October 5, 2015 Graduate Student Advisor Handbook 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Forms .............................................................................................................. 3 Change of Degree or Major ..................................................................................................... 6 Course Withdrawal .................................................................................................................. 4 Doctoral Degree....................................................................................................................... 3 Educational Specialist Degree ................................................................................................. 2 Enrollment Time Limit ............................................................................................................ 2 Faculty Advisor. ...................................................................................................................... 2 Grades ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Graduate Assistantships........................................................................................................... 9 Graduation/Application Process .............................................................................................. 9 Holds on Students' Registration............................................................................................... 5 Late Registration ..................................................................................................................... 3 Leave of Absence .................................................................................................................... 8 Master's Degree ....................................................................................................................... 2 Master's Project ....................................................................................................................... 7 Non-Degree Student Re-Activation ........................................................................................ 8 Overload Course Registration ................................................................................................. 3 Petition for Exception to Registration Form ........................................................................... 4 Plans of Study .......................................................................................................................... 5 Reenrollment ........................................................................................................................... 9 Registration.............................................................................................................................. 3 Student Official File ................................................................................................................ 2 Thesis ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Transfer of Credit .................................................................................................................... 5 Waived Courses ....................................................................................................................... 5 2 GRADUATE ADVISOR HANDBOOK Faculty Advisor Each student who is admitted into a degree or certificate program in the College of EHHS is assigned a faculty advisor, co-advisors, or certificate advisor. Faculty should adhere to these policies and guidelines when advising students: Student Official File Each student has an official file that is housed in the Office of Graduate Student Services (OGSS), Room 418 White Hall. If faculty are meeting with advisees, they may visit 418 White Hall, pull the student’s file, and take the file back to their offices for advising. Or, they can take students to the OGSS and advise them at the table provided. Faculty will need to fill out an “Out Card” if they plan to remove the file from OGSS. Enrollment Time Limit Students must register for courses at Kent State University within one (1) year after the term they are admitted. After one year, if the student has not enrolled, the file will be inactivated. Once a file is inactivated the student will have to reapply for admission and all requirements in effect at the time of reapplication must be met. (i.e., If a student is admitted for Summer 2014, he/she must enroll in classes held no later than Spring 2015.) Master’s Degree Master’s degree students are expected to complete their academic work within six years after their first enrollment at Kent State University. Courses used to fulfill requirements for one degree can’t be used to fulfill requirements for another degree. Educational Specialist Degree Educational Specialist students are expected to complete their academic work within five years from the term of first enrollment. 3 Doctoral Degree Doctoral students are expected to complete their academic work within nine years from the term of first enrollment. Doctoral students must be enrolled in courses only at the 70,000 and 80,000 levels. Doctoral plan of study should not include courses other than those at the 70,000 and 80,000 levels. Courses used to fulfill requirements for one degree can’t be used to fulfill requirements for another degree. Administrative Forms All forms can be found on the OGGS website http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/ogs/forms.cfm Faculty should visit the site to acquaint themselves with the forms and procedures. Registration Only a student who has been formally admitted to Kent State University may register for coursework. An official registration is a record of the student’s approved schedule of classes maintained online in the university’s student information system, Banner. PLEASE DO NOT TELL STUDENTS TO ATTEND A CLASS IF THEY ARE NOT ADMITTED OR REGISTERED. Any student who is not officially registered for a course by published university deadlines should not attend classes and will not receive credit or a grade for the course. Students are responsible for their schedules and have the responsibility to confirm the schedule’s accuracy frequently during the semester before posted deadline dates. Allowing a member of the university staff to make schedule changes does not relieve students of their responsibilities. Late Registration All late registrations must be completed prior to the beginning of the third week of classes for fall and spring semesters. No student will be permitted to register for courses after the second week of the semester. A late registration fee will be assessed for any registration processed after the first week of classes for fall and spring semesters. LATE REGISTRATION - $100 NONWAIVABLE FEE ASSESSED. Overload Course Registration 4 Students who are trying to register for more than 16 graduate credit hours will need to fill out a Request of Overload form. The overload will be approved or denied by the associate dean based on students’ GPA and number of hours for which they wish to register. Students will be notified by email if the request for an overload has been approved or denied. Course Withdrawal Withdrawal from any or all courses is permitted through the 10th week of the semester (or the prorated deadline for flexibly scheduled sections). After that time, the student is considered to be committed to all remaining courses and must complete them. Any course withdrawals initiated before the end of the second week will not be reflected on the student’s transcript. Any course withdrawal processed after the second week of the full semester will appear on the student’s academic record with a grade of "W.” If the student is unable to complete the semester because of extreme circumstances that first occur after the deadline, the student should contact the instructor(s) of the course(s). If appropriate, the instructor may give the student an “IP” or suggest the student fill out the Petition for Exception to Registration form. Student must supply a statement explaining the nature of the request, why the request is being made, and what extenuating circumstances prevented the student from completing the change before the official processing deadline for the course(s). Student must also submit any documentation to support the extenuating circumstances. Petition for Exception to Registration Form This is a Registrar’s Office form found at http://www.kent.edu/registrar/forms/index.cfm and can be used when a student does not withdraw from any and all courses by the deadline (10 weeks after the semester starts). Once again, the student must supply a statement explaining the nature of the request, why the request is being made, and what extenuating circumstances prevented the student from completing the change before the official processing deadline for the course(s). Student must also submit any documentation to support the extenuating circumstances. The form can also be used if the student applies for the right course but the wrong section. The OGSS also uses this form if a student fails to register continuously for Dissertation hours or thesis hours. Grades A grade of C- or below cannot be applied toward completion of degree. Program faculty may require students to repeat a course in which they have earned a grade below B. 5 Holds on Students’ Registration All students who are admitted into a degree or certificate program have a hold placed on their registration at the time of admission by OGSS. The admission letter informs students to make an appointment with their advisors. Master’s degree seeking students and certificate students will be blocked from registering after their 2nd semester of enrollment (including Summer) until a Plan of Study has been filed in OGSS/Room 418 White Hall. Doctoral students will be blocked from registering after their 4th semester until their Plans of Study are filed in the OGSS. Once students submit their signed plans of study into OGSS the hold on registration will be removed. Plans of Study A Plan of Study is the schedule of courses required by program areas for degree completion. If there has been a change in a student’s Plan of Study a memo (email) should be sent to OGSS/ Room 418 White Hall stating the change. The email will be printed and attached to the Plan of Study on file. Faculty may also pull the student’s file in room 418 White Hall and make any necessary changes on the Plan of Study. The advisor will need to initial and date the Plan of Study where changes have been made. A new Plan of Study is not required. Doctoral students must be enrolled in courses only at the 70,000 and 80,000 levels. Doctoral plan of study should not include courses other than those at the 70,000 and 80,000 levels. Courses used to fulfill requirements for one degree can’t be used to fulfill requirements for another degree. Waived courses A waived course is a course that a student took previously in another degree program, or is too old to transfer in, yet its content has remained the same. Faculty advisors have the option to waive the course so the student does not have to retake the course; however, the student would need to take another course to make up the required hours. Waiving a course does not mean the program is waiving the hours. Transfer of Credit A maximum of 12 semester hours of credit taken outside of the degree may be transferred from accredited institution to a degree program. An “accredited” institution is one that is approved or accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting agency or the Higher Learning Commission 6 for graduate level work. This may include courses taken at other institutions, and courses taken at Kent State University non-degree, guest, etc. The course being transferred must meet the following regulations as specified by the College of EHHS: The student earned an “A” or “B” The student was admitted as a graduate student and completed the course at graduate level The credit is less than six (nine) years old at the time of the master’s (doctoral) degree is conferred at Kent State University. The coursework is compatible with the planned degree program of studies In compliance with the Ohio Revised Code and the University course numbering system, credits requested for transfer into a master’s or master’s certificate program must have been earned at the 50,000 or 60,000 (500 or 600) level. Credits requested for transfer into a doctoral program or doctoral certificate must have been earned at the 70,000 or 80,000 (700 or 800) level. Transfer of coursework will be denied for the following reasons The work is not “A” or “B” quality The coursework was used to fulfill requirements for a previous degree Coursework is more than 6 years old at time of graduation The coursework does not meet the learning outcomes of a designated KSU course Change of Degree or Major Students must complete a Request for Change of Degree and/or Major form if they intend to change their degree or major. The form can be found on the web and outside of OGSS/Room 418 White Hall. Once students complete and return the form to 418 White Hall, OGSS staff will make sure students have the admission requirements for the new major. Students must provide a new Statement applicable to the new major. Once this is completed, the Request for Change of Degree and/or Major form will be attached to the existing file and sent to the coordinator of the new degree and major program area for approval Thesis Advisors will notify their School administrative support staff to start registering a student for thesis hours. The advisor will submit a grade of “IP” each semester except for the semester the student graduates when a final grade is assigned. Once students are registered for Thesis, they will be expected to register for each and every semester including Summer and the semester they plan to graduate. They must register for 6 hours of Thesis I which can be done over a few 7 semesters. When the student applies for graduation, part of the clearing process will be to make sure the student has registered for 6 hours of Thesis I and has maintained continuous registration of Thesis II each semester including the semester the student plans to graduate. Students must submit have the Notification of Approved Thesis/Master’s Project Committee & Proposal form to the OGSS/Room 418 White Hall, before they apply for graduation. When students are ready to begin thesis, they should meet with their assigned advisor. If the student is considering a topic outside the advisor’s area of expertise, the advisor may arrange for the student to confer with another faculty member. The advisor and the student are responsible for securing the consent of a qualified professor to act as director. The advisor may serve as director if agreeable to both parties. The director will guide the student during the development of the thesis and assist the student in selecting two other appropriate graduate faculty members to advise and serve on the committee. When the committee is satisfied with the proposal, students will secure the signatures of the director and all committee members on the Notification of Approved Thesis/Master’s Project Committee & Proposal form. The form, accompanied by a copy of the abstract, should be filed in the OGSS/Room 418 White Hall no later than the first Friday of the term in which the student plans to graduate. Completion of the Thesis: 1. Students must complete the thesis to the satisfaction of their committee members. The committee director will act as consultant during the time the thesis is being completed. The student completing the thesis must consult the Guidelines for Preparation of Theses and Dissertations found at http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/ogs/masters/index.cfm regarding thesis style and form. 2. The student will arrange for an oral defense of the thesis at least one week after delivery of the document to committee members. The entire committee is expected to be present for the defense meeting. 3. The committee director will be responsible for the completion of the Report of Oral Defense of Master’s Thesis or Master’s Project form. 4. The student must follow established and posted deadlines for submission of thesis and abstract for approval, oral defense of the thesis, and graduation. Deadlines are posted each term outside of the OGSS/Room 418 White Hall. 8 Master’s Project A master’s project student is required to register for Master’s Project for a total of 6 credit hours (Hospitality, Tourism and Management major only require 3 hours of Master’s Project). Registering for Master’s Project can be done in one semester or over a few semesters. Continuous registration IS NOT required for the master’s project. Each student must have the Notification of Approved Thesis/Master’s Project Committee & Proposal form on file in the OGSS/Room 418 White Hall, before applying for graduation. Non-Degree Student Re-activation A graduate non-degree student must enroll for at least one term each calendar year to maintain their graduate student status. If the non-degree student fails to take one course per calendar year the Non-Degree Student Re-Activation form will need to be filled out in order to reactivate student status. A certificate or a degree-seeking student MAY NOT use this form, but must follow the procedures noted below. Leave of Absence A leave of absence is granted to degree seeking graduate students, who are in active status but who must be away from their studies for one or more semesters for compelling personal reasons. Prior to applying for a leave of absence, the student should consider its potential implications on funding (including assistantships and veterans benefits), loan repayment, immigration status, health insurance, university housing and time to degree completion. An international student should contact the Office of Global Education before the initiation of a leave of absence and before returning to campus to ensure compliance with SEVIS regulations and visa restrictions. To be eligible for a leave of absence, a student must be seeking a graduate degree, have completed at least one full term of enrollment prior to the date a leave is to begin, be in good academic standing and be making reasonable progress toward the degree. Leaves will not be granted to students who (1) have completed less than one full term of enrollment; (2) are not in good academic standing; or (3) have received an extension of the degree time limit. Leaves of absence are normally granted for one to three semesters. The time taken on an approved leave of absence is not included in the time limitations for degree completion and advancement to candidacy. 9 Students on a leave of absence are not registered and, therefore, do not have the rights and privileges of a registered student, including course pre-registration and access to the libraries, recreational center, and health services. Leaves of absence must be requested prior to the semester of anticipated leave, or at the latest, before the end of the first semester of anticipated leave. To request a leave of absence, students must complete a Request for Leave of Absence form available at http://www.kent.edu/graduatestudies/forms-library.cfm. To receive an extension of an approved leave, the student must complete a new Request for Leave of Absence form prior to the expiration of their leave. If a student does not receive an extension and does not return to the graduate program, he or she will be considered as having permanently withdrawn from the University. Reenrollment This form should be completed by a certificate or degree-seeking graduate student who has been on an approved leave of absence from the University and wishes to return to the former program of study. A student not on an approved leave of absence, who withdrew from or left the University one or more years before, must formally apply and follow the same admission procedures required of new applicants. Graduate Assistantships Applicants who are admitted on condition/probation are not eligible for a graduate assistantship. If a student is admitted on condition they will be eligible for an assistantship after the conditions of their admission has been met. Any student regardless of how they were admitted will not be given an assistantship if their GPA falls below a 3.0. Graduation/Application Process Students need to apply for graduation. The deadline to apply for graduation is always the first Friday of the semester a student plans to graduate. Students are informed in their admission letter that they need to apply for graduation. Email reminders are sent out to students reminding them of the deadline each semester from the listserv email. Deadline dates are posted on the OGGS website. 10 Students who submit a graduation application after the posted deadline will be subject to a $200.00 non-refundable late processing fee. Students are able to apply for graduation 3 different ways. 1. Apply online Login to the FlashLine account Click tab: Student Tools & Courses In center column, under heading Apply for Graduation, click link View submitted Graduation Application Check that the application status is "Active" 2. Apply in person in the OGSS/418 White Hall 3. Download the application from http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/ogs/graduationapplications.cfm, then fax to 330-672-9162, OGSS/418 White Hall.