From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-03. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ON THE UTILITY REDUNDANCY OF SYSTEMATICITY: AND COMMITMENT IN UNDERSTANDING TRADEOFFS BETWEEN PARTIAL-ORDERING PLANNING Subbarao Kambhampati* Departmentof ComputerScience and Engineering, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-5406, Emaih 1. INTRODUCTION Althoughthe idea of generatingplans throughnonlinear or partially ordered partially instantiated (POPI) planningI has been around for almost twenty years, it is only recently that the search space characteristics of POPIplanners have received particular attention. A big thrust in this workhas been on reducing the redundancy in the search space of POPIplanners. This was largely motivated by the belief that redundancyreduction will lead to improvements in planning efficiency[10, 8]. Oneapproach towards redundancy elimination, that turned out to be particularly influential (as evidencedbyseveral closely related extensions[8, 18, 16, 2, 17]), was that of McAllester’s[8]. McAllestershowedthat it is possible to design a POPIplanner that is systematic in the strong sense that it never visits two equivalent plans or plans having overlapping linearizations. Suchsystematic planners were claimed to be more efficient than planners that admit redundancyin their search space. Whilesearch space redundancyis an important factor affecting the efficiency of a P O PI planner, another (perhaps) equally important one is the level of commitment in the planner. After all, avoiding premature commitmentwas one of the primary motivations for POPIplanning. There is a tradeoff between the redundancy elimination and least commitment,in that often the redundancyis eliminated at the expense of increased commitmentin the planner. For example,McAllester’s planner achieves systematicity by keepingtrack of the causal structures of the plans generatedduring search, and ensuring that each branch of the search space commits to and protects mutuallyexclusive causal structures for the partial plans. Wewill see that such protection amountsto a strong formof premature commitment,which increases the amountof backtracking as well as the solution depth, and can have an adverse effect on the performanceof the planner. In this paper we shall argue that the performance of a POPI planner dependsmoreclosely on the wayit deals with the tradeoff between redundancy and commitment,than with the systematicity of its search. Wewill start with a rational reconstruction of the motivations behind systematicity in POPIplanning and show that systematicity is just one extremesolution for the tradeoff between redundancyand commitment.Wewill show that there are a spectrumof solutions to this tradeoff, and identify the dimensions along whichthey vary. Wewill explore the relative utility of the different solutions through a comparativestudy of seven planners that fall at different points on the spectrum.Ourstudies showthat *This research is supportedin part by NationalScienceFoundation undergrant ]RI-9210997. WethankSteveMinion,AustinTare, MadcPeot, Will Harvey,DavidMcAllesterand DanWeldfor helpful comments. 1Throughout this paper, we shall use the term POPIplanningrather than nonlinearplanning,as the formeravoids confusionwith iinearity assumption. 67 both SNLP- which concentrates on redundancy elimination, and TWEAK [1 ] - which concentrates on least commitment,could be very inefficient. They also showthat the planners that strike a more judicious balance between redundancy and commitmentcan outperform both less committed,and more systematic planners. Organization: The paper is organized as follows: The rest of this section presents some terminology for POPI planning. Section 2. reviews the motivations behind systematic nonlinear planning, and brings out the tradeoff between redundancyand commitment. Section 3. describes seven different planners, whichbetweenthem take a spectrum of approaches for dealing with the redundancycommitment tradeoff, and analyzes their effectiveness. Section 4. supports the analysis through an empirical comparisonof the seven planners. Section 5. summarizesthe contributions of this paper and discusses relations to past work. Terminology: Many POPI planners use causal links (also knownas protection intervals, we shall use these namesinterchangeably) to systematize the planning process (see below). say that ‘5 ~ w is a generalized (multi-contributor) causal link P if the step w and the set of steps ‘5 (called the contributor set) belong to ~’, such that all the steps in S are ordered to precede w and each of them is capable of giving the precondition p to w. Given a step v, and causal link S ~ w of the plan P such that Vs E ,5 <>(s -.4 v -4 w), v is called a negative threat for the causal link if v deletes p. v is called a positive threat for the causal link if v adds p. A plan 7’ is provablycorrect if there is a causal link supporting each of the prerequisites of the plan, and none of the causal links haveany negative threats.2 Theset of causal links of a (partial) plan is also referred to as its causal or establishmentstruc¯ . ture. Acausallink,5 v wof a plan ~ Is¯ said to be exhaustive(c.f. [4]), if for every groundlinearization ~’ of 7~, some step s’ E,5 will be the last step precedingw that gives p in that linearization. It is easy to see that a correct plan with exhaustive causal links, none of the causal links will havepositive or negative threats. If every causal link of a plan has a singletoncontributor set (i.e., 1,5[ = 1), then the plan is said to havesingle contributorcausal sla’ucture. 2. A RATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF MOTIVATIONS FOR SYSTEMATICITY POPIplanning was motivated by the observation that total ordering planners waste search effort by committingprematurely to the orderings and bindings of the steps. POPIplanners avoid this premature commitmentby keeping plans as partially ordered partiaily instantiated sequencesof actions, and searching in the space of these partial plans. Chapman’sTWEAK truth criterion specifies necessary and sufficient conditions for checkingthe truth of a 2Notethat the converseof this propositionis not tree - there maybe correctplansthat donot satisfy these conditions propositionin a P O P I plan, whichin turn can be used to checkthe correctness of a plan. A plan is said to be complete(or correct) everypreconditionof every action in the plan is necessarily true by MTC.MTC can be used to enumerate all legal ways of refining a plan to makea proposition(that is not necessarilytrue) true. It thus implicitly defines the state space of POPIplans. TWEAK, which searches in this space, is completein the sense that it will eventually generate every legal POPIplan as a result of somesequence of refinementsof the null plan. A major problem with TWEAK is that its search space contains two significant forms of redundancy: 1. Multiple paths to a (complete/incomplete) plan: TWEAK’s search space is a graphrather than a tree - that is, a plan (complete or incomplete) in the search space can be reached through more than one set of refinements of the null plan? 2. (Complete/incomplete) plans with overlapping linearizations in the search space: TWEAK’s search space contains complete/incomplete plans that have overlappinglinearizations. Thefirst type of redundancyis typical of any graph search problems, and is normallyhandled by keeping a closed list and checking for duplicates. Unfortunately, however,this approachtoms out to be infeasible for POPIplanning, both because of the excessive storage requirements, and because of the high cost of duplicate checking (checking for equivalence of two plans involves computing and comparingthe transitive closure of the ordering and binding relations of both the plans, and reduces to graph isomorphism problem). Theinfeasibility of maintaininga closed list forces POPIplanners to do a tree search in a graphical search space, leading to a significant amountof repetition/redundancyin the search [6]. One way of avoiding this redundancyis to equip the planner with a generator that automaticallytraverses the search graph via a spann/ng tree. To see howthis can be done, we first note that part of the duplication comesfrom the in-built redundancyin the planning decisions faced by TWEAK. For example, it can be shownthat any planner that backtracks on operator choices, ordering choices and binding choices can safely ignore goal ordering choices without losing completeness[15,8]. Oncesuch redundant choice points are "cut" from the planner’s search space, the planner can generate all partial plans in its search space in a systematic fashion with the help of protection briervals (or causal links). Protection intervals record the producerconsumerdependencies that have been established by the planner. They allow the planner to keep track of its ownprogress, and to avoid unnecessary undoing of previous establishments or redoing of previously failed establishment structures. The idea of protection intervals has been around from Sussman’s HACKER [19] and Waldinger’s regression planner [21], but was first used in POPI planning by NONLIN [20]. All these planners organize their search in such a waythat in every search branch, the causal links are protected from negative threats. Whensuch protection cannot be enforced by adding ordering/binding constraints to the plan in a given branch, the planner abandonsthat branch (i.e., backtracks). Comingto the second type of redundancymentionedabove, althoughtraversing the search space via a spanningtree ensures that no partial plan is visited twice, it will still not precludevisiting plans having overlapping linearizations. Since the primary motivation for POPIplanning is to speedup TOplanning, rather than to find the least constrained plans, allowingplans with overlapping linearizations into the search space of POPIplans will be tan3Noticethat"cycling"between planstates will not occursince the search operatorsare all refinementoperatorsandgoingbackto a less constrained plan froma moreconstrainedplan requiresretraction. 68 tamount to looking at some TOplans more than once during the search process. To avoid this type of redundancy, the planner needsto restrict its attention to a subset of the plans in its search space, such that every complete TOplan is a linearization of one and only one POPIplan in the search space. In [8] McAllestershowedthat it is possible to write a planner that is systematic in the strong sense that it avoids both types of redundancy discussed above.4 His planner (implemented as SNLPby Barret et. al. [18]) achieves systematicity by using the samecausal link/protection interval based organization of search discussed earlier, but with one extension: Unlike planners such as Nonlinwhichprotect the establishment structures only against possible deleters, SNIPalso protects the establishment structures against possible adders. In the terminology of Section 1., SNLP maintainsexhaustive causal structures and thus avoids both positive and negative threats for every causal link. By doing this, SNLP ensures that at every decision point, the possible completions of a partial plan are split into mutuallyexclusive sets with different causal stnlctures, thereby achievingsystematicity. 2.1. The Tradeoffbetween Redundancy and Commitment In the foregoing we reviewed the motivations and approaches for cutting downredundancy in the search space of POPI planners. Whileredundancyin the search space is an important factor affecting the performanceof a POPI planner, another (perhaps equally) important factor is the level of commilment in the planner. Indeed, as mentionedearlier, the original impetus for POPIplanning was the realization that total ordering planners such as STRIPS[13] committoo soon to specific action orderings. It turns out that all the methods for reducing redundancy that we have discussed above involve a corresponding increase in commitment.For example, although traversing search space via a spanningtree eliminates redundancy, it may not always necessarily improve performance. For one thing, the particular spanningtree that is selected maynot be the best wayof traversing the search space to find the solution? Secondly,using +re threats increases the depth of search- a plan that is complete and correct according to McNonlinand TWEAK 4Thereseemsto be someconfusionregardingthe exact definitionof systematicityusedin McAllester’s paper[8]. McAllesteroriginallymotivates systematicnonlinearplanningby sayingthat it providesa wayof speeding up total orderingplanningby searchingin the spaceof equivalence classes. Underthis motivation,systematicitywouldmeanthat the plannerwill not generateanypartial or completeplanswithoverlappinglinearizations(as describedby the secondtype of redundancy above).Indeed,as discussed in [11], McAllester’s plannerdoeshavethis propertyas longas threat detection is foldedinto childrengeneration.However, McAllesteralso seems to implya different, weaker,notionof systematicityin his sketchyproof of systematicity.According to this notion, a systematicplannerneedonly guaranteethat no completeplans withoverlappinglinearizations is produeed.Notsurprisingly,this definition will holdirrespectiveof whether the threat resolutionis foldedinto childrengeneration,or deferredarbitrarily (see Harveyet. al. for a proof of this). However, underthis notion, the search space of the POPIplanner is no longer boundedfrom above by the searchspaceof corresponding total orderingplanner. Ouroriginal experiments dealt withan implementation of SNLP that resolvesthreats as andwhentheyare detected(as is describedin McAllester’s originalpaper), but wealso repeatedthe experiments with a versionof SNLP that postpones thethreats. SForexample,supposeweare trying to find a plan for achievingthe goals{gl, g2, ¯ "", ft,}. Suppose further that making g,~ tree wouldalso makegl "" "g,-I true. Now,a TWEAK based planner doing breadthfirst searchwouldfind the solutionat level one,ff it looksat all goalorders;and mayhaveto goall the wayto level n of the searchspaceff it doesn’tlookat all goal orders andhappensto select andcommit to the wronggoal order. Pcpi SNLP NONLIN MP MP-I UA NOTWEAK TWEAK Figure 1: A speemunof solutions to the tradeoff between redundancy and commitment in POPI planning maystill needto be refined further to makeit completeand correct 6for SNLP.This inturn increases the cost of planning Moreimportantly,the use of protection intervals and causal links, while systematizing the search, also results in increased commitmentto particular establishment structures. Increased commitment leads to higher backtrackingas well as increased depth of the solution, whichin turn adversely affect the performance.In particular, SNLP’spractice of committing to and protecting establishment slructures could cause cosily backtracking whenthe initial commitment turns out to be wrong. Similarly, SNLP’smaintenanceof exhaustive causal links increases the effective solution depth since it has to consider positive threats in addition to negativethreats. The tradeoff between redundancyand commitmentsuggests that neither SNLPwhich eliminates redundancywithout worrying about commitment, nor TWEAK which guarantees least commitment without worryingabout redundancy,is guaranteed to be efficient all the time. In the next two sections, we will expore this tradeoff further by comparinga specmunof solutions that fall in the middle of SNLP and TWEAK. 3. A SPECTRUM OF SOLUTIONS FOR THE TRADEOFF BETWEEN REDUNDANCY AND COMMITMENT The SNLPand TWEAK planners, discussed in the previous seetion, are in fact just twoextremesin the spectrumof solutions to the tradeoff between redundancy and commitment. Figure 1 shows other soundand completeP O PI planners that fall in the middleof these two extremes.In this section, we will characterize the dimensions along whichthese planners vary, with particular emphasison the waythey deal with redundancy-commitment tradeoff. SNLP, McNonlin, MPand MP-I, the four planners on the bottomleft in Figure 1 use causal links or protection intervals to organize their search. They introduce causal links to support each open condition of the plan, and ensure that none of the causal links are threatened. In each ease, planning is considered completewhen each prerequisite in the plan is supportedby a causal link, and all the causal links are safe (i.e, unthreatened). Theplanners differ only in their definition andtreatment of threatened causal links. Twoof them, SNLPand McNonlin,use the traditional single contributor causal links to guide planning. SNLPconsiders a causal link {s} ~ w to be threatened if there exists a step v of the plan whichis either a positive or a negative threat (see Section 1) 6In fact, it is trivial to comeup withdomains whereSNLP’s obsession withpositivethreats slowsit down drastically.Considera variantof blocks worldwhereeveryaction has additional effects used(?x)for each block ?x that is usedby the action. Suppose weuse the usual blocksworldtest problems,exceptthat weaugmentthe goal state with a bunchof used(?x) assertions. This trivial syntactic changewill leave NONI..IN andTWEAK unaffectedwhiledrastically slowingdownSNLP. This is becauseused(?x) will be madetrue bymanypossibleactionsin the plan andthus causallinks protecting used(?x)will have manypositive threats, whichslow down SNIP,but have no effect on McNonlinand TWEAK 69 7 considers a causal link of the causal link. In contrast McNonlin to be threatened only whenthere exists a step v that is a negative threat. In either case, the link is madesafe by ordering v to come either before s or after w. The other two planners, MPand MP-I, use multi-contributor causal links [4] to guide planning. MPconsiders a causal link S ~ w to be threatened if there exists a step v in the plan whichis either a positive threat or a negative threat to the causal link. The rink is madesafe by ordering v to comeeither after w or before somestep s E S. In addition, if v is adding the condition p, we can also make the link safe by ordering v to come before w and merging v with S. MP-Iconsiders a causal link to be threatened onlywhenthere exists a step v that is a negative threat of the causal link. The causal link is madesafe by either promotingv to come after w or demoting it to comebefore somes E S. Additionally if there exists a step s’ such that it followsv and adds p, then the canal link can also be madesafe by ordering v~ to comebefore w and mergings’ with S. Clearly, the four planners balance the tradeoff betweenredundancy and commitmentin different ways. In particular, SNLPand McNonlinreduce redundancyin the search space by increasing the commitmentto specific contributors, while MPand MP-I reduce commitment to individual contributors at the expense of increased redundancy. MPand SNLPmaintain exhaustive causal structures whichallow themto split the possible partial plans into sets of plans with mutually exclusive establishment structures, there by controlling the redundancyin the search space. However,the same exhaustivenessalso increases effective solution depth, since unlike McNordinand MP-I, MPand SNLPhave to deal with positive as well as negativethreats to the causal links. UA, TWEAK and NGTWEAK, the three planners on the bottom right in Figure 1, do not use causal links (or protection intervals) their search. Thus, they completely eliminate the commitment to contributors. Of these three, TWEAK closely follows the idea of inverting Chapman’s MTC (with the minordifference that it doesn’t use external white-knightsfor declobbering). It is the only planner among the seven that backtracks on goal orderings. NGTWEAK reduces some of the redundancy in the TWEAK search space by avoiding backtracking on goal ordering decisions (similar to the implementation described in [22]). UA[10, 11], reduces the redundancyfurther by maintainingpartial plans that are unambiguous in the sense that each prerequisite in the plan is either necessarily true or necessarily false. UAachieves this by ordering every newly introduced step with respect to all possibly interacting steps. This policy allows UAto eliminate plans with overlappinglinearizations from its search space, but does not ensure systematicity [10]. 4. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TRADEOFF BETWEEN REDUNDANCY AND COMMITMENT To understand howthe various solutions to the tradcoff between redundancy and commitmentaffect the planning efficiency, we performedempirical study on the performanceof the seven planners discussed in the previous section. This section describes the study and analyzesthe results. 4.1. Experimental Setup Our test domains included classical toy-worlds such as blocks world, as well as the synthetic domainsused in Weldet. al.’s work[18]. In this paper, we will concentrate on the results from Weldet. al.’s synthetic domainsand our variants of them, as they provide for a more controlled testing of the tradeoffs. Weldet. 7 McNonlin is a considerablesimplificationof Tate’soriginalimplemen tation of NONLIN[20], whichwasa hierarchicalnonlinearplanner. al.’s original domains include ART-MD and ART-1D (also called DInS1, D1S1 respectively), which are designed to contain easily serializable and laboriously serializable sub-goals respectively. The domainsare defined as: ART-MD Ai prec : Ii add : Gi del : {I, Ij < i} ART-1DAi precond : h add : Gi del : 1i-1 To these, we also added our own variants: ART-MD-RD and ART-1D-RD, which introduce preconditions achieved and deleted by multiple operators. The variants are produced by makingevery even numberedaction require an additional precondition he, delete that precondition and add an additional postcondition hfi s The odd numberedactions similarly require and delete hf and add he. The specification of ART-MD-RD is shown below. ART-1D-RD is produced similarly from ART-1D (Note: although we experimented with ART-MD-NS domainand its variants, space limitations preclude us fromdiscussing the results). even/ Aiprec: h,headd: Gi,hf dei: {Ijlj<i}U{he } oddi Ai prec : ii,hf add : Gi,he del : {l~lj < i} u {hf} In each of the domains, we comparedall seven planners, over solvable problemswith 1 to 8 goals from the set { GI... Gs }. Since the effect of commitment to contributors dependslargely upon the order in whichthe various goals and subgoals are addressedbythe planner, wetested with two types of goal order strategies: strategy L whichis a LIFOstrategy wherea goal andall its reeursive subgoals are addressed before the next higher level goal is addressed; and strategy GbyG,whichis a FIFOstrategy whereall the top level goals are addressed before their subgoals are considered by the planner (strategy L correspondsto a depth-first traversal of the goal-subgoal tree, while strategy GbyGcorrespondsto a breadth-first tmversal). 4.2. Experimental Results and Discussion Wewill describe the experiments in two stages. First, we will concentrate on the comparisonbetweenthe four causal link based planners. This will be followed by a comparison of all seven planners. 4.2.1. Comparisonbetween the Causal Link Based Planners Westarted by comparing the cpu time (in m.sec, on a SUN SPARe-f1),taken by the four causal link based planners for each of the goal ordering strategies in ART-MD and ART-1D respectively. Wefound that there is no appreciable difference in time taken by the planners for solving problemsin these domains(plots omitted due to space limitations). Next, we studied the performanceof these planners in ART-MDRD, and ART-1D-RD domains. Westarted by comparing the sizes of the overall search spaces of all the planners. Theleftmost plot in Figure 2 comparesthe total search space sizes of these four planners for one of the goal orderings. 9 They showthat the four planners have varying amountsof redundancyin the search space, with SNLPhaving the smallest search space, and MP-I having the largest. If the search space size were to be sole indicator of performance, we would expect that SNLPwould perform best, followed by McNonlin, MPand MP-I. Theplots in Figure 2 comparethe performanceof the planners in ART-MD-RD and ART-1D-RDdomains which contain the easily achieved and deleted conditions hfand he. (Fhe missing data points on a plot correspondto the problemsthat couldn’t be solved before the lime bound,whichfor us wasthe time it took for the lisp to run She and hf are supposed to be mnemonicsfor handempty and handfull conditions in the traditional blockswodddomain[13], which are achievedor deletedby manyof the actions in the domain. 9 Thesize of the overallsearchspaceis foundbysetting the rennin a tion conditionfor eachplannerto be uniformlyfalse, thus forcingthe planners to visit everynodemthe searchspacebeforegivingup. 70 out of memoryand fail). A comparison of the numberof partial plans expandedby each of the planners yields very similar patterns. Similar performance was also observed with two other weighted heuristics. Analysts: The behavior of the four causal link based planners in our experimentscan be explained in terms of the tradeoff between redundancy and commitmentthat we discussed earlier. In particular, the near identical performanceof the four planners in the original ART-MD and ART-1Ddomains can be explained by the fact that in these domainseach precondition is ultimately provided by a single action in the plan, and there is no penalty for committing prematurely to that action as the contributor. Premature commitment does hurt performance In ART-x-RD domains, and we find that: MPand MP-I perform better than SNLPand McNonlin in the case of the LIFOgoal ordering strategy L (see plots in Figure 2) even though the latter two search in exponentially smaller search spaces (see plots in Figure 2), with SNLP particular having the smallest search space, as guaranteed by its systematicity property. MP-I and McNonlin perform better than SNLPand MPin the case of GbyGstrategy, even though the former two don’t split their search spaces into brancheswith mutuallyexclusive establishment structures and thus search in more redundant Onceagain, this behavior can be explained in terms of the way each planner handles the tradeoff between redundancy and commitment. Since both MPand MP-I can change their commitment to establishment structures within the same branch, they mayvisit a plan more than once. They thus have larger search spaces compared to SNLP. Moreover, MPand SNLP, which maintain exhaustive causal structures, have smaller search spaces than MP-I and McNonlinrespectively. However,the performance is not directly correlated with the search space size. In the LWOordering strategy L, SNLPand McNonlin are forced to committo a specific contributor for the hf and he subgoals (preconditions) of a top level goal G, before the other top level goals are expanded.Since both hfand he are easily added and deleted by manyactions in the domains,such premature commitmenthas a high probability of being wrong. Since both SNLPand McNonlinprotect causal links to eliminate redundancy, the only waythey can get rid of a wrongcausal link is to backtrack over it (i.e., go over to another branch of the search space). Such backtracking turns out to be very costly in terms of performance. MPand MP-Iavoid problematic backtracking as they can deal with their initial wrongcommitment by mergingadditional contributors m into the contributor list as and whenthey becomeavailable, Premature commitmentturns out to be less of a problem when the FIFOordering strategy GbyGis used, since in this case Gi and h are addressed before hf and he, and each action Ai is capable of giving only one of the goals Gi. Since only the initial state is capable of giving all h, the orderings imposedto deal with the deletions of li’s by individual actions of the plans constrain the t°In view of the note in Section 2. regarding twodifferent notions of systematicity,wehavealso repeatedthese experimentswitha version of SNLPwhichuniformlypostponesresolution of conflicts to the end. Althoughthis version performedslightly better than the original SNLP, therewasnoqualitativechangein the relative performance of the planners. For example,mART-MD-RD with the Lifo goal orderingstrategy, a 5 goal problemis solved by MP(I)in 490 ms, by SNLP in 7180ms, and by the alternative version of SNIPin 3660ms.Both versions of SNLPfail to solvea size 8 problem,whileMP(I)hasno difficulty. 1.0e+06 . i , . , . , r . . . , . . 1,0e+06 1,0e+06 o_.oMp(~) v..vup.t ((;~s~) 1.0~o4 a--aS~(~) o--oNon~(e~) - 1.00+08 ], +%/ 1.0e+04 /’)" o i 1.0e+O1 0 1.0e4~2 i , t , 1’0e+00t.0, 2.0 3.0 t 4.0 8.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Num. ~mlsfromART-MD-RD ,.o.+o, 1+0 1.0~2 3.0 ,/.o ’ ’/.o Num. Goals fromART-MD-RD ,.o,,+o.,.o ’ +’.o ’ ,to ’ ;.o Num. Goals fromART-1 D-RD Figure 2: Performance of MP, MP-I, SNLPand McNonlin in ART-MD-RD and ART-1D-RD and Domains. The first plot compares the fun search space sizes in ART-MD-RD, and the other two compareperformance on solvable problems in both domains plan enoughso that by the time hf and he are addressed, the only available contributor choice also happensto be the correct choice. Although premature commitment is not a problem, SNLPand MPconsider positive as well as negative threats for causallinks and thus have higher solution depth. In particular, note that plans that are complete for MP-Iand McNonlinmay still need to be refined further to ensure exhaustivenessof their validation structure and thereby make them complete with respect to MPand SNLP.This explains the higher planning cost of SNLPand MPcompared to McNonlinand MP-I respectively. tematicity of its search. Weshowedthat there are a specmmlof solutions to this tradeoff, and identified the type of causal links used (single vs. multi-conlxibutor vs. none), and the level of commitmentto the causal links (exhaustive vs. non-exhaustive)as the important dimensions of variation. Weconducted focused empirical studies to understand howthese different dimensionsaffect the performanceof a planner. Themain objective of the empirical study has been to establish the presence of tradeoffs. Thestudies characterize SNLPand TWEAK as two extreme solutions to the redundancy-commitmenttradeoff, and demonstzate that planners whichstrike a morejudicious balance in this tradcoff can outperfor4.2.2. Comparison between Causal Link based and Nonm both less committed, and more systematic planners. Although causal Link based Planners our empirical studies were mainlydonein artificial domains,we beGiven that the reduced commitment to contributors provided by lieve that the hypotheses regarding tradeoffs betweenredundancy multi-contributor causal links allows themto strike a better balance and commitmentwill also apply to other domains. between redundancyand commitmentthan is the case with single Our studies showthat although the size of the overall search conaibutor causal links, a natural question arises as to whether space is significantly smaller for systematic planners as expected planners that completely avoid causal links strike an even better (see Figure 2), their performance on solvable problems is not balance. To answer this question, we comparedthe performance directly correlated with the search space size (see Figures 2 and of all seven planners shown in Figure 1. The plots in Figure 3 3). This should not be surprising. Thesearch space size will have show the results of these comparisons in ART-MD-RD. a significant bearing on the cost of planning only whenthe solution As expected, both SNLP,which completely eliminates redundandensity is so low that the planner is forced to search a significant cy at the expense of increased commitment, and TWEAK which part of its search space. Howeverin situations involving solvable avoids all forms of commiUnent,fare badiy in this domain. The problems, wherethe solution density is not sufficiently low, the former gets penalized for the overcommitment(especially in the average case performance is influenced more by factors such as LIFOgoal ordering strategy), and the latter gets penalized for the effective depth of the solution and the amountof backtracking excessive redundancy(high branching factor). For the LIFOgoal done by the planner. The latter factors are clearly correlated with ordering strategy, the planners using multi-conlributorcausal links, the planner’s level of commitment,and the extent to which the and those using no causallinks (except TWEAK), do better than the domain penalizes overcommitment. planners using single contributor causal links, including SNLPand Ourconclusions aboveare similar in spirit to Langlcy’s[7] work TWEAK. This can be explained by the fact that LIFOgoal ordering on the comparativeutility of systematic and nonsystematic search heavily penalizes planners that committoo early to specific constrategies. They also have someparallels with the use of macrotributors and protect the commitments.The best performancefor operators to improve performanceof a base-level problem solver both goal orderings is shown by UAand MP-I with NGTWEAK (c.f. [9, 12]). Macropsincrease the effective branching factor comingthird. adding redundancyto the search space of the base level problem solver to reducethe depthof the solution. It is well recognizedthat 5. CONCLUSIONSANDRELATED WORK in most cases the performanceof base level problemsolver declines In this paper we provided a rational reconstruction of the motiwith both complete elimination and indiscriminate accumulation vations for systematicity, and argued that the performance of a of macrops. Best performanceof the base-level problemsolver is POPIplanner is correlated more closely with the wayit balances attained by carefully controlling the accumulationof macrops. In the tradeoff betweenredundancyand commitment,than on the systhe similar vein, MPand MP(I)look at every plan that is visited 71 ~hLIFO{L)Goal OMedng 1.0e+06 1,0e~05 a.~l:Jm.p(L) O--<>t~(L) O---OUP (L) ~F---VMP-I (L) NGTweak (i.) A-mA Twed¢ ~.) ~4~ //.A I 1.0e+04 E o. U ’3 1.0o+03 lE 1.01~2 1.0e~O1 3,0 8.0 7.0 Num. Goals from ART-MO-RD ~io ’ ~Io ’ 7’.o Num. Goals from ART-MD-RD Figure3: Comparison of all seven plannersin ART-MD-RD Domain SNLP, plussomemore.As wehaveseen, this increasedredundancy [12] RJ. Mooney.The effect of role use on the utility of explanation-based learning. In Proceedingsof the I lth IJCAI, pages 725-730,1989. doesprovidethemmoreefficiency undercertainconditions. Ourstudyalso clarifies someof the conjecturesmadein the [13] NJ. Nilsson. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Tioga Publishers, Palo Alto, CA,1980. literatureon the relativeperformance of the causallink-based and non-causal link basedplanners.Theresults in Figure3 showthat [14] J. Pearl. Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving. Addison-Wesley,Reading, Massachusettes (1984). contrary to the conjecture in [8], nonsystematic planners,includ[15] E.ED.Pednanlt. 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