Constraints for Knowledge Maintenance

From: AAAI Technical Report SS-97-01. Compilation copyright © 1997, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Constraints for KnowledgeMaintenance
Key Centre for AdvancedComputing Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, NSW2007, Australia
Constraints are used to managethe integrity of knowledge.
Knowledge-basedsystems applications are frequently
constructed as a knowledgebase, or rule base, component
coupled with a relational database component.The most
expensiveof these twocomponents
to build and maintainis
typically the knowledge
base. Constraints,whichplay a key
role in database management,are seldom mentionedin
connection with knowledge. One class of knowledge
constraints protect the integrity of knowledge
bases during
maintenanceby preventing the introduction of update
anomalies. Another class of knowledgeconstraints
contributesto the efficiency of the maintenance
Theefficiency of the maintenanceprocedureis increased
further if the knowledgein the knowledgebase has been
normalised. An experimental knowledge-basedsystems
design and maintenance tool which incorporates this
approach has been built and trialed in a commercial
Knowledge-based systems applications are frequently
constructed as a knowledgebase, or rule base, component
containing the ’knowledge’ which is coupled with a
relational database componentcontaining the ’information’
(Debenham 1996b) (Gray 1989). The more expensive
these two componentsto build and maintain is typically the
knowledgebase (Tayar 1993). Constraints, which play
key role in database management, are applied both to
protect the integrity of the knowledgeand to improvethe
efficiency of the knowledge base maintenance procedure
(Debepham& Deved~i~ 1996a).
The cost of managingsystem integrity increases with the
degree of "volatility"
of a system (Deved~i~ 1996).
Volatile systems are systems which are subject to a high
rate of change. Constraints are used to manage the
integrity of the knowlodge-based systems in which the
knowledgebase is volatile (Coenen &Bench-Capon1992).
This approach employs constraints for two distinct
¯ constraints protect the integrity of the knowledgebase
during maintenance by preventing the introduction of
update anomalies (Kang Gambetta & Compton 1996)
(these are called pragmaticconstraints), and
¯ constraints contribute to the efficiency of the
maintenance procedure (these are called referential
Constraints are an integral part of the "conceptual model".
The conceptual model is a complete representation of the
knowledge required by the system; it specifies how the
system will do what it is required to do (Debenham1996d).
The conceptual modelconsists of two parts. The first part
is a representation of all things in the application as "items"
(Debenham1996b). The second part is a "coupling map"
which supports the maintenance procedure (Debenham
1995). Items contain pragmatic constraints. Referential
constraints simplify the structure of the coupling map. A
tool which incorporates this approach has been built and
trialed in a commercialenvironment.
The terms ’data’, ’information’ and ’knowledge’ are
used here in a rather idiosyncratic sense. The data in an
application are those things which are taken as the
fundamental, indivisible things in that application; data
things can be represented as simple constants or variables.
The information is those things which are "implicit"
associations betweendata things. Animplicit association is
one that has no succinct, computable representation.
Informationthings can be represented as tuples or relations.
The knowledge is those things which are "explicit"
associations betweeninformation things or data things. An
explicit association is one that has a succinct, computable
representation. Knowledgethings can be represented either
as programs in an imperative language or as rules in a
declarative language.
The conceptual model is not a complete system
The conceptual model does not contain
details of which information items should be stored as
relations in the relational database. The conceptual model
does not contain details of howthe knowledgeitems should
be used to derive the values of those information items
which are not physically stored as relations. The internal
model is derived from the conceptual model by including
both details of whichinformation items should be stored as
relations in the relational database, and details of howthe
knowledge items should be used to derive the values of
those information items which are not physically stored as
(Debenham & Deved~i~ 1996a). Once the
internal modelhas been derived, referential constraints may
be applied to the items in the conceptual model. These
referential constraints simplifythe couplingmap,and thus
improvethe efficiency of the maintenance
Items have a uniform format no matter whether they
represent data, informationor knowledge.Thekey to this
uniformrepresentation is the wayin whichthe "meaning"
of an item, called its semantics,is specified. Thesemantics
of an item is a function whichrecognises the membersof
the "value set" of that item. The value set of an
informationitem is the set of tuples whichare associated
with a relational implementationof that item. Knowledge
items, including complex,recursive knowledge
items, have
value sets too (Debenham
1996b). For example,the item
whichrepresentsthe rule "the sale price of parts is the cost
price markedup by a universal mark-upfactor" could have
a value set as shownin Figure 1. Items incorporate two
distinct classes of pragmatic
Items are expressedin terms of their "components".
example,the knowledge
item whichrepresents the rule for
the price of car spare parts will be expressedin
terms of car spare parts. Also the knowledgeitem which
represents the rule for marking-up
the price of bike spare
parts will be expressedin terms of bike spare parts. Items
are thus unable to express the essence of the "markup"
rule. Objectsare item building operators. Objectsare not
expressed in terms of particular components.Items and
objects havea similar structure. Thesemanticsof an object
is a function whichrecognisesthe members
of the "value
set" of any item instance of that object operator. Objects
incorporatetwodistinct classes of pragmaticconstraints.
Pragmatic constraints apply equally to knowledge,
information and data. A taxonomy of pragmatic
¯ constraints whichare attached to each item (these are
calledthe itemconstraints),these are:
¯ the item value constraints whichare constraints on the
individual members
of an item’s value set, and
¯ the item set constraints whichare constraints on the
structure of an item’svalueset. Set constraintsinclude:
¯ cardinality constraints, denoted by "Card", which
constrainthe size of the valueset;
¯ universal constraints, denoted by "Uni", which
generalisedatabaseuniversalconstraints, and
¯ candidate constraints, denoted by "Can", which
constrain the functional dependenciesin an item and
¯ constraints whichaxe attached to the conceptual model
itself (theseare calledthe modelconstraints).
Referentialconstraints contributeto the efficiency of the
maintenanceprocedure. Referential constraints apply
equally to knowledge, information and data items.
Referential constraints complicatethe item to whichthey
are appliedandshouldthus only be appliedto items of low
A major collaborative research project between the
University of Technology,Sydneyand the CSlRO
of Information Technologyhas addressed the effective
maintenance of knowledge-based systems. The early
results of this project are summarised
in (Debenlmm
Recentworkin this project has focusedon two issues. The
first issue is the development
of a unified framework
conceptual modellingin whichthe "data", "information"
and "knowledge"
in the application can all be represented
entirely as "items" in a single formalism(Debenham
Deved~i~1996b). The second issue is the developmentof
classes of constraints for knowledge
whichcan protect the
knowledgebase effectively against the introduction of
update anomalies. Early results on the developmentof
knowledgeconstraints werereported in (Debenham
morerecent results are reportedhere. Akeyproductof this
collaborative research project has beenthe development
a complete methodology for the management of
knowledge-basedsystems. This methodologyis supported
by a ComputerAssisted Knowledge
F.,ngineering tool, or
tool, called "The Knowledge
Analyst’s Assistant".
Anexperimentalversion of this tool has been constructed
(Debenham1989) and has been triaied in a commercial
Pragmatic Constraints
Pragmatic constraints are an integral part of the
"conceptual model". The conceptual model consists of
both a representationof the things in the applications as
"items", and a coupling map.Theitems in the conceptual
modelmayeither be specified explicitly or be specified
implicitlyas a sequenceof object operatorsappliedto a set
of basic data items.
[part/sale-~"ice, part/cost-price,mark.up1
part/st Ie-price
xtrt-number dollar-amount_]
1.23 l
~:4M5 /
4.56 /
6.78 //
Figure1 Valueset of the item [part/sale-price, part/cost-prwe,mark-up]
item name
item components
item semantics
item value constraints
item set constraints
meanin~of item
constraints on values
set constraints
Cpart ^ Ccoa-price ^ (Uni(part)
^ Can(cost-price, {part}))part/cost.price ]
Rules, or knowledge,can also be defined as items and thus
can be represented using i-schema. Consider the rule "the
sale price of parts is the cost price markedup by a universal
mark-upfactor"; supposethat this rule is represented by the
item named[part~sale-price, part/cost-price, mark-up].
The idea of clef’ruing the semantics of items as recognising
functions for the membersof their value set extends to
complex, recursive knowledge items too (Debenham
For example, the semantics of the
[part/sale-price, part/cost-price, mark-up]item is:
I cost-price
r ~,)
x<1999-~ ,y.~300
kxlx2Yly2z’[S part/sale.pric e( 1, x2)
^ Spart/cost .price(Yl, y2)^ Smark.up(Z)
^ ((Xl = Y 1) -~ (x2 = z × y2))]o
Figure 2 i-schema format and the item ’part/cost-price"
Items and their Constraints
Items are a formalism for describing the things in an
application and have three important properties: items have
a uniform format no matter whether they represent data,
information or knowledgethings; items incorporate two
distinct classes of constraints, and a single rule of
"normalisation" can be specified for items (Debenham
1996c). The "meaning" of an item is called its semantics
(Debenham1996b). Items may be presented informally
"i-schema" or formally as k-calculus expressions.
Formally an item is a namedtriple A[ SA, VA, CA]where
A is the item name,SA is called the semantics of A, VA is
called the value constraints of A and CA is called the set
constraints of A. The i-schema notation for representing
items informally is shownin Figure 2. The k-calculus is
used to establish the formal properties of items. The
i-schemaare used to specify items in practice.
For example, an application could contain an association
whereby each part is associated with a cost-price. This
association could be subject to the value constraint that
parts whose part-number is less that 1,999 will be
associated with a cost price of no more than $300. This
association could be subject to the universal set constraint
that every part must be in this association, and the
candidate set constraint that each part is associated with a
unique cost-price. This association could be represented by
the information item namedpart~cost-price. The i-schema
for this information item is shown in Figure 2. The
k-calculus formfor this item is:
^ Scost-price(Y)
) ^ Vcost-price(Y)
^ ((x < 1999)-~ < 300)) ]o,
Each item contains two types of constraints; these two
types are the "value constraints" and the "set constraints".
For example, consider the item [part/sale-price,
part/cost-price, mark-up], this item incorporates the value
constraint that if this itemis used to calculate the sale-price
then the sale-price must be greater than the cost-price. This
item also inco~tes the set constraints:
Uni(part/sale-price) ^ Uni(part/cost-price
^ Can(part/sale-price, {part/cost-price, mark-up})
^ Can(part~cost.price, {part/sale-price, mark.up})
^ Can(mark.up,{part/sale-price, part/cost.price})
where"Uni(part/sale-price)" requires that this item’s value
set must contain all values of the value set of the item
"part/sale-price". Also "Can(part/sale-price, {part/costprice, mark-up})"requires that in this item’s value set the
value set of the two items {part/cost.price,
functionally determine the value set of the item part/saleprice. The i-schema for this knowledge item shown in
Figure 3.
Constraints which constrain the waythat an item is are
called static constraints. The examplesgiven above are all
static constraints. In contrast, dynamicitem constraints are
[part/sale-price, l~art/cost-pricet mark.up1
[~rt/sale-price [ part/cost-price ]
(x,w). .!. (x,y) ........
........... .___~_(W.
= z ×y).......
Figure 3 [part/sale-price, part/cost-price, mark-up]
meanin~of object
constraints on values
t object name
object semantics
object valueconstraints
objectset constraints
--, ~’.~00
Figure4 o-schemaformatand the object ’costs"
-’ (W--Z× y)
E ....--......--...........................
.................. ...2 ........... ..[
.........- ........ o
i ...................
Figure 5 o-schemafor object ’mark-up-rule"
constraints on howan item maybe modified. An example
of a dynamicitem constraint on the knowledgeitem above
is the requirement
that if it is modifiedfor anyreasonthen
the values in its value set associated with the component
"part/sale.price" can only changeby less than 10%of the
A single rule of "normalisation" maybe specified for
items (Debenham1995). This rule maybe applied
complexitems, including complexknowledgeitems, to
break themdowninto simpler items. Fromthis single rule
the five normalformsfor relational database(Date 1986)
maybe derived as well as a comprehensiveset of new
normalforms for knowledge(Debenham
Objects and their Constraints
items contain embeddedwithin them the full
specification of their constituent components.Knowledge
items are incapable of representing the essence of rules.
Objects are item building operators which have four
important properties: objects have a uniform format no
matter whether they represent data, information or
things; objects twoincorporatedistinct classes
of constraints; objects enableitems to be built in such a
wayas to inherit the characteristics of their components,
and a single rule of "normalisation"can be specified for
objects such that a conceptual modelbuilt with "normal"
object operatorswill contain only "normal"items.
Each object is an operator whichturns n items into
anotheritem for somevalueof n. Further, the definition of
eachobject will presumethat the set of itemsto whichthat
object maybe applied are of a specific "type". Thetype of
an m-adicitem is determinedboth by whetherit is a data
item, an informationitem or a knowledgeitem and by the
value of m. Theargumenttype of an n-adic object is an ntuple whichspecifies the types of the n itemsto whichthat
object maybe applied. Each of the n elements in an
argumenttype will be "free" or "fixed". Afree argument
type is denotedby Xn andindicates that the object maybe
appliedto anytype of n-adic item andthus simplyspecifies
the arity of that item. For example,if an object has
argumenttype (X2, X2, X1) then it maybe applied to any
2-adic item, followed by any other 2-adic item whichis
followed by any 1-adic item. A fixed argumenttype is
denoted by Dn (standing for "data"), n ( standing f or
"information") or n ( standing f or " knowledge") a
indicates that the object can only be applied to an n-adic
item of the nominated type. A fixed argument type
specifies both the arity of each argumentand whetherthat
argumentshould be a data item, an informationitem or a
Theformaldefinitionof an objectis similar to that of an
item. Anobject is a named,typedtriple A[Ej~,G],where:
¯ Ais a uniqueobject namethat, by convention,is written
in bolditalic script;
¯ E is an n-argumenttyped expression called the object
¯ F is an n-argumenttyped expression called the object
value constraintsand
¯ Gis an n-argument
typedexpressioncalled the object set
The object value constraints is an n-argument typed
expressionwhichis satisfied by the labels whichbelongto
the value set of any item constructed by applying that
object to a set of items. Theobject set constraintsis an nargumenttyped expressionconstructedfromthe primitives
"Card", "Uni" and "Can" which represents structural
constraints on that object andwill be illustrated in the
As for items, objects maybe presented informally as
"o-schema"or formally as k-calculus expressions. The
o-schemanotation for representing objects informally is
shownin Figure4.
The costs object of argumenttype (D1, D1) maybe used
to build the part~cost-price
costsfpart, cost-price)ffi part/cost-price
for the costs object is shownin Figure4.
1) D
The mark-up-ruleobject of argumenttype (I 2, 12,
maybe usedto build the [part~sale.price,par~cost-price,
[part/sale-price, part/cost-price, mark-up]
part/cost-price, mark-up)
costs(part, cost(price)), mark-up)
[part/sale.price, part/cog.price, mark.up]
sale -price
cost-price mark-up
Figure 6 Component
The o-scbemafor the mark-up.rule object is shownin
Model Constraints.
Modelconstraints ate constraints whichapply to the whole
conceptual model. Anexampleof an "information model
constraint" is nowdescribed. Considerany three sets of
tuples whichcould form the value sets of the three items
"part/sale-price", "part~cost-price" and "mark-up".For
exampleconsider the tuples shownin Figure 1. These
tuples shouldbe consistent with the knowledge
by the knowledgeitem [part~sale-price, part/cost-price,
mark-up]. Further an inference engine can demonstrate
automaticallythat these tuples are consistent with that
knowledge item. The constraint
that the item
[part/sale.price, part/cost.price, mark-up]shouldremains
consistent with the particular informationmodelshownin
Figure1 is an exampleof an informationmodelconstraint.
simple but non-triviai informationmodelscan
be used as powerful information modelconstraints on
knowledgeitems. Information model constraints are
especially appropriatein applications wherethe knowledge
is subject to a high rate of change and the essential
of the informationmodelis fairly stable.
Knowledge Maintenance
The"couplingmap"supports the maintenanceprocedure;it
is a representation of the "coupling relationships".
"Couplingrelationships" link two items in the conceptual
model if they share somecommonstructure or common
meaning.Acoupling relationship joins two items in the
conceptual modelif modification of one of these items
could require that the other item should be checkedfor
correctnessif the integrity of the conceptualmodelis to be
preserved. The efficiency of maintenanceprocedures is
substantially concerned with reducing the numberof
couplingrelationships in the conceptualmodel(Lehneret
ai 1993). One kind of coupling relationship maybe
removedby applying a generalised form of knowledge
norinalisation (Debenham1996c). Another kind
coupling relationship may be removed by applying
referential constraints to items. Referential constraints
complicatethe item to whichthey ate applied and should
thus only be appliedto itemsof lowvolatility.
The conceptualmodelconsists of both a representation
of the things in the applicationsas "items", anda coupling
map.Thecouplingmapis a representation of the coupling
relationships. These coupling relationships are of four
distinct kinds (Debenham1996a). First, duplicate
relationships link two items which share somecommon
meaning.In other words,a duplicaterelationship indicates
that a real fact has beenrepresented,at least in part, in
morethan one place. Second,componentrelationships link
each item to its components.For example,the component
relationshipsfor the item [part~sale-price,part/cost-price,
mark-up1aboveare shownin Figure 6. Third, equivalence
relationships link two items whosesemanticsare logically
equivalent. Fourth, sub-itemrelationships link two items
one of whosesemantics logically implies the other’s
The coupling mapcan be simplified. The coupling map
contains four kinds of coupling relationship. Duplicate
relationships maybe removedby applying the process of
knowledge normalisation (Debenham 1996c). Some
componentrelationships maybe removed by applying
referential constraints. Equivalencerelationships maybe
removed by renaming. Sub-item relationships maybe
reducedto sub-typerelationships.
Sub-itemrelationships join two items if one item is a
sub-itemof the other item. If a given data item is a subitem of another data item then it is usual to say that the
given data item is a sub-type of the other data item. For
example,the item part1couldhaveas its valueset all valid
spare part numberswhichlie between1 and 1999, and the
item part could haveas its value set all valid spare part
numbers;in this examplepart1is a sub-typeof part.
Sub-itemrelationships mayexist betweeninformation
items or knowledgeitems, but all sub-item relationships
can be reduced to sub-type relationships between data
items. For exampleconsider the item car-part/cost.price
shownin Figure7. Thestructure at the top showsthat this
item is a sub-itemof the item part/cost-price.Thestructure
at the bottomshowshowthis sub-item relationship has
beenreducedto a sub-typerelationship.
As in traditional database technology(Date 1986), the
normalisation of the conceptual model is intended to
producea modelthat will supportthe maintenanceprocess
by preventing the introduction of update anomalies.
Normalisationremovesduplicate relationships from the
coupling map.
I I1<°""<’1
car-part [
Figure7 Reductionof sub-itemrelationship
In (Debenham1996c) an "item join" operation
defined. Item join provides the basis for item
decomposition.Givenitems A and B, the item with name
A ®EB is called the join of AandB on E, whereE is a set
of componentscommon
to both A and B. Whentwo items
are joined on the component
set whichconsists of all of
their identical components
weomitthe subscriptof the join
operator. Using the rule of composition ®, knowledge
items, informationitems and data itemsmaybe joined with
one another regardless of type. For example, the
[cost-price,tax] [)~,xy,[x= y × 0.05]°,
~,xy,[x< y]o, C[cost.price,
can be joined with the informationitem part/cost-price on
the set {cost-price} to give the information item
part/cost-price/tax.In other words:
[cost-price,tax] ®{cost-price} part/cost.price=
Zxyz,[costs(x,y)^ z = y x 0.05]°,
-~ (0<y.~300))^ (z<y)]°,
In this way items maybe joined together to form more
complexitems. Alternatively, the ®operator mayformthe
basis of a theory of decomposition
in whicheach item may
be replaced by a set of simpler items. An item 1 is
into the set of itemsD= {11, 12 ..... In}if:
¯ I i has non-trivialsemantics
for all i,
¯ I=11 ®12®...®In,where
° each join is monotonic; that is, each term in this
compositioncontributes at least onecomponent
to L
If itemI is decomposable
then it will not necessarilyhavea
uniquedecomposition.Thereis one rule of decomposition:
"Givena conceptual modeldiscard any items whichare
decomposable". This rule applies to all items. For
example,this rule requires that the itempart/cost-price~tax
shouldbe discardedin favourof the items[cost-price, tax]
and part/cost-price.
A conceptualmodelis said to be normalif the items and
objects in it are not decomposable.
Supposethat item I has
the three componentsA, B and C. Considerthe different
ways in which this item I = I(C, B,A) can
into sub-itemsI 1, 12 and 13. Thesedifferent
ways are categorised by the different ways in which
functional associations are present in I; functional
associations are representedby the candidateconstraint.
Thedifferent waysin whichfunctional associations are
present in a three componentitem lead precisely to the
classical normalforms:
3NFI((C, B) ~ A) = I2(C <--- B) ®{8}II(B <-- A)
2NFI(C <-- (8, A)) I2(C <-- B)®{B
} II( B, A)
BCI(B <: (C, A)) = 12(C <: B) ®{B}II(B, A)
4NFI(C, B, A) = 12(C, ®{n! 11(B’ A)
5NF1(C, B, A) = I3(A, ®{C
} 12(C’ B) ®{B
} II( B’ A)
Theclassical normalformsnoted aboveapply equally well
to knowledgeas to data or information(Debenham
Thus the classical normal forms provide a complete
characterisation of the different waysin whichan item of
three componentsmaybe decomposed.Further normal
forms maybe derived by considering decompositionsof
items of morethan three components.
Referential Constraints
Oncethe internal model has been derived, referential
constraints maybe applied to the items in the conceptual
model. Referential constraints state that a particular
componentrelationship need not be followed during the
complete execution of a maintenanceoperation. These
referential constraints prunethe component
andthus simplifythe couplingmap.Referentialconstraints
improvethe efficiency of the maintenance
The maintenanceprocedure is guided by the coupling
map.This procedureis activated by the modificationof an
item. Anitem’s semantics recognises the membersof its
valueset. Thusif an item’s valueset is modifiedthen that
item’s semantics has been modified. For example, the
value set of the part/cost-price item maybe stored as a
relation R. The predicate "costs(x,y)" occurs in the
semanticsof this item. In strict terms, the meaning
of this
predicate is "x costs y at time x". If a tuple is added,
modified or deleted in the relation R then all of the
couplingrelationships fromthe item part/cost-price must,
in theory, be investigated. In other words, each simple
maintenancetask on a relation can generate a significant
maintenancetask. Referential constraints maybe applied
to isolate the effect of simplemaintenance
For example, consider a simple example in which
[part/sale-price, part/cost-price, mark-up]is the only
knowledgeitem in the conceptualmodel.Supposethat the
internal modelstates that the mark-updata item and the
part/cost.price informationitem shouldboth be physically
stored. Thatis, of the three distinct if-then interpretations
of this single knowledge
item, only the interpretation which
derivesthe valueset of the part/sale-priceinformationitem
is required. Theconstraint that "the value set of the
informationitem part/cost-price is fixed in the knowledge
item [part~sale-price, part~cost.price, mark-upr’is an
exampleof a referential constraint This constraint means
that ff the tuplesin the relation part/cost-priceare modified
then it is not necessaryto followthe component
link to the
item [part/sale-price, part/cost-price, mark-up].In other
words "the validity of the knowledgeitem [part/saleprice, part~cost-price,mark-up]
is invariant of the contents
of the value set of its componentinformation item
part/cost-price". This referential constraint is a static
constraint on the item [part~sale-price, part~cost-price,
mark-up];it states that this knowledge
item mustapply to
any tuple whichsatisfies the item constraints of the
informationitem part~cost-price. This constraint prunes
the componentrelationship from the information item
part~costp r i c e to the knowledge item
[part~sale-price,part~cost-price,mark-up]in the instance
whenthe valueset of item part~cost-priceis modified.
Thereferential constraint just consideredhas the effect
of pruning a componentrelationship from an information
item to a knowledgeitem. Component
relationships from
knowledgeitems to their constituent data or information
items can be pruned in a similar way. For example,the
constraint that "the value set of the knowledgeitem
is fixed on the
information item part~cost-price " is an exampleof a
referential constraint. Thisconstraintmeansthat if the item
is modifiedthen
it is not necessary to follow the componentlink to the
tuples of the relation part/cost-price. In other words"the
validity of the value set of the information item
part/cost-price is invariant of the item [part/sale.price,
part/cost-price,mark-up]".This referential constraint is a
static constraint on the informationitem part//cost-price.
This constraint prunesthe component
relationship fromthe
item [part/sale.price, part/cost-price, mark-up1
to the informationitem part~cost-pricein the instancewhen
the clauses whichimplementthe item [part~sale-price,
part/cost-price, mark-up]are modified.
Constraints are a management
tool for knowledge-based
systems. Pragmaticconstraints maybe applied to protect
knowledge-basedsystems against the introduction of
update anomalies during the execution of maintenance
operations. A taxonomy of pragmatic knowledge
constraints has been proposed. Referential knowledge
constraints contribute to the efficiency of the knowledgebased systemsmaintenanceprocess. The efficiency of the
maintenance procedure is increased further if the
knowledgehas been normalised.
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J.K. 1996a. Characterising MaintenanceLinks.
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Seoul, February1996.
Debenham,J.K. 1996b. Integrating KnowledgeBase and
Database. In proceedings 10th ACM
Annual Symposium
on Applied ComputingSAC’96,Philadelphia, February
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Debenham,J.K. 1996e. KnowledgeSimplification. In
proceedings 9th International
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Zakopane,Poland, June 1996.
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