From: AAAI Technical Report SS-02-04. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Distributed Adaptive Constrained Optimization for Smart Matter Systems MarkusP.J. Fromherz,Lara S. Crawford,Christophe Guettier, and Yi Shang Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, CA94304 { fromherz,lcrawford,cguettier, yshang) Abstract Theremarkableincrease in computing powertogether with a similar increasein sensorandactuatorcapabilitiesuowunder wayis enablinga significant changein howsystemscan sense and manipulatetheir environment.Thesechangesrequire control algorithmscapableof operatinga multitudeof interconnectedcomponents. In particular, novel "smart matter" systemswill eventually use thousandsof embedded, microsize sensors,actuatorsandprocessors. In this paper,weproposea newframework for a on-line, adaptive constrainedoptimizationfor distributedembedded applications. In this approach,on-line optimizationproblemsare decomposed and distributed across the network,and solvers are conm311ed by an adaptivefeedbackmechanism that guarantees timely solutions. Wealso present examplesfromour experiencein implementing smartmattersystemsto motivate ourideas. a) b) Introduction The remarkable increase in computing power together with a similar increase in sensor and actuator capabilities now under wayis enabling a significant change in howsystems can sense and manipulate their environment. These changes require control algorithms capable of operating a multitude of interconnected components.In particular, novel "smart matter" systems will eventually use thousands of embedded, micro-size sensors, actuators and processors. As an example, consider an air-jet paper mover,consisting of 576 actuators and 30Ksensor pixels embeddedinto an active surface that movesa sheet of paper on an air bed by controlling each jet valve individually (Jackson eta/. 2001). another example, consider a hyper-redundant modularrobot that consists of hundreds of interchangeable robotic modules connected into complexconfigurations, each module with its ownactuated joint, sensors, processor, and communication (Yim1994). As yet another example, consider materiais with embedded,co-located force actuators and sensors for active vibration control (Chase, Yim,&Berlin 1999; Hogg& Huberman1998) or damageidentification (Wang Chang2000). Suchsystems will require control, sensing and diagnostic algorithmsthat are robust, scalable, andreconfigurable. Constrained optimization is at the core of manyplanning, control, reconfiguration, and fault diagnosis applica- 34 c) Legend: Q Controllers u Sensors & Actuators I seining &control communication Figure 1: Sketchesof a) centralized, b) decentralized, and hierarchical control organization. tions (Bondarenko,Bortz, & Mort 1998). In fact, the developmentof optimal controllers and diagnostic routines for smart matter systems often starts with the formulation of a model of the system dynamicsand an objective function to be optimizedby the algorithm (e.g., the cost function of an LQRcontroller). For somesystems, such as modularreconfigurable robots, only an on-line, model-basedcontrol approach is able to robustly handlethe variety of non-standard objectives and constraints required (Fromherz,Hoeberechts, & Jackson 1999; Fromherzet al. 2001). Today,solutions to these control problemsare usually at either one of two extremes: they arc either completelycentralized or completelydecentralized. Centralized algorithms (Fig. la) provide optimal performance(taking into account the complete system behavior whencontrolling each actuator), but clearly do not scale to the large numbersof elements in smart matter systems. Completelydecentralized (i.e., local) algorithms (Fig. lb), on the other hand, scale well makeuse of a system’s distributed processing capabilities, but they typically result in poor performance(e.g., introducing large errors or resulting in inordinateactuation energies). Clearly, hierarchical approaches(Fig. lc) promisean intermediate solution: at various levels of the hierarchy, the algorithm takes into account groupings of system elements and their behaviors, while also being able to distribute the computation amonga numberof processing nodes. Consider for examplethe force allocation problemin the air-jet paper mover(Fig. 2) (Jackson et al. 2001; Fromherz& Jackson 2001), wherethe goal is to generate an optimal allocation for the air jets such that together they producethe desired forces and torques that will movethe sheet of paper (see belowfor details). Ourimplementedapproachis a self-similar, hierarchical decompositionof this task, wherethe actuators are partitioned into smaller and smaller groups (Fig. 3): at every level in the hierarchy, jets are combinedinto groups that act like "super jets" (each delivering forces that act on the paper), and no level has to knowwhetherthe next-lower level consists of individual jets or jet groups. Similar considerations have been madefor other smart matter systems (Hngg & Huberman1998). From a model-based computing perspective, however, there are at least two majorbarriers to employingthis hierarchical, distributed approachin real-world systems: (1) the decompositionof a centralized formulation into a hierarchical structure is non-trivial, as it often involvescomplexproblem reformulations and the balancing of trade-offs between performance and resource uses (computing, communication) that have to be modeledexplicitly; and (2) today’s optimization / constraint solving algorithms are not ready for realtime, resource-constrainedapplications. Wehave studied and developed smart matter applications for a numberof years and found several suitable modelbased control solutions (Fromherz, Hoeberechts, & Jackson 1999; Jackson et al. 2001). From this experience, we are proposing a newframeworkfor an (on-line) adaptive constrained optimization service for distributed embedded applications. In this approach, model-basedcontrol and thus on-line optimization problemsare decomposed and distributed across the network,and solvers are controlled by an adaptive feedback mechanismthat guarantees timely solutions. The frameworkaddresses the two barriers described above, i.e., problemscale and real-time constrained optimization. This paper discusses the two main componentsof our approach, decompositionand adaptive control of solving, in the followingtwo sections. Wealso describe illustrative examplesto motivate our ideas and end with conclusions and future work. 35 a) olnl 32.000~.S~mr~a~Valvosw~576 $emmrmmdout Vslw drivvn I r.,rjl+~.+ o~,t,lr.+r~r.,rjir.,o-.+ ’~ +"I"" °~r.,l~.,~r.,~,lr.+~.0 o4. *.,. [#.,. t.,. °.,. °4. |°4. #.,. : °.,. t.,. |°.. +.,. Airje~ r.,r.,F.,r., r.,~or., o~,~,1°~., °.~°,. I+.~°~*~°gI°. *,. b) Figure 2: Air-jet system: a) Photograph of 35 cm x 35 cmair-jet paper movermodule: 16-element arrays are flap valves and associated jets, black bars are sensor arrays, b) Systemarchitecture and layout of the board. Problem Decomposition for Distributed Solving Becauseof the large numbersof sensors, actuators, and computing elements in smart matter systems, we suggest that problemdecompositionand distribution techniques are core to enabling and delivering a scalable and robust solver service for such systems. In particular, decompositionallows us to balance control requirements with communicationand resource realities. For problemswith thousandsof variables and constraints, representing the large numberof distributed but connected physical elements in large-scale smart matter systems, it is often both infeasible and unnecessaryto solve the constrained optimization problemas a single problem on a single processor. Instead, our proposedapproachis based on the idea that systemswith tens or hundredsof thousands of sensors andactuators, whether discrete or continuous at the individual element level, approacha continuum Decomposition andhierarchical allocation Figure3: Decomposition of a force allocation probleminto sub-problems on an active surface a) b) Figure 4:Aggregation heuristics applied totheair-jet table(excerpts): a)neighborhoods ingeometric space (tiles); b)neighborhoods ingeometric andforce space (rows and columns) inthelimit andthuscanbeapproximated bymuchlowerdimensional continuous models athigher levels. CI’his puts theconventional idea ofhybrid systems onitshead, where discrete models areusually atthetopandcontinuous models Jackson 2001): atthebottom.) A second keyinsight isthat such large-scale I N ]~+ 1 N ,tf a,+ problems areoften self-similar atmultiple levels, asalready illustrated above. Finally, wehaveobserved that different N S.t. Fx = ~’~iz~l fxi groupings ofelements canlead towidely different computa(l) tional complexities atlower levels. Even ifthehierarchical abstraction isfixed ahead oftime, wecanstill decide dynamT. ---- E,+=IZJy,- ~"~N~_1 Y,fxi ically which concrete actuators togroup together, e.g., based whereforces Fx and Fy and z-torqueTz are the desiredtoonrun-time information about available actuators. tal forcesto be appliedto the sheet, f~ = (fz~ fy~) are the allocatedx andy forcesfor jet i, (zi,~i) is a jet’s position, Constraint-directed problem decomposition andwi = (wx~wy~)are the weightingfactors for eachjet’s contributionof x andy forces. This problemcan be decomposed recursively into sets of Weare investigating twoschemesfor automaticallydecom(smaller)optimizationproblems to be solvedbysubgroups posing tasks on many-element systems. In a constrainlthe next-lowerlevels of the hierarchy.Exceptfor the bottom directedapproach,weare developingstructure analysis and level, a "jet" i in Eq.(1) refersto the "virtualjet" that arises abstraction techniquesfor decomposing and approximating out of a groupof jets. Weare free to choosehowto aggrelarge-scale constraint problems.Thegoal is to discover gate jets into virtual jets. Oneobviousheuristicis to follow structure in constraint problemsthat can be exploited by the geometric layout,e.g., eachtile of jets becomes a virtual solvers for the subproblems.For instance, we havefound jet(Fig. 4a). Theadvantage ofthis heuristic isthat a moduthat maximizingsymmetriesin subproblemsby grouping larstructure ofthesystem leads toa corresponding modular actuatorsthat are interchangeable withrespect to the constructureof the allocationalgorithm. stralnts can makea dramaticdifference. Asshownin an examplebelow,by usingthe problem’sconstraintsto guidethe Anotherheuristic is to aggregatejets in neighborhoods of a different parameterspace,namelythat of force directions grouping,solving subproblems at lowerlevels of the hierandlocationalongjust oneof the axes. Thisheuristic is inarchy can become trivial. In certain systems,it mayeven spired by the linear superpositionmodelin the constraints be possibleto precompute the lower-levelsolving step and of Eq. (I). Weobserve,for example,that all x-jets withthe replaceit by a constant-timetable lookup.Problemcharacteristics such as symmetriesseemto be common in systems samey positionare interchangeable withrespectto the constraints in Eq.(I). In fact, if our systemconsistedonlyof whereconstraintsarise out of (often uniform)physicalcharx-jets withthe samey position,the instantiationof the alloacteristics. Thisproposed approachof structureanalysisand cation functionswouldsimplybe abstractioncanlead to considerableincreasesin efficiency withreasonableerror boundsfor problems in large-scalesysFx tems (promhcrz&Jackson 2001). (2) A~= "~-, fy+ = 0 (i = 1,..., N) Fordiscrete actuators, one cansimplycalculate the number An example for problem decomposition of necessaryjets as Fz/fm~roundedto the nearest integer and then openthat manyjets (fins= is the maximum force Weillustrate the potentialof constraint-directeddecomposi- availablefroma singlejet). tion on the air-jet papermoverintroducedabove.ForexamGenerally,rowsof x-jets with the samey position and ple, the air-jet force allocationproblem canbe formulated as columnsof y-jets with the samex position lead to paran optimizationproblem,attemptingto achievethe desired ticularly simpleallocation functionswithin a rowor coltotal forces whileminimizing actuation energy(Fromherz unto. Therefore,wehaveimplemented an aggregationof jets 36 wherethe N virtual jets are dividedinto "x modules,"each withonly x-directed jets with a common y position Yi, and "y modules,"eachwith onlyy-directedjets witha common x positionzi (Fig. 4b). Now,allocationto thesevirtual jets has to compute onlyeither fx~or fyi for the x andy modules, respectively,andallocationwithina virtual jet followsEq.(2) for x modulesand its equivalentfor y modules,instead of solving the morecomplexEq. (1). Thus, the decomposition at onelevel greatlysimplifiesthe allocationat anotherlevel. E Nested-loop partitioning In a secondapproachto decomposition,we are developing a nested-looppartitioningapproachthat takes as input a nested-loopformulationof the task, as well as modelsof the systemand the application(e.g., computing and memory limits, performance objectives)anda rangeof suggestedhierarchicalstructures. In a nested-loopformulation,eachvertex of the iteration spacerepresentsa givennodeor agent (e.g., sensoror actuator) (Aocourtet al. 1997).Examples are sensors and actuators embedded on a two-dimensional surface, suchas the sensorsand jets in the papermoverand the vibration sensors and actuators embedded on a surface grid for vibrationcontrol.There,a controlcyclecanbe modeled as nested,two-dimensional loopsiterating overtheseelementsfor the sensing,control, and actuationtasks. Partitioning groupsandeffectivelyparallelizes these loops such that the resourceconstraintsare satisfied. Forhierarchical applications,partitioningis appliedrecursivelyin orderto determinean appropriatehierarchicalstructure andparameters, suchas the branching factorandheightof the hierarchy. ~ Adaptive Control of Problem Solving Thesecondelementof our approachis the on-line tuningof solvers for the environmentand problemsof embedded applications. In general, the designof a problemsolver for a particular problemdependson the problemtype, the system resources, andthe applicationrequirements,as well as the specific probleminstance. Oneapproachto this designissue is the use of adaptivecontrol of problemsolving. We define adaptivecontrol of solvingas modifyingthe solver or the problemrepresentation in responseto environment or problemchanges. Adaptivesolving control makesuse of a modelor set of rules concerningthe relationship betweenvarious problem,system,and application parameters and choicesfor solvers, heuristics, andproblemtransformations. Thesechoicesdefine the control parametersof the solver. This modelor rule basealso enablesthe prediction of the behaviorof the solver definedby these controlparameters. Thepredicted behaviorcan be used to monitorthe actual on-line behaviorof the solver andupdatethe control parametersaccordingly.If the predictedbehavioris consistently at oddswiththe actual behavior,the accumulated performancefeedbackcan be used to update the modelor rule baseitself. A frameworkfor adaptive solver control Theseideas are directly analogousto on-line adaptationin control systems(Astr6m&Wittenmark 1995;Levine1996), 37 l Control Module [[ u. = T $olv~Module Y Figure 5: Adaptivesolving systemframework withthe solver takingthe place of the plant. Basedon this viewpoint,we proposea genericframework for the adaptive control of solving(Crawford et al. 2001),shownin Fig. 5. Thisframework includesthree levels of increasinglysophisticated control: open-loop,feedback,andadaptivecontrol. In a basic control system,the controllertakes the reference input andoutputsa control signal to the solver withoutany feedback.For such a feed-forward,open-loopcontrol systemto producethe desired behavior,the controller mustbe designedandtuned off-line using a very accuratemodelof the solver. Anyinaccuraciesin the modelor variancesto the system(e.g., the problems to be solved)will not be takeninto accountat run-time. Whenthe feedbackloop is addedto the control system, the controllergainsthe ability to react to the qualityof the solver’s output. Thecontroller still mustbe designedand tunedoff-line, but the systemhas a muchbetter chanceof performingas desired. In an adaptivesystem,the controlleris able to adapt to compensate for systematicperformance errors causedby inaccurate solver modeling.The controller is designedand tunedoff-line, but canbe formulatedparametricallyin terms of solver parametersthat maybe unknown or imprecisely known.The modelbecomesmore accurate over time and can also adapt to changesin the problemsand solver’s environment. Thisfunctionalframework is usefulfor structuringa principled discussionof adaptivesolvingapproaches.Thefollowingdescription oudines the proposed functionality. Examples ofpossible implementations andinstantiations ofits elements areprovided in(Crawford etal.2001). Referring toFig. 5,theSolver Module represents software forproblem transformation andsolving, possibly containing multiple algorithms andheuristics among which toselect, as wellastunable parameters. (Byproblem transformation, we meanchanges totheproblem formulation, suchaschanging thegranularity ofvariable domains toimprove efficiency.) Thealgorithmsandparametersare selected with the input u, providedby the ControlModule.This modulemakesthe solver algorithmselectionand tuningdecisionsbasedon the environment specification, E, the problemto be solved, P, the on-line (during a run) behaviorof the solver, y, and some internal tuning parameters, a. The environment,E, includes modelsof both the systemspecifications and the application requirements. Including the on-line behavior of the solver as an input to the Control Moduleallows the solver control to have a feedback component.The role of the Adaptation Moduleis to monitor the behavior y of the Control Module/Solver Modulesystem and adapt the parameters, a, of the Control Moduleto improveperformance. Its outputs, ~, are the current estimates of the optimal Control Moduleparameters. The Adaptation Modulewould typically act at a muchslower time scale than the feedback loop. As it acreally modifies parameters of the Control Module,its actions wouldgenerally not be based on system behavior for a single problemor subproblem,as the feedback control would. Both the Control Moduleand the Adaptation Modulecontain, either explicitly or implicitly, information about the solver and its expected behavior. A predictive modelof expected solver behavior wouldprovide a basis for the Control Moduleto makeits solver parameter choices. The Adaptation Modulewoulduse the predicted behavior as a yardstick for measuringthe true behavior, y. Thecontroller parameters a adjusted by the Adaptation Modulemight then be parameters of the solver model. Previous approaches to adaptive solving for different classes of problemshave involved the first of the levels of control enumerated above and sometimes the second. In contrast, mostof the workon adaptive solving to date has in fact not beenadaptive,at least not in the control sense (Crawford et al. 2001). In other words, these approachesare not adaptive to the run-timeenvironmentof the solver, a crucial prerequisite for deployingsolvers in embedded applications. a) I~ °.o .° am~ mllo 1 IS~ azO 9 yqn w ogVqn o ~ gym Vy m.’ ,,~;.’T ¯ .x ~, ;,, I~ - "-- ~1 I 38 I ,4, ¥ I ,I O/lO II I . , fiiTi]i[ iiiilT[]]],!i!TiT ii!i tI t f~4W Ill~ll II dl I il I I111 10 An example for feedback and adaptation in solving Wepresent the following examplein order to illustrate the value of feedbackand adaptation in on-line solving. It has been shownthat the combinationof global and local solvers can be particularly effective for complex,realistic problems (Shangetal. 2001b). Consider, for instance, a cooperative global/local solver for continuousconstraint satisfaction problems that uses the Nelder-Meadalgorithm (Lagarias et al. 1998)for global search followedby sequential quadratic programming for local search(fminsearchandfmincon,respectively, in the Matlab Optimization Toolbox(Matlab Optimization Toolbox2001)). Such a solver has several tuning parametersthat need to be set. Oneof these is the size of the initial simplex for the Nelder-Meadalgorithm, which determines the search scale. Animportant indicator of complexity for this type of problemseemsto be the constraintto-variableratio (constraint ratio for short). Thus,a first step might be to analyze the performanceof various initial simplex sizes for various constraint ratios, as is shownin Fig. 6a for a 25-variable problem.Suchan analysis provides the basis for a solver modeland as such the foundationforan openloop control scheme.This schemespecifies that the simplex size should be chosenas the one yielding the lowest median complexitygiven the problem’sconstraint ratio. If, for instance, for a problemwith constraint ratio 6.6, the simplex size were chosenbased on Fig. 6a, a size of 0.3 DI ::T ml I ,~zl I I I 15 !0 i ~ni~ ;* I I I I I ,I,I . l I I I 1i!i aO Im I ¯ I 4.- a,,Itll o o~.m ÷ atolL! ¯ ih! 4O aS 60 h) Figure 6: Continuousconstraint satisfaction problemswith different initial simplex sizes: This figure showsdata on sum-of-sines type continuous constraint satisfaction problems with 25 variables. The top diagram shows the median (over 50 instances) of the numberof function evaluations required for problemswith different constraint ratios, using initial simplexsizes s between0.03 and I0. Thebottom diagramshows,for a single constraint ratio, the variation among all instances and all simplexsizes wouldbe selected (the lowest point in the second-to-last set of data). Since this is the best choice only on average for this particular constraint ratio, it will not be the best choice for every problem instance. Fig. 6b shows the complexity for 50 different instances for this constraint ratio. Theinstances have been ordered by the complexity for the openloop simplex size, 0.3. Clearly, there are a numberof instances where different choices of the simplex wouldyield muchbetter results. Therefore, a feedbacklaw wouldbe useful here in order to fine tune the systemfor the particular instance. Whenmonitoringthe on-line solver behavior, if the numberof function evaluations were growingtoo large, the simplex size could be changed. This type of feedback could improvethe solving time in cases like those on the right-hand side of Fig. 6b. Finally, if, over the course of manyproblems,the initial open-loopestimate of the best simplexsize is in error more often than not, the adaptation portion of the solver control comesinto play. The AdaptationModulecan monitor the behavior of the solver and compareit to that predicted by the solver model (here, the median complexity given the constraint ratio and the choice of simplexsize). If this prediction appearsto be incorrect, such as if the simplexsize of 0.3 is yielding consistently worseresults (and the feedbacklaw described above has to act frequently), adaptation can adjust the solver modelaccordingly. Therefore, it mayhappen that, as moreexamplesare gathered on-line, the estimate of the complexityfor the 0.3 solver increases enoughthat 0.3 is no longer the preferred simplex size for problemswith constraint ratio 6.6. Thus, open-loop control implements parameter choices based on a solver modelor a set of rules, either of which can be generatedoff-line basedon analysis or statistical sampling. The feedback control componentperforms on-line corrections to compensatefor individual instances deviating from the norm. Finally, the adaptive control component serves to correct persistent errors in the solver modelor rule base, whichcan affect both the open-loop and feedback components. Conclusion Constrained optimization is at the core of manyembedded applications. Weare proposing a newframeworkfor an (online) adaptive constrained optimization service for such applications that addresses two central issues: problemdistribution and representation as well as adaptive algorithm selection and tuning. The adaptation frameworkpresented here allows for, as far as weare aware,the first principled classification of different techniques for adaptive control of problemsolving. Our current focus is on generating suitable problemensembles for complexityanalysis, on a better understandingof the relevant problemparameters that control or at least predict complexity, and on cooperative solvers (Shang et al. 2001a; Fromherzet al. 2001). Webelieve that this workis relevant for a wide variety of applications andis particularly importantfor large-scale, dynamic, embeddedproblems. Acknowledgment This work is supported DARPA under contract F33615-0I-C- 1904. in part by References Ancourt,C.; Barthou,D.; Guettier, C.; Irigoin, E; Jeannet, B.~ Jourdan, J.~ and Mattioli, J. 1997. Automaticmapping of signal processing applications onto parallel computers. In Proc. ASAP97. Astr6m, K. J., and Wittenmark,B. 1995. Adaptive Control. Addison-Wesley. 39 Bondarenko, A. S.; Bortz, D. M.; and Mor~, J.J. 1998. COPS:Large-scale nonlinearly constrained optimization problems. Technical MemorandumANL/MCS-TM-237, ArgonneNational Laboratory, Argonne,Illinois. Chase, J. O.; Yim,M. H.; and Berlin, A. A. 1999. Optimal stabilization of columnbuckling. ASCEJournal of Engineering Mechanics125(9):987--993. Crawford, L. S.; Fromherz, M. R J.; Guettier, C.; and Shang, Y. 2001. A frameworkfor on-line adaptive control of problem solving. In Prac. CP’OIWorkshopon On-line Combinatorial Problem Solving and Constraint Programming. Fromherz, M. P. J., and Jackson, W.B. 2001. 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