Information Services Application Support FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff (Banner Self Service for Advisors) August 2012 p. 1 of 25 rev. 8/06/2012 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Title FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Date August 2012 Created by Sarah Malcom and Julie Kennedy Created for Information Services Application Support Copyright Kent State University, Sungard HE, Experian 2012 Get help Technical support Help Desk: or Contents Access FlashFAST .......................................................................................................................... 3 Advisor Dashboard .......................................................................................................................... 4 The FlashFAST Advisor Menu ....................................................................................................... 5 FlashFAST Tips .............................................................................................................................. 6 Student Information ......................................................................................................................... 7 Student Account .............................................................................................................................. 8 Student Transcript ........................................................................................................................... 9 Student Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 11 View Printable Student Schedule .................................................................................................. 12 Active Registrations ...................................................................................................................... 13 Registration History ...................................................................................................................... 13 Add or Drop Classes...................................................................................................................... 14 Look-Up Classes ........................................................................................................................... 15 Register from Look-Up Classes .................................................................................................... 16 View Holds .................................................................................................................................... 17 Class Schedule Search ................................................................................................................... 18 Student Address, Phone, and E-mail Address. .............................................................................. 19 Advisee Listing.............................................................................................................................. 19 Student Midterm Grade View ....................................................................................................... 20 View Submitted Graduation Application ...................................................................................... 21 DKS Program Links ...................................................................................................................... 21 Schedule of Classes Maintenance Menu ....................................................................................... 22 Student Information Reference...................................................................................................... 23 How Students View FlashFAST ................................................................................................... 24 2 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Access FlashFAST Your FlashFAST role determines the menu selections you see and use. FlashFAST is used by faculty to view information about their assigned course sections, and by students to register, see their transcript, view account information, and more. A KSU employee who needs to view student records is granted the ‘advisor’ access role in FlashFAST. Included are advisors, some faculty advisors, and student services clerical and administrative staff. Step 1 2 3 4 Action Open a web browser and go to your KSU campus homepage, or to Log in with your FlashLine user name and Password. Click the Faculty & Advisor Tools tab. In the Faculty Advisor Toolbox channel, find and click the FlashFAST link found under the heading For Advisors. 3 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Advisor Dashboard (an alternative way to access FlashFAST) The Advisor Dashboard channel is also located on the Faculty & Advisor Tools tab. It is a shortcut tool to initiate a FlashFAST Term and Student Name search. Step 1 2 3 4 5 Action Locate the Advisor Dashboard channel on the Faculty & Advisor Tools tab. Pull down the Term menu to select a term. Type the student Kent State ID number, or type the student’s name. (Use the percent sign % as a wildcard character.) Click the All link for best results. Multiple records may match the name search: 6 Click any blue linked text for more information, or click an icon to view: Transcript Test Scores Send E-mail 4 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff The FlashFAST Advisor Menu The Advisor menu is a long list of links to specific kinds of student information. Some links are available to designated staff only. To look up information about a student, start with the first two items on the menu and complete the Term Selection and ID Selection steps. When checking past or future term information for a student, you will return to Term Selection to change the term. The remaining menu items will display information about the term and student until you specify a new term/student. Some menu items are PIN-number protected. If you have authorization to view the Student Academic Transcript, register students (Add or Drop, Look up Classes) View Test Scores, or View Holds, the Registrar will provide the PIN number to access these screens. There is one PIN for all students. The PIN changes each term. Contact the University Registrar if you need the PIN. The remainder of this document describes the features of each menu item. 5 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff FlashFAST Tips Select a new term and new ID every time you ‘switch’ student records, or meet with a new student for advising. To register students, you will input a Personal Identification Number (PIN) which is issued to you, using the same PIN for all students. You may not share this PIN with anyone, under any circumstances. A violation of this rule is considered to be a violation of the Agreement Regarding the Secured Use and Confidentiality of University Records and Data, which you signed in order to gain access to FlashFAST. Contact the Registrar to request the PIN number. Practice the Good Neighbor Policy: only view, maintain information, and register students that belong to your college, department, and/or campus. You can use your browser’s Back button, or the FlashFAST Return to Menu link to go back a screen. 6 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Information The Student Information Menu displays information such as the student’s current academic program, academic standing, class standing and more. Note that this is where FERPA release information is found. The student’s catalog year is found in GPS (or in KAPS, for students who entered a program before 2010). 7 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Account Although student account information is not generally of use in advising, occasionally a student may ask you a question about something in their account statement. There are two main account views. Account Detail for Term as pictured above presents the statement for the current term in detail. Memos are pending transfers of money to the student from grants, scholarships, awards, refunds, etc. When memo amounts transfer, they move into the statement area. Account Summary by Term presents brief statements for at least 3 years past, working back from the current term. Refer questions about statement items to the University Bursar, 330 672-2626. 8 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Transcript Click Student Transcript and enter the access PIN number at the prompt. There are direct links to Transfer Credit, Institution Credit, and Transcript Totals: If the student earned a degree at Kent, an entry will appear near the top of the transcript describing the degree awarded: 9 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff The list starts with the student’s first term at KSU and ends with a total of all credits earned. The current term registration and attempted credits appear last. If you do not have access to the transcript feature, and the student is meeting with you in person, ask the student to share this information. Any student may elect to show you their transcript by logging in to FlashLine, then selecting: Student Tools tab --> FlashFAST. Student Records menu --> Academic Transcript. The transcript will display a + indicator next to courses that have been repeated for credit. 10 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Schedule This is a detailed student schedule, with one data block per section as seen above. You may prefer the grid view of the Printable Student Schedule (see next page.) Scroll down to view complete schedule details for each course section. If the Assigned Instructor’s name is linked, click on the name to view the instructor’s office hours. The hours are visible only if the instructor has elected to use this FlashFAST feature. Click the Email icon to send mail to the instructor. The Student Schedule does not include courses from which the student has withdrawn (see Registration History), or courses for which a final grade has been awarded (see Student Transcript.) 11 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff View Printable Student Schedule The Printable Student Schedule is the best screen for verifying credit hour status. It displays the schedule, and a data block containing the student’s name, Banner ID, the date and time, and the total number of credit hours. Before printing, check Print Preview. If the full schedule does not display, then print in Landscape mode. The Printable Student Schedule does not include courses from which the student has withdrawn (see Registration History), or courses for which a final grade has been awarded (see Student Transcript.) 12 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Active Registrations This screen displays all active courses in which the student is enrolled, in all terms for which the student has registered. Note that the term is listed under the course name. Active Registrations does not display courses from which the student has withdrawn. (see Registration History for withdrawals, next page.) Neither does it show courses for which a final grade has been awarded. (See Student Transcript, previous page.) Registration History The student’s recent registration history for the past two terms is displayed here. For prior terms, see the Student Transcript, or see the full history in SFAHIST, in INB. 13 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Add or Drop Classes This menu item is PIN-protected. It is used by designated advisors to register students for classes. Contact the University Registrar if you need the PIN. Step 1 2 3 4 5 Action Determine the courses/sections to be registered, and note the CRNs (Course Reference Numbers) of the sections. Click Add or Drop Classes, enter the registration PIN at the prompt. Enter the course CRN(s) in the Add Classes Worksheet row. Click Submit Changes To drop a student from a course: Pull down the Action box menu for the course. Select the desired action. Click Submit Changes at the end of the page. 14 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Look-Up Classes The Look-Up Classes menu item presents an alternate method of registering students for classes. 1 2 3 4 5 Note Note Select Look Up Classes for a Student. Select the registration Term. Enter the registration PIN at the prompt. This brings you to a form that resembles the Class Schedule Search form. Select search options from the menus, and click the Class Search button. If a search results in no sections found, use fewer search options. You do not have to select an item from every option menu displayed. Course Attributes may be searched here. 15 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Register from Look-Up Classes Step 1 2 3 Action Identify the course and section, check the check box to the left of the course section to select it. (C indicates a closed section.) Click the Register button. Click the Text Book Info Link for details and to check availability from the KSU bookstore. 16 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Test Scores All test scores received for the student are available for viewing here. View Holds All holds are seen here except for holds issued by the Financial Aid Office. The student can view his or her own Financial Aid information, including holds, by logging in to FlashFAST. 17 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Class Schedule Search The Class Schedule Search looks identical to Look-Up Classes, but this search presents the specifics of each individual course section: To access more details such as the available seat count, click on the blue course title: Upper division course detail will show course requirements, prerequisites and restrictions. To see the catalog description for the course, click the link View Catalog Entry. 18 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Address, Phone, and E-mail Address. Near the end of the Advisor menu are links to the student address, phone, and e-mail. Advisee Listing Advisee Listing displays an advisor’s assigned advisees. It provides direct links to student General Information, Holds, Test Scores, Transcript, and Degree Evaluation information: 19 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Midterm Grade View Grades are visible after the midterm grading window closes, and after the Registrar releases grades to the students for viewing. The grading schedule is posted on the Registrar’s web site: Current Term Final Grades View Final grades are seen in the transcript. This is another link to the transcript. 20 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff View Submitted Graduation Application In college advising units, designated advisors check to see if graduating seniors have fulfilled the requirements for graduation, including completion of the Graduation Application. If the student has applied to graduate, the application is visible here. DKS Program Links Advisors who are assigned to coordinate advising schedules for the DSK program use these links to the DKS registration tool. Training is provided by DKS staff. 21 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Schedule of Classes Maintenance Menu These menu items are provided so that advisors and student services staff can help students determine the tuition refund when a class is dropped. Read the instructions provided in the header section of the tool. 22 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff Student Information Reference Task in Banner INB in FlashFAST Advisor View records for any student Yes Yes View Student address, phone, email View Student schedule Yes View All Registrations, All Terms View Registration History Yes Student Address and Phone Student Email Student Schedule Student Printable Schedule Active Registrations Yes Registration History Register Student Yes Grant Registration Permits/Overrides Yes Add/Drop Classes Lookup Classes (permission required) No View List of all Restrictions on a Course Yes Class Schedule Search, Detailed Class Information View Transcripts Multiple Forms Student Transcript View Holds Yes View Bursar Account Yes View Holds (permission required) Yes View Student Academic Information Multiple Forms Yes View Total Credit Hours Registered for a term Yes Student Printable Schedule View Student’s Birthdate Yes Student Information View Student’s Catalog Year NO GPS or KAPS Report Only Yes 23 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff How Students View FlashFAST Students have their own FlashFAST menus, for viewing registration, grades, and more. Students log in to FlashLine and click the Student Tools & Courses tab. The Registration & Class Tools pane provides links to key FlashFAST screens such as registration, schedule, account, etc. Many other links on this tab access FlashFAST directly. Students see hierarchical menus, not a large flat menu as seen in Advisor Tools. The main menu and key submenus are presented here for your use when you are advising a student via phone or email. 24 FlashFAST for Advisors and Student Services Staff 25