From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-03. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Classical Honeywell Nonlinear Planning in Complex Mark Boddy Systems & Research Center, :]660 Technology Drive Minneapolis, MN 55418 Abstract Classical nonlinear planning has been studied in the abstract since the early 1970’s. More recently, interest has grown in applying these techniques to real problems, or at the least to simplified versions of real problems. In this paper, we explore someof the implications and results of those applications, with an eye to addressing the question of where the main problems lie. What successes have been achieved? What remains to be done? In particular, what fundamental representational or algorithmic issues, if any, need to be addressed before classical planning becomesa useful tool for large, complex, real-world problems? Introduction This paper is primarily a discussion of classical nonlinear planning in complex domains. Our concern is with how the planning problem is changed when we attempt to model more of the characteristics encountered in these domains. Abstraction has both benefits (refining away details to reveal the essential nature of a problem) and disadvantages (some of those details have a profound impact on the nature of the problem). For example, the Blocksworld has proved to be a useful abstraction in which to isolate and examine certain issues in planning. However, as the limitations of the Blocksworld have became apparent, more recent abstract domains (e.g., Tileworld [Philips and Bresina, 1991]) added such complexities as duration and deadlines, events not under the planner’s control, and uncertain action outcomes. Section provides somedefinitions and historical perspective. Wethen investigate the problems caused for planners by the introduction of partially-ordered plans, action durations and deadlines, simultaneous actions, and events not under the agents control. This is not a list of arguments for abandoning classical planning. Quite the contrary: for every difficulty raised here, there is at least a partial solution to the problem. We close with a summary and some recommendations for future work. Domains MN65-2100 Definitions Webegin by defining some terms and providing a limited historical background. A plan is an internal representation of actions an agent may perform to bring about changes in the environment. Representing a plan requires operators: abstract representations of the actions available. Predicting the effects of executing a plan (i.e., performing the corresponding actions) requires some representation of the environment’s state and how that state is modified by the performance of the actions corresponding to the various operators. This prediction is commonly called projection. The effects of actions are frequently modelled as operator poatconditioa8, sometimes specified as add and delete lists of propositions modified by performance of the action. Operator preco~clitions encode the states in which a given action maybe taken and howthe effects of that action depend on the state in which the action is performed. 1 The plannin9 problem starts with an initial state description, and a 9o~1 to be achieved. The goal consists of a set of conditions to be achieved at the end of the plan’s execution. 2 Workon replanning or generative planning adds a pc~rtigl plar~ to be modified so that the goal is achieved. For this paper, I take "classical planning" to be the study of generative methods for solving the planning problem. Included in this definition are specializations such as hierarchical or constraintposting planning. The planner cannot make perfect predictions about the effects of a given plan. This true is independent of any consideration of dynamic domains (e.g., malicious infants knocking over towers of blocks). The issue is purely one of abstraction: any practical model of a physical process omits some details. In order to plan in the classical sense of the term, the planner needs to manipulate models of both the environment and the 1For the moment,we finesse the frame problem and related issues by assuminga STKIPS-rulesemantics on a linear sequenceof completelyspecified operators. aThis definition of a god can be extendedin a straightforward wayto include descriptions of states to be avoided or maintained throughout the plan’s execution. agent’sactions. The moredetails omittedfrom these no possible intervening defeater, thegoalis declared to be satisfied. Thisis notprojection, because wearemakmodels, themoreerrors willoccurin theplanner’s preing onlya localdetermination. No attempthas been dictions. As planners areapplied to morecomplex dowhetherthe preconditions forthe mains,thedomainandactionmodelsrequired to main- madeto determine operator satisfying the goalaretrue.Thisapproach taina reasonable degreeof fidelity becomemorecomsuffices foran environment in whichtheplannerhas plexaswell. complete control overwhathappens: goalscanbe satIn STRIPS[Fikesand Nilsson,1971],statesare represented as listsof predicates andactions aredeisfiedby addinga newoperator or movingexisting operators around. If thereareevents notundertheagent’s scribed by operators including preconditions, addand control, it maynotbe possible to addoperators where deletelists.Theseoperators makeno provision for desired or to forcethenecessary orderings. Thisputs context dependent effects, simultaneous actions, or acbackin theposition of needing projection tion durations.More recently,STRIPSoperators ourplanner in themorecomplete sense. have beenextendedto modelcontext-dependent effects[Pednault, 1988]andadditional inference mechThisresultalsoimplies thatnonlinear planners doanismshavebeenaddedto derivecontext-dependent ingprojection (i.e., thosenotusingsomelocalcriterion effects, e.g.[Wilkins, 1984,AllenandKoomen, 1983]. liketheMTC)areeither solving a hardproblem in some cases,or computing incorrect results in somecases.If Someworkhas beendoneto add duration [Vere,1983, computationally expensive problem instances aresuffiDeand al., 1989, Tats et al., 1992]. The advent of nonlinear planning [Sacerdoti, 1977, ciently rare,thismaybc acceptable. Thepossibility of Tats, 1977] introduced new complications to the probincorrect results is moretroubling. lem of determining the effects of a given plan. WefolIn previouswork[Deanand Boddy,1988],we have low [Minton et al., 1991] in defining nonlinear classical demonstrated thatit is possible to compute an approxplanning to be generative planning that manipulates imation to projection fornonlinear plansin polynomial partially-ordered sets of operators, whether or not the time.Thealgorithm is sound,meaning thatif it says final plan produced is required to be completely orthata factisnecessarily trueata point, thatdetermidered. nationis correct. Theapproximation involved is that thealgorithm is notcomplete: itmayfailto detect the factthatsomefactis necessarily true.s SincethealProjection and Partial Orders gorithm handles negated propositions, it is possible to The original intuition behind nonlinear planning was compute projections involving a fact and its negation the happy thought that we could plan by a process of so as to determine whether a proposition is necessarily adding orderings only as required to ensure that our true at a point, necessarily false at that point, or indeplan has the right effects. This "least commitment" terminately one or the other. Thus, even for planning approach was entended to other forms of constraints problems involving events beyondtheplanner’s control, as the notion of constraint-posting planning was genprojection canbe regarded as a solvedproblem, though eralized to include other aspects of a developing plan onethatrequires a little carein implementation. 4 (e.g., [Stefik, 1981]. Constraint-posting planning can be viewedas an incremental process of eliminating possible Duration and Deadlines plans from a set defined by the current set of constraints by adding additional constraints. For this process to be The fact that actions take time was abstracted out in effective, it must be the case that the planner can dethe earliest domain models. Planners using these modtermine whether or notthereis a planin thecurrent els will be of limited use in domains where synchronizasetofpossibilities thatwillachieve thegoal,or that tion with other events or processes is important. This canbe augmented so thatit willachieve thegoal.If may include such domains as manufacturing planning theplanner cannotconstruct a nontrivial description and scheduling, spacecraft operations, robot planning of theremaining possible plansandhowthatsetwould in any but the most simplified domains, and scheduling be changed by additional constraints, it is essentially distributed problem-solving or other processing. adding constraints arbitrarily soas toobtain a plansufAs mentioned in Section , several planners include ficiently constrained thatit canbe analyzed. Making representations for metric timeandactiondurations. sucharbitrary choices is exactly thekindof behavior In addition, variouspeoplehaveimplemented "temthatthe leastcommitment approachwas intendedto poralreasoning systems" in an attempt to isolate and circumvent. optimize reasoning abouttherelations amongactions, Generating a correct andnon-trivial description of or betweenactionsandotherprocesses [Allen, 1983, theeffects ofa nonlinear planis computationally expensive[Chapman, 1987,DeanandBoddy,1987].One way SThecircumstances underwhich thisalgorithm is incomaround thisdifficulty is to treatplanning as a purely plete aredescribed in[Schrag etal., 1992]. constructive activity. For example, Chapman’s Modal 4Assuming nonlinear plansconsisting of STRIPS operTruthCriterion focuses onlyontheeffects of operators: ators. Itiscertainly possible tocomplicate projection by ifthereis a preceding operator establishing a goal,and adding other features totherepresentation. chical Interval Constraints (HIC). Each HICtype has .................. 1.2................. function defined for calculating bounds on its duration. 0.70 0.70 FigureI: A simpleproblemwithduration andpartial orders For the example in Figure ??, the two activities would be contained in an HIC whose duration was calculated by summingthe duration of the included operators. The problem with this approach is the requirement of a rigid hierarchy. If actions must be ordered for reasons that are not locally determinable (e.g. because of resource conflicts, not because they are sequential steps in some task reduction), this representation will break down. It may be possible to augment Williamson and Hanks’ representation to cope with a limited number of special structures representing such nonlocal information. Simultaneous Actions The general problem of reasoning about the effects of actions, when those effects may depend on what other Dean and McDermott,1987, Arthurand Stillman, actionsoccurred at thesametime,is a computational 1992].Oplan-2contains a separate reasoning module nightmare. Potentially, youneedto construct a descrip(thetimepointnetwork manager) withsimilar function- tionofsimultaneous effects forthepowersetoftheset ality.Thiskindof reasoning tendsto be computation- of operators available to theplanner. Therearea couallyexpensive. Forbin, Deviser, andSipeallsuffer from pleofpossible approaches to representing andreasoning performance problems limiting thesizeof theproblems aboutsimultaneous effects moreefficiently: to whichtheycan be applied. Oplan-2appearsto be ¯ Replaceprojection witha moregeneral representaableto handlelargerproblems thantheotherplanners tionof causality and theevolution of a domainin mentioned here. termsof statevariables [Muscettola, 1990]. Implementing an efficient temporal reasoning system ¯ Restrict the kinds of operator interaction modelled, is not thesolehurdle,however. Addingduration to considering onlyresource usage[Wilkins, nonlinear plansincreases thedifficulty of determining forexample whether or notthecurrent partial plancanbe refined 1988]. intoa planthatwillhavethedesired effects. In fact, Reasoning about resource usage is simpler than the genit becomes difficult to determine simplywhetherthe eral problem of simultaneous effects because the interactions described in thecurrent partial plancaneven actions compose. In other words, it doesn’t matter why be executed. the present current demandis 5 amps. If your task reConsider thesimpleplanfragment in Figure1. There quires 3 amps, the resulting demandis 8 amps. Wecan arctwounordered tasks,eachannotated withan esticertainly construct resource modelsfor which this propmatedduration. If actionscan onlybe takenin seerty does not hold, but from an applications viewpoint, quence, thetwotasksdepicted musteventually be orthe aim is to expand the set of domain characteristics dered.Whentheplannertriesto orderthem,it will we can model, not to prove that the general problem is discover thatneither ordering willwork,because there hard. simply isn’troomforthemto be performed in sequence. In general, determining whether there is an ordering for Summary a set of actions constrained in this way is a hard probIn this paper, we briefly explore some of the modelling lem. and computational problems introduced by augmenting There are two proposed techniques for addressing this problem. The first is 8imulatiom the planner mainour domain models to include additional characteristics of complex domains. The particular characteristics we tains a partial order, and after every modification expends some effort exploring the corresponding set of consider include unordered and simultaneous actions, and duration and deadlines. Webriefly survey some total orders to ensure that there is some feasible toproposed methods for dealing with these issues. It is tal order [Miller, 1985, Muscettola, 1990]. As generally employed, this is a heuristic method: the planner gives not accidental that in doing so we stray in the direcup before exploring the complete set of consistent total tion of scheduling terminology and techniques. It has been clear for some time (certainly the earliest papers orders. Another possible approach is proposed on Forbin in 1985 madethis point) that effective "planning" for real-world domains will require techniques by Williamson and Hanks in [1988]. In this approach, drawn from both the planning and scheduling commuthe partially ordered set of operators is organized into a nities. More people than we have room to cite here hierarchy of abstract operator types, knownas Hierar-