Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India [Section B : Physical and Chemical Scicnees] Volume 62 October 1980 Number 10 CONTENTS ORLGINAL PAPERS Page Integral Equations D~RIVAI'IOV or THC S.)I,UCION O!' CI?RTAIN SIVGULAR LNrLOKAL EQUATIONS Aloknatk Chakrabart~ 147 Fluid Dynamics O'J UrVSTEkDY MUD bLOW PAST A I'OROUS P L A r E UNDEK PRESSURE ClRAUlENr S T Revartkar and V. M . Ko~war 159 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Special Functron~ ON NONLINE4R OSClLLAllON PROllLthl P C Munot and Rcnu Murhur 167 Analytical Chemistry TITRIMBTRIC e j r r v % r m v or PHOSPHI\.TE, MOLYUDATE AND SULPHATE WITH LEAD NITRATBS3LUCIOV USING ~ - ( ~ ' - L E P I D Y L A Z ~ ) - ~ - N A P H T H O ~ , - ~ - A M M OSULPHONATE N~UM (LANAS) AS VISUAL INDICATOR R. C . Chadha, B. S. Garg, Swaran Lata and R . P. Singh 173 Oryanic Chemhtry DEBENZYLATION BY NI-AL ALLOY M. Venkar~a Naidu and G. S. Knsltna Rao 177 REVIEW PAPER Organic Chemistry T B ~CNEMSTKY 01; VEI.IYALENE-TYPE NAIIJRALLY OCCUKIlING SBSQUI~ERPENOIDS P. Anantha Reddy and G. S. Krishna Rao 181 BOOB REVIEWS 193 INDEX (Section B) 197 j, Indian hst. Sci. 62 (B), Oct. 1980, Pp. 147-151 @ Indian Institute of Science, Printed m India. Derivation of the solution of certain singular integral equations ALOKNATHCHAKRABARTX Department of Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. Received on April 11, 1980. Abstract It is shown that the a;P?lication of the Poincare-Bertrand fcm~ulawhen made in a suitable manner produces the s ~ l u t i a nof certain singular integral equations very quickly, thc method of arriving at which, otherwise, is too complicaled. Two singular integral equations are considered. One of these quaiions is with a Cauchy-tyge kcrnel arid the other is an equalion which appears in the a a w guide theory and the theory of dishcations. Adifferent approach i? alw made here to solve the singular integralquation>of the waveguide theor? ind this i ~ v o l v ethe ~ use of the inversion formula of the Cauchy-type singular integral e q u a h n and dudion to a system of TIilberl problems for two unknowns which can be dwupled wry easily to obi& tbe closed form solutim of the irilegral equatlou at band. The methods of the prescnt paper avoid all the complicaled approaches of solving the singular integral equaticn of the waveguide theory knowr todate. & words : Singular integral equations, Cauch~~-type kernel, Riemann Hilbert prrblem, wawguidc them 1. htraductiou The Poincare-Rertrand formula (PBF) is given by where singular integrals are understood as their Cauchy principal values and where is assumed to satisfy the HGlder condition used by Muskhelishvilib. h e function g fx, 147 We shall use here the result (1) to solve first the singular integral equation fi, Cauchy-type kernel and then a singular integral equation in wave-guide theory o, which the work of William3" has come out recently. Wi&ams has investigated two interesting features of the following equation in the wave-guide theory. These features are : (i) its relationship to the equation j -1 Y-i: = , f I < I. (ii) The relationship between the solution of eqn. (2) for h E 1 ( p z - 1) and the solution of the correqponding homogeneous equation with D replaced by - p The work on the singular integral eqn. (2), and its gcnerdisation, by -win4, Bueck& Biermannl and PetersR all involve very complicated complex variable methods asso. ciated with the Hilbert problems and the Wieller-Hopf technique, except that Lev&, has utilized some simple properties of the operator T defined by to solve eqn. (2) in certain situations. It is the Lcwin's form of the solution of eqn. (2) which has suggested utilizing the PBF to such singular integral equations. This will be presented in the next section. Jt is also observed that Pennline7, has tried to give an alternative approach to the problem of solving (2) in the case when p = 112 and h = I . The approach of Pemlhie involves the reduction of the problem (2) into a system of Hilbert problems, a closed form solution of which is difficult to obtain and Pcnnline has obtained the solution only by employing a special technique. What more we demonstrate here in the last section of this paper is that, a reduction of eqn. (Z), after a simplz transformation and an uaity of the inverse operator T-I obtained i n section 2, to a simple system of Hilbert problems with constant coefficients for two unknowns, can be achieved relatively cheaply and the h a 1 solution of eqn. (2) can be obtained in closed form for any realp. 5. The me of the PBF As a first use of the PBF to singular integral equations oC the first kind, we consider the equation SINGULAR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS the functions 4 149 and f are assumed to satisfy the Halder conditions in (- 1 , 1). Rewrite eqn. ( 5 ) as Multiply both sides ol (6) by = - 1 and + I, where 0 c Re (P) Then interchanging the orders of integration by using the PBF (I), we obtain : and integrate with respcct to x between x If we now use the following result (see Gakhovs), I 1. 150 ALOKNATH CHAKRABARTI eqn. (7) takes the following form (10) is satisfied by the solution d, of the integral ~cluations(5) for all fl $I& The that 0 < Re(B) < 1. we have now to choose the unknown constant p(O < Re ( 8 ) < 1) in such a way that (10) produces an inversion formula for (5). We observe thst the only choice is that P= (W f9 and then the function 4 is recovered from (10) as where The reader is referred to the work of Peters8 for the comparison between the form of the solution (12) of (5) and the solution obtained by Peters for the singular i n w equation We observe, from (12) and (13), that if given by We next consider eqn. (2), d is a n odd function, then the solution of (i) is where a2 = (I - p)/(i -i-p). We now apply the PBF (I) to (16) in the following manner Multiply both sides of (16) by - ee (- 1. 1) and integrate with respect to x between x = 1 to x = + 1 . Here fi $ a constant (0 < Re p r. 1) which will be chosen later on so that a solution of (16) is finally arrived at. We obtain, after utilizing the PBF (I), 2 p-112 g ( x ) dx. x-T -1 If we now make use of the result (8) to evaluate the i w r integrals occurring in the left of (18) and (20), we obtain - (1 - o) ,(l + t 8 (1 + a2)n2a ( a + *J a sln(ZB) -1 (YI s SINGULAR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 153 Now noting that m observe from (24), that the solution of the integral equation (16) will be obtained rom (24) itself, if we choose b such that a2cot (na>= tan nj? s., tannp=\aI md in that event, the solutior to (16) is given by Yow, in our case, (6 is an odd function [cf. eqn. (1511 and, therefore, C = 0 and we htain the solution of (16) as i $4 ALOKNATH CIIAKRABARTI where the functions gl and g , are defined as in (19) and (21). We observe that form (27) of the solution of (16) agrees with that obtained by Lewin. 3. Reduction of equation (163 to a Hilbert problem and its solution TQ reduce eqn. (16) to a simple system of Hilbert problems, we shall make use of tb inverse operator T-I of the operator T i n (4), as given by (14). Then, by (4) and (14), we obtain, since 4 is an add function, BY (28) and (29), we then observe that eqn. (1 6) is equivalent to the following two coupled integral equations for the two unknown funcliom 4(x) and X(x) and The two integral sqns. (30) and (31) can finally be reduced to a system of Hilbect problems with constant coefficients by employing the usual method of such reduction as explained in Mikhlin's book' Setting SINGULAR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 155 the PlemeJj's formulae for the sectionally analytic functions Q ( z ) and analytic in the complex z-plane, cut along the real axis between - 1 and + 1, %e find that (30) and (31) reduce to the following Hilbert problem sn,j a Z n i[@+ ( x ) and + Q- ( x ) ] + n2 [X+( x ) - X- ( x ) ] = @-+A1)d&) + + xi [X+(x) X- (x)] [ 4,+ ( x ) - 4,- (x)] = 0 (33) where F+ ( x ) are the limiting values of the sectionally analytic function F (z) on the sides of the cut, as understood in the usual way (see Miklid). We now decouple the system of Hibert problems (33) by definining 2 (z) = (a + i) [a @ (2) - n X (z)] and p(z) = ( a - i)[a@(z)+ n X ( z ) ] . Then, in terms of the limiting values A+, 1.-, p+ and p-, the system (33) reduces to the equivalent system, A+ ( x ) + a'2 + r A-:( x ) = nz.( p + 2g ( x ) 1) ( 1 -~ 3 " ~ (35) We note that, from (34), 2a (a" 1 ) 4, (2) = (a - i) A ( z ) + ( a + i ) p (2) Then using the Plernelj formulae in (36) and utilizing -tion (35), the solution of the integral (16) can be expressed as, *, the problem of solving (16) reduces to that of determining the solution of the sir@est of the Hilbert problems as given by (35), whose solution can be expressed (m Muskhelishvili6) as 156 ALOKNATH CHAKRABARTI and J.,(=) and p, ( z ) are the solutions, of the h o r u o ~ ~ i e o upvoblem s (39, given by where fl is given by' the relation Noting, then, that 2,: (x) = f 1 - AP' eP?i* (KX) and the solution (37) of eqn. (16) is given by (a" 1) a$ (x) = - + + ) P I + 1 - 2y (=) -13 1-x p ,> j ( J -1 g(t) (1 - P g (t) '1 I -t 1I 6 k t - P & +t) t ) ] -r dt (43) -1 Note that the form of the solution (43) is not the same as those obtained in (27) and by h w i n earlier. But this form of the solution does not have the apparent siBgulardy as the form (27) is having at x = 1, which wa? felt and mentioned by Lewin. SINGULAR INTEGRAL EQUAT~ONS 157 and then. by (421, 4 (x) is given by The form (45) is exactly the one as given by (27). A particular clash of singulas integral equations. SIAM J . AP,,~. Math., 1971, 20, 99-109. On a class of singular intepalequations, . I Mmlr. . Anal. nppl,c$., 1966, 14, 392-426. BolcnrlZiry value problblems, Addison-Wilcy, 1963, p. 81. o n the rewlution of a class of wave-mide discontinuity problems by the use of singular integral Cquati-ms, L E E . Trans. MTT, 1961, 9, 321-332. Integral equnlions, Pergamon, 1962, J . 126. Some basic problem in the mathctnurical theor-v o f elnvtkicy+ P . Noordholr, Groningcn, 1963, ?p. 260 and 446. A more tractable solution t9 a singular intesal equation obtained by sdving a related Hilbert problem for two unknowrs, J Res. Bur. St&. 1976, SOB (3), 403-414. A note on the integral equation of the first kind with a Cauchy kcmel, C m . Pure Appl. Ahths., 1963, 16, 57.41. Pairs of Cawby singular integral equations and the kernel [ b (2) -k a (c)l/(z - L), Co~mn.PEW AppL Muths. 1972, 25. 36% 402. Note on a singular integral equation, J . Inst. Maths. Applies., 1978, 22, 211-241. On unsteady flow past a porous plate under pressure gradient S. T. REVANKAR A N D V. M. KORWAR lXparlment of Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580003, India. Received on July 10. 1980; Rei'ised or. October 6, 1980. Abstract The problem of hMD two-dimensional flow past an iafinite porous plate with constant suction moving with arbitrary time dependent velocity, under time dependent pressure gradient when initial distribution of velocity is an exponential form is studied. This ;roblem generalises aeveral earlier works for the case when the motion has started frem rest with uniform pressure gradient as a result of the plate movement in various aanicular ways. Keg words : Unsteady MHD flow, prwsure sradient, puroua plate, arbitrary t i e dependent iclocitr . The incompressibie laminar viscous fluid flow between two stationary parallel iiat plates with an arbitrary time varying pressure gradient and with an arbitrary initial distribution of velocity has been studied by Hepworth and Rice1. The same problem is studied by Prakash' under the same condition, but with the difference that the flow is in between two stationary coaxial circular cylinders. The problem of viscous incon~pressibleflow past a n infinite plate moving parallel to itself with an arbitrary dependent velocity when the pressure is uniform and the initial distribution of velocity is an exponential form has been discussed by Prakash3. Srivastava and Lal' extended this problem in case of MHD flow. The present paper is concerned with the Study of problem of incompressible laminar viscous electrically conducting fluid flow past a n infinite flat porous plate moving parallel to itself with a n arbitrary time dependent velocity with uniform suction at the plate, under constant pressure gradient, when the initial distribution of velocity is an exponential form. 2. Formulation of the problem and solution Consider an unsteady laminar viscous MHD flow past a n infinite porous flat insulated Plate moving parallel to itself with arbitrary time depndent velocity with unifornl 159 suction V(p' > 0) under'tin~edependent pressure gradient, with initial distribution velocity being in exponential form. We take x and y axes along 2,nd normal to the *late and assume a uniform magnetic field H, acting along ?-axis. Then the soverning equation of motion for this problem i s where = ? h; H:, = constant. v is the kinematic viscosity and p is the pressure, P The initial and boundary conditions are t=O;u=Aexp(-By)for (2.2) y>O t>O: u=g(l) for y t>O:u=O as !. = 0 +w (2.3) (2.1) Here A, B are non-ncgdtiva constants and 4 ( t ) is bounded continuouv or piecewise continuous arb~traryfunction of .I. Now if we assume - %' 2.K = f ( t ) , (2.1) reduces to We solve (2.1) with initial and boundary conditions (2.2)-(2.4), with Laplare trans. Form techniqms and the solution, after assuming pressure gradient constant, i.e., where C is constant, is given by UNSTEADY MHD FJ-OW PAST A POROUS PLAT6 C t - (I Pm - e-"9 t A e x p { - By + - FBI - nit:, 161 (1. > The steady state solution is obtained by taking limit of cqn. (2.6) as t 0) (2.6) + oa. 3. Discussion We find that s o l ~ ~ t i o(2.8) n is valid for both y , ;0. However, this solution is derived from solution ( 2 . 6 ) which is only valid for y s 0. This is due io discon~inuityin the Bow at y = 0 since the start of motion. From the solution ( 2 . 6 ) we note that velocity field dcpcnds on the initial distribution OF velocity, motion of plate and on the pressure gradient, whereas the steniy state solution does not depend o n the initial distribution o l velocity but on plate motion and pressure gradient. To see the effect of suction and ma.gnetic field on the velocity profile we take the plate to be uniformly accelerated, i.e.. g ( t ) = at. B y giving the values to constants. A, B. C, and a, as unity (= 1) and tzkiqg p = I (e.g., water) the solution for velocity profile. eqns. ( 2 . 6 ) and (2.7) become +exp(-q+t-V,t-mt) 21s t (q>O) (v = 0) where We plot the velocity profiles using eqns. (3.1) and (3.2). Figure 1 (a) and (bj show the velocity profiles for t F 0.5 and f = I respectively. We find from the figures that v is just f as given by eqn. (3.2) for q = 0. And for increasing value of q the velocity decreases and for large value of 11, zr attains a steady value determined by the magnetic field parametar m. For higher value of time i, the steady value is attained quickly compared with lower Value of time t. With increasing value of suction the value of u decreases before it attains steady state value. The effect of magnetic field is more prominent; it decreases the velocity field and the UNSTBADY MHD FLOW PAST A IWROUS PLATF 163 decrease in the value of the velocity at a point is more for higher magnetic field for the 0 difference in the value of lnap~lelicfield strength. This is also true for higher value of time t . J. Special cases (a) Solution For ordinary hydrodynamic flow (m = 0 ) : If m = Y~:H; P = 0, then eqn. (2.6) becomes - A exp Ct :- B). + vR9 - Vw + .(J > 0 ) . P (4.1) In the absence of pressure gradient this corresponds to the solution for hydrodynamic Row given by Srivastav3. (b) An infinite porous flat plate moving in Don-conducting fluid with time dependent *locity U ( t ) with uniform suction V on the fluid at rest. The solution for this problem is obtamed by putting g ( t ) = U ( t ) ,m = 0, A = 0, p = 0, 0 (4.2) This corresponds t o the expression given by Hasimoto6, 164 S. T. KEVANKAR AND v. M. ROKWAK ( c ) An infinite porous flat plate oscillating (linear harmonic) parallel to itself Nith velocity Ucos nt with uniform suction V in the fluid at rest. ucosnt The solution for this problem for large times is obtained by putting g ( t ) = A=O,m=O,p=O. with q = y/l/rn. (4.31 This solution can be compared to the solution obtained by Srivastava and LalF. namely. whore (d) Stokes first problem The classical Stokes first problem can be obtained by putting, 8 ( t ) V = 0, and p = 0. = U, A = 0, m = 0. which i s the same as SchlictchingVsolution (Page 72, eqn. 5 . 22). (e) Stokes second problem Solution for Stokes second problem can be obtained with g ( t ) = U cos nt, A = 0. m = 0, V = 0, p = 0. for large times, we have from (3.4), which is equivalent to Schlicltingfi solution, (Page 75, eqn. 5.26) 5. Conclusions ( I ) There 1s dixontinuity in the flow at y = 0, since the start of motion (2) The velocity decreases with increase in the magnetic field strength and this decreag is more with higher value of time i. (3) The increase in the value of suction decreases the transient velocity prose. (4) The solution obtained is generalisation of several earlier works such as Stoka problems, UNSTEADY MED FLOW PAST A POROUS PLATE ne authors ,, wish t o thank the referees f o r their helpful suggestions. H E ~ W ~H.KK.~ m ~ , RICE, W. Laminar flow between parallel plates with arbitrary time vary&g pressure gradient and arbitrary initial velocity, Tmm. ASME, J. Appl. Mech., 1967, 34,215. Laminar flow in an annulus with arbitrary time varying pressure gradient and arbitrary velocity, Trum. ASME, J. Ap#I. Me&., 1969, 36, 309. Note on the problem of unsteady viswus flow past a flat plate, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 1971, 2, 283. On the problem >f unsteady magnetohydrodynamic v i m flow past an i n b i t e flat plate, Rev. Roum. Marh. Pure AppL, 1977, 22, 1291. On the problem of unsteady viscous M E D 03w past an infinite porous flat plate with constant suction, Acra. Phys. Hung., 1976, 40, 139. Boundary layer growth on a flat plate with suction or i n j e n i o ~ J. Phys. Sac. Japan, 1957, 12, 68. On unsteady compressible &ow of suction near an oscillating porous 5at plale, Japan J. Appl. Pkys., 1975, 14, 1249. Boundary layer tkeory, McGraw-Hill Co., New York, I%& pp. 72 and 75. j, ]*din Inst. Sci. 62 (B), Oct. 1980, Pp. 167-171 Printed in India. p Indian Institute of Science, Short Communication On nonlinear oscillation problem P. C. MUNOT AND RENU MATHUR DEpartment of Mathematics, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342001, India. Reeeibed on January 21, 1980; Revised on August 12, 1980; Re-rewed on September 29, 1980. Abstract In the present paper we have given the solution of the differential equatio~~ x+/(x) J! =- 0 the general free oscillations where, by applying the linear orthogonal polynomial approximation.. The results obtained are of gmeral hatter and include as particular cases many of the results given earlier by Garde and S a m and Kushwaha. bwords : Nonlinear oscillations, orthogonal polynomials, amplitude dependent approhimatimr, Sneralised hypergeometric function, confluent hypcrgwmetric function. 1. Introduction 1959, by the application of Tchebicheff polynomial approximation to sin 0 in the interval (- A, A), Denmannl obtained an amplitude dependent approximation t o the fre¶uency o f the simple pendulum whose amplitude of motion is A. Later, in 1964, Dmmann and Howard" m n m a n n and Liu8 have applied ultraspherical polynomials the same prablem. Garde4 in 1965, applied Gegenbauer polynomials t o some forced OKilhtion problem a n d in 1967, Jacobi polynomials to obtain a n approximate soluh depanding on the amplitude of the nonlinear oscillations defined by the differential equation 168 P. C . MUNOI AND KONU MATHUK In 1970, Saxena and Kushwaha in two of their joint papers atteulpted ~ ~ ~ nomials to obtain the amplitude dependent linear approximate solution of the differential eqnations 5 + ax -I- bx" 0 We have attempted in this paper a set of general orthogonal polyno~nials{$n[x)) to an amplitude dependent linear approximate sohtion of a general daferentia~ equation where r and s are positive integers and efp" ; .. . a ; & ] b,, ht, . ., b, is the gcneralised hypergeometric function5 (p. 73). The initial conditions of motion are x = A, 3 0 when t = 0, A being the amplitude of the motion under which the solution of the proposed problem will be obtained. . ; The main result of the paper is a generalisation of the results given by GardzQand Saxena and Kushwahas, 9. The results obtained are believed to be new. 2. Orthogonal polynomials and liicar approljmation Let 4, (x) be a polynomial of degree precisely n and (4. (x): forms a set of orthogonal polynomials in the interval (a, b) with respect to the weight function w (x) > 0, then It can be easily seen that the set of polynomials {#, (x/A)]arc orthogonal in the interval (ad,bA) with weight function iv ( x / A ) . Let LZ, be the class of functions f for which ~ b d N NONLINEAR OSClLLATIOPj PROBLEM and let {#.(x)} be an orthonmmal SYsten1 of polynomials which bclong to L;. ,he system is closed and for every 169 Then c~nyerges in mean to f ~n reference to the known solution of the differential equation x+mx=n. we obtain an approximate solution of the problen~ a+f(x) =o by truncating the series (2.2) of f ( x ) after second term. Thus the desired approxi- mation o f f (x) in this problem is given by 3. Solution of the main problem In this section we have solved the differential equation a+f(x)= o where and [ j ' ( ~ )= ],- K + K'xs. where - K' = a,, + ale, K*') = a, i = 0, I and do = 1, dl =c d z, + dx, K, are 'he integrals in a, exist since the series defined by the relation (2.0). f 70 Y. C. MUNOT AND RENU MATHUK under the initial conditions w = A, .i = 0 when 1 = 0. This solution is thaeforean approximate solution of the prohlem (3.1 ) under these conditions. Obviously it has the approximate period Pcrrticdai cuses: ( i ) I f we take b,, (x)to be the Jacobi polynolniais [ref 7, p. 254; ref. 10, p. 581, and use the integral [ref. 11, p. 4661, and [ref. 10, p. 711, Po(',@' (x)=l, P,'%PI ( x ) = 1(a + fi t 2) s (a - /J!2. then the approximate solution o i the nonlinear + differential equation a + f(r)=O where ON NONLINEAR OSCILLATION PROBLEM -r-sj, a+1 171 - -8-r-sj ; 1). The series for ?.2 a n d i*' are convergent for p < q (ii) The a p p r o x i m a t e solutions of .? + 11%: x ' ,F, (0:b ; exs) = 0 and f o r p = q +1 if I [ < 1. given by Saxena a n d K u s h w a h a y p . 295) and that of P + ll'E x - ll$ cx3 = 0 b Garde6 (p. 112, 22) a r e SWn to b e easy consequences o f our main result. 4. Acknowledgement The authors a r e highly thankful t o the worthy referee for his valuable suggestions for tht improvement of t h e paper. References I. DENMANN, H. H 2. DEW, H. H. and HOWARD, J. E. 3. ~ M A N N H. , H. AND Llu, Y. K. 4. GARDE,R. M. Amplitude de~ondencerf frequency in a linear a p p r o ~ i m t i ~ n to simple pendulum equation, Am. J. Ph~s.. 1959, 27, 5%. A-$plication of ultraspherical polynomials to nonlinear oscillations I. Free oscillations of the pendulum, Q. Appl. Mmh., 1964,21,325-331.1. Application of ultraspherical polynon?ials to nonlinear osdllations-11. Free oscillations, O. Appl. Matlr., 1964.22, 173-292. Application of Gegenbauer polynomials to nonlinear oscillations, forced and free oscillations without damping, Indian 6. Math., 1965, 7 (2), 111-117. Application ~f Jacobi polynomials to nonlinear oscillatiocs-1. Free oscillations, Pmc. Nut. Acnd. Sci. India, 1967, 37, 109-120. The theory o f f u n c t i o ~of ~ ~o~ real varhble and the the0r.v of Fourier's seyies, Dover Pub.. Inc. New York, 1926, Yol. 11. Special functions, Macmillan and Co., New York. 1960. Application of Jacobi pdynomials to nonlinear oscillations, Proc. .Wt. Acad. Sci. Indin, 1970, 40, 65-72. Application of Jacobi polynomials to nonlinear differential equation associated with mntluer.t hypergeometric fundion, pro,. Nat. Acnd. Sci., Ind;a, 1970, 40 (a), El,281-288. Orthogonal polynomials, Am. Math. Soc. ColI. Pub. 1967. Vol. m. On sime integrals involving Jacobi yolynomials, Proc. Mot. Acad. Sci.. India, 1966, 86, 465-468. J. bdiau Inst. Sci. 62 (B), Oct. 1980, Pp. 173-176. 0 Indim Institute of Science, Printed in India. Short Communication Titrimetric estimation of phosphate, molybdate and sulphate with lead nitrate solution, using 2-(2'4epidyl azo)-l-naphthol-4-ammonium sulphonate (Lanas) as visual indicator R. C. CHADHA, B. S. GARG*, SWARAN LATA AND R. P. SINGH Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007 (India). Reeeived on September 20, 1980. Abstract 2-(2'-Lepidylazo)-l-naphthol-4-ammoniumsulphonate (LANAS) forms a blue wloured complex with PbflI) which is readily destroyed on addition of sulphate, phosphate and molybdate. Titrimetric procedures for the estimtions of these ions have been developed. Large number of complehing anions do not interfere. Be? words : Titrimetric estimations, sulphate, phosphate and rnolybdate, LANAS as metallochromic hdicator. 1. Introduction Earlier LANAS has been found to be useful as a visual indicator in titration of metals1-'. Tltrimetric estimation of molybdate, tungstate, phosphate and sulphate with lead nitrate solution using LANAS as indicator under specified conditions is rapid and sensitive. Sornmer and Janoscovas have established the condiioxs under which PAR, TAR, TAMP and 1-PANAS can be used as mdlcators in titrimgtric estimation of phosphate, molybdate, tungstate and sulphate. They have also mentioned the difliCult!? in the estimation of mugstate and sulphate. The present study shows that LAN& can be used successfully as visual indicator for rapid titrimetrio estimation of these anions by titration with lead nitrate solution. The titration is easy and 8OC~rateunder Wified conditions prhich have been worked out in individual case. 'To whom au cwrcspondplce should bc addressed to. 173 2. Experimental Indicator solution, 0 01% (wjv) in doubly dibtilled water, hexamine buffcrs of DH 6 0 and 7.0. and so&um acetate acid buffer of pH 4 5-5.5 were prepared. Anal>bal grade reagents and doubly distilled water were used for the standard solutions. LANAS was prepared1 by the condensation of 1, 2-naphthoquiuone-4.~odi,, sulphonate with 2-hydrozino lepidine in thc presence of concentrated ammonia, ~h~ compound was isolated, purified and characterized by thin layer chromatographyand elemental analysis. 3. Titration procedure To a suitable aliquot containiny 0.96 to 100.0 mg of sulphate or 0.90 to 100.Omg of phosphate or 0.80 to 160 mg of molybdate in a 100 ml conical flask, add 4 drops of 0.01% (wjv) indicator, followed by a few drops of wry dilute solution of nitric acid to get yellow colour. Then add buffer solution dropwise till the pH is 6.0-7.5 (hexa. mine/HNOd in the case of sulphate and phosphate ; 4.5-5.2 (NaAcIHAc) in the ca* of molybdate. In the case of sulphate add the organic solvent (2.0 ml DMF and 2 . 0 ~ 1 isopropanol for 20.0 ml). Kaise the volume to 20.0 in1 and titrate with a standard Pb(Q solution till the end point, orange or pink to blue colour is obtained. The titrations can be done at room temperature in the case of sulphate and molybdate and above 70" C in the case of phosphate. Detection of end point is easier even in the case of sulphate at high temperature. Large amount of indicator obscure the end p o k in the case or molybdate. The relative error is generally less than 1%. 4. Effect of diverse ions To ensure the suitability of the titration procedures, effects of diverse ions have studied in detail. The tolerance limit (in ppm) of the ions which did not cause error of more than 1% in the determination of 0.96 mg of sulphate or 0.90 mg of phosphate or molybdate 1.6 mg per 20.0 ml are aummarised in Table I. Sulphate, phospkdte and molybdate interfere with each other in the determinations. Other anions which interfere in allcases are mugstate, oxalate, chromate and sulphite. Metal ions, such as zinc/Q and manganese(I1) which give coloured complexes LAN!$ also interfere in all cases28, U N A S thus serves as a good vishal indicator for the precise titration of the ah* anions in the presence of large number of other ions, The lead: phosphate ratio the precipitate is 5 :3. he composition of the precipitate in the presence of chloride is Pb5 (PO& C1(SP = 7.5 x 10-"1). h phosphate titration large amounts of cN0& * TITRIMETRIC BSTIMAT~ONOF PHOSPHATE, MOLYBDATE AND SULPHATB 175 Table 1 sect of diverse ions - Fareiw ion Fluoride Cblaride Bromide Iodide Acetate Thiosulphate Nifrate %trite Borate Citrate Tartarate TWanate Cymide Thourea Hydroxylamine Ascorbic acid Cobalt* (U) N~ckel*(II) Mercury* &I) Coyper* @) hhpesium(T Barium0 Aluminium (Ln) Bismuthw*(m) Tin 0 Aluminium*** @I) * = masked with cyanide, Subhate Phosphate Molybdate 90 300 1000 100 5000 110 4000 60 100 400 1000 1500 1800 5000 200 4000 450 150 200 500 4000 2000 2000 700 200 400 125 500 90 400 40 30 104 600 130 95 400 1000 100 5000 1100 4000 2100 100 50 300 4000 2000 2000 2100 860 350 125 500 100 1000 1370 50 200 Interfereb 100 1400 2000 2000 350 100 500 150 500 100 400 Interferes 20 200 Interfere 100 "= masked with chloride, Interferes 50 *** - masked with flmride. bromide, and acetate do not interfere like other known ligands. Molybdata could be titrated at low pHs and interference of number of metal ions thus could ba avoided. The authors are thankful to the University of Delhi, Chemistry Department, for Providing necessary facilities and to Dr. S. K. Mehrotra for helpful discussions. References 1. CHADHA,R. C., SINOH, I., GARG,B. S. AND SINQH.R. P. Analytical potentialities of a new heterocyclic au, dye: zU'- 1epidylazo)-1-naphthol-4-ammanium sulphonate (LANU) as a metallo-indicator for titrimetric determination of mercuq EDTA, Curr. Sci., 1976, 45, 830-832. (n) l,h GARG,BB. s. AND SWGH,R. P. ~omplnrometricestimation of some transition elements (hay& 3d6 to 3dSelectronic configuration) wing LANAS as visual metallocbromic indicator, Indian Naf. Sci. Acad., 1979, 45, 20-2~. 3. CHADHA, R. C., GARO.B. S. AND SIXGH,R. P. Ammonium 2-(2'-le~id~law)-l-na~hthol-4-sul~honate as indiobr in mercurimetric determination of halides, Talanta, 1979, 26,313. 4. C 2. CHADHA, R. C.. H ~R. , C., GARG,B. S. SINGR,R . P. AND 2-(2'-lepidylazo)-l-naphthol-4-ammonium sulphonate (LAN&) as visual metallochromic indicator in complexomtric determi. nation of lead (I[), Curr. Sci., 1979, 48, 15. 5 . so-, L. AND JANOSCOVA, L. Contribution to the determination of some anions by titr&nq, with lead @I) nitrate using heterocyclic am dyes as indicator. Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun., 1974, 39, 101-109. 6. CHADRA, R. C., LATA,S . , GARG, B. S . AND SIXGH,R. P. LANAS as a metallocluomic indicator in complexometricesti. mation of zinc, cadmium and mercury, Indian Ckeni. Soc., 1980 (communicated). j. ~ ~ d i aInst. n Sci. 62 @I, Oct. 1980, Pp. 177-180. 0 Indian Institute of Science, Printed in India. Short Communication Debenzylation by Ni-A1 alloy M. VENKAMA NA1DU"m G. S. KRISHNA RAO**; Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalorc 560 012. Received o n O c ~ o b e r 21, 1980 Abstract Nickel-aluminum alloy in aqueous sodium hydroxide-ethanol medium brings about facile hydro~enolrsisof benzyl ether function in substrates carrying a vicinal methoxy group. Simplicity of the reaction conditions and cheapness of the reagent are some of the advanrages of the procedure. Additionally, carbonyl functions when present are untouched and alkaline medium of the reaction makes it compatible with the presence of acid-sensitite groups. lie). words : Ni-A1 alloy, benzyl ether cleavage, hydrogenolyw, debenzylalion. 1. Introduction Introduced by Schwenk and co-workersl-6 nickel-aluminium alloy' (1 : 1) in aqueous alkali has proved to be quite useful in several reduction reactions because of cheapness of the reagent and operational simplicity of the reaction. a, 19-Unsaturated acids with5, ' and withouts, 6 2 1 % 11 aryl substitution. y-aryl-fl, ;i-unsaturated acids'?-l5 chlorinated polyene acidsle and neutral substrates like benzyl alcohols', aldehydes and ketones?, 0.17, aromatic halides43 18, nitroaromatics3, oximesla and nitrileszo have been reduced by Ni-Al alloy essentially under aqueous conditions. Displacement of some groups (sulphonic acid and alkoxy groups) was also encountered in some cased. Our recent finding of facile hydrogenolysis of benzyl ethers with vicinal nrethoxy function constitutes a useful addition to the above list of applications of Wi-A1 alloy in * .* Prevent address : Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texns 77001 (U.S.A.1. T o whom all correspondence should be addressed. 177 .M. VENKAMA NAIOU AND G. S. KRISHNA 178 RAO organic synthesib. Thus 3-n~ethox~-4-ben~~lox~t@luene (I), 3 - m e t h o ~ y - 4 . b ~ ~ ~ ] ~ ~ ~ . propanoic acid benmldehyde (11) and 3-(2'-1nethyl-4'-methoxy-5'-benzyloxybenzoyl) (111) under%,ent debenzylation in excellent yield on stirring with Ni-A1 alloy pouder in elkanolio sodiuin hydroxide to afford the corresponding hydrogenolysis products 11'. V and V I respectively. The hydrogenolysis of compounds 11 and 111 is noteworthy in that the carbonyl function4 are left in tact, whereas literature reca& reduction of the carbony1 group, in nmst cases. to the carbinol or to the inethybnest&@, depending o n reaction temperature" G 3 ". Recently Kanztani ef al" "ported cleavage of benzyl ethers with sodium his (2. methoxyethoxy) aluminium hydtide in refluxing xylene. Thus benzyl vanillin afforded (i) a mixture of the phenol (IV) nnd the alcohol (VII) (reaction t h e 6 hr) and (ii) exch. sively the phenoi (IV) (reaction time 10 hr), the a l d e h y d ~function in either case reduced patially or coinpletdy depending on the length of time of the reaction. On the other. hand Ni-A1 alloy. as found by us, does not reduce the carbonylfunction while cleaving the benzyl ether (TZ + V ; I11 + Vl). However, as observed by Kametani r t a!", a vicinal methoxy function appears to he essential for debenzylation in the case of Ni-Al alloy too, as shown by the complete recovery of 4-benzyloxytoluene under identical experimental conditions. Suhject to this limitation, Ni-A1 alloy seems to score an advantage over some of the alternate catalytic2', metal hydrideY3, and alkoxy meial hydride" debenzylation techniques, as the reagent (Ni-A1 alloy) is accessible even to a low-budget laboratory. It nlso demands no special handling (except for keep'ing the pyrophoric nickel wet till disposal) and storage precautions and the reaction is conducted in alkaline aqueous ethanolic medium, compatible with acid sellskive functions. IV v VI Vll DEBENZYLATIOh BY N1-AL ALLOY 179 3. Typical cxyerirnental pracedure a solution of the benzyl ether (IIIi/III) (0.01 mol) dissolved in ethanolic sodium amount of water and the volunie made hydroxide [NaOH (1 g) dissolved in nliili~nu~n up to 10 1111 with cthanol] and maintained at gentle reflux. Ni-A1 alloy pcr5dcr (1 : 1 , 1 g) was added under stirring in sriall lots, keeping the frothing under control by adjusting the rate of addition of the alloy. After compbtioti of addition, the reaction mixture was stirred fcr 6 hr, allowed to cool and the nickel was filtered off. taking care to see that it is maintained wet. Most of the ethanol From the Alaate was distilled off under suction and the residue was acjdifred with dilute hydrochloric acid ( 1 : I). The product was thoroughly extracted with ether and the cxtract was washed with brine and dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate. Removal of solvent rurnished the debenzylated products IV (95";), V (60;,;). VI (95%;) yield. identified by L.1. and spectral comparison (i.r. and p.m.r.) with authentic materials". TO 4. Acknawledgement MVN thanks the UGC, New Delhi. for a research fellowship. References 2. PAPA,D., SCLWEKK. E. WHITMAN, B. AND 4. SC~WENK, E., PAPA,D.. WHITMAN, B. AND GINSBERG,H. 5. SCHW~NK, E., PAPA,D., WH~TMAN, B. AND GINSBERG, H. J. Org. Cicenr., 1944, 9, 175. 6 . S C ~ W E ~E., K PAPA. , D, mNm, H. AND Org. S.vwh., 1955, Coll. Val. 3, 742. GINSBERO, H. Rengerils fur. Orgunic Synthesis, John Wiley. New York. 1967. 1, 718; 1969, 2, 289; 1974, 4, 350. Ow. Synth., 1963, Coll. Vol. 4, 136. 180 Y. M. VEYLAMA NkIDU AND G . SANK,P. S. KRISEINA RAO J'., KULI(AKNI, H. S., VAIDYA,A. S . AND RAO,A . S. 10. JOHN, T. K. AND KNSRNARAO,G. S P1z.D. Thesiv, Indian bstilutc of Science, Ban&ye, 1979. J. lidiun Chem Soc., 1955, 32, 5 1 5 . J. brdiatz Chem Soc., 1959, 36, I . 14. GUPTA. A S., M u ~ m u ,K Sum L. A*ID DEV J . Clieni. SOL. Perkin I. 1975, p . 1275. 16. ROEDIG, A,, MARIL, G AND S C ~ ~ A y. AL, 17. COOK,P...I Ucr., 1962, 95, 2284. I. Org. Chenr., 1962, 27, 3893. Ber., 1963, 96, 1441. J. Clre,,~.Soe. (C), 1966. P . 6 5 5 . 21. KAWNI, T , HUASG,S. P., IIIAR*, M. AND F~KUMOTO, K. Pi-otcclivs group\ i,i orgnrik clte,rri,~li~v,McOmic, J . Plenum Prcsb, London, 1973, p . 145. J. Am Chem. Suc., 1957, 79, 5463. r. W. (Ed.) J. 9 Indian Inst. Sci. 62 (B), Oct. 1980, Pp. 181-192. [ndian Instihlte of Science. Printed in India. The chemistry of vetivalene-type naturally occurring sesqufterpenoids P. ANANTHA REDDY" AND ti. S. KRISHNA RAO"" Department o r Organic Chemistry. Indian Instituw of Science, Rangaior~560 OIZ. Received o n August 29. 1980. Abstract Vetivalene, 1,4-dimetiiyl-6-isopropylnaphl1tlmlenc(1) represents a new sesquiterpene skelcton which 15 presumed to originate from eudesmane by a shift of the angular nicthyl group. Novel sesquiterpenm related to vetivalene have been isolated from plant sources ill ~ s c e o igears. A suriey dealing xith the chemistry (structure, synthesis and configuration) of members of this interesting new class OF yesquiterpenes, coniprising occidol, risbitinol and the various ernmotinn is presented. Key words: Vctivalenc, configuration sesquitcrpcno~ds, occidol, rishitinol, emmotins, s1ruciul.e. sgn~hecis, 1. lutroduction In recent years, about a dozen sesquiterpenes huvz been isolated which may be regarded as derivatives of 1,4-dimethyl-6-isopropylnaphthalene (I), called vetiva1ene.l Vetivalene (1) represents a new sesquiterpene skeleton which is presumed to originate fram eudesmane (Fig. 1 ) by a shift of the angnlar methyl group. The present survey deals with the chemistry (structure, synthesis and confiyration) of members of this interesting new class of sesqujtcrpenes. comprising occidol, rishitinol and the various emmotins. * Present address : Department of Cbrmiclry, Uni\er';ity Coliepe or Swanscn, Singlelon ?ark. Swansea SAZ 8PP (U.K.I. ** Address for correspandcnce. 181 182 2. P. ANANTHA REDDY AND G. S. KRISNNA R 4 0 Occidol (2) A major sesquiterpene alcohol (C,&&) ( 2 ) named occidoi, 111.p. 69-70", [,I$ + 1 6 3 , ~ ~ (CHCI$ was i s o l a t e d ~ r o ~the n essential oil of T h i n occidmtalis L. along with ocei. dental01 (3) (Fig. 2 ) . The structure depicted as (2J for occidol was elucidated bg ~i~~~~ and Nakatsuka2 and was confirn~edby a number of syntheses. The synthesis of occidol (2) by Hirose and Nakatsuka3 (Fig. 3) starts from p.nylenp and proceeds ria the tetralone (4). The tetralone wa.3 converted to I*)-occidol (2) in six steps. A &es of three syntheses of' occidol have been reported by Hoa--"duriug 1971-73 (Figs. 4-6). Unaware of the earlier synthesiss, Ho reported4 in 1971 a more or leg% identical synthesis of Occidol (2) from identical intermediates (Fig. 4). Tnfhis second synthesis of occidol Ho5 started with 3,6-diunethylphthalicanhydride (7) (Fig. 5). Its reduction to thc diol(8) with LAM, Collowzd by treatment with phospho~s tribromide, gave the dibromide (9) which was converted to the o-quinodimethane (10). Diels-Alder reaction of (10) with methyl acrylate gave the tetralin ester (6). Reaction vf the ester (6) with methyllithium gavc (A)-occidol (2). VETIVALENE-TYPE N.4TUR4LLY OCCURRING SESQL~ITERPEUrlIDS ls.1 In his third synthesis', of occidol, Ho utilized transition meial catalysi, to carboxylate the dihydronaphthalenc (13) (obtained by the route indicated in Fig. hl by photoreaction with nickel carbonyl. Reaction of the resulting tetralin ester (61 with methyl lithium completed the synthesis of (&)-occidol (2). The synthesis of ( i l - o ~ c i d oby ~ l Dauben' as depicted i n Fig. 7 Ftarta from the wrhon~ethoxy acetylcylclohexene (14), prepared by Friedel-Crafts azyhtion of methyl zyclohex-3-enecarboxylate. The bicyclic diene estei (15) obtained from the keto estei (14) by treatment with 2-hutenylidene triphenylphosphorane was dehydrogenated to the tdralin ester (6) from which (t)-occidol (2) was obtained in the usual way. Wolinsky's%ynthesis of (&)-oceidol starts from 9-chloro-I-p-menthen* (161 derived from (+)-limanene. Its condensation with vinylacetyl chloride (Fig. 8) gave the chloronaphthalenone (17) as one of the products in 33% yield, resulting from n sequence of hydride and metl~yyl shifts. Addition of nuethylmagnesium iodide to the ketone (17) W a s accompanied by dehydration in the work-up, giving the diene (18). its WmatiZation, followed by dehydrochl~ri~ation gave the isopropenyltetralin (19) which afforded (+)-omidol (2) o n oxymercuration-demercuration sequence of reactions. w< Q-%coci 16 =I - '17 a 18 @-CL 19 - hrn [+j-&<m 184 P. ANANTHA REDDY AND G. S. KRISHNA RAO The synthesis of (i)-occidol developed i n our laboralorysJu exploits the s y n t h ~ potential of Vilsmeier reaction in the key-step. Thus the dihydr~naphthaldeh~d~ (21, obtained from 5,s-dimethyl-1-telralol (20) on Vilsmeier reaction, was Converted tb th; methyl dihydronaphthoate (22) (Fig. 9). Its hydrogenation gave the tetralin erter (6,, the well-known precursor for (+I-occidol (2). CHO OH The absolute configuration (R) of the chiral Centre at C, of occidol was established by correlatianll-"" with (-pantonin (23) as outlined in Fig. 10. Hyposantonous acid (24a) prepared from (-pantonin (23) was converted ta (+)-occidol i n six steps via the chiral ketone (25) which established identical configurations at C-6 of both (-)+antonin and (+)-occidol. The conversion of emn~otin-A and enmotin-F (vide supra) to (i-)-occidol by Olivej~aef all3 is yet anothei interesting exercise in configurational correlation involving occidol. Emmotin-A diacetate (26) and ernmotin-F diacetate (27) were reduced by zinc to the keto acetate (26) (Fig. I I). Catalytic hydrogenolysis and saponification of the acaoxytetralone (28) gave (+)-omidol. A possible bjogenetic origin of occidol is delineated in Fig. 12. The cyclodecadiene $4) representing the product of initial ring closure of traits-trai~s-facnesylpyrophosphae (29) may be visualised as a precursor for occidol. The charge bearing isopropyl group in (30) accepts a hydroxyl group to give the side chain as in (31). a situation encounrered in a number of sesquiterpene alcohols. Dehydrogenation of the dienol(31) could dye the 1,3,5-cyclodecatriene system (32). Its further transformation may occur via is valence tautomer, occidental01 (3) and finally to occidol (2) involving methyl shifr and aromatization or its equivalent on intermediate oxidation states. 3. Rishitinol (33) From the infected tuber tissues of white potatoes (Solaizum fuberosum and S. demLs.wtn) Katsui et 0114J5 isolated a sesquiterpene alcohol, rishitinol (33) along with rishitin (34). Rishitinol (CIsH,,O3 (33), m.p. 127-129", [a] + 47" (CHC13, M+-(234) was shown a tetrasubstituted benzene with two vicinal hydrogens. Its failure to undergo oxidation with periodic acid and its co-occurrence with rishitin (34) suggested that iishitinol be represented by one of the structures (33 a), (33 b) and (33 C) (Fig. 13). Since, these structures would represent rishitinol as a hydroxy derivative of occidol (2). the PMR spectra of occidol and its synthetic intermediates were compared with that of rishitinol. The structures (33 b) and (33 c) with hydroxyls peri to the methyl groups were excluded and the structure (33 a) was p f e r r e d Tor rishitinol and the assignrnenc Was confirmed by syuthesisl4~'~. lo contain The tetralone carboxylic acid ( 3 3 , re pared starting fromp-xylene in several Steps. was esterified and reduced to the hydroxy esters (36) which on dehydration gave the dihydronaphthalene ester (37). It was converted to the oxyisopropyl derivatiw (3% which on hydrobaration followed by oxidation afforded a mixture of isomeric 1,3- and Lbdiols (39 and 40). The required 1,3-diol, viz., (i)-rishitjnol (33) was obtained from this mixture after elaborate chromatographic purification. In the PMR spectra of the epimeric alcohols (39) the CHOH proton of one appeared as a multiplet with Wafs o f 25 Hz Centred a t 6 3.5 (trans), while in that of the other epimer corresponding to (33) it appeared as a broad singlet with W,, of 7 Hz at d 4.76 (cis). Comparative study of the absolute configurations of ridtiniB-l8 (34) and o~cidol"'. (2) indicated that the biogenetically selated rishitinol (33) also would Possess Wim*d Hence rishitinol was most fayourably represented as (33). O W ~ P ~ * Pgroup. Y~ ! 86 P. \luh\iTMA REDDY 4ND G. S . KRISHKA R40 , hydroaromatic bicgclic szsquiterpene methyl ether (C,,,H,,O.,). m.p 72".51- (2ii:. was isolated from the trunk wood of Ein~mtz~i)? nitens (Iraciizu~eue)by Oliveira et a ! ' . The sesquirerpene called emmotin-h constituted one of a group of four compoundi. vir., enlmotins-A, B: C and D with closely' related structures occurring in the same planr. The presence of an avylketone moiety in emmotin-A was inferred from its UY and 1R spectra, a-hile its PMR spectrum exhibjted characteristic signals for (a) two aromatii ortho hydrogens, (b) one aromatic methyl, (c) one mnerhoxymeth.yl group prri To a carbonyl function. ((1) a hydsoxyisopropyl group and (e) a secoadary hydroxyl u- 10 a carbonyl. The a-ketol function -COCFIOH- was also confirmed from chemical evidence. Based o n these chemical and spectral (PMR) evidence of the sesquitetpene and its derivatives (acetylation, dehydration and reduction products), StructUie? (49 and (42) (Fig. 14) were considered for emmotin-A. of which the former was preferred on biogenetic grounds. as well as from CMR spectral support. 41 FIG. 14 The determination of molecular weight (by MS) of emmotin-BlQhowed it to be 0 4 WmmXin-A (C1,H,,OJ. Its PMR spectrum resembled closely that of emmotin4 (41), differing mainly i n the replacement of Ar-CH, (b 2 . 3 2 ) by As-CSOH (6 4.67). Presence of an extra OH group in emmotin-B was also revealed by the forrnaUoa'oi VETIVALENE-TYPE NATURALLY OCCURRING SESQUITERPENOIDS 187 ,,riacetae. Further insight into the structure of ernnlotin-B was provided by CMR. ifomparativestudy of the chemical shifts of the non-aromatic ~arbo!,.~of emmotins-A m d - ~by application of the theory2", of chenucal shifts, and biogenetic considerdtions titabfishedthe structure (43) (Fig. 15) for emmotin-B, excluding the &ternate su~tufe(44). " The third constituent from Emnzofiim izite~lswas named emmotin-Cl" (C,,H,,O3, m.p. :I-124' M+ (244) and shown to be structurally related to emmotins-A and -B. The PUR spectrum of emmotis-C exhibited the characteristic signals: 3xAr-H, 3x05. CEO. Ar-Cg, and C g (Ctl,),. Together with this information, the pr~babl~biogene~ic &ion~hip of emmotin-C with emmotin-A (41) suggested structure (45) (Fig. 16) for :minotin-C. Hydrogen bonded nature of an aldehyde carbonyl (0-H. . .O=C-HJ jlR: c,,3440 (OH) and 1650 cm-' (C=O); PMR: 6 9.66 (CHO) and 12.35 (OH) 1, u h o deihielded hydrogen (6 7.79, d, H3 coupled strongly = SHz) to another hydro. !to (8 7 -24, d J = 8Hz. and WH,,?of this Proton (H,) -- signal (3' 7.24) revealing we& .dog ran@ coupling with the neighbouring Ar-CH, (0' 2.77 bs) are in agreement ivith 9e structure (45) for emm0tin-C. . (1 188 P. ANANTHA RBDDY AND G . S. KRISHNA RAO spectruln and that of its diacetate and its aryl methyl ether indicated the of a Y-lactone unit (IR: v,. 1745 cm-I). The PMR spectra of emmotiil-D and its derivatives revealed two aromati or,hn hydrogens, one isolated aromatic hydrogen, an aromatic methyl g~oup,two hydioy functions one of which is part of an oxyisopropyl group. These spectral data andbo; genetic considerations indicated the structure (46) for emmotin-D. A hydroaromatic bicyclic sesquiterpene (C,,H,,O$ isolated by Oliveira et alla fromtb heartwood of Emmotum nitens and named emmotin-F, was found to co-occur along& two other closely related compounds (emmotins-G and -H). The three oxygen atoms of emmotin-F (47) were assigned to one carbonyl andm hydraxy functions (reduction to a trio1 and formation of a diacetate). The U V d IR spectra as well as the ease of catalytic hydrogenolysis of emmotin-F to a diol(&~ showed that the carbony1 function is flanked on either side by an aromatic res~dued a hydroxyl function (Fig. IS). The presence of -CHOHCO- grouping was endcu from the formation of a red a-quinone (49) upon dehydrogenation, the structureoftlx a-quinone being confirmed by derivatization to the quinoxaline (50). The W q carbinol of emmotin-F formed part of a hydroxy-isopropyl group. These facts 1s conjunction with similar PMR spectra of emmoons-F,-A (41) and-B (43) led to tk tentative assignment of enmotin-F also as a tetralone (47) (Fig. 18). VETIVALENE TYPE-NATURALLY OCCURRING SESQUITERPENOIDS 189 The diacetates (27 and 26) of emmotins-F (47) and-A (41) were reduced with zinc ad the product (28) (Fig. 11) gave (+)-occidol (2) on hydrogenolysib and saponifivaion. While this correlation established the carbon skeleton of einmotin-F (47), the diaxial relationship of 3 and as indicated by the PMR data, fixed the C-6 and C-7 configurations of emmotin-F (47). 5, The ORD curve of emmotin-F was found to be superimposable on those of ernnlo@.A (41) and -B (43) i n which the substituents at C 6 and C-7 are trans, showing ?hatall the three tetralone emmotins-A, -B and -F (41, 43 and 47) possess identical absolute configurations. ~ Emmotin-G, a sesquiterpene naphthol (Cs,HSsOJ was isolated from E m t n o t u ~ niiat1s'3, mp. 112-115', Mi (229), IR: ?ha.3473 and 3125 cm-I (OH), UV (EtOH): i.,,,243 (52.900), shifted i n the presence of NaOH to >,. 254 nm ( c 55.200) (naphthol), PMR: two orfho (8 7.08 and 7.18, dd,J = 8 Hz) and two paru (8 7'42 and 7.73, s) aromatic, protons. As expected, acetylation of emnlotin-G (51 a) caused a strong paramagnetic shift (-0.59 6) of the 5 singlet and oxidation with Fremy's salt gave the naphthoquinone ammotin-HsS (52) (Fig. 19). The Syntheses of en~morin-G (51 a) and its methyl e t h e ~ + ~(5, 16) ' ~ have recently been achieved i n our laboratory. The key-sbp in these syntheses is the Vilsmeier formyladon of 1,4-dimethyl-6-methoxytetralin(53) (Fig. 19) to the coriesponding forrnyl Wralin (54) which on subsequent dehydrognation to the naphthaldehyde (5% followed by oxidation and esterification gave the naphthol ester (56b). The hydroxy- (56a) and the mtliaxy- (56b) naphthoic esters were converted to emmotin-G (51a) and its methyl ether (51b) respectively. h ortho naphthoquinone (C,5~L,03,m.p. 178-18O0, MT (246) isolatedL3 from Emmo265 nm ( e 40,800) and IR : v,, W nitens was called emmotin-H (52) [UV: &., The intense red colour of emmotin-H was slowly discharged by tlre addiion of aqueous sodium dithionate. In the aromatic region of its PMR s p t r u m it W i t e d two ortho protons (6 7.13 and 7.36, dd, L = 8 Hz) and a pert Proton 1649 om-7. 190 P. 4NhNTIIA RPDDY kND 6 . S. KRISHNA R A O (J 7.86, .). Thcse observationS led to the l"orn1ulation or the structure or tile nat,lri product as (52) (Fig. 20). Reductive acetylation of emmllnlotin-H (52) or dehydration of its quinoxalill delivatnp (57) gave the isopropenyl cornpounds (58) and (50) mpectively. Since the anby$". quinoxalin adduct (50) could be prcl?ared from all thc three emmotin-f ( 4 7 ) ; ~ and-H (52). they were presumed t o hdvc doscly rclated structl~ralfeatures aud ihc same carbon skeleton as in occidol (2). The structure (52) of emmotill-H has been confirnied by its synthesis" i n our labo. ratory. The tetralone ester (59) (Fig. 20) was oxidized by selenium dioxidc to thr. corresponding o-quinone ester (60). Its reductive acetylaiion atlbrded ti,.: dincstohy naphthoic ester (61). Grignard reaction on the ester (61) with excess or CH.,Mgl gair emmoLiil-H (521, presulnablp through aerial oxidation or the intermediate trio1 (62). 11. Conclusion From the above account i t is seen that the structuvei and configurations of' ocdd~l. rishitinol and the emmatins are closcly related. The co-occurrence of occidol (2) in Tlzuju occidentalis'%vith occidental01 (3, a sesquiterpnic alcohol of the general eudei. mane skeletan, and the co-occurrence of all the structnrally similar enimatins in another source (Emnzotsnr niter~s) arc striking. A m t h y l shift in the parent eudesmane (31. accompanied by a diene-benzene 1-earrangemmt seems to characterize all these newvlv discovered vetivalene-type sesquiterpenes. Acknowledgement P. A. R. thanks the authorities of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, for tb award of a research fellowsllip. References J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1968, 81, 1963 1. Bijcm, G., W ~ N A UM. . S . V. W ~ E D. , M. AND VETIVALENE-TYPE NATURALLY OCCUKllING SESQUITEKPENOIDb Bull. &i. 1, Hi~osc,Y . AND Cl~eni.Sue. Jupriiz, 1959, 23, 143. NAKATSUKA, T. Bull. Axui. Cliem. Soc. Japair, 1959, 23, 253. 3. HROSE,Y . A N D NKA.TSUKA, T. 4. Ho, T.-L. Clfem. ntrd h i d , 1971, p. 487. 5. Ho, T.-L. Cm. J. Cl~enr.,1972, 50. 1098. 6. Ho, T.-L. 7. DAUBEN, W. G., H.UT, 9. .I., IPAKTSCHI,J. A ~ D Koz1nowsKI, A. P. J. C h n . Soc. Pcrkin-I, 1973, p. 3579. Tetvahcdi-on Left., 1973, p. 4425. 8. MACKEUZIE, B. D., ANGELO, M. M. AND WOLINSKY, J. 9. ANANTHA REDDY,P. 10. AVANTHA REDDY,P. KRISHNARAO,G. S . Synihefic siudies in terperroid~and Mlsineier formylrrrbrr ~ J I I sumr hyrlrorznphfaen sjwenu, P1i.D. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1978. AND Indioii J. Cl~em.,1980, 19B, 753. 11. NAKAZAKI, M . CIIenr. und Znd., 1962, p. 413. 12. NAKAZAKI,M. BUN. Che~n.Sor. Jupun, 1962, 35, 1387. 13. .DE OLIVEIRA,A. B., Pil~.rotIren~., 1976, 15, 1267. DE OLIVEIRA,G. G., LIBERALLI, C. T. M., GOTTLBB, 0. R. AND MAGALHAES,M. T. Tct~aliedronLett., 1971, p. 83. 14. KATSUI,N., MATSUNAGA, A., IMAIZUMI,K., MASAMUNE,T. AND T O ~ A M K. .~, u. KATSUI, N., MATSUNAGA,A,, Bull. C h m . Soc. Jupair, 1972, 45, 2871. ~huuzuhnr, K., MAUMVNE, T. AND TOMIYM, K., 16. KATSUI,N., M u m , A,, Cl~em.Comm.. 1968, P. 43. TAK~SUGI, M., I M A ~ M I , K., MASAMUNE, T. AND ToMrYAMA, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1969, 91, 3989. 192 P. ANANTHA KEDDY AND C. S . RRISHKA ~ A O 18. BUKHARI,S. T. K. AND GUIHRIE,R. D. 19. DL OLLVEIKA, A. B., FERNANDES, M. ut L. M., GOTTLEB, 0. R., HAC+AMAN, E. W. AND WXNKERT, E. '"C-NMR spe~lro&cupy.Academic Press, New York, 1972. 21. LEVY, G . C. AND NELSON, G. L '"C-NMR for o q v w i ~dremi.rtr, W i l e y - I n l e ~ s c i c ~New ~ ~ ~york, , 1972. Commiu~icaledLO 111diuiiJ. Clreni. Iildiu~t .I. CIzem, 1980, 19B, 578. J , Chenr. Soc. Perkiir-I, 1979, p. 237. J. Ow. Chen~.,1969, 34, 736. Added in press Manicol (2-isoprepenyl-5-methyl-7-hyctroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro--naphtloic acidj recentl) isolated [J. Polonsky, Z. Varon, H. Jacqnemin, D. M. X. DonneUy and M. J. Megan, J . Chem. Soc. Perkiiz -1, 2065 (1980)] From the root bark of a Guyanan tree (D~dacm guianwsis) is the latest member to be added t o the vetivalcnc scsquiterpcne family. Manicol has been reported to possess moderate antileukemic activity. Its structure and absolute stcreochemistry (R-configuration) were assigned on the basis of spectrosopk evidence and partial synthesis. BOOK REVIEWS ~~ricultural Statistics-A Handbook for Developiu,o Countries by N. M. Idaikkadar, pergdmon Press, 1979, pp. xii 5 139, £ 4.50. This book is written by a former statistician of the FAO. It contains 14 chapters, 2 appendices, a list of relevant publications and an index. It covers the Methodology of Development, Agricultural Production (AP)--General Ideas, AP-Crop Yields, A p (Crops)-Area, AP (Crops)-Forecasting, AP-Livestock and Livestock Products, Index Numbers of Agricultural Production, Supplv/Utilization accounts (Food Balance Sheers), Census of Agricultme, Survey and Sampling Methods, Price Statistics, Statistics for Agricultural Planning, Staff Organisation. Appendices give typical forms for ~easonalcollection of aata on the cost of productiol~used a t sub-district level in an African country and monthly collection of data on cropp-d areas at sub-district level in an Asian country. The book is based on the lectures given by the author in some Asian and African countries and especially on the course ow Third Wo~ld A~riculkural Stat~s'ics and Survey and Sampling Methods to M.Sc. students of Agricultural Statistics at Oxford. The aimsand scope of ths book are: (a) to provide guidelines to those in charge of agritultural statistics in developing countries, for improving th-ir statistics in a systematic way, to know their priorities and to havz clear objectives; (b) to provide for planers, policy maksrs and senior statisticians a handbook on the methodology of agricultural statistics; (c) to emphasize the use of objective methods for colIection of data ; (a') to emphasize the importancs of collecting data independent of farmers to overcome their subjective at~itudeto data collection; (e) to use samp!ing with its zccompanying benefits, in data collection. The book is written in the first instance for use in the statistics departments, ministries of agriculture and planning departments of the developing countries. Senior officers in these departments would be interested in tho methodology while the juniors may prefer the practical approach. The book will be also useful for students of statistics, economics and agriculture. The book displays a good blend of theoretical aspects of the subject with the pract:c%I experience of the author and largely deals with current agricultural statiskiss. The author takes the practical approach that ' no grandiose expansion of the statistical staff should be requested all at cnce from a Government nor a request for large funds ' and that 'the process of development of statistics has to be gradual and acceplabl" to the government concerned'. Hence the author rightly advocates ' t o give top priority for replacement of existing subjectiv; methods that give m s l errors and for statistics where the country's economy is most concerned ". 193 The author has pointed out how the old concept or census of agriculture nleaning an jnvmtory of africulture for the whole coulltry at %: point of time has gradually expanded in recent times and bases his discussion filrcher on that. It is i q o r t a n rto note as pointed out by the author that ' i n developed countries, sampling-plimrilv opens the way tosavings and better accuracy while other techniques may be eguall; pvailabie. In developing countries, however, the use of sampling methods is times the only way t o collect agricultural statistics '. Statistics of ptices conneckd with the agrisultual indust~yare very important, but lllang d~veloping countries have nut accorded the conipiialioi~of meaningful and adequate price statistics th: same attention as Lhat given to other statistics such as cropped a r e s and yield rate?. such the discussicn in the chapter on Price Statistics will be usrf~rl. Un&r Staff and Organisation the author discusses thz asp;.cts of selection and trsbing, field o~ganisation, public relations, ~ t c . The printmg and g-t-up of the book 1s very good. The bcok has met reasonably well the aims and scope kept belore him by the aurhor. Proceedings of the Ninth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (1978). Vok. I, 11 and LIL, Pergamon Press, Oxford, P r m $ 200. These three bulky volamea, that arc a supplement of thc GcochimicC osmocliemica Acta: constitute an exhaustive review of the investigations and current state of the art in this important topic that started with the investigation of the samples recovered from the lunar flights, but have expandcd into the much wider area of structure, coinposition and history of the planets of the solar system. The first volume deals with geochemical and petrogenetic studies on lunar and meteoritic samples that provide pertineat information on the crustal evolution and constraints that have to be met by any model. The second volume deals with trace eleo~ents,isotopic, radiometric, chronologizal and related studies that are relatedto the imp& phenomena, soil and mare formation on the moon with other implications as well. The third volume deals with the structure and tectonics, as well as other physical properties obtained hy seicmic, remote sensing and other techniques that have a general bearing on the development of the inner solar system. Since all the general research groups working in this area have contributed to the conference one obtains a synoptic view of the present state of the art. In Volun~eI tracc element data and calculationq are piescntcd @p. 1-119) ejpzcially on the lunar highlands and non-mare rocks with inlplications on the lanar origin. The 1% BOOK REVIEWS Qolution of the mare basalis is tieated in the next scction (pp. 219-337) fiom gittlcral cvidencs. A more detailed study of' thz mare basaltr fullo~vswith trrct: elelllent correlations, i s ~ t o p i cdata and experimentnl studies relating to paxition coefficients of rare art;,., ctc. (pp. 33.547). Tflc :lmt section (pp. 629-7731 is KREEPK (I) ~ . ; r chh c ~ n i ~ a l a n d ; a d i ~ ~ h r ~ n ~ l ~ $(including ica.l the new S m N d method) data on thc K R E E P sa~nplcs (ie., enriched in K, rare earths, phosphorus etc.), that ?.re found in the lunar highlands. I Special interest a t t x h e d to the " Breccias " that are iiriigmee.n-lndcn melt semple, formed in the lunar b.si3-f~rmillgimpact events and the study of their ptiiology. major and trace element cherniatry sad tho new: 39Ai-,1UArdati.~gt h ~ piovi&~ t inform~tion on the tharmal history of the samples (pp. 773-959). The concluding section of Vol. I (pp. 977-1137) is devoted to the stud:: or meteorites, which ere the earliest bodies of the solar system, and in particular, ::re ' Allcndc " meteorite. Detailed studies of major and trace elemeat c!lendsiry. isotopis a~iomalie~. ion-microprobe stdie;, etc., of these samples that appear to have recordcd some of t l a earliest events of the solar system formation, 4.6 billion yews aga. arc prcrcxtcd. The secand volume starts with a systematic study of the lunar 'reyolith' or top surface. A characteristic feature is the presence of glossy dioplets of all sizes, and they are studied in detail to establish their formation, e.g., au spray melts splashed by meteorite impact (pp. 1449-1551). The effects of thc 'solar wind i.r.. particlei emitted from the solai plasma are prominent on the lunar regolith and have been studied by mass-spectrometric and also the ' particle tresk ' teckriques where the tracks are enlarged by suitable etching and observed on a microscope. The possiblc effects of sputtering and associated fractionation effects is also discussed (pp. 15711765). D;ill cores from the regolith have also been annlysed. The results from thc cores in the Descartes region pcovide information obtained o : ~in-sit11 reworking and lateral transport on the surface. The study of dynamic mixing processej (Sun-tan ages as referred to by Prof. La1 and co-workers) by the use of cosmic ray produced mdionuclides, and the application of such studies to soil maturation and agglutination processes have also becn studied in great detail. Volatiles in lunar r o c b and soils also provide related information while 2QAr,P0Aryield the chronologies. Possible effects of solar flare; have also been investigated. '. . the various aspects of impact In the last section of this volume ( ~ p 2469-2805), phenomenz. on the lunar and terrestrial surfaces have been studied. The shapes of impact miorocraters, composition variztions in shocked glasses and other materials have been studied. On the teirestiial scale, the investigations relate to known craters and impact structures-the special features of structures. trace element contents. etc. Volume I11 begins with remote sensing studies mainly in optical and infra-red but also in the X- and p r a y ranges (pp. 2825-3057). Reflectance of plagioclasc feldspars Ud pyroxenes, measurement of 16-concentrations, Mg-A1 ratios and other possibilities 196 BOOK REVIEWS have been examined. Lunar and ~nartianmawetic fields, their interactions with solar wind, aud dynamo-type core-motion origins and related questions are covered in the next section (pp. 3057-3165). The geological processes, so thorou~hly investigate* under terrestrial conditic2%. arc next considered i n tho lunar and martian context. The morphology of the mart,an topography of volcanism and rock emplacement, and the volcanic featutes of telascopicaliy-known formations on moo11 and mars belong to this category (pp, 3181-3459). This leads on to the t e c t ~ n i c - ~ t r ~ crelationships t~re observed for the lunar graben systems, and mare-rids orientations a.nd the ' mascons' related to the subsidence of mare basins and exhibiting themselves by gravily anoinalies. Seismology has important contributious to our know led^ of lunar structure (a well-knom aueh0r reFerred to the identity of 5eismk velocities in the upper lunar surface and the acoustic velocities in green cheese !), and a review of the scismic structure, the current statuu the passive seismic experiments, and related topics ale given next (pp. 35753651). Craters have been a well-recognized feature of the moon, and thc conditions, physical properties, morphology and related parameters of these impact-created structures are investigated in detail in the last section (pp. 3651-3935). Models of impact cratering lead to evaluation of crater volumes, size-distribution, cratcr-shapes, energy-inputs, etc. Computer-simulations are also made. The volumcs clearly illustrate how the availability of such a wealth of precise quantitative data on actual samples have supplanted pure speculations in this ficld that has been the subject of interest for such a long time. The criterion of success of models in such a multi-disciplinary field. ! t i t . , the convergence of results obtained from different disciplines has also been amply illustra.tcd. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Volume 62 (B), 1980 INDEX Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012 JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE Volume 62, 1980 SECTION B Title Index Algorithms for integer fractional programming C. R. SESHANAND V. G. TIKBKAR9 An algorithm for ranking the extreme points for a linear fractional objective function C. R. SESHAN 119 Wbration for studying microstructure of clouds sampled from an aircraft S. K. PAUL,S. K. SHARMA AND R. K. KAPOOR 83 The chemistry of vetivalene type naturally occurring sesquiterpenoids P. ANTH HA REDDYAND G. S. KRIsHNA RAO 181 Debenzylation by Ni-A1 alloy M. VENKAMA NAIDUAND G. S. KRISHNA R\o 177 Derivation of the solution of certain singular integral equations ALOKNATH CHAKRABAR~ 147 External features of vegetation as hydrologic indicators in Varahamilrira's Brihat Samhita E. A. V. PRASAD 123 Investigation of the utility of some synthetic magnesium silicates in radioactive waste treatment SATYA BRATAND N. S. SUNDER RAJAN1 On Lauricella's n-variable function F f i P. C. MUNOT AND P. A. PADMANABHAM 17 On nonlinear oscillation problem 167 P. C. MUNOTAND RENUMATHLTR On umteady MHD flow p a t a porous plate under pressure gradient S. T. REVANKAR AND V. M. KORWAR 159 Mesospheric influences on linkages between solar activity and lower atmospheric phenomena RAMANI SESHAMANI 35 A note on diffrarrion by a strip under mixed boundary conditions A. CHAKRABARTI AND V. V. S. S. SASTRY 25 Photometric study of manganne 2nd potassium dichromate reaction in strong sulphuric acid medium N. SUBBARAMI BDDY AND D. VBNKATA R~DDY 51 progress of research on .the Raman k n a t i o n constants of Schiff bases <. SIVARAMAPRASAD, P. VASANTHA Effect: A statistical analysls 53 R. S. KRISHNAN AND R. K. SHANKAR CWR AND M. C. CHOWDARY 101 INDEX 200 Author Index BWATTACHARYY Z, PANCII.~WAN Uilsteady lsnunn Row in a channel wrth porous bed 89 CHOWDARY, M. C. See Sivarama Prasad. K., Vaiantha Kumal, P. and Chowdar), M. C 101 BRAT,SATYAAND SUNDER RAIAN,N. S. hwtigation of the ut~Lty of some synthetic magnesium silicates in rad~o1 active waste treatlnent GARG,5. S. See Chadha., R. C., Garg B. S., Lata. Swaran and Singh, R. P. 173 CHADB4, R. C., GARG, B. S., LATA, AND SINOH,R. P. SWARAN Titrim:tric estimation of phosphate. molybdate and sulphste with lead nitrate solution, using 2-(2-lepidyl a m - I naphthol-4-ammoniumsulphonatz (Lanas) as visual indicator 173 CHAERABARTI, ALOKNATH Dxivation of the solurion of certnin 147 singular integral equations CH~KRABARTI. A. AND SASTRY, V. V. S. S. A not* on diffraction by a strip under mixed boundary conditions 25 KAYOOR, R. K. See Paul, S. K., Sharma, S. K. and 81 Kapoor, R. K. RORWARV. M. See Revinkar, S. T. and Korwar, V. IS9 M. K R I S H N ~R. S. AND SHANKAN, R. K. Progress bf research on ? ~ e EtTect : A statistical analysis 3 INDEX LATA,SWARAN See Chadha, R. C., Garg, B. S., Lata, Swaran and Singh, R. P. 173 MATHUR, RENU See Munot, P. C . and Mathur, Renu 167 MUNOT,P. C. AND MATHUR, RENU 167 On nonlincar oscillation problem MUNOT, P. C. AND PADMANABHAM, P. A. On L%lric:lla's n-variable function F;) 17 NAIDU,M. VENKAMAAND RAO, G. S. KRISHNA 177 Debanzylation by Ni-A1 alloy PADUNABHAM, P. A. See Munot, P. C. and Padmanabham, P. A. 17 PAUL,S. K., SHARMA, S. K. AND KAPOOR, R K 20 1 PRASAD, K. R. K. K. V. AND SESHAGIRI. I'. Thermil, infrared 2nd nl?.gletic ~ t u d yof addnzts of C>(II) rea~etopl~enone oximste colllples with nitrogen bases 107 Rho. G. S. KRISI-IVA See Anmh?. Rlzdd:', P. and Krishna Rao, G. S. 181 Venkam Naidu, M. a l ~ dRao. G. S. Kri:hna 177 REDDY,P. ANAXTHA ASD RAO, G. S . KRISIINA The chemistry 0,: vctivalene type naturall!. 181 occurring sesqu~icrpcnoids Spt. REDDY,N. SUBBARAMI AND REDDY,D. VEXKATA Photometric study of manganese and potasium dichromate reaction in strong 51 sulphuric acid medium Spectrophotometric determination of micro amounts of vanadium(V) with resasetophenone-indirect method 47 chibration for studying microstructure of clouds sampled from an aircraft 83 REDDY,13. VENKATA See Subbsrami Reddy, N . and Venkata Reddy, D. 47, 51 PRASAD, E. A. V. External fe?.tures of vegetation as hydrologic indicators in Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita 123 SATYAKUMAR See Hjmtnt Kulshreshtha, Satyn Kumar and Singh, R. P. 113 RAW, USHA Solution9 of f-gravity coupled to So(3) 73 gauge field REVANKAR, S. T. AND KORWAR,V. M. On unsteady MHD flow past a porous plate under pressure gradient 159 SESHAGIRI, V. See Prasad, K. R. K. H. V. and 107 Seshagiri, V. SESHAN,C . R. An algorithm for ranking the extreme points for a linear fractional objective 119 function W R Y , V. V. S. S. See Chskrabxrti, A and Sa~try,V. V. S. S. 25 SESHAMANI, RAMANI lMasospheric influence on linkages between solar activity and lower atmospheric 35 phenomena SENGUPTA.PRARIRKUMAR The spectrum of a matrix differential 43 operator SESHAN,C. R. AND TIKEKAR,V. G. Algorithm? for integer fractional programming Y a 202 INDEX R. K. SHANKAR, See Krishnan, R. S. and Shankar, R. K. 53 SIVARAM* PRASAD,K., VASANT~A K ~ P. AND CHOWDARK, M. C. Formation constants of Schiff banes lo1 SHARMA, S. K. See Paul, S. K., Sharma, S. K. and2 Kapoor, R. K. 83 SUNDERRAJAN,N. S. See Brat, Satya and Sunder Raja,,, N, S, 1. TIKEKAR, V. G. See Seshan, C. R.and Tikekar, V, G. g SINGH,R. P. R' C', Garg' B' S" See Swaran and Singh, R. P. y;j SINGH,R. P. seeHornant Kulshreshtha, Satya Kumar and Singh, R. P. 113 VASANTHA KUMAR,P. See Sivarama Prasad, . K., V2Santha Kumar, P. and Chowdary, M. C. 101 Key Word Index Adduct formation Aircraft Alloys Amplitude dependent approximation Analytical reagent Aniline Arbitrary time dependent velocity 107 83 113 167 107 101 159 ~ e n z y lether cleavage Binudear structure 173 107 Calibration Cauchy-type kernel Chromium(V1) Cloud microstructure Configuration Confluent hypergeometric function Copper 83 147 51 83 181 167 113 ~econtknination 1 Di-2-pyridylglyoxal-2-quinolylhydrazone 113 6"IPRZntiatial operator 43 Diffraction 25 Formation constant 101 Gauge field Generalised hypergeometricfunction Generalised Laguerre polynomial Geobotany Gomory method Higher order approximation Hydrogenolysis Hydrologic indicator plants 73 161 17 123 9 25 173 123 Ion exchange Integral equations Jacobi polynomial 17 LANAS as meta~ochrbmicindicator 113 LauriceUa's n-variable function F$' 17 Linear fractional programming 9, Maenerium oxide ~aGganese0 Manganese(l1I)-sulphate complex Mesosphere Mixed boundary conditiom Modified Job's method Ni-A1 alloy Nonlinear oscillations Number of eigenvalues 83 51 ?: JJ 25 lQ1 177 161 4 ~ ~ ~ccidol orthogonal polynolnials Oxidation paraUel channel pararn:tnc Integer programming phosphate and molybdate photometry phyllitic minerals pochhammcr symbol porous medium porous plate pressure gradient pseudo-monotonic Radio active wastes Raman Effect Ranking extreme points Resacetophenone Rieman Hilbert problem Risbitinol Sorprion Spectrophotomcter Spectrophotometric determination Spectrophotonletry Soactrum solar activity Statistical analysis of trends in research Stevensite Strong gravity Strong interaction Structure Sulphate Sul phuric acid Sun-weather relationships Synthesis Titrimetric estimat'ons Unsteady flow Unsteady MHD flow Upper stratosphcre Sxlicylaldehyde hlicylidene aniline Wff base Sesquiterpenoids Siliconc oil Singular integral equations Sl1pflow Soot Vanadium(% Vandermonde's theorem Vetivalene Wave-guide theory Weight matrix Book Review Index Ag~cultural statistics-A handbook for dzvelopingcountries by N. M. Idaikkadar. 193 reviewed by V. G. Tikekar Chemistrv for the eneineerinr and applied sciences by W. ~teedman, B. Suedden bylii and 1. E. Anderson, Gopalakrishnan The common sense of science by J. Bronowski, reviewed by K. P. Sinha 69 * vwuianics and heat (' , Level Volume I), by M. Chapple, reviewed by The observer's book of rocks and m m a l s by Richard and ~ r a n c i r Atkinson. rewewed by Ci. V. Anantha Tver 7 .1-,problems of linear electron (polaron) transport theory in semiconductors by M. I. Klinger, reviewed by G. Suryan 70 Proceedings of the Ninth Lunar Planetary Science Conference (1978), Vok. 1. JI and 111, reviewed by V. S. Venkatasubranlanian 194