Kimberly Schimmel, Ph.D Education

Kimberly Schimmel, Ph.D
Ph.D., Sociocultural Sport Studies
University of North Carolina- Greensboro
From Naptown to Sportstown: Growth Politics, Urban Development, and Economic Change in Indianapolis
M.A., Sport Studies
Miami University
Professional Sport Franchise Relocation within the Context of Urban Politics
B.S., Health and Physical Education
Muskingum College
Higher Education Work Experience
8/2014 - present
School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration
Associate Professor
8/2009 - 8/2014
School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration
Associate Professor
8/2001 - 7/2009
School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport
8/2001 - present
Women's Studies Program, Kent State University
Assistant Professor
08/1995 - 08/2001
School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport
Visiting Assistant Professor
08/1994 - 05/1995
Miami University
Other Professional Experience
Invited Instructor
7/2010 - 7/2010
University of Ludwigsburg, Germany
American Sports as an Example of Bilingual Education - A summer course for undergraduate education majors.
Visiting Fellow in Sport Studies
3/2003 - 4/2003
University of Chichester, United Kingdom
5/2002 - 5/2002
Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa
The US Council of International Educational Exchange Faculty Development Seminar, Nation-building in South Africa.
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (In press). Sport and the Urban. In Richard Guilianotti (Ed.), Sociology of
Sport Handbook. London: Routledge. 2014
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (In press). US urban resilience policy and the National Football League.
In Keith Gilbert & Kevin McPherson (Eds.) Urban Sports Development. Champaign, IL: CGP. 2014
Publication: Book Chapters
Rooting for the Home Team: Sport, Community, and Identity, ed. by Daniel A. Nathan, Illinois,
2013. (Review published in CHOICE, 2014 - April, Volume 51/08: 4505.)
Publication: Books Reviewed
Sociologia do Esporte e os processos civilizatorios, by Eric Dunning, (Translated into
Portuguese), Campanis, Brazil (2013). (Invited review published at, June 9, 2014.)
Publication: Books Reviewed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (In press). Sport and the city. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology
(2nd Edition).
Publication: Encyclopedia Entries
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (In press). Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Sport and the
City.International Review for the Sociology of Sport. (Accepted May, 2014)
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Harrington, C. Lee & Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2013). Andre Agassi and the tides of tennis
celebrity: Image, reconstruction, and confession. In Lawrence A. Wenner (Ed.), Fallen Sports
Heroes, Media, and Celebrity Culture (pp. 64-76). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2013) (Invited, published in English & Arabic). Securing major sports
infrastructure and events. Sport Versus Crime: Perspectives from Around the World (pp.
392-412). Dubai Police Department: Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Publication: Magazine
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2013) (Invited, published in English & Portuguese). Major sporting
events: Challenges and perspectives. Campanis, Brazil: University of Campanis Center for
Advanced Studies. (250 pages)
Publication: Monographs
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012). Neoliberal redevleopment, sport infrastructure, and the
militarization of US urban terrain. In David Andrews and Michael Silk (Eds.), Sport and
Neoliberalism: Politics, Consumption, and Culture (pp. 160-176). Philadelphia: Temple
University Press.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012). Von einer Freizeitbeschaftigung zum Profitunternehem:
Professioneller Mannschaftssport in den USA. In Annette R. Hofmann (Hrsg.), Sport in den USA, pp. 165-183.
pp. 165-183. Munster, Germany: Waxman Verlag.[From pastime to profit: Professional team
sport in the USA. In Annette R. Hofmann (Ed.) Sport in the USA].
Publication: Book Chapters
Smith, Andrew (2012). Events and Urban Regeneration: The Strategic Use of Events to
Revitalise Cities. London: Routledge. (Invited book cover endorsement.)
Publication: Books Reviewed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012). Major sport events and global threats/responses.Criminal Justice
Matters, 88(1): 20-21.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012). Protecting the NFL/Militarizing the homeland: Citizens soldiers
and urban resilience in post-9/11 America. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 47(3):
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012) (Invited, published in English & Portuguese). "Foreword" to, Eric
Dunning's Sociological Insights on Sport and the Civilizing Process. Campanis, Brazil: University
of Campanis Press. 2012
Publication: Other
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2011). From "violence-complacent" to "terrorist-ready": Post-9/11 framing
of the US Super Bowl. Urban Studies, 48(15): 3277-3292.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2009). Political economy: Sport and urban development. In Earl Smith
(Ed.), Sociology of Sport and Social Theory, (pp. 55-66). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2008). The city. In Dominic Malcolm (Ed.), Dictionary of Sport Studies
(pp. 43-44). London: Sage.
Publication: Encyclopedia Entries
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2008). The underside of megaevents. Sensex:The Journal of the
Bombay Stock Exchange, (October-December): 24- 26.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. and Harrington, C. Lee. (2007). Caving. Floyd Collins. In Douglas Booth
and Holly Thorpe (Eds.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of Extreme Sports (64-66). Great Barrington,
MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.
Publication: Encyclopedia Entries
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Harrington, C. Lee, and Bielby, Denise, D. (2007). Keep your fans to
yourself: The disjuncture between sport studies and pop culture studies perspectives on
fandom. Sport in Society, 10(4): 580-600.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2006). Sport and the city. In George Ritzer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Sociology (4664-4665). London: Blackwell.
Publication: Encyclopedia Entries
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2006). Deep play: Major sports and urban social conditions in the USA. Sociological Review2006
Sociological Review, 54(s2): 160-174.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Magdalinski, Tara, Schimmel, Kimberly S., and Chandler, Timothy (2005). Recapturing the
Olympic mystique: Olympism and the corporatization of the classroom. In Nauright, John and
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (Eds.), The Political Economy of Sport (pp. 38-54). New York and London:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2005). The international political economy of sport: An introduction. In
Nauright, John and Schimmel, Kimberly S. (Eds.),The Political Economy of Sport (pp. 1-15). New
York and London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Publication: Book Chapters
Nauright, John and Schimmel, Kimberly S. (Eds.) (2005). The Political Economy of Sport. New
York and London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Publication: Books Edited
Tomlinson, Alan and Young, Christopher (eds.) (2005). National Identity and Global Sports
Events: Culture, Politics, and Spectacle in the Olympics and Football World Cup. Albany, NY:
SUNY Press. (Invited book cover endorsement.)
Publication: Books Reviewed
Wilcox, Ralph, Andres, David, Pitter, Robert and Irvin, Richard (eds.) (2003). Sporting Dystopias:
The Making and Meaning of Urban Sport Cultures. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. (Invited book
cover endorsement.)
Publication: Books Reviewed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2003). Sport and community. The Encyclopedia of Community: From the
Village to the Virtual World (1334-1336). London: Sage.
Publication: Encyclopedia Entries
Harrington, C. Lee, Kopp, Thomas W, and Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2003). Lessons from the
Norwegian folk high school tradition. International Education Journal, 4(2): 121-137.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2002). The political economy of place: Urban and sport studies
perspectives. In Maguire, Joseph and Young, Kevin (Eds.), Theory, Sport and Society (335-351),
New York and London: JAI/Elsevier Science, Ltd.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2001). Globalism, sport and US-style models for urban sport: The
dialectic of structure and strategy.Sociology of Sport and New Global Order (pp. 157-166), Seoul,
South Korea: Yonsei University.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2001). Sport matters: Urban regime theory and urban regeneration in
the late capitalist era. In Ian Henry and Chris Gratton (Eds.), Sport and the City: The Role of
Sport in Economic and Social Regeneration (259-277), London and New York: Routledge.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2001). Ownership. International Encyclopedia of Women and Sports
(845-849). London and New York: Macmillan Press and Berkshire Reference Works.
Publication: Encyclopedia Entries
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2000). Take me out to the ball game: The transformation of
production-consumption relations in professional team sport. In C. Lee Harrington and Denise
D. Bielby (Eds.),Popular culture: Production and consumption (pp. 36-52). Oxford, England:
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. & Chandler, Timothy J. L. (2000). Olympism in the classroom:
Partnership sponsored educational materials and the shaping of the school curriculum. In J.
Tolleneer and R. Renson (Eds.)
, Old boarders, new boarders, no boarders: Sport and physical
education in a period of change (pp. 421-430). Oxford, England: Meyer & Meyer. 2000
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1997). The edifice complex: Reliance on new sports stadiums to solve
urban problems. Australian Journal of Sport History, 14: 146-155.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1995). Growth politics, urban development, and sports stadium
construction in the U.S.: A case study. In John Bale & Olof Moen (Eds.), The stadium and the city
(pp. 111-156). Stafford, England: Keele University. 1995
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Ingham, Alan, G. and Howell, Jeremy W. (1993). Professional team
sport and the American city: Urban politics and franchise relocation. In Alan G. Ingham and
John Loy (Eds.), Sport and social development: Traditions, transitions, and transformation (pp.
211-244). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (In press). Sports mega-events and the urban regeneration business. In
Alberto Reppold and Selda Engelman (Eds.), Sports Mega-Events and Olympic Cities. Sao
Paulo, Brazil: Brazilian Ministry of Sports. Publication: Book Chapters
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2014, October). "Preservation of memory: The social responsibility of the
Olympic Games." The Third International Seminar of Olympic Studies, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2014
Type: International Invited
"Sport and the International Peace Movement," Invited PP lecture to undergraduate students in
the Social Justice Program course ITS 365 Peace-Building in the Balkans, July 3, 2014, Miami
University Study Abroad Program, Pristina, Kosovo.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kiblery S. (2014, July). "Black Hawk Sunday: Civic ritual, conspicuous security, and
the NFL's Super Bowl." The Annual Conference of the International Sociology of Sport
Association, Beijing, China.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Andersen, Jens, Donnelly, Peter & Kidd, Bruce (2014, November). "Sport
Governance: Critical Issues, Acedemic Activism." Invited workshop at the annual conference of
the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Portland, Oregon.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Coakely, Jay, Donnelly, Peter, Horne, John, Palmer, Catherine &
Knoppers, Annelies (2014, November). "
Assessing the Sociology of Sport: Trajectory, Challenges
and Future of the Field." Invited panel at the annual conference of the North American Society
for the Sociology of Sport, Portland, Oregon.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2013, October). "Extending the reach of US counter-terrorism policy
through sport mega- events." The 8th World Communication Conference on Sport and Society,
Aarhus, Denmark
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2013, November). "The National Football League and cultural
neoliberalism." The North Ametican Society for the Sociology of Sport, Quebec City, Canada.
Type: International Refereed
Hofmann, Annette, Schaaf, Daniela & Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012, November), "Team of
destiny? US and German print media representations of Japan's victory in the 2011 FIFA
Women's World Cup Championship," Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North
American Society for the Sociology of Sport, New Orleans, LA.
Type: International Refereed
“Sport for peace and development,” Invited lecture to undergraduate students in the social
justice program, May 30, 2012, Miami University Dolibois European Center, Luxembourg.
Type: International Invited
Pangio, Nicholas J. & Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2012, July). “Securing major sports events in
post-9/11 America: The case of football,” International Convention on Science, Education and
Medicine in Sport, Glasgow, Scotland. 2012
Type: International Refereed
“Sport and gender relations: Three frameworks for analysis,” Invited lecture to undergraduate
students in sport studies and women’s studies programs, September 16, 2011, University of
Campinas, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
“The organization of sports in the United States,” Invited lecture to undergraduate students in
sport studies, September 15, 2011, University of Campinas, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. and Mayer, Nicholas (2011, September). "The organization of American
sports: Issues and controversies," Invited presentation at International Scholar Forum, Limera,
Type: International Invited
Giulianotti, Richard and Schimmel, Kimbery S. (2011, September). "Women in international
sport: Katia Rubio's study of Brazilan Olympic athletes," Panel discussion, Univerersity of Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
“The organization of sports in the United States,” Invited lecture to undergraduate students in
sport studies, September 15, 2011, University of Campinas, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
“The organization of sports in the United States,” Invited lecture to undergraduate students in
sport studies, business, and physical education programs, September 15, 2011, University of
Limeria, Brazil. 2011
Type: International Invited
“Identity, sport and the Olympic stage,” Invited lecture to undergraduate majors in sport studies
and physical education, September 14, 2011, University of Campinas, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
“The urban impact of major sport events,” Invited lecture to graduate students in economics and
urban studies programs, September 13, 2011, University of Campinas, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2011, October). “The political economy of place: Sport and urban
development,” Featured presentation at Think Tank2: Sport Mega-Events Impacts, Leveraging,
and Legacies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2011, October). “Global sport events/Local impact: Reconstituting and
securing urban space,” Plenary session address delivered to Play The Game: The 7th World
Communication Conference on Sport and Society, Cologne, Germany.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2011, September). “Global sport events and place promotion: A political
economic perspective,” Featured presentation at the International Symposium on the Social
Impact of Sport Mega-Events, Center of Advanced Studies, University of Campanis, Campanis,
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2011, November). “Securing major sports infrastructure and events,” Plenary session address at the 3
Plenary session address at the 3rd International Conference on Sport Versus Crime, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
Type: International Invited
Kim, Young Ho & Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2010, November). Bids for the 2018 Pyeongchang
Winter Olympic Games: Why are Koreans Fanatical about Sports Mega-Events? Paper
presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport,
November 3-7, San Diego, CA.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2010, August). Major sports, urban identities, and the construction of the
"city-as-a-whole," Keynote presentation at the International Sport Science Congress/Korean
Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, August 29-31, 2010,
Chuncheon, Korea. [Translated into Korean]
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly, S. (2009, November). Sport, cities and (new?) urban policy under
America's first 'urban President.' Panel presentation on "Critical Sport Studies in Obama's
America," Annual Conference of The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Ottawa,
Canada. 2009
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2008, July). Mega-sport in the neo-liberalizing city. World Congress of
the International Sociology of Sport Association, Kyoto, Japan.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2008, August). The sports mega-events circuit: Urban
entrepreneurialism and the global market. Sociology of Sport Plenary Session of the Pre-Olympic
Congress: International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Guangzhou,
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2008, November). Sport megaevents and Olympic cities. Featured
presentation delivered at The Brazilian Ministry of Sport's Conference on Development of
Olympic Sport in Brazil, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2007, November). Sports mega-events and global urban marketing:
Selling the city, or selling it out? Plenary session address at the 5th World Communication
Conference on Sport and Society - Play The Game, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2007, August). Here we grow again! (Re)placing sport infrastructure in
the (re)developed city. World Congress of the International Sociology of Sport Association,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Harrington, C. Lee, and Bielby, Denise (2006, March). Fandom: sport
studies and fan studies perspectives. Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media
Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2006, November). Sport and the militarization of urban space. Annual
Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Vancouver, Canada.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2005, December). Reconsidering the capital/ community binary in
sport-related urban (re)development. The Third World Congress of the Sociology of Sport International Sociology of Sport Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2005, November). Empire building(s): Mega- event infrastructure and
local communities in the USA. Invited plenary session address delivered to the 4th World
Communication Conference on Sport and Society - Play The Game, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Type: International Invited
Adams, Mary Louise, Atkinson, Michael, Hribar, Amy, and Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2005,
October). Negotiating the post-PhD terrain. Annual Conference of the North American Society
for the Sociology of Sport, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2004, August). Sport-related urban development and the dynamics of
environmental policy. The Pre- Olympic Scientific Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2004, August). Deep play: Global urban status hierarchies and hosting
the Olympics in the new millennium.� Sociology of Sport Plenary Session of the
Pre- Olympic Scientific Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2003, June). Submerging the past: Urban sport
development and the politics of (local) environmental risk in
Cleveland, Ohio.� The International Sociology of Sport Association Annual Conference,
Cologne, Germany.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2002, July). Sport-related development, competitive urban growth, and
global environmental justice. International Sociological Association World Congress International Sport Sociology Association, Brisbane, Australia.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2002, November). Sport, (un)sustainable urban development, and
environmental justice. The 23rd Annual Conference of The North American Society for the
Sociology of Sport, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2001, July). Globalism, sport and US-style models for urban growth: The
dialectic of structure and strategy. International Sociology of Sociology of Sport Association,
Seoul, South Korea.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2001, March). Globalization and Americanization: Past and ongoing
debates in the sociology of sport. Keynote Address delivered to the General Conference of the
Japan Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tsukuba, Japan. [Translated into Japanese]
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (2000, July). Professional sport and urban social issues. Keynote
Address delivered to the Third International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Sport in the City,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Type: International Invited
Harrington, C. Lee & Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1999, July). Fans, affect and activism. International
Conference on Teams and Fans, Twin Waters, Queensland, Australia.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Baade, Robert, Sage, George, and Bartimole, Roldo (1999, November). Cleveland and the stadium
1999 issue: Social re
Cleveland and the stadium issue: Social research and social activism. The 20th Annual
Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Cleveland, Ohio. Type: International Invited
Nauright, John, Schimmel, Kimberly S., Phillips, Murray, Wilson, Brian & Maguire, Joseph
(1999, July). Fans, memory, identity and social action in global perspective. International
Conference on Teams and Fans, Twin Waters, Queensland, Australia. 1999
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. & Chandler, Timothy J. L. (1998, July). Olympism in the Classroom:
Partnership sponsored educational materials and the shaping of the school curriculum. The 10th
Annual Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport,
Leuven, Belgium.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1998, July). Sport and urban political economy: Toward a broader
agenda for examining the sport industry.� Lead Paper delivered to the Third Annual
Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, Manchester, England.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1998, July). Sport matters: Urban regime theory and urban regeneration
in the late capitalist era. Keynote Address delivered to the Second International, Interdisciplinary
Conference on Sport in the City, Sheffield, England.
Type: International Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. & Nauright, John. (1997, July). Urban growth politics and sport in the city:
Images and realities. International Australian Studies Association: Images of the Urban
Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Nauright, John & White, Phillip (1997, November). Moving teams across
boundaries: Franchise relocation, urban politics and local identities. Annual Conference of the
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Toronto, Canada. Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1996, November). It's an (E)erie strategy: Urban regime theory,
professional sport, and economic development in Cleveland. Annual Conference of the North
American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Birmingham, Alabama.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1996, November). Boon or boondoggle? Exploring the connections
between the modern sports industry, urban economic growth and promissory jobs. International
Symposium on Sport and the City: Cultural, Economic, and Political Considerations, Memphis,
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S., Assistant Professor, SELS, Kent State University; Hadley, Larry,
Professor of Economic, University of Dayton; Vredeveld, Professor of Economics, University of
Cincinnati; Bedinghaus, County Commissioner, Hamilton County, Ohio. (1996, April). The social
and economic implications of professional sports: Impact on localities. North Central Sociological
Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Type: Regional Invited
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1994, November). Putting sport on the redevelopment agenda: Issues
involving race, the control of urban space, and the needs of the community. Annual Conference
of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Savannah, Georgia.
Type: International Refereed
Schimmel, Kimberly S. (1993, November). The political economy of stadium development in the
United States. Lead paper delivered to the International, Interdisciplinary Conference on the
Stadium and the City, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Type: International Invited
Speaker, I (Heart) Travel Week
2014 - 2014
"Asian Sporting Passions: From Buzkashi to Baseball"
Type: University
Committee, College Advisory Committee
2014 - present
Type: College
Member, Provost's Intercultural Train-the-Trainers Program
2014 - present
Administered in conjunction with the Faculty Professional Development Center
Type: University
Advisory Board, Provost's Promotion Advisory Board
Type: University
2014 - 2015
Coordinator, Program Committee/World Congress of the International Sociological
2013 - 2014
Co-Coordinator of Research Committee 27 Sociology of Sport Congress Sessions, Yokohama, Japan.
Type: International
Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee
2013 - present
Type: Department
Committee, Conference Planning Committee/International Sociology of Sport Association
2013 - present
Plan the 50th annual conference of the ISSA, Paris, France.
Type: International
Editorship, Sociology of Sport Journal Associate Editor
2012 - present
Type: Profession
Adjudication, Granting Agency
2012 - 2012
Calgary Institue for the Humanities, University of Calgary, Canada
Type: Profession
Committee, Scientific Program Committee/The 8th World Communication Conference on
Sport and Society
2012 - 2013
Construction of conference themes and speaker's program, Aarhus, Denmark.
Type: International
Coordinator, Conference Planning Committee/International Sociology of Sport Association
2012 - 2014
Plan the annual conference of the ISSA, Beijing, China.
Type: International
Consulting, Graduate Student Research Group, Center for Olympic Studies
2012 - present
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Type: International
Vice President, International Sociology of Sport Association
2012 - present
Vice President (elected)
Type: International
Co-chair, Executive Board of ISSA/Registered Charity Commission of the UK
2012 - present
Designated as an Invididual Trustee for researching, formulating, and submitting an application to the Charities
Commission of the United Kingdom for the International Sociology of Sport Association to be registered as a Public
Benefit/Registered Charity (application under review, submitted July 2014).
Type: International
Editorial Board, Journal of Sport
Type: Profession
2011 - present
Representative, Research Council/International Sociological Association
2011 - present
Elected representative for RC27 Sociology of Sport
Type: International
Host, Brazilian Scholar: Gerald Read Center
2011 - 2011
Type: College
Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee
2011 - 2013
Type: Department
Editorial Board, Brazilian Journal of Sport and Physical Education
2011 - present
Type: Profession
Adjudication, Granting Agency
2010 - 2010
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Type: Profession
Committee, Play The Game: The 7th world Communication Conference on Sport and
2010 - 2011
Program Committee - Construction of conference themes and scientific and speaker's program, Cologne, Germany.
Type: International
Committee, Associate Deans Survey Committee
2010 - 2010
Ad Hoc Committee to design a tool for the evaluation of the Associate Deans of the College.
Type: College
Committee, International Sociology of Sport Association
2010 - 2011
Conference Planning Committee, World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Havana, Cuba.
Type: International
Host, Korean Scholar: Gerald Read Center
2009 - 2009
Type: College
Coordinator, International Sociology of Sport Association
2009 - 2011
Construct the criteria and Coordinate the review process to award Honorary Lifetime Memberships in the International
Sociology of Sport Association.
Type: International
Chair, International Sociology of Sport Association
2009 - 2009
Research Session - "Sport and Urban Development," Utrecht, Netherlands.
Type: International
Coordinator, International Sociology Association World Congress of Sociology
2009 - 2010
Research Committee 27 Session - "Sport Spectacle and Mega-Events," Gothenburg, Sweden.
Type: International
Committee, Gerald Read Center for International and Intercultural Education
2009 - 2010
Faculty Advisory Committee
Type: College
Vice President, International Sociology of Sport Association
2008 - 2011
Vice President (elected)
Type: International
Coordinator, World Congress of the International Sociology of Sport Association
2008 - 2009
Scientific Program - Utrecht, Netherlands.
Type: International
Coordinator, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
2008 - 2008
Research Session - "Sport and the Urban Condition," Denver, Colorado.
Type: International
Chair, 2008 Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress: International Convention on Science,
Education and Medicine in Sport
2008 - 2008
Invited Chair - "Sport Economics," Guangzhou, China.
Type: International
Adjudication, Granting Agency
2008 - 2008
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Type: Profession
Coordinator, International Sociology of Sport Association
2007 - 2011
Graduate Student Scholarly Paper Award
Type: International
Committee, World Congress of the International Sociology of Sport Association/Japanese
Sociology of Sport Association
2007 - 2008
Scientific Committee - Kyoto, Japan.
Type: International
Chair, World Congress of the International Sociology of Sport Association
2007 - 2007
Research Session - "Values and Attitudes in Sport," Copenhagen, Denmark.
Type: International
Editorial Board, Football Studies
2006 - 2009
Type: Profession
Coordinator, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
Research Session- "Sport in the City," Vancouver, Canada.
2006 - 2006
Type: International
Coordinator, International Sociology of Sport Association
2006 - 2006
Research Session - "Sport and the Quality of Social Existence in a Globalizing World," Durban, South Africa.
Type: International
Editorial Board, International Review for the Sociology of Sport
2006 - present
Type: Profession
Chair, Search CommitteeTT/Sociology of Sport & Sport Administration
2005 - 2005
Type: Department
Committee, College of EHHS Task Force on Faculty Affairs
2005 - 2006
Type: College
Chair, International Sociology of Sport Association
2005 - 2005
Research Session - "Sport and Community: Rethinking Community and Social Networks," Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Type: International
Chair, International Sociology of Sport Association
2005 - 2005
Research Session - "Sport and Social Theory," Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Type: International
Chair, The 4th Global Communication Conference on Sport and Society
2005 - 2005
Panel Session - "The Media: Part of the Fan Crowd or Watchdogs for the Public?" Copenhagen, Denmark.
Type: International
Advisory Board, International Sociology of Sport Association
2004 - 2008
Extended Board (invited) International Sociology of Sport Association
Type: International
Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee, School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport
2004 - 2005
Type: Department
Coordinator, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
2004 - 2004
Research Session - "Interdisciplinary Dialogues: Sport Studies and Urban Studies," Tucson, Arizona.
Type: International
Editor, Book and Media Reviews: International Review for the Sociology of Sport
2003 - 2006
Type: Profession
Committee, Search Committee/School Director
Type: Department
2002 - 2003
Committee, Search Committee TT/Sport Studies
2002 - 2003
Type: Department
Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee, School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport
2002 - 2004
Type: Department
Committee, College Advisory Committee/ College of F&PA
2002 - 2003
Type: College
Committee, SELS Ad Hoc Committee on Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion
2002 - 2005
Type: Department
Coordinator, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
2002 - 2002
Research Session - "Sport and the Urban Condition," Indianapolis, Indiana.
Type: International
Chair, World Congress of the Sociology of Sport
2001 - 2001
Research Session - "Representation and Consumption of Global Sport Culture," Seoul, South Korea.
Type: International
Reviewer, Book-Length Manuscript
2001 - present
CHOICE Book Reviews for University Libraries
BERG Books
McGraw-Hill Educational Group
Palgrave Macmillian
State University of New York Press
Taylor & Francis
Temple University Press
Type: Profession
Reviewer, Guest Reviewer Journal Article
2001 - present
International Journal of Political Science and Development
International Review for the Sociology of Sport Journal of Sport History
Journal of Sport Management
Journal of Sport and Social Issues
Journal of Urban Affairs
Mass Communication and Society
Public Managment Review
Sociology of Sport Journal
Tourism Geographies
Urban Studies
Type: Profession
Member, McNair Scholarship Program
Served as Faculty Mentor in the McNair Summer Research Program.
Type: University
2000 - 2001
Committee, Search Committee NTT/Sport Studies
2000 - 2000
Type: Department
Committee, International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport
1999 - 2000
Scientific Committee - Queensland, Australia.
Type: International
Committee, Ad Hoc Committee for Speaker Selection for Women's History Month
1999 - 1999
Type: University
Committee, The Third International Interdisciplinary Conference in Sport in the City
1999 - 2000
Conference Organizing Committee, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Type: International
Committee, Search Committee TT/Sport Administration
1998 - 1998
Type: Department
Committee, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
1998 - 1999
Conference Organizing Committee - Cleveland, Ohio.
Type: International
Committee, International Conference on Teams and Fans
1998 - 1999
Conference Organizing Committee - Twin Waters, Australia.
Type: International
Coordinator, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
1998 - 1998
Research Session, "Sport and Politics in Global Perspective," Las Vegas, Nevada.
Type: International
Committee, Search Committee TT/Sport Pedagogy
1997 - 1997
Type: Department
Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee, School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport
1997 - 1999
Type: Department
Chair, Ad Hoc Sub-committee for the creation of Affiliate Status to the Women's Studies
1997 - 1999
Construct the criteria and coordinate the review process for appointing Women's Studies Affiliate Status
Type: University
Committee, Curriculum Committee; School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport
Type: Department
1996 - 1997
Committee, Ad Hoc Sub-committee for the Creation of a Women's Studies Minor; the
Women's Studies Program
1996 - 1997
Type: University
Coordinator, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
1996 - 1996
Research Session - "Sport and Urban Issues," Birmingham, Alabama.
Type: International
Committee, Women's Studies Coordinating Council
1995 - 2001
Type: University
Co PI, Survey of the International Sports Press
2011 - 2011
Collaboration with: Theresa Walton and Kimberly S. Schimmel
Awarded: $2,455.00 (5 2011) Research & Sponsored Programs - Basic Research Co PI, Co PI, International Sport Press Survey 2010
2010 - 2010
Collaboration with: Theresa Walton and Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $2,455.00 Status: Awarded
Awarded: $2,455.00 (5 2010) Division of Research and Sponsored Programs Co PI, International Sport Press Survey 2005
2005 - 2005
Small Grant Request
Collaboration with: Theresa Walton and Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $1,250.00 Status: Awarded
Awarded: $1,250.00 Office of Research and Graduate Studies PI, Sport and Global Politics
2003 - 2003
Summer Teaching Development Award
Collaboration with: Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $6,500.00 Status: Awarded
Awarded: $6,500.00 University Teaching Council PI, Nation-building in South Africa
2002 - 2002
Faculty Development Seminar
Collaboration with: Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $2,100.00 Awarded: $2,100.00 U.S. Council of International Educational Exchange Status: Awarded
PI, Norwegian Folk High Schools, Sport, and Cultural Identity: Resisting Globalization
Through Local Pedagogical Practices
2001 - 2001
Travel and Learning Grant
Collaboration with: Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $1,200.00 Status: Awarded
Awarded: $1,200.00 University Teaching Council PI, Professional Sport and Local Political Economies: A Comparative Study of Cleveland
and Cincinnati
1996 - 1996
Summer Research and Creative Activity Appointment Competition
Collaboration with: Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $6,500.00 Status: Awarded
Awarded: $6,500.00 (05 1996) Division of Research and Graduate Studies Co PI, Arenas of Memory: Fans, Identity, Professional Sports and Global Capital in
Australia, Canada, the USA and England
1996 - 1998
Large Grant Request
Collaboration with: John Nauright, Joseph Maguire, Murray Phillips, Phillip White, and Kimberly S. Schimmel
Submitted: $159,815.00 Awarded: $159,815.00 Australian Research Council Status: Awarded