From: AAAI Technical Report SS-98-06. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A Bibliography of Research in Text Summarization Alterman R., "Text summarisation" Intelligence Review. 1990. Abstract This documentcontains a rather incompletebibliography of research in text summarization.Mostpapers are tagged with a sequence of topic codes: [S] for statistical summarization,[E] for evaluation, etc. The full list of codesis shownbelow. The list of references was compiled using materials provided by Inderjeet Mani, DragomirRadev, Ga61Dias, HongyanJing, Branimir Boguraev,MarkKantrowitz, Tim Ostler, andothers. Alterman, R., "A Dictionary Based on Concept Coherence", Artificial Intelligence, 25, 1985, pp.~153186.[K, N] Aone, C., Okurowski,M.E., Gorlinsky, J., and Larsen, B., "A Scalable Summarization System using Robust NLP", in Mani, I., and Maybury, M., eds., Proceedings of the ACL/EACL’97Workshop on Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization, Madrid, Spain, 11 July 1997, pp.-66-73. [P] Topic Codes D E I K L M 0 P S Y H N = = = = = = = = = = = = in Artificial Aretoulaki M., "Towards a Hybrid Abstract Generation System" in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing pp 220-227. Manchester, England. 1994.[K, L] discourse model evaluation information extraction knowledge-based machine learning multi-document overview knowledge-poor statistical syntactic analysis models of human abstractors narrative summarization Aretoulaki M., COSY-MATS: A Hybrid ConnectionistSymbolic Approach To The Pragmatic Analysis Of Texts For Their Automatic Summarization PhDThesis. Centre for Computational Linguistics, Dept. of Language Engineering, University of Manchester. Institute of Science and Technology (U.M.I.S.T.). Manchester, England. 1996.[K, L] References Abracos, J. and Lopes, G-P., Statistical Methods for Retrieving Most Significant Paragraphs in Newspaper Articles in Mani, I., and Maybury,M., eds., Proceedings of the ACL/EACL’97 Workshop on Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization,Madrid, Spain, I 1 July 1997. [S] Barzilay, R., and Elhadad, M., "Using Lexical Chains for Text Summarization", in Mani, I., and Maybury,M., eds., Proceedings of the ACL/EACL’97 Workshop on Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization, Madrid, Spain, 11 July 1997, pp.~10-17. [P, D] Baxendale, P.B., "Man-made index for technical literature: an experiment", IBMJournal of Research and Development,2, 4, 1958, pp.-354-361. Aho, A., Chang, S.-F., McKeown,K., Radev, D., Smith, J., and Zaman,K. 1997. "Columbia digital news system : An environment for briefing and search over multimedia information". In Proceedings of IEEE ADL,Washington, DC. Benbrahim M. and AhmadK., "Computer-aided Lexical Cohesion Analysis and Text Abridgement". Technical report. KnowledgeProcessing, 18. University of Surrey. 1994. Alterman R. and Bookman AL., "Some computational experiments in summarisation" in Discourse Processes 13 pp 143-174. 1990. [K] Black W.J., and Johnson F.C., "A practical evaluation of two rule-based automatic abstracting techniques" in Expert Systems for Information Management 1 pp159177. 1988. [El Alterman R., "Summarization in the small" in N. Sharkey edition - Advances in cognitive science. Chichester, England, Ellis Horwood.1986. [K] 144 Boguraev, B., and Kennedy, C. 1997. "Salience-based Content Characterization of Text Documents",in Mani, I., and Maybury, M., eds., Proceedings of the ACL/EACL’97 Workshopon Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization, Madrid, Spain, pp.~2-9. [D, Y] Borko, H. &Bernier, C.L. 1975. "Abstracting concept and methods". San Diego, NewYork, Berkeley : Academic Press, 250 p. Borko, H. (ed.) 1968. "Automated language processing". NewYork: Wiley. Dunning, T., "Accurate Methods for the Statistics of Surprise and Coincidence", Computational Linguistics, 19, 1, 1993. [S] Earl L.L., "Experiments in automatic extracting and indexing" in Information Storage and Retrieval 6 pp 313334. 1970. EdmundsonH.P., "Newmethods in automatic extracting" in Journal of the ACM,16, 264-285. 1969. Brandow, R., Mitze, K., and Rau, L., "Automatic condensation of electronic publications by sentence selection." Information Processing and Management,31, 5, 675-685, 1994. IS, E] EdmundsonH.P., "Problems in automatic extracting" in Communications of the ACM7 pp 259-263. 1964. Callan J.P., "Passage--Level Evidence in Document Retrieval", in SIGIR 94 pp 301-310. Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-4610, USA. 1994. Carcagno D. and Iordanskaja L., "Content Determination and Text Structuring in Gossip" in Extended Abstracts, Second European Natural Language Generation Workshop pp. 15-22. Edinburgh,Scotland, April 6-8. 1989. Cohen, J.D., "Hilights: Language- and DomainIndependent Automatic Indexing Terms for Abstracting", Journal of the AmericanSociety for Information Science, 46, 3, 162-174, 1995. See also vol. 47, 3, 260 for a very important erratum. [S] Craven T.C., "Customized extracts based on Boolean queries and sentence dependencystructures" in Intelligent Classification 16 pp 11-14. 1989. Endres-Niggemeyer B. and Neugebauer E., "Professional Summarising: No Cognitive Simulation without Observation" in Proceedings of the International Conference in Cognitive Science 1995, May 2-6, San Sebastian. 1995.[H] Endres-Niggemeyer, B., Maier, E., & Sigel, A., Howto implementa naturalistic model of abstracting: four core working steps of an expert abstractor, Information Processing & Management31(5), 631-674. 1995. [H] Endres-Niggemeyer, B., Hobbs J., and Sparck Jones, K. 1993. SummarizingText for Intelligent Communication. In Dagstuhl Seminar Report, IBFI GmbH, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. Endres-Niggemeyer, B., A Naturalistic Models of Abstracting. In Endres-Niggemeyer, B., Hobbs, J. and Sparck Jones, K (eds.) Preprints of SummarizingText for Intelligent Communication.Dagstuhl Seminar Report 79. December 13-17, 1993, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2125. Cremmins E., "Valuable and Meaningful Text Summarization in Thoughts, Words, and Deeds" in Endres-Niggemeyer B., Hobbs J. and Sparck Jones K. editions, Workshopon SummarisingText for Intelligent Communication. Dagstuhl, Germany, 1993. Fontana N.M., "Summarising Strategies in L1 and L2". MADissertation. University College of North Wales, Bangor. 1989. Crookes G., "Towards a Validated Analysis of Scientific Text Structure" in AppliedLinguistics, Vol 7, !, pp 57-70. 1986. Francis H. and Liddy D., "Structured Representation of Theoretical Abstracts: Implications for User Interface Design" in M. Dillon edition, Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems: The State of the Art. GreenwoodPress. 1991. DeJong G.F., "An overview of the FRUMPsystem" in Lehnert W.G. and Ringle M.H. editions, Strategies for Natural Language Processing, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (publ), Hillsdale, NewJersey. 1982. 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