From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-05. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A KNOWLEDGE-GUIDEDALGORITHMFOR BRAIN LESION DETECTION Yi Lu Departmentof Electrical and ComputerEngineering The University of Michigan . Dearborn Dearborn, MI 48128 Phone: (313) 593-5420 FAX: (313) 593-9967 E.mail: 1. Introduction Thedelineationof brain tumorin CTor MRIsequencesis important in many medicalresearch environments and clinical applications.It is extremely usefulin treatmentplanningandevaluation. Cunentlyin manymedicalcenters, 3-D minorvolumesare obtainedby stacking the boundariesof tumorstraced manuallyor semi-automatically on 2-Dimageslices. Thehumanvisual systemis an ideal mechanism for quicklyextracting a general description of an image.However,in the detailedanalysisof subtle features, manual methodsare not only tedious but also subjective,leadingto substantialinter and intra-observervariability. Furthermore, it is difficult to obtainaccurateevaluationof therapeuticefficacy basedon manual delineation, since measurements of tumor volumesbased on humanobservation are not reproducible. imageseries, determinethe apt size of morphological operators, link features extractedat different scales andeliminate irrelevant features. Thealgorithmis both data- and goal-driven. Theexperimentsof the algorithmis described. 2. Multiscale Image Analysis using Morphological Operations In the field of computervision, multiscale analysis is an importanttechniquefor extractinginteresting features fromimages. In low level vision processes, a smoothing processis often appliedto imagesbefore the extractionof desiredfeatures. In general, wecan get fine features from operatorsof small scales andcoarse informationfromoperatorsof large scales. In manyapplications, no single scale of smoothing is sufficient. Themultiscale analysis techniquecan be usednot only to eliminatefree-scale noisebut also to separateeventsof different scales arising fromdistinct physicalprocesses. This paperaddressesthe problemof the automaticdetectionof brainlesions in x-ray computedtomography(cr) imagery. Automatic detectionof lesions is a nontrivial problem.Typicallythe boundariesof lesions in CTimagesare of single-pixel width,andthe gradientat the lesion boundaryvaries considerably. As many studies show,these characteristics of lesions within CTimages,in conjunction with the generallylowsignal-to-ratio of CT images,render simpleboundarydetection techniquesineffective. In this paper, weapplymultiscale morphologicaloperations to brain tumor imageanalysis. Themathematical morphology approachis powerfulin studying manyvision problems[Lull92]. In general, morphologicalopeningand closin.g can be viewedas smoothing operations. Anopeningfilter can remove objectswithsize smallerthan the structure element,break narrowpans of a region into subregions and smooththe rough edges of object contours,therefore the regions extractedfroma filtered imagemaynot be identical to the corresponding regionsin the original image.Aclosing operatorwith a disk structuring elementsmoothesobject contours, fuses narrowbreaks and long thin areasof a regionandfills in small Wepropose a knowledge-guidedtumor detectionalgorithm.Thealgorithmapplies multiscale morphological operationsto CT nuageswith the guidanceof both anatomic and physical knowledge.Theknowledgeis usedto select the initial slice withina CT 88 holes andgapson the object contour. Morphological filtering of an imageby an openingor closing operationcorresponds to the ideal ban@ass filters of conventional linear filtering. If weconsiderthe size of B r as the scale parameter,as r changesfrom 1 to infinity, the filtered imagesandr form a scale space. Themorphologicaloperations can be extendedfrombinary into gray-scale imagesby introducingthe conceptof umbra.The umbrais the volumebelowthe graylevel surface. In grayscale images, dilation is accomplished by taking the maximum of a set of sums,anderosionis accomplishedby taking the minimum of a set of sums.Hencegray scale dilation and erosion have the samecomplexityas convolution.However,instead of doingthe summationas in convolution, minimum or maximum is performed.Theset is def’med bythe structureelementusedin the dilation or erosion. Ingray scale images, thedesired features canoccur atanygray levels. Indeed, we cannotdifferentiate foregroundfrom backgroundpixels without the knowledge aboutthe desired features. Basedon the definition of openixigandclosing operationsin gray level images,an opening operation can mean’closing’ to some regions and’opening’to others. Hencethe decisionon applyingopeningor closing is dependenton the gray scale distribution modelformedby its neighboringregions. In CTimages,the desired features can occurat anygray levels. Basedon our study, wediscoverthat brain lesions have the followingcharacteristics: I.brain lesions canoccur indifferent shape andsize, 2.thebrightness ofthelesion varies depending onindividual, 3.theboundaries areoften fuzzy and sometimesdo not formclosed curves, 4.thebrightness andthetexture within theregion oflesion areoften inconsistent, and 5.brain lesion canhave thesame or opposite contrast asthesurrounding anatomy. 89 Ourstudy on the behaviorof brain tumorin morphologicalscale space showed[Lull92] that behaviorof brain tumorcan be described byselecting proper multiscale morphological operations andscale parameters.If the braintumoris lighter than its surroundingarea, a sequenceof openingoperationscan be appliedto the grayimageto extract the minorboundaries, otherwisea sequenceof closing operations can be used. In the multiscaleopening-andclosingfiltered images,the bright areas do not changemonotonicallywith the parameter r., andtheyaxenot sensitiveto small holes andcavities. Thedark areas increase morerapidly than the opening filtered images.Asthe scale parameter increases, small dark regions are merged with neighboringregions instead of being eliminatedas thosein the openingfiltered images.In general,the regionsin the opening-and-closing filtered imageshave smootherboundariesthan the filtered imagesbyopening orclosing alone andcan also beused toextract lighter regions. Basedon the abovestudy, we have constructedthe followingalgorithmfor detecting brain tumors. 3. Detecting Brain TumorsGuided by Knowledge Ouralgorithmis bothdata- andgoaldriven. The following knowledgesources are used to guide various computa6onal steps in the algorithm: ¯ Normalbrain anatomy.For example, lateral ventricles,straightsinus,andfalx cerebri in CTimages,andthird and fourth ventricle in MRimages.These objectsare relativelyeasyfeaturesto be identified andextractedfromthe images andtherefore they canbeused as landmarks toguide theprocesses inour algorithm. ¯ Physicalknowledge. It includes scanninganglewithrespect to the orbitomeatal plane, initial scanning location andthethickness of theimage slices. In particular, MR imagingis multiparametric andthe signal contrast depends on proton density, T1 and T2 relaxation times, and blood flow. This type of knowledgecan be used to predict the occurrenceand location of the anatomic landmarksand to hypothesize the locations of tumors. ¯ Physicians’ knowledge. We use physician’s knowledge aboutbrainimage characteristics to locate brain tumors and deal with difficult cases in whichthe tumorboundariesare either not discernible or ambiguous. ¯ Knowledgeabout object behavior under multiscale segmentationoperators. Object can behavedifferently under different 3-D segmentationoperators and at different scales [LuJ92]. For any selected 3-D segmentationoperator, the behavior of objects in the scale spacewill be an important knowledgesource for the reasoning processes in the system. Thealgorithm consists of thefollowing major computational steps: (1) Selectingan initial slice of CTimages. Theinitial slice is selected basedon the scanning parametersand the estimation of the appearanceof the tumorin the scanning direction. Ideally the initial slice should contain strong features of brain tumor. (2) Selecting an appropriate sequence operators, a priori knowledgeof intensity contrast of the brain lesion is usedto select either openingor closing operations. If a regionof interest is lighter thanthe surrounding regions, a sequenceof openingoperations is applied to the gray scale image, otherwise a sequenceof closing operations. (3) Object segmentation. Theobject segmentationis performedbased on the histogramsof the filtered imagesat different scales. As the scale of openingor closing operator increases, the histograms of the filtered imagesprovidebetter informationto separate objects occurringat different gray levels. Aclustering algorithm is developedto separate objects with different gray level distributions. The 90 programoperates on histograms across multiple scales. It groupsthe gray scales based on their histogramvalues and their distance to the next immediategray scale that has non-zero histogram value. The stable groupof clusters obtained from the histogramof the filtered imageat the minimum scale is used to extract objects. Eachcluster correspondsto one class of objects whichhave the gray levels within the cluster. Thestability of dusters is measureuponthe consistency of dusters across several different scales. Thus, objects arcseparated based ontheir gray level distributions in the image. (4) Identifying the features of interest. can uniquelyidentify the desired features such as tumor based on knowledgesuch as geometric shape and possible location. (5)Update reference area. The reference area is a subimageof a slice that must containthe feature of interest. In the initial slice, the reference area is the entire image. Oncewe have detected the feature of interest in one slice, wecan computean area within whichthe feature extends to the two immediateneighboring slices of images in the sequence. The histogram should always be computedfrom the reference area and the reference area should be updatedat everyslice. 4. Experimental Results Figure 1 (a) shows a subimageof a imagewhichcontains a brain lesion with a necrosis area. Figure 1 (b) showsthe histogram of the image. The histogram has one modeand two heaps. The two heaps represent the brain lesion and the lateral ventricles. Let’s assumethe desired features are the lateral ventricles and the brain lesion. Apparentlythere are no clear dusters to represent the two heaps. Figure 1. (c) and (d) showthe histogramsof filtered imageby morphologicalopening with structure elementsof disks of radius 2 and 3. It is obviousthe histogramsin (c) and (d) provides moreinformation separating the two heaps. Ourclustering program founda stable group of three meaningful clusters fromthehistogram of thefiltered image bydiskofradius 2.The groupcontains three clusters, 165 to 187, and 188 to 208, and 209 to 225. The segmentedobjects are shownin (e), (0 (g). Thetumorand the lateral ventricles can be easily identified from(e) and (g) respectively provided we have geometric knowledgeabout the desired features. $. References [LuH92] Yi Lu and Laurel Harmon, "Multiscale Analysis of Brain Tumorsin CTImagery," 21st Applied ImageryPattern Recognition Workshop, SPIE, Oct. 14-16, 1992. [LuJ92] Yi Lu and RameshJain, "Reasoning about Edges in Scale Space," IEEETransactions on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence, Vol. 14, no. 4, April, 1992, PP. 450-468 Figure 1. (d) I2Iistos~ of the image filtered byanopeningoperation witha disk of size 3. -- ~..,~.~,- !" Fig~e1. (e)Objec==~havegray levels between 165 and 187. Figure 1. (a) Input image. Figure 1. (0 Objects have gray levels between 188 and 208. Figure 1 (b) Histogram imagein (a) ¯ ) Hgure1. (g) Objects have gray levels between 209 and 225. Figure "1. (c)’Histogramoi the image filtered by an openingoperation with a disk of size 2. 91