From: AAAI Technical Report SS-01-01. Compilation copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. On the Epistemological foundations of Logic Programming and its Extensions Marc Denecker Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001Heverlee, Belgium. Phone: +32 16 327555 -- Fax: +32 16 327996 email: Extended Abstract Oneof the major roles of logic in computerscience and A.I. is for knowledgerepresentation and specification. In the context of knowledgerepresentation, formal logic is widely praised as the tool par excellence for expressing information in a precise way and for correct and precise communicationof information between different experts. In the scenario of communicatingexperts, the experts express their knowledgeabout someexternal problem domainin logic specifications which subsequently are communicatedto other experts. In the computational logic approach to AI, computers participate in this and assist the humanexperts by solving computational problems using the logic specifications. The use of formal logic helps to avoid the ambiguities and lacunas that appear frequently in natural language specifications and, in a absence of computer systems that understand natural language, is the most promising way of transferring knowledgeto a computer system. Obviously, when different humanexperts communicate their knowledgeabout some external problem domain via logical specifications, correct communication is only possible to the extent that they interpret the logical formulas in the same way about this problem domain. They should agree on what the formulas of the specification say about the problem domain. The wayhumanexperts interpret the logic formulas of a forreal logic in the problemworld is what logicians call the declarative reading of the logic. Oneof the fundamental prexassumptionsunderlying the use of logic for knowledge representation, specification and problemsolving is that a formal logic has a weU-understoodand objective declarative reading. The epistemological study of a logic aims to clarify its declarative reading. A standard technique to do so is by explaining in what states of the worldthe formulas of the logic are true. The states of the world in whicha given formulais true represent the possible states of the world. An epistemological theory that expresses when logical statements are true is what logicians also call a truth conditional semantics (e.g. (Moore1995), p. The goal of this study is to investigate the declarative reading of logic programming(LP) and its extensions: 34 stable logic programming,answer set programmingand abductive logic programming. One of the central goals of logic programmingwas and still is to combinethe advantagesof formal declarative logic and procedural languages (Kowalski 1974). Originally, a definite logic programwas seen as a classical logic Horn theory. The use of SLD-resolution induced the p~ocedural interpretation upon logic programs. Whenthe negation as failure inference rule was introduced in Prolog systems, the view of logic programs as classical logic implications broke down. It was realized that the soundness of this rule could not be justified on the basis of the classical logic semantics of a logic program. Important efforts were made to propose alternative formal semantics for logic programmingfor which negation as failure is sound. This resulted in a numberof different semantics of whichthe completion semantics (Clark 1978), the stable semantics (Gelfond &Lifschitz 1988) and the well-founded semantics (Van Gelder, Ross, & Schlipf 1991) are the most important ones. An important tool for defining these semantics was the use of embeddingsof logic programming in other logics, in particular in classical logic (CL), default logic (DL) and autoepistemic logic (AEL). The question investigated here is what these formal semantics say about the declarative reading of logic programs. One view that appeared very early on is that logic programsrepresent definitions; recursive programs represent inductive definitions. This view is appealing in the context of manyprototypical logic programs: member(X, [X I Y] ). member(X,[Z,L]) :- member(X,L). append( [] ,L,L). append([HIT],L, [HIT2]) :- append(T,L,T2) trans(X,Y) :- p(X,Y). trane(X,Z) :- tr(X,Y), tr(Y,Z). Each of these Horn programs can be seen as the natural representation of an inductive definition. The least model semantics of (van Emden& Kowalski 1976) formalises the view of Horn programsas inductive definitions. In (Denecker 1998), I pointed to the strong relationships between Horn programs under least model semantics andstandard formalisations ofmonotone inductive definitions suchas (Moschovakis 1974)and (Aczel 1977). Thedeclarative reading oflogicprograms as(inductive) definitions isoften natural inthecontext ofprogramswithnegation as well: child(X):- person(X),not adult(X). even(O). even(s(N)) :- not even(N). For example, the rules defining even represent the inductive definition: ¯ 0 is even. ¯ if n is not even, then n + 1 is even, otherwise n + 1 isnoteven. Itis well-known thattheleastmodelsemantics does notextend to logicprograms withnegation. In (Clark 1978), Clarkproposed an alternative approach to formalisethe sameintuition. He mapsa logicprogram toitscompletion, thesetofcompleted definitions. A completed definition istheway(non-recursive) definitionsareexpressed in firstorderlogic. Forexample, thecompletion of theprogram p :- q, not r is the CLtheory: {q ~ false , r et false , p et q A-.r} Unfortunately, Clark completion semantics isin general tooweakto formalise thedeclarative reading ofdefiniteprograms as inductive definitions. It accepts unintended models in programs withpositive loopssuch i.Recently, as thetransitive closure program in (Denecker 1998), I pointed tothetight relationship oflogic programming undertheperfect modelsemantics (Przymusinski 1988;Apt,Blair,& Walker1988)and the well-founded semantics (VanGelder, Ross,& Schlipf 1991)withIterated Inductive Definitions, a nonmonotoneformofinductive definition. Thisstudyputsforwardthethesisthatthewell-founded semantics formalises a principle of generalised monotone andnonmonotone induction definition. In (Denecker 2000b), thisviewwasfurther elaborated inID-logic, a logic extending classical logic withgeneralised inductive definitions. Another viewon logicprograms camefromthearea of Nonmonotonic Reasoning. (Gelfond 1987)proposed to interpret a logicprogram as an autoepistemic theory. In this view, failure to prove literals not p are interpreted as modalliterals -~Kpin autoepistemic logic. Gelfondproposed to interpret a logic programmingrule p :- q, not r as thefollowing AELformula: p *- q A -,Kr Inthesequel, I willrefer tothisembedding asae/and denote themapping of a logicprogram P as ael(P). (Gelfond & Lifschitz 1988)basedthestablesemanticson thisembedding. Theyshowedthata stable model ofa program P is thesetofatomsinanautoepistemicexpansion of ael(P). Theyshowedalsothatthe leastmodelof a Horntheory isitsunique stable model andarguedthatthestablesemantics correctly modelsthemeaning ofe.g.thetransitive closure program. Importantly, thisresult suggest thatthenonmonotone viewon Hornprograms coincides withtheviewof Horn programs as inductive definitions. However, aswillbe shown, thereisa snake underthegrass. A numberof alternative embeddings basedon a similarideahavebeenproposed. I onlymention another seminal oneof(Marek & Truszczyzlski 1989)in Default Logic(DL).It mapsa rule p :- q, not r to the default: q : -,r P This embedding of program P will be denoted d/(P). Marekand Truszczyfiski showed that a stable model of P is the set of atomsin a default extension of d/(P). In view Of the fact that a declarative logic should have a non-ambiguous declarative meaning, the question rises to what extend these different readings correspond to each other. Logic programmingcan be seen as a family of logics, each inducedby a pair of a syntax and a formal semantics. The logics of normal programswith the completion semantics, the stable semantics and the well-founded semantics partially coincide, for example in the case of hierarchical programs. In general, we should expect that (a) the declarative reading underlying these semantics are equivalent in these coinciding cases. Also, we should expect that (b) each logic in this family has a unique declarative reading. If it has been claimed that one and the samesemantics formalises different readings, then these readings must be equivalent in somedeep sense. In fact, it is easy to showthat neither (a) nor (b) holds. Consider the case of Horn programsand as an illustration, take the simple non-recursive Horn program: P1 = {P +- q} The first point is that Pa is a non-recursive Horn program. For such programs, all semantics coincide. In this case, the empty set {} is the unique least model, the unique model of the completion, the unique stable model and the unique well-founded model. So, all formal model semantics coincide on P1. Now,let us compare the meaning of PI as expressed XAwell-known factisthatinductive definable concepts suchastheconcept oftransitive closure cannot beexpressed by the different embeddings on which these model semantics are based. The comparison can be done on infirst order logic. 35 a formal basis, bycomparing thebelief setsassociated withthese embeddings. A belief setisa setT offirst orderformulas thatcontains eachofitsimplications. For anyfirst order theory T,letCn(T) denote thesetofits logical implications: Cn(T) - {¢~IT ~ ~b}. Then T is a belief set iff T = Cn(T). A belief set is often taken as a representation of the belief state of someideally rational agent. Both the semantics of default logic and autoepistemiclogic are expressedvia belief sets. ¯ For non-recursive Horn programs, the definition view is correctly expressed by the completion, comp(P1) is the theory {Ip~q q~false The reason whyq is knownto be faise is that it is assumed to have the empty definition. The unique belief set of the viewof/’1 as a definition is: Cn( comp(P1) ) = Cn({-W, -~p} ¯ According to Gelfond’s mapping, the meaning of P1 is the autoepistemic theory ael(P1) {p q} In (Moore 1983), Mooredefined thesemantics ofautoepistemic logicin termsof autoepistemic expansion. Asshown inthesamepaper, thesetofclassical logic formulas inanexpansion E isdeductively closed and completely determines E. Moreover,Moore alsoshowed thatautoepistemic logic extends classical logic inthefollowing sense: ifanautoepistemic theoryT contains nooccurences of themodaloperator, thenit hasa unique expansion whichis completely determined by Cn(T).Consequently, aelinterprets eachHornprogram as a Horntheory, ael(Po) hasone autoepistemic expansion extending theunique belief set: c.({pq}) ¯ The meaning of/’1 according to the embedding in default logic is the default d/(P1): {v} On theonehand,we observe thattheleastmodel, themodelof thecompletion, thestable andthewellfounded modelof P1 coincide. On theotherhand,we observe thatthethree embeddings assign a different beliefset to/’1: respectively Cn({-~p,-~q} ), Cn( {p eand Cn({}). These three belief sets are non-equivalent and have different first order models. Consequently,P1 is an exampleof a programfor which all formal model semantics coincide, but for which the declarative reading is different under the three different views. So it illustrates that point (a) does not hold. PI also illustrates that ael and d/assign a different meaningto logic programs. Nevertheless, both embeddings have been shownto induce stable semantics. So, this examplealso illustrates that point (b) does not hold. The ambiguity illustrated by /’1 boils downto the following phenomenon. Assumethat we have a logic programwritten by someexpert to represent his knowledge. Assume moreover that we know which formal model semantics was intended by the expert and that we even knowwhat are the modelsof the program. Still, we are unable to know what is the knowledge of the expert and howthe world looks like according to the expert. A famouscaseof a studyshowing epistemological ambiguity of a knowledge representation formalism is Woods’studyof semantic networksin 1975(Woods 1975). Woodsshowedthata linkin semantic networks couldbeandhadbeeninterpreted in atleast3 differentways.A majorconclusion drawnfromthispaperby theAI community ( Hayes"Indefense of logic" (Hayes 1977)orNewell’s "Theknowledge level" (Newell 1980)) wasthata declarative language needsa formal account of itsmeaning. Thephenomenon of theambiguity ofLPaddressed inthecurrent paperissimilax in nature totheambiguity of linkspointed outby Woods. WhatmakesLP’sambiguity evenmoresurprising and worrysome is thatunlikesemantic netsin themiddle seventies, itarises in thecontext oflogics withmodel semantics. In the context of logic programming,formal semantics do not seem to guarantee a non-ambiguous declarative reading! Howis it possible that even if we fix the formal semantics, logic programsare still ambiguous? In(Reiter 1980), Reiter characterised thesemantics Half of the explanation is that the definition view of a default theory bydefault extensions, whichare and the nonmonotonicviews assign a different role to a belief sets. Theunique default extension ofthisset "model". In the definition view, a modelrepresents a is: possible state of the world. In the nonmonotoneviews, Cn({}) it represents a set of believed atoms. In both views, the same mathematical structures are used to represent two I.e.thisis thesetoftautologies. Thereason that thisistheunique default extension isthatthejusti- very different sorts of entities. This observation has someunsettling consequences. fication ofthedefault cannot bederived, andhence, thedefault doesnotapply. Notethattheimplication Comparingsets of believed atoms and possible worlds is p <--q ~ Cn({}). So thebelief represented by this as comparing apples and oranges. Manymathematical results relating different modelsemantics are meaningdefault isevenweaker thantheclassical logic interpretation oftherule. less at the epistemological level! E.g. at the episte- 36 mological level, the mathematicalresult that a stable model is a model of the completion is as informative as to say that 2 kilometer is less than 4 kilogram. The same holds for the mathematicalresult that the stable modelof a Horn programP is its least model. This is true, but as illustrated by P1, the view of P as a monotone inductive definition does not coincide with ael(P) nor d/(P). The different roles of "models" cannot be the only explanation of the ambiguity since in the embeddings d/ and ael, the role of the stable model is the same. Here another explanation is in order, namelythat a set of believed atoms only provides weak and incomplete information about the meaningof a theory. In general, 2. manydifferent belief sets mayshare the same atoms In this particular case, for almost all programsP, the theories d/(P) and ael(P) have different belief sets, but there the sets of believed atomsin these belief sets correspond. Clark,K. 1978.Negation as failure. In Gallalre, H.,andMinker, J.,eds.,LogicandDatabases. Plenum Press. 293-322. Denecker, M. 1998.Thewell-founded semantics is the principle of inductive definition. InDix,J.;nasdel Cerro, L. F.; and Furbach,U., eds., Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 1-16. Schloss Daghstull: Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes in Artificial Intelligence 1489. Denecker, M. 2000a. What is in a model? Epistemological ambiguity of Logic Programming. Draft; available on the internet: Denecker, M. 2000b. Extending classical logic with inductive definitions. In et al., J., ed., First International Conference on Computational Logic (CL2000), volume1861of Lecture notes in Artificial Intelligence, 703-717. London: Springer. Gelfond, M., and Lifschitz, V. 1988. The stable model semantics for logic programming.In Proc. of the InEpistemological clarity isa sinequanonfordeclarternational Joint Conference and Symposiumon Logic ativelogic.Foranyone whowishes to consider logic Programming, 1070-1080. IEEE. programming logics as declarative logic, theambiguity Gelfond, M. 1987. On Stratified Autoepistemic Theophenomenon posesa fundamental problemthatmust ries. In Proc. of AAAI87, 207-211. MorganKanfman. beresolved. Thefirstaimof thisabstract isto bring Hayes, P. 1977. In defense of logic. In Proc. of the 5th abouttheepistemological ambiguity. A moreextended studycanbefoundat (Denecker 2000a). Itsmaingoal IJCAI77. areasfollows: Kowalski, R. 1974. Predicate logic as a program¯ Thereis currently little understanding andappreciming language. In Proc. of IFIP 74, 569-574. 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Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic ProReiter, R. 1980. A logic for default reasoning. Artificial gramming. Morgan Kanfmann. Intelligence 13:81-132. 2Thereadings of a HornprogramP as a classical logic van Emden, M., and Kowalski, R. 1976. The semanHorntheory, or as an inductivedefinition or as ael(P) or as tics of Predicate Logic as a ProgrammingLanguage. dl(P) differ but yield the sameset of believedatoms. Journal of the ACM4(4):733-742. 37 VanGelder, A.;Ross,K.;andSchlipf, J. 1991.The Well-Founded Semantics forGeneral LogicPrograms. Journal of the ACM38(3):620-650. Woods, W. 1975. What’s in a link: Foundations of semantic networks. In Bobrow,D., and Collins, A., eds., Representation and understanding: Studies in cognitive science. Academic Press, NewYork. Also in Brachman and Levesque, Readings in Knowledge Representation, MorganKaufman,1985. 38