Approve Page 1 of 3 Name: Submission Date: Hilda A Pettit 12/6/2013 Organization: Vacca Office of Student Services Course Catalog Update << Go back to Course Catalog Update form Print Course Catalog Update Information: STU0004 Reference Number: CCU006154 Date: 16-SEP-13 Level: 2.00 of 2.00 Currently On The Worklist Of: Joanne Arhar, jarhar Owner: Office of Curriculum Services, 330-672-8558 or 330-672-8559, Basic Course Data Change type: Establish Faculty member submitting this proposal: Robert Cimera Requested Effective Term: 201480 Campus: Kent College: EH-Education, Health and Human Services Department: LDES-Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences Course Subject: SPED-Special Education Course Number: 43021 Course Title: Assessment for Individuals with Moderate to Intensive Needs Title Abbreviation: Assessment Moderate/Intensive Slash Course and Cross-list Information: SPED 43021 + SPED 53021 Credit Hours Minimum Credit/Maximum Credit: 3 to 3 Contact Hours: Lecture - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: 3 to 3 Contact Hours: Lab - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: Contact Hours: Other - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: Attributes Is this course part of the LER, WIC or Diversity requirements: No If yes, course attributes: 1. 2. 3. Can this course be repeated for credit: No Repeat Course Limit: Course Level: Undergraduate Grade Rule: B-Standard letter OR Maximum Hours: Rationale for an IP grade request for this course (if applicable): Schedule Type(s): 1. LEC-Lecture 2. 3. Credit by Exam: N-Credit by exam-not approved Prerequisites & Descriptions Current Prerequisite/Corequisite/Catalog Description: Catalog Description (edited): Investigates issues and methods for assessing the academic, behavioral, physiological, mental health, and life skills of individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Interpretation of norm- and criterion formal assessments, creation of alternative assessments, modification of informal assessments, ecological and communitybased assessments specific to individuals with low incidence and multiple disabilities. Prerequisites (edited): SPED 23000 Corequisites (edited): Registration is by special approval only: No Content Information Content Outline: Content Hours per Course Topic 5 Topic Description Philosophical, historical and ethical issues involved with assessing 12/6/2013 Approve 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page 2 of 3 individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities Understanding standardized achievement and aptitude assessments. Creating alternative assessments and modifying informal and in-class assessments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Understanding results from physiological assessments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Understanding results from communication and sensory impairments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Understanding results from mental health assessments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Understanding results from adaptive behavior assessments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Understanding community-based and ecological assessments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Understanding results from vocational and recreational interest assessments for individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. Display/Hide Delimited Course Outline Total Contact Hours: 45 Textbook(s) used in this course: Instead of a textbook, this course will be utilizing a wide range of formal and informal assessment instruments. Writing Expectations: Students will be required to write education plans based upon provided assessment data. Graduate students will also be required to write a paper discussing issues related to assessing low-incidence populations. Instructor(s) expected to teach: Robert Cimera Instructor(s) contributing to content: Robert Cimera Proposal Summary Explain the purpose for this proposal: Presently, students in the moderate to intensive program do not take any courses on assessing individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities. An advisory board of past graduates, professionals in the field, and schools who have hired our students have identified this as a substantial limitation of our program. Creating this new course will better prepare our students for becoming professionals in the field. Learning outcomes for this course will include: building an understanding of historical and ethical issues associated with assessing individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities, creating alternative assessments based upon the unique needs and abilities of students with moderate to intensive disabilities, and applying data from a wide range of academic, physiological, aptitude, ecological and interest assessments to educational plans. Inclass activities for this course will include (but are not limited to): the modification of traditional assessments based upon the hypothetical needs of students with moderate to intensive disabilities, practice giving formal and informal assessments traditionally utilized in school and community-based settings, and the interpretation of proposed data and its potential implications on a student's educational plan. Out-of-class activities for this course will include (but are not limited to): the creation of educational and lesson plans based upon given assessment data, researching issues regarding the assessment of individuals with moderate to intensive disabilities (e.g., ethical issues related to assessment bias, limitations on traditional assessments, input-output biases) and the giving of assigned assessments on fellow classmates. Explain how this proposal affects program requirements and students in your unit: The proposed course will replace the existing assessment course that students currently have to take. This proposed course will not add any additional requirements or credits to degree for students in our unit. Explain how this proposal affects courses, program requirements and student in other units: This proposal does not affect courses, program requirements, or students in other units. Explain how this proposal affects enrollment and staffing: Presently, four sections of Assessment in Special Education are offered each year. The proposal will result in one of these sections become an assessment course specific to the needs of moderate to intensive learners. A faculty member from the moderate to intensive licensure program will staff this course. Units consulted (other departments, programs or campuses affected by the proposal): 12/6/2013 Approve Page 3 of 3 This course is only offered to Special Education students. The Special Education program is in agreement with this proposal. Comments (500 Character Maximum): NOTE: Please do not use the following restricted characters: (~ * / \ --) Approve Comments: Date User Return To Initiator Return To Prior Approver Deny Comment No comments available. History: Date User Status 12/6/2013 Susan M Augustine Approved 9/16/2013 Robert Evert Cimera Initially Saved As Draft 12/6/2013