Fall 2007 ANAT Anatomy-UO Title Crs# UO. HUMAN ANATOMY I 311-U 001 14947 Sec# CRN CR 3 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TR 1000-1120 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions RF 1430-1550 9/17/07-11/30/07 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Verscheure, S. Winter 2008: 312-U Fall 2007 ANTU Anthropology-UO Title Crs# UO. OREGON ARCHAEOLOGY 344-U 001 17108 Sec# CRN CR 4 Fees Instructor O'Neill, B. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 17109 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lukacs, J. UO. THE ANTHROPOLOGY MUSEUM 450-U 001 17110 DES Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cannon-Miller, K. 3 M 1800-2050 9/17/07-11/30/07 Winter 2008: 409-U, 421-U Spring 2008: 340-U, 362-U, 409-U Fall 2007 ART Art JOHN MAUL, 105 FAIR, 737-4745 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR DRAWING III: FIGURE 334 002 14626 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions Fees TR 1300-1550 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $30.00 Instructor Brooke, S. HISTORY OF ART 360 001 18300 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff HISTORY OF ART 364 001 18635 3 MW 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. ^HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY 368 002 18301 3 MW 1300-1450 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. PAINTING THE FIGURE 381 001 14513 4 TR 0900-1150 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 401 002 15693 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 14683 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 16501 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. Sayre, H. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. PROJECTS 406 002 15072 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. SEMINAR 407 001 16502 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. SEMINAR: HISTORY OF ART 407 002 18637 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. 1 TBA INTERNSHIP 410 002 16442 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. DRAWING IV/FIGURE 434 002 15050 3-5 TR 1300-1550 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. Brooke, S. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. PAINTING III 481 002 15062 3-5 TR 0900-1150 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 501 002 16504 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 001 16505 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. READING AND CONFERENCE 505 001 16507 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. PROJECTS 506 002 16506 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. INTERNSHIP 510 001 16508 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. Winter 2008: 306, 331, 365, 382, 402, 405, 406, 407, 410, 431, 481, 502, 505, 506, 510 Spring 2008: 306, 366, 383, 402, 405, 406, 407, 410, 411, 431, 462, 481, 502, 505, 506, 510 Fall 2007 BA Business Administration BRENDA SALLEE (Undergrad), 737-3716; JAMES COAKLEY (Grad), 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS 350 002 14684 4 TR 0900-1040 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor INTRO TO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 360 002 18298 4 TR 1100-1240 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Elston, J. SEM: INTL EXCHANGE ORIENTATION 407 004 16275 1-16 R 1400-1550 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Elston, J. ^STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 469 006 15957 4 F 0900-1240 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ozolin, P. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 492 001 15958 4 MW 1100-1240 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Knuff, D. RETAIL MANAGEMENT 495 002 18373 4 MW 0900-1040 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff SERVICES MARKETING 498 001 18664 4 F 1400-1750 9/21/07 S 0900-1650 9/22/07 F 1400-1750 10/12/07 S 0900-1650 10/13/07 CSB 115 CSB 115 CSB 115 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Martin, M. Hacker, M. F 1400-1750 11/2/07 S 0900-1650 11/3/07 CSB 115 CSB 115 Winter 2008: 357, 390, 405, 447, 460, 491 Spring 2008: 347, 352, 370, 405, 445, 453, 497 Fall 2007 BI Biology T. POWELL, 2042 CORD, 737-2993 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR ^ECOLOGICAL METHODS 371 001 17169 3 Fall 2007 BIO Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions R 1230-1320 9/17/07-11/30/07 F 1200-1550 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 201 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Meeting Time Location Instructor Shinderman, M. Biology-UO Title Crs# GEN BIO IV: BIOCHEM & GENETICS 214-U 001 17165 Sec# CRN CR 4 MWF 0800-0850 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Ball, P. GEN BIO IV: BIOCHEM & GENETICS 214-U 010 17166 0 F 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ball, P. UO. ECOLOGY 370-U 001 16001 4 MW 0930-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. UO. EVOLUTION 380-U 001 15236 4 MW 1230-1350 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 16160 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. Winter 2008: 320-U, 330-U, 331-U, 390-U, 409-U Spring 2008: 322-U, 360-U, 406-U, 409-U, 410-U Fall 2007 CHU Chemistry-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I 331-U 001 16832 Sec# CRN CR 4 TR 1300-1450 9/17/07-11/30/07 OCH 200 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Higginbotham, C. Instructor UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB 337-U 001 16833 3 F 0800-1100 9/17/07-11/30/07 OCH 225 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB 337-U 002 16834 3 F 1245-1545 9/17/07-11/30/07 OCH 225 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO.SPECIAL LABORATORY PROBLEMS 409-U 001 16836 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Rice, J. Winter 2008: 335-U, 338-U, 409-U Spring 2008: 336-U, 360-U, 409-U Fall 2007 COMM Communication ROBERT ILTIS, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR INTRODUCTION TO COMMUN THEORY 321 001 16541 3 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TR 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Dollar, N. Instructor RESEARCH 401 002 15707 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 15712 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. THESIS 403 002 18319 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 15713 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. PROJECTS 406 002 15714 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. SEM/INTRO COMMUNICATION THEORY 407 002 17185 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. SEM/CLTRL CODES COMMUNICATION 407 003 18320 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP 410 002 16002 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. CULTURAL CODES IN COMMUNICATIO 427 001 18321 GRP OC Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. 3 TR 1300-1450 9/17/07-11/30/07 Winter 2008: 322, 401, 402, 406, 407, 408, 410, 418 Spring 2008: 326, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, 410 Fall 2007 ENG English ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions ^STUDIES IN BRITISH PROSE 311 001 18907 3 MW 1800-1950 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. *AMERICAN NOVEL: BEG TO CHOPIN 317 002 18322 3 MW 1100-1250 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Santasiero, E. ST/AMER NOVEL: BEG TO CHOPIN 399 001 15656 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. ST/STUDIES IN BRITISH PROSE 399 003 18908 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Santasiero, E. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 18323 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Santasiero, E. Santasiero, E. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 16418 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. PROJECTS 406 002 16542 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. ^SEMINAR 407 002 16543 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Santasiero, E. Winter 2008: 318, 399, 402, 405, 406, 445 Spring 2008: 319, 399, 402, 405, 406, 407, 420, 485 Fall 2007 FOR Forest Resources D. ADAMS, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions *ISSUES IN NATURAL RES CONSERV 365 001 17168 3 MW 0900-1020 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. OUTDOOR & ADVENTURE EDUCATION 373 001 18464 3 TR 0930-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Peterson, T. TOURISM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 374 001 18600 3 T 1800-2030 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Phillips, J. TOURISM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 374X 001 16198 3 T 1800-2030 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 002 17298 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. 401 Fees Instructor PROJECTS 406 003 16430 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. SEMINAR 407 002 16556 1-16 M 1200-1250 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. FOREST REC RESOURCE INTERNSHIP 410 002 17172 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. ADVENTURE THERAPY 477 001 18638 3 MW 1630-1750 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kelley, K. ST/TOURISM POLICY & PLANNING 499 004 18465 3 MW 1300-1420 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. ^DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION 499 006 18843 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Anderson, W. Winter 2008: 341, 371, 375, 378, 401, 406, 410, 475, 499 Spring 2008: 401, 410, 444, 445, 473, 476X, 499 Fall 2007 FW Fisheries and Wildlife Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR *ENDANGERED SPECIES, SOC & SUS 350 001 15956 3 W. DANIEL EDGE, 104 NASH, 737-4531 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TR 0800-0920 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Shinderman, M. Winter 2008: 320, 325, 479, 579 Spring 2008: 317 Fall 2007 GEOL Geology-UO Title Crs# UO. OCEANOGRAPHY 307-U 001 18331 Sec# CRN CR 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions W 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Blackwell, D. Winter 2008: 306-U, 310-U Spring 2008: 410-U Fall 2007 HDFS Human Dev and Family Sciences CAROLYN ALDWIN, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions INFANT & CHILD DEVELOPMENT 311 002 18337 4 T 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. DIRECTED EXPER IN EARLY CHILDH 331 002 13969 3 F 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. CRITICAL THINKING IN HDFS 360 002 18374 4 M 1600-1950 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 003 14904 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 004 15486 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. PROJECTS 406 003 15065 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. PROJECTS 406 004 15511 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. SEMINAR/ECDE 407 003 17410 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. 1 TBA Fees Instructor ADV INTERNSHIP - ECDE OPTION 410 002 15510 3-15 F 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. ADV INTERN - GERON & H SVC OPT 410 003 14766 3-15 F 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Malone, T. SUPERVI EXPER IN EARLY CHILDHD 430 003 14598 9-12 F 0900-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. FAMILY, SCHOOL & COMMUN COLLAB 431 002 16516 3 W 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. TOPICS/ENV IN ECE 465 001 16517 3 R 1500-1750 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 114 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reed, L. TOPICS/SOC & PSY ASPECTS DEATH 465 002 15990 3 R 1500-1750 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fischer, C. T/ INFANTS & CHILD DEVELOP 465 003 17050 3 T 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. Winter 2008: 311, 313, 330, 405, 406, 410, 444, 447, 461, 465 Spring 2008: 311, 313, 314, 331, 341, 361, 405, 406, 407, 410, 432, 462 Fall 2007 HIST History-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. THE AGE OF DISCOVERIES 327-U 001 18333 Sec# CRN CR 4 MW 1000-1120 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees O'Neill, P. Instructor UO. THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST 468-U 001 18339 4 TR 1100-1220 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hatfield, K. Winter 2008: 307-U, 467-U Spring 2008: 407-U, 455-U Fall 2007 HPHY Human Physiology-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I 313-U 001 15268 Sec# CRN CR 3 TR 0830-0950 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor UO. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I: LAB 316-U 001 16000 2 W 1500-1730 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff UO. HUMAN ANATOMY LAB II 399-U 001 16003 1 T 1500-1730 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff Staff Winter 2008: 314-U, 317-U, 399-U Fall 2007 LS Liberal Studies JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Location Registration Restrictions INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 001 16545 1-16 TBA CR Meeting Time TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Santasiero, E. Instructor INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 003 16546 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 004 16547 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 001 16548 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Santasiero, E. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 16549 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 003 16550 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. PROJECTS/CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE 406 002 18324 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. McDonald, B. PROJECTS 406 004 16551 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Santasiero, E. PROJECTS 406 005 16552 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. PROJECTS 406 006 16553 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. INTERNSHIP 410 002 16270 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. INTERNSHIP 410 003 15494 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. INTERNSHIP 410 004 15495 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Winter 2008: 402, 405, 406, 410 Spring 2008: 402, 405, 406, 410 Fall 2007 MATH Mathematics-UO Title Crs# UO. ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA 341-U 001 14774 Sec# CRN CR 4 Meeting Time Location MWF 0900-0950 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. UO. FUND OF ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 391-U 001 16004 4 MWF 1130-1220 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. UO. GEOMETRICS ADV VIEWPT I 394-U 001 15999 4 TR 1100-1220 9/17/07-11/30/07 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. CSB UO. INTRO MATH METHODS OF STAT 461-U 001 15998 4 TR 0800-0920 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Leahy, J. Winter 2008: 342-U, 392-U, 395-U Spring 2008: 315-U, 346-U, 393-U, 405-U Fall 2007 MS Military Science MAJ MICHAEL J. DANIELS, MCAF 203, 737-3511 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions LDRSHIP & MGT OF MIL ORG 311 002 15203 3 TR 0930-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Mickelsen, K. Instructor PREP FOR OFFICERSHIP 411 003 15955 3 MW 1030-1150 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mickelsen, K. Winter 2008: 312, 412 Spring 2008: 313, 413 Fall 2007 NR Natural Resources PAUL DOESCHER, 215 PEAV, 737-9135 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Location Registration Restrictions PROJECTS 406 002 17478 1-9 TBA CR TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. SEMINAR 407 001 18466 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. 1 Meeting Time T 1230-1320 9/17/07-11/30/07 Fees Instructor Winter 2008: 406, 407, 455 Spring 2008: 406 Fall 2007 PS Political Science WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 321 002 18332 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TR 1100-1250 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 211 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 401 Fees Foster, J. Instructor 002 18325 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 18326 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 003 18328 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. PROJECTS 406 009 18329 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP 410 002 18330 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 424 001 18334 4 TR 1500-1650 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 524 001 18335 4 TR 1500-1650 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. Winter 2008: 317, 401, 402, 405, 406, 410, 425 Spring 2008: 322, 399, 401, 402, 405, 406, 410, 475 Fall 2007 PSYU Psychology-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. STAT METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY 302-U 001 16845 Sec# CRN CR 4 TR 0930-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Sundborg, S. Instructor UO. STAT MTHD IN PSYCH (LAB) 302-U 010 16851 0 F 1200-1255 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sundborg, S. UO. STAT MTHD IN PSYCH (LAB) 302-U 011 16852 0 F 0900-0955 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sundborg, S. UO. BIOPSYCHOLOGY 304-U 001 16853 4 MW 1400-1520 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Walker-Sands, R. UO. RESEARCH 401-U 001 16854 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Malle, B. Malle, B. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 16855 1-9 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. UO. CAREERS I 410-U 001 16856 2 T 1330-1450 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hoyt, K. UO. RES OPPURTUNITIES IN PSYCH 410-U 002 17113 1 W 1530-1650 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. UO. EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY 410-U 003 18346 4 TR 1200-1320 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff UO. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 469-U 001 18347 4 TR 0930-1050 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Porzelius, L. Winter 2008: 303-U, 330-U, 376-U, 388-U, 401-U, 409-U, 410-U, 430-U, 436-U Spring 2008: 383-U, 401-U, 409-U, 410-U, 438-U, 471-U, 480-U Fall 2007 SOCU Sociology-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. AMERICAN SOCIETY 301-U 001 16857 Sec# CRN CR 4 MW 0800-0925 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Drake, C. Instructor UO. DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIOLOGY 310-U 001 16858 4 TR 0800-0925 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 010 16859 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. Winter 2008: 305-U, 409-U Spring 2008: 346-U, 347-U, 409-U Fall 2007 SPAN Spanish JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions THIRD-YEAR SPANISH 311 009 15269 3 MW 1530-1700 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Veenstra, L. Instructor DIRECTED READING IN SPANISH 317 002 17186 3 TR 1530-1700 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Falxa, R. DIRECTED READING IN SPANISH 318 002 17549 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Falxa, R. Winter 2008: 312, 331 Spring 2008: 313, 336 Fall 2007 TCE Teacher & Counselor Education Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR ^DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION 348 002 18381 2 CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION 418 001 18467 2 MULTICULTURAL ISSUES IN EDUC 419 INDEPENDENT STUDY INDEPENDENT STUDY 204 EDUC, 737-8575 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions R 1700-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Anderson, W. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Roth, K. 502 F 1800-1950 10/26/07 S 0800-1550 10/27/07 F 1800-1950 11/9/07 S 0800-1550 11/10/07 001 17242 2 S 0900-1650 9/29/07 S 0900-1650 10/13/07 S 0900-1650 11/3/07 002 18352 1-16 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. 502 003 18353 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. INTERNSHIP 510 009 17413 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cowin, K. COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 002 17479 1-15 R 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Schmidt, S. COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 003 17481 1-15 R 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. 2 M 1300-1450 9/17/07-11/30/07 Fees Instructor CLASSROOM MGMT & DISCIPL K-12 520 002 18354 3 W 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofmann, P. ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT 527 002 17503 2 W 1300-1450 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Woods, H. SOC CULT PERSPECT COUNSLNG 532 001 17233 3 R 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. THE COUNSELING PROFESSION 541 001 17234 3 T 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holley, W. MATHEMATICS STRATEGIES K-8 557 004 17248 3 M 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Plattner, J. FAMILY COUNSELING 575 001 17236 3 M 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hassell, D. APPLIED PSYCHOPATH & PSYCHODX 577 001 17238 3 W 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. Greene, M. STUDY OF SCHOOLS: K-12 591 001 17244 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. COUNSELOR CONSULTATION 598 002 17239 3 T 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. ST/SCIENCE METHODS 599 003 17250 3 R 1600-1850 9/17/07-11/30/07 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wiens, A. SPECIAL TOPICS 599 004 17251 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff Winter 2008: 411, 416, 502, 510, 514, 515, 531, 533, 536, 555, 583, 592, 599 Spring 2008: 411, 416, 418, 419, 502, 510, 514, 515, 524, 546, 547, 567, 581, 599 Fall 2007 WS Women Studies SUSAN SHAW, 200 GILK, 737-2826 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR ST/WITCHES, MIDWIVES & HEALERS 399 002 17332 3 IND ST/WITCHES, MIDWIVES & HEA 402 002 18468 1 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions F 1800-2050 10/5/07 S 0900-1650 10/6/07 F 1800-2050 10/26/07 S 0900-1650 10/27/07 F 1800-2050 11/16/07 S 0900-1650 11/17/07 TBA CSB TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Leer, A. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Leer, A. Spring 2008: 402, 499