From: AAAI Technical Report FS-96-03. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. View to Product Configuration Knowledge Modelling and Evolution Tomi M/innis~, Hannu Peltonen and Reijo Sulonen Helsinki University of Technology HAResearchCentre and Laboratoryof InformationProcessing Science Otakaari 1, FIN--02150Espoo, FINLAND {Tomi.Mannisto, Hannu.Peltonen,Reijo.Sulonen} Abstract Knowledgemanagementhas been a major problem in the implemented configurationsystems. Onereason for the difficulties is the complexityof the product descriptions in these systems. Theproduct experts can no longer understandproductthe wayit is described.Theproblemis addressedin the objectoriented spirit by looking for waysof makingthe configuration product structure modelsmorecomprehensible. A data modelfor describing generic productstructures is defined. It formsa basis for modellingthe evolution of both product configuration knowledge and deliveredproducts. Introduction Manyknowledgeintensive systems have had problems with knowledgemaintenance. Product configuration systems are no exception in this respect, e.g., XCON (Barker & O’Connor1989, McDermott1993). There no universal agreement on the knowledgeneeded in productconfigurators,let alone on the representationof this knowledge.Wetherefore find it impossibleto discuss configuration knowledgemanagement without reference to whatkind of knowledgeis being managed. The basic issue in configuration modelling is a mechanism for describingstructures of multiple product variants within a single data model. Manydifferent methodshavebeenused for modellingthis generality in product descriptions (Scht~nsleben& Oldenkott 1992, van Veen 1991, Cunis et al. 1989, Mittal & Frayman 1989and Heinrich & Jungst 1991). Weidentify two basic product structure modellingmethodsin these approaches, whichwe refer to as explicit and implicit methods. Wethen define a data modelwhichuses both these methodsin combination. There is no single wayof looking at products of a company. Productscan be classified accordingto various criteria. Aclassification criterion suitable for onepurpose mayturn out to be awkwardin another context. We try specifically to avoid this kind of problemby constructing our modelexplicitly for productconfiguration purposes. After definition of the modelwediscuss the configuration knowledgemanagementproblemin the environmentwherethe modelwouldbe used. Finally weoutline our vision for a researchagendafor the evolutionof configuration models. This paper reports ongoingworkof the Product Data Management Groupat Helsinki University of Technology. Short Definitions of Basic Terms A physical product is manufacturedaccording to a specific productstructure. A specific productstructure is a collection of component descriptionsorganisedin a partof hierarchy. Eachcomponentdescription contains the necessary information for makingor ordering a component. Aspecific productstructure is sometimescalled a bill-of-materials (BOM) or configuration. In manycompaniesa product can be varied according to customerrequirementsandtherefore actually refers to a set of similar products.This set can be describedwith a generic productstructure, whichcorrespondsto a number of different specific productstructures. In a generic productstructure a genericcomponent referencerefers to a set of alternative components. A configurationprocess starts with a generic product structure and customerrequirements.Customerrequirements are mappedto a technical specification, which describes the customerneeds in the languageunderstood in the configurationprocess. Thegoal of the configuration process is to fred a suitable (valid, completeand possibly optimal) specific product structure that is amongthe alternatives described by the generic product structure. Wedo not assumeany particular kind of configuration process, it maybe fully automatic or rely partly or entirely on decisionsmadeby a human. A product can be described from many different points of view, each potentially defining a different product structure. In this paper, the generic product structure, or configuration modelas it is sometimes called, describes only those aspects of the productthat are relevant duringa configurationprocess. iii Modelling Generic Product Structures Thereare several possible waysof modellinggenerality in product structures. Wedivide themhere roughly in explicit and implicit productstructure descriptionmethods. Thetermsexplicit andimplicit indicate howdirectly the generic product smactureidentifies the components used. Weuse terms explicit or implicit modelfor a data modelthat is based on an explicit or implicit product structure description method,respectively. A single genetic product structure can also employboth -kinds of methods. Weuse the term ’productstructure’ here, althoughall implicit methodsdo not aim at describingthe organisafion of the components in a part-of hierarchy. Theymay connect the componentsin someother way than in a part-of hierarchy or perhapsdescribe only the component set andassumethe structure to be well knownor fixed. In an explicit methodthe generic productstructure is describedby stating the components,their organisation in the part-of hierarchy and possible choices for them. For example, a MountainBikeX has part frame which is either MBFrameX or MBFrameY. In an implicit method,the description consists of knowledgeabout the compatibility of components,connectivity of components or other constraints. For example, in description of a display unit, the component ’monitor’maystate that it needsa high resolution video signal, anda particular graphicscard maystate that it providesexactly that kind of signal. AT-connectormay state that it takes onevideoinput signal andprovidestwo outputs of the samesignal. Thereis no explicit description of the components of a workingdisplay unit. If two monitorsare neededfor a certain system, one graphics card and a T-connectorwith two monitors will do the job. It is also possible to use both explicit and implicit methodsin a single model.For example,on the explicit side one maystate that a product P has componentsa and b, wherea is either A1or A2and b is either B1or B2. Implicit knowledge in B2maythen say that it is incompatiblewith A1and they should, therefore, not be usedin the sameproduct. In explicit modelsit is typically straightforwardto enumerateall possible specific productstructures. Finding the desired structure maystill take too muchtime if all the possibilitiesneedto be investigated. In a purelyexplicit modela selection betweenalternative componentscan be madewithout considering other component selections. In practice, however,the alternafives in somecomponentsdependon each other. Sometimes these dependenciescan be solved with a global context, whichis establishedat the beginningof the configurationprocess. For example, suppose a product has component ’motor’ with alternatives ’220V’and ’ 110V’,and component’powerswitch’ with analogousalternatives. The global context for this product could include attribute 112 ’operating voltage’. After the context has been established, the motorand the switch can be chosenwith explicit rules. Alternatively one could use implicit rules such as:/f the producthas a llOV (220V)motor, it must have a 110V (220V) switch, or alternatively a 110V (220V) motor cannot be combinedwith a 220V(110V) switch. Explicit modelthus more directly tells what components must be chosen for a valid configuration whereas implicit modeldefines conditionsthat mustbe satisfied by valid configurations. Webelievethat explicit productstructures are in many cases easier to construct and understandthan implicit ones. Nevertheless, manyproducts include validity conditions that require implicit methods.Thedata model that is outlinedlater in the paperthereforehas an explicit basis that is extendedwith implicit constraints. In the following we give someexamplesof both explicit andimplicit productstructure descriptionmethods. Sample Explicit Methods Set of BOMs. This is a trivial case andnot actually a real generic product structure model. The methodis, however, widely used in the industry for modelling even large numbersof variants. Generic, Variant and ParametricBOMs.These define alternatives for certain components of a BOM and possibly global variables for determining the choice. (Sch~nsleben& Oldenkott 1992, van Veen1991) AND-OR Graphs. At each level of an AND-OR graph a node breaks downto either its components(AND)or one selection between choices (OR). The ANDand levels alternate, so that an AND level is followedby an ORlevel and vice versa. Combined Classification and Component Hierarchies. This is a sophisticated version of an AND-OR graph as a combinationof component and classification hierarchies. There each non-leavenodecan be either divided into its components (just like AND) or it can be specialisedto its subclass (a kind of an OR).This approachis used in SAP Configurator(SAP1994) and is a close relative of the PLAKON model (Cunis et al. 1989). Composite InstanceVariable.Compositeinstance variables are usedin object-orientedmodelsfor representing components(Kim, Bertino, & Garza1989). Such a variable representsactually a set of components ff its domain is a class that has subclasses;anyof its subclassbeingan eligible component. Sample Implicit Methods If-then Rules. In manyexpert systemsif-then rules can be used for implicitly describing productstructure. For example, IF component A OR B is in configuration THENcomponentX must be included, too. "7 / t c-classification] , N 1 ......... ! ! ........ \ [Configuration-[ componentdescriptions / t compm< { S } compn -< {Y, Z} ResSum(ResX~ prtrauct . data base , main ,. ¯ , , J , , , / I I ! ¯ ", mS{Sl} nS {Y, Z2} n_<{Y,Zl} -" "’ ¯ "\ compI < {A} ’ : /\," I I ResX:int I I "--’~ -- [ ~ //////II .. .. ,’ I / ~’/ mediator I . I related I c°mp°nent data /,// / I / 1 I ~ l I< {A2!. " / ~’" I "11 ResJ(:=-160~F~_7 I ~ Rosx:=-18o Resx:=-no ResX:= 200 ResX:= 150 Figure 1. Examplegeneric product structure in the model. out the invalid cases. In the following we ftrst give an example of a generic product structure using the model and then explain the conceptsin detail. Incompatibility and Compatibility Constraints. One wayof stating the possible uses of componentsis to state which components can or cannot be with other components in a configuration. These facts can be recorded as n-ary tuples. Interfaces, Ports and Connectors. These provide deeper modelling for compatibility of components. The basic idea is that in a configuration certain components need, can or cannot be connected. This is modelled, for example, by ports and connectors that must fit together in a valid configuration (Mittal &Frayman1989). Resource-based Modelling. In resource based generic product structure modelling the idea is that somecomponents consumesomething, such as, power, fuel, ventilation, etc., while certain components supply these resources. In a valid specific product structure all resources need to be in balance. For example, the total produced net power must be more than maximumconsumption. (Heinrich & Jungst 1991) Generic Product Structure An Example of a Generic Product Structure in the Model Generic product structure description of P in Figure 1 declares that P has two componentsm and n. Component mshould be an S, while n should be either Y or Z. This is an explicit product structure description. Thesedefinitions are refined in subclasses P1 and P2. ComponentS is a generic product structure of its own;it has one component I. Finally, Y and subclasses of A and Z have no components.In the figure, solid line represents is-a relationship; componentrelationships are not represented graphically. As an exampleof implicit constraints we use here resources. In Figure 1 there is an exampleresource ResX. It is a resource that is supplied by A1 and A2and consumed by Y, Z1 and Z2. Suppliers and consumers are linked to the resource by dashedlines. These classes may assign a value to ResX; a negative value meaningconsumption. A balance constraint for the resource is defined in product P; it states that the componentsof P cannot consumeresource ResXmore than they supply. The explicit product structure limits the possible component combinations, no other components but the declared ones are allowed. Therefore, one can enumerate Model This section gives an overview description of the properties of a data model. It is based on our earlier work (Peltonen et ai. 1994). The modelincludes both implicit and explicit product structure description methods. The explicit description defines a superset of all valid specific product structures and implicit methodsare used to prune 113 all the possible components for the tuple (m, n, l) in P2 accordingto the explicit productstructure: (S1, Y, A1),(S1, Y, A2),(S1, Y, (SI, Z2, A1),(S1, Z2, A2), (S1, Z2, (S2, Y, A2), ($2, Z2, A2). Theimplicit resourceconstraint then prunesout the ones whereResXconsumptionis greater than production. We assumethat ResSumin P returns zero if ResXis not found in a component.The only valid combinationsin P2 for the component 3-tuple (m, n,/) are: (S1, Y, A1), ($1, Z2, A1),(S1, Z2, A2), (S2, Z2, A2). After enumeration,each possible specific productstructure of a configuration modelcan be checkedagainst applicableconstraints, includingtechnicalspecification. This providesa trivial methodfor finding a solution for particular customerrequirements.Theexistence of the trivial methodonly showsthat a solu~on,if one exists, can be found;the methodis hardlyuseful for a real con.figuration process.Moreefficient heuristics is neededin a practicalapplication. Main Concepts of Data Model Classification Hierarchy. Our model is based on classes. Theyare organisedinto a classification hierarchy. Theproperties of a class are inherited along the classificationhierarchy. A large set of componentscannot be managedwithout organisingit somehow. Classification is a useful tool in productmodelling;it providesmeansfor organising, but one mustdecide on the classification criteria. Components can be classified, for example,according to the functionsthey performor the types of the manufacturing processes producingthem. Wetherefore require that a classification of component descriptionsis createdspecificallyfor configuration modelling. Wecall this classification hierarchy cclassification. Although,wehere discuss only one c-classification, a company mayrequire different c-classifications for different product families. This meansthat same components mayhavedifferent classification and evendifferent properties in different product families. Thesecomponents should perhaps be somehow related or shared betweenthe classifications. This is, however,an issue we will not addressin this paper. Thec-classification has oneparticular propertythat we call componentsubtyping. Component subtyping states that subclassesof a class C mayalwaysbe used in place of C in componentdescriptions of a generic product structure. For example,if class MBFrame has subclasses MBFrameX and MBFrameY, a generic componentreference ’MountalnBikeXhas part MBFrame’ meansthat a MountainBikeX may have either MBFrameXor MBFrameY as its frame. 114 Generic ComponentReferences. In basic objectoriented product modelscomponentsare represented by instance variables, whichare used for referring to the components.The domainof an instance variable is a class. If the class has subclasses, the instancevariable mayalso take as its valuean instanceof any of the subclasses (Banerjeeet al. 1987). This is a propertyknown as subtyping. Subtyping is a generic concept and, as such, has nothing to do with components.For example,if A1and A2are subtypesof A, this alone doesnot implythat they are valid as componentrepresentations in place of A. Thereforewehavea morespecific subtypingconceptfor a classification whereclasses represent components. That is what wecall componentsubtyping. Component subtypingis not a propertyof anyclassification by accident. Aclassification hierarchy, the c-classification in this case, mustbe specifically constructed, with the help of productexperts, so that it is valid withrespect to component subtyping. Component subtypingdefines a one formof generality for componentdescriptions--a componentis not necessarily fromthe domainclass, since also the subclasses providevalid choices. Genericproductstructure descriptions, however,also needa moregeneral mechanism for defining component alternatives. For example,assumea class Athat has three subclassesA1, .4.2 andA3.For one product A1and A2 are valid componentalternatives, while for another A2and A3are the ones. There are no classes that could directly be usedas component domains for these products, nor is there a simplewayof defining them. In our modela generic componentreference is described as an instance variable and its domainas a nonemptyset of classes. This meansthat the value of the variable mustbe a referenceto oneof the listed classes or their descendants.If an ancestorof a class is also in the domain,the class itself is redundantandcan therefore be removed.For these domainswe use a special notation: c ~ {A,B}.This is a short for a constraint{c ~Av c B}, wherec ~ Ameansthat c is a component instance fromclass Aor its decsendant. Oneparticular property wewant to have for generic component references is refinement. A subclass can refine a componentattribute by makingits domainmore specific than in the superclass.Moreprecisely, there are two operations: 1) domainset maybe replaced by its propersubset and2) in place of a class onecan write its subclasses. Both operations maybe applied multiple times. This allows definition of an abstract component reference whichmaybe refined in subclasses into more concretedescriptions. For example,component c in class C mayhave set {A, B} as its componentdomain.This meansthat c must be either an A or a B. If A has subclasses A1, A2and A3, the possible refinementsfor the domainof c in the subclasses of C include {A}and {A1, A2, B }. Refinement of generic component references is present in only some generic product structure models, e.g., in PLAKON In the balanceconstraint sumof resourcesin the com(Cuniset al. 1989). ponentsof a particular specific productstructure is used. The sumis calculated by a special function ResSum, Other Component Data whichgoes through all the components starting fromthe one for which the balance constraint is defined. For each Thec-classification is not be suitable for modellingall component it checks whether the resource is visible in the properties neededin configuration.Twoclasses that the component and a value is assigned to it. If so, it adds share common properties maybe placed far apart from the assignedvalue to the sumand otherwisenothing. each other and cannot therefore inherit the common Evaluationof a balance constraint involves recursive properties along the c-classification. This is a consetransversal of all componentsof a specific product quenceof strictly enforcingcomponent subtypingin the structure. Evaluationas such is easy for a known specific constructionof the c-classification. Thereis also another, perhaps even moreimportant, reason whyall component product structure. Computationalproblemsmay, howthat tries to fred an appropridata cannotbe definedin the c-classification. Component ever, arise for a mechanism ate structure with a given initial constraints,i.e., a techdata is usedwidelyin a company, andin this picture connical specification. Wedo not address here the problem figuration is only one player. Onecannotassumethat all of satisfying a balance constraint or fixing it wereit component data neededin a configuration process would false. In fact we assume the same as for the whole also be primarily modelledand maintained in the cmodel; the modelonly describes a set of valid specific classification. product structures, not howto find a particular one in a For these reasons weinclude in the modeltwo other configuration process. sources for component data: mainproductdata base and additionalconfigurationrelated data. Amainproductdata base represents here all the comEvolution in Generic ProductStructuresn igonentdata that is maintainedelsewherein a company. It A Research Agenda neednot be a single data baseandits detailedstructure is not of great importancehere. Themainissue is that cerThis section gives someguidelines for our future work tain data items can be importedfrom the mainproduct on configuration knowledgemanagement. data baseto the c-classification. In Figure1 importingof Ourspecial interest is to understandconceptsneeded propertiesfromthe mainproductdata base is illustrated to describe the evolution of products and related combydottedlines. puter representations. In principle, wecan distinguish For coupling the mainproduct data base and the cbetweentwo different kinds of changeprocess. Onone classification a mediatoris introducedbetweenthe two. hand,duringtheir life-time the physical productsas real Thismediatorprovidespropertiesfor the classes in the cworldobjects are modifiedfor a numberof reasons: they classification;a class mayrefer to a propertythat is visiare being serviced, their functionality maybe upgraded, ble in the mediator. Suchreference is effectively the faulty componentsare being replaced by correct ones, sameas if the property wasdeclared in the class. As a etc. difference, however,the relation to the origin of the Modificationsare in manycases madenot by the orpropertyin the mainproductdata base is maintained. ganisation that madethe products but by the customer Additionalconfigurationrelated data defines properitself or by somemoreor less independentservice or ties that are tightly connectedwith the c-classification, maintenancecompany.Dueto the increasing importance but do not have a single place there. As an examplea of after sales activities andlong life-cyclesof productsit resource is an implicit product structure modelling has becomeincreasingly more important to maintain methodthat cannotalwaysbe easily expressedas a propconsistent representationof productsomewhere. erty of a single class in the c-classification. Thisis beOnthe other hand, the generic productstructures have causesuppliers andconsumers of a resourceare not typilife of their own. The ownercompanyintroduces new cally subclasses of the same parent class in the cproducts, enhances existing models, replaces compoclassification; for instance,components that either supply nents with newerones clue to the numberof different or consume electric current maybe quite different. reasons. Onsomeindustries, such as electronics andinResourcesserve here only as an exampleof additional formationtechnology,these renewalprocesses are quite configurationrelated data that cannotbe nicely inherited hectic. in the c-classification, they shouldnot be takenas a key Boththese changeprocessesare difficult as such. We characteristic of the model.Resourcesmaybe modelled have seen only few examples of systems capable of on top of the explicit productstructure as additionaldata maintainingaccurate representationsof deliveredone-ofitems that can be importedin the c-classification. This a-kind products. Themaintenanceof the generic product waya resource can be defined in single place and then structures without exploding their complexity needs related to arbitrary component descriptions in the cpowerfultools and policies whichguarantee that they classification. In Figure1 this is shownbydashedlines. remainmanageable duringtheir life-cycle. Unfortunately these two processesare not, at least in theory, always 115 ! I It1 prod I I .st.~cture 21 I prod II I structgre nI I[structure P 2’ {I / {ProductII m’rJ I ~c~p~o~ phy~ Of~ ~1 f / ~ ~ l ~ rodu~s lP \v ~~ ("<"2<._ ) di:ciplined"--~~ / / /_maintenance independentmaintenance ~ modernisation upgrade ~ rad~oTf~ration ~ ....... Figure2. Evolutionof GenericProductStructureandPhysical Products. independent.A product designed and manufacturedlong time ago under the presumptionsof the generic product structure effective at that time maybe broughtbackto the factory years later for functional upgrade. Howto relate the old productstructures, i.e., physicaland generic, to the currently used generic productstructure? Wewouldlike to look for conceptual frameworkwhich mightcopewith problemsof this nature at least in certain conditions. Evolution of Physical Products Byphysical products we meanthe products that have beenmanufactured and deliveredto the customers.In the following wediscuss different kinds of modification operationson physicalproducts. Figure 2 showsgeneric product structure, i.e., a cclassification, at times T and T’. At the bottomof the figure there is a roundedboxfor descriptionsof physical products. Therea dot in a roughlyshapedcircle represents a physical product delivered to a customer.Each "circle" encloses descriptions of physical productsrelated to onespecific productstructure. Modifications that changethe structure of a physicalproductare illustrated by arrowswhichmovea description awayfromits original specific product structure, Somemodifieddescriptions are still close to a "circle". Thissuggestssimilarity, 116 e.g., functional equivalence,to the productsof the related specific productstructure. Independent Maintenance. These include typical onfield operations. Onemodifiesthe product accordingto the need without considering the relation to generic productstructure or other information.It is very difficult for a product management systemto support this kind of operations in any other waythan by recordingmodifications andcurrent state of physicalproducts.At anyrate, the description of a physical product shouldbe updated to reflect the modifiedphysicalproduct. Disciplined Maintenance. A company may define service kits that do not modifythe functionality of the productsbut replace, for example,certain parts that may suffer from ageing. If individual components are changed, a companymay, for example,have the policy that each new componentversion must be compatible with older ones, i.e., any old component version can be replaced by a newerversion. Theresulting newspecific product structure is close to the original with a known difference. Upgrade or Modernisation. These are true reconfiguration operations,wherethe functionality of the productis changed. Anupgrade enhances the functionality of a product, for example, by increasing certain maximum capacity. A modernisationbrings an old physical product to the level of functionality of a newerproductgeneration. One problem is that upgraded and modernised products are different from the newconfigured ones, evenif they havethe samefunctionality. Thatis because the modifiedproducts consist of a mixture of old and new components, while new products are madefrom new componentsonly. An upgraded product becomes typically close to anotherproductthat offers higher capacity and a modernisedproducthas the fimctionality of a productof a later generation,typically the currentgeneration at the timeof the modernisation. AdvancedReconfiguration. A configuration process creates a specific productstructure for a customerspecification. Similarly, an advancedreconflgurationprocess can producea newspecific product structure starting froman old physical product. In general, advancedreconfigurationcan producean entirely different product from any previouslydesignedone. Evolution of Generic Product Structures Wedistinguish betweenthree maturity levels for configuration managementenvironments on the road towards a dreamenvironment. A ftrst level environment has the capability of describingconfigurationknowledge in a waythat it can be maintained.Asecondlevel environmentstores, in addition, the full history of both generic product structures and descriptions of physical products. Then,a third level environment,i.e., a dream environment,also includes knowledgeabout the nature of modifications. Onewould knowin detail howtwo generic productstructures differ andbe able to operate with productstructures of different times, e.g., upgrade old physical products using newcomponents. Currently most configuration systems struggle with the problemsrelated to the first level. Knowledge managementis still a real problemin configurationsystems. Muchof the problemstems from the complexityof the configuration models--they are "programmed"by computer specialists and not understoodby the product experts. Oneof the goals wehopeto achieveis a structured and understandablemethodfor describing configuration knowledge. Modificationsto the generic product structure result from various sources. These include market situation, customer demands,different regulations in different marketareas, advancesin technology,corrections of old designs, just to mention few. A companymust have a clear policy howthese changesare incorporated to the configurationknowledge.Definition of goodpractices is a panof the overall solution. Management of changes is essentially based on decisions, typically madeby humans.Thesedecisions need to be recorded and they can be used for describing the relevant history of the wholemodel. It is not clear whichconceptsare neededfor storing the evolutionof generic productstructures. Astraightforwardwayis to create a copyof the wholeconfiguration modelafter each modification.In this muchof the informationon changesis lost. For a better modellingof the evolution one should record the changesof smaller pieces of information. Classes, for example,could be changedby creating newversions of them. Theproblems arise thenhowclass versionsrelate in classificationhierarchy and howto incorporateversions in generic product structures. In addition, the history of changesto the descriptions of physical productsneedsto be retained. Thereal challenge is to incorporate the evolution of generic and physicalproductstructures in a useful manner. For example,imaginethe followingscenario. A customer has two products fromthe company:one three and the other five years old. Last year a capacity upgrade wasmadefor the newerone. Nowthe customerwantsto knowwhether a similar upgradewouldbe possible for the olderoneas well. Giventhe full historical data, one can find out the product configuration environment,e.g., configuration modeland components,at the time the upgrade of the newerproduct took place, and naturally the current situation. In addition, there wouldalso be a full history of service modifications. Typically, the answerto the customerinquiry would be positive, but usuallyan engineeris requiredto design the neededmodifications almost fromscratch. Withan ideal environmentthe engineermightfind the following possibility: There is an modernisationpackagefor the old productto the level X and fromthere a modernisation packageto the current level wherethe requested capacity upgradeis directly possible with newestcomponents. These two modernisationscan be combined,but one mustmanuallycheckthe versions of components q, s andI for compatibility. Conclusions Productconfigurationmodellingis essentially based on description of generality in productstructures. Wedivided the used methodstwocategories: explicit and implicit and discussed briefly howprevious approaches relate to these. Our ownapproachuses both methods:a generic product structure description has an explicit structure as basis andimplicit rules are usedfor pruning out invalid structures. Webelieve that this wouldmake the generic productdescriptions moreclearer andtherefore easier to constructandmaintain. Themanagement of evolution of configuration knowledgeis a critical longtermgoal for a configurationmodelling environment.Weapproachedthe problemby describing the keyelementsin the state of the practice and then painteda vision for the future work.This is an area 117 with plenty of open questions; manyof themfundamentally difficult. Wetry to emphasisthe needsof the industry as criterion for selecting the courseof future research in the field of product data modellingand management. Acknowledgements This research has beenpartly funded by the Academy of Finland. References Banerjee, J.; Kim,W.; Kim, H.-J.; and Henry, F. K. 1987. Semantics and implementationof schemaevolution in object-oriented databases.In Proceedingsof the International Conference on Managementof Data (SIGMOD). Barker, V. E., and O’Connor,D.E. 1989. Expert systems for configuration at Digital: XCON and beyond. Communications of the ACM32(3):298-318. Curtis, R.; Gtinter, A.; Syska,I.; Peters, H.; andBode, H. 1989. 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