21/8/97 Ruth Aylett From: AAAI Technical Report FS-97-02. Compilation copyright © 1997, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. Robots As Socially IT Institute, Intelligent Agents Ruth Aylett University of Salford, Salford, M54WT R.S.Aylett @iti.salford.ac.uk Abstract Webriefly consider thae nature of a social agent, snmmariseworkcarried out at Salford, and consider the communication requirementsfor different levels of socila organisation. Weexaminethe ngineering implications for robot experienmtsof these communication requirements. What are social agents? Weconsider social agents in general to be those involved in interaction between same species individuals for extended periods in commonlocations. In nature social interaction is mediatedby life events and tasks: matingand reproduction together with subsequentcare of young, food gathering, protection against predators including sometimesconstruction of protective artefacts. But social interaction maynot just be a question of external tasks: the social domain, once existing, maydevelop its own internal structure and relationships often resulting in a social hierarchy expressedand mediatedthroughparticular social behavioursand rituals. Social intelligence is then the ability of the individual to thrive in a social environment, both from the point of view of life tasks (e.g. successful reproduction)and within the social domain itself (e.g. highor rising social status). Whenwe consider artificial agents, whether entirely software based or also embodiedin hardware as with robots, we maycontinue to approach social interaction from a agent-centred perspective as described above. Howeverthere is nowan alternative point of view: the integration of such agents into a specifically humansocial milieu. While agent-centred perspectives are usually concernedwith theoretical investigation, the human-centred perspective mayalso have a pragmatic focus in terms of meeting specific human purposes. Moreover the ’interaction betweensame-speciesindividuals’ basic to the agent-centred perspective maybe completelyabsent, with the productiveanalogybeing less natural animalor insect societies and morepets or other domesticatedanimals. Social Agents at Salford Workhas beencarded out for a numberof years at Salford in the field of cooperative task execution with multiple robots (Aylett et al 97, Barneset al 97) in whichrobots carry out cooperative object relocation tasks within a multi-agent architecture incorporating behavioural architectures on the robots and a fixed predictive planner agent supervisingthe task at an abstract level. Thistype of multi-robot system is aimed at industrial environments, but whatis often forgotten here is that these environments are already complexsocial organisations in which the cooperating robots must also cooperate with human workers.Thusthis workcorrectly seen falls into a humancentred approachrather than a purely agent-centredone. Secondly, in the last year the author has workedwith colleagues at VUBinBrussels on the origins of language and the groundingof adaptive generation of vocabularyin real world robots (Steels &Vogt97). This is very much an agent-centred approach in which communicative competencebetweensame-speciesindividuals is the focus. In both cases, communication is a major issue, whether between agents alone or betweenagents and human.~. If social expertise consists in ’doingthe fight thing’, then an importantpart of this is communicative activity. Underlyingthis work are two premises, or perhaps more correctly, hypotheses.Firstly that social organisation is supported, developed and expressed by a communicative spectrum all the way from stigmergy (Holland & Becker 96) to humanlanguage. At each point on this spectrum there are different requirements in terms of the functionality requiredof the individual as well as different features in terms of the social expertise supported and expressed.Wewill briefly discuss these relationships. Thesecondhypothesisis that the behaviouralsubstrate we think of as lying at the more primitive end of this spectrumis essential to the consciousactivity welocate at the advanced end, not only historically but also functionally. This hypothesis has a numberof practical consequences.Oneis that embodiment in the real worldis vital to experimentalactivity - in spite of the difficulties involvedin this - and that simulations mayon occasionbe misleading. Another is that making a service robot ’sociable’ requires morethan merelygiving it a formalised bodyof social knowledge at a symboliclevel. It sometimesappears that workersin the field identify social expertise with cooperative task execution. A functional analysis of whata social organisation is ’good for’ maysupportthis approach,and at an intuitive level it is clear that ’manyhands makelight work’ has been a powerful force in humansocial organisation. A clear functional role can also be identified for communication systems, fromthe alarmcall of a blackbirdto the planning of a familyday out. Yet it is important to rememberas argued above that social expertise mayalso be reflexive, that is aimedat the social domainitself. Grooming in primate societies, it is argued (de Waal82), has less to do with personal hygiene than withstatus, social hierarchyandsocial differentiation. Indeedit has beenargued (Dunbar93, Aiello &Dunbar93) that the origins of languageand of consciousnesslie in the social domainitself rather than in cooperative task execution, that languageevolved as a moreefficient form of grooming and that consciousness was based on the evolutionary advantagein a social group of being able to ’put yourself in someone else’s shoes’. The robot dimension: Whatdoes the investigation of social expertise using real robots require of the real robots? At the bottomend of the communicative spectrum,it requires the ability to use the environmentas a communicativemechanism.It is at this level that mostexisting workis being carried out since it is possible to produceand perceive stimergic effects with extremelyprimitive actuation and perception mechanisms. For example,the cooperatingrobots in the workat Salford are able to jointly carry an object using force feedback from the object rather like two people carrying a table (Barnes96). Theyrequire no ability to differentiate each other from the rest of the environment,a factor one could argue is inherent in stigmergy as a mechanism.This lack of differentiation meansthat hierarchyin this sort of social organisation is almost entirely functionally determined:if a beeis a dronethen it cannotbe a queen. Even at this level, modes of interaction with the environmentare usually fairly primitive, particularly if robots are comparedto social insects for example.Robot sensory and actuation capabilities meanthat they relate to the environmentin an inflexible and impoverished way such that one might seriously question what sort of ’embodiment’is actually achieved. For examplevery few robots have any compliancein their effectors (an area mainlystudied in fixed manipulators with someexamples in multi-legged mobility), which reduces touch sensing downto the binary values generated by bumpers.The use of smell wouldrequire cheap but reasonably sensitive chemicalsensors as well as the incorporationof generation mechanismsin robots. This is an area that seems hardly investigatedat all. Soundis also a modalitythat is rarely used. Problemsof cost, powerlimitations, and the need to conservea limited stock of robots rather carefully, rather than goingin for the large-scale redundancyof individuals seen in insect societies also havethe effect of constraining the type of interaction with the environmentavailable. A robot society which could construct artefacts of the complexityof termite hills is somewayoff, with flocking and herding along with wandering and box-pushing the most commonbehaviours demonstrated using stigmergy. Manyexperimental systems lack any effectors beyond (usually) wheelsor (less often, legs). Froman engineering perspective, we haveyet to construct robots anythinglike as physicallysophisticatedas ants, slugs or flies. Species awareness Farther along the communicativespectrum robots require the ability to separateout ’others like me’fromthe rest of the environment,in other wordsspecies or perhaps merely social group awareness. Analarm signal, for example,is an explicit communicationwhich only has meaning to others of the samespecies or social group. Here there are further engineeringimplications for robots since species recognition requires both characteristic features and the ability to recognise them. A very simple implementation might be to use the range-finding sensors available on most robots for obstacle avoidance. Thus, in a simple artificial environment, other robots maybe the only sourcesof infra-red or ultra-soundemission. Unfortunately, the very use of these output devices for obstacle avoidancemeansthat the perceiving robot has to stop and turn off its ownemitters in order to makea distinction betweennew emissions and the return of its own signals (Steels & Vogt 97). This seems very restrictive and in a sense misses the point: the difference between this mode of communicationand stigmergy is precisely that species or group members can be distinguished from the environment,not that they can only be sensedif the environment is ignored. A further option is vision (Bdpaeme&Birk 97), but here the difficulty lies in the demandsit makesupononrobot processing: the amountof data delivered from a vision system and the computational demands of the algorithms used tends to lead to unacceptable power demands and slow processing. On the other hand, connecting the robot to an external processor severely impacts its autonomy. Comparingthe sensory equipment generally available on robots with that available to animals whouse this type of communicationit appears that investigation of the other sensory modesalready mentioned- such as soundand smell for example- and the combination of small amountsof data from a numberof different sensors mayprovidea better wayforwardthan the resource-demanding use of vision Individual recognition Movingstill further across the communicationspectrum wearrive at language, whichrequires the establishmentof individuality (Dautenhalm 95), a yet stronger requirement. Equippingeach robot with a unique frequencyinfra-red or ultra-sound transmitter is one possibility, but it also seemslikely that solving the species recognition problem throughsensor fusion as suggestedmightlay the basis for individual recognition too. True, one can always cut through the problemby incorporating hard-wiredsymbolic namesand a radio link, but arguably one might just as well use a simulator as incorporate a deus ex machinalike this on real robots. The developmentof individuality implies an extended ’life’ and accumulationof experience (Dautenhahn95) well as an internal ’bodyimage’- a representation within the robot of its own material form. Again, this has engineering implications as well as computingones: an extendedlife requiresthe ability to rechargebatteries unless autonomyis vitiated with an off-robot source of power.It probably also requires the use of static memory to retain data throughperiods of powerdrain. This is aside fromthe challenge of deciding what should be learned using what algorithmsand what representations. The developmentof a ’body image’ also has sensor implications - the measurement of battery level is the only internal sensor on mobilerobots in most cases with nothing to give data on the spatial position of bodyparts except for rare cases of the use of inertial sensors to measureorientation (since the majority of mobilerobot platforms run on level surfaces using wheelsthis mustusually appear superfluous). Conclusion Whatthis piece has tried to argue is that if one regards embodimentas important to communicationand thus to social organisation, it raises a numberof significant questionsabout the required functionality of robots to be used in experiments. In practice these are difficult questions: it is difficult to answer them without substantial expenseand engineering backup. Weargue that difficult issues mustbe confrontedat quite primitive levels of interaction before one can provide the basis for higher level social interaction. It is perhapsnot surprisingthat so muchworkis carried out in simulation, but it remainsto be seen howfar the conclusions of simulatedworkwill be supportedeventually on real-world robots. References Aiello, L. &Dunbar, R.I.M. (1993) Neocortexsize, group size and the evolnionof language.Current Anthropology, 34, pp184-93 Aylett, R.S; Coddington,A.M;Barnes, D.P. & Ghaneahercock, R.A. (1997) Supervising multiple cooperating mobilerobots. Proceedings, AutonomousAgents ’97, ACMPress, pp 514-5, 1997 Barnes, D.P. (1996) A behavioursynthesis architecture for cooperant mobile robots. AdvancedRobotics and Intelligetn Machines, eds J.O.Gray & D.G.Caldwell, lEE Control Engineering Series 51.295-314 1996 Barnes, D.P; Ghanea-Hercock,R.A; Aylett, R.S. & Coddington, A.M.(1997) ’Manyhands make light work?Aninvestigation into behaviourally controlled coooperant autonomousmobile robots’. Proceedings, Autonomous Agents ’97, ACMPress, pp 413-20, 1997 Belpaeme,T. &Birks, A. (1997) A real-world ecosystem featuring several robot species. Proceedings, European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL ’97, Brighton, July 1997 Dautenhahn, K. (1995) Getting to know each other Artificial social intelligence for autonomous robots. Robotics and AutonomousSystems 16 (1995) pp333-56 Dunbar, R.I.M. (1993) Cocvolutionof neocortical size, group size and language in humans.Bchavioural & Brain Sciences, 16 pp681-735 Franklin, S. (1996) Coordinationwithout communication. Proceedings, The First UK Workshop on Foundations of Multi-Agents Systems, FOMAS ’96, pp8-13, University of Waewick,October 1996 Holland, O. & Beckers, R. (1996) The varieties stigmergy: indirect interaction as a control structure for collective robotics. Robotica- to appear Steels, L. &Vogt, P. (1997) Groundingadaptive language gamesin robotic agents. Proceedings, Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL’97, Brighton, July 1997 de Waal (1982) ChimpanzeePolitics: Power and Sex amongApes. London: Jonathan Cape