From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-07. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. UsingCasesto RepresentContextfor Text Classification Ellen Riloff Deparlmentof ComputerScience Universityof Massachusetts Amherst, MA01003 Abstract Researchon text classification has typically focused on keywordsearches and statistical techniques. Keywordsalone cannot always distinguish the relevant fromthe irrelevant texts and somerelevant texts do not containanyreliable keywords at all. Our approach to text classification uses case-based reasoningto represent natural languagecontexts that can be used to classify texts with extremelyhigh precision. Thecase base of natural languagecontexts is acquired automaticallyduring sentence analysis using a training corpus of texts and their correct relevancyclassifications. Atext is representedas a set of casesandweclassify a text as relevantif anyof its cases are deemedto be relevant. Werely on the statistical properties of the case base to determine whether similar cases are highly correlated with relevance for the domain.Preliminary experiments suggestthat case-basedtext classification can achieve very high levels of precision and outperformsour previousalgorithmsbasedon relevancysignatures. Introduction Text classification has received considerable attention from the information retrieval community,which has typically approachedthe problemusing keywordsearches and statistical techniques [Salton 1989]. However,text classification can be difficult becausekeywords are often not enoughto distinguish the relevant fromthe irrelevant texts. In previous work[Riloff and Lehnert 1992], we showedthat natural languageprocessingtechniquescan be used to generate relevancy signatures whichare highly effective at retrieving relevant texts with extremelyhigh precision. Althoughrelevancy signatures capture more informationthan keywords alone, they still representonly a local context surroundingimportantwordsor phrases in a sentence. Asa result, they are susceptibleto false hits whena correct relevancy discrimination depends upon additional context. Furthermore, manyrelevant texts cannot be recognizedby searching for only key wordsor phrases. A sentence may contain an abundance of informationthat clearly makesa text relevant, but doesnot 9O contain any particular word or phrase that is highly indicativeof relevanceon its own. In responseto these limitations, webeganto explore case-based reasoning as an approachfor naturally representing larger pieces of context. Givena training corpus of texts andtheir correct relevancyclassifications, wecreate a case base that serves as a d~t~baseof contexts for thousandsof sentences fromhundredsof texts. Each case represents the natural languagecontext associated with a single sentence. The correct relevancy classifications associatedwith our training corpusgive us the correct classification for each text, but not for each case. Thereforewecannotmerelyretrieve the mostsimilar case and apply its classification to the current case. Instead, weretrieve manycases andrely on the statistical properties of the retrieved cases to makean informed decision. Ourapproachtherefore differs from manyother CBRsystemsin that wedo not retrieve one or a few very similar cases and apply themdirectly to the current case (e.g., [Ashley 1990; Hammond 1986]). Instead, retrieve manycases that are similar to the current case in specific waysanduse the statistical propertiesof the cases as part of a classificationalgorithm. In this paper, weshowthat case-based reasoningis a natural technique for representing and reasoning with natural language contexts for the purpose of text classification. First, we briefly describe the MUC performanceevaluations of text analysis systems that stimulatedour research on text classification. Second,we introduce relevancy signatures and explain hownatural languageprocessingtechniquescan be used effectively for high-precisiontext classification. Third, wedescribe our case representation and present the details of the CBR algorithm.Weconcludewith preliminarytest results from an experimentto evaluate the performanceof case-based text classification. Text Classification in MUC-4 Althoughtext classification has typically beenaddressed byresearchersin the informationretrieval community, it is an interesting and importantproblemfor natural language processing(NLP)researchers as well. In 1991and 1992, the UMass natural languageprocessinggroupparticipated in the Third and Fourth Message Understanding Conferences (MUC-3and MUC-4)sponsored by DARPA. The task for both MUCs wasto extract informationabout terrorism from news wire articles. The information extraction task, however, subsumesthe more general problemof text classification. That is, weshould know whethera text contains relevant information before we extract anything. Wecould dependon the information extractionsystemto do text classification as a side effect: if the system extracts any information at all then we classify the text as relevant. Butthe information extraction task requires natural languageprocessingcapabilities that are costly to apply,evenwithinthe constraintsof a limited domain. In conjunction with a highly reliable text classification algorithm, however,the text extraction systemcould be invokedonly whena text wasclassified as relevant, thereby saving the costs associated with applyingthe full NLPsystemto each and every text. 1 In addition, informationextractionsystemsgeneratefalse hits whenthey extract informationthat appearsto be relevant to the domain,but is not relevant whenthe larger context of the text is taken into account. Byemployinga text classification algorithmat the front end, wecouldeasethe burdenon the informationextraction systemby filtering out manyirrelevant texts that mightlead it astray. Motivated by our new found appreciation for text classification, webeganworkingon this task using the MUC-4 corpus as a testbed. The MUC-4 corpus consists of 1700texts in the domainof Latin Americanterrorism, as well as a set of templates(answerkeys)for eachof the texts. Thesetexts weredrawnfroma databaseconstructed and maintained by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) of the U.S. governmentand comefrom variety of newssourcesincludingwire stories, transcripts of speeches,radio broadcasts, terrorist communiquts, and interviews (see [MUC-4Proceedings 1992]). The templates(answerkeys)weregeneratedby the participants of MUC-3 and MUC-4. Eachtemplate contains the correct informationcorresponding to a relevant incident described in a text, i.e. the informationthat shouldbe extractedfor the incident.If a text describesmultiplerelevantincidents, then the answer keys contain one template for each incident; if a text describesno relevant incidentsthen the answerkeys contain only a dummy template for the text with no information inside. For the purpose of text classification, weuse these answerkeys to determinethe correct relevancyclassification of a text. If wefind any filled templatesamongthe answerkeysfor a text then we knowthat the text containsat least onerelevant incident. However,if wef’mdonly a dummy templatethen the text contains no relevant incidents andis irrelevant. Roughly 50%of the texts in the MUC.4 corpusare relevant. 1Althoughour text classification algorithmrelies on the sentenceanalyzer, a completenatural languageprocessing system usually has additional components, such as discourseanalysis, that wouldnot needto be applied. RelevancyDiscriminationsandSelective ConceptExtraction During the course of MUC-3 and MUC..4,we manually skimmedhundreds of texts in an effort to better understandthe informationextraction task andto carefully monitor the performanceof our system. As we scanned the texts, wenoticed that sometexts are mucheasier to classify than others. Althoughthe MUC-4 domainis Latin Americanterrorism, an extensive set of domainguidelines specifies the details of the domain.For example,events that occurred more than 2 monthsbefore the wire date, generaleventdescriptions, andincidentsthat involveonly military targets were not considered to be relevant incidents. Therewill alwaysbe sometexts that are difficult to classify becauseof exceptionsor becausethey fall into gray areas that are not coveredby the domainguidelines. But despite detailed criteria, manyrelevant texts can be identified quickly andaccurately becausethey contain an event description that clearly falls within the domain guidelines.Often, the presenceof a key phraseor sentence is sufficient to confidentlyclassify a text as relevant. For example, the phrase "was assassinated" almost always describes a terrorist event in the MUC-4corpus. Furthermore,as soonas a relevant incident is identified, the text can be classified as relevant regardless of what appears in the remainderof the text. Therefore, oncewe hit on a key phraseor sentence, wecan completelyignore the rest of the text~2 This propertymakesthe techniqueof selective conceptextractionparticularlywell-suitedfor the task of relevancydiscriminations. Selective concept extraction is a form of sentence analysis realized by the CIRCUS parser [Lehnert 1990]. Thestrength behind selective concept extraction is its ability to ignorelarge portionsof text that are not relevant to the domain while selectively bringing in domain knowledgewhena key word or phrase is identified. In CIRCUS, selective conceptextraction is achievedon the basis of a domain-specific dictionaryof conceptnodesthat are used to recognize phrases and expressions that are relevant to the domainof interest. Conceptnodesare case framesthat are triggered by individual lexical items but activated only in the presence of specific linguistic expressions. For example, in our dictionary the word "dead" triggers two concept nodes: $found-dead-pass$ and $1eft.dead$.Whenthe word"dead"is found in a text, both conceptnodes are triggered. However,$found-deadpass$is activated only if the wordpreceding"dead"is the verb "found" and the verb appears in a passive construction. Similarly, the conceptnode $1eft-dead$is activated only if the word"dead"is precededby the verb 2Thisis not alwaysthe case, particularly whenthe domain description contains exceptions such as the ones mentioned above. Our approach assumes that these exceptionalcases are relatively infrequentin the corpus. "left" and the verb appears in an active construction. Therefore, at most one of these concept nodes will be activated dependingupon the surrounding linguistic context. In general, ff a sentence contains multiple triggering words then multiple concept nodes maybe activated; however,ff a sentencecontains no triggering wordsthen no output is generated for the sentence. The UMass/MUC-4 dictionary wasconstructed specifically for MUC-4 and contains 389 concept node definitions (see [Lehnertet al. 1992]for a description of the UMass/MUC4 system). RelevancySignatures Aswenoted earlier, manyrelevant texts can be identified by recognizing a single but highly relevant phrase or expression, e.g. "X wasassassinated". However,keywords are often not enoughto reliably identify relevanttexts. For example,the word"dead"is a very strong relevancycue for the terrorism domainin somecontexts but not in others. Phrasesof the form"<person>wasfound dead"are highly associated with terrorism in the MUC-4 corpus because"founddead"has an implicit connotationof foul play; in fact, every text in the MUC-4 corpusthat contains an expression of this form is a relevant text. However expressionsof the form"left <number> dead", as in "the attack left 49 dead", are often used in military event descriptionsthat are not terrorist in nature.Thereforethese phrasesare not highlycorrelatedwithrelevant texts in the MUC-4 corpus. As a consequence,the keyword"dead" is not a goodindicator of relevanceon its own,eventhough certain expressions containing the word"dead"are very strong relevancycues that can be usedreliably to identify relevanttexts. In previous work, we introduced the notion of a relevancy signature to recognize key phrases and expressionsthat are strongly associatedwith relevancefor a domain.As/&natureis a pair consistingof a lexical item anda conceptnodethat it triggers, e.g. <placed,$1oc-valpass-IS>. Together, this pair recognizes the set of expressionsof the form: "<weapon> <auxiliary>placed", such as, "a bombwas placed" or "dynamitesticks were placed". The word "placed" triggers the concept node $1oc.vai.pass.l$whichis activatedonly if it appearsin a passive construction and the subject of the clause is a weapon.Note that different wordscan trigger the same concept node and the same word can trigger multiple conceptnodes. For example,the signature <planted, $1ocval-pass-l$> recognizespassive consn’uctionssuch as "a bombwasplanted" and <planted, $1oc-va!-15>recognizes active constructions such as "the terrorists planted a bomb".Finally, relevancysignaturesare signatures that are highly correlated with relevant texts in a training corpus. Thepresenceof a single relevancysignature in a text is often enough to classify the text as relevant. In a set of experimentswith the MUC-3 corpus [Riloff and Lehnert 1992], we showedthat relevancy signatures can be highly effective at identifying relevant texts with high precision. However,wenoticed that manyof their 92 errors weredueto relevancyclassifications that depended uponadditional context surroundingthe key phrases. For example,two very similar sentences (1) "a civilian was killed by guerrillas" and (2) "a soldier was killed guerrillas" are representedby the samesignature <killed, Skill-pass.IS>. However, (1) describesa relevant incident and (2) does not becauseour domaindefinition specifies that incidents involvingmilitary targets are not acts of terrorism. Relevancy signatures alone cannot make distinctions that dependon the slot fillers inside the conceptnodes, suchas the victimsandperpetrators. Withthis in mind, weextendedour workon relevancy signatures by augmenting themwith slot rifler information from inside the concept nodes. Whereas relevancy signatures represent the existence of concept nodes, augmentedrelevancy signatures represent entire concept node instantiations. Theaugmentedrelevancy signatures algorithm[Riloff and Lehnert 1992] classifies texts by looking for both a strong relevancy signature and a reliable slot filler inside the conceptnode. For example, "a civilian waskilled" activates a murderconcept node that extracts the civilian as its victim. Theaugmented relevancy signatures algorithm will classify this as a highly relevant expressiononly if its signature <killed, Skill-pass-IS>is highlycorrelated with relevanceand its slot filler (the civilian victim)is highlycorrelated with relevanceas well. Additional experiments with augmentedrelevancy signatures demonstrated that they can achieve higher precision text classification than relevancysignatures alone [Riloff and Lehnert 1992]. However,augmented relevancysignatures can still fall short whenrelevancy discriminationsdependon multipleslot Idlers in a concept node or on information that is scattered throughout a sentence. Furthermore, somerelevant sentences do not contain any key phrases that are highly associated with relevance for a domain.Instead, a sentence maycontain manypieces of information,noneof whichis individually compelling,but whichin total clearly describe a relevant incident. For example,considerthis sentence: Police sourceshaveconfirmedthat a guerrilla waskilled and two civilians were woundedthis morningduring an attack by urbanguerrillas. This sentenceclearly describesa terrorist incident even thoughit does not contain any key wordsor phrases that are highly indicative of terrorism individually. The important action words, "killed", "wounded", and "attack", all refer to a violent eventbut not necessarilya terrorist event; e.g., peopleare often killed, wounded, and attacked in military incidents (whichare prevalentin the MUC-4 corpus). Similarly, "guerrillas" is a reference to terrorists but "guerrillas" are mentioned in manytexts that do not describe a specific terrorist act. Collectively, however, the entire contextclearly depicts a terrorist event becauseit containsrelevant action words,relevant victims (civilians), andrelevant perpetrators(guerrillas). We all of this informationto concludethat the incident is relevant. These observations promptedus to pursue a different approachto text classification using case-based reasoning.Byrepresentingthe contexts of entire sentences with cases, wecan beginto addre.~manyof the issues that wereout of our reach usingonly relevancysignatares. (1) $DESTRUCTION-PASS.I$ (u’iggered by destroyed) TARGET ffi twovehicles (2) $DAMAGE-PASS-I$ (u’iggered by damaged) TARGET = an un/dent0~ed office of the agricultureand livestockministry (3) $WEAPON-BOMB$ (uiggered by bombs) Case-based Text Classification The motivation behind our case-based approach is twofold: (I) to moreaccurately classify texts and (2) classify texts that are inaccessible via techniquesthat focus only on key wordsor phrases. Wewill present the CBR algorithmin several steps. First, wedescribe our case representation and explain howwegenerate cases from texts. Second,we introduce the concept of a relevancy index and showhowthese indices allow us to retrieve cases that mighthave beeninaccessible via key wordsor phrasesalone. Andfinally, wepresent the details of the algorithmitself. The Case Representation Werepresent a text as a set of cases using the following procedure. Givena text to classify, we analyze each sentenceusing CIRCUS and collect the conceptnodes that are producedduring sentence analysis. Thenwecreate a case for eachsentenceby mergingall of the conceptnodes producedby the sentenceinto a single structure. Acase is represented as a frame with rive slots: signatures, perpetrators, victims, targets, and instruments. The signatures slot contains the signatures associated with each concept node in the sentence. The remainingfour slots represent~e slot fillers that werepickedupby these concept nodes: Although the concept nodes extract specific strings fromthe text, e.g. "the guerrillas", a case retains only the semanticfeatures of the fillers, e.g. terrorist,in order to generalizeover the specific strings that appearedin the text. Asamplesentence, the concept nodes producedby the sentence, and its corresponding case are shownbelow: Theseconceptnodesresult in the followingcase: CASE SIGNATURES = (<destroyed, $destruetion-pass-l$> <damaged, $damage-pass-l$> <bombs, $weapon-bomb$>) PERPETRATORS = nil VICTIMS ffi nil TARGETS= (govt-office-or-residence t ransport-vehicle) INSTRUMENTS= (bomb) Notethat our case representationdoes not preservethe associations betweenthe conceptnodesand their fillers, e.g. the case doesn’t tellus whetherthe govt-office-orresidence was damaged and the transport-vehicle destroyedor vice versa. Wepurposely disassociated the fillers fromtheir conceptnodes so that wecan look for associations betweenconceptnodes and their ownfillers as well as riflers fromother conceptnodes. For example, every case in our case base that contains the signature <killing, $ m u r d e r - 1 $ > and a govt-office-orresidence target camefrom a relevant text. The word "killing" doesnot necessarilydescribe a terrorist event, but if the incident also involves a govt-office-orresidence target 4 then the target seems to provide additional evidence that suggests terrorism. But only humantargets can be murdered, so the concept node $murder-l$ will never contain any physical targets. Therefore, the govt-office-or-residence must have been exwactedby a &’fferent conceptnodefrom elsewhere in the sentence. Theability to pair slot fillers with any Twovehicles weredestroyed andanunidentified oJflce of signature allows us to recognize associations that may theagriculture andlivestock ministry washeavily exist betweenpieces of informationfromdifferent parts of damaged following theexplosion oftwobombs yesterday the sentence. afternoon. Relevancy Indices This sentencegeneratesthree conceptnodes: Sincea text is representedas a set of cases, our goalis to determineif anyof its cases are relevant to the domain. Wewill deema case to be relevant if it is similar to other 3Wechose these four slots becausethe conceptnodes in cases in the case base that werefoundin relevant texts. our UMass/MUC-4 system [Lehnenet al. 1992] use these However,an individual case contains manysignatures and four types of slots to extract informationaboutterrorism. slot fillers that couldbe usedto indexthe casebase. It is In general, a case shouldhaveone slot for each possible unlikely that wewill find manyexact matchesby indexing type of conceptnodeslot. on all of these features, so weuse the notionof a relevancy 4Government officials and facilities are frequently the targets of terrorist attacks in the MUC-4 corpus. 93 indexto retrieve cases that shareparticular propertieswith the currentcase. A relevancyindexis a triple of the form: <signature,slot filler pair, caseoutline>.Aslot frier pair consists of a slot nameand a semanticfeature associated withlegitimateslot fillers for the slot, e.g. (perpetrators terrorist).Acase outline is a list of slots in the case that have fillers. For example, the case outline (perpetratorsvictims)meansthat these twoslots are filled but the remainingslots, targets andinstruments,are not. Thesignatureslot is alwaysf’flled so wedo not includeit as part of the caseoutline. This index represents muchof the context of the sentence. Asweexplainedearlier, a signature representsa set of phrases that activate a specific conceptnode. By indexing on both a signature and a slot filler, weare retrieving cases that representsimilar phrasesandsimilar slot fillers. Intuitively, this meansthat the retrievedcases share both a keyphraseanda keypiece of informationthat wasextracted fromthe text. Theability to index on both signatures and slot fillers simultaneouslyallows us to recognizerelevant cases that mightbe missedby indexing on only one of them. For example, the word "assassination" is highly indicative of relevancein our domainbecause assassinations in Latin Americaare almost always terrorist in nature. However,the word "assassination"by itself is not necessarilya goodkeyword because manytexts contain generic references to an assassination but do not describe a specific event. Thereforewealso needto knowthat the text mentioneda specific victim, althoughalmostanyreferenceto a victim is goodenough.Evena vaguedescriptionof a victim such as "a person"is enoughto confidentlyclassify the text as relevant becausethe word"assassination" carries so much weight.Onthe other hand,a phrasesuchas "the killing of a person" is not enoughto classify a text as relevant because the word "killing" is not a strong enough relevancycue for terrorism to offset the vaguenessof the victimdescription. Similarly, someslot fillers are highly indicative of relevance in the MUC-4 corpus regardless of the event type. For example, whena governmentofficial is the victimof a crimein Latin America,it is almostalwaysthe result of a terrorist action. Of course, every mentionof a governmentofficial in a text does not signal relevance althoughalmostanyreference to a government official as the victim of a crimeis generally goodenough.Therefore a phrase such as "a governmentofficial was killed" is enoughto confidentlyclassify a text as relevant because government officials are so often the victimsof terrorism. Alternatively,a phrasesuchas "a personwaskilled" is not enoughto classify a text as relevantsince the personcould havebeenkilled in manywaysthat hadnothing to do with terrorism. The augmentedrelevancysignatures algorithm also classifies texts on the basis of bothsignaturesandslot fillers, but boththe signatureandslot filler mustbe highly correlated with relevance independently. As a result, augmented relevancy signatures cannot recognize relationshipsin whicha signature andslot filler together 94 represent a relevant situation eventhoughoneor both of them are not highly associated with relevance by themselves. Finally, the third part of a relevancyindex is the case outline. Acase outline representsthe set of slots that are filled in a case. Thepurposeof the caseoutline is to allow different signatures to require varying amounts of information. For example, some words such as "assassination" are so strongly correlated with relevance that we don’t need much additional information to confidentlyassumethat it refers to a terrorist event. Aswe described above, the presence of almost any victim is enoughto implyrelevance.In particular, wedon’t needto verify that the perpetrator was a terrorist -- the connotationsassociated with "assassination" are strong enoughto makethat assumptionsafely. However,other words,e.g. "killed", donot necessarilyrefer to a terrorist act andare often usedin genericeventdescriptionssuchas "manypeople have been killed in the last year". The presence of a perpetrator, therefore, can signal the difference betweena specific incident anda generalevent description. Toillustrate the powerof the case outline, consider the followingstatistics drawnfroma case base constructedfrom1500texts. Weretrieved all cases from the case base that contained the following relevancy indices andcalculatedthe percentageof the retrievedcases that camefromrelevant texts: (<assassination, $murder-l$>, (victimscivilian), (victilTIS)) 100% (<killed, Skill-pass-IS>, (victims civilian), (victims)) 68% (<killed, Skill-pass.IS>, (victims civi’l Jan), (victimsperpetrators)) 100% Thesestatistics clearly showthat the "assassination"of civilian victims(s) is strongly correlated with relevance (100%)even without any reference to a perpetrator. But texts that contain civilian victim(s) whoare "killed" are not highly correlated with relevance(68%)since the word "killed" is muchless suggestive of terrorism. However, texts that contain civilian victim(s) whoare "killed" and namea specific perpetrator are highly correlated with relevance (100%). To reliably depend on the word "killed", the presenceof a known perpetratoris critical. By combininga signature, slot filler pair, and case outline into a single index, weretrieve cases that share similar key phrases,at least onesimilar piece of extracted information, and contain roughly the same amountof information. However, most cases contain many signatures and manyslot fillers so weare still ignoring manypotentially importantdifferences betweenthe cases. The CBRalgorithm described belowshowshowwe try to ensurethat these differencesare not likely to be important by (1) relying onstatistics to assureus that we’vehit on highly reliable index and (2) employing secondary signature andslot filler checksto ferret out any obvious irrelevancycues that mightturn an otherwiserelevant case into an irrelevantone. The Case-Based Text Classification Algorithm A text is representedas a set of eases, one case for each sentence that produced at least one concept node. To classify a text, weclassify eachof its casesin turn until we find a case that is deemedto be relevant or until we exhaustall of its cases. Assoonas weidentify a relevant case, weimmediately classify the entire text as relevant. Thestrengthof the algorithm,therefore,rests on its ability to identify a relevant case. Weclassify a case as relevant if andonlyif the followingthree conditionsare satisfied: Condition1: Thecase containsa strong relevancyindex. Condition2: Theease doesnot haveany "bad"signatures. Condition3: Thecasedoesnot haveany"bad"slot fillers. Condition1 is the heart of the algorithm;conditions2 and 3 are merely secondarychecks to recognize irrelevancy cues, i.e. signatures or slot fillers that mightturn an otherwiserelevant case into an irrelevant one. We’llgive someexamplesof these situations later. First, we’ll explain howweuse the relevancyindices. Givena target case to classify, wegenerateeachpossible relevancyindex for the caseand, for eachindex,retrieve all casesfromthe case base that share the sameindex. Thenwecalculate two statistics over the set of retrieved cases: [I] the total numberof retrieved cases (N) and [2] the number retrieved cases that are relevant (FIR). Theratio of NR/N gives us a measureof the associationbetweenthe retrieved cases and relevance, e.g..85 means that 85%of the retrievedcases are relevant. If this relevancyratio is high then we assumethat the index is a strong indicator of relevance and therefore the target case is likely to be relevant as well. Morespecifically, weuse twothresholds to determine whether the retrieved cases satisfy our relevancy criteria: a relevancy threshold (R) and a minimum numberof occurrences threshold (M). If the ratio (NR/N) >= R and N >= Mthen the cases, and thereforethe relevancyindex, satisfy Condition1. Thesecondthreshold, M,is necessarybecausewemust retrieve a reasonably large numberof cases to feel confidentthat our statistics are meaningful.Eachcase in the case base is tagged with a relevancyclassification denotingwhetherit wasfoundin a relevant or irrelevant text. However,this classification does not necessarily applyto the case itself. If the case is taggedas irrelevant (i.e., it wasfoundin an irrelevanttext), thenthe caseitself must be irrelevant. However,if the case is tagged as relevant(i.e., it wasfoundin a relevanttext) thenwecan’t he sure whetherthe case is relevant or not. It mightvery well be a relevant case. Onthe other hand, it could be an irrelevant case that happenedto be in a relevant text becauseanother case in the text wasrelevant. This is a classic exampleof the credit assignmentproblemwhere 95 weknowthe correct classification of the text but do not know which case(s) were responsible for that classification. Because of the fuzziness associated with the case classifications, wecannotrely on a single case or evena smallset of cases to give us defmitiveguidance.Therefore wecannotmerelyretrieve the mostsimilar case, or a small set of extremely similar cases, as do manyother CBR systems.Instead, weretrieve a large numberof eases that share certain features with the target case and rely on the statistical propertiesof these casesto tell us whetherthese featuresarc correlatedwith relevance.If a high percentage of the retrieved cases are classified as relevant, then we assumethat these common features are responsible for their relevanceandweshouldthereforeclassify the target case as relevantas well. Finally, twoadditional conditionsmustbe satisfied by the target case beforeweclassify it as relevant. Conditions 2 and 3 makesure that the case doesnot containany "bad" signaturesor slot fillers that mightindicatethat the caseis irrelevant despite other apparentlyrelevant information. For example, the MUC-4 domainguidelines dictate that specific terrorist incidents are relevant but general descriptions of incidents are not. To illustrate the difference, the following sentence is irrelevant to our domainbecause it contains a summarydescription of manyevents but does not describe anysingle incident: Morethan 100 people havedied in Peru since 1980, when the Maoist Shining Path organization beganits attacks andits waveof political violence. CASE SIGNATURES = (<died, $die$> <wave, $generic-event-marker$> <attacks, $attack-noun-l$>) PERPETRATORS = nil VICTIMS ffi (human) TARGETS = nil INSTRUMENTS = nil However a similar sentenceis relevant: Morethan 100 people have died in Peruduring 2 attacks yesterday. CASE SIGNATURES = (<died, Sdle$> <attacks, Sattack-noun-l$>) PERPETRATORS = nil VICTIMS= (human) TARGETS ffi nil INSTRUMENTS ffi nil Thesesentences generate almost identical cases except that the first sentencecontainsa signaturefor a $genericevent-markerS triggered by the word "wave" and the secondone does not. Oursystemrelies on a small set of special conceptnodeslike this one to recognizetextual cues that signal a generalevent description. Thepresence of this single concept node indicates that the case is irrelevant, even though the rest of the case contains perfectly good information that would otherwise be relevant. Condition 2 of the algorithm recognizes signatures for conceptnodes, such as this one, that are only weaklycorrelated with relevanceand therefore might signalthat the caseis irrelevant. Similarly, a single slot filler can turn an otherwise relevant case into an irrelevant one. For example, according to the MUC-4domain guidelines if the perpetratorof a crimeis a civilian thenthe incidentis not terrorist in nature. Thereforean incident with a terrorist perpetrator is relevant eventhougha similar incident with a civilian perpetrator is irrelevant. Condition3 of the algorithmrecognizesslot f’dlers that are weaklycorrelated with relevanceandtherefore mightindicate that an event is irrelevant. Weuse two additional thresholds, Isig and Islet, to identify "bad" signatures and slot filler§. To evaluate condition 2, for each signature in the target case, we retrieve all cases that also contain that signature and computeNRand N. If the ratio (NR/N)>= Isig and N Mthen the cases satisfy Condition 2. T6 evaluate Condition 3, for eachslot f’fller in the case, weretrieve all cases that also containthat slot filler andthe samecase outline. Similarly, wecomputeNRand Nfor the retrieved cases andif the ratio (NR/N)>=Islet andN >=Mthen the cases satisfy Condition3. Conclusions wehave conducted preliminary experiments to compare the performanceof case-based text classification with relevancysignatures. Usinga case base containing 7032 cases derivedfrom1500training texts andtheir associated answer keys from the MUC-4corpus, we applied the algorithmto two blind test sets of 100texts each. These are the sametest sets, DEV-0401 and DEV-0801, that we used to evaluate the performanceof relevancysignatures [Riloff and Lehnert1992]. Themostnotable improvement wasthat our case-based algorithm achieved muchhigher precision for DEV-0801:for someparameter settings, case-basedtext classification correctly identified 41%of the relevant texts with 100%precision, whereas augmentedrelevancysignatures could correctly identify only 8%of the relevant texts with 100%precision and relevancy signatures alone could not obtain 100% precision on this test set at all. Performance on the other test set, DEV-0401, was comparablefor both augmented relevancysignatures andthe case-basedalgorithm,beth of whichslightly outperformedrelevancysignatures alone. Wesuspectthat weare seeinga ceiling effect on this test set since all of the algorithmsdo extremelywellwithit. Our workdiffers frommanyCBRsystemsin that wedo not retrieve a single best case or a fewhighlysimilar cases and apply themdirectly to the newcase (e.g., [Ashley 96 1990; Hammond 1986]). Instead, we retrieve a large numberof cases that share specific features with the new caseanduse the statistical propertiesof the retrievedcases as part of a classification algorithm.MBRtalk [Stanfill and Waltz 1986] and PRO[Lehnert 1987] are examples of other systems that have workedwith large case bases. MBRtalk is similar to manyCBRsystemsin that it applies a similarity metricto retrieve a fewbest matches(10) and uses these cases to determine a response. PRO,on the other hand,is closer in spirit to our approachbecauseit relies on frequencydata from the case base to drive the algorithm. PRObuilds a networkfromthe entire case base and applies a relaxation algorithm to the network to generatea response.Theactivation levels of certain nodes in the networkare based upon frequency data from the case base. Although both PROand our system rely on statistics fromthe case base, our approachdiffers in that wedependon the statistics, not only to find the best response,but also to resolve the credit assignmentproblem becausethe classifications of our cases are not always certain. Finally, our case-basedtext classification algorithmis domain-independent so the systemcan be easily scaled up and ported to new domains by simply extending or replacingthe case base. Togeneratea case base for a new domain, CIRCUS needs a domain-specific dictionary of conceptnodes. Givena training corpusfor the domain,we have shownelsewhere that the process of creating a domain-specific dictionary of concept nodes for text extraction can be successfully automated[Riloff 1993; Riloff and Lehnert 1993].5 However,our approach does assumethat the lexiconcontainssemanticfeatures, at least for the wordsthat can be legitimate slot fillers for the conceptnodes. Givenonly a set of training texts, their correct relevancyclassifications, and a domain-specific dictionary, the case base is acquiredautomaticallyas a painlessside effect of sentenceanalysis. Weshould also point out that this approachdoes not dependon an explicit set of domainguidelines. The case base implicitly captures domainspecifications whichare automatically derived from the training corpus. This strategy simplifies the job of the knowledgeengineer considerably. Thedomainexpert only needsto generate a training corpusof relevantandirrelevant texts, as opposed to a complexset of domainguidelinesand specifications. As storage capacities grow and memorybecomes cheaper,webelieve that text classification will becomea central problem for an increasing numberof computer applications and users. Andas moreand moredocuments becomeaccessible on-line, weexpect that high-precision text classification will become paramount. Using relevancyindices, weretrieve texts that share similar key 5Although the special conceptnodesusedto identify "bad" signatures for condition 2 are an exception. Theconcept nodes that weacquire automatically are not designedto recognizeexpressionsthat arc negativelycorrelated with the domain. phrases,at least onesimilar pieceof extractedinformation, and contain roughly the same amountof information. We are encouragedby our results so far whichdemonstrate that these rich natural languagecontexts can be used to achieveextremelyaccuratetext classification. Acknowledgments Theauthor wouldlike to thank Claire Cardie and Wendy Lehnertfor providinghelpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. This research wassupportedby the Officeof Naval Research Contract N00014-92-J-1427and NSF Grant no. EEC-9209623,State/Industry/University CooperativeResearchon Intelligent InformationRetrieval. Bibliography Ashley, K. 1990. ModellingLegal Argument:Reasoning with Cases and Hypotheticals. Cambridge,MA.The MIT Press. Hammond,K. 1986. CHEF: A Model of Case-Based Planning.In Proceedingsof the Fifth NationalConference on ArtO~cialIntelligence, pp. 267-271.MorganKaufmann. Lehnert, W. G. 1987. Case-BasedProblemSolving with a Large Knowledge Base of LearnedCases. In Proceedings of the Sixth NationalConference onArtificial Intelligence, pp. 301-306. MorganKaufmann. Lehnert, W. G. 1990. 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