From: AAAI Technical Report SS-02-02. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Co-evolution Learningin Organizational-LearningClassifier System Takao Terano, Yasushi Ishikawa Graduate School of Systems Management,University of Tsukuba, Tokyo 3-29-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo112-0012,Japan Abstract This paper proposes an agent-based system with Organizational-Learning OrientedClassifier System (OCS),whichis an extension of LearningClassifier System~CS)into multiple agent environments. In OCS,each agent is equippedwith a corresponding Michigantype LCSand acquires problemsolving knowledge basedon the conceptsof organizational learningin management and organizationalsciences. In the proposedsystem, we further extend OCSto employthe followingcharacteristics: (1) eachagent solvesmulti-objective problems,there are sometradeoffs about given problems;(2) the agents compose multi-classes,andin eachclass, theypursuedifferent goals, whichmightcauseconflictsamong the classesof agents,and(3) the agentslearn bothindividuallyand organizationally.Wehaveappliedthe systemto logical Marketing" domain in orderto explaincompetitive andcooperativeagentbehaviorsin developing and purchasingbotheconomical and ecologicalproducts. Introduction Recentdistributed information systems over the Internet often reveal very complexphenomenain practical operation, althoughthey are constructed from very simple software components,because the behaviors of the users are not predictable. To understand the phenomena,we must develop explainable and executable modelsto analyze the activities of organizations, whichconsist of both humanand artifacts. Computational(and Mathematical)Organization Theory (COT;CMOT) [Carley 1999] utilizes agent-based modelingtechniques [Axelrod1997], [Epstein 1996], [Axtel 2000]. By agent modeling, we mean that we develop models with groups of simple and small software components or software agents and that they behave in a given environmentand solve someglobal problems. Theapproacheswe address in this paper also employthe principles of agent-basedmodelingtechniques. To develop the model, we introduce the concepts of Organizational Learning in management and organizational sciences [Argyris 78]. This paper proposesan agent-basedsocial simulation systemwith Organizational-LearningOriented Classifter System(OCS)[Takadama99a, 99b, 01a, 01b], which Copyright(~) 2002,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 25 is an extension of LearningClassifier Systemin GeneticsBased MachineLearning [Goldberg89], [Lanzi et al., 01] into multiple agent environments.The proposedsystem is characterizedby the agents that (I) individuallysolve multiobjective problems,(2) pursue different conflict goals, they belongto different classes, and (3) learn both individually and organizationally. Compared with multiagentlearning systems so far (e.g., [AAAI96]), the proposedsystem is so complexthat the agents are able to learn fromrandom initial knowledgeand so powerfulthat they are utilized to simulatepractical social activities. Toshowthe effectiveness, therefore, we have applied the systemto Ecological Marketing~lomainin order to explain both competitiveand cooperative agent behaviors in developingand purchasing both economicaland ecological products. This paper is organizedas follows: in section 2, we describe the background and objectives of the research, in section 3, weproposea newOCSbasedarchitecture, then using the proposedmodel,in section 4, we carry out experiments on Ecological Marketingsimulation. Basedon the experiments,section 5 and 6 respectivelydiscuss the issues of organizationallearning and co-evolutionlearning. Finally, in section 7, concludingremarkswill follow. Background and Objectives The literature in COTand/or CMOT frequentiy reports that small autonomousagents can generate global interesting structures and behaviors.In moredetail, they describe: (1) someinteresting organizational phenomenausually occur in observingthe systems’behaviors, (2) very subtle changes of control mechanismsor system parameters will dramaticaily changethe characteristics of the systems, and (3) there are common face-similarities of behaviorsof complex systems, for example,computersystems, social systems, and economicalsystems. However,these researches in the literature only discuss the emergentproperties whichcan be identified fromthe observers’ standpoints, and tend to ignore the design problems of such multiagent systems. Theseresearches have not yet attained to describethe flexibility andpracticability of practical informationsystems.Bythe wordflexibility and practicability, we respectively meanthat ambiguousknowledge sharing and ongoingadaptation in the context of activities occur. Tosolve the difficulties, the study onextendingthe architecture of learning classifier systemsinto multiagentenvironmentshas becomepopular in recent years. In such environments,agents should cooperatively and/or competitively learn each other and solve a given problem.As stated above, amongstthem, we have conductedthe research based on the concepts of Organizational learning in management and organizationalsciences. Thoughthere are various definitions and discussions about organizationlearning in the literature [Argyris78], [Duncan79], [Kim93], by organizational learning, wemean that it is the processfor the organizationto learn to solve a given problem,which cannot be solved by each individual agent in it, becauseof the insufficient capability of the agent. The approachesto learning multiagent systems are classified in the followingtwo categories. Theone is that all agents in the systempursue the samegoal, and the other is that multipleclassesof agents pursuedifferent conflicting goals and affect each other in the problemsolving processes. In both approaches,agents learn individually, however,from our organizational learning viewpoints, the formeraims at acquiringthe ability to get better solutions of the problem by exchangingor transferring adaptation behaviors among the agents. Onthe other hand, the latter almsat acquiring the ability to howto act fromthe feedbackfromthe environmentalchangesdueto the activities of the classes of agents. Fromthe technical viewpoints, there has been a number of studies in the co-evolutionof populationsin GAandmultiagent learning literature. For example,[Rosin 97] proposes a methodof "competitive coevolution," in whichfitness is based on direct competitionamongindividuals selected from two independentlyevolvingpopulations of "hosts" and "parasites." [Bull 96] proposesa multi plied learning approach because the agents do not influence each other in their learning processes. [Grefenstette 96] describeaexperiments with co evolutionary approaches,that are similar to ecological environments wherespecies adapt in evolvein interaction with each other. [Haynes97] analyzes cross over operators and fitness functions that allow to rapidly evolve a team of agents with goodtask performance.[Sikora 94] integrates a similarity-based learning programand GAoperations. Compared with such researches, in this paper, we emphasizethe concepts of organizational learning and the application of learning classifier systemsin Genetics-Based MachineLearning[Goldberg89] into multiagent learning. Wehave developedthe architecture of Organizationallearning oriented Classifier System(OCS).In OCS,we have focuseduponthe formertype organizational learning by the rule or classifier exchangemechanism [Takadama99a, 99b, 01a, 01b]. However,the techniques we have implementedin OCSso far are only applicable to the agents with the same internal modelsand the samegoals. Therefore,in this paper, weaddress the development of the latter type organizational learning in the OCSarchitecture in whichmultiple classes of agents mayhavedifferent internal models. Whenwe develop a learning multiagent system, we often meetthe followingfour difficulties: ¯ Agents maysolves Multi-objective problems: 26 Whenacting as individuals, the agents mayindividually achieve morethan one objective at the sametime. This meansthat agents must solve multi-objective problems. For example, in the Ecological Marketing domaindescribed later, the agents meetthe tradeoffs betweeneconomicaland ecological goods. ¯ Agentsmaypursue different conflicting goals: Whileagents act for their objectives, the agents mayhave different weightson their multiple objectives. Furthermore, in the environmentwhereagents act, there maybe multiple classes of agents. A group of agents with the same objectives forms an agent class. The agents in a sameclass maycooperativelyimitate, learn, and adapt to the activities of the other agents in the sameclass. However, the agents whobelongto different classes maypursue different conflicting goals. In the EcologicalMarketing domain,one agent groupis correspondingto the supplier class and the other is correspondingto the consumer class. Bothclass agents wouldlike to contribute the environmental problems, however,from the economicalview point, the objectivesare conflicting. ¯ Agentsmaylive in multiple environments: If there are multiple environments,each environmentrequires somespecific activities to the agents living in it. Agentmust adopt the requirements, as they are ones of the agents objectives. Ourpurposeof this research is that weextend the architecture of the original OCSin order to developmoregeneral social simulationmodelsfor analyzingdistributed information systems with multiple classes composed of such agents withmultiple objectives. In the followingsections, we will describe the conceptsand validate the effectiveness. Organlzational-learnlng oriented Classifier Systemand its Extension In this section, weproposea newarchitecture with extension of the OCSto simulatethe agent withthe characteristics explainedsofar. Brief Descriptionof Organizational-learning Oriented Classifier System Figure 1 showsthe OCSarchitecture extended from conventional Learning Classifier System(LCS)[Goldberg89] with organizational learning methods. The system solves a given problemwith multi-agents organizational learning wherethe problemcannot be solved by the sumof individual learning of each agent. In OCS,we introducethe four organizational learning mechanismproposed in [Kim93]: (a) Individual single loop learning, CO)Individual doubleloop learning, (c) organizationalsingle looplearning, and (d) ganizational double loop learning. Eachlearning mechanism respectively correspondsto (a) reinforcementlearning (or modificationof weights)of classifiers in each agent, Co) newclassifier or rule generation via genetic operations in each agent, (c) the exchangemechanism of goodclassifiers amongvarious agents, and (d) collective knowledgereuse for new problems. Agentsdivide given problemsby acquiring their ownappropriate functions throughinteraction amongagents Weassumethat a given problemcannot be solved at an individual level. The agent inOCS contains thefollowing components: ¯ Problem Solver: - Detector and Effecter: they translate someparts (sub environments)of a total environmentstate into an internal state (workingmemory)of an agent, applying classifiers and/or collective knowledge,and derive actions basedon the informationin the workingmemory. ¯ Memory: - Collective knowledgememory: It stores a set comprising each agent’s rule set as collective knowledge.In OCS,all agents share this knowledge. - Individual knowledge memory: It stores a set ofclassitiers (CFs). In OCS,agents individuallystore different CFsthat are composed of if-then rules with a strength weightfactor. At first, a givennumber of rules are generated in each agent at random,and the initial weights are set to the samevalue. - Workingmemory:It stores the recognition results of both sub-environmental states and the internal states of an actionof fired rules. ¯ Learning in OCS: - Reinforcement Learning: In OCS,the RLmechanism enablesagents to acquire their ownactions that are required to achieve their owngoals by tuning the rule weights. Weemploya profit sharing methodfor the purpose. - Rule Generation: The mechanismgenerates a newrule whenno rules in the individual knowledgecan be applied to the workingmemory conditions and a rule with the least weightis deleted. - Rule Exchange:In OCS,agents exchange rules with other agentsat a particular timeinterval in orderto distribute moreeffective rules that cannotbe acquiredat the individual level learning. Whenexchanged,rules with lowerweightsare replaced. - Collective KnowledgeReuse: Whenthe agents have solved someset of problems, the individual knowledge is chunkedand commonly distributed to the all the agents. The knowledgeis stored in order to apply the future problemsolving. The basic idea of the proposedsystemin this paper comes from OCS,however,the proposed system is extended from the original OCSso that we deal with the agents with the characteristics described above. Wewill omit the detailed descriptions about the system common with the original OCSThe detailed discussion about the mechanismsof the original OCSis found in [Takadama01a, 01b]. Coping with Multi-Objective Problems First, wehavechangedthe formof the classifiers, whichare stored within Individual Knowledge~module, in order 27 I[ " Im Bnttwnlam ! iT T. __t’,~L~_ ..r~.. g’ .... t~111¢4N w ~m J~mt~ ~N ~s Figure 1: Architecture of Organizational-learningOriented Classifier System to copewith multi-objective problemsdealt with the agent. Referring to VEGA (Sehaffer 1985), which implements wayto deal with multi-objective problemsby Genetic Algorithms (GAs), we have applied the principle of VEGA to LearningClassifier System.Eachclassifier individually holds multiple strengths correspondingto each objective. Eachof the strength values meansthe adaptation score towardsthe correspondingobjectives. Thescore is calculated by a methoddescribed later. Individual knowledgewill be iteratively improvedby reinforcementlearning. If two or moreof the agents havethe sameobjectives for their action, then they are formedin the sameclass. Anagent decidesits action by the followingprocedures: (1) Select probabilistieallyone of the n objectives abouttheir actions. (2) Select someclassifiers that matchthe states of Detector" of Learningclassifier system. (3) Select one classifier fromthemaccordingto strengths by "RouletteSelection"to decideits action. (4) Applythe classifier to Effecter ito a real action. Eachagent individually has n weight values according to the correspondingn objectives. In each action, one of the objectives is probabilistically selected accordingto the weightvalues, and then correspondingactions will be taken. Thus, by the difference of the weightfor each objective, we represent the agent’s characteristics so that Agentpursues different goals | Classifiers are gradually trained via conventional LCS mechanisms.The learning procedureis as follows: (1) Select the elite classifiers. Select somefixed numberof excellentclassifiers for eachn objective. Somefixed ratio of the selected superiorclassifiers remainsfor eachobjectives accordingto their weightsfor each objective. (2) Select classifiers for crossoveroperation.First, select two classifiers fromall classifiers randomly.Next,select one from the two by the tournamentselection. At the tournamentselection, select one objective, comparethe correspondingstrengths of the twoclassifiers, and select the better one for the candidatefor the crossoveroperations. (3) Applygenetic operations. Accordingto the general procedures of GAs,apply crossover, selection, and mutation operatorsfor the next generation. Extension for Multi-Class Agents Wehave changed OCSto handle multi-class agents. As shownin Figure2, multiple classes of agents share the same environment.However,each agent class has each different viewpointto interpret the status of the environment, different objectivesto act, or different actions. Toattain this, wedesign Effecter iand Detector for each individual class. By this way, we extend OCSto multi-class agent system without changingthe internal architecture of OCS-agent. Evaluating Agents’ Actions Wedescribe a wayto evaluate agents’ actions underthe requirementsfrommultiple environmentsand the aims to meet their actions to the multiple objectives. Anagent in a same. ¯ agent class has the sameobjectives for its actions. These objectives are implicit requirementsfromthe environments that it lives. Asdescribedearlier, an agent probabilistically selects oneobjective fromn of them,selects classifiers that matchthe conditionof the detector, and select oneclassifier to decide its action. To correspondto multiple environments requirements,its action for oneobjective is reflected to all the environments, the action will changethe status of all environments.Eachagent comparesthe effect of its action to the environmentthat the agent has selected basedon the objective, and averagesthe effects by all agents actions. That is, the effects by all agents are averagedin the sameclass to the environment.However,in this way, the other agents do not alwaysact for the sameobjectives. Thus, the agents evaluate their actions based on the resulting environment, whichmighthave effects of the other agents with different objectives. The methodmayseem invalid, however,we believe this evaluationis adequate,becausethe agents will see the other agents actions subjectively by their ownobjectives. They will judge their surroundingenvironmentsby their internal models. While we evaluate the results of actions by one agent, this relative evaluation is adaptive to the dynamic changes of the environmentit lives. If one agent would evaluateits action absolutely, it wouldevaluate its actions as suitable after the environment changesto the state the action wouldnot be suitable any more. This relative evaluation is a reasonablewayto adapt the dynamicchangeof the environmentsunderwhichvarious agents act with different objectivesthey aimat. The proposedsystemhas no explicit objective functions globally, but eachagent Individuallyhas the ones. Theenvironmentsthey live canbe changedto the state that they never wantto be, becausethe environments are shared and affected by the other classes of agents that mayact in completelydifferent ways.Arealistic tactic to fit such environments for agents is not to aim at on one target state as an ideal one for them. Anagent should compromiseto the environment it live and it mayfollowa better result that the other agents haveattained. In this point of view, the relative evaluation methodis a flexible way. 28 [ EnvironmentA }[ EnvironmentB Figure 2: Extensionof OCSto Multi-Class Agents Onescore calculated by this evaluation is reflected to the strength for the correspondingobjective in the classitier; however,the score is not reflected to the other n - 1 strengths. Methods for Organizational Learning Weprepare the two organizational learning methodsfor agents in a sameclass. CopyingAction Parts of a Classifier Whenagent’s actions result in a bad status, the action part pf classifiers is substituted by the other actions, whichhaveresulted in good results, so far. Withthis method,an agent avoids makinga mistakein the samesituation, again. The agent adopts the actions those maynot be caused with the same objective. So we call this method"Copyof Action (without normative objective)". CopyingClassifiers or Rules The objective of copying rules is to share the success stories by all agents. While an agent succeededin its actions, the agent offers classifier sets that madethe success to collective knowledgeas the shared place or blackboard. Whenapplying GAoperations, all agents adoptthose classifiers as the elitist ones. Bythis method,agents get rules as its individual knowledge that will be able to succeedin the samesituation. Wecall this method "Copyof Rules ; Classifier sets to share are prepared for each objective that the correspondingclass of agents owns them.In that case, the ratio of the classifiers that the agent adapts for each objective is accordingto the weightof objectives. Ecological Marketing Simulator Ecological Marketingiis one of general marketingmethods that approachesconsumerswith a supplier or its products keen on corresponding ecological problems. Wehave modeledEcologicalMarketingvery simple, and simulated it in order to validate the effectivenessof the architecturediscussed above. Theobjective of the Eco-marketingSimulator is to find out the stable conditionswhereboth supplier and consumerclasses of agents live by proceeding coevolving processesto acquire their knowledge each other. Our agent modelof Ecological Marketingis summarized as follows. ¯ Agent classes: "Consumers"and "Suppliers" ¯ Environmentsthat agents live: "Economy-oriented"and "Ecology-oriented" ¯ Objectives of Supplier class: "earn muchmoney"and "correspondto ecology"on selling their products ¯ Objectives of Consumerclass: "buy a cheaper products" and "correspondto ecology"on buyingthe products. Betweenthe twoobjectives of supplier agents, there is a constraint that the higher a supplier correspondsto ecology, the higher the cost of the productsraises. Eachsupplier can set the price of the product as it like. Suppliers and consumershold "cash position" and "ecological score" as their internal variables. Withtheir actions, these variables will changeby the rules as follows. (1) Case of Suppliers ¯ CashPosition: Increases/decreases by sales. Asupplier mustproduceat least 2 products, so while it could sell less than 2, the supplier looses the cost of the remained products. ¯ Ecologicalscore: Asupplier gets a score multiply"ecology correspondenceratio of a product" by "numberof sold products". But while a supplier could sell less than 2, the supplier gets somepenalty scores. (2) Case of Consumers ¯ Cashposition: A consumerpays someprices of a product it bought,and gets a meanprice of all products. ¯ Ecological score: A consumergets the ecology correspondenceratio of a product. To.implement the agents, the conditionalparts of the classifter contain the followinginformation:Cashposition, Ecological score, Resultsof previoussales activities (for suppliers only), results of previous purchaseactivities (for consumersonly), the averageof moneyall the agents have, the averageof ecologicalscores all the agents have, and so on. Theaction parts of the classifier containecologicalscoreand the marginof the products(for suppliers) and price of products and ecological score (for consumers). Thelengthof one classifier is 50 bits for suppliersand 40 bits for consumers. Eachagent has 5,000classifiers in its internal model. Parameters of GAoperations are summarized as follows: GAoperations are applied every 500 iteration, the ratio for the elite classifier selectionis 0.2, the crossover ratio is 1.0, andthe mutationratio is 0.001. Preliminary Experiments: Only Supplier Agents Learn For the first practice, we have implementedthe consumer class with only heuristic followingtwo rules. That is, we have not applied GAoperations to consumeragents. Onthe other hand, makeragents are implementedby OCS,thus, their actions will evolve. 29 10 ... L ..~- Grayd ~ns I ~ With b~hmllhods Figure 3: Numberof SucceededAgents in Pre-Experiments (Averageof 5 experiments) ¯ Rule1: First, a consumerselects a product randomly,and then, if there is a productfit moreto ecologyand the price is not higherthan 110% fromthe first one, select the product. ¯ Rule2: First, a consumerselects a product randomly,and then if there is a product whoseprice is less than 90% fromthe first one, selects the product. The formerheuristic is used in order for the consumer’s objectiveto correspondto ecology,and latter is usedin order for the consumer’sobjective to buy a cheaper product. In this experiment,the weightsfor both objectives are set to 0.5. Wehave removedthe variety of agents to measurethe pure effect of organizationallearning methods. Before the experiment, we have carried out the simulation without organizational learning mechanisms;however, we havehad results that all suppliers go bankrupt.That is, the prices of products go downto the least level samewith their productioncost. Accordingly,we mustapply the organizational learning methodto a supplier’s objective to earn much money. To overcomethe results, the following two organizational learning methodsare designed. Whena supplier goes bankrupt, the "Copyof actions" methodis executed. This meansthat they copythe last 5 best actions to the supplier’s bad correspondingclassifiers. Whena supplier succeeds, that is, its moneyposition exceedsto the upperlimit, the supplier providesthe last 5 classifiers applied, whichcause the last 5 actions of it, into a shared place. Thesesuccessful rules are able to be acceptedas the elites by all suppliers in the GAoperations. But the rules the samesupplier agent has providedare excludedfor the acceptancefor itself. The numbersof these success rules are limited to 40timesS. Weshowthe effects of organizational learning methodin Figures 3 and 4. ’Success’in this figure meansthe times of moneyposition exceeds to the upper limit are morethan 9 times that the moneyposition falls the lower limit. ’Lose’ means the times of moneyposition goes under the lower limit than that exceeds the upper limit. Wehave measured themevery 2,000iterations of the simulation. ---_..... ! .... ~ ._,&s__ __,,~n) I-.-~r~a~ I ....................... I @ m Figure 4: Numbersof Lost Agentsin Pre-Experiments(Average of 5 experimentsExtension of OCSto Multi-Class Agents) Figure 6: Results of EconomicalActionsTakenby Suppliers in Pre-Experiments(Averageof 5 experiments) .......................................................... ....................................... m m e m Figure 5: Results of EcologicalActions TakenbySuppliers in Pre-Experiments(Averageof 5 experiments) Thisresult showsthat "Copyof action" is effective to improvethe initial activities of agents, and "Copyof Rule"is also effectiveto improve their final states. Weobservethe effects of these methodsby validating the states of the environments feed backedby the actions of the agents. Weshowin Figures 5 and 6, which represent the transformationof environmentswith suppliers’ "ecological actions" and "economicalactions". Theseresults showthat our methodsworkwell on this point of view. Automated Modification of Actions in Ecological Marketing Simulation Wehave foundout the results of feedbacksof suppliers’ actions to the environmentsin Figures 5 and 6 that "ecological actions" increasesatisfactorily, but "economical actions" rather decreases.This is becausesuppliers are too muchcorrespondingto ecological issues, whichhave resulted in the sacrifice of earningmuchmoney.That is, suppliers’ weights for the twoobjectivesare not suitable for its multi-objective problems.Therefore, to improvethe situation, we carry out the secondseries of experimentsto modifytheir objectives dynamicallyby using the results of feed backof suppliers’ 30 Figure 7: Results of Agents’Actionswith "Modificationsof Actions" actions to the environment. Here, we examinea method(1) to comparethe results of both ecological and economicalactivities of agents, then (2) to feed backthe results towardthe next simulationsteps. Whilethe results are increasedin the one objective and decreased in the other one, we decreasethe weightfor the increased objective. Wecall this methodas "Modificationof Actions". Wehave improvedthe suppliers’ multi-objective solutions with this methodas Figure 7 shows. Weset the unit step for the weighttransformationat 0.05, here. Weobservethat the both results of the feedbacksare increasing, evenif the results of ecologicalactions are rather worsethan the last result. That is, this methodcan gives good organizational learning mechanismsfor the multiobjective problem. That is, supplier agents have learned the best weights for objectives on-the-fly mannerby this method. Co-Evolving Multiple Agents in Ecological Marketing Simulation Co-evolutionis the evolutionbetweendifferent kinds of living things with their interactive affections [Mitchell96]. In the framework of our research, Co-Evolution i means the evolutionary acquisition of better knowledgebetween Figure 8: Results of Agents’Actionswith "Interventionsfor Actions" the supplier agent class and the consumeragent class. In the sameclass, they learn cooperatively,on the other hand, against the class, they learn competitively. The agents wouldlike to get the benefit each other by cooperatingtogether towardtheir common objectives correspondingto "ecology", and by competitive learning, which meansto competethe conflict of interests betweensuppliers to earn "money"and consumersto buy cheaper "products". This co-evolutionallearningis attained in adaptation to the changeof environments,whichis causedby their feedbacks of actions to the environments.Wesimulate EcologicalMarketing with supplier agents and consumeragents, both of whichare implementedby the classifier systemmechanisms describedearlier. In the preliminary experiments, suppliers go bankrupt even if they use organizational learning methodsof "Copy of actions iand Copy of Rules"; consumers win a runawayvictory in their competition. In the real world, this result leads insufficiently supplyof products,and this affect consumersa bad impact. So consumersshould makeconcessions to suppliers to earn moneyso far as they do not go bankrupt. To put such concessionsinto practice in our simulation, we expand the Modification of Actions imethod to coevolutional learning betweenagent classes. Whilesuppliers cannot improvethe result of their economical actions by themselves, the suppliers intervene consumersto change their weight for economicalobjective lower. Wecall this methodas Intervention of Actions i Wesimulate the coevolution of multiclass agents in the EcologicalMarketing by the parametersas follows: the weightfor each objective is 0.5, the variety of rules (the marginof the weightfor objectives) is 0.2. Asa result, productssettle to highecological and lowprice ones, and suppliers earn moneyso far as they do not go bankrupt as Figure 8 shows. Figure 8 Results of AgentsActions with "Interventions for Actions" Concluding Remarks This paper has proposeda newarchitecture to simulate complex agents behaviorssimilar to the ones in our real world 31 that mayhavemulti-objectives,varieties in characteristics, multi-class, and/or multiple environments.Suchsituations are quite popularin recent distributed informationsystems. Wehave developedsuch an agent modelwith LearningClassifier Systemsin Genetic-BasedMachineLearningliterature and havevalidated the effectiveness of the organizational learning methods employed in the model. Our proposed methods: "Copyof Actions", "Copyof Rules" and "Modification of Actions" have shownthe performanceon the multiagents’ organizationallearningabouttheir suitable actions for their multi-objectives. 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