Summer 2011 OSU-Cascades Campus Schedule of Classes Summer 2011 ANTH Title ST: PRIMATES IN ECO COMMUNITY Summer 2011 Anthropology ANTU Crs# ART Sec CRN # 501 7338 5 503 7357 5 503 7389 1 501 7332 6 502 7332 7 Crs# ADVISOR REVIEW 306 INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 READING AND CONFERENCE 405 READING AND CONFERENCE 405 PROJECTS 406 501 7332 8 406 502 7332 9 415 501 7332 0 475 501 7332 2 ART FOR TEACHERS I PAINTING III ART FOR TEACHERS I Summer 2011 Title INTRO TO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT VENTURE MANAGEMENT CR Meeting Time MTWR 1300-1450 7/18/11- TBA 8/12/11 1-21 TBA TBA 1-21 TBA Instructor Waller, M. Registration Restrictions CR Meeting Time Instructor Waller, M. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. O Grady, P. TBA Cannon-Miller, K. Location Registration Restrictions TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $88.00 Hiratsuka, Y. 1 4 MTWRF 0900-1700 8/8/11- CSB 201 8/12/11 Business Administration Sec CRN CR Meeting Time # 360 501 7330 4 MTWR 0830-1200 7/11/119 7/29/11 460 501 7337 4 F 0830-1200 8/26/11 9 MTWR 0830-1200 8/29/119/1/11 TWR 0830-1200 9/6/119/8/11 MTWR 0830-1200 9/12/119/15/11 Crs# Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. JOHN MAUL, 105 FAIR, 541-737-4745 515 501 7332 4 3 BA Location 4 MTWRF 0900-1700 8/8/118/12/11 4 R 0900-1700 7/28/11 F 0900-1700 7/29/11 S 0900-1500 7/30/11 R 0900-1700 8/4/11 F 0900-1700 8/5/11 S 0900-1500 8/6/11 481 501 7401 3-5 TBA 6 PRINTMAKING STUDIO Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Art Title PROJECTS Registration Restrictions Anthropology-UO Sec CRN # UO. PRIMATES IN ECO COMMUN 375- 501 7390 U 9 UO. SPECIAL PROBLEMS 406- 501 7414 U 1 UO. PRACTICUM 409- 501 7414 U 2 Title Summer 2011 DAVID McMURRAY, 238 WALD, 541-737-4515 Sec Crs# CRN CR Meeting Time Location # 399 501 7395 4 MTWR 1300-1450 7/18/11- TBA 5 8/12/11 Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Instructor Brooke, S. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. BRENDA SALLEE (Undergrad), 541-737-3716; JAMES COAKLEY (Grad), 214 BEXL, 541-737-3716 Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Briggs, V. TBA TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Newhart, R. *=Baccalaureate Core Course; ^=WIC Course. When restrictions apply, see web SOC at Instructor Page 1 Summer 2011 OSU-Cascades Campus Schedule of Classes Summer 2011 BIO Sec CRN CR Meeting Time Location # 399- 501 7388 4 MTWR 0800-0950 7/18/11- TBA U 9 8/12/11 Title Crs# SS:PUBLIC HEALTH: ASP & ISSUES Summer 2011 Biology-UO COMM Title Crs# INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 READING AND CONFERENCE 405 PROJECTS 406 COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP 410 Summer 2011 CSS Summer 2011 ENG Title Crs# INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 READING AND CONFERENCE 405 PROJECTS 406 ^STUDIES IN NONFICTION 445 STUDIES IN NONFICTION Summer 2011 Title INTERNSHIP Summer 2011 Title *LIV WTH ACTIVE CASC VOLCANOES Sec CRN # 501 7335 1 501 7335 2 501 7335 3 501 7343 6 Ball, P. CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Dollar, N. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. Crop & Soil Science Instructor T. MITZEL, 3017 ALS, 541-737-2441 Registration Restrictions Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. English Sec CRN # 501 7333 0 501 7333 1 501 7333 2 501 7333 3 501 7392 2 Instructor ROBERT ILTIS, 104 SHEP, 541-737-2461 Crs# ST: SOIL SCIENCE FOR TEACHERS Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Communication Sec CRN CR Meeting Time Location # 599 501 7392 3 MTWR 0900-1650 7/11/11- TBA 5 7/14/11 Title Registration Restrictions Instructor Reuter, R. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, 238 MORE, 541-737-3244 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff 1-16 Fees Instructor 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. 4 MTWRF 1300-1650 6/20/11- TBA 8/12/11 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. 545 501 7392 4 3 MTWRF 1300-1650 6/20/11- TBA 8/12/11 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. FOR Forest Resources Sec CRN CR Meeting Time # 410 501 7330 1-16 TBA 7 Crs# GEO DEPARTMENT OFFICE, 204 PVY, 541-737-4952 Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Geosciences Sec Crs# CRN CR Meeting Time # 305 501 7391 3 TW 0900-1150 7/5/114 7/6/11 RF 0900-1330 7/7/11-7/8/11 MTWRF 0900-1150 7/11/117/15/11 Fees Instructor Gassner, M. MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 541-737-1238 Location Registration Restrictions Fees TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BGEO fee of $19.00 *=Baccalaureate Core Course; ^=WIC Course. When restrictions apply, see web SOC at Instructor Mc Kay, D. 2 Summer 2011 OSU-Cascades Campus Schedule of Classes Summer 2011 Sciences HDFS Human Dev and Family Title Crs# PARENTING RESEARCH & APPLIC *FAMILIES AND POVERTY 312 447 T/CLROOM GUIDANCE U/TRIBES 465 PGM Summer 2011 LS Crs# INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 PROJECTS 406 INTERNSHIP 410 INTERNSHIP 410 NR Title IN: CEN OREG LIVE FUELS INTERN INTERNSHIP: RESTORATION Summer 2011 Abroad 3 Sec CRN # 406 502 7408 3 410 501 7392 4 410 502 7408 2 PS Title READING AND CONFERENCE Sec CRN # 402 501 7335 4 405 501 7335 5 406 501 7335 6 Title Crs# BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 330 RESEARCH 401 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 456 Instructor Lynn, D. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lipscomb, S. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Edwards, J. JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 541-737-0561 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Fees Instructor PAUL DOESCHER, 215 PVY, 541-737-9135 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 1-9 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. Location Registration Restrictions 3 Fees Instructor Instructor Staff Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff DENISE LACH, 306 FAIR, 541-737-5471 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. Psychology Sec CRN # 501 7400 1 501 7400 0 501 7399 9 Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Political Science PSY Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. OS/Various Locations Crs# INDEPENDENT STUDY Registration Restrictions 1-16 TBA Sec CRN CR Meeting Time # 388 911 7337 12 2 388 912 7345 8 1 OS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS Summer 2011 4 Location MTWRF 1300-1550 6/20/11- TBA 7/1/11 MTWRF 0900-1250 9/2/11- TBA 9/16/11 MTWR 0900-1650 8/8/11- TBA 8/11/11 Crs# OS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS PROJECTS 4 Natural Resources OSAB Title Summer 2011 Sec CRN # 501 7346 0 501 7355 6 501 7400 2 502 7414 0 Crs# PROJECT: PIKA RESEARCH CR Meeting Time ALEXIS WALKER, 322 MLM, 541-737-4765 Liberal Studies Title Summer 2011 Sec CRN # 501 7391 1 501 7391 2 501 7330 6 CR Meeting Time 4 Instructor JOHN EDWARDS, 204 MORE, 541-737-2311 Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Walker-Sands, R. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. MTWR 1000-1150 6/20/11- TBA 7/15/11 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Daniels IDDP-HR, E. TWR 1600-1740 6/20/118/12/11 1-16 TBA 4 Fees Fees *=Baccalaureate Core Course; ^=WIC Course. When restrictions apply, see web SOC at Instructor 3 Summer 2011 OSU-Cascades Campus Schedule of Classes ST: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Summer 2011 499 501 7399 4 8 PSYU Title Crs# UO. BIOPSYCHOLOGY 304U 401U 409U 410U 478U UO. RESEARCH UO. PRACTICUM UO. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY UO. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Summer 2011 SOC Title Sec CRN # 501 7389 0 501 7331 5 501 7331 6 501 7331 0 501 7391 0 CR Meeting Time Title Crs# INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 IS: HUMAN GROWTH, LIFESPAN 502 DEV IS: LIFESTYLE & CAREER 502 COUNSEL IS: GROUP COUNSELING 502 IS: SOC & CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS IS: SOC & CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS PROJECTS: PORTFOLIO DEVELOP PROJECTS: INTERNSHIP: ESOL HUMAN DEVEL, LEARNING & EDUC Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Walker-Sands, R. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. 1-9 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. MTWR 1000-1150 7/18/11- TBA 8/12/11 MTWR 1000-1150 6/20/11- TBA 7/15/11 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Porzelius, L. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Daniels IDDP-HR, E. 4 4 Sociology COUNSEL INTERNSHIP CMH COUNSEL INTERNSHIP SCH Fees Sec CRN # 501 7334 8 502 7334 9 503 7335 0 504 7359 0 505 7413 3 502 506 7413 4 502 507 7427 1 506 501 7329 7 506 502 7428 7 510 501 7353 1 Instructor DENISE LACH, 306 FAIR, 541-737-5471 Registration Restrictions Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Instructor Lynn, D. Teacher & Counselor 204 EDUC, 541-737-8575 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mphande-Finn, J. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. Fees Instructor 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cowin, K. 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Platt, C. F 0900-1150 6/20/11-9/2/11 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. MTWR 0800-1150 6/27/117/1/11 TWRF 0800-1150 7/5/117/8/11 T 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 T 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 T 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 T 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mphande-Finn, J. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Schmidt, S. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Boudinot, V. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Emerson, C. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kelley, K. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mphande-Finn, J. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 3 511 501 7392 3 6 COUNSELING PRE-PRACT CMH 513 501 7334 0 COUNSELING PRE-PRACT 513 502 7395 SCHOOL 0 COUNSELING PRE-PRACT CMH 513 503 7395 1 COUNSELING PRE-PRACT CMH 513 504 7399 7 COUNSEL INTERNSHIP CMH Porzelius, L. TWR 1600-1740 6/20/118/12/11 1-21 TBA 4 Sec CRN CR Meeting Time Location # 312 501 7391 4 MTWRF 0900-1150 6/20/11- TBA 3 7/1/11 TCE Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Psychology-UO Crs# *SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Summer 2011 Education MTWR 1000-1150 7/18/11- TBA 8/12/11 3 3 3 3 515 501 7334 1-15 M 1630-1930 6/20/117 8/12/11 515 502 7395 1-15 R 1630-1930 6/20/112 8/12/11 515 503 7395 1-15 R 1630-1930 6/20/113 8/12/11 STPF fee of $25.00 STPF fee of $25.00 *=Baccalaureate Core Course; ^=WIC Course. When restrictions apply, see web SOC at Platt, C. Biles, K. 4 Summer 2011 OSU-Cascades Campus Schedule of Classes ACADEMIC WRITING 517 501 7394 1 9 USE ASSESSMENT TO IMPROVE 528 501 7393 3 INST 8 F 0900-1400 7/1/11 F 0900-1400 8/5/11 TR 0900-1245 7/5/117/28/11 TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Gronemyer, K. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sugden, L. FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELING FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELING APP PSYCHOPHARM FOR COUNSELORS PLANNIN CURRIC ALIGNED TO STDS SPECIAL ED ISSUE IN COUNSELING 530 501 7329 8 530 502 7394 8 536 501 7395 4 545 501 7333 8 548 501 7334 6 3 MTWR 0800-1150 6/20/117/1/11 MTWRF 0900-1550 8/22/118/26/11 T 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 MTWRF 0900-1200 6/20/117/1/11 F 1630-2020 7/22/11 S 0900-1600 7/23/11 F 1630-2020 8/5/11 S 0900-1600 8/6/11 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. May Korish, M. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. May Korish, M. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sugden, L. TBA TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holley, W. TEACH DIFFERENTIATE/DIVERSE CL THEORY & TECHQS COUNSELING I THEORY & TECHQS COUNSELING II INTEGRATION OF THE DISCIPLINES RESEARCH IN LEARNING 549 501 7333 6 551 501 7334 1 552 501 7334 2 555 501 7394 7 560 501 7330 4 3 MWF 0900-1150 7/6/117/27/11 R 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 W 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 MTWRF 0900-1450 7/18/117/22/11 MTWR 1300-1650 7/25/118/5/11 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Denson-Hill, C. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kelley, K. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Schmidt, S. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cowin, K. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cowin, K. 560 502 7346 7 RESEARCH IN LEARNING 560 503 7403 1 INTRO TO RESEARCH METHODS 562 501 7334 IN E 3 STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL 563 501 7330 NEEDS 1 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. 3 M 1630-2020 6/20/118/12/11 MTWR 1300-1520 6/27/117/1/11 TWRF 1300-1520 7/5/117/8/11 S 0800-1640 6/18/11 S 0800-1640 7/23/11 S 0800-1640 8/6/11 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Chianello, T. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Anderson, W. TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. MWF 1300-1550 7/6/117/27/11 MTWR 0900-1120 7/25/118/5/11 R 0800-1700 8/11/11 F 0800-1700 8/12/11 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Denson-Hill, C. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Buhrle, J. CSB 247 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Gronemyer, K. RESEARCH IN LEARNING 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 LIFESTYLE & CAREER DEVELOPMENT 568 501 7334 3 5 THEOR FDNS LANG ACQ P-12 EDUCA ST: DISPOSIT, BOUNDARY, ETHICS ST: TEACH W/ PRIMARY SOURCES 572 501 7333 3 7 599 501 7329 2 9 599 502 7330 2 3 Summer 2011 Title *POETRY WRITING WR Written English Sec CRN CR Meeting Time Location # 341 501 7428 4 MTWR 1700-1930 7/18/11- TBA 6 8/12/11 Crs# SUSAN MEYERS, 316 MORE, 541-737-1649 Registration Restrictions Fees Restrictions apply. See web SOC. *=Baccalaureate Core Course; ^=WIC Course. When restrictions apply, see web SOC at Instructor Staff Page 5