From: AAAI Technical Report SS-95-04. Compilation copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Planning for Deep Space Network Operations Randall Hill, Jr., Steve Chien, Crista Smyth, Kristina Fayyad, Trish Santos Jet PropulsionLaboratory CaliforniaInstitute of Technology 4800 Oak GroveDrive, M/S525-3630 Pasadena, CA91109-8099 { hill, kristina, crista, Irish } Abstract Weare developing a plan construction and plan executionmonitoringsystemto automatethe operation of the communicationslink in NASA’sDeep Space Network(DSN).Theobjectives of this effort are: (1) to archive knowledge of operationsprocedures;(2) providea capability to assist in executionmonitoring; and (3) provide a capability for automatically constructing the plan to be executed and monitored based on an augmentedsequence of events (SOE). This paper describes the application area of DSN antennaoperations, describesthe plan representation of a TemporalDependenceNetwork(TDN),outlines the knowledgeengineeringtools being constructedto facilitate in representingDSNoperationsprocedures, and describes preliminary work in automated TDN generation. 1. Introduction Oneof the significant challenges to developingand fielding a real-worldplanneris in the representatiofi and acquisition of the knowledgeneededfor it to function autonomouslyin a real-world problemdomain.This paper describes howweare addressingthe knowledge acquisition and representation problem in the developmentof an intelligent system for representation of procedural knowledgerepresentation, plan execution monitoring,and plan construction, for a real-world domain: the communications link monitor and control system of NASA’sDeep Space Network (DSN). The underlying motivation driving this automation is improving the productivity of the DSNwhile maintaining at least the current level of reliability. To accomplish this goal automatedplan generation and execution monitoringmust be capable of performingmanyof the sameoperations that are currently donemanuallyby DSNstation Operators, and thereby significantly reduce the amountof humaneffort neededto performmonitorandcontrol tasks in the domain. Wehaveelsewhereidentified a numberof factors that makeit difficult to implement a plannerfor a domainlike the DSN(see Chien, Hill, andFayyad,1994). In this paper wedescribe our efforts to developa plan construction, executionand monitoringsystemto automatethe operation of the communications links in NASA’sDeep Space Network(DSN).Theobjectives of this effort are: (1) archive knowledge of operationsprocedures;(2) to provide a capability to assist in executionmonitoring; and (3) providea capability for automaticallyconstructingthe plan to be executed and monitored based on an augmented sequenceof events (SOE). Webegin by giving a brief overviewof the DSNtask domainand the nature of problemsolving there. Next, we describe howweare automatingthe operation of the DSN throughthe use of a plan executionand monitoringsystem called the Link Monitorand Control Operator Assistant (LMCOA), whichuses a plan representation schemecalled a TemporalDependencyNetwork(TDN).A description given of howplan knowledgewill be captured using some knowledgeacquisition tools that are currently under development. Next, in the section entitled "SOE-driven automation" wedescribe the plannerthat will eventuallybe capableof generatingall of the plans neededto operate the DSN for a widevariety of telecommunications services. Wecall this "SOE-drivenautomation"becausethe input to the planner is a sequenceof events (SOE)that describesthe basic track being requested. Theplanner uses the SOEto create goals that must be satisfied by the plan it generates. Examples from the DSNdomainare given that showthe kinds of information the planner workswith as well as what it produces. 2. Deep Space Network Domain The Deep Space Network (DSN) is a worldwide network of. deep space tracking and communications complexeslocated in Madrid,Spain, Canberra,Australia, and Goldstone, California. Each of these complexesis capable of performingmultiple missions simultaneously, each of whichinvolves operating a communications link. A DSNcommunications link is a collection of devicesused to track and communicate with an unpilotedspacecraft. Currently,mostof the tasks requiring the control of a DSNcommunications link are performed by human Operators on a system called the LMC (Link Monitorand Control)system. TheOperatorsare given tasks that involve configuring and calibrating the communications equipment, and then they monitor and control these devices while tracking a spacecraft or celestial body. The Operators followwritten proceduresto performtheir missiontasks. A procedurespecifies a sequenceof actions to execute, where the actions are usually commands that mustbe entered via the link’s monitor-and-control systemkeyboard. Once issued, a commandis forwarded to another subsystem,whichmayaccept or reject it, dependingon the state of the subsystemat the time that the command is received. TheOperator receives a messageback from the subsystemindicating whether the command was accepted or rejected, and in cases wherethere is no response, a messagesaying that the command "timed out" is sent. These messagesdo not indicate whether the action was successfulor whatthe results of the action were. Rather, the Operator has to monitor subsystem displays for indicationsthat the actioncompleted successfullyandthat it hadits intended effects. It is common for commands to be rejected or for commands to fail due to a numberof realworldcontingenciesthat arise in the executionof a plan or procedure. 3. Automatingthe DSN A prototype called the Link Monitor and Control Operator Assistant (LMCOA) was developed to improve Operatorproductivity by automatingsomeof the functions of the LMC.The LMCOA performstasks by: (1) selecting a set of plans to execute, (2) checkingwhethera plan’s preconditions have been satisfied, (3) issuing the commands,and (4) subsequently verifying that the commandshad their intended effects. The Operator interacts with the LMCOA by watchingthe plans as they are being executedand pausingor skippingportions of the plan that needto be modifiedfor somereason. Whena plan fails, the LMCOA lacks the ability to recover on its own. Instead, the Operatoris left to figure out howto recover from the failure. In observing Operators performtheir duties, wefind that they havean amazingability to adapt the written proceduresto the contingenciesthat arise in the courseof their execution.Areal-worldplannerhas to have the sameflexibility and knowledge as a humanOperatorin order to succeedin performingDSNmissions. Temporal Dependency Network (TDN) Weuse a representation called a TemporalDependency Network(TDN)to express the basic plan structure and interrelationships amongplans. ATDN is a directed graph that incorporates temporaland behavioral knowledgeand also provides optional and conditional paths throughthe network.Thedirected graphrepresents the steps required to performan operation. Precedencerelations are specified by the nodes and ares of the network. The behavioral knowledge identifies system-statedependenciesin the form of pre- and postconditions. Temporalknowledgeconsists of both absolute (e.g. Acquire the spacecraft at time 02:30:45)andrelative (e.g. Performstep Y5 minutesafter step X) temporalconstraints. Conditionalbranchesin the network are performedonly under certain conditions. Optional paths are those whichare not essential to the operation, but may,for example,providea higher level of confidencein the data resulting froma plan if performed. Eachnodein the TDN is called a plan and contains actions to be performed. A plan also has goals, pre- and posteondition constraints and temporal constraints associatedwith it. Moredetails about TDNs are providedin (Fayyad& Cooper1992). 52 In our experience of building TDNs,the knowledge bases associatedwith evena single TDN are quite large and difficult to build andmaintain. In addition, they rely on informationfrom manydifferent sources: documentation in paper form, interviews with experts, and text logs of operations proceduresfromactualmissions, just to namea few. As we build more TDNs,muchof this information can be usedagain. KnowledgeAcquisition Tools Several tools are under developmentto assist in the acquisition and maintenanceof the plan knowledgebase (for moredetails see Hill et al., 1994). ATDN authoring tool is being developedto automatethe specification of TDNs.Developersas well as operations personnel will be able to graphically specify the TDN and its contents. TDNs can be composed from parts of existing TDNsand libraries of actions at the least. A databasewill efficiently store a completespecification of a TDN as part of a TDN library. Thesamedatabasewill serve as a central repository for the TDNin the LMCOA,thus simplifying the LMCOA implementation.In addition, the TDNauthoring tool will includethe capability to verify certain aspects of the TDN such as incompatible block ordering based on pre and postcondition constraints of blocks. This TDNdatabase will also allowTDN developersto quicklyand easily access TDN informationrelated to the TDNs,blocks, subsystems, and directives being modified. For example, when constructing a newTDN block, the developerwill be able to easily accessother blockscontainingthe samedirectives as well as accessother blocksaffecting the samesubsystem state variables as the current block. The knowledge engineeringeffort for the LMCOA prototypeis describedin moredetail in (Fayyadet al., 1993). Withthe TDNauthoring tool, users can graphically build a TDN and specify all the informationrequired in a TDN. For example, they graphically create boxes representingplans, and drawthe links betweenthe plans to represent dependenciesbetweenplans. A small segmentof a TDNis shownin Figure 2 and contains three plans in sequence.Thismaybe all that the users sees if she initially creates just a high level TDN includingskeletal plans anda partial order of plans. Whena plan is created, the user gives it a nameandspecifies whattype of plan it is; there are different types of plans depending on the type of actions to be takenin a plan, e.g. a manualactionto be takenby the Operator,or a list of commands to be sent to a subsystem. In our example, each of these plans is a command plan associated with the 34 meter Antenna Subsystem. The sequenceof actions for the plan namedClear Boresight Offsets is shownin Table1. Thefirst twoactions set the Elevationand CrossElevationcorrection offsets to 0. The last action sends the structure containing these two variablesto the subsystem. howto control them under both normal and anomalous conditions. 4. SOE-Driven Automation Plan: Clear Boresight Offsets Actions: setvar A34CorrEl0 setvar A34CorrXel0 sendvar ActualCorrData Table1. Planactions. I Clear BoresightOffsets sendvar ActualCorrData ActualCorrData.el= 0 ActualCorrDatax.el= 0 Table2. Postconditionfor Clear BoresightOffsets. Plan: Action: Postcondition: For eachplan, the user can then specifythe sequenceof actions withinthe plan, the pre- andpostconditionsof each action, goals of plans, andtemporalconstraints on plans. Dependingon the knowledgethat the user has about the actions, he mayor maynot be able to specify all of this information.Thepostconditionsof the last action in Table 1. fall out nicely fromthe action itself; thoughthis isn’t alwaysthe case. Since this last action sends data to the subsystem,it is necessaryto makesure that the subsystem did indeedreceivethe newdata values. In this case, weare only concernedwith the two variables in the structure whichcorrespondto the f’nost twoactions in the plan. The postconditions for the last command in Clear Boresight Offsetsare shownin Table2. In our current prototype,mostof the informationabout a plan is specified by filling in text forms. As the tool develops,knowledge bases of actions with their associated pre- and postconditionsand knowledge bases of plans will be available so that newTDNs can be built frompieces of existingones. Theoutputs of the tool are a text file that completely defines the TDNand a file depicting the graphical representation of the TDN.Thesetwo files will be loaded by the executionmonitor. Thegraphical representation is the basis for a dynamicdisplay of the TDN in the execution monitor which shows the progress of the TDNas it is executing.Thetext file is loadedby the executionmonitor whichuses it to create an executableTDN. Besides the TDNauthoring tool, two other tools, RIDESand REBUS,are being developed and used for knowledgeacquisition. The RIDESsimulation authoring tool kit (Munroet al., 1993) is used to capture device models of the communications link equipment and subsystems.Besidesusing these modelsin the planner, the simulator also permits us to test the LMCOA’s ability to copewith the operational context issues described in the previous section. REBUS, whichstands for Requirements EnvisioningByUtilizing Scenarios, (Zorman,1994)is used to capture knowledgeabout the domainby using different scenarios to provide contextual information needed for planning. This provides us a wayto understand howthe subsystems controlled by the LMCOA actually work and 53 While the currently operational LMCOA uses handconstructed, manuallyselected plans froma plan library, the current work focuses on automated generation of operations procedures for DSNantenna operation. This capability is to be demonstrated at the endof January1995. In this task, severalsourcesof information are available: - Project SOE- The project sequence of events specifies eventsfromthe mission/projectperspective. Asa result, the project SOEcontains a great deal of information regardingthe spacecraft state whichis relevant to the DSN track, as well as a large amountof spacecraft information unrelated to DSNoperations. Relevant information specifiedin the project SOEincludessuch itemsas the onewaylight time (OWLT) to the spacecraft, notifications the beginningand endingtimes of tracks, spacecraft data transmission bit rate changes,and carrier and subcarrier frequency changes. An excerpt from a VOYAGER project SOEis shownin Figure4.1. - Projectprofile - This file specifies project specific information regarding frequencies and pass types. For example,the Project SOEmightspecify bit-rate = HIGH, andthe project profile wouldspecifythe exactbit rate used. Theproject profile mightalso specify exact frequencies used,anddefault track types. - LSOE- Usingthe project prof’de information, the project SOEis parsed into a more manageable form specifying only the informationdirectly relevant to the specific pass. A sample LSOEfor a VOYAGER telemetry downlinkpass is shownin Figure4.2 below. - TDN KB - The TDNknowledge base stores information on the TDNblocks available for the DSN Planner and LMCOA to use. This database includes information regarding preconditions, postconditions, directives, and other aspectsof the TDN blocks. * ID=-DSNISOE52B1 S/C--032 BEG=94360 094000 END=95001 221500 1 032 42 00022 360 201500 ACENCTS/C ANT STATUS,RCP/00.100/Y, HGA,RCP/00.100/Y, HGA 1 032 42 00022360 201500ACENCT S/C TXR STATUS,OFF, EXC1/TWT2/18, LOW,EXC1/TW’I2/18 1 032 42 00022 360 201500ACENCT S/C RCVR STATUS,2/S, ON 1 032 42 00022 360 201500ACENCT S/C RNG MODE,OFF, OFF, ON, OFF 1 032 42 00022 360 201500ACENCT S/C TLMXMOD,160CD, LOW,61DG 1 032 42 00022360 201500 I)42 BOT 1 032 42 00022360 201500 D42 ACQD/L, 1-WAY,X ! 032 42 00031361 095000 1342 EOT Figure 4.1: Sample VOYAGER Project SOE planning techniques to produce a parameterized track 95/005/16:30:00 ACQ_D/L:MODE=l-WAY; BAND=X;. specific TDNto be used to conduct the track. The actual 95/005/16:30:00 CONFIG: Ib’3=S; IF4=X; POLAR=RCP; SKY_FREQ=10000000;PRED_POWER=50; planner used to generate the TDNis a modified version of PO_FILE="/u/cm/lmcoa/lmcoa/src/kb/sourco.po";. the task reduction planning componentof the MVPsystem 95/005/16:30:00 TPR_PRECAL: BAND=S,X;. (Chien 1994). This track-specific TDNand the LSOEcan 95/005/17:15:00 SOURCE: SRC=VGR2;. then be used by the LMCOA system to operate the actual antennas to conduct the requested antenna mack. 95/005/17:15:00 CARRIER: PC_NO=34; FREQ=70000000; For example, consider the task reductions shown in BANDWlDTH=I.0; UPDATE_RATE=500; LOOP=-2;. 95/005/17:15:00 SUBCARRIER: PD_NO=39;FREQ=-21333; Figure 4.5 and 4.6. As part of the pre-calibration procedure BANDWIDTH--1.0; UPDATE_RATE=100; LOOP=-2;. for the station DSS13 for a downlinktype of track, there are 95/005/17:15:00 SYMBOL: ES_.NO=40;SYMBOL_RATE=500; a series of steps whichmust be taken. As Figure 4.5 shows, BANDWlDTH=I.0; UPDATE_RATE=100; LOOP--2; these tasks are inspecting the subsystems, connecting the CODE_FLAG=l;. subsystems, configuring the total powerradiometer, loading 95/005/17:15:00 TELEM:B1T_RATE=10; MOD_INDEX=20;. antenna predicts, and configuring the receiver. Someof 95/005/18:00:00 TELEM:MOD_INDEX=30;. these tasks are compositetasks, and will be later expanded into moredetailed tasks. For example, configuring the total 95/005/18:30:00 TELEM: BIT_RATE=20;. 95/005/19:00:00 TELEM:BIT_RATE=50;MOD_INDEX=60;. power radiometer involves configuring the IF switch, configuring the UWC/TPRfor pre-calibration, and 95/005/20:00:00 END_OF_TRACK. performingthe actual TPRpre-calibration. In the context of this specific track, the programmableoscillator (PO) has Figure 4.2: VOYAGER downlink telemetry pass LSOE beenrequested, so that additional steps will be inserted into the TDNas shownin Figure 4.6. In the context of specific The overall flow of information in our approach to tracks, generic configuration blocks will be specialized as SOEdriven automation is shown in Figure 4.3. In this appropriate to the details of the track. For example,in the approach, the project SOEis parsed into an LMCOA SOE (LSOE)which contains only that information relevant context of the VOYAGER track outlined above, the track type is downlink, telemetry, with symbol decoding rethe track of interest. The DSNplanner uses the LSOEand quested. This will require a specific type of receiver conthe Project profile to determine the parameterized goals of figuration block. This process continues until all of the acthe track. A sample set of track goals is shownbelow in tivity blocks in the TDNare operational - that is to say that Figure 4.4. This set of goals and a set of contextual facts derived from the LSOEare the planning inputs. The knownblocks in the TDNKBcan be used to instantiate the activities. This fully instantiated TDNcan then be used contextual facts are basically the planning system’s with the LSOEby LMCOA to perform the actual track. representation of the LSOEinformation. ProjectSeE Station DSSt3 [ pre-cagtbretlon] Project Profile downllnktrack ) TON KB Figure 4.5: Sample Task Reduction DSN Planner Station DSS13 LMCOA POrequired ¢ TrackSpecificTDN connect _ I load I _ I c°nfigurol _ load subsystams~l~ 1 POfiles ~ doppler ~ antenna | tuner | predicts Figure 4.6: Augmentation of TDNRequired by Additional ProgrammableOscillator Track Goal DS$ Figure 4.3: SOEDriven AutomationArchitecture (PO_required trackl) (spacecrafi._mode_changcstrackl) (track_goal spacecraft_track telemetry trackl) (wack._goalspacecraft_track downlinktrackl) (track..goal decode_data) (station-used trackl DSS13) Figure 4.4: ExampleTracking Goals track downllnk ~~~,~ I configure symbols telemetry configure I receiver Figure 4.7: A Specialized Task Reduction Using this problem specification, the DSNplanner then uses task reduction planner (also called hierarchical task network or HTN)(Erol et al., 1994; Lansky, 1993) 5~ decoding Figure 4.8: TDNfor a VOYAGER telemetry downlinktrack using the 34-meterbeamwaveantenna Considerable effort in computingthe final TDNis devotedto determiningthe correct parametersfor blocksin the TDN.For example,Figure 4.9 showsa configuration table usedto determinethe IF switchparameterfor the TPR precalibration step. Dependingon the communications bands used in the track, differing bandswill assignedto each of the communicationspathways in the UWC/TPR. Based on the bands being used, the TPR IF switch parameteris also determined.This parametersetting is also determinedduringthe decomposition process, so a correctly parameterizedTDNcan be constructed. IF1 IF2 Parameter S -band 1 X-band 1 Ka-band 2 2 Q-band S&X-band 3 X&Ka-band 3 Figure 4.9: TPRIF SwitchParameterDetermination 5, Conclusions This paper has describedan effort to developa plan construction and plan execution monitoring system to automate the operation of the communicationslink in NASA’sDeep Space Network (DSN). The objectives this effort are: (1) to archive knowledgeof operations procedures;(2) to providea capabilityto assist in execution monitoring;and (3) provide a capability for automatically constructing the plan to be executedand monitoredbased on an augmentedspacecraft sequence of events (SOE). This paper described the application area of DSNantenna operations, describedthe plan representationof a Temporal Dependence Network (TDN), outlined the knowledge engineering tools being constructed to facilitate in representing DSNoperations procedures, and described preliminary workin automatedTDN generation. 6. References Thus,usingthese decomposition rules, a track-specific TDNcan be derived. Figure 4.8 shows a TDNfor a VOYAGER downlink telemetry track using the Programmableoscillator for the DSS13DSNantenna station. This parameterizedTDNcan then be used by the LMCOA system to conduct the actual spacecraft downlink track. 55 (Chien, Hill, Fayyad,1994) S. Chien, R. Hill, & Fayyad. "WhyReal-worldPlanning is Difficult." Working Notes of the 1994 Fall Symposiumon Planning and Learning: On to Real Applications, NewOrleans, LA, November1994, AAAIPress. (Chien, 1994b) S. Chien, "AutomatedSynthesis ComplexImage Processing Procedures for a Large-scale ImageDatabase,"Proceedingsof the First IEEEInt. Conf. on ImageProcessing, Austin, TX,November1994, Vol 3, pp. 796-800. (Erol et. al. 1994) K. Erol, J. Hendler, and D. Nau, "UMCP: A Soundand CompleteProcedure for Hierarchical Task Network Planning," Proceedings of the Second International Conferenceon AI PlanningSystems, Chicago, IL, June1994,pp. 249-254. (Fayyad & Cooper, 1992) Fayyad, K. E. and L. Cooper. "Representing Operations Procedures Using Temporal Dependency Networks," SpaceOPS ’92, Pasadena, CA,November1992. (Fayyadet al., 1993) K. Fayyad,R. Hill, and E.J. WyatL "KnowledgeEngineering for TemporalDependency Networks as Operations Procedures." Proceedings of AIAAComputingin Aerospace9 Conference, October 1921, 1993,San Diego, CA. (Lansky,1993) A. Lansky,"Localized Planning with Diverse Plan Construction Methods,"Technical Report FIA-93-17,NASA AmesResearch Center, June 1993. (Hill et al., 1994)Hill, R.W.,Jr., Fayyad,K., Santos, T., Sturdevant, K. "Knowledge Acquisition and Reactive Planningfor the DeepSpaceNetwork."Proceedingsof the 1994 AAAIFall Symposium on Planning and Learning: On to Real Applications,NewOrleans, LA,1994. (Hill&Johnson, 1994) R. Hill and W.L. Johnson. "Situated Plan Attribution for Intelligent Tutoring." Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 31-August4, 1994,Seattle, WA. (Munroet al., 1993) Munro, A., Johnson, M.C., Surmon,D.S., and Wogulis, J.L.. "Attribute-Centered SimulationAuthoringfor Instruction. "proceedingsof AIED93, WorldConferenceon Artificial Intelligence in Education,Edinburgh,Scotland; 23-27 August1993. (Zorman, 1994) Zorman, Lorna. "Requirements Envisaging by Utilizing Scenarios." Ph.D. Diss., in preparation,Universityof SouthernCalifornia, 1994.