From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-01. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Departmentof Psychology
University of Queensland
QLD4072 Australia
School of ComputerScience and Engineering
University of NewSouth Wales
POBox 1
Kensington NSW2033 Australia
Abstract.This paperpresentsa computational
model,usinga Parallel DistributedProcessingarchitecture, of
the role of memory
retrieval andanalogicalreasoningin creativity. Thememory
modelstores informationas the
tensorproductof up to three vectorsrepresenting,for example,context,cue, andtarget. Themodelcanretrieve
in the formin whichit wasstored, or it canuse twocuesto generatean itemthat has beenseparately
storedwitheachof them,but has neverbeenassociatedwithbothcuesjointly. Thismeansthat the intersectionof
twosets can be computed,withouthavingbeenstored, therebyprovidingfor the generationof novelty. For
are representedas the tensor productof vectorsrepresenting
relations andtheir arguments.
Themodelcan simulatethe transfer of relations fromonedomainto another,as
occursin the creativeuse of analogy.
Twoproperties appear to be essential to creativity. The
fast is novelty,whichmustincludean elementof surprise,
predictable variation being insufficient. Thesecondis
effectiveness,whichmayincludepractical utility, but also
meansthat a coherent set of relations is formedbetween
formerlyunrelated,or differently related, elements.In this
paper wewant to examinetwo psychological processes
that are capableof producingcreativity in this sense. The
first of these is the retrieval frommemory
of ideas, or
itemsof information,that relate formerlyunrelatedthings.
Thesecondis the transfer of relations fromone domainto
an unrelateddomain,a processwhichis normallyidentified
with analogy. Wewill examinecomputationalmodelsof
these processesbased on parallel distributed processing
Theretrieval of an idea that relates formerlyunrelated
things can be illustrated using oneof the practice items
from the RemoteAssociatesTest for creativity (Mednick,
1962). Whatwordrelates "rat", "blue" and "cottage"?
(cheese). Thesewordsare not normallyseen as related, but
all have a commonassociation with cheese. Another
example is supplied by Rubin & Wallace, (1989)
analysed Humphreys, Wiles & Bain (1993): Name
mythical being that rhymeswith post (ghost). Here the
target element,ghost, is weaklyassociatedwith either the
cue "mythicalbeing"or the cue "rhymeswith post", but is
quite strongly retrievable to the twocues. Theseexamples
maynot meetthe effectivenesscriterion, becausethe set of
relations createdby the retrieval of cheese,or ghost, is not
particularly coherent. Neverthelessthe memory
entailed in these tasks probably have muchin common
with those used by a painter producingnewjuxtapositions
of colors and forms, a poet composingimages, or a
scientist seeing a connectionbetweenapparentlyunrelated
Creativityin the senseof transferringa relation from
one domainto another is illustrated by the Rutherford
analogybetweenthe structure of the hydrogenatomandthe
structure of the solar system, as analysed by Gentner
(1983).Herethe essential insight wasrecognizingthat the
structure of the atomentailed the principles of orbital
motion,as exemplifiedin the solar system. This entails
transferring the system of relations betweensolar and
planetarybodiesto the nucleusandelectron. This example
illustrates the role of analogyin creativity.
In this paper wewill examinehowthe processes of
retrieval and analogical reasoningcan producean
outputwhichis creative accordingto the definition above.
Although there are numeroustheories of both memory
retrieval and analogy, we will focus on modelsin each
domainwhichuse the samecognitive architecture, based
onparallel distributedrepresentations.
Creativity and MemoryRetrieval
Themodelof Humphreys,
Bainand Pike (1989), integrates
a number of previous memorymodels, and has been
applied to creativity (Wiles, Halford,Stewart, Humphreys,
Bain & Wilson, 1992). In this model, an item is
representedas a vector, andbindingsbetweenitems (e.g.
context,cue, target) are representedas the tensorproductof
vectors. A memoryis formed from the linear sum (or
superposition)of tensors representingthe bindings.
Onetype of memoryretrieval uses the three-way
association betweenitems (e.g.cue, target, andcontext).
For example, in the question "what did you have for
breakfast on Sunday?","whatdid youhavefor breakfast?"
is the cue, "Sunday"is the context, and (say) "baconand
eggs"is the target. Thebindingof context, cue andtarget
is achievedby computing
the tensor (outer) productof the
cue, context, and target vectors, as shownin Figure1. The
tensor product of two cues is computedand the inner
product betweenthis rank 2 tensor and the rank 3 tensor
is computed.This process relrieves memoriesin
exactlythe formin whichthey werestored.
target bundle
{ dragon,spectre,
target bundle
{ coast,host,
sets. Thecomputationof the intersection in the modelis
shownin Figure 1. It entails a second tensor memory
that only stores item information.That is, Ais an autoassociative
memory, A = )". 9@ ai@ tai , where a
spectre, unicorn,ghost, post, coast, toast,
host}. Theinput to Ais the twotarget bundlescomprising
the possible solutions fromthe first stage. Theoutput is
the intersectionof the bundles,"ghost".
It is assumedthat the association betweenghostand
post, and betweenghost and mythical being, have been
learnedin separate episodes,andthe three-wayassociation
betweenpost, mythical being, and ghost has not been
stored. This meansthat the intersection cannotbe directly
retrieved, but has to be computed. Its computation
amountsto generating a newrepresentation. It has an
element of novelty, and provides some degree of
relationship betweenthe formerly unrelated ideas "post"
and"mythicalbeing".In this senseit is creative.
Our next step is to see how the other major
componentof creativity, transfer of relations between
domains,can be modelledby the sametype of mechanism.
Giventhat we want to integrate the analogymodelwith
the memorymodel, we require a parallel distributed
processing(PDP)modelof analogy.
Creativity and Analogy
target bundle
Fig. 1. Computation
of intersection of sets retrieved
using two cues.
Asecondtype of retrieval also uses twocues, but in
this case the target item has beenassociatedwith eachcue
separately, not in the joint mannerthat is representedby
the use of a rank 3 tensor. It is exemplified by the
problem above, namely "Namea mythical being that
rhymeswith post". There are two retrieval cues in this
case, "mythicalbeing" and "post" (rhymesare assumedto
function as associations in the model), so two tensor
memoriesare shown.Becausethe association is context
independent,a fixed vector is usedin place of the context
vector. This effectively reducesthe representationto two
rank 2 tensors, one storing the association between
"mythical being" and "ghost", and one storing the
association between"post" and "ghost". Thereis no rank 3
tensor storing the 3-wayassociation between"mythical
being","post" and "ghost".
Retrieval occursby usingthe vector representingone
cue (e.g. "mythicalbeing") as input to the appropriate
memory.The output is a vector representing possible
targets (a "target bundle"), as shownin Figure 1. The
second cue is also used in the samemanner."Mythical
being" elicits {dragon, spectre, unicorn, ghost}, while
"post" elicits {coast, host, toast, ghost}. Thesepossible
targets for eachcue are superimposed,
so the outputto each
cue is the linear sumof vectors representingthe possible
"Ghost"is a weakassociate of both cues, and so is
weaklyrepresentedin both sets of targets. Its effective
retrieval dependson accessingthe intersectionof the target
Gentner’s (1983) analysis of analogy as a structurepreservingmapfroma base to a target has provideda basis
for successfultheories in the context of human
In the Rutherfordanalogy,the solar systemconstitutes the
base and the atomthe target. The analogy consists of
mappingbase into target in sucha waythat correspondence
is achievedbetweenthe respectivestructures.
Several computationalmodelsof humananalogical
reasoning have emergedin recent years. These include
(Mitchell & Hofstadter, 1990) which solves
problemsof the formabc:abd::ijk:? (ijl). It is basedon
slipnet whichenables representations to be modifiedas
structure mappingprogresses. In a problem such as
abc:abd::xyz:? the representation mightbe changedfrom
"changelast elementto its successor" to "changefirst
element to its predecessor". This yields "wyz"as the
In the Structure
Mapping Engine (SME,
Falkenhainer,Forbus &Gentner, 1989) source and target
are representedas predicate-argumentbindings, codedin
predicate calculus. It is a serial modelin whichmatch
hypothesesare created, basedon similarity of predicates
and/or argumentsin base and target. Theseare collected
into global matches, selected according to overall
In the Analogical Constraint MappingEngine
Holyoak& Thagard, 1989), a parallel constraint
satisfaction algorithmfinds the mappingwhichmaximizes
the correspondence between base and target. This is
achievedby inhibitory connectionsbetweenrival mappings
(tending to ensure uniquenessof mapping)and excitatory
connectionswhichtend to ensure that if a predicate is
mapped,its argumentsare mapped,and vice versa, thereby
creatingstructural correspondence.
These models use local rather than distributed
representations. However
the StructuredTensorAnalogical
Reasoningmodel(STAR, Halford, Wilson, Guo, Gayler,
Wiles&Stewart,in press) uses distributedrepresentations,
with predicatesandarguments
representedas vectors. It was
motivated by the desire for a PDPmodelof analogical
reasoningwhichwouldalso offer a solution to the problem
of defining processingcapacity limitations in cognition
andcognitive development
(Halford, in press). However
also uses an architecture whichis consistent with the
retrieval modeldiscussedin the previoussection.
In the STAR
modelpredicate-argumentbindings are
representedas tensor products, as shownin Figure 2. The
proposition MOTHER-OF(woman,baby)
is represented
a rank 3 tensor product. Thethree vectors represent the
predicate MOTHER-OF
and its arguments, "woman"and
"baby". As with the memorymodelof Humphreyset al.
(1989), representations are superimposed.Therefore the
MOTHEROF(cat,kitten), as well as LOVES(mother,baby)
are all superimposed on the
sametensor product.
{ MOTHER_OF(_.,__)
{ MOTHER_OF(._,__)
Fig. 2. Solutionof simpleproportionalanalogy
Simple proportional
such as
can be solved by entering the base
arguments,"mother"and "baby"into the representation,
and the output is a predicate bundle representing
etc. That
is, it is a vector equivalentto the linear sumof vectors
representingeach of these outputs. In the next step this
predicate bundle is the input, together with the first
argumentof the target, "mare",as shownin Figure2. The
output is an argument bundle which includes "foal".
Possible solutions can be recognized by one or more
cleanup processes, the simplest of which entails
computingthe inner product of vectors representing
candidatesolutionswith this output.
This model can solve all the major classes of
analogies(Halfordet al., in press). Because
of its relevance
to creativity, wewill considerhowthe modelwouldsolve
a simplified and idealized version of the Rutherford
Wewill assumethat the structure of the base, the
solar system, is knowncompletely,but that the structure
of the atom is incompletely known.Wewill further
assumethat the atom was knownto comprise two major
components,a nucleus and an electron, that there was a
mutual attraction relation between them, and a size
difference (the nucleus wasknownto be of larger mass).
Mostimportantof all, weassumethat the correspondence
between the atom and the solar system had not been
previouslyrecognized.This recognitionwasat the core of
the creative contribution. Thesimulationof the analogyin
the STAR
modelbegins with this information codedin a
Thediscrepanciesbetweenthis hypotheticalsituation
and the actual state of Rutherford’sknowledge
at the time
are less relevant than the idea of starting with an
incompleterepresentation of a target domain,finding a
base domainto whichit is analogous,transferring relations
from the base to the target, then makingcandidate
inferences about the target. It is this creative use of
analogy that want to simulate, the Rutherford analogy
being a convenientand well-knownexample.
Recognitionof the solar systemas a potential base
is a memory
retrieval processin the model.Thepredicates
in the representation
of the target serve as retrieval cues. If these are usedas
input to the representation of the task, the output is a
tensor productof vectorsrepresentingall sets of arguments
of these predicates. For example, whenATTRACTS
usedas input, the outputwill includethe tensor productof
vectorsrepresenting"sun"and"planet", plus other pairs of
arguments of ATI’RACTS.
are likely
to be weakretrieval cues for "sun" and "planet". Many
things are associated with A’ITRACTS;
e.g. lovers attract
each other, lights attract moths, etc. Similarly,
has manyassociates besides "sun" and
"planet". In these circumstances,
effective retrieval depends
on computationof the intersection of the outputs fromthe
two cues, in the samemanneras the retrieval of ghost
from "mythical being" and "post" described earlier.
wouldretrieve a target bundle,that is a vector
equivalentto the linear sumof vectors representingsunplanet, lover-lover, light-moth etc. Similarly,
would retrieve another target bundle
representingsun-planet, elephant-horse,adult-child, etc.
Thesetarget bundleswouldbe used as inputs to the autoassociative memory,as shownin Figure 1. The output
wouldrepresent sun-planet morestrongly than the output
to either cue alone. If further processingwererequired,this
couldinclude finding the intersection of this outputwith
the outputof anothercue, suchas "relevantto mechanics".
Whenargumentsof a potential base are recognized,
theycan be usedas input. If the input is "sun"and"planet"
the output will include ATTRACTS,
etc. These predicates become
candi~!einferencesfor the target, leadingto the hypothesis
that electronorbits aroundthe nucleus.
for processing capacity limitations in analogies. Norwood,
NJ: Ablex.
Holyoak, K. J. and Thagard, P.: 1989, Analogical mapping
by constraint satisfactions, Cognitive Science, 13,3, 295355.
Humphreys,M. S., Bain, J. D. and Pike, R.: 1989, Different
waysto cue a coherent memory
system: A theory for episodic,
semantic and procedural tasks, Psychological Review, 96,2,
Humphreys,M. S., Wiles, J. and Bain, J.D.: 1993, in press,
retrieval with two cues: Thinkof intersecting sets, in
D. E. Meyer and S. Kornblum (eds.), Attention and
XIV:A silver jubilee, Hillsdale, N J: Erlbaum,
Mednick,S. A.: 1962, The associative basis of the creative
process, Psychological Review, 69, 220-232.
Mitchell, M. and Hofstadter, D.R.: 1990. The emergenceof
understanding in a computermodelof concepts and analogymaking, Physica D, 42,1-3, 322-334.
Rubin, D. C. and Wallace, W.T.: 1989, Rhymeand reason:
Analysis of dual retrieval cues, Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memoryand Cognition, 15, 698-709.
Wiles, J., Halford, G. S., et al.: 1992, Tensor models: A
creative basis for memory
retrieval and analogical mapping,
in T. Dartnall(ed.),,
This has been a highly simplified account of how
analogical reasoning is simulated in the STARmodel. It
has been designed to illustrate the main argumentof this
section, that a computational process can produce an
output which is inherently creative. In this case a
computational model has been constructed which can
retrieve a base, the solar system, which is a potential
analog of the target. Relationsin the base are transferred to
target, and becomecandidate inferences for the target.
Creativity, MemoryRetrieval, and
Memoryand analogy can be creative, and can be modelled
by computational processes. The analogical reasoning
model discussed here shares a lot of commonarchitecture
with a model that has been shown to capture many
properties of humanmemory.Howeverthis architecture
also has some of the power and flexibility
that is
characteristic of humanreasoning. In part this derives from
the fact that the outcome of a retrieval operation can
consist of a set of items, or even a set of bindings, rather
than a specific item. This set can then be used in a new
retrieval operation, with additional cues whereappropriate.
The ability to query memorywith different cues, including
sets, provides flexibility that is important in higher
cognitive processes. Equally important is the fact that
memorycan be queried in different ways. Notice that, in
the tensor product representations in Figures 1 and 2, there
is no fixed input or output. That is, a particular vector can
be an input at one time, and an output at another time, in
contrast to standard three-layered nets, in whichone vector
is always input and another is output. This is another
property that provides someof the flexibility and power
that is importantin higher cognition. Nevertheless, all this
occurs in an architecture that models basic memory
operations, including creative retrieval of information
linking formerly unrelated items. Perhaps therefore a
beginning has been made in producing an integrated model
of humancreativity.
The creativity displayed by the computational
processes outlined here is undoubtedlyof a restricted kind,
and it will take considerably moreresearch before we know
the limits of these processes. The important point however
is that these computational processes have been shownto
be creative in principle. In humanbeings, creativity
depends heavily on memoryretrieval and analogy, both of
which are now the subject of intensive efforts at
modelling. Memory is not merely
reproductive, but has long been knownto be generative,
and memoryretrieval clearly includes a construction
process. Whenthe construction forms a new relationship
betweenformerly unrelated items of information, it can be
said to be creative.
Falkenhainer, B., Forbus, K. D. and Gentner, D.: 1989, The
structure-mappingengine: Algorithmand examples,Artificial
Intelligence, 41, 1-63.
Gentner, D.: 1983, Structure-mapping: A theoretical
frameworkfor analogy, Cognitive Science, 7, 155-170.
Halford, G.S.: in press, Children’s understanding: the
developmentof nnentalmodels.Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum.
Halford, G. S., Wilson, W.H., Guo,J., Gayler, R.W.,Wiles,
J. and Stewart, J.E.M: in press, Connectionist implications