of Submission Name:

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Hilda A Pettit
Organization: Vacca Office of Student Services
Course Catalog Update
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Course Catalog Update Information:
Reference Number: CCU003287
Date: 17-NOV-11
Level: 2.00 of 2.00
Currently On The Worklist Of: Joanne Arhar, jarhar
Owner: Office of Curriculum Services, 330-672-8558 or 330-672-8559, curriculum@kent.edu
Basic Course Data
Change type: Establish
Faculty member submitting this proposal: Mulrooney
Requested Effective Term: 201280
Campus: Kent
College: EH-Education, Health and Human Services
Department: FLA-Foundations, Leadership and Administration
Course Subject: SPAD-Sports Administration
Course Number: 45029
Course Title: History and Current Issues in Collegiate Athletics
Title Abbreviation: Hist and Curr Iss in Coll Athl
Slash Course and Cross-list Information: SPAD 45029 + SRM 55029
Credit Hours
Minimum Credit/Maximum Credit: 3 to 3
Contact Hours: Lecture - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: 3 to 3
Contact Hours: Lab - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours:
Contact Hours: Other - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours:
Is this course part of the LER, WIC or Diversity requirements: No
If yes, course attributes: 1.
Can this course be repeated for credit: No
Course Limit:
Course Level: Undergraduate
Grade Rule: B-Standard letter
OR Maximum Hours:
Rationale for an IP grade request for this course (if applicable):
Schedule Type(s): 1. LEC-Lecture 2.
Credit by Exam: N-Credit by exam-not approved
Prerequisites & Descriptions
Current Prerequisite/Corequisite/Catalog Description:
Catalog Description (edited): Examination of the historical development of athletics within American institutions of
higher learning with an emphasis upon concepts and ideals that underlie the developments and the major problems
affecting contemporary intercollegiate athletics.
Prerequisites (edited): None
Corequisites (edited):
Registration is by special approval only: No
Content Information
Content Outline:
Content Hours
per Course
Topic Description
A. The Role of Sports in America 1.
Sports in Colonial America 2. The Rise
of the American City and Sports in the
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1800s 3. The Major Purposes of Sport
4. The Modernization of Sport
B. The Charter of Higher Education 1.
The Oxford-Cambridge Model 2. The
German Model 3. The American Model
4. The Role of Athletics in the
American Model
C. The Early Days of Intercollegiate
Athletics 1. Intercollegiate Crew,
Baseball, and Track 2. The Importance
of Football 3. The Organizational
Structure at the Schools 4. Ethical
Problems and Issues in Early College
Athletics 5. Period of Transition 18501905
D. Intercollegiate Athletics in the 20th
Century 1. The Emergence of the
NCAA 2. Scandals and Ethical Issues in
the 20th Century 3. Attempts at
Reform (Carnegie Report to Knight
Commission) 4. The Changing Roles of
the NCAA 5. Critical Events and
Figures in the 20th Century 6. The
Changing Role of the Student-Athlete
E. Current Role of Intercollegiate
Athletics in Higher Education 1. The
goals and mission of college sports 2.
The goals and mission of "big-time"
college sports 3. The mission of the
University 4. The impact of college
sports on the University 5. The impact
of college sports on the athletes (long
and short term)
F. Governance and Organizational
Concerns 1. NCAA Structure and Major
Roles 2. Structures at the University
Level 3. Major Roles at the University
G. Major Policies and Their Impact on
the Student-Athlete 1. Recruiting 2.
Admissions 3. Eligibility and
Academics 4. Financial Aid 5. Transfer
Rules 6. Relationships with Agents 7.
Drug Testing
H. Women in Intercollegiate Athletics
1. History of Women in Intercollegiate
Athletics 2. Women's Role in College
Sports Today 3. The Impact of Title IX
(present and future)
I. Racism in Intercollegiate Athletics 1.
The History of Racism in
Intercollegiate Athletics 2. The Current
Roles of African-Americans and Other
Minority Groups in Intercollegiate
J. The Financial Situation in
Intercollegiate Athletics 1. The
Historical and Current Financial
Situation 2. The Impact of College
Sports on the Finances of the
Institution 3. Major Sources of
Revenues and Expenses
K. Possible Solutions to Problems in
College Sports 1. Recent attempts at
Reform 2. Possible Solutions a. Minor
Adjustments b. Radical Ideas for
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Total Contact Hours: 45
Textbook(s) used in this course: Course Packet
Writing Expectations: Book Critique
Instructor(s) expected to teach: Mahony
Instructor(s) contributing to content: Mahony
Proposal Summary
Explain the purpose for this proposal:
This course provides additional content in a popular area of focus in Sport Administration. Learning Outcomes. Students will
be able to critically analyze historical and current issues in intercollegiate athletics. Students will be able to explain the goals
of higher education and athletics and how they are or are not compatible. Students will be able to identify and discuss key
events that and figures who impacted the development of college sports in the United States. Students will be able to
explain the long and short term impact of college athletics on both institutions and the participants. Students will be able to
explain the current organizational structures of intercollegiate athletics at the national and university level. Students will be
able to explain the major policies within intercollegiate athletics and their impact on student-athletes. Students will be able
to explain the role of women in intercollegiate sports from the 19th century through today (including the impact of Title IX).
Students will be able to explain the race issues throughout the history of intercollegiate athletics (including current issues).
In-class Actvities that Support Outcomes Lectures to increase the knowledge base Exams that test knowledge base Class
discussions that help students to evaluate and analyze the course material Critical thinking exercises that help students
synthesize the materials Out-of-class Activities that Support Outcomes Book Critique that help students evaluate, analyze
and synthesize the course content
Explain how this proposal affects program requirements and students in your unit:
This course will be added as an elective in the Sport Administration major.
Explain how this proposal affects courses, program requirements and student in other units:
Other students could take this course as an elective.
Explain how this proposal affects enrollment and staffing:
This course should help increase enrollments and can be covered with current staffing levels.
Units consulted (other departments, programs or campuses affected by the proposal):
Comments (500 Character Maximum):
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Return To Initiator
Aaron L Mulrooney
Return To Prior Approver
No comments available.
12/1/2011 Shawn M Fitzgerald Approved
11/18/2011 Aaron L Mulrooney Submitted