From: AAAI Technical Report SS-92-02. Compilation copyright © 1992, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Automated Interpretation of Diagrams for Specification of Medical Protocols JohnW.Egar, AngelR. Puerta, MarkA. Musen. KnowledgeSystems Laboratory Stanford University, Stanford, CA94305-5479USA Weare buildinga visual programming environment that enables medicalresearchers to organizeand describe complex researchprotocols(specified treatmentplans) so that this informationcan be incorporated into decision-supportsystems.Wehavedesignedour systemwith a five-layer architectureanda collection of compilersfor various visual languages.This designpermitsthe interchangeof modulesandthe coordination of different visual languageswithinthe samesystem. 1. Objective Althoughdiagramming environments are often excellent tools for modelingcomplex relationships, they are also difficult to implement. Ourresearchteamis buildingknowledge-based tools that will help researchersto designandexecute medicaltreatmentplans[1, 2]. Oneof our tasks in this project is to create severalvisual programming languagesthat clinical researchersand computerscientists can use to modelthe problem-solving methodsand the medicalbackground informationfor manyprotocolsin a particular field, andthe structure of individualprotocols.Thispaperdescribeshowwe haveimplemented these visual languages. 2. DesignConsiderations Previousexperiencewith domain-specific knowledge-acquisition tools [2, 3] has convincedus that flowchartsare a particularlyuseful wayfor expertphysiciansto describethe management of clinical trials for experimental therapies. We are nowincludingclassification trees, state charts, entity-relationshipdiagrams,influencediagrams,anddata-flowdiagramsto describe the necessarydomaininformationandproblem-solving methods[1]. Environments for multiplevisual programming languagesdo exist [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Withfewexceptions[4, 10, 11, 12], these environments haverelied to somedegreeon syntax-directedediting. Theseeditors guidethe user so that she constructsonlysyntacticallycorrect diagrams.This strategyrequiresa custom-tailored editor for eachvisual language.In its extremeform,syntax-directedediting forces the user to modelin a top-down fashion,introducingsuccessivelyless abstract placeholdersaccordingto rigid replacement rules. Because of these limitations, wehaveelectedinsteadto treat diagramsas syntax-neutraldocuments that are compiledafter they are saved. Certaininterface dynamics are also necessaryfor such a diagramming tool to be successful. Theease andspeedof use of the tool is of particular concern.Theability to nest diagramswithinnodesandedges,andtherebyto avoidmuch visualclutter, is anothercriterion. Hypertext links to text andformsare desirable,as is the ability to interchange notational conventions to suit the expertrather thanthe system.Otherdesigngoalsincludereliability, n~ainminability, portability, and modularity.Finally, a simplegraphicaluser-interfaceconvention,suchas drag-and-drop, is a valuablefeature. 3. SystemDescription Theimplementation of such a battery of visual languagespresentsa formidableprogramming task. After buildingtwo custom-tailoreddiagrameditors, wedevelopedthe followingfive-layeredapproach: 186 ChosenPalette (Figure la) ~ram = Library of Plleltes File (Figurela) ~G~ F’de (Figure lb) (a) [ ’ ’ ~ rL~ 4 /* tt tl= ,/ O.tO0000 O. 4eo~e o.3ooooo e.’~o~o P....... (c) .r.j tructure (Figure lc} ~" ~ (VlxuaI-L.nguage compiler.) ~. ~ n (d) j Figure 1. Sampledata files passed betweeneach layer. (a) Palette and diagram.(b) GRLfile. (c) Networkstructure. (d) Target | [ IM3 ] ~ r~] (Inferential ~ Mnchin*~) Figure 2. Data-flow diagramof system design. 1. Theuser interface for all diagramming is a general, syntax-independentdiagrameditor (Figure la). 2. A syntax-independent,but editor-specific, diagram reader generates a high-level, textual description of a saveddiagramand its nested subdiagrams. The textual language we use is the Graphical Representation Language(GRL), described by Manke[13] (Figure lb). 3. Asingle parser converts the GRLtextual description into dynamicobjects that maintaininformationon the position, appearance, labeling, connections, and other attributes of each node, link, and diagramin a nested group of diagrams(Figure lc). 4. Frommultiple visual-language compilers, the systemchooses one to produceappropriate target code for the individual diagram(Figure ld). 5. Oneor more inferential programs,which operate on the target code producedin layer 4, generate parameters and proceduresfor the knowledge-acquisitiontool or for the decision-support system. The visual appearanceof the nodesin a diagramis dictated by the objects in the palette used to construct the diagram. Wecan create newpalettes easily by dragginggraphical imagesinto a blank palette. Thus, the domainexpert can use those notational conventionswith whichshe is most familiar, and no alterations need to be madeto other layers of the system. Whenthe user has finished constructing a set of diagrams, she selects a compiler button, and the systemproduces either the appropriate target code or explicit error messages.Currently, the modelingsystempredetermineswhichvisuallanguagecompiler is used. However,if diagramsare drawnor nested within a diagramof a different paradigm,or if the particular paradigmused is not knownin advance, the system should be able to match the appropriate visual-language compiler to each diagramor subdiagramaccording to attribute clues in the GRLdescription. 4. Status Report Wehavefully implemented the first three of the five layers of our architecture. At the first level, we nowuse a commercial editor [14], whichhas a drag-and-dropinterface. The three other editors that we tested (two built by our group, and one built by other researchers [15]) were slower and more awkwardto use. Wehave designed and used more than dozen palettes and paradigms relating to medical protocols. Wehave tested our amendedversion of GRL,and have found it sufficiently general to describe all relevant aspects of these diagramming paradigms.Wehave built a GRL parser, and have tested it with several visual languages. Furthermore,we have determinedthat the networkof objects that the GRL parser creates is adequate for the three visual-language compilers that we have implemented. 187 Developing the visual-languagecompilers(in layer 4) is moreproblematic.Formalmodelsof textual languagesare wellunderstood,andtools exist that facilitate compilergenerationfor these languages.Generalmodelsfor visual languages, however,are fundamentally morecomplex:Symbols in visual languagesmustbe parsedaccordingto their position, connections,size, appearance,andorientation with respect to other symbols,whereassymbolsin textual languagesare related only by concatenation.Researchershaveonly recently developedformalgrammars andtools that aid in the generation of visual-language parsers [10, 11, 12, 16]. After weprogrammed compilersfor belief networks,state-transition diagrams,and proceduralflowcharts, several common graph-manipulation motifs emerged.For example,parsers of dkected-graph languagestend to identify originatingandterminatingnodes,andthen to simplifyintermediatepaths accordingto a fewsyntacticalrules for the nodetypes. Werealizedthat these syntacticalroles wereeasiest to describedeclaratively, andthat wemightbe able to generatevisual-language parserswith suchdescriptions.Consequently, our system is convergingon a graph-grammar productionsystem,wheredeclarative, subgraph-replacernent grammars supportthe automaticgenerationof visual-languagecompilers. 5. Discussion Whileimplementing a visual programming environment for the designof clinical protocols, wehavelearned that the responsiveness andthe expressivenessof sucha modeling tool mustbe emphasized, evenat the expenseof user guidance. This shift in emphasishas led us awayfromsyntax-directed,interpretive editors, andtowardour presentsyntax-neutral, compiledenvironment. Byemploying just onesyntax-neutraleditor, wemaintaina single interface behavior,despite the multiplicityof languages.Byseparatingout the compilationof diagramsfromthe processof editing them,weallowfaster editing, and, hence,offer a moreresponsivetool. Sincethe notationalconventions for eachvisual languageare sp~ified in replaceablepalettes, wecan adaptour visual languagesto the user’s preferences.Bytranslating diagramsandpalettes fromall the different languagesinto a common representation(GRL) wecaninsulate a user’s choicesof editor andpalettes fromthe systemdesigner’schoicesof visual-language compilersandinferential machinery.Wecan easily incorporateinto these layers softwareproducedoutsideour laboratory.Althoughwecan expressall visual languagesthat wehaveso far neededin modeling clinical protocolsby usinga node-and-link editor [14], wecouldintroducea different type of editor shouldthe needarise. Thus,in additionto enhancingresponsiveness,this layereddesignmakesour systemeasy to maintain. Ourcompiledapproachdoes,however,introducethe needfor visual-language parsing. Further, to providethe expressiveness neededto describe complexprotocols, wemusthavemanyvisual languages.Visual-language parsers are sometimeschallengingto implement,but the onesthat wehavebuilt havecommon features that makea formalgraph-grammar productionsystema promising strategy for buildingother parsers. Webelievethat the specificationandgenerationof visual-languageparsers throughattributed graphgrammars will yield higher-qualitycompilerswith far less programming effort, as compared to ad hoeprogramming. Sucha specificationcouldalso lead to formaltesting of the modelsconstructed throughdiagrams.Givena clear mapping frommedicalideas to the kindsof representationsusedin our decision-support system,wemightbe able to discernpatterns andto detect errors in our computational modelsof clinical protocols. 6. FuturePlans Weplanto developa large library of visual-language compilersfromdeclarativespecifications.Thevisual languages will be used by clinical researchersto modelmedicalinformation,data structures, andproblem-solving methods.Webelieve that the heterogeneous nature of medicalreasoningwill require this variety of languages.Whether suchan arsenal of tools will be sufficient, andwhichdiagramming paradigms will be mostsuccessfulfor modeling clinical-trial management,remainto be tested. Weshall continuelinking diagrammatic languagesto existing programs,andto inferential programs associatedwith knowledge-acquisition tools andtheir targeted decision-supportsystems.Thecomplex constraints that wehaveidentified in thoseclinical protocolsthat wehavealreadyinvestigatedsuggestthat an iterative cycleof modeling, implicationviewing, anddebugging maybe necessaryto achievea consistentandreasonableprotocoldesign. Hence,our plansincludethe implementation of visual languagesfor the acquisitionandpresentationof constraints. Weaimto implement at least a sufficient set of programming languagesfor the designof clinical trial protocols.Presumably,the sametools can be used to test howmuchtextbookinformation,medical-recordinformation,andmedical problem-solving informationcan be expressedclearly throughdiagrams. 188 Acknowledgments Weconducted this work with the support of the National Library of Medicineunder grants LM-05157,LM-07033, and LM-05208,of the Agencyfor Health Care Policy and Research under grant HS06330,and of the Digital Equipment Corporation. Weare most grateful to Alan Chungand JonathanSchwartzfor helping us with the Diagram[editor, to Josef Schreiner for guiding our visual programming research, to DavidCombsfor building the foundations for this research, and to Lyn Dupr~for providingeditorial assistance. References [ 1] Egar J W,Puerta A R, Musen MA. 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