From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-01. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Onthe Useof Statistical, NeuralNetand MachineLearningTechniquesto Find Structure in MedicalData: A CaseStudywith the Diabetes Dataset. StephenH.Zeller ExpertEconomics P.O. Box173, Haverford,PAUSA steve@expecon,com Summry The model Thediabetes dataset is characterizedby a limited numberof independentvariables and the existenceof strong prior informationabout the nature of causality thoughtto exist. Consequently,careful statistical modelingusingmodemtechniquesshouldbe able to do a goodjob in determiningwhatthe underlyingrelationships are. It of great interest, however, to see howwell alternative approaches-- that require less interventionon the part of analysts-- can compareto the statistical modelingapproach. Twosuch alternative approachesto knowledge discoveryare examined.Thefirst is basedon induction andtakes two forms:tree basedregression andthe C4.5algorithmof Quinlan. Thesecond employsa simple neural net and backpropagationalgorithm. Theresults from these two alternative approachesare then comparedto the statistical modelresults. For an individual Diabetespatient, the history of insulin dosage(ID) is shownin Figurel, above. Three types of doses are shown andeachis administeredat faily constantintervals (at least fromthe perspectiveof the graph) and dosageamounts.Akey relationship to discover is that betweeninsulin and measurements of the level of the patients bloodglucose(BG). For the samepatient, these measurements values are shownin Figure 2. Note that the BG levels are highlyvariable. Figure 2: History of BGMeasurement FigureI: History of Insulin Dosages IIIIIllllllllllllMIIIII Illlli L ;o ,~, ,;o El aple~lTIn((:~yl) Of course,the effect of the ID is not constantover time. First of all, the impactof the ID on the patient first rises to a peakvalue andthen falls to zero as time elapsesandthat the exact nature of this relationshipdependson the type of dosage.Wecan write this as" 20 40 60 eO 1¢0 120 140 e al~ed1~ml(Oaya) 166 (1) BG= H(ID,T, Formulation), + +/+ AI-Med Abstract February 5, 1994 where T is elapsed time and Formulation is one of three possible types (Regular, NPHand UItralente). The expected signs of each independent variable appear below the variable name. o This function is based on prior work in the field and can be used to computean effective ID fiDE) for any point in time. In particular, it can be used to computeIDEfor each time of measurementfor BGlevels. ¯ o",.. o o ~ "’"-.. .... ~..4oo o ~ o o o o o o o 8 ooo 2 o o ~ o "~-.. o 4 oo ~, o ~"~r ......... .Q........... o °o 0% oO°Oo o ~o o o o ~, o o o o oo o --~..._.~ .... o o o o oO 0 o £ Figure 3: Effective Dose History o oo o o o o e oo o o o o o o 6 10 0090:~d34 Second,exercise plays a role: (2) 0 2D 40 eO 80 I(]D BG= { 120 ( El(E, T), for 0 < E <= E*" - [, E2(E, T), for E* < + - where E denotes excercise, E* is somethreshold level of exercise and T is time. Finally, diet (D) is also important: ~’’ ~ co t + + ~ +. + ++ .,,.* "" ,. ~++ + ’V.~ ;..~ t ," ,., ," :’--’;’%-,_,. ...... ,, ~--, ++.~,.~’~;.,~- I.T :\i + 7 ~, + °I ¯ + o + + .."*+ "I + ,, (3) BG= D(D, T) + + The measured level of BGat any period of time is just the sumof all the identifiable impacts of the events represented by equations (1) - (3). That is, the summationover all previous events up to somepredetermined cutoff time becomes: Anexampleof this kind of computation is shownin Figure 3., wherefor this particular patient, only two of the three types of ID were administered. The top panel shows the measurements of BGbefore supper (denoted by code 62 in the dataset) along with a smoothof these data. The bottom panel showsthe effective amountsof dosages (whengreater than zero) computedfor each measurementin the top panel. (4) BG -- ~.H(I,T,F) + ~.EI(E,T ) + E E2(E,T) + % D(D,T). Equation (4) can only be implementedif it determined what the relationship between BG and T might look like for the four functions: H, El, E2 and D. It is expected that the literature and someof the other AI-Medparticipants will be helpful in this regard. For example, it might turn out that a two parameter Gamma distribution might describe the phenomenonquite well. Bivariate scatter diagrams of these data are shownin Figure 4. For this particular patient, and basedon the slopes of the locally weightedleast squares lines, it appears that the relationship between IDE and BGis quite weak. Note that there are somedatapoints that appear to contain errors. Consequently, these data will have to be filtered before the constructs in (4) are computed. Figure 4: Effective Dose versus BG 167 AI-MedAbstract February5, 1994 more,it mightwell be that two or moreof the predictive methodologiescan be combinedin someoptimalwayto provide evenbetter forecasts. Finally, onemightwantto use a rulebasedexpert systemto examinethe patient’s history, the predicted values for BGand makea determinationas to what should be done. This last step, however,is beyondthe scopeof the current paper. KnowledgeDiscovery Thestatistical modelswill be developed in S-Plus. A gooddeal of computingand graphicalanalysisis usedin order to assess the appropriatemodels.Thestatistical approach will be oneof fitting GeneralizedAdditive Models(GAM) to these data, whichallows somenonparametricsmoothingto be done during estimation. Importantinteractions between these variables will also be examined. References Twoinduction techniqueswill also be usedto learn fromthese data. Thefirst is the tree basedregressioncapability in S-Plus. The secondis a related approach,called C4.5, which in turn is built on ID3(bothdueto Quinlan). Finally, a neural net will be trained onthese data. In all cases, a cross validationapproach will be used to ensure robustnessand the models will be estimatedwith penalties for complexity in an effort to avoidoverfitting. The results of these alternative approacheswill be carefully comparedand contrasted. Chambers,John M. and Hastie, TrevorJ. (1992) Statistical Modelsin S. Wadsworth & Brooks, Pacific Grove,California. Cleveland, WilliamS. (1993) Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit,NewJersey. James, DavidA. and Pregibon, Daryl. (1992) "ChronologicalObjects in S". AT&T Bell Laboratories, MurrayHill, NewJersey. Piatetsky-Shapiro, Gregoryand Frawley,William J. (1991) KnowledgeDiscoveryin Databases. The AAAI Press, MenloPark, California. Implementation Quinlan, J. Ross (1993) C4.5: Programsfor MachineLearning. MorganKaufmann,San Mateo,California. Whenimplemented,the predicted values of BGcan be used to determinewhetheror not the patient’s BGis likely to remainin the desiredrange. Notethat a statistical modelpossesses an importantadvantagehere in that it can also generatea probabilitydistribution around the forecast, whichis quite important.Further- Ramelhart,DavidE., McClelland,JamesL. and the PDPResearchGroup(1988). Parallel Distributed Processing:Explorationsin the Microstructure of Cognition,volume1 and 2. The MITPress, Cambridge,Mass. 168