From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-07. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Howto Use Cases for Information Seeking Processes Anne TiBen Integrated Publication and Information SystemsInstitute (IPSI) GeseUschaft fOr Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH(GMD) Dolivostr. 15, D - 6100 Darmstadt Abstract faces to information systems should enable the end user, to retrieve the data without help from an intermediary expert. Information seeking activities, whether in databases, knowledgebases, or any kind of information system are highly interactive processes. User interfaces to information systemsshould enable the end user, to retrieve the data without help from an intermediary expert. Knowledgeabout informationseeking tasks and strategies of the user, as well as the related system’sfunctionality are starting points to build up cases of information seeking dialogues and to adapt cases to a newinformation need. Weuse a case for two purposes: first, for controlling the interaction, that meansgoing forward and backwardin the dialogue plan or history, and second, as a meansto guide the user through the information space and throughthe interaction with the system. In contrast to most domainsof case-based reasoners, our domainis underconswained and highly interactive. Therefore, the adaptation of cases can be done only with mixedinitiative of user and system. Our approach is implementedin a prototype of a f, ase-based dialogue manager(CADI), applied in the MERIT interface system to the CORDIS databases. Currently, we are implementingCAIRO (.C.,ase-Based Dialogues for Information Retrieval Objectives), a further interface system to CORDIS data, nowfocusing on case-based user guidance according to information seeking strategies. Keywords:case-based dialogues; information retrieval tasks and strategies; intelligent user interfaces; Modeling information seeking processes come across typical problems in knowledge-based systems: the user’s knowledgeabout the system and the stored data is incomplete, it is vaguelyformulated,and it is neither consistent nor persistent during a dialogue session. The best match between the user’s informationneeds and the system’scapabilities to f’mdand to present informationaccordingto the user’s intention and accordingto the dialogue situation is often not obvious. For this reason, a top-downdialogue, starting with a global goal and solving all subgoals, is not realistic in information seeking. Case-based Reasoning techniques are supposed to overcome those modeling problems [cf. Kolodner/Simpson86], if the problemsolving domain, here information seeking, is adequate to a data-driven, not a goal-driven, technique. Instead of solving problem~ using a general task model, case-based reasoners start with a set of previous cases, and adapt a selected case to the new problem [cf. Riesbeck/ Schank89]. The basic idea is to use positive experience, rather than solving a problemfrom scratch. Most important aspects in adaptive planning [cf. Alterman 86/89, Hammond 89] are the treatment of plans specific to the application and situation matchingto use an old plan to interpret the current situation. Casesin our context are instantiations of dialogue plans [cf. Carberry 88], describing a sequence of dialogue steps, whichare related to an informationseeking task. In an interactive system, case adaptation takes place with mixed initiative of user and system.In order to developcases to start with in our application, we extracted information needs by guided interviews with potential users. Introduction Information seeking activities, whether in databases, knowledgebases, or any kind of information system are highly interactive processes. Mostly,in the beginningof the interaction the information seeker does not have a strong plan of how to find the information she is looking for. Instead, the responseto each single request for data mayinfluence the next or future actions in her search. Traditionally, this process is a human-human interaction between an information seeker and an information provider, whooffers support and access to the information system. User inter- 120 Weuse a case for twopurposes: first, for controlling the interaction, that means going forward and backwardin the dialogue plan or history, and second, as a meansto guide the user through the information space and through the interaction with the system. For guiding the user in an information seeking dialogue with an information systemwe need different kinds of backgroundknowledge[cf. TiBen93]. The partition into several knowledgesources is necessary to makethe interface system portable into multiple dimensions: according to the task in the domain,accordingto the user, or to other database systems. During interaction, we combineall kinds of knowledgein order to adapt to current situations: (1) knowledgeabout the dialogue structure, represented as a dialogue plan; the expectedsteps, represented in the selected case, as well as the executed steps, represented as states in the history; (2) knowledgeabout the domain, makingthe structure of the information systemtransparent and supporting query formulation; (3) knowledgeabout the user, in particular, the possibility of makingdialogue knowledgeuserspecific. Weimplemented the case-based dialogue manager CADI[cf. TiBen 91; Stein/Thiel/Ti6en 92] as a submodule 1 interface system to information systems. of the MERIT Both were tested in the domain of the CORDISdatabase about research programs,projects, and project partners. This version of CADIalready contained the main functionality for dialogue control, and retrieving/storing of cases in the case library. Case indexing and adaptation was mainlydetermined by object perspectives. The concept of object perspectives is derived from research on the focus of attention in coherent conversation or discourse [cf. McCoy/Cheng 90, see also Reichman89] and adapted for controlling dialogues containing information seeking and information presentation actions. Perspectives are used as meansto build cases from a thematically structured point of view. However,it was difficult to make the system’s behavior, suggesting a next step, transparent to the user. modelinga case as a discourse of themes needs means to make the discourse coherent. In our domain,in whichthe information need of the user is vague and mayoften change during the interaction, thematical progression on the basis of object perspectives as the only meansfor case adaptation, seemsto be too weak. We need additional knowledgeabout the user’s goals. To overcome this problem in the new version, called 2 (".Cdlse-Based Dialogues for Information Retrieval CAIRO Objectives"), we makeuse of information seeking tasks for modelingthe functionality of the systemand we makeuse of information seeking strategies for describing user goals. 1. MERIT ("MultimediaExtensionsof Retrieval Interaction Tools") has a SYBASE interface to the CORDIS data. TheCordisdatabasesare offeredby ECHO, the official host organization of the Commission of the EuropeanCommunity (CEC).For MERIT, weuse subsets of the original databasescoveting about180programswithca. 900projects fundedby different researchprograms.About6000organizationsare involvedin projectconsortia. 2. CAIRO (as well as CADIand MERIT)runs on SUNcolor workstations(SPARC stations) and is written in CommonLISP. Its knowledge bases are basedon CRL,a framerepresentation languageof Knowledge Craft [cf. KC89]. TheCordis data were transferredinto a LISPintermediaterepresentationandthen automaticallyconvertedto a netlike framestructure in CRL.Forthe graphical interface, CAIRO uses HyperNeWS, a NeWS-based graphicsenvironment developedat the TuringInstitute in Glasgow[cf. vanHoff89]. 121 This way, user goals are used in the case-based dialogue managerfor indexing and adapting cases. In this paper, we start with a catalogue of information seeking tasks and strategies and a short overviewon a casebased dialogue manager. Then, we describe how information seeking tasks and strategies can be mappedto dialogue structures and be used for case indexing, and howwe control the interaction and guide the user through the information space. Beforethe paper finishes with conclusions and an outline to future work,we present the current state of the implementations of the new prototype, the CAIRO system. Information Seeking Tasks and Strategies Information seeking tasks The cognitive view of informationretrieval as well as the demand for intelligent, interactive interfaces of retrieval systems are presented comprehensivelyin [cf. Ingwersen 92]. Belkin and Marchetti [cf. Belkin/Marchetti 90] examined the information seeking (IS) process and presented a cognitive task analysis, containing tasks as searching,specifying, and selecting in information sources. Althoughthey suggest a task model, they even stress that the information seeking process is inherently interactive and that intelligent interfaces need moreinteraction functionality. For that reason, in the BRAQUE system [cf. Belkin/Marchetti/Cool 93] they extend their task analysis and add browsing, recognizing, and learning in information and meta information sources to the set of informationseeking tasks. Informationseeking strategies In order to relate IS tasks and strategies, in BRAQUE they arrange these cognitive tasks in four dimensions: the methodof interaction (browsing/searching), the goal of interaction (learning/selecting), the modeof retrieval (recognition/ specification), and the resource considered (information items/meta information). They term combinations of those factors as ’information seeking strategies’, describing behavior like, e.g. "searching for items similar to some knownitem; ...; looking aroundfor somethinginteresting...; inspectingitems and their content; ...". Belkin3 took the strategy determinedby ’searching’, ’selecting’, and ’specifying’ in information sources and developeda script describing the interaction process [cf. Belkin et al. 93b]. He suggested scripts of interaction behavior containing conversational roles of speaker and hearer. This approachis influenced by the research on a conversational dialogue modelfor information seeking done by Sitter and Stein [cf. Sitter/Stein 92]. Ascript contains dialogue steps related to IS functions for the user’s request, for the system’sdisplay of the results, and a step for feedbackof the user. Then, we 3. Personaldiscussionswith NickBelkinduringa collaborationat IPSIin July 1992. Store Information 1 System User’s Information Need I Display retrieved data I Fig. 1 : Schema of Case-based Dialogues for Information Seeking took the results of the interviewwith potential users of our applicationsystem,andinstantiated the scripts with domain knowledge to solve specific informationseeking tasks. In this paper,I suggestthat a script describingthe interaction followinga specific strategycan be mapped to parts of cases of dialogueplans, the dialoguesequencesand cases can be build froma looselyorderedset of dialoguesequences. Let megive an exampleof the first two dialogue sequencesof a case about’Lookingfor proposedprojects on a known topic’. Here,the user maystart witha search,specifying a list of known,relevant researchprograms.In a second dialoguesequenceshe maychangeto anotherstrategy in order to browsethroughthe projectsof the specifiedprograms. Here,she can choosebetweenagainspecification,e.g. specify the relevant projectsby attributes like the durationof a project, projectfunding,substringsin the projecttitle, etc., or, in an interaction modeof browsingand recognition,she mayselect project acronymsfromthe display of retrieved data andask for a displaywith moredetailed information. This exampledemonstratestwo importantrequirementsfor interfaces to informationsystems.First, they shouldhavea flexible set for informationseekingfunctionalityaccording to cognitive tasks of the user. Combining the four dimensions BRAQUE distinguishes up to 16 strategies of information seeking. In CAIRO, they can be parameterizedby domainspecific data or perspectivesand listed or aligned. Second,interface systemsshouldbe able to offer guidance throughthe spaceof IS strategies and their instantiation. Therefore, wesuggest a dialoguemodeland choosea casebasedapproachfor dialoguecontrol. Informationseekingfunctionality Now,cognitivetasks andstrategies of the user haveto be mapped to the functionalityof the interface systemto the informationsources.Belkin, Marchetti,andCoolpresenta set of functions,influencedby the functionalityof the Hyperline system[cf. Agosti/Gradiengo/Marchetti 1992]. Theylist a set of systemcapabilities for displayinginformation,selection and storageof items, search formulation,selection of 122 initial points fromdisplays for browsingactivities, etc. Movements on functionsets are a fin’st step to cometo a process model.Bythe next step, the formulationof scripts [cf. Schank/Abelson 77], the process has to becomeinteractive with mixedinitiative of both, user andsystem. In the newCAIRO system,werealized relevant subset of those functions. See chapter 5 for the description of the CAIRO implementationsin order to realize a dialogue control in twodifferent control modes:in the non-guided,usercontrolledmode,the IS functionsare called by the user directly, or in the guidedcontrol modefunctionsare parts of cases of dialoguesandthey will be suggestedto the user as dialogue steps. For the second modeCAIRO needs a dialogue managercomponent whichis able to operate on cases. The Case-Based Dialogue Manager Casesare representedas instantiationsof dialogueplans, describinga typical working contextin the domain,see fig.1. Adialogueplanconsists of a sequenceof dialoguesteps, extendedby a descriptionof user inputs andsystem’soutputs. This explicit representation of the dialogue and various knowledgebases about dialogue, domain,and user knowledgeenablethe interface systemfor adaptation[cf. Til3en 93]. In order to developcases for our application to start with, weextracted informationneedsby guidedinterviews withpotential users. Casesin our domainaboutresearchprogramsandprojects describe dialoguesto solve typical informationneedsof the user like e.g. ’Looking for partnersfor a newproject about a knowntopic’, ’Lookingfor contact personsfor an ongoingproject’, ’Overview on proposedresearchprograms’,etc. To operate on cases, the case-based dialogue manager CADI [for moredetail see Tilden91] has functionslike retrieve a dialogueplanfromthe caselibrary, store the ongoing dialogueas a planin the caselibrary, andmod/fy a planto the current goals of the user. In a first dialoguephase, the introductionphase,a case will be selected accordingto the current informationneed. Then,duringthe wholedialogue, the systemoffers the user the selected case as a meansfor guidingher in multiple dimensions:(1) navigatingthrough the informationspace, (2) focusinginformation,(3) switching the information seekingstrategies, or (4) switchingto alternativepresentationforms[cf. Kerner/Thiel 9 I]. In a final phase,the user maypermanently store the dialoguewith all the modifications.This will be representedas a newcase and storedin the caselibrary. Aswell as the dialoguemodel,the case library is known beforestarting an interaction. Thecase library mayincrease fromsession to session, and needs an ownmanagement for retrieving and storing cases. Thecontent is domaindependent, andin addition,it maybe user specific. Integrating Information Seeking Tasks and Strategies into Cases of Dialogues Mapping tasks andstrategies onto the dialoguemodel In the dialoguemodel,a dialogueplanis describedas sequencesof dialoguesteps. In MERIT, cases of dialoguesare modelledaccordingto a thematicalprogression,that means that eachdialoguesequenceis related to a theme,described by a perspective, and that. there are links betweenthose themes,whichmakethe dialoguecoherent. Duringtests with users unfamiliarwith the system,wegot the experiencethat the topical coherenceis not alwaysobviousto the user. To overcome this problem,wemakeuse of results of the cognitive tasks analysis andstarted a newimplementation. In the newCAIRO system, a dialogue step describes perspectives to the databaseandthe interaction behaviorfor a specific task. Thereare twokindsof dialoguesteps: requests(of the user to the system)and informsteps (of the systemto the user) accordingto dialogueacts at the maindialoguelevel of the conversationalroles modelof [cf. Sitter/Stein 92]. We canenrichthe interactionwithIS functionalityandadaptit to the workingcontext of informationseeking. Strategies will be mapped to sequencesof dialoguesteps of request andinformacts. Thedimensionsof the selected strategy are mapped to user goals whichare usedto indexthe sequence,andconsequently they are usedto indexthe case. Modesfor dialoguecontrol In orderto offer the IS functionsdirectlyat the interface, weare implementing twodifferent modesfor dialoguecontrol: a guided,case-basedmodeanda user controlled, nonguided mode.In the case-based, guided modethe system guides the user throughan informationseeking dialogue, that meansthat the interactiontakes placeaccordingto apreviously stored successful dialogue, a case, going forward step by step in this case. Weprovidedifferent instantiations of ’continue’ and ’go back’ operationsin dialoguecontrol 123 andmakethemtransparentto the user at the interface level. ’Continue’and’go back’can be specifiedaccordingto characteristic pointsin the dialogueplan(for continue)or in the dialoguehistory (for go back). Duringan ongoingdialogue CADI creates a history of the interaction in forma stack of dialoguestates. Fromthis history the CADI storer can generate a newcase automatically.That means,that the newcase is developed from(the) old case(s) andIS tasks, the user insertedin the non-guided mode.In additionto the control of dialoguesteps initiating related informationseekingfunctions, the systemcontrols in the guidedmodethe wholeinterface layout (popup/hide, positioningof windows). In the user-oriented, non-guidedmodethe user choosesthe informationseekingfunctionsdirectly at the system’sinterface. There are pulldownmenuswherethe user can select search, browse,displayandfeedbackactivities andcontrols specification of dialoguesteps, e.g. choosingperspectives for a search formulation, switching betweeninformation seekingstrategies, andinformationdisplays. Thecontrol of the wholeinterface has to be doneby herself, includingthe control of the layout of the screen with multiplesimultaneous openedwindows.Switchingbetweenboth interaction modesat the interface providethe feasibility to evaluate comparativelythe guideddialoguecontrol vs. a direct manipulative, user controlled interaction andto examineand improvethe modelingof the dialogueandthe cases. CAIRO proposesthe guidedmodeas the major dialogue mode.The non-guidedmodewill be handled as the minor mode,whichshould only be used if the cases are too restricted to a specifictask, or if a single information seeking task shouldbe insertedinto the ongoing case. Thatis possible at anytime duringthe dialogue. Adaptationof cases Let us reflect on user goals in informationseekingprocesses. Examples can be formulatedinformally,like: I know <x>and want to knowmoreabout <y>(which implies that thereis a relationbetween x andy!); I wantto see data similar to <x>;I wantto specifywhatkindof data I’mlookingfor; I wantto lookaround,I wantto lookaroundon a specific subset; I wantto learn aboutthe database;I wantto select data for later use; etc. It is obviousthat they are not independent fromeachother andthat a hierarchicalclassificationof user goals is not possible. Therefore,wefollowthe approachof spacesof informationseekingstrategies, build upby four dimensionsof informationseekingbehavior.Wetake these dimensions, to index dialogue sequences according to informationseeking behavior. If welook again to the examplesof user goals given above,wecan differentiate kindsof adaptation.First, as we already did in MERIT’s version of CADI,the perspectives, focusingona partition of the database,can be flexibly modified. Perspectivesare organizedin a hierarchicalstructure, so that a shift, e.g. fromorganizationalaspectsto a thematic searchof projects(’Looking for projectsabout...’), as well as zoominginto moredetail, or zooming out to an overview, canbe realized easily by a single dialoguestep. Now,in the Information eseking requests Findknown data Search Browse byspecification orrecognition ofthename byspecification onattributes userelations between concepts Displays and display requests Show I item Show n items Show overview Show next/parlous item Compare items indetail inalistortable asetoflists ofthelistindetail indetail Fecdbeck Select item(e) Delete item(=) Store item(a) forsubset from list onhistory Fig. 2 : information seekingtasks in CAIRO new CAIRO version of CADI,we use some more adaptations ontop of that. Anothertypeof adaptationcan reflect to whatthe user knowsand whatthe user wantsto knowby selecting adequateinformationseekingstrategies or by replacing strategies that are suggestedin a case accordingto the user’s goals. In addition, the user modifiesthe suggested case during the ongoingdialogue: she can replace search terms, attributes or perspectives, skip suggestedsequences of dialoguesteps, mixcases to a newcase, etc. Thenewgenerated caseis different fromanyother case. In orderto find this case for later use, it has to be indexedwith user goals about the strategy howto find informationand goals about the requestedinformationin termsof object perspectives. The CAIRO System Implementinga newversion of an interface system to CORDIS data aims at investigating the conceptof a casebased dialogue managerfor informationseeking dialogues and to improvethe CADI system. Thenewsystemfocuses on the integration of informationseekingtasks and strategies into the interface system.Therefore,westudiedresults from cognitivetasks analysisof informationseekingprocesses,as done by Belkin, Marchetti, and Cool, and implemented most functions they proposed. WemodifiedMERIT’s interface features anddesignedmoreflexible input formsfor user requests andinteractive displays for the presentationof retrievedd a!a~see an overview in fig. 2. Theusers’ requestfor information Findknowndata is a special formof a search. Because the user knows the data itemshe canrecognizeit on a display, or she canspecifyit bya nameor a uniqueattribute specification. Usuallyonedata itemwill be found,that candirectly be presentedbythe detailedpresentation. 124 Search.If the user wantsto searchfor data, she usually knowssomethingaboutthe data she is interested in, but the specification maybe vagueand/or incomplete.For this kind of user request weimplemented a flexible input form. The input formis titled by the mainconceptof the search, e.g. ’searchingfor projects’, andis restricted to a specific perspective onto the mainconcept,e.g. the project partners. This perspectivedeterminestwolists of search attributes whichwill be suggestedto the user, a first onewithattributes that are closelyto the themeof the perspective,e.g. in the project partner perspective’nameof partner organization’, anda secondlist withattributesto limit the dataset, e.g. the countryof a partner organization,or a program,the partner shouldhaveexperiencewith: Therefore,the input formis dividedinto twoareas, onthe left side for gatheringdata(internally that is translated to an ’or’ combinationof search terms),the other oneonthe right side for reducingthis data (combined by ’and’). This is an attemptto hide the logical operators’and’and’or’ at the system’sinterface andto simplify the reformulation of searchspecifications. When the user has acceptedthe suggestedsearch attributes, she can formulateoneor moresearchtermsin a text field, or, she selects searchtermsfroma list of suggestionsofferedby the system.Then,a querywill be generatedanda simpleinformationretriever component will start a substring search in the informationspace.This kindof searchformis flexible in that sense,that it presentsa wellpreparedpartitionof the informationspace by the conceptof perspectives. However, all suggestionscan be modifiedby the user interactively. Browse.If the user wantsto browsethroughan information spacethe informationneedis onlyvague,is hard to formulateas a searchterm, or the user exploresthe information space arounda specific knowndata item. In this case, the goalof interactionis a kindof ’learning’. At fast, the user needsa specification of the informationspace and then a starting point for browsing.Theinformationspacecan be the complete data, or it canbe restricted to a specificsubsetlike the currentretrieveddata, or a subsetstoredpreviouslyin the ongoingdialogue. Thestarting point is alwaysa known item, that really exists in the database.Theinteractioncanbe done without input forms. Browsingis a morepresentation orientedactivity than other types of requestsfor information. Thesystempresentsinformationto the user andthe user only selects an item to ask for moredetailed information.Consequently, browsingfunctionality is determinedby the functionality of interactivedisplaysof an interface system. Onthe implementation level, browsingmakesuse of the semantic net of domainconcepts in the domainknowledge base, whichis implemented in the framerepresentationlanguageCRL[cf. KC89]. Using’CRLrelations’, navigational steps fromonedata item to related data items wereeasy to realize. Browsing is hard to handleat the system’sinterface. Eachbrowsingstep maycreate a newwindow and the screen will soonbe overloaded,the well-known problemof ’being lost in hypertext’.Toavoidthis, wehaveonly oneoverview andonelist display, onedisplayof details for eachconcept. Anadditional display will only be generatedfor comparing twoitemsof the samekind. Thepresentationof retrieved information Retrievedinformationcan be displayedin three different kindsof interactivedisplays:a list displaypresentingall retrieved data, e.g. all retrievedprojects;an overview display, with requesteddata andall. related data presentedsimultaneously;a detaileddisplaywith detailedinformationabouta single data item. Interactive displaysneedsomespecification of the interactiontakenplace directly on the presented items. In CAIRO, on overviewand detailed displays the selection of an itemsmeansa requestfor detailed information. Onlists wehavevariousadditionalfunctions,so that the user can manipulate the list for later (re-)use duringthe followinginteraction. Now,let us havea closer lookat each kindof display. Thelist displaypresentsall dataof the concept,the useris lookingfor, in a list of interactiveitems.For example, if the user has specifieda searchfor projects, she will get a list of project names.For the list, the systemoffers special functionality:to sort the list, to deleteitemsfromthe list, to mark or unmark itemson the list to create a subsetfor further operationslike storing in a subsetor on the historyof data. The default for selectingan itemwith the mouseis to presentthe detaileddisplayfor the chosendata item. This kindof displaycan be easily extendedto a table presentation, presentingthe nameof the data conceptin the first column,andattributes in further columns.Usingtables data items can be presented according to object perspectives whichdescribei.e. situationspecificsets of attributesof the concept, e.g. the thematical perspective on programscontains attributes like title, generalinformation,andsubprograms,describingwhatthe programis about. A modification of a perspectivecan easily be doneandpresentedto the user. Themainproblemof presentingtables is the optimizationof the table layout. For this reason, at the moment wepresent 125 perspectiveswithouttables anduse lists of structureditems instead. Theoverviewdisplaypresentsall data sorted by the concept class they belongto. In our domainconceptsare e.g. project, program,organization,person. Eachretrieved data is presentedby a short namewhichis interactive, that means that it canbe selectedbythe userto see details. It canbe used as a starting point for browsing in the informationspace.The overview displaycanbe usedto presenta specific set of data, as the set of currentretrieveddata, the previousdata set, the completedata set, or anyother data set whichcan be specified by the user. If the overviewis usedto displaythe retrieveddata, it canbe seenas an extensionof the list display, wherethe retrieved data of the requestedconcept,e.g. projects, are presentedtogetherwithall the relateddata, the programof the project, the project partnerorganizations,andthe contactperson. Detaileddisplays. For each relevant conceptof the domainthere is onedetaileddisplay. It canbe filled automatically with informationabout a single data item. Someexamples: for the domainconcept’organization’CAIRO presents nameandaddress,andcountry, the projects in whichthe organizationparticipates in as a partner or primecontractor. For the domainconcept ’program’the system presents the acronym,the title, the number of projects in the program,a list of all projects that exist in the databasewith moredetailed information,a contactperson,anda descriptionof the programandits objectives. This kind of display providesseveral starting points for browsing activities. Interactive displayitemsare visualized by specific boxesso that the user can easily recognizepossible starting points for browsingsteps. Toenablebrowsing throughthe list of retrieveddata, the systemoffer buttonsto go forwardor backward directly withoutleavingthe display. In additionto the browsingfunctionality, there are twonew features, oneto compare itemsanda secondto read longtext. Tocompareitems CAIRO presents two detailed displays in two simultaneouslyvisible windows. Askingthe user for feedback:Doyoulike it? CAIRO offers somechoicesto the user to formulateher feedback,’I like it!’ or ’I don’tlike it!’, according to the two polarities selectingandlearningof the IS dimension ’goal of interaction’. In eachpolaritythe user’soverall goalis quite different. In the ’selectionmode’,duringthe dialogueand, in particular, at the endof the dialogue,the user wantsto havea kindof a result, usuallyin formof a set of dataitems.Different modifor the presentationof the result are conceivable: directly on the screen, or as an electronic or printed document.Wewill supportthe ’selection’ modeat the user interface byan interactive history of retrieveddata, the user has selectedfor intermediatestoringor storingas a result. In the ’learningmode’,weassumethat the user is mainly interested, to get a feelingwhatkind of information is in the database, for the granularity of stored information,howto find relevant information,etc. Frommypoint of view,feedbackof the user makessense mainlyin the selecting mode. At the moment, there is no active user supportfor ’learning’. Therefore,in this modeweonlyhide the data history to avoid a cognitiveoverloadingduringthe learningprocess. I like it! Let us assume that the userwantsto ’select’ data fromthe database, and that the user has answeredto a system’srequestfor feedbackthat ’she likes it’; ’it’ meansthe list of - eventuallymanipulated- retrieved data. For this case, CAIRO places those items, whichare markedfor selection, ona history of selecteddata. Although the data history is part of a historyof dialogue states [cf. Tilden91],it is visualized at the system’sinterface separatelyon a data stack. There,the conceptnameis interactive anda click meansthat the itemwill be presentedin detail again.Lateron, this history displayshouldbe manipulatable as well as the list display for retrieveddata. ! don’tlike it/If the user doesn’tlike the retrieveddat~, the systemprovidessomesuggestionsfor modification,like a reformulationof the search formulation,skippingthe current dialoguephase,switchingto the ’learn mode’to inspect the database,thenformulatea newquery,etc. Conclusions Acknowledgements I wouldlike to thankNickBelkinfor fruitful discussions duringhis stay at IPSI, AdelheitStein for valuablecomments on a previousdraft of this paper. References Agosti, M., Gradiengo,G., &Marchetti,P. G. (1992). Ahypertextenvironment for interacting with large textual databases. Information Processing & Management, Vol.28, No3, 1992,p. . Alterman,R. (1986). AnAdaptivePlanner. in: Proc.of the 5th NationalConference on Artificial Intelligence, MenloPark, California. 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Usingknowledgerepresentation techniques, sequencescan 1993b) be arrangedin a flexible wayandadaptedto user goals. For controllingthe interaction, guidingthe user throughthe inScripts on InformationSeekingStrategies. to be presformationspace, andfor adaptationto user goalsI suggested ented at" CBR-IR workshop’93. a case-basedapproach. Thenewimplementationprovidesa CarberryS., (1988). lot of flexibility for the interfacedesignandinteractionbeModelingthe User’s Plans and Goals. Computational havior. Linguistics(14/3), 23-37. Mostimplementationsfor the newsystem are already McCoy, K. F., & Cheng,J. (1990). done. Storer and retriever of the CADI systemhave to be Focusof Attention: Constrainingwhatcan be said next. adapted to newcase indexes. Basic cases whichdescribe In" NaturalLanguage Generationin Artificial Intellivery typical tasks in our domaincan be taken from MERIT gence and Computational Linguistics. 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