From: AAAI Technical Report SS-02-08. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Perceptual Organization as a Foundation for Intelfigent Sketch Editing Eric Saund, James Mahoney,David Fleet, Dan Lamer, Edward Lank Palo Alto Research Center 3333 CoyoteHill Rd., Palo Alto, CA94304 {saund, mahoney,fleet, lamer, elank} @pare.corn Abstract Thispaperdiscussesthe designof intelligent sketch editingtools exploitingintermediatelevels of visual interpretation knownas PerceptualOrganization. Sketches are muchmore than an accumulationof strokes: they conveyinformation largely through spatial configurationsand patterns amongmarkings. Weproposethat the detectionof this visual structure, basedon the principles of PerceptualOrganization, will makesketch editing tools moreuseful for a wide variety of hand-drawnand formatted diagrammatic material. Wereviewour efforts whichare embodied in a perceptuallysupportedsketcheditingtool, called ScanScribe. Introduction Oneapplication of sketch understandingis to facilitate entering and editing of hand-drawnand formatted figures. Throughrecognition of imagestructure, intelligent editors can makeit easier for users to select collections of markings that correspondto salient or semantically meaningfulentities. Additionally,recognizedimagestructure can be used to modulatethe functioningof edit operations, such as by snapping or otherwiseenforcing geometricconstraints. Mostexisting sketch-based systems rely heavily on prior constraints imposedfrom a targeted application domain. Domain-dependent strategies have been adopted to various degrees in, for example,the design of websites [Lin, et al 2000], the drawingof architecture sketches [Gross 1996], and the entry of mechanicaldiagrams [Alvarado 2001]. By reducing the space of possible interpretations, domainconstraint serves to simplify the system’s problemof recognizing structure in raw content and command data. While highly constrained systems do support editing and entry tasks in the domainfor whichthey weredevised, these constraints becomebarriers to sketching outside narrowlimits. In a sketch systemthat interprets and re-renders all foursided figures as rectangles, it can becomeimpossibleto draw a rhombus. Conversely,unconstrained tools for drawingand editing sketches do not deal with sketch data in meaningfulways. Copyright~) 2002,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 118 Paint-style programsenable unlimitedediting on a pixel-bypixel basis, but offer little supportfor selecting salient collections of pixels in sketchesbeyondrectangle drag and perhaps lassoing selection commands. Digital ink editors (e.g., [Pedersen et al 1993]) sometimesmanageto performsimple temporalgroupingof strokes, but fewof thembreak strokes into salient fragmentsor form morecomplexgroups. To build intelligent sketch editing tools for situations in whichthere is no a prior/identified application domain,we believethat the early levels of PerceptualOrganization in the humanvisual systemprovide inspiration for an approachto the extraction of salient visual structure. Classically, Perceptual Organization has been concernedwith the Gestalt Lawsof Grouping, such as smooth continuation, common fate, symmetry,similar/ty, proximity, and closure [Koffka 1922, Wertheimer1923, Kanizsa 1979, Witkin and Tenenbanm1983]. Morerecently, ComputerVision researchers haveattempted to modelthese and related processes compotafionally (see e.g. [Stevens 1978, Loweand Binford 1983, Zucker 1983, Boyer and Sarkar, 1999]). AlthoughPerceptual Organizationfor general visual scenes will remaina dauntingchallenge for quite sometime, intermediate visual structure in manysketches and diagramsis morereadily accessible. Application and Test Platform: The ScanScribe DocumentImage Editor Ourgroup has been developingthis idea in the context of a perceptually-supporteddocumentimageeditor, called ScanScr/be, whichbuilds on our earlier workin this area whileit extends the range of imagematerial that can be manipulated and the kinds of imagestructure recognized. Like PerSketch [Saundand Moran,1994], ScanScribeis designed to manipulate primitive, or pr/meobjects, as well as groupingsor collections of these, called compositeobjects. Theserelations can occuras lattice structures and are not limited to tree hierarchies, as shownin Figure 1. While PerSketchwas targeted at digital ink manipulation,ScanScribeis designedto workalso with imageregions as manipulableand groupable objects. By virtue of placing users in the loop, in an interactive editing application, someburden of accuracy is removed from recognition technologies. Accordingly, UI techniques a b O Figure1: Alattice structure enablesprimeobjects to belong to multiple compositeobject groups, a. Image. b. Sensible groups, c. Groupingstructure. mustenable users to visualize or quicklyaccess visual structures inferred by the system, and to repair or workaround mistakesin recognition. To the extent that automaticstructure recognition can succeed, we aim to endowthe ScanScribe image editor with WYPIWYG (What You Perceive Is WhatYouGet) capability that will makeediting complex collections of perceptually salient markingsas effortless as pointing and clicking. Key Problem: Facilitating Selection of Meaningful Image Material ScanScribeis designedto facilitate selection of salient image material. Onceselected, standard operations of cut, copy, delete, translate, rotate, scale, etc. can all be invoked.We regard the difficulty of selecting imageobjects that are perceptually meaningfulto the user as the primary shortcoming of existing imageeditors. By default, whendigital ink or a scanned documentis loaded into ScanScribean initial processingstep separates foreground markings from background. Thereafter, the backgroundis treated as transparent so that foregroundobjects maybe movedin proximity to one another without occlusion by backgroundwhite pixels. Users mayselect image objects by any of four means:rectangle drag, lasso, polygon enclosure, and clicking on established imageobjects. These selection methodsare integrated and maybe used seamlessly without the user having to appeal to a menuor otherwise specify any particular selection mode. Selection of compositeobjects, or collections of image primitives that form groups, is done by repeatedly clicking on any foregroundobject. Repeatedclicks cycle through the groupsthat the clicked primeobject belongsto. The general question of howto present multiple interpretation options in a graphical user interface remains open. Our experience to 119 date suggests this methodto be quite adequatefor allowing the user to access and select amongmultiple interpretations of imagestructure as long as the numberof groupsis not too great, andthey are all perceptuallysalient and meaningful to a reasonabledegree. This basic interface supports the use of compositegroups even in the absence of any automatic recognition. Oncea collection of primeobjects has beenselected and acted upon, a newcompositeobject is automatically formedto represent this group. The group nowbecomesavailable and can be selected by clicking somenumberof times on any of its prime constituents, dependingon its priority in each prime object’s list of supportedcompositeobjects. Conversely,a group, represented by a compositeobject, is automatically brokenup whena subset of its constituent primeobjects are removedfromproximityto their former locations, for example by deleting themor draggingthemfar away. Groupscan also be built and destroyed manuallyby invocation of explicit "Group"and "Ungroup"commands.Thus the basic ScanScribeeditor providesmeansfor users to take ultimate control over any imagestructure maintainedby the underlying program.Withthis platform we are nowprepared to explore and introduce recognition methodsthat will form groupingsautomaticallyon the basis of perceptual organization or other principles. FindingVisual Structureat the Level of Perceptual Organization FromComputerVision we discern two basic approaches to beginningto identify visual structure in images.The first is to apply linear or nonlinear operators such as tuned illters of varyingscales, exhaustivelyacross the image.Examples are edgeand bar detectors [Freemanand Ade!son1991], and spatiotemporalfilters for motiondetection [Barrenet al 1994]. The secondapproachis to decomposethe imageinto geometric primitives, then perform grouping and matching operations on these to identify compositefeatures and objects. The latter approachleads moredirectly to workable solutions for a sketch input domainconsisting of thin, relatively sparsely distributed curvilinear markingson a unform background.Wenote howeverthat some"sketchy" styles of drawingsuch as those illustrated in Figure2 wouldbe better suited to filter-style detectiontechniques,andfall outsidethe capabilities of our current approach. Segmentation to form Prime Image Elements Aside from reliance on relatively clean linework, our initial processingstage is indifferent to whetherthe input is a scannedimageor digital ink. This stage is designedto segmentprimeimageobjects of twotypes: (l) relatively straight thin curvilinear fragments unbrokenby junctions, and (2) spatially extendedregions whichare to be treated as unarticulated two-dimensional"blobs". This roughly corresponds to distinguishingthe stroke elementsof line art fromthe distinct characters and wordsof printed and cursive text. While this distinction is not a fundamentalone, it is convenientto makeand arguablyreflects a categorization into the natural kinds that occur in hand-drawnmaterial. Peoplereadily decomposesketching activity into diagrammatic"drawing", and symbolic"writing". The differing appearanceof text and line art pops out to humanobservers at a glance. Froma scene analysis standpoint, different kinds of groupingoperations are suited to recognizingtextual versus diagrammatic structure; the rules andproceduresunderlyingthe analysis of fignral shapes,encirclings, arrows,etc., can be rather different fromthose neededto detect the words,lines, and columns by whichtext is structured. At least two challenging research questions confront the segmentation stage. The first concerns the definitional boundarybetweencurvifinear prime objects and blob prime objects. Byand large, handwrittenand printed text consist of complexlyshapedagglomerationsof relatively short strokes or stroke segments,whilefine art consists of relatively longer strokes. Frequently, the shape features of text are commensurate in scale with the widthof strokes or font size, while the characteristic radii of curvature, distances betweenjunctions, and spacing of lineworkin diagramsis substantially greater than the stroke width of fines. Most diagrammatic materialsatisfies a "thin-fine" model:neither visual appearance nor geometricstructure and relationships are substantially changedby thinning foregroundobjects downto skeletons. The thin-line modelis manifestly violated by most handwrittenand printed text, as witnessed by the degradation of imagequality often to the point of unreadabilitywhen thinning is performedon text images.The intention of segmentationis to deliver as curvifinear primeobjects that image material for whicha thin-fine modelis appropriate, and leave as blobobjects that materialfor whichit is violated. Whilefrequently the curve fragmentscomprisingline art are readily distinguished from blob primeobjects, someimage objects are ambiguous.In Figure 3 the sameimageobject serves in one context as a fragmentof fine art, and in a different contextas part of a character.It is critical that any categorization be soft enoughfor classified primeimageobjects to participate undermultiplekinds of structure identification processes. Conversionof line art into curve objects such as line segments, arcs, splines, or chain code curves is known,in the field of graphics recognition, under the general rubric of "vectorization". Separationof fine-art from blob imageobjects is handled by ad hoc algorithms. ScanScribeemploys a conglomerationof techniques including standard methods Figure 2: "Sketchy" styles of finework are not segmented into sensible primitives through simple fine thinning and tracing techniques. 120 ~"~i dj b -- / Figure 3: Thesameimageprimitive can serve as part of line art or part of a text string in different contexts. of imagemorphology, thresholding, boundarytracing, statistical classification, thinning,junctiondetection, tracing, and comerdetection. A related challenge in segmentationof prime imageelementsconcerns touching or overlappingperceptually distinct imageobjects, for examplea long curvilinear fine that touches text. This remains an outstanding problemin the field of documentimageanalysis. The approachwe are investigating involvesiteration on the steps of fragmentation, then classification of the resulting parts, until primefragmentsare returned that appear not to involve mixtures of types as indicated by statical measureson contourproperties. Grouping to form Composite Structures In ScanScribe,significant perceptual structure in sketches, handwritten notes, or for that matter any documentimage, is represented by groups of prime imageobjects represented by compositeobjects in the structure lattice. Whileour particular focus is on groupsrepresentingstructure at the level of Perceptual Organization, this frameworksupports many recognition methodologiesand representational ontologies, including matchingto domain-specificdatabases of shapes, relations, and semanticinterpretations. Somestructure recognition algorithms mayoperate in stages, forming more complexor "higher level" composite objects with the help of intermediatelevel objects foundin turn by groupingprimitives. As such, an ontological choice is to be madeabout the hierarchical structure of supportrelations. Hgnre4 illustrates a simple examplein whicha "rectangle"is defined as comprisingfour "fine segments".If the objects at the primelayer themselvesdo not fulfill the requirementsfor the rectangle’s "fine segment"slots, then someadditional computationmaybe required to introduce an intermediateobject creating a line segmentout of smaller pieces. Thereare twowaysof handlingthis, "hierarchical" versus"fiat". In the hierarchicalapproachthe supportlattice can growto any depth. In a fiat approachlinks maintainrelations directly betweencompositeobjects and their prime level support. In our design of ScanScribewe foundit much simplerto manage these as fiat relations. Ourapproachto detecting perceptual structure follows a basic two-stage strategy employedwidely in the Computer Visionfield. Withinthis strategy fall manytechnical and design options, amongwhichnotable aspects of our approach b a Figure 4: a. "Rectangle"model,b. Primeobjects labeled in imagedata. c. Hierarchicallattice structure showingsupport relationships betweencompositeobjects and prime objects. d. Hatlattice structure. are discussed below. Thefirst generic stage is construction of a graphof object relations. Pairs or n-tuples of imageobjects are identified basedon proximityand/or internal attributes. Theserelations give rise to graphstructures, wherethe nodesare image objects and the links indicate relations. The links may be attributed withpropertiesof the relation, suchas distance, relative orientation, etc. Initially these computations are performedon prime imageobjects, but in subsequent grouping stages these can be compositeobjects as well. The graph maybe used immediately, or it maybe massagedbased on its local and aggregateproperties. For example,twovery different formsof this graphmassagingare iterative relaxation [Hummel and Zucker1983] and spectral graph partitioning [Weiss 1999]. Thesecondgenericstage is traversal of the graphto collect groupsof transitively linked imageobjects satisfying certain properties. This traversal mayinclude various formsof tracing, coloring, matching,and search. To date we have applied this frameworkin separate processes dedicatedto identifyingvisual structure in line art and in text. Line Art Analysis Line art analysis operates primarilyon curvilinear type prime image objects, or curve stroke fragments. Manyof the relevant spatial relations amongstroke fragmentsoccur at and amongtheir endpoints. Sets of nearby curve fragment ends are foundby clustering. Linksare established pairwise amongproximal curve fragment ends and labeled with measures of the geometricconfiguration betweenthem. A score is given for howwell each pair formsa corner configuration, and for howwell the curve fragmentsalign with one another. This score is basedthe relative orientations, distances, and other aspects of the local geometry. Wehave explored ways of searching for three kinds of perceptuallevel structure overthe link graphof stroke ends. 121 O Figure 5: a-b. Hypothetical alignment scores for pairs of curve fragments. 1.0 is perfect alignment, c. Lackof ambiguity makesit easy to decide whichpairs should be grouped into compositeobjects (solid curves). Theseare based on the Gestalt principles of smoothcontinuation, continuity, and closure. SmoothContinuation Paths Smoothcontinuation search involves tracing paths through the rink graph, accumulating stroke fragmentsthat align with one another, end-to-end. Thesepaths reflect the path of the pen acrossother imagematerial, and commonly reflects semanticallysignificant as well as perceptuallysalient imagery.Theinteresting questionsare howto decide whichpaths to follow, and howto handle ambignity. Figure 5 illustrates. Supposethat alignmentscore varies from0 (poor alignment)to 1 (perfect alignment). palrwise alignmentscores shownindicate affinity for each curvefragmentto join withthe others, that is, to establish a local path throughthe link graph. Clearly, the palrwisescore alone does not dictate whethera particular potential join will be perceptually preferred. The context of other curve fragmentsmustbe taken into account. In certain situations a robust strategy is available wherebypairs of curvesamjoined whosepreferencefor joining with one another exceeds their preference for joining with any other. The clear X in Figure 5a offers such a case. Figure 5b poses a somewhatmore equivocalchoice. Here,one pair of curves mutuallyprefer to join with each other, while a third comesinto play. However, the alignmentscore for this third curve is muchworsethan for the mutuallypreferringcurves, and this join can be safely ruled out. Conditionssuchas these enable global search routines to construct extendedcurvesby straightforwardtracing, yielding the compositecurve objects shownin Figure 5c. Figures 6a and 6b howeverpose truly ambiguoussituations. Localevidenceoffers no indication as to whichof several possiblepaths throughthe link graphgivesrise to a perceptually salient curve continuation. BecauseScanScribe’s prime/compositeobject lattice supports multiple overlap- b a \ Figure 7: Weobserve two kinds of figural closure. A maximally-turningclosure path traces the smallest figure possible. A smooth-continuation closure path prefers smooth continuation traces through junctions. Other closed paths throughthe seed (thick contour fragment) are perceptuallyinsignificant. o Figure 6: a-b. Hypothetical alignment scores for pairs of curve fragments. 1.0 is perfect alignment, c. Local ambiguity supports alternative compositeobjects with overlapping support, d. Compounding of local ambiguity can lead to combinatorialexplosionin possible numberof alternative smooth-continuationpaths. ping interpretations, one approachto these situations is to permit search routines to construct multiple compositecurve objects accepting alternative paths, as in Figure 6c. The drawbackof this approachis that it can lead to combinatorial explosionin the numberof global paths constructed, as in Figure 6d. Heuristic terminationcriteria offer a stopgap solution. A moreprincipled basis for handling curvifinear paths might involve management of howaggressive or conservative the search is in evaluatinglocal joins as unequivocal versus ambiguous. Stroke Continuity Paths A second kind of perceptually salient fine-art object occurs as a coherent stroke that happens to contain sharp comers. Wheresuch a change of direction presentsa clear continuationof the curve, it is meaningful to construct a global path proceedingthrough such a comer. However,because the comeris in and of itself a perceptuallysalient potential stoppingpoint for the curve, it is sensible to construct, and makeavailable to users, alternative compositecurvilinear objects both boundedby sharp comers, and proceeding through sharp comers. This follows the strategy used in the PerSketchsystem[Saundand Moran 1994]. Closed Contour Paths A third kind of important perceptual structure in line art is basedonthe principle of closure. Closedregions are knownpsychophysicallyto be perceptually salient to humanobservers. In sketches and hand-drawn diagrams, closed regions represent individual physical objects; conceptualobjects; groupingsor collections; logical or other abstract relations; emphasis;loopingpaths or circuits; symbolsand characters (or fragmentsthereof); and tabular 122 cells. Ourdetection of closed curvilinear paths reflects an observation that there are actually two kinds of perceptually significant closed path, those that tend to obey the rule of smoothcontinuation, and those that tend take a turn at every opportunityto enclosethe smallest possible region. See figure 7. Accordingly,weconstruct additional finks in the link graphreflecting twokinds of preferencefor tracing. One kindof link scores the local preferencefor tracing fromone node(curve fragment)to the next under a search for smooth closed paths. Asecondkind of rink scores local preferences reflecting search for maximafiyturning paths. A bidirectional search procedureconductsbest-first search that starts froma seedand exploresthe link graphin both directions until either a geometricallyclosed path is foundor termination criteria are met. See [Saund2001]for details. Interaction of Curvilinear Path Types The most straightforwardoption for makingavailable curvilinear paths found by the three precedingtracing/search strategies is to make available to the ScanScribeuser all constructed composite curvilinear path objects. However,there can be interactions amongthese such that somepaths becomeless perceptually apparentthan others. Therecognitionof this fact permitseither pruning of the options, thereby removingperceptually insignificant choices,or at least demotionof less salient options in the orderingin whichthey are offered to users by repeated clicking on foregroundprimeobjects. Figure 8 offers an example.In Figure 8a, the twosquares are visually prominentas is the rectangle. A click on the X wouldsensibly select either the square or the rectangle. In Figure 8c, althoughclosed path search will deliver an analogousset of segmentsformingsquares, the fact that the rectangle’s bisector participates in a smoothcontinuationpath reducesits perceivedmembership as the side of a square. The larger rectangle shouldbe preferred by a user’s click on the X. Figure 8e showsthat this effect becomeseven stronger if the placementof SegmentA gives it no special geometric status, e.g. as a perpendicularbisector of the sides of the rectangle. The analysis of such considerations can become quite involvedand to date we havenot undertakento formulate a comprehensiveapproachwithin ScanScribe. b Jd /o c4~A-rmL: ~WT¢’7" Figure 8: a Both a rectangle and two squares are visually apparent in this figure; all be madeavailable as composite objects (dotted lines in b). Theseare be found smooth-continuation search and maximally-turning search in our closed path finding algorithm, c, d. Whenthe bisector becomespart of an extended smoothcontinuation path the prominenceof the squares is reduced, e. The maximallyturning closed paths becomeeven less salient whenthe bifurcating segmentlacks special geometricplacement. Text Layout Analysis Pagelayout analysis for printed documentsis a majortopic of investigation in the field of documentimage analysis [Nagy 2000]. Universally, strong assumptions are made about the uniformrectilinear arrangementof printed pages, whichdo not hold for hand-drawnsketches and notes. Much workhas also beendone on the recognition of hand-printed and cursive characters and words, knownin the applications trade as ICR("Intelligent Character Recognition"). Typically this is done after somepreprocessingstep or user interrace constraint has acted to isolate words. Our concern in ScanScribe is with the organization of markingsinto words, lines, columns,tables, and other arrangementsof textual information (regardless of script or language), leaving any actual character or wordrecognition to third-party modules.Thedifficulty of this problem ranges fromrelatively easy, for neat, cleanly written, well separated, horizontallyaligned lines of text, to nearly indecipherable cramped,skewed,scratchings with ascendersand descendersoverlappingmultiple lines. See Figure 9. Anissue often neglectedis the identification of text groupsregardless of the size at whichthey occur.Size variation arises both from differences in the physical size of writing, and from sensor characteristics such as scanner resolution or spatial samplingof a stylus. For expediency, the current version of ScanScribe is designed with the assumption that blob prime image objects roughlycorrespondto individual characters, groupsof touchingcharacters within a word,or entire words(e.g. cursive words). In other words, we assume that the segmentation stage has not delivered blob objects correspondingto multiple wordson different text lines linked by touchingascenders and descenders. Following the generic frameworkoutlined above, links are formedbetweenblot) prime objects, in this case based on a scale-normalized measureof proximity. Next, group- 123 a b Figure 9: Samplesof handwrittentext that is moderate(a) and high (b) in difficultly of groupinginto wordsand text lines. Difficulty in a is due to similarity in between-word and within-wordcharacter spacing. ing takes place througha series of steps involvinghierarchical agglomerativeclustering, formationof intermediatestage "proto-word"objects fromstable clusters, formationof links amongthese using local proximity and orientation information, and finally assemblingcollections of proto-wordsinto extendedstructures that most often correspondto lines of text. The details of this processare continuouslyin flux as we attempt to improveits performance.A sample result is shownin Figure I0. Asoccurswithin the realmof fine art grouping,text layout analysis raises issues of ambiguous interpretations, multiple valid interpretations, and the interaction of structure found within and betweendifferent interpretation modules.Figure 11 a showsa case wherethe contextof onetext line influences the membership ofa blob in another. In Figure1 lb a slightly different configurationof these elementsyields overlapping, equally salient groups. Figure11c presents a case in which, by its shape, a prime object demandsto be considered for bothline art groupingand text grouping.Thecontext of surroundingline art weakensits perceivedmembership in a text group. Theseexamplesillustrate the kinds of complexitiesthat our future research mustgrapplewith in order to offer users just those groupings,representedby compositeobjects in the structure lattice, that correspondto the imageobjects they mightwantto select, and no spuriousothers. Conclusion At this writing ScanScribeis just beginningto makeits way into the handsof (non-researcher)users. Whileour current line art and text structuring operations are incompleteand of variable performance,they represent an initial attempt abstracted fromthe basic data level. Acknowledgments. Wethank ThomasP. Moran for substantial contributions in the conceptualand initial design stages of this project. References Figure 10: Groupsfound by ScanScribe’scurrent text grouping algorithm are shownby their boundingboxes ¥ ¥ C a b / I J t Figure 11: The salience of different groups formedby blob prime objects dependson surroundingcontext. to integrate a suite of systematicperceptual groupingfacilities into a useful documentimageeditor capable of supporting everydaywork. ScanScribeis positioned to become a platform and testbed for further progress on fundamental sketch recognition problems.As such it could amplify knowledge-intensivesketch-based applications for targeted domains[Forbus et a12001]. By focusing on the detection of visual structure at the level of PerceptualOrganization,we proposethat intelligent sketch editing tools will becomeuseful for a wide variety of hand-drawnand formatted diagrammaticmaterial. 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