Spring 2004 ANTH Anthropology Title UO.RESEARCH UO.FIELD WORK IN ARCHAEOLOGY Spring 2004 JOHN A. YOUNG, 238 WALD, 737-4515 Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time 401-U 001 36035 1-21 408-U 001 35823 4 S 0800-1600 ART Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Upper division Anthropology and instructor's approval. TBA CM+B PREREQ: ANTH 101 or instructor's approval. Art Crs# 383 402 405 406 411 Sec# 001 002 001 002 001 CRN CR Meeting Time 36750 4 TR 1300-1600 36755 1-16 36756 1-16 36757 1-16 35884 3 F 0900-1200 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 247 CM+B PREREQ: Art core curriculum, ART 281. Course Fee; $30.00. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CSB 247 CM+B PRE REQ: Art core curriculum. COURSE FEE: $30.00. ART FOR TEACHERS I ^METHS & THEORY ART HISTORY PAINTING III ART FOR TEACHERS I 415 469 481 515 001 002 002 001 35131 37506 37551 35139 CSB 247 CM+B CM+B CSB 247 CM+B CSB 247 CM+B BA Spring 2004 Crs# 352 390 460 469 492 BIO Crs# 322-U 360-U 370-U 401-U CH Sec# 007 003 003 007 001 TR 1300-1600 TR 1800-2100 Course Fee: $15.00. PREREQ: Instructor's approval. PREREQ: 9 credits of 300 level painting. FEE: $30.00. Course Fee: $15.00. Instructor Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Sayre Brooke Brooke CLARA HORNE, 214 BEXL, 737-3716 CRN CR 35607 4 36748 4 36746 4 36747 4 36838 4 Meeting Time TR 1300-1445 TR 1500-1645 F 1200-1500 MW 1300-1445 MW 1500-1645 Location CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PRE-REQ: Junior standing. CM+B PREREQ: ECON 201 and junior standing. CM+B PREREQ: BA 340, BA 350, BA 390 and senior standing. CM+B PREREQ: BA 340, BA 350, BA 352, BA 357, BA 390 and senior standing. CM+B PREREQ: BA 390 and senior standing; or BA 590. P/N Sec# 001 001 001 001 CRN CR 35071 4 36802 4 35825 4 36806 1-16 Meeting Time TR 0900-1020 WF 0900-1030 TR 1530-1700 Location CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 201 Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: BI 214 or BI 399 at Cascades Campus, or instructor's approval. CM+B PREREQ: BI 214 or BI 399 at Cascades Campus or instructor's approval. CM+B PREREQ: BI 213 or BI 253 or instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Upper division Biology and instructor approval. P/N Chemistry Instructor Hacker Hacker Crs# Sec# CRN CR 336-U 001 35111 4 UO.PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOCHEMISTRY UO.RESEARCH 360-U 001 401-U 001 COMM Title RESEARCH INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS DYNAM OF DEMOCRACY: COMM DIALO 36803 36033 4 1-21 Meeting Time MWF 1300-1350 M 1400-1450 TR 1200-1350 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees OCH 204 CM+B PREREQ: CH 334. OCH 204 CSB 118 CM+B PREREQ: CH 332 or instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Upper division Chemistry and instructor's approval. Communication Crs# 401 402 405 406 408 Instructor Clark Leahy JOHN C. WESTALL, 153 GILB, 737-2081 Title UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III Spring 2004 TR 1800-2100 P/N UO-Biology Title UO. CELL BIOLOGY UO. NEUROBIOLOGY UO.ECOLOGY UO. RESEARCH Spring 2004 4 3 4 4 Business Administration Title ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MARKETING VENTURE MANAGEMENT ^STRATEGIC MGT & BUS POLICY CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Instructor Leahy Helzer JIM FOLTS, 106 FAIR, 737-4745 Title PAINTING II: ABSTRACT AND MULT INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS ^CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN ART Spring 2004 P/N Sec# 001 002 002 002 002 CRN CR Meeting Time 36833 1-16 35861 1-16 35863 1-16 35864 1-16 37104 1 U 1800-2000 P/N Instructor Higginbotham Higginbotham Leahy GREGG WALKER, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CSB 248 CM+B P/N Instructor Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP ETHNOGRAPHY OF COMMUNICATION 410 416 002 001 35865 33809 *COMM IN INTNL CONFLICT & DISP COMM IN INTNL CONFLICT & DISPU 446 546 001 001 37101 37102 Spring 2004 CSS ED Crs# 305 Sec# CRN CR 001 36835 4 CRN CR 35018 2 36876 2 35020 5 35019 5 35022 5 EOU. STU TEACHING: HIGH SCH EOU. STU TEACHING: ECE/PRIMARY EOU. STU TEACHING: ELEMENTARY EOU. STU TEACHING: MID LEVEL EOU. STU TEACHING: HIGH SCHOOL 416-E 532-E 532-E 532-E 532-E 002 001 002 003 004 35021 36871 36870 36868 36864 Sec# 002 001 001 001 CRN CR 37802 1-16 36758 3 36830 3 36759 3 Spring 2004 ENGL Title EOU. SEMINAR Spring 2004 EXSS Spring 2004 Title RECREATION BEHAVIOR & MGMT Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 201 CM+B PREREQ: CH 122. NOTES: One or more Saturday field trips are required. CSB 202 P/N Instructor Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. CM+B PREREQ: Admission to program. CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B P/N PREREQ: Admission to program. PREREQ: Admit to program. PREREQ: Admit to program. PREREQ: Admit to program. PREREQ: Admission to program. Instructor Ersoff Evans Evans Evans Ersoff Ersoff ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Meeting Time W 1600-1900 MW 1305-1420 W 1600-1900 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. CSB 248 CM+B CSB 248 CM+B CSB 248 CM+B P/N Instructor Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: ENGL 206, ENGL 403 and one British or American survey course; upper division standing, program admission. P/N Instructor Sumpter-Latham EOU-English Meeting Time Exercise and Sport Science Crs# 306 FOR Meeting Time 5 5 5 5 5 Crs# Sec# CRN CR 407-E 001 37803 2 Title PROJECTS Meeting Time MW 0830-1000 W 1100-1400 English Crs# 406 416 445 516 Walker Walker ALLAN BRAZIER, 308E EDUC, 737-4661 Sec# 001 002 001 002 001 ENG Dollar Dollar PREREQ: COMM 321 or instructor approval. PREREQ: COMM 321 or instructor pproval. Education Crs# 412-E 412-E 415-E 415-E 416-E Title PROJECTS *POWER AND REPRESENTATION ^STUDIES IN NONFICTION POWER AND REPRESENTATION PREREQ: Major with minimum of 21 credits or department approval required. PREREQ: COMM 321 or instructor approval. R.S. KAROW, P. MULLETT, 3005B ALS, 737-2894 Title EOU. STU TEACHING SEM: MID/HS EOU. STU TEACH SEM: PRI/ELEM EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: ELEM EOU. STUDENT TEACHING: PRIMARY EOU. STU TEACHING: MIDDLE SCH Spring 2004 CM+B CSB 248 CM+B CSB 248 CSB 248 CM+B CSB 248 CM+B Crop & Soil Science Title PRINCIPLES OF SOIL SCIENCE Spring 2004 1-16 3 W 1100-1259 M 1200-1259 3 M 1800-2100 3 M 1800-2100 Sec# CRN CR 002 37814 1 Meeting Time ANTHONY WILCOX, 214 LANG, 737-2643 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Must be member of the National Guard. Forest Resources Crs# 351 Sec# CRN CR 001 36837 4 P/N Instructor J. WALSTAD, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Meeting Time F 1030-1430 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 118 CM+B P/N Instructor Sharp RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP *CONSENSUS & NATURAL RESOURCES Spring 2004 GEO 401 485 002 001 37566 36874 1-16 3 S 0800-1600 F 1800-2100 PREREQ: Instructor's approval. DATES: Course meets 3 weekends during term: April 2 and 3, April 23 and 24, May 14 and 15. TIMES: Fridays, 6 - 9 p.m.; Saturdays, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Geosciences Crs# 301 Sec# CRN CR 002 36836 4 *LIV WTH ACTIVE CASC VOLCANOES 305 001 GEOG Title UO. GEOGRAPHIC FIELD STUDIES Sharp MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 737-1238 Title MAP AND IMAGE INTERPRETATION Spring 2004 CM+B CSB 246 CM+B CSB 246 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 248 CM+B PREREQ: CS 101. CSB 248 CSB 201 CM+B Field trip required; transportation fee charged. P/N 3 Meeting Time T 0800-0930 R 0800-1050 TR 1100-1230 Crs# Sec# CRN CR 313-U 001 35828 4 Meeting Time F 1300-1600 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees TBA CM+B P/N Instructor Long Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Instructor 36834 Instructor Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Geography There are no scheduled Spring 2004 GEOL UO-Geology Title Spring 2004 Crs# HDFS Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Human Dev and Family Sciences CLARA C. PRATT, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Title DIRECTED EXP IN EARLY CHILDHOO APPLIED RESEARCH METHODS READING AND CONFERENCE READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS Crs# 331 361 405 405 406 Sec# 002 002 003 004 003 CRN CR Meeting Time 33805 3 35849 3 T 1500-1750 35846 1-6 37565 1-6 35847 1-6 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: HDFS 330 and instructor approval. CSB 104 CM+B PREREQ: HDFS 360 and ST 201, or HDFS 360 and MTH 211 and MTH 212 CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. PROJECTS SEMINAR ADV INTERNSHIP - FIELD PLACEME 406 407 410 005 003 001 37564 35845 36753 1-6 1-16 F 0900-1050 3-15 CM+B CSB 104 CM+B CM+B ADV INTERNSH - FIELD PLACEMENT SUPER EXPER IN EARLY CHILDHD 410 430 004 003 37563 36752 3-15 9 CHILD BEHAV SUPP IN GROUP SETT INDIV & FAMILY POLI & PGMS II TOP/HDFS: INTERVENTION SKILLS 433 462 465 002 002 003 35848 35850 37319 3 3 3 M 1500-1750 R 1500-1750 W 1500-1750 CSB 104 CM+B CSB 104 CM+B CSB 104 CM+B Crs# Sec# CRN CR 467-U 001 36804 4 Meeting Time T 1800-2100 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 201 CM+B Spring 2004 HIST Title UO.THE AMERICAN WEST Spring 2004 Title INDEPENDENT STUDY INDEPENDENT STUDY INDEPENDENT STUDY LS CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Junior or senior standing. Restricted to students in HDFS option, OSU Gerontology program. PREREQ: Junior or senior standing. Restricted to students in HDFS options. PREREQ: HDFS 331 and instructor approval. P/N P/N P/N P/N PREREQ: HDFS 211; HDFS 233 or HDFS 261: HDFS 310 or 331. PREREQ: HDFS 410 or HDFS 331 and HDFS 460 Instructor Brey Dowd Coehlo Brey Coehlo Brey Brey Brey Coehlo Brey Brey Dowd Coehlo UO-History Liberal Studies Crs# 402 402 402 Sec# 002 003 004 P/N Instructor JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 CRN CR Meeting Time 36767 1-16 36799 1-16 36800 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. P/N Instructor Dollar Foster INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE 402 405 005 001 36801 36766 1-16 1-3 CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor's approval. READING AND CONFERENCE READING AND CONFERENCE READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS PROJECTS 405 405 405 406 406 002 003 004 014 015 36796 36797 36798 36765 36792 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-16 1-16 CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval. Dollar Foster PROJECTS PROJECTS INTERNSHIP 406 406 410 016 018 001 36793 36794 36751 1-16 1-16 1-12 CM+B CM+B CM+B Foster INTERNSHIP 410 002 36791 1-12 CM+B INTERNSHIP 410 003 36790 1-12 CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval. PREREQ: Instructor approval; junior or senior standing and 15 credits of OSU residence work. PREREQ: Instructor approval. Junior or senior standing and 15 credit hours of OSU residence work completed. PREREQ: Instructor approval. Junior or senior standing and 15 credits of OSU residence work completed. INTERNSHIP 410 004 36789 1-12 CM+B Spring 2004 MATH MS Crs# 315-U 425-U 433-U 533-U PS Sec# 001 001 001 001 Crs# 311 POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP UO. POLITICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE 410 002 491-U 001 RNG Location CSB 105 CSB 114 CSB 105 CSB 105 Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: MATH 253. CM+B PREREQ: MATH 111, or satisfactory placement test score. CM+B PREREQ: MATH 281, MATH 341. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. Meeting Time T 1300-1500 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 115 CM+B PREREQ: Must be member of the National Guard. Dollar P/N Foster P/N Sec# 002 001 002 002 011 CRN CR Meeting Time 37233 4 MW 1000-1200 36761 1-16 36760 1-16 36762 1-16 36763 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 201 CM+B CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor approval. COREQ: PS 410. 36764 35841 CM+B CSB 201 CM+B 1-12 4 M 1600-1900 Sec# 002 002 001 P/N P/N PREREQ: Instructor approval. COREQ: PS 40. Meeting Time TR 1300-1430 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 201 CM+B PREREQ: General Psychology. Rangeland Resources Crs# 406 490 499 Instructor Tingey Tingey Tingey Tingey Instructor Instructor Ersoff Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Myagkov JOHN GILLIS, 204 MORE, 737-2311 Crs# Sec# CRN CR 410-U 001 35833 4 Title PROJECTS RANGELAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING ST/ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT P/N WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Psychology Title UO.HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Spring 2004 Meeting Time TR 1100-1230 MW 1500-1630 TR 1500-1630 TR 1500-1630 Political Science Crs# 399 401 402 405 406 PSY P/N MAJOR LAURA GARREN, MCAF 200, 737-6900 Sec# CRN CR 001 37815 3 Title ISRAEL & ISLAM: INTL DISPU RES RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP INDEPENDENT STUDY READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS Spring 2004 CRN CR 35826 4 35827 4 36754 4 37381 4 Military Science Title LDRSHIP & MGT OF MIL ORG Spring 2004 PREREQ: Instructor approval. Junior or senior standing and 15 credits of OSU residence work completed. P/N UO-Mathematics Title UO.ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS UO. STATISTICAL METHODS I UO. DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY UO.DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY Spring 2004 Dollar CRN CR 37784 3 35228 4 36808 4 P/N Instructor Porzelius W.C. KRUEGER, 202 STAG, 737-3341 Meeting Time TR 1715-1900 R 1230-1525 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. CSB 246 CM+B CSB 117 CM+B P/N Instructor Ehrhart Ehrhart MW 1600-1725 Spring 2004 SOC Sociology Title UO.INTERNSHIP SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CONSENSUS & NATURAL RESOURCES Spring 2004 SPAN Title THIRD-YEAR SPANISH READING AND CONFERENCE. Crs# 404-U 424 485 GARY TIEDEMAN, 307 FAIR, 737-2641 Sec# 001 001 001 CRN CR Meeting Time 36032 1-16 36867 3 F 1030-1330 36807 3 S 0800-1600 F 1800-2100 Spanish Crs# 313 405 CSB 118 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N CM+B PREREQ: Upper division Sociology and instructor's approval. CSB 248 CM+B PREREQ: SOC 204. CSB 246 CM+B DATES: Friday evenings, all day Saturday -- April 2 and 3, 2004; April 23 and 24, 2004; May 14 and 15, 2004 (3 weekends). TIMES: Friday (6 - 9 p.m.); Saturdays (8 a.m. - 4 CSB 246 p.m.). Instructor Leahy Cramer Cramer JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time 007 37230 3 TR 0900-1030 002 37904 1-16 Location Enrllm't Limitations Prerequisites/Notes/Fees CSB 118 CM+B PREREQ: SPAN 312 or placement and departmental approval. CM+B PREREQ: Instructor's approval. P/N Instructor