An Agent Architecture Potentially Capable of Robust Autonomy Stan Franklin

From: AAAI Technical Report SS-01-06. Compilation copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
An Agent Architecture Potentially Capable of Robust Autonomy
Stan Franklin
and the Conscious Software Research Group
Institute for Intelligent Systems
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN, 38152, USA
Robust autonomy on the part of software agents requires, at least in part, the ability to deal intelligently
with novel and unexpected situations. According to
global workspace theory, dealing with such situations
is one of the primary functions of consciousness in
humans. Below we briefly describe two software
agents that implement this psychological theory, and
discuss their resulting potential for robust autonomy.
should motivate corresponding modifications of the architecture and mechanisms of the cognitive agent. In this way,
the concepts and methodologies of cognitive science and of
computer science will work synergis tically to enhance our
understanding of mechanisms of mind (Franklin 1997).
As we’ll see below, such “conscious” software agents
should be capable of more adaptive, more human-like behavior, including being capable of robust operation in the
face of novel and unexpected situations.
Autonomous Agents
Global Workspace Theory
Artificial intelligence pursues the twin goals of understanding human intelligence and of producing intelligent artifacts. Designing, implementing and experimenting with
autonomous agents (Franklin & Graesser 1997) furthers
both these goals in a synergistic way. In particular, designing and implementing within the constraints of a theory of
cognition can further the first goal by providing conceptual
and computational models of that theory. The second goal
is also served. One way to get really smart agents is to
model them after humans. “Really smart” autonomous
agents should be robust in their ability to deal intelligently
with novel and unexpected situations.
Global workspace theory postulates that human cognition is
implemented by a multitude of relatively small, special
purpose processes, almost always unconscious. (It's a mu ltiagent system.) Communication between them is rare and
over a narrow bandwidth. Coalitions of such processes find
their way into a global workspace. This limited capacity
workspace serves to broadcast the message of the coalition
to all the unconscious processors (bringing it to consciousness) in order to recruit relevant processors to join in handling the current novel situation, or in solving the current
problem. Thus consciousness produces robustness, that is,
it allows us to deal with novelty or problematic situations
that can’t be dealt with efficiently, or at all, by habituated
unconscious processes. In particular, consciousness serves
to recruit appropriately useful resources, thereby solving
the relevance problem. Implementing a “consciousness”
mechanism in software agents can be expected to enable
more robust, more human-like software. .
“Conscious Software Agents”
A “conscious” software agent is one that implements global
workspace theory (Baars 1988, 1997), a psychological theory of consciousness and cognition. (No claim of sentience
is being made.) “Conscious” software agents have the potential to play a synergistic role in both modeling cognitive
theory and in producing software with more human-like
Minds can be viewed as control structures for autonomous agents (Franklin 1995). A theory of mind constrains
the design of a cognitive agent that implements and models
that theory. While a theory is typically abstract and only
broadly sketches a functional architecture, an implemented
computational design provides a fully articulated architecture and a complete set of mechanisms. This architecture
and set of mechanisms provides a richer, more concrete and
more decisive theory, as well as both a conceptual and a
computational model of the theory.
Moreover, every design decision taken during an implementation translates into a hypothesis about how human
minds work. These hypotheses may motivate experiments
with humans and other forms of empirical tests. Conversely, the knowledge gained from such experiments
“Conscious” Mattie (CMattie) is our first attempt at implementing a “conscious” software agent (McCauley &
Franklin 1998, Ramamurthy et al. 1998, Zhang et al. 1998,
Bogner et al. 2000) in this case a clerical agent. She composes and emails out weekly seminar announcements, having communicated by email with seminar organizers and
announcement recipients in natural language. She maintains her mailing list, reminds organizers who are late with
their information, and warns of space and time conflicts.
There is no human involvement other than these email
CMattie's cognitive modules include perception, learning, action selection, associative memory, "consciousness,"
emotion and metacognition. Her emotions influence her
action selection. Her mechanisms include variants and/or
extensions of Maes' behavior nets (1989), Hofstadter and
Mitchell's Copycat architecture (1994), Jackson's pandemonium theory (1987), Kanerva's sparse distributed memory (1988) , and Holland's classifier systems (1986). As of
this writing CMattie is almost completely coded and should
be ready for experimentation within a few months. Though
CMattie’s domain is narrow and relatively simple, novel
and unexpected situations seem likely to arise. Will her
current architecture and mechanisms, described below, be
capable of robust action as the theory leads us to expect?
It’s an open question.
IDA (Intelligent Distribution Agent) is a “conscious” software agent being developed for the US Navy (in parallel
with CMattie) (Franklin et al. 1998). At the end of each
sailor's tour of duty, he or she is assigned to a new billet.
This assignment process is called distribution. The Navy
employs some 280 people, called detailers, to effect these
new assignments. IDA's task is to facilitate this process by
completely automating the role of detailer.
IDA must communicate with sailors via email in natural
language, understanding the content and producing life-like
responses. Sometimes she will initiate conversations. She
must access several databases, again understanding the
content. She must see that the Navy's needs are satisfied by
adhering to some ninety policies. She must hold down
moving costs. And, she must cater to the needs and desires
of the sailor as well as is possible. This includes negotiating
with the sailor via an email correspondence in natural language. Finally, she must write the orders and start them on
the way to the sailor.
Though more complex, IDA's architecture and mechanisms are largely modeled after those of CMattie. In particular IDA needs deliberative reasoning in the service of
action selection (Sloman 1999), where CMattie was able to
do without. At this writing the design of IDA is far along,
so that she constitutes a useful conceptual model of cognition capable of producing testable hypotheses (Bogner et al.
In preparation). The coding of an initial partial implementation is now running. IDA’s domain is orders of magnitude
more complex than that of CMattie, and should produce a
variety of novel and unexpected situations that would require robust handling. Again the theory says that IDA
should be capable of such robust autonomy.
In both the CMattie and IDA architectures the processors postulated by global workspace theory are implemented by codelets, small pieces of code. These are
specialized for some simple task and often play the
role of demons waiting for appropriate conditions
under which to act.
The apparatus for “consciousness” consists of a coalition manager, a spotlight controller, a broadcast manager, and a collection of attention codelets who recognize novel or problematic situations (Bogner 1999,
Bogner et al. 2000). Each attention codelet keeps a
watchful eye out for some particular situation to occur that might call for “conscious” intervention. In
most cases the attention codelet is watching the workspace, which will likely contain both perceptual in formation and data created internally, the products of
“thoughts.” Upon encountering such a situation, the
appropriate attention codelet will be associated with
the small number of codelets that carry the information describing the situation. This association should
lead to the collection of this small number of codelets,
together with the attention codelet that collected
them, becoming a coalition. Codelets also have activations. The attention codelet increases its activation in
order that the coalition, if one is formed, might compete for “consciousness”.
If the situation is sufficiently novel, there may be no attention codelet that will respond to it. This indicates that
robustness may well require general-purpose attention
codelets whose task is to respond to unknown situations.
But how is such a codelet to recognize such situations
without knowing about all the usual occurrences? It seems
to be the same problem faced by the immune system, and
may well require the same kind of solution.
In CMattie and IDA the coalition manager is responsible
for forming and tracking coalitions of codelets. Such coalitions are initiated on the basis of the mutual associations
between the member codelets. At any given time, one of
these coalitions finds it way to “consciousness,” chosen by
the spotlight controller, who picks the coalition with the
highest average activation among its member codelets.
Global workspace theory calls for the contents of “consciousness” to be broadcast to each of the codelets. The
broadcast manager accomplishes this.
Perception in both CMattie and IDA consists mostly of
understanding incoming email messages in natural language. In sufficiently narrow domains, natural language
understanding may be achieved via an analysis of surface
features without the use of a traditional symbolic parser.
Allen describes this approach as complex, template-based
matching, natural language processing (1995). CMattie’s
limited domain requires her to deal with only a dozen or so
distinct message types, each with relatively predictable
content. This allows for surface level natural language
processing. CMattie's language understanding module has
been implemented as a Copycat-like architecture (Hofstad-
ter & Mitchell 1994) though her understanding takes place
differently. The mechanism includes a slipnet storing domain knowledge, and a pool of codelets (processors) specialized for specific jobs, along with templates for building
and verifying understanding. Together they constitute an
integrated sensing system for CMattie, allowing her to recognize, categorize and understand. IDA, though more complex, perceives in much the same way.
Action Selection
Both CMattie and IDA depend on a behavior net (Maes
1989) for high-level action selection in the service of builtin drives. Each has several distinct drives operating in parallel. These drives vary in urgency as time passes and the
environment changes. Behaviors are typically mid-level
actions, many depending on several codelets for their execution. A behavior net is composed of behaviors and their
various links. A behavior looks very mu ch like a production rule, having preconditions as well as additions and
deletions. A behavior is distinguished from a production
rule by the presence of an activation. Each behavior occupies a node in a digraph. The three types of links, successor, predecessor and conflictor, of the digraph are completely determined by the behaviors.
As in connectionist models, this digraph spreads activation. The activation comes from activation stored in the
behaviors themselves, from the environment, from drives,
and from internal states. The more relevant a behavior is to
the current situation, the more activation it's going to receive from the environment. Each drive awards activation
to every behavior that, by being active, will satisfy that
drive. Certain internal states of the agent can also send activation to the behavior net. This activation, for example,
might come from a coalition of codelets responding to a
“conscious” broadcast. Finally, activation spreads from
behavior to behavior along both excitatory and inhibitory
links. Call a behavior executable if all of its preconditions
are satisfied. To be acted upon a behavior must be executable, must have activation over threshold, and must have the
highest such activation. Behavior nets produce flexible,
tunable action selection for these agents.
Action selection via behavior net suffices for CMattie
due to her relatively constrained domain. IDA’s domain is
much more complex, and requires deliberation in the sense
of creating possible scenarios, partial plans of actions, and
choosing between them. For example, suppose IDA is considering a sailor and several possible jobs, all seemingly
suitable. She must construct a temporal scenario for each of
these possible billets. In each scenario the sailor leaves his
or her current position during a certain time interval,
spends a specified length of time on leave, possibly reports
to a training facility on a certain date, uses travel time, and
arrives at the new billet with in a given time frame. Such
scenarios are valued on how well they fit the temporal constraints and on moving and training costs. These scenarios
are composed of scenes organized around events, and are
constructed in a computational workspace corresponding to
working memory in humans.
Deliberation, as in humans, is mediated by the “consciousness” mechanism. The principle is that IDA should
use “consciousness” whenever a human detailer would be
conscious in the same situation. For example, IDA could
readily recover all the needed items from a sailor’s personnel record unconsciously with a single behavior stream.
But, observing and questioning human detailers indicate
that they become conscious of each item individually.
Hence, according to our principle, so must IDA be “conscious” of each retrieved personnel data item.
Other Modules
Both CMattie and IDA employ sparse distributed memory
(SDM) as their major associative memories (Kanerva
1988). SDM is a content addressable memory that, in many
ways, is an ideal computational mechanism for use as a
long-term associative memory. Any item written to the
workspace triggers a read from associative memory returning prior activity associated with the current entry.
In both CMattie and IDA we include mechanisms for
emotions (McCauley & Franklin 1998). CMattie, for example may “experience” such emotions as guilt at not getting an announcement out on time, frustration at not understanding a message, and anxiety at not knowing the speaker
and title of an impending seminar. Action selection will be
influenced by emotions via their effect on drives, modeling
recent work on human action selection (Damasio 1994).
IDA’s emotions are similar, but more complex.
IDA, but not CMattie, is provided with a constraint satisfaction module designed around a linear functional. It provides a numerical measure of the suitability, or fitness, of a
specific job for a given sailor. This fitness measure is use in
the deliberation process described above.
Due to her quite narrow domain, CMattie generates language (email messages) simply by filling in appropriate
scripts. IDA does the same, except that she chooses the
appropriate script “consciously,” and occasionally has to
tweak it to fit the current situation.
Metacognition should include knowledge of one’s own
cognitive processes, and the ability to actively monitor and
consciously regulate them. This would require selfmonitoring, self-evaluation, and self-regulation. CMattie’s
metacognition module (Zhang et al. 1998) uses Holland’s
classifier system (1975). It serves to interrupt oscillatory
behavior, to keep the agent on task, and to push her toward
efficient allocation of resources.
Both CMattie and IDA will be evaluated on how well they
perform their designated tasks. CMattie will be judged as
would a human secretary responsible for seminar announcements. Does she maintain her mailing list well? Are
the announcements compete, accurate, and on time? Does
she catch inconsistencies and afford organizers an opportunity to correct them? She has already been evaluated as an
implementation of global workspace theory (Franklin &
Graesser 1999). Evaluating IDA will prove more difficult
since the US Navy has no established protocol for evaluating human detailers. Our eventual evaluation of IDA is still
in the planning stage.
Future Plans
Modules capable of learning from conversations with organizers and detailers are planned (Ramamurthy et al.
1998, Negatu & Franklin 1999) for both CMattie and IDA.
A development/training period is also anticipated for IDA
(Franklin 2000). A paper is in preparation detailing some of
the hypotheses for human cognition suggested by these
agents (Bogner et al. In preparation). Future agents built on
the IDA architecture are being considered with a self and
the ability to report “conscious” activity.
Dealing with Novel and Unexpected Situations
Though their “consciousness” modules are designed to deal
intelligently with novel, unexpected, and problematic situations, both CMattie and IDA are normally expected to deal
only with novel instances of routine situations. Though its
content may be different, one speaker topic message from a
seminar organizer is much like another in form, even in
natural language with no agreed upon protocol. Similarly,
finding a new billet for one sailor will generally require
much the same process as for another even thought the personnel data and job descriptions and requirements are different. Even the negotiation process between IDA and a
sailor promises to be relatively routine. From analysis of a
corpus of messages we’ve constructed a comp lex, but quite
finite, flow chart of possible messages types and responses.
However, we expect IDA to occasionally to receive messages outside of this expected group. Can she handle such a
message intelligently by virtue of her “consciousness”
mechanism alone? I doubt it. Some attention codelet will
be needed to bring the novel message to “consciousness.”
Some behavior priming codelets will be needed to instantiate an appropriate behavior stream (goal hierarchy) needed
to deal with the situation (Franklin to appear). Perhaps a
single, novel-situation attention codelet will bee needed to
respond to a percept by default if no other attention codelet
does so within a prescribed time interval. This novelsituation attention codelet would try to bring information
about the novel situation to “consciousness.” The broadcast
would, hopefully, recruit behavior priming codelets to instantiate a behavior stream able to cope with the situation.
Suppose there is no such stream? Well, we humans can’t
cope with every situation either. But, we try. And, we combine goal hierarchies in novel ways. This combining ability
would seem a necessary ingredient if a “conscious” soft-
ware agent were to be truly robustly autonomous. It also
seems that learning must play a role here.
I conclude that “conscious” software agents present a
promising architecture and collection of mechanisms from
which to start in trying to design truly robust autonomous
agents. But, clearly, there’s lots of work to be done.
This work was supported in part by ONR grant N00014-981-0332. It includes essential contributions from the Conscious Software Research Group whose members currently
include Ashraf Anwar, Arpad Kelemen, Ravikumar Kondadadi, Lee McCauley, Aregahegn Negatu, Uma Ramamurthy, Zhaohua Zhang.
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