From: AAAI Technical Report SS-98-04. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Reasoning from KnowledgeSupported by Moreor Less Evidence in a ComputerizedDecision Support System for Bone-MarrowPostTransplant Care Isabelle Bichindaritz and Keith M. Sullivan Clinical ResearchDivision Fred HutchinsonCancerResearchCenter Seattle, Washington 98105 Abstract The systempresented in this paper proposes to implement the concept of evidence-based medical practice. This reasoning frameworkpermits physicians to associate preferencesto the kindof knowledge they reuse duringtheir care, favoring knowledgebased uponmoreevidence. This systemis a computerized decision-supportassistant for the long-termfollow-upof bone-marrow post-transplant care. It managesthe cooperationof case-basedreasoning,rule-based reasoning and knowledgeacquisition to solve patient problems.In this domain,no knowledgesource alone can address the range of problemsmet, and the cooperationof the different knowledgesources, such as cases, pathways and guidelines, providesa muchbetter coverageof boththe variety andcomplexity of the different problems to solve. Introduction Evidence-based practice in medicine proposes to emphasize the performance of medical practice based upon proven and validated practice. In this article, evidencebased practice is matched to knowledge-based practice. Although both terms do not represent exactly the same concept, scientific knowledgeis based upon evidence, and the medical science grounds its knowledgeupon evidence. The system presented here is a knowledge-based computerized decision-support system on the World-Wide Web (WWW).It permits to assist its users in the performance of a set of clinical tasks using a general frameworkfor reasoning from knowledgesources of varied quality, which means that their knowledgeis based upon varied evidence. It uses priority rules that permit it to use preferably widely-recognized knowledge than littlerecognized knowledge. But when well-established knowledgeis not available, the knowledgeof one expert is very useful to give some clues about a precise clinical problemto solve, thus addressing its complexity. This computerizeddecision-support system is applied to the Copyright©1997,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence ( Allfightsreserved. 85 long-term follow-up (LTFU)of patients having undergone bone-marrow transplant (BMT)at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)in Seattle, after their return in their home community. From an artificial intelligence viewpoint, this systemhas applied mainlycasebased reasoning, knowledgeacquisition, machinelearning, rule-based reasoning and intelligent information retrieval methods. This paper focuses on the integration of casebased reasoning, knowledge acquisition and rule-based reasoningin this system. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is often presented as problem-solving methodology grounded upon the reuse of the solutions of memorizedcases. Nevertheless, case-based reasoning takes its origin in moreambitious workabout the modelingof reasoning in general, and so closer to cognitive modeling than in the previous definition. Therefore the present system proposes to enrich case-based reasoning with rule-based reasoning (RBR)and information retrieval (RI) (this second aspect of the system reasoning is presented in this paper). For that purpose, it enlarges the classical CBRframework,for instance by opening solutions reuse to other types of reuse than the classical adaptation generally used in CBR,and by reusing rules acquired by knowledge acquisition. The global system reasoning is based upon a cooperation of the different knowledge sources and associated reasoning types in order to solve a given target patient case. The first section of this article explains the concept of evidence-based reasoning in the context of the application domain. The second section presents case-based reasoning as it is used as the main methodologyof this system. The third section presents rule-based reasoning, based on the RETEalgorithm of production systems. The fourth section develops the knowledgerepresentation for all the kinds of knowledgein the system. The fifth section explicitates the system reasoning. The sixth section discusses this system approach of multi-modal reasoning and compares it with other systems. It is followed by the conclusion. solving situation, some being complex, solved by an expert. This problem-solving example may have needed to resort to the expertise of several experts, but it is essentially a real patient problem-solvingsituation, and not a standardized, prototypical one as a practice guideline or a practice pathway. Evidence-Based Reasoning in BMT This system proposes to implement the concept of evidence-based reasoning in the context of bone-marrow post-transplant care. In medical information systems, as in other scientific fields, the quality of practice maybe characterized by two main dimensions of the knowledge upon whichit is grounded: Case-Based Reasoning As a CBRsystem, this system performs a reasoning RcaR by reusing the elements of a set of previously performed reasonings, called a case-base, or memoryM, in order to performa set of cognitive tasks T, for instance a diagnosis or a treatment planning. ¯ Reliability: whenpractice is grounded upon knowledge generated by the consensus of a world-wide committee of experts, we can say that this knowledge is the most reliable. Then, by decreasingorder of reliability, wefind the knowledgegenerated by a committee of experts, then by a group of experts, then by one expert, then by a person whois not an expert. In a medical domain, the corresponding types of knowledge are: practice principles in a monograph,practice guidelines, practice pathways, practice cases, and medical hokum. Target case Interpretation ¯ Certainty: the certainty of knowledgeis associated to the proof(s) that have permitted to validate it. Wecan present some knowledge submitted to world-wide controlled clinical trials as almost certain. Then, by decreasing order of certainty, we find knowledge submitted to controlled clinical trials, then uncontrolled trials, then knowledgegrounded upon an individual’s experience, and finally on no evidence. Memorization Retrieval This system proposes to assist the different users in the access to its knowledge-base, depending upon their authorization level, in the performanceof a set of tasks adapted to their expertise level. These tasks include Reactive problem-solving and Predictive problem-solving, but the Reactive problem-solving task only is presented here. In a young medical domain such as BMT, and in a pioneer center for this therapy such as FHCRC,the knowledge used for patient problem-solving belongs to almost all of the types quotedearlier: 1. Practice guidelines: a practice guideline is the description of a set of rules to follow for a specific problem-solving situation (mostly a diagnosis or treatment). Practice guidelines can also be described in the medical literature. A single practice guideline is represented by manyrules. Figure 1. The case-based reasoning cycle. The general cycle of case-based reasoning is a series of inferences groupedin steps (Fig. 1). This cycle starts by the presentation of a target case to solve c,, the form of which depends upon the cognitive task performed. In the interpretation step R,, this initial case is transposedfroman external representation language, that of the application domain,into an internal representation language, that of the memorizedcases. Thus this interpretation is a translation between two representation languages. Moreover, the indices associated with this case are calculated by an indexing function, which is often the same as the inperpretation function. Then, the representation of the case by its indices is used by the systemin order to comparethis case with the memorizedcases, during the retrieval step R,. 2. Practice pathways: a practice pathwaycovers the same type of knowledgeelements as a guideline, but it has been created by a group of LTFUexperts exclusively for the computersystem presented here, and by the meansof a knowledgeacquisition program. It is handled by the systemas a single rule, that can be quite complex. 3. Practice cases: a practice case is a sampleof a problem- 86 This step is a search through the memoryfor the cases similar to the new case c,, and leads to a set of extracted cases. In the reuse step R, a choice is done in favor of the case(s) whichwill serve as the basis of the reuse in order propose a processing for the target case. The reasoning R goes on with a revision step R~, during which the proposed processing maybe improved. Following, the repaired case may be added to the memory,and the memoryenriched by this newexperience, during the memorizationstep R=. problemis used by the systemin order to match it with the condition parts of the rules, during the pattern-matching step Rc. This step is a search throughthe set of rules for the ones that the problem matches and leads to a set of applicable rules, called the conflict set. In the conflict resolution step Rr, a choice is done in favor of the rule whichwill be fired first. The reasoning RRa R goes on with a production step Rp, during which the actions in the action part of the fired rule are performed. These actions modify the problem description, by adding new representation elements, and/or by modifying others. Following, the elements in the condition part of the rule are removedfrom the problem description, while the results of the performance of the action part are added to the problem description, and linked to the se of rules, in the working memory,during the update step R,. Rcs~ =< Ri, R,, R, R ~, R=> The memory M of the present system is also its knowledge-base,and so contains elements, called entities, different from cases. The system performs a set of cognitive tasks, such as diagnosis, planning or interpretation. Indeed, more generally, a target case c, is the terms of a problemto solve by the system: R~R=< R~, R~, Rr, Rp, R. > The working memoryW of the production part of the system contains the updated description of the problem,and so evolves during the reasoning process. Updatesare done only in this part of the system, and do not modify the knowledge-base. This is why this memoryis a working memory,and contrasts with the CBRmemoryM, which is a long-term memory. c, =<S,, St Goal> with Si being the initial situation, or premises of the problem, S/ being the final situation of the problem, and Goal being the result expected from the system (and so associated with the task t, which is a solution type). For different task types, a target case may be represented differently, for instance: Target IXffolern Interpretation ¯ diagnosis: c, = <S, St Goal>with Sf = {} and Goal = diagnosis; Update ¯ planning: c, = <S,, Sr Goal>with Sf = target situation and Goal= plan with the initial state satisfied by Si and the final state satisfied by.St A memorized case c, comprises, in addition to the representationof a target case, a solution Sol. Rule-Based Reasoning Certain knowledge entities, such as pathways and guidelines, are expressedas rules, and so this systemis also a RBRsystem. As a RBRsystem, this system performs a reasoning RRn R by firing the elements of a set of rules, called a rule-base in order to perform a set of cognitive tasks T, for instance a diagnosis or a treatment planning. Eachrule consists of a condition and an action (if condition then action). The general cycle of rule-based reasoning (Fig. 2) is series of inferences groupedin steps. This cycle starts by the presentation of a target problemto solve c,, the formof which depends upon the cognitive task performed. In the interpretation step Ri, this initial problemis transposed from an external representation language, that of the application domain, into an internal representation language, that of the rules. Then, the representation of the Figure 2. The rule-based reasoning cycle. The system performs a set of cognitive tasks, such as diagnosis, planning or interpretation. Indeed, more generally, a target problemc, is the terms of a problemto solve by the system, and has the samedescription as for the CBRpart: c, = <S, St Goal> with Si, Sj, and Goal being the defined as for CBR(and so associatedwith the task t, whichis a solution type). A rule r comprises an action part, which is matched during RRsR~ with S~ , then with the following Sj (corresponding to the evolution of the working memory) 87 instances with operators, or relationships betweeninstances and values: until SI is satisfied, or Goalif it is empty: r, = <C,, A,> with C~being the condition of the rule, or premises, and A1 being the action of the rule. Knowledge Representation Language The system knowledge-base is a network of entities (such as the practice guidelines, pathways and cases), where entities are nodes, connectedby links, or relationships. The links are those defined in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)(Lindberg et al. 1993), that provides ontology (concepts and links) for the medical domain general. This ontology has been refined for the application domain, but the set of 50 links provided between the concepts was sufficient. The elements of the representation languageare the following: ¯ A domain ontology, which is the set of class symbols (also called concepts in the UMLS) C, where C~ and denote elements of C, and the set of relationship symbols (also called relations in the UMLS) R, where i and R1 denote elements of R. The classes are organized in a polyhierarchy of classes, and several maincategories can be described, such as Functions, Diseases, Morphology, Topographyfor instance. Also, manyclasses describe Events and Time representation elements ¯ A set of individual symbols (also called instances) where i and j denote elements of I. Amongthese, some refer to instances of classes, others to numbers,dates, and other values. Instances of a class C~are noted aC~ ¯ A set of operator symbols O, permits to form logical expressions composedof classes, instances and other values, and relationships. Pathways,guidelines and cases are expressed this way, and such a composition permits to represent complexentities in a structured way.The set of operators comprisesthe following: problem situation = 19 aC~ 0 Rj (aCj.,,aCj.2 .... aCj.,) solution = 0 aD, 19Rj (aD,.,, aOja.... aDj.~) with O E O, the default value being v for pathways, and A for cases and rules. Cases are always expressed using only A. Althoughthe representation language is the same for all the entities, the categories of knowledgeused in problem situations and in solutions for instance are quite different. In a medical domainas this one, problemsituation elements are mostly instances of the Functions hierarchy, mainly SignsAndSymptomsand Findings. This depends also upon the task to perform. There are two main categories of guidelines: diagnosis guidelines, and treatment guidelines. Guidelines have been defined by the standard practice committee of FHCRC and/or LTFU and/or a medical association. Their transcription into a form suitable for the system has been performed by the team members. Pathways have been defined directly in the system knowledgerepresentation language, by LTFU experts through a knowledge acquisition programdeveloped for this project. Patients cases have been transcribed from the patients files and existing database records into a form suitable for the system by the team domainexperts. For all the entities, a textual description is provided in addition to the formalized representation. The System Reasoning The reasoning proceeds through different steps (Fig. 3) that are a merge of the reasoning steps of both case-based reasoning and rule-based reasoning. T=rge~ care A (AND) v (OR) =-, (NOT) ATLEAST n ATMOST n EXACTLY n ~, <, <, >, = Interpretation MemorizationUpdate In this representation language, the attributes of a class are represented via the relationships. A binary relationship, the arguments of which are an instance and a value mean that a certain attribute of a class has a certain value, or gets a certain value. Guidelines and pathways are expressed as rules <condition, action>, and cases are expressed as <problem situation, solution>, wherecondition and problemsituation have the samerepresentation, and action and solution also have the same representation, either a composition of 88 cases, pathways,rules Figure 3. The multimodalreasoning cycle. 4) Reuse(Ru): if the selected entity is a rule, it is fired, It start with the presentation to the system of a new problemto solve. This system is capable to handle the wide variety of problemsthat physicians can face whenthey take care of patients, and the first task of the system is to determinethe nature of the problemto solve. This first step, called the screening step RA, classifies the problemas an information retrieval task, or a patient problem-solving task, or yet another task. Onlythe patient problem-solving task is addressed here. The patient problem-solving task follows the following steps: it is a case, its solution is adapted, and if it is a pathway, it is applied (which is comparable to the firing of a rule). The applied knowledgeelements may lead either to a solution proposal for the target problem, or to the generation of new elements in the problem description, also called here the working memory. 5) Update (R): the current case, corresponding to the working memory,in the process of being solved is updated, the knowledgerepresentation elements used by firing a rule are markedas used (they can be used later for the case-based reasoning). Whatare updated are the problems dealt with. The solved problems are removedfrom the description of the problem. 1) Interpretation (R): given the description of a patient problem, the system constructs, by interpretation, the initial situation expressed in the knowledge representation language of the system. Abstraction is the main reasoning type used here, and in particular temporal abstraction to create trends from timestampeddata (Bichindaritz and Conlon1996). Let c be the target patient case to solve: If a solution for the problemanswers all the problems in the list, then the processing is stopped and the solution is proposed to the user. Otherwise, the reasoningcycle restarts at the step Rs. c¢ = O aC~ 0 Rj (aC~.,,aC~. 2 .... aC~,) 2) 6) Knowledge search (R): the knowledge-base searched in parallel for applicable rules, pathwaysand cases. So the pertinent search methodologies,patternmatchingand case-based retrieval are used in parallel. The result is a conflict set containing both cases, pathwaysand rules. Let CS be this conflict set: CS = [ c,, rr Pk } wherethe c~ are cases, the rj are rules and the Pk are pathways. Memorization(R,): whenthe solution is complete, it memorizedwith the target case solved. The output of the system to the user is a user-friendly formatting of the retrieved entities. Different colors are used to differentiate betweenguidelines (which are highly certain since approvedby a large scale committee),practice pathways(which are less certain because revised by less experts) and cases (which are less certain because they represent the expertise of a single expert and have not been revised at all). The links existing in the knowledge-base betweenthese retrieved entities are also given to the user. Moreover,applicable rules are also used to explain results of the case-based reaosning whenit is used. 3) Conflict resolution (Rr): given the priority given in the system for the reuse of knowledgebased upon proven practice, the followinghierarchy of reuse is followed: I. reuse rules H. reuse pathways M. reuse cases. Discussion Different methods have been used to achieve the cooperation of case-based reasoning and other formalisms of knowledgerepresentation such as rule-based reasoning or model-based reasoning (MBR). Twomain categories of such systems can be described: Nevertheless, the first criteria to choosethe entity to reuse is the number of problem description elements matched. The entities are ranked by decreasing number of matched problem description elements with the target case to solve, comparing on one hand all the rules of CS, on another hand all the pathwaysof CS, and on another hand each case separately. For equality in this number,the priority order is used, giving preference to the rules, then the pathways,then the mostsimilar case. In the patient examples, the performance of a task requires all these types of knowledgeto be reused. Nevertheless, if a current case has several co-occurring problems, which is generally the case, and if a case matchesthemall, the case is reused. 89 ¯ The systems for which RBRis the main reasoning process, and CBRis mainly a heuristic to improve the rule-based reasoning. CABARET (Rissland and Skalak 1989) resorts to CBRwhen the applicable rules are contradictory. In a similar way, ANAPRON (Golding and Rosenbloom 1991) performs a rule-based reasoning, but before firing a rule, checks that the problemto solve is not an exceptionto this rule. In this case, it resorts to case-basedreasoning. ¯ The systems for which CBRis the main reasoning process and RBRor MBRare used to take advantage of a partial domain model available for one part or another of the reasoning process. Examples of this cooperation are the ALEXIA system (Bichindaritz and Seroussi 1992), where a physio-pathological modelis used to abstract indices during the interpretation step. ARCHIE (Goel et al. 1991) judges the pertinence cases during the retrieval step by using qualitative models of the architecture domain. KRITIK(Bhatta and Goel 1993) uses a qualittive model during the adpatation step, and CASEY (Koton 1988) uses rules to assess the equivalence between features in the retrieval and the adaptation step. In the present system, it cannot be said that either the CBRor the RBR, or another reasoning type, is more important. Another example of such system is the GREBE (Branting, 1991), in which RBRis not only used constrain the CBR.Whenboth methods are applicable, one is chosenbasedon the degree of certainty of the inferences performed by one methodor the other. The present system attempts to perform a closer cooperation between the methodologies, by separating the reasoning steps of each of them, and by intertwining them, so that partial reasoningprocesses and results are obtained at each reasoningcycle, thus enabling a greater cooperation between these. Conclusion The system presented here is applied to a complexmedical domain. 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