From: AAAI Technical Report FS-96-03. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Case-BasedReasoning in the Configuration of Telecooperation Systems J6rg Rahmer+ and Angi VoB* + GMD - German NationalResearchCenterfor InformationTechnology Rheinstr.75, D-64295Darmstadt Germany " GMD - German NationalResearchCenterfor InformationTechnology SchloBBirlinghoven D-53754 SanktAugustin, Germany have, the acquisition and indexingof our cases and howto retrieve themmanually.Weconcludewith the presentation of a general methodfrom CBRand resource-orientated configurationfor configuringautomatically. Abstract Ourapplicationis the configurationof telecooperation systems.Theneedfor newconfigurationsystemsin this area matcheswell with the advancesin the AI domain.We argue that case-basedreasoningis very useful in the configurationof telecooperationsystemsandshowthe extensionof an existingresource-oriented configuratorto reasonwithcases. Finallywepresenta generalmethod from case-basedreasoningandresource-oriented configuration. Thereby specialconsideration is givento the reuseof cases whichis doneby adaptation. Cases are useful in the configuration of telecooperation systems Introduction Components and Functionalities of telecooperationsystems are evolving rapidly. The need for new configuration systemsin this area matcheswell with advancesin the AI domain,especiallyin the configurationarea. So in 1994the DeutscheTelekomAGhas started a project in co-operation with the GMD to evaluate the need for a knowledge-based configuration system (B0hm&Uellner1996). In 1995 different apporachesto configuration were evaluated. As one result the resource-oriented approach was chosen (Rahmer&Sprenger 1996) and its usefulness was demonstrated for private customers and very small companies.In 1996the domainis extendedto middle-sized companies (Erode et al. 1996). Furthermore the configuration system has to be enhancedwith case-based reasoning (CBR). In this paper wesuggest to exploit previously configured telecooperationsystemsas cases for the configurationof a newsystem. Therebyour approachis pragmatic. Wefirst support manualcase retrieval and reuse. After that we enrich it gradually by automatic methods. Westart the paper with a very short introduction in the domainof telecooperationsystemsand motivatewhycases are useful in this domain. Then we describe the kind of cases we 93 World-widethere are millions of telecooperation systems and a lot of them are documented, at least on paper (Telekom1994). Wedo not haveto look very far, they are part of our daily life. Almostevery reader will have a telephone at home. This is the simplest exampleof a telecooperationsystem. It allows you to communicate with other peopleby using the telephoneservice. Probably,you will also havea PCwith specific communication software and a modem connected to the public network. Thusyou can also use fax-, ftp- or email-services.Moresophisticated examplesare foundin the fields of industry, government or academia.There, all members of an institution cooperate using several services supplied by the telecooperation systemof their institution, like the telephoneservice, the file transfer serviceor the emailservice. Simplifiedconfiguration of telecooperationsystemsmeans to fulfill requiredfunctionalities by selecting components, like a telephone, a personal computer or software, arranging them in a layout and combining them via networks.Afirst restriction is that the configuredsystem shouldwork,other requirementsinvolvecosts, robustness, extendibility,security,etc. To answer the question why cases are useful in the configurationof telecooperationsystemswefirst regard a clearly specified configurationproblem.A private person wants to use the telephone service and someinformation services offered by the WWW. So a compatible combination of telephone, PC, modem,software, and networkhaveto be selected. This is a daily configuration problemin the shops of the GermanTelecomAG,and it wouldbe moreefficient and also an improvement to havea standard configuration called "private person with PC" which could be selected and adapted. So instead of respecifiying andreconfiguringa simpleroutine task again and again, cases can be used to avoid unnecessaryfrom scratchsolvingin a natural way. Butin practice, a clear specificationin termsof a complete and consistent set of requirements is rare. Often, the customerprefers to select somecomponentsrather than specifying her/his needsexactly. Andinstead of a single concretecomponent, s/he mayselect a set of alternatives. Becauselarge systemsconsist of hundredsof components, the selection of elemenatrycomponentsis not feasible. Here, complexcases of earlier systemsare goodstarting points. Imagine a companywhichsells laser technique products and wants to open branches at two newsites. Theyneedservices like email, ftp, fax, T-Online,database services, etc. Severalof these services shall be realized on . a host. Theconfigurationproblembecomesmoredifficult. But again there are someprototypical telecooperation systems which would fit these demands. Nowadays, customer consultants of DeutscheTelekomAGconfigure large telecooperation systems for companiesby using available plans of other, similar telecooperationsystems and adapting themto the customer’s demands.So a casebased configuration system could assist them with this work. Another important aspect is the extension of existing telecooperation systems. So for example if you have already a telephone at home and now you want a fax machine.Rather than respecifying the wholeconfiguration problem, you wouldexpect to add a fax machineto your existing telecooperation system and perhaps to exchange the telephoneconnectionin the wall. Indeedthis is case adaption. Weselect a standardconfigurationandadapt it to the newrequirements. To configure telecooperationsystemfrom scratch you need heuristics to guidethe configuratorduringthe search. But the acquisition of goodheuristics is nearly impossible.On the other handcases can be seen as heuristics and they are easy to acquire. In short cases avoid from-scratch solving whereit is unnecessary. Using cases is natural in this domainand cases are easy acquirable heuristics. Further they are a goodstarting point for the specification and configuration of large systems. Andlast the extension of an existing telecooperationsystemis case adaption. A starting point for CBR:Manual case retrieval Given the observation that cases are useful for the configuration of telecooperation systems, weextend our given from-scratchsolver (Erodeet al. 1996)(a resourceoriented configurator) with the facility to reason with cases. CBRrequires a formal representation of the cases, and the automatic reuse of cases requires adaptation 94 knowledge.Givena from-scratch configurator, cases can formally be defined as configurations as producedby the configurator or, anticipating an interactive system, as intermediate states of the configurator. Moreover, adaptationneednot be doneheuristically, the configurator itself shouldbe applied. To realize this baseline, wefollowa pragmaticapproach. First enablingmanualcase retrieval andreuse (rest of this chapter) and second an amalgamation of CBRand resource-orientedconfigurationfor automaticconfiguration (see nextchapter). Whatare the cases? Thesize of cases is a crucial point in the designof a casebasedreasoner(Voss1996a),(Voss1996b).In general, cases retrieved shouldbe easy to reuse. Largeand easy to reuse cases would be fine. But they would lead to a combinatoryexplosionof the case base. Thereforewehave not only previouslyconfiguredtelecooperationsystemsas cases, but in additionwehavesmallercases that coveronly a part of a telecooperationsystem.Goodcandidatesfor the parts are the topological components,like individual branchoffices, individual workplaces, computersystems and pbx. Thesecases could be further decomposed into the horizontal layers definedby our domainmodel.For manual retrieval, weonly offer topologically dissected cases becausethey are moreintuitive to the user. Case acquisition and indexing Cases need to be acquired. This involves two steps. A representative set of meaningfulconfigurations must be elicited and it must be formalized. For developingthe configurator,weweregivena set of fairly different cases. It waselicited by a softwarecompany and will be extended further. Thecases shall characterizethe kindsof problems to be solvedand later be used for validation. This wasan ideal starting point for our case base. Byconfiguringthese cases with our tool weobtain their formalrepresentations. Wehave examples for lawers, midwives, tax adviser offices, travel agencies, insuranceagencies, engineering offices, software companies, medical practices, construction companies,etc. Additionalcases can easily be acquired when the configurator is being used: interesting examples configured from scratch can be retained as newcases. For fast access, cases must be indexedsuitably. A good indexwill dependon context, on whowill use the cases for whichpurpose. For automaticCBR,configurations can be characterized in terms of their componentsand by the resourcesthey offer andneed, and thus implicitly by their horizontal and topologicalstructure. This informationcan be extracted automatically from the cases. For manual retrieval, other aspects becomerelevant: profession, numberof employees, a graphical presentation of the configuration,a short verbal characteristic of the system, telecommunicationnetworksused, spatial distribution, numberof offices, numberand kind of networkaccesses, computernetworksused, private branchexchanges(pbx), used computer architecture (client-server .... ), security, robustness, reliability, extensibility, etc. Mostof these characteristics of a case cannotbe elicited automatically fromthe configurations. Theymust be given by the user. Providingthis informationis optional. Using tables to select cases manually Among the multiplecharacteristics of a case not all will be relevant for a particular query. Especially for manual retrieval, users must be able to select and changetheir criteria easily. Therefore, weneed a flexible retrieval mechanism. For this purpose we apply the selection supportof our configurator. For the selection of componentsour configurator uses a dynamic table mechanismto specify the customer’s demands(Spenkeet al. 1996). The rowsare for features and the columns for components~ Features can be compositeso that rowscan be unfolded(to subfeatures) folded (to composite ones). The columns and rows displayed are automatically adapted. Components disappearwhenthey do not satisfy the selected features, and they reappear otherwise. Vice versa, selecting componentsmaychangethe features displayed, dropping all non-discriminatingones. For example,for components there are featureslike color, price, or offeredfunctionality. If the customerwants a red telephones/he restricts the feature "color" to "red" and the feature "offered functionality" to "telephone service". Then several components(represented as columnsof a table) will deleted. The result is a table with only red telephone providers. Wereuse this table mechanism to select cases, complete telecooperation systems, infrastructures, workingplaces etc. There is a rowfor each case characteristic (we have compositecharacteristics, too) and there is a columnfor every case. Since only relevant cases and features are displayed, the table mechanismprovides a comparative survey at a glance. For examplein the left hand side of figure 1 wesee thirteen different telecooperationsystemsat a glance,whodiffer at 60 attributes. To select all systems, whouses an email-service wejust have to restrict the feature functionality (in german "Funktionalit~tten")to "Email".Theresult is a table with three telecooperationsystemsleft. This is displayedin the right of Figure1. Whena newproblem has been solved from-scratch, the resulting configuration can be addedto the cases and be displayed in the table. Theuser can easily supply any missingcharacteristics byediting emptyfields. A manually retrieved case can be reused manually be selecting parts and copying and pasting them to the configuration at hand. For automatic reuse we need the knowledgewhycomponentswere selected and combined in this particular way. This is exactly the knowledge providedby their resource needsand offers. Thereforewe applyour from-scratchconfiguratorfor adaptation. Figure1. Reusing Focusfor caseselectionbyrestrictingfeatures 95 knowledge sources would be the resource-orientated configuratorandthe case-basedreasoner. Additionaleffort to define the blackboarddata structure and the control moduleswouldbe needed. Instead of such a loose coupling we propose a new approachwhichexploits on an inherent similarity between the two methods.The result is a simple, amalgamated and newmethodfor configuration. This methodand one idea to adapt cases are described in the rest of this paper. Wewill not introduce resourceoriented configuration (ROC)and CBR.The reader referred to the literature (Heinrich&Jtingst 1991),(KleineBrining&Stein1994), (Kolodner1993). Integration of CBRin the configuration process The question is howwecan combineour configurator with automaticretrieval andadaptationof the cases elicited for manualselection. Onepossibility is the use of a blackboardarchitecture (Engelmore& Morgan1988) consisting of the two basic components:the knowledgesources and the blackboard data structure. Often additional control modulesare defined to monitorthe changeson the blackboardand to decide which action to take next. In our case the ROC Input: a list of balancesheets, open resource offers and requests Procedure: while there is an open request do: 1. a) choose a resource requirement to be balanced next; b) search all componentsthat could balance the resource requirement; c) choose the best amongthem; 2. include the componentand balanceall its resource offers and requirements; enddo Outout: the solution CBR Input: current situation Procedure: 1. CaseRetrieval: a) describe (index) situation: b) search for cases with matching index; c) select best case; 2.Case adaption O~tput: the solution Table 1. ROCand CBRjuxtaposed Componentsas cases? To motivate our newmethod,we start with a comparison of ROCand CBRas juxtaposed in table 1 and try to interpret ROCas CBR.That means we must assume components are a very simplekind of cases. Thenchoosing the next resource requirement can be viewed as a description (index) of the current situation, whichis the resourcerequirement.Thenext step "search all components that could balance the resource requirement"corresponds to the retrieval of all cases with a matchingindex. Among them, wehave to choose the best case. This is our best component. So wesee that ROC steps 1 a) and b) are a simple form case retrieval. ROC step 2 is indeedthe adaptionstep. By including the selected componentand balancing its resourcesweare fitting it into the current situation. This endsin a newsituation. Theenclosingloop in ROC is just an iteration of CBR. Interpreting ROCas CBRdoes not help much, since we already have the configurator but not the case-based 96 reasoner. If, vice versa, wecould interpret CBRas ROC wecould use our configurator for case-basedreasoning. To do this wehaveto interpret cases as components. Cases as components? To interpret cases as components,weuse a simple kind of abstraction whichis described now.As weshowedbefore our cases contain complete configurations or their topological substructures. Eachof themsatisfies some external resource requirements, and all except for the completeconfigurations, have someresource demandsto be satisfied externally. That means,wecan describe the cases by their external resource balances. This is a key observation, because all ROCknowsabout its components is their (external) resource balance. To ROC it makes difference whethera computer,say, is in reality a complex configuration of hard- and software. Therefore wecan interpret our cases as (composite) components. More generally,any partial configurationcan be describedby its external resource demandsand offers. Therefore, weare not restricted to topologically defined cases. Figure 2 shows howa case is turned into a complexcomponent. Rectanglescorrespondto components,circles to resource offers or needs. Figure2. A case as a omplexcompositecomponent precisionof retrieval. In principle, wecouldtake anyof the case characteristics introduced for manualretrieval, providedit can be generatedautomatically. Interpreting componentas a compositecomponent(i.e. a case) or elementarycomponent, enables us to retrieve both of them. Andat least twoapproachesto adaptationare visible. Amalgamatedcase-based resource-oriented configuration Wenow present CBROC,our amalgamated method for case-basedresource-orientedconfiguration. CBROC Input: currentsituation Procedure: while(thereis an openbalance sheet) { 1. a) describe (index)currentsituation b) searchall components with matchingindex c) select the bestamong them 2. adaptthis component } Output: the solution If wereplace each occurrenceof "component"by "case", we obtain iterated CBR.If we specialize "component" to "elementarycomponent","describe current situation" to "select an open resource requirement", "matching"to "satisfying resource requirement", "adapt’.’ to "add component and balance it", we obtain ROC.But we deliberately used the terminologyfrom CBR.It gives us the chanceto think about other interpretations, whichmay be less restrictive. Hereare some. There maybe better ways to characterize the current situation than througha single openresourcerequirement. Wecould take several or all open resource demands,we could eventake the resource offers and thus increase the 97 Approachesto adaptation The easiest wayof doing adaption is to treat cases as (composite)components.So wejust have to balance their open resource demandsand offers as it is done in the ordinary ROC.But this approachmaynot be optimal. The case mayoffer moreresources than are needed,andthen it maywell contain unnecessary components.ROCwill not recognize them because ROCbuilds monotonically increasing configurations. A special optimization step wouldbe needed. Better, wecould avoid the addition of redundant components. In order to detect these redundanciesROC must configure a solution from scratch. So we can not use a case as a prefabricated part. But wecan use cases to reduce the searchspace or moreprecisely wecan use cases to guide in the ROC selecting its candidates. Therefore,wedo not add the components of the case directly to the current situation but into a library of preferredcomponents. This library was originally introduced in order to prefer components selected by the user to those in the components library. Nowwe interpret the case as a recommendation. Adaptationwill consist of reconfiguringthe recommended components accordingto the needsof the current situation. It stops whenno moreresourcerequests can be fulfilled by the recommended componentsor whenall of them have been integrated. Since a preferred componentwill be includedonly if it satisfies an opendemand,there will be no redundant componentsand a subsequent optimization step can be avoided. Whena resource need cannot be satisfied by a preferred component, there are two possibilities. Wecan first satisfy another need or we can retrieve a non-preferred component. Thefirst alternative meansthat adaptationwill be finished before non-adaptiveconfigurationis continued, the secondalternative allows interleaving adaptation with non-adaptiveconfiguration.In particular the adaptationof severalcases can be interleaved. Ourfirst approachfor case adaptationis just plain copying andpasting. Thereis no real adaptation,just integration by balancing. The second approach could be comparedto adaptationby replay wherethe waya solution wasfoundis replayed (Haig&Veloso1995). But indeed it is just recommendationfor the configuration process. Even thoughit is so simple,it has the potentialto fit casesnearly perfectly into the actual situation and also to interleave cases. Heinrich M. and Jfingst E. 1991. A resource-based paradigmfor the configuring of technical systems from modularcomponents.In Proc. CAIA91, pp257-264. Kleine-Bfining H. and Stein B. 1994. Knowledge-Based SupportWithin Configurationand DesignTasks. In Proc. ESDA’94,London,pp 435-441. Kolodner J. 1993. Case-Based Reassoning, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN-1-55860-237-2,1993 Rahmer J, and Sprenger, M. 1996. Vom strukturorientierten zum ressourcenorientierten Konfigurieren. In Proceedingsof 10th Workshop "Planen und Konfigurieren"1996 SpenkeM., Beilken C., and T.Berlage1996. FOCUS - the FeatureOrientedCatalogueUserinterface. Forthcoming. Voss A. 1996a. Howto solve complex problems with cases. To appearin EngineeringApplicationsof Artificial Intelligence, SpecialIssue AI in Design,1996. Voss A. 1996b: Towards a methodology for case adaptation. In Proc. ECAI’96 W.Wahlster(ed), Chichester, John Wileyand Sons, 1996. Conclusions In this paper we motivated the use of CBRfor configuration problem solving. As a consequence our from-scratch solver was extendedto reason with cases. Enablingmanualcase retrieval waspossible by reusing our existing user interface. Furthermoreweshowedthat CBR andROC can be seen as instances of a single, moregeneral method.This wasthe key observation to amalgamatethem. For this new amalgametedapproach several adaption mechanism are thinkable. Oneidea is to consider a case as a set of recommendedcomponentsfor configuration. Takenas such, cases of different size and quality can be reused and their adaption be interleaved with each other and with normalconfiguration. References Aamodt A. and Veloso M. (eds) 1995. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development. Proceedings of ICCBR-95. Lecture Notes in AI 1010, Springer Verlag. BOhmA. and Ullner S. 1996. Application-Specific Configuration of Telecommunication Systems..In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conferenceon Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence &Expert Systems. ErodeW., BeilkenC., Btirding J., Orth W., Petersen U., RahmerJ., Spenke M., Vo13A., and Wrobel S. 1996. Configurationof Telecommunication Systems. 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