stimulating ideas on
these issues.
c 2007, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Copyright Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
agent interactions under uncertainty. Perhaps it is instructive to start off with an example scenario demonstrating the
use of intentional attributions in noisy and confusing environments. To illustrate, we take a simple example of two
employees interacting at a restaurant:
Waitress 1 turns to see a customer with his coffee cup
in his hand, waving it around slightly. She also sees
a ham sandwich on his plate. She turns to waitress 2
and exclaims: “Get the ham sandwich some more joe.”
Waitress 2 looks around the room near waitress 1, identifies the appropriate customer, and immediately serves
him some more coffee.
This narrative illustrates the complexity inherent in navigating social situations. If we were to build computational
models of all three scenario participants, we would need
assertions to the effect that the customer believes that by
shaking his empty cup of coffee to get waitress 1’s attention amounts to a signal that his cup is empty. We also must
represent the fact that the customer assumes that the waitress believes his cup to still be full by default. We then must
represent that waitress 1 believes that waitress 2 is currently
not disposed and has the same default information about the
status of the customer’s coffee cup until she indicates otherwise. Waitress 1 must believe that her speech acts to disambiguate among numerous customers in the diner and possible items to be delivered by referring to “the ham sandwich”
and “joe” will be efficacious. Finally, waitress 2 must use
the given information under uncertainty amongst the number of possible referents in the room and potential items to be
delivered in order to make a more informed decision about
how to act. While these assertions probably don’t exhaustively characterize the situation as described, they provide
an illustrative example of the type of expressive inference
coupled with search and belief-revision that is required to
navigate such domains. It should be clear that this exchange
is peppered with reference-disambiguation via discernment
of intentions. Joe initiates an intentional act by waving his
cup in the air to attract the server’s attention. Seemingly, Joe
believes that waving his coffee cup rather than his fork indicates further that he’d like more coffee. In his selection of
intentional acts to perform, he must adopt the (mental) perspective of the server, and best select an act which reduces
the proverbial “signal-to-noise ratio,” conditioned on the as-
sumed beliefs of the server whom he is signalling. In this
case, waving around his plate may indicate that’s he’d like
his plate cleared from the table, or that he is finished with
his meal and in a rush to get a check. In any case, Joe selects his cup as the appropriate signalling device. Waitress 1
acknowledges Joe’s cup-waving, and initiates an intentional
act directed at waitress 2, by uttering “get the ham sandwich
some more joe.” In doing so, she implicitly prunes the space
of possible customers for waitress 2 to attend to by providing
a more efficient taxonomic scheme for describing customers.
Waitress 1’s body position and line-of-sight also play a role
in helping waitress 2 figure out the proper referent. Finally,
waitress 2 can use knowledge of the specific tables waitress 1 is responsible for serving as a constraining variable
in choosing the right action sequence. In any case, we see
from this simple examples of social interaction that both the
production and recognition of intentional acts helps to make
sense of an otherwise confusing world. Intentions, while expressible by a proposition or a predicate, are determined by a
host of other factors including physical cues, assumed background knowledge, and re-representation of problem spaces.
A Brief Tour of Some Empirical Findings
One of the most fruitful ways to study those factors which
comprise judgments of intentionality by humans is under the
microscope of cognitive development. Data collected on developing children has provided some boundaries by which
we can circumscribe our theoretical accounts of how humans understand and react to intentional actions performed
by others. Our understanding of the human intentionrecognition engine has been further illuminated by several
striking findings from social cognitive neuroscience, which
we shall touch upon momentarily. Before we begin, it’s
useful to draw a conceptual distinction between intentions
and so-called intention-in-action (Searle 1983). Detecting
intention-in-action roughly corresponds to attributing intentionality to an observed motor sequence executed either by
the self or another by appealing to common features which
define agent-initiated action. Some common features of
intention-in-action include the effector tracing a continuous
spatiotemporal path towards the object to be manipulated, a
judgment about the biological plausibility of such a path1 ,
and a number of other judgments which help the observing agent categorize the actor as human – especially skin
texture, direction of eye-gaze, and orientation of the actor’s
body with respect to the object to be acted upon (Woodward,
Sommerville, & Guajardo 2001). Intention-in-action must
be conceptually cloven from the broader notion of recognizing intentions, since prior intentions associated with performing an action are generally unobservable and lack the
kinds of physical cues associated with recognizing intentionin-action. It is worth noting that experimentation has been
done in order to gain insight as to how humans parse per1
This judgment can be thought of in terms of detecting the physical ability of the actor to take the particular action under observation. More general judgments about ability also seem pervasive in
both determining which actions to take, and in making higher-order
attributions of culpability to other agents.
ceptual input when observing agents taking action in their
environments. It was demonstrated in (Newtson & Engquist
1976) that independent human subjects tended to have a high
degree of inter-rater agreement as to the beginnings and endings of intentional actions within videos. This result was
further strengthened in (Baldwin & Baird 1999) by using
infant looking times2 as a clue to boundaries on how the
perceived behavior stream is chunked up by the mind. For
infants, there is a very strong correlation between habituation/dishabituation shifts and the boundaries on intentional
actions defined by normal adult subjects who are made to
watch the same videos as their infant counterparts. This suggests that the human cognitive apparatus is built for parsing
action into goal-directed chunks from the earliest days of our
Under the assumption that actions are represented as hierarchically decomposed goal-directed chunks within the human cognitive architecture, we now turn to describing how
ascriptions of intentionality may be made when humans reason about other humans who are taking actions within the
purview of their perceptual apparatus. Traditionally, perception and action have been studied in relative isolation,
and were considered to be coded in the brain using incompatible neural codings. This view has been significantly
undermined in recent years through the discovery of several so-called mirror neuron systems in Macaque monkeys
which produces near-identical activations when the subject
performs a particular action and observes another actor perform the same action (Rizzolatti et al. 1996). This suggests that there is a plausible common language shared by
perception and action allowing for interchangeable judgments about self and other. The representational correspondence existing between self and other points to observation
of our own motor sequences and their necessity in performing particular self-initiated intentional actions as clues to
detecting similar intentions in the actions of others. Such
an explanation is consistent with the set of constraints we
have defined for recognizing intention-in-action: those being relatively smooth spatiotemporal path planning, biological plausibility of motion, and some aspects of detecting
human-specific features in the actor. In short, as we learn
to take intentional actions ourselves and as we begin to explore the biological features and limitations of our own effectors, we can simultaneously use these constraints in recognizing intentional action initiated by others. Further neuroscientific exploration has uncovered more detailed distinctions in the mirror neuron system which activate when we
imagine the performance of intentional action. This poses
the rather vexing question of why this happens in the absence of proprioceptive feedback or any sort of connection to our own motor programs. In these special cases,
Often referred to as “violation of expectancy” (VoE)
paradigms. These experimental designs allow researchers to effectively work with pre-verbal infants. In the case of action-parsing
VoE provide us interesting clues as to how interruptions in intentional sequences of actions correspond to surprise on the part of an
infant observer, and the boundaries which seem to define what we
consider to be an “action” versus unintentional movements.
our problem arises in trying to distinguish between selfintentions and intentions in others. An interesting solution
to this problem is suggested in (Jeannarod 2003) who suggests that there are non-overlapping representational spaces
in the brain corresponding to self and other along with the
overlapping section which helps us make judgments about
intentionality during observed action. Further neuroscientific corroboration of this distinction has come in the form
of identifying specific brain areas corresponding to initiation of first-person action versus observation of third person actions (Ruby & Decety 2001). This tidily resolves the
dilemma introduced by situations in which we mentally represent a motor sequence (say as mental imagery), but do
not actually physically execute it. These results strongly
motivate an agent-independent representation of action in
the brain, and encapsulated mental spaces within which inferences about actions can be performed before the action
in question may actually be passed onto the motor system
for execution. Agent-independent representations existing
within encapsulated mental spaces comport well with large
portions of the psychological literature on the representation of other mental states, such as beliefs as defined by the
so-called simulation theory and its variants (Goldman 2006;
Nichols & Stich 2003) by explaining how and why children
(and adults) make default attributions of beliefs and associated plans to other agents with whom they’ve had no prior
contact. It seems we routinely impute these mental states to
others, assuming that other agents are “Like Me” (Meltzoff
2005). Such a general-purpose design allows us to circumvent a host of complexity issues introduced by trying to tag
every belief-desire-intention-action schema with the name
of an appropriate agent.
Our discussion of recognizing intention-in-action, while
informative, doesn’t provide us all of the conceptual machinery we require to produce models of the kinds of interactions we saw in our diner scenario. In these more complex
situations, detection of intention-in-action is tightly weaved
together with a broader notion of intentions driven by worldknowledge (i.e. one waitress’ knowledge of what section of
the diner her co-worker is responsible for), or attributions
of beliefs and desires to other agents. In the case of understanding dialogue or responding to imperatives seem to
rely on less well-defined descriptions of concepts like ability, or skill. A judgment to ascertain whether or not an agent
was responsible for a particular outcome is largely contingent on whether or not we can classify the action which
caused it as being intentional. Attributes corresponding to
whether or not the performing agent had the requisite knowledge/beliefs, skill, and desire to perform the action will play
more prominent roles in making these kinds of determinations.
The Desiderata
Now that we have taken a whirlwind tour of some important
empirical findings on intention recognition and generation,
we have some initial clues as to the kinds of computational
structures we might use in modeling these processes.
Multi/Supramodal Representations
Based on the plethora of data presented in (Meltzoff 2005),
and in (Jeannarod 2003), on both infant imitation and neuroimaging of first and third-person perspective-taking, it
seems reasonable to conclude that perception and action
are commonly coded for within a supramodal space as suggested by the Active Intramodal Matching hypothesis. From
a purely engineering-oriented point of view, this is a convenient insight, suggesting that feature-based perceptual data
used in image/speech processing representationally should
co-exist with both proprioceptive feedback and rule-based
knowledge (perhaps causal rules describing how perceptual
access is required for situated epistemic inferences). Some
sort of integrated hybrid intelligent architecture seems to be
a natural candidate for developing intentional intelligent systems. However, tight integration between representations in
such models is rare, and is a challenge needing to be overcome.
Encapsulated Mental Spaces
As suggested in (Jeannarod 2003; Goldman 2006; Nichols &
Stich 2003), reasoning about others requires that a distinction must be made between self and others in order to avoid
a number of rather counterintuitive entailments following
from a self-other mapping within the human cognitive architecture. While mirror neurons provide firm neuroscientific foundations for perception/action congruence, mental
simulations must be run in appropriately cordoned worlds
so that imagined actions on the part of self or others are not
accidently sent to our motor system for execution. These issues are also salient in the discussion of the cognitive components of pretend-play and other kinds of counterfactual
reasoning. All of this motivates agent-independent action
schemata, which are representationally more compact than
their agent-indexed counterparts.
Gaze/Point Understanding
Embodied intelligent systems in physical environments must
be able to use physical cues provided by other agents in
order to disambiguate references in speech and to determine boundaries on intentional actions (Newtson & Engquist 1976). As was illustrated in our “ham sandwich” example, understanding physical cues and their connections
to the beliefs, desires, intentions and obligations of other
agents in the environment seems to be critical for robust social interaction.
Epistemic Inference
Many problems in recognizing and reasoning about intentions involve the incorporation of prior knowledge about the
target agent’s beliefs. Many suggestions for how humans
reason about the mental states of others spring from the suggestion that a mapping exists between self and other in the
mind. Meltzoff and colleagues have presented striking evidence for this position, resulting in the “Like Me” hypothesis. To computationally implement the mapping in question,
it would seem that some form of identity or similarity-based
computation would need to be performed in order to map
relevant aspects of self to other and vice-versa. The computation would also need to be subserved by a filtering mechanism which allowed only relevant dimensions of self/other
to be mapped. Finally a capacity to perform counterfactual
reasoning is required to inhibit one’s own perspective on the
world when trying to reason about other agent’s (possibly
false) beliefs.
Open-world Probabilistic Inference
As we learn and develop, we develop causal rules linking
up perception of our own motor processes to internal states
such as desire. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the
development of reaching and grasping behavior in infancy.
However, when making inferences about reaching behaviors
in other agents, we have no perceptual access to their desires, leaving open the possibility that an observed reaching
behavior is caused by something other than a putative instrumental desire. In this case, we are left with trying to determine the likelihood that a particular reaching behavior is
goal-directed, rather than the result of a random movement
caused by a spasm or related to an ambiguous target object within physical proximity of the reach. Unfortunately,
purely Bayesian representations of these kinds of computations are difficult (if not impossible) to perform, since every observation of a reach adds more random variables to
the problem, making the inference to intentionality an openworld problem.
Hierarchical Representations
Learning about intentions within a dynamic physical environment populated with other agents often requires that
we represent and reason about space, time and beliefs.
Traditional logical and probabilistic approaches to inference in these kinds of situations (via SAT-solving/planning,
Multi-Chain Monte-Carlo, etc) are extraordinarily computationally complex since canonical representations of
space/time/belief are exponential in the number of objects
either physically present or posited (in the case of beliefs).
But apparently, humans represent actions using intermediary goal-directed descriptions (i.e. subgoals) which do not
require that time or space be represented at the micro-scale.
Also, simulation-theoretic accounts of reasoning about other
minds along with relevant looking-time studies do not require that beliefs be representationally indexed to individual
agents, eliminating the need for canonical epistemic representations.
The mind is an integrated set of both cognitive and perceptual processes that underlies human behavior. Currently,
these processes are typically characterized using qualitatively different computational frameworks including search,
rule-based reasoning, Bayesian networks, category hierarchies, neural networks, and constraint graphs to name a few.
Seamlessly integrating all of these mechanisms into a cohesive policy for collaboratively solving such a problem apparently requires the capacity to reason over multiple computational representations to build a mutually-reinforced solution. The Polyscheme cognitive architecture (Cassimatis
2002; 2005) is designed to integrate multiple computational
mechanisms in solving these sorts of problems. Polyscheme
consists of a number of specialists which maintain their own
proprietary representations that communicate with one another during problem-solving through coordination via a
cognitive focus of attention. The two guiding principles
behind Polyscheme’s integration scheme are the common
function principle and the multiple implementation principle. The common function principle states that many reasoning and problem solving strategies can be composed of
sequences of the same set of common functions. The multiple implementation principle states that each procedural unit
can be executed using algorithms based on multiple representations.
The common function principle (CFP) arises from the observation that many of the modeling frameworks in computational cognitive science share the same underlying functions. A sampling of some of these basic functions include:
• Forward inference: given a set of propositions, infer
propositions that follow from them.
• Subgoaling: given the goal of determining the status of
proposition P, make subgoals of determining the truth values of propositions which either directly entail or falsify
• Representing alternate worlds: represent and make inferences about hypothetical states of the world.
• Identity matching: given a set of propositions about an
object, find other objects which might be identical to it.
• Grounding: Given a set of variables, return an admissible
set of objects which bind to the variables in question.
Using these basic principles, many of the most popular algorithms in computational cognitive science and AI can be
constructed. For example, search can be described as a situation in which one is unsure about the truth value of proposition P. In order to arrive at the value, we represent the world
in which P is true and the world in which P is false, performing forward inference in both worlds. If further uncertainty
about P remains, repeat the process, adding the accreted results of the last inferences to the knowledge base associated
with each world. Similarly, propagation in Bayesian networks often relies on a process of stochastic simulation that
can be characterized as proportionally representing worlds
corresponding to the likelihood of A as opposed to NOT A.
By breaking down these algorithms into common functions,
it becomes possible to embed something like stochastic simulation inside of the search process, or having belief revision
performed on-line in the middle of inference about the location of objects in space.
The multiple implementation principle (MIP) suggests
that each of these common functions can be executed by a
host of qualitatively different computational representations
including rules, feed-forward neural networks, and associative memories. For example, it’s clear to see that rules can
readily be employed for forward inference, can be operated
upon to generate subgoals, and can be populated with predicates containing arguments which correspond to the pos-
sible world(s) in which the rule applies. Similarly, simple
feedforward neural networks which have been trained can
perform forward inference via simple propagation of inputs
through the various layers of the network. Neural networks
can generate subgoals by asking for the value of a particular
input node, given a specified value for the output node(s).
Characteristically, neural networks can be used to perform
identity-matching via their natural application as classification engines. Since every Polyscheme specialist implements
common functions through the MIP, it is possible for neural network, rule-based, Bayesian, constraint, and categorybased specialists to be used in concert when performing
complex, dynamic problem solving. Further, since we have
shown that many of the predominant paradigms in computational cognitive science can be simulated by sequential
applications of common functions implemented by multiple representation-indifferent specialists, we attain flexible
problem solving involving multimodal percepts and intermediate representations. Integration of common function
sequences is achieved by Polyscheme’s cognitive focus of
attention mechanism. Polyscheme’s focus manager forces
all specialists to focus on and report their opinions on the
truth-value of a particular proposition P at every point during problem execution. The selection of this particular implementation of attention is motivated by the existence of
processing interference in the Stroop effect (Stroop 1935),
which suggests that multiple mental processes operate simultaneously (word and color recognition, for example).
Visual attention has also been demonstrated as an integrative mechanism for inputs from multiple sensory modalities
(Triesman & Gelade 1980). Polyscheme is based on the notion that just as the perceptual Stroop effect can be generalized to higher-level nonperceptual cognition, that integrative
perceptual attention suggests the existence of a higher-level
cognitive focus of attention that is the mind’s principle integrative mechanism.
Figure 1: Focus Management in Subgoaling
As can be seen in Fig 1, during execution, if Polyscheme
desires to know the truth-value of a particular proposition
such as P2, and has prior information to the effect that P2 is
implied by P1, it will make a subgoal of finding out if P1 is
true or not. Supposing this operation starts at execution step
n, Polyscheme’s focus manager requests that all specialists
focus on P2, and report their opinions on its truth-value. But
in this case, none of the specialists reach a consensus on
P2. In fact, at least one specialist in this case (say the rule
specialist) reports that in order for it to know the value of
P2, it must first know if P1 is true. This is reported back
to the focus manager as a request for attention on P1, and
the process continues until consensus is reached among the
specialists on P2, the original proposition in question. The
general algorithm outlining this procedure roughly can be
described in the following set of steps:
1. At each execution step n, Polyscheme’s focus manager
chooses a proposition to make the focus of attention.
2. Polyscheme collects the opinions of the specialists on the
proposition being currently focused on.
3. Polyscheme reports these opinions to the other specialists.
4. Using their own computational mechanisms, the specialists process this new information, make inferences and decide which propositions they would help them make better
information. These inferences define individual requests
for attention by each specialist on the propositions they
are individually most interested in.
5. The focus manager collects these requests for attention
and decides the winner of the competition, which becomes the focus of attention at step n+1.
The scheme described above allows for algorithmic opportunism. Since we are able to reconstruct typical AI algorithms from our common functions, every computation performed by each specialist can be influenced and influence
the inferences made by other specialists, enabling belief revision in the middle of search through spaces of alternative
worlds, et cetera. While the specialists in Polyscheme were
originally conceived of as the inferential building-blocks of
infant physical reasoning (Cassimatis 2002), a number of
reductions of higher-cognitive function down to the mechanisms of physical reasoning have been performed. Most
notably, (Murugesan & Cassimatis 2006) demonstrated that
a sophisticated syntax parser could be implemented on top
of Polyscheme’s physical reasoner, and (Bello & Cassimatis 2006b; 2006a) describes how cognitively plausible epistemic reasoning is a natural extension of mechanisms for
physical inference. In light of our desiderata, Polyscheme
seems to be a good first-step toward an intelligent system capable of recognizing and reasoning about intentions. Specifically, Polyscheme addresses the following:
• Multi/Supramodal representations: Polyscheme is specifically designed to reason over multiple representations
within a common attention-driven framework. Specialists maintain their own proprietary representations, allowing for feature-based perceptual input to be processed by
a neural network specialist which might need to be informed by a rule-based specialist.
• Encapsulated mental spaces:
Every specialist in
Polyscheme implements the “simulate alternative world”
common function, which allows for hypothetical, futurehypothetical or counterfactual reasoning to be performed
within the sandbox of each world. In the case of epistemic reasoning, encapsulated worlds represent situations
in which Polyscheme “Is Like” the target agent to be reasoned about.
• Gaze/Point understanding: Polyscheme has been deployed on-board a robotic platform capable of reasoning
about what others can and cannot see in the environment.
Polyscheme is capable of making inferences about some
of these unseen objects when referred to in dialogue by
other agents. A full discussion can be found in (Cassimatis et al. 2004).
• Epistemic inference: Reasoning about other minds in
Polyscheme is explained in detail in (Bello & Cassimatis 2006b). Polyscheme implements epistemic reasoning through the coordinated usage of alternate worlds,
the identity specialist (to perform the mapping between
self/other), and a form of inheritance of truth between
propositions existing in different worlds allowing for reasoning about counterfactuals.
• Open-world probabilistic inference:
Objects in
Polyscheme can be lazily posited, and the system
remains neutral on the truth-value of these objects until
specifically asked to reason about them. Between lazy
positing and lazy inference, Polyscheme has no need to
represent the world canonically, drastically reducing the
space-complexity in search.
• Hierarchical representation:
Each proposition in
Polyscheme is indexed with a time and a world in which
is has a truth value. Polyscheme’s temporal reasoner is an
implementation of Allen’s Temporal Interval Calculus,
which allows for hierarchical representation of time.
Rather than fluents needing to be represented canonically
with respect to the time-points at which they may be true
or false, we are able to use interval representations of
time (i.e. Before, After) to eliminate large portions of the
space of models to be evaluated.
To conclude, recognizing and reasoning about intentions in
others entails a series of difficult computational challenges
for both the cognitive modeling and AI communities to
wrestle with. We have presented a number of desiderata
which correspond well with insights gained in the psychological and neuroscientific literature which we feel are important constraints in developing intelligent systems capable
of reasoning about intentions and intentionality.
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