A Multi-Level Organization of Semantic Primitives for ... Models of Environment Autonomously from Continuous Data for ...

Multi-Level Organization for Learning
A Multi-Level Organization of SemanticPrimitives for Learning
Models of EnvironmentAutonomouslyfrom Continuous Data for Design
(Extended Abstract)
Sattiraju Prabhakar and Greg Smith
School of ComputingSciences
University of Technology,Sydney
POBox 123, Broadway,NSW2007, Australia
Email: {prabhaka,gjsmith} @socs.uts.edu.au
From: AAAI Technical Report SS-99-05. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
In this paper, we present an overviewof the project on
Autonomous Learning Design Agents which began
recently. Anagent that addresses the task of Designby
AutonomousLearning (DAL)builds an abstract model
the environmentfrom the sensory data with the goal to
modify the environment to meet a new set of
functionalities. Anyagent that addresses the DALtask is
confronted with a task of transforming the underlying
causes that produce the continuous data of the
environmentto produceanother set of continuous data.
In our work, we explore the possibility of such a
transformation through a hierarchical order of
discretizations each of which allows the agent to act
differently, and yet allows the agent to drawsomeglobal
The machine learning research has identified
formulation of environment models through multiple
levels of abstractions (Pierce and Kuipers 1997). Such
formulation brings to focus someissues that need to be
addressedfor DAL
1. Howdoes an agent recognize satisfaction of a global
and abstract goal fromcontinuousdata?
2. Howcan an agent maintainthe groundingof discretized
modelat different levels, in continuousdata?
3. Howcan an agent decide uponlocal actions based upon
global models?
4. Howcan an agent generate discretized modelsand yet
open to newcontinuousdata?
5. Howdoes an agent decide upon environmental
transformationsthat result in newcontinuousdata?
In a theory driven hybrid system, the relationship
betweenthe discrete modeland the continuous data is
supplied by the theory (Zhao 1997). The data driven
approaches are able to cope with continuous data in a
large numberof situations. Theyare limited to consider
abstract global goals at different levels whichis often
required in design (Chapman 1991). Our approach
integrates the strengths of a data-drivenand theory-driven
approaches and has the major contributing points
1. The models,at each level, are built by incorporating
the interaction mechanismsof the agent into the
continuous data. The interaction mechanismsallow
the discretized data to be groundedin continuousdata.
Thesemodelsare predictive.
2. Due to such an incorporation, the models can
incorporate newcontinuousdata into them.
3. The models are based on the composition of data
elements, rather than the conceptsof the agent. This
addsflexibility to the modelto building.
4. Theabstractionprocesses,at different levels, transform
the continuous data for prediction about different
aspects of the environment- topology, structure,
behaviorand function.
5. Theagent recognizesthe goals at a level by identifying
a set of patterns in interactionoutputsof the agent.
6. Themodelsat each level allow the agent to explore the
compositionalmodelingat that level.
A design robot interacts with its environment,learn
models of the environment and reorganises the
environmentsuch that it delivers a newfunctionality. An
exampledesignrobot can design a newdrilling rig for its
needsin mines,or designa bridge on the surface of Mars.
The Mars designer changes its environment on Mars to
have the functionality of transporting a vehicle by
buildinga bridge.
Design by autonomouslearning is closely related to
the functionality of the environmentas perceivedby the
agent. Anenvironmentis said to have a functionality if
the agent receives a set of percepts for a sequenceof
actions. An example is the functionality of the
environment to produce light where the agent applies
pressure on a switch and the agent receives light. In
design, the environmentinitially fails to deliver this
The agent makes changes to the
environmentstructure such that the modifiedenvironment
delivers the newfunctionality. The agent also needs to
makechanges to the environmentsuch that someof its
functions are not disturbed. A design problemis specified
to the agent as (Fm,Fa), whereFmis the set of functions
of environmentthat need to be maintained, and Fa is the
set of functionalities that needto be modified.Theset of
actions or action sequencesAf, along with the resultant
set of perceptsPn, specifies the designgoal.
All the functions F of the environment maynot be
knownto the agent. Knowingsuch a complete F may
require a very large numberof interactions to be performed
by the agent. Instead, the agent limits its design goal to
the functionalities of the environmentit has encountered.
The design goal is suggested to the agent, when it
encountersthese functions in the environment.
A simple exampleof autonomouslearning design task
can be illustrated by using the scenario of figure 1. In
statel, the agent cannot perceive the environment as
having the function of pushing the ball. The agent
performs the action specified in the goal - push the
stopper.Thisdoesnot result in the perceptthat the ball is
Block2 S fin
State l
Block2 Spring
for Learning
Figure 1. Transformation of an environment that enables satisfy ball pushing function.
in a new position.
The agent performs a number of
actions on the environment and collects the continuous
sensory data. Fromthis data, it builds a discrete model of
the environment. This model is predictive and enables the
agent to formulate sequences of actions that result in
changes to the environment which have desirable
perceptual consequences. In state2, the environment is
shown as satisfying the perceptual action of pushing the
In this paper, we consider the environments that are
closed, accessible and deterministic. Wefirst present a
multi-level organization of semantic primitives (MOSP)
that allows the incremental discretization of continuous
data, then a control strategy that allows the agent to
interact with the environment based on the models built
and finally we describe the modelingstrategy.
discretized data that correspond to the spatial features of
At each level of MOSP,the semantic primitives
include actions and percepts, a set of planning, modeling
and learning methods, and control rules. The actions are
of two types - perceptual and change. The perceptual
actions make the sensor to focus on a new aspect of the
environment or continue to focus on the current aspect of
the environment. The change actions make changes to
the environment.
The control rules enable the agent to respond
appropriately to every interaction between the agent and
the environment. They invoke actions, and modeling,
learning and planning methods. Thus they control the
modeling and interaction. The strategy that applies the
control rules enable the agent to select te actions such
that the agent converges onto the design goals.
Modeling methods map the continuous data of the
sensors onto a Situational Action Model. This model
helps the agent to select and order the actions at that
level. The first step in generating the Situational Action
Model is feature discovery at that level from the
continuous data of the environment (Prabhakar 1999).
For example, at behavioral level, a feature can be a
change in the topological relation between two objects.
A group of such features form the model that can predict
the consequencesof the actions.
Our multi-level organization of semantic primitives
(MOSP) has the following levels - topological,
structural, behavioral and functional (see figure 2). As
said earlier, each of these levels correspondsto a level of
discretization and a type of pattern over the discretized
data for that level. For example, at structural level, the
continuous data corresponds to the spatial data and no
temporal changes. The patterns are the grouping of the
M+L+P I DesignGoal I
I Part’alChange
Network I ~~
~,,~1 Behavioral ~1MI~..lanning,~ I
Partial Structural Networks
IP.ial Topolog,ca,
Networkst s÷c,
, Is
,,.c,u olLeve
E [ ~~ SeC ITopological
"~ I
1~----I Control SchemaJ " ~ "~’~."~.’ ~ I
[ S+CS
E = Execution,Sel = ActionSelection,S = SensingCS= ControlSchema
Selecton, MI= Method
Invocation,M= Modeling,
P = Planning,L = Learning
Figure 2. The organization of MOSP
Multi-Level Organizationfor Learning
Thelearning methodsat a level generatea Conceptual
Modelfor the actions at that level. Conceptualmodelis
a generalizationof the situational action modelovera set
of interactions
considered as examples. This
generalization allows the agent to apply its conceptual
modelto newsituations.
Over the concept space generated by learning, the
planninggeneratesa sequenceof actions that satisfy a set
of constraints. Theseconstraints are generated fromthe
designgoal or planningat higher levels.
Figure 2 illustrates the MOSP
organization. The
central aspect of the organizationis that the integration
between planning, modeling, learning and execution is
organizedat three levels - at topological, structural and
behavioral levels. Functional level is not shownin the
figure. Using this organization, the agent forms four
levels of egocentricrepresentations,incrementally.
At the lowest level of MOSP,the agent forms a
topological interaction representation of the environment.
In this representation, the surfaces of the objects provide
several topological elements whichare connectedto each
other throughperceptual actions of the agent. At the next
level, the structural aspects of the environment are
represented. At the behavioral level, the changesin the
environment are represented as a network of concepts
correspondingto the changes.Thechangesare represented
as discrete entities. In the functional level the aspects of
the changes in the environmentthat correspond to the
goals of the agentare represented.
The application of methodsat each level generates
modelsand generates a feedback to lower levels (this
feedback is not shownin the figure 2). This feedback
provides goals to be satisfied at lower levels. Thus
modelingis both bottom-upand top-down- the modelsat
higher levels are formedfrom lower level models, while
higher level modelsimposeconstraints on lower level
Since central to DALis the modelingand interaction
with the environment,we focus uponthese two aspects in
he rest of the paper.
and Modeling
Twoissues are central to dealing with the complexityof
learningtask - selecting actions that enableit
to achieve the design goal and deciding upon which
method to apply. In MOSP,the agent uses a set of
control rules called Interaction ControlSchemas
(ICS) and
a simplecontrol strategy.
Initially, the actions at any level of MOSP
are not
groundedin a modelof the environmentbut on a set of
internal parametersof the agent. Hence,the selection of
actions is arbitrary, in the beginningstages of interaction.
Theagent builds a modelof the environmentafter several
interactions with the environment.This will enable the
agent to select the actions to achievea specifiedeffect. If
the action fails to achievethe required effect, the agent
refines its model,thus enablingit to select actions more
effectively. This incrementalselectivity also applies to
the perceptualactions.
Figure3. Selection function updating
Figure3 illustrates this interaction betweenthe agent
and the environment.The agent has a selection function at
every level of MOSP
whichhelps it to select an action at
that level. Initially, this selection function is nil and
hence the actions are selected arbitrarily. As the agent
interacts with the environment,the environmentmodelis
built which improves the selection function and the
selectivity of actions within that environment.
The ICSschemasenable the agent to react differently
to each interaction situation. The schemathat is invoked
in a situation sends appropriate signals to methodsfor
planning, modeling, learning, action selection and
execution. The agent has a simple forward-chaining
strategy of selecting an ICSand executing it. Since the
ICSsend different signals to different methods,the result
can be a complex behavior which converges onto
achievingthe designgoal.
Different levels of MOSP
have different perceptual
actions. For example,at topological level, a perceptual
action is View_Surface,at structural level a perceptual
action is View_Object,and at behavioral level it is
The changeactions are also dependenton the
MOSPlevel. An example of behavioral action is
Stretch_Hand. An example of navigational action at
behaviorallevel is Turn.
Anexampleof topological ICSfor action selection is"
Current-action= Nil
Current_Percept_Bundle= nonNil
Current-action <-- ASelection{At,PBc}
<-- Nil
As we said earlier, the agent forms environment
interaction models that help it in prediction, and
environmentmodification. Thesensory data for the agent
is continuousdata and can be a spatial distribution of
vision data or of a parameter such as magnetic field.
Throughexploration within this data, the agent forms
moreabstract modelsof interaction with the environment.
At eachlevel, at everyinteractionstep, first a situational
action modelis formedand provides a feature space in
which the learning of the conceptual modelis done by
inductive learning. Failure of a concept to predict a
percept mayinvalidate that concept at that level. This
Multi-Level Organizationfor Learning
mayrequire the conceptsor modelsto be refined at that
level or at the lowerlevels.
Topological Model Formulation
Lowlevel continuousdata of environmentdoes not allow
comparisons,movinga segmentof data to newsituations
and modification. Weneeda representation that allows us
to do all these operations on the data. Partial Topological
Networks(PTN)is such a representation and it provides
basis for passing modelsto higher levels of MOSP.
At topological level, each surface encounteredwithin
the environment is modeled as a group of connected
views.Aviewis a percept receivedfor a spatially bounded
two-dimensionalregion. The representation of this view
is called a topological elementand is representedby a 6tuple (a~, 8, ct, 13, 0, #): the view0)), the distance
the agent (5), the horizontal angle of surface normalfrom
the direction of viewing(ct), the vertical angle of surface
normalfrom the direction of viewing(13), the horizontal
beamangle of the view(0) and the vertical beamangle
the view (~). This 6-tuple also forms the internal
parameters of the agent. Topological elements are
connectedthroughperceptual or navigationalactions taken
by the agent. The network of topological elements is
called Partial Topological Network(PTN). Figure
illustrates a surface of an object and its corresponding
~ pa3 I
I (vl,a~,bl,dl)~-~-[(v4,a4,b4,o4)]l
l~Rectangular surface ~
Aptn for this surface
vi = view,ai = horizontalangle, bi : vertical angle,
di = distancefromrobot, pal = perceptualaction
Figure4. Arectangular surface and its PTN
At a given time, the agent can maintain several PTNs,
each belongingto a different surface. All these PTNsare
connected in a bigger network through navigational or
A view of a topological elementcan be small or large
dependingupon the angle of viewing upon the surface.
Thus the numberof the topological elements is not a
measure for the surface area. The perceptual actions
determinehowmuchangle or distance the agent needs to
movein order to record the view. Oneof the assumptions
for successfulgenerationof the PTNsis that the agent can
automaticallysense the boundariesof the surface and stop
producing the topological elements at the boundaryof
Figure5 illustrates howdifferent points in a viewof a
topological element becomerelative to the absolute
coordinate system, (X, Y). The view of each topological
elementhas its owncoordinate-system(a, b), wherea and
b are functions of x and y. Whena topological elementis
rotated in an absolute coordinate system (X, Y), its
coordinate system(a, b) gets redefined. Everypoint
automatically gets redefined. This enables the agent to
movethe views without having to recomputethe absolute
positions of each point in a view. Further the coordinate
systemsof the boundariesof adjacent viewsare connected.
Hence,the points within a viewbecomea part of network
of topological elements.
Where, pi = f(a,b) and a,b = g(x,y)
Figure5. Makingpoints of viewsrelative.
If the surface belongsto a three dimensionalobject,
the algorithm is limited to accessing the surface
Structural Model Formulation
The change of environment is often associated with
objects rather than with the surfaces. Hence,it is required
to generateobject representations.
Anobject representation constitutes of several PTNs.
In order to get PTNsfor all surfaces of an object, the
agent needs to navigate around the object. The other
surfaces are visible after navigation. The navigation is
triggered by modeling at higher levels of MOSP.For
example, a behavioral action called Stretch_Handcan be
applied on only objects, thus resulting in their
movements.If a single surface PTNis available for an
object, the agent actively acquiresthe rest of the PTNsfor
the object PTNs.The networkof object representation is
called a Partial Structural Network(PSN).
The object representation is required to provide its
spatial properties, in order for the agent to draw
conclusionsabout the spatial consequences
of its actions.
Thestructural level captures object representations along
with inter object relationships. Thespatial properties are
calculated fromthe vision data that is stored in the views
of PTNs.
Behavioral Model Formulation
Usageof behavioral modelplays a central role in making
changesin the environment.Thesechangesare caused by
the agent’s actions and the dynamicphysical environment.
Initially, the agent does not havea behavioralmodel.The
agent explores the environmentby arbitrarily selecting
and executingbehavioral actions, that mayresult in the
movementof the objects within the environment. By
observing these changes, the agent is able to build a
modelof the environment.
The model formed will not only help the agent to
select the actions in a specific environment,but also
discriminate betweentwobehavioural actions in order to
achieve a goal. There are two distinct types of models.
Both of these modelsare derived from the PTNsand PSNs
Multi-Level Organizationfor Learning
we havediscussedearlier. Onetype of modelis attachedto
individual actions. Thesemodelsenablethe agent to select
an action as relevant for a situation by comparingthe
model with the physical situation. An action can be
instantiated manytimes, each with a different model.The
secondtype of modelorders two or morerelevant actions
for a situation withrespect to the goals of the agent. Both
of these modelsare learnt.
Theagent developsthe behavioral modelin twosteps.
First it forms the situational action modelalong with a
feature space¯ Thefeatures are derivedfromthe changesin
the PTNsand PSNs. The feature space is made up of
different variations or summariesof the 6-tuples that
describe a topological element.This feature spaceis used
to encodethe (action, percept) experiencesof the agent.
Aninductive learning algorithmgenerates concepts, from
these encodedexperiences,that describe the events within
the environment.
The agent may not be able to form complete
behavioral modelsof objects due to incompleteness of
PTNsor PSNs.In this case, the agent poses a constraint
on lower level modelingto acquire additional PSNsor
PTNs.Winorder to present the behavior of the learning
algorithm,wefirst discuss the generationof feature space
and then the conceptspace.
Model Formulation in a Passive Non-Impeding
The passive environmentchanges only whenit is acted
upon. In a non-impeding environment, each physical
object does not interfere with the changesin the other¯ An
exampleof such an environmentis a single block sitting
on a table and no other blocks are present on the table.
The movementsare unimpededwithin the environmentof
the table. Wewill explain through an example, howan
agent modelsthe environmentunder such situation. Let
us say the agent executes an action that results in the
motion of a block¯ One such behavioural action is
( 81, cxl, 131)--> ( 82, cxl, 131). Thisaction
results in increasing the distance betweenthe agent and
the block, but does not changethe angles of the agent
with respect to the block. The modelingalgorithm will
summarise the differences between the PTNfor the
starting position of the block and the PTNfor the
destination position of the block,as follows¯
Vtl, t2. (tl ¯ PTN1^ t2 ¯ PTN2)^ Stretch_Hand
(PTN1)=:~ (distance(PTN2) = max_length(Hand))
(distance(t2)> distance(tl))
This model of the changes retains its links with the
PTNs.This allows any further generalisation required of
model, by makinguse of the underlying PTNs.
The agent may not be able to sense all the
of an action¯ In that case, the agent maynot
be able to develop a correct modelof the environment.
The agent develops a limited modelof the environment
and keepsmodifyingit till the functionalities requiredof
the designgoal are satisfied.
Model Formulation in a Passive and Impeding
In a passive impedingenvironment,a behavioral action
maynot be completed.For example,the stretching of the
robot hand to its full length maynot be possible due to
interference by another block¯ In this case, modelingthe
changesrequires taking into account the action and the
blocking effect. The agent is able to perceive that the
action has been impededby observing the changein the
internal parametercalled the length of hand. This will
promptthe agent to select and execute a fewactions that
can get the agent the PTNof the blocking object¯ The
comparison between the blocking PTNand the moved
block will reveal that they havethe samedistances. This
is summarisedin the followingmodel.
Vtl, t2. (tl ¯ PTN1^ t2 ~ PTN2)A(distance(PTN3)
distance(maxlength(Hand)) ^ (angles(PTN1)
angles(PTN3)) ^ Stretch_Hand (PTN1)
(distance(PTN2)< max_length(Hand))A(distance(PTN2)
= distance(PTN3)
^ (distance(t2) > distance(tl))
Model Formulation
in an Active
Deterministic Environment
An active environment can change without being acted
upon. In this case, the agent needs to do morethan act
and observe. It needsto actively track the environment
its changes. Since the agent does not have the modelof
the environment, perceptual action selection is not
purposeful. That is, the agent cannot decide whichaspect
of the environmentit should sense, howlong it should
sense, what is the rate at whichsense. Our methodology
has twoaspects:
a. The agent has an initial PTNof an object. The agent
will be able to perceivethat there are somechangesin
the environmentby repeatedly generating PTNof the
current physical situation and comparingin between
PTNs.If there are somechangesin the object, then it
will use the PTNto modelthe changes. It adapts
these changesto perceptual actions¯ Thesechangesact
as models to predict the changes¯ The failure of
prediction leads to modifyingthe model. This allows
the agent to incrementally adapt to track the
b. The second method is for the agent to design
controlled experimentsand build limited modelsof the
environmentwhichare used to build larger models.
This methodis not discussedfurther here.
¯....¯ ¯:::::
:: :::iiiil
: ¯i"-":
..¯¯ ;.
". ¯ ...
.:’.: :
¯. ¯ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
¯.. ¯ ..
.;¯ .’.¯..~’-"-iiiiiii~:~i!?!!
¯¯ ¯
.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
~ : ¯ .. ¯
¯ ¯ ;. : :::::::::::::::::
~:::::::: .: ..: :
: ¯ :.
~ : .’.: .’.
~ : .’: .’.
Position of open
end of stationary
Figure 7. Summary
description of spring PTN
To understandthe modelinginvolvedin changesof the
active environment,considerthe spring of figure 1 again.
The agent forms a PTNof the spring from one side. Then
a behavioral action Sweep_Hand
is applied on the open
end of the spring. This results in an oscillation of the
spring. The agent observes the changes betweenthe new
PTNsand the stationary spring PTN. Based on the
differences, it forms a modeland it keeps observingthe
differences. Theresult of these observationsis a sequence
Multi-Level Organizationfor Learning
of PTNs, each slightly different from the others. A
summarisingalgorithm is applied on this sequence of
PTNsto generate a statement of the oscillation of the
spring. This summarydescription of the changes in the
PTNscaptures the oscillations of the spring (as shownin
a pictorial form in figure 7). The length of the overall
rectangle correspondsto the length of the spring, and the
width correspondsto that of the spring. The topological
elementsare spread throughoutthe overall rectangle. This
rectangle consists of several smaller rectangles each of
which corresponds to the density of changes occurred
within that region. The rarer the region is, the smaller
the changesoccurred in the topological elements within
that region. For example, the region R4 has smallest
amountof changescomparedto other regions. This means
that the topological elements change less frequently
to other regions. This frequencydistribution is
symmetrical.Further, the changein PTNshas a direction
as illustrated in figure7.
Linking Goals to the Action Models
The modelswe discussed till nowhelp the actions to be
selected within a physical situation. But they are not
sufficient in informingthe agent of the relevancyof an
action for a goal comparedto the others. The model
learning needs to maximisethis relevancy. The agent
develops a modelthat is able to compareseveral actions
for their relevanceto the goal. At eachinteractive control
situation, the agent comparesall the applicable actions,
based on their associated models. Dependingupon the
closenessof their predictedconsequences
they are ordered.
This linking between the goal, the consequences of
actions and their attributed priorities forms a central
model. This modelis revised at each interactive control
Related Work
Oursolution for a hybridsystemis related to several areas
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Design and
In machine learning, especially in autonomous
learning, two approaches are followed prominently to
handlecontinuousdata. Thefirst, a hypothesisdriven or a
theory driven approachuses a prespecified associations
between concepts about discrete data and patterns in
continuous data (Zhao 1997). The other approach has
behavioral mechanisms
that interact with continuousdata
but do not consider the goals at various levels (Chapman
1991). In our approach, we derive associations between
conceptsand data patterns whichare dynamicallychanged
as newassociations becomenecessary.
In computervision, for recognition of objects from
continuous data, associations are used in between
schemasand continuousdata (Stark and Bowyer1996).
our case, the initial hypothesisspace is set up bottomup
fromdata, then hypothesisdriven explorationrefines this
In our work, discovery of several new features at
various levels is made(Zhao1994, Yip 1991, Shen1993,
Fawcett 1993). Design systems need to explore the
continuous data while modifyingthe environment.Often
most design systems explore the continuousdata without
a need to remodel(Smith, Stalker and Lottaz 1996). Our
workintegrates exploration, modification of the models
and changing the environment.Pierce and Kuipers use a
multi-level organization for semantic primitives for
learning from environment (Pierce and Kuipers 1997).
Their approach is statistical, whereasour approachis
In our methodology,the agent starts with no internal
search space. Throughinteraction with environment, it
creates and structures a search space. Searchin this space
together with exploration in the environmentguides the
agent to achieve the design goals. A multi-level
organizationof primitives, by discretizing continuousdata
at various levels, generates environmentwith desired
A constructive induction algorithm has been
implementedfor discovering topological changefeatures
(Prabhakar1999).For this algorithmto operate efficiently
either heuristics or efficient interaction among
multiple levels need to be present. This is a very new
project and rest of the systemis still being implemented
to perform simple design tasks in simulated
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