Using Points to Construct Browsing ... Chip Cleary and Ray Bareiss Northwestern University

From: AAAI Technical Report FS-95-03. Compilation copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Using Points
to Construct
Browsing Links in ASK Systems
Chip Cleary and Ray Bareiss
TheInstitute for the LearningSciences
Northwestern University
1890 Maple Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201
ASKsystems. Wefirst describe and evaluate narrative
linking, an initial methodfor automatinglinking whichused
a complexAI-inspired representational framework.
Althoughnarrative linking performedwell, it was difficult
to use. Wethen discuss point linking, a methodwe
developedwith the design objective of using "just enough"
AI to producea successful linker. Point linking is currently
being incorporated into the ASKTool,a hypermediaeditor
in ongoinguse at the Institute for the LearningSciences
Our research concerns the construction of
knowledge-rich memories, in hypermediaform, for
use as aids to problem-solving. Oneof the most
difficult steps in building such memoriesis
constructing a rich set of links betweenthe content
elementsthey contain (i.e., text segments,graphics,
and video clips). This paper describes point linking,
a method we have developed for automated
linking. Point linking is currently being
incorporated into the ASKTool,a hypermedia
editor in ongoinguse at the Institute for the
Learning Sciences.
2. The ASKApproach to Browsing
1. Introduction
The field of AI has had limited success in building
traditional knowledge-basedsystems. Such systems
typically require comprehensive,explicit representations of
both the domainin which the systemis to operate and the
task whichthe systemis to perform. Unfortunately,
constructing such representations is often beyondthe current
state of the art. A more pragmaticapproach towards
building pragmatically useful knowledge-basedsystems is
to construct computerized memorieswhich contain expertise
that a humanproblemsolver can tap into whenhe or she
needs information or advice. Our research is concernedwith
the construction of ASKsystems, a type of hypermediabased computerized memoryfor use as aids to problem
In this paper, we describe someof the progress we have
madeover the past three years in formalizing and
automatingthe process of building links betweenstories 1 in
Weuse "story" colloquially to refer to a single content
elementin an ASKsystem(i.e., a piece of text, segwnentof
video,or graphic).
In contrast to most hypermediasystems, ASKsystems
are based on the metaphorof a conversation with an expert
(Bareiss &Osgood,1993). In particular, they are designed
to simulate a question-answerdialog in which the user asks
the questions and the system provides the answers. An
interaction with an ASKsystemconsists of two phases: first
a user zoomsto an initial story relevant to his interests, then
he browsesthe database by asking follow-up questions as
desired and retrieving additional stories in response. If the
user wants to redirect the "conversation," he mayreturn to
the top-level of the systemto begin another round of
zooming and browsing.
To support browsing, ASKsystems contain a rich
networkof links, each of whichjoins a source story which
raises a question to a target story whichanswersit. The
browsing interface of an ASKsystem surrounds the current
story with specific questionsit mightraise for the user.
Eachof these questions mark a browsinglink; clicking on a
question takes the user to a target story whichanswersit.
The questions are groupedby by generic question type. If a
user has a specific question in mind, these types enable him
or her to quickly find it. If the user has only a vagueidea of
what question to ask, he or she can simply scan through the
questions under a generic question that looks promising.
The typology of generic questions used in ASKsystems
are inspired by a simple theory of conversation which
argues that at any point in a conversation, there are only a
Refocusing:Adjustmentsto the specificity of topic under consideration.
1. Context: Whatis the big picture within whichthe current topic fits?
2. Specifics: Whatare the details of this situation or an exampleof it?
Comparison:Related topics at the samelevel of abstraction as the current one.
3. Analogies: Whenhave other similar situations occurred?
4. Alternatives: Whatother approachesexist, or what did other experts say?
Causality: Explanations and outcomes
5. Causes(or earlier events): Howdid this situation develop?
6. Results (or later events): Whatis the outcomeof this situation?.
Advice: Planning knowledgefor use in the problemsolver’s situation.
7. Opportunities: Howcan I capitalize on this situation?
8. Warnin[~s: Whatshould I watch for that might ~o wrong?
Figure 1: The Eight CACsUsed in the TransASKSystem
few general categories of follow-up statements that
constitute a natural continuationrather than a topic shift
(Schank, 1977). These "conversational associative
categories" (CACs)can also be thought of as the general
classes of questions a person is likely to formulatein
conversation. The particular CACsused in ASKsystems are
tailored for conversations about problem-solving. The
TransASKsystem, for example, employs the eight CACs
shownin Figure 1. Other ASKsystems use similar (and
often identical) sets.
judges howhard is it for an indexer to learn and use the
3representational schemea linker uses.
Notethat the relative importanceof these criteria must
be considered in the context of a target audienceof indexers.
Subject matter experts whobuild ASKsystems as job aids
require a linker that is easy to use evenif it performsonly
moderatelywell on the results criteria. Professional indexers
can invest the time to learn and use a morecomplicated
linker if it producesbetter results.
4. Narrative Linking
3. The Goals of AutomatedLinking
Our initial attempt at automatinglinking, narrative
linking, employeda rich representation whichtreated stories
as narratives about planful behavior. This method
represented stories using a "narrative frame" (Osgood,1994;
Osgood& Bareiss, 1993) which encapsulated a naive model
of intentionality inspired by the "intentional chain" of
(Schank &Abelson, 1977). The narrative frame provided
fixed set of domain-independentslots (including, among
numerousothers, AgentRole, Goal, Plan, Enablements,
Impediments, Anticipated Actions, and Unanticipated
To represent a story, an indexer instantiated the frame
by inserting domain-specificfillers into its slots. To
construct links betweenstories, the automatedlinker
employed"narrative linking rules," each of which could
infer links for a specialized sense of one of the eight CACs.
Conceptually, a rule performs a pairwise comparison
betweenthe frames representing two stories. For example, a
rule might specify that two stories whoseagents whohave
the sameGoal but employdifferent Plans should be linked
as AltetTlatives.
Weran an informal experiment to see whether narrative
linking wouldbe effective whenused by novice indexers. A
ASKsystems are difficult to build, taking trained teams
of indexers person-months(and sometimesperson-years)
construct. The two most time-consumingand expertiseintensive steps in building an ASKsystem are
acquiringappropriatestories and generating a rich set of
links betweenthem. Cleary and Bareiss (1994) describes the
knowledge-acquisition process; here we concentrate on the
problemof building links.
As a step towards a systemwhich can link stories
autonomously,our short-term goal has been to provide an
automatedlinker whichoperates in partnership with a
person to build browsinglinks betweenstories. Weenvision
that the personwill first construct representationsof stories,
the linker will then suggest links betweenthem, and finally
the person will review and edit those links. Figure 2 uses an
example link from the Engines for Education ASKsystem
to illustrate the specific tasks an automatedlinker must
2perform (Schank & Cleary, 1995).
Threecriteria are critical whenevaluating the results
produced by an automated linker. Thoroughnessmeasures
howcompletelythe linker supports the three tasks in the
linking process. Recall rate measuresthe percentage of the
links which an ASKsystem should have that the linker
actually generates. Precision rate measuresthe percentage
of links that a linker actually generateswhichare links that
an ASKsystemshould have. Anadditional criterion is
useful to judge the input a linker requires. Easeof use
judgingrecall and precision, weuse the "goldstandard"
of systems built manually by humanindexers. Although
systemsare not perfect, they do provide
an objective baseline. Furthermore,manually-constructed
systemsare not perfect in a predictableway-- they typically
include few bad links but miss a numberof goodones. In
other words, whenjudgedagainst an idealized ASKsystem,
systemshavea high precision rate but
onlymoderaterecall rate. Thesedistortions havelittle impact
whenevaluating the recall rate of an automatedlinker.
However,they provide an overly conservative measureof
Enginesfor Educationdeals withthe role that technologycan
play in reformingeducation. It contains approximately350
stories and4000links.
SourceStor),: Different Simulatorsfor Different Skiil~
Toolssuch as the flight simulator pave the wayfor a natural, effective wayto learn physical
skills. Toteach social skills in a sirnilarl~, effective wa~¢,weneedto build social simulators....
Question: "Whatis an exampleof a social simulation?"
Target Stor~: Dustin
Wehave built a numberof social simulations that provide learning-by-doing environments.
Dustin is an exampleof a simple simulator that helps students learn a foreign languagethrough
usin~it ....
Linkin[~ Task
Output for Example Link
Theyare both about social simulation
1) Determinethat the two stories are related
2) Determinehowthey are related (i.e., which CAC The target story provides specifics about
the source story
ioins them)
3) Build a question to bridge from the source story "Whatis an exampleof a social
to the target stor~¢
Figure 2: Anexamplelink illustrating the three tasks a linker must perform
team of two Northwestern University undergraduates were
given a corpus of 47 stories in the domainof military
logistics (a subject about whichthey knewnothing) and the
emptynarrative frame. Theycreated taxonomiesof fillers,
instantiated the frame for each story, and defined inference
rules for four of the eight CACs.Wethen ran the rules on
the frames, thereby producing approximately120 story-tostory links.
Narrative linking provedto be highly precise. 72%of the
stories it joined were also linked in the manually-linked
ASKsystem from which the stories were drawn. This rate is
over double that of chance-- two stories selected at random
from the sample set had only a 37%chance of being
manuallylinked. Theseresults indicated that novices could
build narrative frames and that an automatedlinker could
use themto construct links with high precision (i.e., 20
incorrect links out of 120proposed). Further, narrative
linking was thorough, supporting each of the three linking
tasks: relating stories, assigningconversationalcategories,
and generating questions from a representational template
associated with each linking rule.
Althoughthe experiment did not provide a measurefor
recall, narrative linking’s recall rate will be limited because
narrative frames cannot conveniently encode information
whichdoes not revolve aroundintentionality. Nevertheless,
the primaryproblemwith narrative linking is that the
methodis not easy to use. The students worked
approximatelya total of 160 person-hours to represent 40
stories. Anexperiencedindexer could link the stories by
handin roughlyhalf the time it took to the subjects to
engineer the representation!
involve intentional behavior.4 Point linking suggests links
betweenstories by inferring question-answerrelationships
betweenthe points attached to those stories.
One source of motivation for point linking comesfrom
our observation of howexperienced indexers behave when
linking stories manually, whenindexers argue about how
two stories should be linked, they often frame the argument
in terms of terse statements about the contents of those
stories. Anindexer might say, for instance, "Weshould add
an Altetvtatives link becausethe first story states that
’necessity leads to innovation’ and the secondstates that
’hard workleads to innovation.’" Statementslike "necessity
leads to invention" are exactly what we aim to capture in a
representation of points, whynot ground a language used to
support linking in the sorts of explanations that expert
indexers use?
Another source of motivation comes from observing
howgood readers behave, whengood readers read a text,
they boil it down,abstracting its mainpoints.5 Thesepoints
help readers to determine what questions they should ask
themselvesabout a text and to integrate what they read with
what they already know.If people use points internally to
relate new knowledgeto pre-existing knowledge, whynot
use them in an automated system which does the same?
5.1. The Architecture of a Point
Wedefine a "point" of a story as a central piece of
information someonemight try to conveyby telling the
5. Point Linking
Point linking is the result of our efforts to developa
linking methodfor professional indexers which, like
narrative linking, uses structured representations to achieve
high precision and thoroughnessbut which is easier to use
and can handle any type of story, including those that do not
SeeClear), &Bareiss,(in preparation)for a descriptionof
automated linking methodswe have developed for novice
linkers. These methods do not captured structured
the conceptsin stories; rather theyfocus
on howstories treat conceptsindividually. Althoughless
powerfulthan point linking, these methodsare easier to learn
andrequire less representationaleffort fromindexersthan the
methodsdescribedin this paper.
Collins, Brown,&Newman
(1983) stresses the importance
teachingnovicereaders to build summaries
Slot Name
Lesal Fillers
(Any concept)
Do, Should, Can
Indeed, Not, Anti
(Anypredefined relation)
(Any concept)
Table 1. The point frame
story. To illustrate, someexamplepoints from Enginesare
"Simulations enable students to learn-by-doing" and
"Multiple-choice-testing is bad." Others have defined
"point" differently. For example,Schank,Collins, Davis,
Johnson, Lytinen, & Reiser (1982). proposed that the point
of a statement was the impact that the speaker intended the
statement to have on the listener.
To represent points, we have developeda simple, fixed
frame whichcontains five slots (Table 1). The goal of this
frame is not to capture every.nuanceof the points authors
makewith stories. Rather it is to capture a limited amountof
information (i.e., an amountwhichis not onerous for
indexers to represent) whichcaptures the broad sense of the
author’s intentions in a form which enables an automated
linker to create browsinglinks.The two concept slots
indicate what topics an author addresses in a point. To
provide guidance, the representation languagefor points
provides a predefined concept hierarchy (Table 2) which
indexers mayuse as general categories under which they
mayinstall specialized domain-specific topics. However,
indexers are expected to expandthe set of legal concepts to
reflect the universe of discourse in their particular ASK
system. Furthermore,the goal of the topic hierarchy is not to
include every possible type of concept, but rather to provide
a skeletal frameworkwhichcontains just the types of
conceptsthat are most importantin linking.
Wehave found two types of concepts to be particularly
useful for linking: goal/plans and agents (whichis not
surprising since the CACsin ASKsystems are designed to
support problem-solving). Hence, those sections of the
predefinedhierarchy are richer than others.
The mode,sense, and relation fields indicate what an
author says about the topics in a point (i.e., howthe
conceptsin a point relate to each other). Weclaim that there
are only a small numberof important ways in which
speakers (and authors)_ relate concep~to each other. So, the
language provides comprehensive,fixed vocabularies for the
three fields whichdeal with howconcepts interrelate. The
examplepoint demonstratesthe strength of this approach. It
seems reasonable that a language should contain predefined
terms for Do, Indeed, and Enable, but unreasonable to
expect it to include Simulations and Leanffng-By-Doing.
The modeand sense fields allow an indexer to twist the
meaningof a point. The modefield corresponds to logical
modaHty.,Does indicates that the point is knownto be true,
Canthatit could possibly be true, and Shouldthatit should
be madeto be true. Thesense field indicates the truth value
of the point. Indeed,the "null" sense, indicates that the point
is true, Not that it is false, and Anti that the inverseof the
point is true. Anti is included to reduce the numberof
relations the point languagerequires. For example,the point
Memorization Does Anti Cause Learning would mean the
same as MemotqzationDoes Indeed Prevent Learning.
However,Prevent is not a legal relation. Becausethe point
languagecontains Anti, it does not need to contain "inverse"
relations such as Prevent.
The relation field provides the pivot aroundwhich the
meaningmaybe twisted. The point language provides a
predefinedhierarchy of relations (Table 3). The relations
contains are intended to capture (sometimesat a high level)
the important conceptual relationships which hold between
concepts in the points people make.Unlike the concept
hierarchy, this one is not intended to be routinely extended
by users. Wehave encodedthe stories in Engines using the
point language and have found the current hierarchy
Conceptual Object
Value Judgment
Physical Object
Formal Organization
Informal Organization
Mental Attribute
Mental Event
Acquiring Something
Building Something
Changing Something
Managing Something
Measuring Something
Preventing Something
Providing Something
Pursuing Something
Table 2: The Predefined Hierarchy of Concepts
Table 3: The Predefined Hierarchy of Relations
Source Point
Target Point
[<Concept-1> Does Indeed Contain <Concept-2>]
[<Concept-3> Does Indeed Contain <Concept-2>]
"Whatelse also contains a <Concept-2>?"
Figure 3: Anexamplelinking rule
sufficient to capture the relationships required for the
approximately750 points which resulted.
5.2. Using Points to Build Browsing Links
A browsinglink joins a source story whichraises a question
to a target story whichanswersit. To create a newlink,
point linking applies this progressionnot at the level of
entire stories but rather at the level of individualpoints -- it
joins source points whichraise questions to target points
which answer them. As an example, consider the "Dustin"
story (Figure 2), which makesthe point Dustbz Does bldeed
ContainSocial Simulation. This source point raises a variety
of questions, one of whichis the alternatives question
"Whatelse also contains a social simulation?" This question
maybe answeredby a range of target points, specifically
those that match the pattern Topic-X Does bzdeed Contain
Social Simulation. After generating the question, the linker
will search for target points whchmatchthe pattern.
Anotherstory in the system, the "George"story, contains
the point GeorgeDoes bMeedContain Social Simulation.
Since this point matchesthe pattern and answersthe
question, the linker draws a link betweenthe "Dustin" and
"George"stories, labeling it with the appropriate question
and CAC.
Indexers create the points required by this procedure,
but where do the questions come from? Weare currently
constructing a library of point linking rules whichformalize
these knowledge-intensivequestions. The rule in Figure 3
captures the question used in the above example.
Wedo not yet have empirical results from point linking.
However,we expect that point linking will have a precision
rate which approachesthat of narrative linking because both
methodsuse structured descriptions and explicit inference
rules to isolate the most important types of links between
stories. Wealso expect that it will havea recall rate above
that of narrative linking because point frames can represent
a broader range of information (e.g., nonintentional points)
than narrative frames.
Bareiss, R., & Osgood, R. (1993). ApplyingAI models
to the desigaa of exploratory hypermediasystems. In The
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM
Conference on Hypertext,
(pp. 94-105). Seattle, WA:ACM
Cleary, C., &Bareiss, R. (1994). A descriptive model
of question asking during story acquisition interviews. In
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conferenceof the
Cognitive Science Society, . Atlanta, GA:
Cleary, C., &Bareiss, R. ([in preparation]). Automating
Linking in Structured HypermediaSystems..
Collins, A., Brown,J. S., &Newman,
S. E. (1983).
Cognitive apprenticeship: Teachingthe crafts of reading,
writing, and mathematics.In L. B. Resnick (Eds.),
Knowing.learning, and instruction: Essays in honor of
Robert Glaser (pp. 453-494). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Osgood, R. (1994) The conceptual indexing of
conversational hypertext. Ph.D., NorthwesternUniversity.
Osgood, R., &Bareiss, R. (1993). Automatingindex
generation for constructing large-scale conversational
hypermediasystems. In Proceedings of the Eleventh
National Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence, (pp. 309314). MenloPark: AAAIPress.
Schank,R. C. (1977). Rules and topics in conversation.
Cognitive Science, I, 421-441.
Schank,R. C., &Abelson,R. P. (1977). Scripts, Plans,
Goals, and Understanding. Hillsdale, NJ: LawrenceErlbaum
Schank, R. C., & Cleary, C. (1995). Engines for
Education (CD-ROM).In Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Schank,R. C., Collins, G. C., Davis, E., Johnson, P. N.,
Lytinen, S., &Reiser, B. J. (1982). What’sthe point.
Wethank Chris Wisdofor his helpful commentson this
paper and Carolyn Majkowskifor assisting with the analysis
of narrative linking. This workwas supported by in part by
ARPA(grant number# N00014-93-1-1212). The Institute
for the LearningSciences was established in 1989with the
support of AndersenConsulting. The Institute receives
additional support from Ameritech and North West Water,
Institute Partners, and from IBM.