Bibliography of Wood Distillation, 1907-1953 by J. D Ro53 April 1955 OREGON FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY State Board of Forestry and School of' Forestry, Oregon State College, Cooperating Corvallis TABLE OF CONThNTS Page FOREWORD BOOKS 1 ARTICLES AND BULLETINS 1907-1909 1910-1919 1920-1929 1930-1939 1 2 114 19140-191.49 21 1950-19S3 33 Australia Austria Belgium Britain Canada Denmark France. Germany Japan Norway Russia Sweden Switzerland United States 36 36 37 PATENTS . . 37 140 140 140 1414 146 146 147 148 148 ;i 7 07 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WOOD DISTILLATION, 1907-19S3 by J. D. Ross FOREWORD The Oregon Forest Products Laboratory has conducted considerable experimen-. taJ.. work on wood carbonization, was compiled. In the course of this work a sizeable bibliography While the work on carbonization has been curtailed for some time, it was thought desirable to bring the bibliography up to date nd make it available as a reference source, This bibliography covers published work on wood distillation for the period 1907-l9S3, The material is classified in the following divisions: Books--listed alphabetically by author's name. Articles and Bulletins--primary listing is chronological with secondary alphabetical listing by author's name. Patents--listed alphabetica1l by country, chronologically by year of issue, and alphabetically by author's name. The term wood distillation is used rather loosely in the literature, consequently references may cover carboniatjon, steam distillation, gasification or modifications of each. It is the main purpose in the bibliography, however, to cover wood carbonization and topics related primarily to wood charcoal. Three abstracting services were used for the bulk of the assembled references; Chemical Abstracts (1907 to date), Forestry Abstracts and Engineering Index (1907 to date). (1939 to date), Chemical Abstracts was used as the primary reference source, and where possible, Chemical Abstracts references are included along with the original reference. BOOKS Bunbury, H. N. "Destructive Distillation of Wood", De Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1923. Bergstrom, H. "Handbook for Charcoal Burners", Jernkontoret, Kungstradgardsgaton, Stockholm. Fourth Edition (1967). Dumesny, P. and Noyer, J. "Wood Products: Nostrand Co., New York, 1908. Distillates and Extracts", D. Van "The Utilization of Wood Waste by Distillation", Journal of Commerce Co., St. Louis, 1907. Harper, 1W. B. Hawley, L. F. "Wood Distillation", Chemical Catalog Co., New York, 1923. Hubbard, E. "The Utilization of Wood Waste", Constable & Co., London, Second Edition, 1913. Kiar, M. "The Technology of Wood Distillation", Chapman & Hall Ltd., London, 192.. ARTICLES AND BULLETINS 1907 Veitch, F. D. "Chemical methods for utilizing wood, including destructive dis.tillation. Recovery of turpentine, rosin, and pulp, and the preparation alcohols and oxalic acid." Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. Agr. Circ 3c (1907). CA]. 3056. 1908 Anonymous. "Wood used for distillation, 1906." Circ. 121 (1908). CA 2 10li1. Geer, W, C. "Wood distillation." (1908). CA 2 l0Il. Forest Service, U. S. Dept. Agr. Forest Service, U. S. Dept. Agr. Circ. Klason, P., von Heidenstam, G., and Norlin, E. "Theoretical investigations on the charring of wood. Dry distillation of cellulose." Arkiv. Keini. M:Ln. Geol. 3 Art., 1 1-31.4 (1908). CA 2 3280. Vogel, Otto4 "History of wood distillation." (June 10, 1908). CA 2 31140. Dusseldorf. Chem. Ztg. 32 561 1909 Anonymous. "Wood diti11ation, 1908." No. 7 (1909). CA 1 1668. U. S. Bureau of Cencus, Forest Products Kiason, P., von Heidenstain, G., and No:lin, E. "Theoretical investigations on coking of wood II, Dry dii1atjon of Fir, Pine, Birch and Beech woods" Arkjv. Kemi. idn. Geol. 3 No. 10 1-17 (1909). Chem, Zentr. I 109 (1909). CA3 1810. Snyder, F. T. "Electric distillation of turpentine from Fir at Vancouver, B. C." Electrochem, Mat. md, 6 2Ll (1909), CA 3 1686. 1910 Borghezarii, G. "Behavior of chestnut wood on dry distillation and the resu1tig products." Chem. Ztg 31 CA L 3135 609-10 (1910). Buttner, G. and Wisdicenus, H. J. "Dry distillation of wood with superheated steam." Prakt, Chem. 79 177-23L (1910). CA b 1235 Campbell, C. L. "The wood distilling industry." Dtwhemin, Ft. P. tobtaining aldebyde resins by carbonization of wood in closed Bull, Soc. Chem. 7 !j.73-9 (1910). CA t 2873 vessels." Erdman, E. and Schaefer, C. CA L. 3223 (1910) Kiar, lvi. "Dry distillation of cellulose." "Recent progress in wood distillation." CA Geol. Ber. Met. Cheni, Eng. 2873 11 Kiason, P. Met. Chem. Eng. 8 "Experiments on the dry distillation of wood." 5 No. 7, L2 pp. (1910). 155-9 (1910), L3 2396-L06 8 1133-6 (1910) Archiv. Kemi. Mm. Kiason, P., von Heidenstam, G. and Norlin, E. "An investigation into the charring o± wood." Z. angew. Chem. 22 l205-lL (1910). Teeple, J. B. (1910). "Pine products from pine woods." J. md. Brig.. Chem. 1 597-600 CA 11 1803 1911 Frankforter, G. B. (1911). "Waste wood and it utilization.'! J. md. Eng. Chem. 3 i. - Klasori, P., von Heidenstam, G., and Norlin, E. "Investigations on the charring of wood. II, Dry distillation of wood of pine, fir, birch, and beech." Z. angew. Chem. 23 1252-7 (1911) CA L 3135 Lawrence, J., and Lawrence, J. C. "Utilizating wood waste by destructive distillation.t' J. Soc. Chom. Inch 30 728-30 (1911). CA 2937 Walker, R. C. "Methods for the utilization of wood waste (hardwood stumpage)." J. Soc. Cheni. Inch 30 93b.-6 (1911). 1912 Anonymous. "Wood turpentine: its production, refining, properties, and uses." Bull3 1)ji (1912). CA 6 2166 Bur. of Cheni. Bergstrom, Hilding. "Turpentine oil, obtained direct from wood by destructive distillation and in the manufacture of soda cellulose." dern-Kontorets Annalen 1912, 12; through Papier-Fabrikant 11 93-1400 (1912). CA 3835 Briggs, J. F. 25-28 "Constituents of coniferous woods." CA Paper 7 19-20 (1912). Hawley, L. F. and Palmer, R, C. "Distillation of resinous wood by saturated steam." (Jrig. Corn. 8th Intern. Congr. Appi. Chem. 13 151-76 (1912). CA 6 3180 Meyerfeld, J. "Some new substances in pyroligneous Acid." Zfg. 36 539-52 (1912). CA 6 21.06 Frankfurt a/rn. Chem-' Noyer, W. J. "A study of the carbonization in closed apparatus of wood wastes and extracted chips from the manufacture of extracts." Rev. Chem. md. 23 CA 6 1523 69-Th (1912). Pritchard, T. W. Chern. L "Some recent developments in wood distillation." CA 6 1986 J. md. Eng. 338-L15 (1912). 1913 Benson, H. K. "Fractional distillation of wood tar by electrical heat." Chem. Eng. 10 5)4-5 (1912) CA 7 887 Met. Benson, H. K. "Chemical treatment of waste wood." Orig.Com. 8th Intern. Congr. CA 7 2L68 Appl. Chem. (Appendix) 25 331-7 (1913) Benson, H. K., and Darrin, M. "Design of experimental wood distillation plant." J. Inch Eng. Chern. 5 935-38 (1913). Frank.forter, G. H. and Brown, H. H. "Chemistry of wood. The resins of Douglas. fir." Univ. iviinn. Orig. Corn. 8th Intern. Congr. Appl. Chem. 25 359 (Appendix) (1913) CA 7 2188 Hawley, L. F. "Efficiency studies in hardwood distillation industry." Eng. Chem. S )4)45-7 (1913). Hawley, L. F. and Palmer, R. C. J. md. Eng. Chem. "Distillation of resinous wood by saturated steam." )4 789-98 (1913) Teeple, J. E. "Utilization of wood waste. Eng. 11 2)47-9 (1913) CA 7 3021 Anonymous. CA 7 14)4 III. Steam distillation." "Wood distillation works, Forest of Deane" Adams, Maxwell and Hilton, Charles. ng. Chern. 33 1003 CA 8 2800 II. Theory of wood distillation" CA 8 1200 "Chemical utilization of southern waste." CA 8 1203 33-.)40, 6)4-72 (191)4) Dubocs, A. "Production of turpentine oil." CA 8 570 - "Wood distillation under diminished pressure." 6 378-82 (191)4) Aschan, 0. "First runnings of Finnish pine oil. Z. agnew. Chem. 26 Aufsatz. 709-13 (191)4) Bates, J. 5. iiiet. Chem. J. Soc. Chem. md. (191)4). J. md. J. md. Pulp Paper Mag Can. 12 Bull. Soc. md. Rouen 14 68-71 (191)4) Dubocs, A. "Direct extraction of turpentine oil from coniferous woods by means of organic derivatives and water vapor." Bull. Soc. md. Rouen 141 78-9 (191)4) CA8 373 Hawley, L. F. and Palmer, R. C. "Yields from dest.ructive distillation of certain hardwoods." U. S. Dept. Agr. (Forest Service) Bull. 129 (191)4) CA 9 373 Kiason, P. "Experiments on the dry distillation of wood." 25 178-8)4, 195-7 (19)41), 26 3-11 (191)4). Kiason, F. "Theory of the dry distillation of wood." (191)4) Kiason, P. CA 9 523 "Turpentine oil from light wood." CA 8 13)43 . (191)4) Lygo, G. E. (191)4) Tidschrift J. prakt. Chem. 90 Lt13-)47 - Svensk. Kern. Tidschrift. 2)4 2-)4 "Wood waste as fuel for gas producers." CA Svensk Kern. J. Gas Lighting 12)4 8 283 Palmer, Ft. C. "Possibilities of hardwood distillation on Pacific Coast." Chem. Eng. 12 623-6 (19114.). Palmer, Ft. C. and Madison. 586 Met. "Effect of pressure on yields of products in the destructive distillation of hardwoods." J. md. Eng. Chem. 6 890-3 (191)4) CA 3856 S "The fractional distillation of mixed pine Patterson, J. H. and Forbester, R. E. woods." J. Soc. Chem. Irid. 32 1053-5 (191)4) CA 8 820 1915 Benson, H. K. and Darrin, M. "Yield of products from destructive distillation of some western conifers." J. md. Eng. Chem. 7 916-8 (1915) CA 271 Darrin, M. "Acetone from pyroligneous acid." CA 10 271 Gimingham, C. T. (1915) md. Eng. Chem. "Saymj11 waste as a source of potash." "The indicator in pyroligneous acid." (1915) 7 927-9 (1915) 22 1)46-8 J. Board Agr. 2 2797 CA Johlin, J. M. J. J. md. Eng. Chem. 7 596 CA 9 2309 Palmer, H. D. "Preliminary experiments on the effect of temperature control on the yield of products in the destructive distillation of wood." J. md. Eng. Chem. 7 663-9 (1915) CA 9 287 Tremper, B. J. "Distillation of Douglas fir at high temperatures." 7 926-7 (1915) Chem. J. md. Eng. CA 10 271 Withrow, James H. "Chemical engineering of hardwood distillation industry." J. md. Eng. Chem. 7 912-.16 (1915) Chein. Eng. 23 33-7 (1916) Met. Chem. Eng. 13 797-9 (19l5i - CA 10 109)4 1916 Anonymous. "hesinous woods as gas-making materials." (1916) J. Gas. Lighting CA 10 2980 135 69 Berry, H. A. "Report on wood and plant ashes as source of potash." West. of Scot. Agr. Col. Bull. 73 1)41-9 (1916) Expt. Sta. hec. 37 )427 (1916) Goetschius, H. 13 Eng. Chem. "Temperature control in wood distillation plants." C. J. md. 8 196 (1916). Little, A. D. "Utilization of wood waste." Chem. & Met. Eng. 1)4 133-5 (1916). Palmer, R. - - CAl260)4. J. md. Eng. Chein. "Temperature control in wood distillation." 8 102-5 (1916) J. md. Eng. Chem 8 283-)4 (1916). Zoller, H. F. "Potash from fir mill waste. CA 10 1265 J. md. Eng. Chem. 8 105-8 (1916). 1917 Anonymous. "Distillation of wood in France." Benson, H. K. and Davis, L. L. Eng. Chexn. 9 i1i (1917). Gas Age L0 1.19 (1917). "The free carbon of wood tar pitches." CA U 17L6 J. md. Diaz, Car].os. "Distillation of woods; resume of results obtained on analysis." Inform. Dep. Invest. md. Univ. Tucumn 1917 15-20. CA 12 13L7 Fischer, F. and Niggeman. "Distillation of cellulose and wood mixed with alkali." Kenntrjs der Kohie I 176-83 (1917). J. Soc. Chem. md. 38149)4A (1917). CA 13 3007. Wells, A. H. "Destructive distillation of Philippine woods." Philippine J. Sd. l2A 111-25 (1917). CA 12 763 Ges. Abhandfl. zur 1918 Fahrjon, W. "Pine CA 12 2698 Feruglic, L. rosin." "Wood ashes." Chem. Umschari Fette, Ode, iachse, Harze Staz. sper. agrar. ital. 371iii. 25 3-5 51 220-7 (1918). (1918). CA Galuine, and Houlbert. "Carbonization and distillation of peat, sawdust, sweepings." Compt. Rend. 166 85L-6 (1918). Lawrence, J. C. CA "Distillation of wood." J. Soc. Chem. md. 37 12 993. 5-15 (1918). Molin, J. "Carbonization of wood in inclined retorts at Varta Gas holm." J. Soc. Chem. md. 37 36lA (1918). Ott, E. Z. "Manufacture of gas from wood and peat." Het. Gas 38 113-8 (1918). CA 13 510 Works, Stock- J. Gasbel. (Nov. 17, 1917). Palmer, R. C. "Effect of incomplete distillation on the yield of products in the destructive distillation of birch." J. md. Eng. Chem. 10 260-2 (1918). Palmer, It. C. "Effect of H.P0h on yield of products of destructive distillation of hardwood." J. md. ng. Chem. 10 26L-8 (1918). CA 1120 Palmer, It. C. and Cloukey, A. "The influence of moisture on yield of products in the destructive distillation of hardwood." J. Lid. Eng. Chem. 10 262-li. (1918).. Sanna, Luigi. CA 1120. "Carbonization of wood in the Tissier CA 12 2L37 5 106-7 (1918). oven." Lid. Chim. miii. met. 7 1919 Anonous. "Carbonization of wood in the Stockholm Gas Works." Gas Age 143 (1919). Anonymous. "New method for disti11in both green and seasoned hardwoods." Chem. 193-14 (1919). Met. 21 Anonymous. "Distillation trials with Taih wood from the Sudan." CA 114 2855.. 17 1493-14 (1919). Baternan, B. 714-6 "Wood ashes and production of potash." (1919). CA Beckman, J. W. 114 Chem. Bull. Imp. Inst. iet. Eng. 21 615-9 598. "Charcoal in Sweden." 1063-14 (1919). J. hid. Eng. Chein. 11 Huerre, R. "Dry distillation of the wood of juniperus, orcedrus, and other conifers." J. Pharm. chim. 19 33-14.2, 65-79 (1919). CA 13 1369. Konig, J. and Becker, B. "The constituents of wood and their economic value." Papier Fabr. 17 982-87, 10114-19, 1171-714 (1919). CA 114 626. Sylven, H. "Manufacture of charcoal as an economic measure." 121.i.-6 (1919). Sci. Am. S. 1920 Anonymous. "Carbonization." Gas J. 150 632-9 (1920). Anonymous. "Hardwood distillation industry of the southern states." Lumberman 2351 62 (1920). Anonymous. "Wood distillation industry of Canada." Chem. & Met. American 153 (1920). Boernakin, E. "Extraction of higher fatty acids arid other organic acids from wood tar." Am. Perfumer 15 311 (1920). CA 15 168. Cude, H. B. and Hulett, G. A. "Some properties of charcoals." 142 391- J.A.C.S. 1401 (1920). Guthrie, F. B. "Wood ashes as a source of potash." Agr. Gaz. N.S. Wales Expt. St. Rec. 140 320-1 (1918). CA 114 11412. (1918). Kietaibi, K. "Development of wood distillation industry." 23 149-51 James. (1920). 29 817-9 Oesterr. Chem. Zg. CA 114 3317. "Clearing cut-over pine lands of South, and distillation of stumps." Chem Age 2 1483-14 (1920). Pritchard, T. W. "Whitaker-Pritchard process of destructive distillation." Met 23 6614-6 (1920). Gas Age 146 261-2 (1920). Chem 8 1921 AnOnymOUs. "Charcoal and Wood-oil manufacture." Mm. & Sci. P. 123 219 (1921). Anonymous. "Distilling pine stumps." Sci. Am. 123 313 (1921). Aschan, 0. "The vacuum distillation of wood." 273-6 (1921). CA 15 1oL7. Becker, M. "Carbonization in revolving retorts." 57i-6 (1921). Helsingfors Brennstoff Chem. 2 Gas tJnd Wasserfach 6) 553-6, - Donk, M. G., Shattuck, C. H., and Marshall, W. D. "Distillation of stumpwood end logging waste of western yellow pine," U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull.1003 1-69 (1921). CA 16 1009. Hardy, W. A. "Destructive distillation yields from B C. fir and alder." Roy. Soc. Can. 15 Sect III 111-15 (1921), CA 16 1662. Hawley, L. F. "Hardwood distillation industry." 237-!jl (1921). Joseph, and Whitefield. 190-2 (1921). CA 15 Lt0L7. Chem. Met. Eng. 25 l37-L0, 195-9, "The briquet.ting of charcoa1" J. Soc. Chem. md. LO Koch, F. 0. "Thrpentjne, methanol, and tar from tree stumos." Ztg. L5 699 (1921). CA 15 3552. Marcusson, J. and Picard, M P. Umschau 28 257-8 (1921). Meredith, M. "Progies in Trans. Schoneiche "The residues from wood distillation." CA 16 826. ng1end in wood disti11atjcn' (1921). hem. Chem. Am. Gas. J. fl5 23-ti Pritseher, J. and Jungkunz, R. "Contribution to the investigation and examination of birch tar oils, and other kinds of wood tars." Bosel. Schweiz. Apoth. Ztg. 59 1t15-5i, 162-6 (1921). CA 15 2352. Prudhomme, F. "Green wood in the blast furnace." CA 15 653. Iron Age 107 121-2 (1921). Sherwood, C. lvi. "The manufacture of naval stores from dead wood of the southern pines." Chem. Met. Eng. 25 99L-8 (1921). CA 16 1010. Tessier, Louis. "Carbonization of wood by means of the exhaust gases from gas engines." Chimie and Industrie 5 l36-!2 (1921). CA 15 1968. Vie, G. "Industrial technique of wood carbonization." Industrielle 2 t2-L2, 507-10 (1921). Vie Technique and 9 1922 Anonymous. 1922." Chem. iiet, Eng. 28 "Constituents of wood tar produced in Japan." CA j6 3752. Kwakenzappo No. 26 "Wood distillation products in 1921 and 14146 (1922). Aschina, Y. 1-10 (1922). t?Djstjllatjon of hardwoods in Canada." Bates, J. S. Branch, Bull. 714 141 pp (1922). CA 17 673. Bunbury, H. M. (London) Clisham, J. Can. Dept. mt. Forestry "Use of wood distillation products in dye industry." Chem Age 7 598-9 (1922). CA 17 3142. "Carbonization as a heat distributing problem." Am. Gas J. 116 387-8, 398 (1922). Fichoux, A. "Modern wood carbonization." Revue Universelie des Mines (1922). 337-79 Hawley, L. F. "Effect of adding various chemicals previous to distillation." J. md. Eng. Cheni. 114 143-14 (1922). Herman, Hubert. "New information on the gasification of wood." Warmewirtschaft 3 89-91 (1922). CA 16 3387. 1\lierria!n, H. C. "Hardwood distillation." J. md. Eng. Chem. CA 16 3387. Archly. - 114 860-2 (1922). 1923 Anonymous. "Stafford wood carbonization process." Chem. Met. Eng. 28 14141 (l923) Aschan, 0. "Distillation of wood under reduced pressure. II. Firwood and pine." Brenustoff-Chem. 14 129-32, 1145-7 (1923). CA 17 8602. Aschan, 0. "Wood distillation under vacuum. 1614-67 (1923). IV. Birch." Brennstoff-Chein. CA 18 165. Benson, H. K., Thompson, T. G., and Wilson, G. S. "Chemical utilization of wood in Washington." Bull. Univ. Wn. Eng. Dept. Expt. Sta. No. 19, 160 pp (1923) CA 18 898. Cederquist, K., and Holmberg, Bror. "A new compound from coniferous wood distil-. lates," Ber. 56B 293-300 (1923). CA 17 1230. Cleghorne, W. S. H. "A study of charcoal." (1923). CA 18 2959. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa 23-143 10 Fischer, F. arid Tropsch, H. ñThe comparative vacuum distillation of cellulose, lignin, and deresinated wood," Sep. aus TTber Naturprodukti Festcher. 1'. Max Honig 8-1 Chem. Zentr, 1923 III 11400. CA 18 2600. Hawley, L. F. Neumann, H. "Methoxyl in wood charcoal," Chem. & md. 15 697 (1923). "Utilization of wood waste by gasification," 222-14 (1923), Seyffert, E. "The carbonization of wood wastes." Chem. Ztg. CA 17 26142. Trauberberg, K. Gas CA 17 3602. "Birch tar and birch bark tar analysis." "Firid,ing a use for wast wood." Power 147 181-3 (1923). Chom. Umschau. 30 2512 (1923). CA 13 165. Taylor, J. u. Wasserfach 66 58 1419-20 (1923). CA 18 161. 19214 Dormand, H. "Sawdust as a fuel for gas production." CA 18 2237. Dupont, G. "Wood distillation." Revs Sci. Power 59 862-3 (l9?14). 62 557-62, 5914-600 (19214). Gill, G. M. "Carbonization in horizontal retorts." Gas World 75 327-37 (1921). CA 19 227g. 156 212-214 (19214). Gas J. Hagglund, Erik. "Decomposition of spruce wood with alkali and the behaviour of various soluble components when heated under pres.ure (with alkali) at high temperatures." Cellulosechemie ! 81-7 (l92Li). CA 19 10514. Peters, W. "Making charcoal from waste woo' Apparatebou CA 19 725. Pringsheim, H. and Gorgas, A. 1561-6 (19214). Reizner, Z. - 36 283 (19214). "Constituents of wood spirit oil II." Ber. CA 19 2140. "History of wood distillation." 2072. Angew. Chem. 37 233 (19214). CA lJ. 1925 Anonmou. "Iron Mountain plant." Bergstrom, H. Power Plant Engr. "Carbonization of bark." CA 19 3372. Calderwood, H. N. 1455(1925). Jernkont. 29 1186 (1925). Ann. 109157-9 (1925). "Water solubility of various wood tars." CA 19 2270. Lid. Eng. Chem. 17 11 Danischoewsky, I. Chem. Age "Wood tar products and dry distillation of wood." 13 SLi.l-2 (l92). Hawley, L. F. and Calderwood, H. N. "Examination of the dissolved tar from carbonization of hard maple." md. Eng. Chem. 17 lLi9-1 (192). CA Reyerson, L. H. "Preparation of an ash-free wood charcoal." 10148 md. Eng. Chem. 17 iflit. (192S). Schorger, A. W. "Acetone by distillation of wood with lime." 9)4)4 (192S). - md. Eng. Chem. 1? CA 19 31S8. 1926 Anonymous. Chem. & md. "Notes on carbonization in continuous vertical retorts." 145 953-)4 (1926). Anonymous. "Wood tar." Teer 2)4 601-3 et. seq. (1926). Bergstrom, H. "Oils and other products from wood." CA 26 3658. Iva CA 21 1490. 1923 No. 1 12-18 (1926). Bugge, A. "The nomenclature of the products of the carbonization of wood." Z. Angew. Chem. 39 1032-33 (1926). Curtis, H. A. and Beckhius, H. A. Chem. Liet. Eng. "Tar from a connercia1 low-temperature retort." 33 666-9 (1926). Fauque, L. "Processes used in the wood carbonization industry." Industrie 16 5)4)4-51 (1926). CA 21 1491. Fischer, . J. (1926). Freise, F. W. "Wood tar and its technical application." CA Teer 214 143)4-6, 1453-7 20 3803. "Wood carbonization and coal briquetting." Engeriharia Chixnie et. Revista Vrasileira de 12 148-58 (1926). Gilmore, R. E. "Carbonization of Canadian fuels." 85-7 (1926). Can. Chem. itet. 10 Hawley, L. F. Inch Eng. Chem. "Fifty years of wood distillation." (1926). 31-14, 51-14, - 18 929-30 Hollings, H. "The influence of carbonizing conditions upon the free carbon content of tar." J. Soc. Chern. md. 145 1406-8 (1926). Koch, E. "Thermal reactions in carbonization." (1926). MacLeod, Chapman, and Wilson. 145 1401-6 (1926). - Gas und Wasserfach 69 971-14 CA 20 290)4. "Notes on vertical retort tar." J. Soc. Chem. Inch 12 Schwalbe, C. G. "Experiment station fir wood and pulp chemistry in Ebel'swalde." Wochbl. Papierfabr. 57 205-U (1926). Tech-Wiss. Tell, Fapierfabr. 214 157-61 (1926), CA 227148. Spiers, and Finlayson. "Some problems in ôarbonization industries." md. Chemist 2 315-18 (1926). Stafford, 0. R. "Wood as a gas-making material." Gas Age 58 909 (1926). md. Eng. Cheni. 18 1318 (1926). Winter, I-I. B. "Thermal analysis of carbonization." Chem. 7 117-23 (1926). Wisner, C. B. "Missing link in low-temperature carbonization." Anh Gas J. 125 628-31 (1926). 1927 Anonymous. "The carbonization of wcod." La Nature No, 2771,261-69 (1927). "Utilization of wood waste." Inthist. Chen. 3 539-1414 (1927). Anonymous. Anonymous. "The autocarbon wood 1438-143 (1927). carbonizing oven." Racherches et Inventions "The utilization of wood waste." md. Chemist. 3 39-1414 (1927). Anonymous. Beuschiejn, W. L. "Carbonization of softwood sawdust in Pacific Northwest." Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 19 93-106 (1927). CA 22 2266. Dupont, G. "The by-products of the Larides forests." 201-A (1927). CA 22 161. i3ull. Inst. pin. No. 140 Frylender, J. H. "Low temperature carbonization by the Firon-Caracristi process." Rev, prod. chini. 30 1-6 (1927). Hagglund, Erik. "Decomposition of wood in heating under pressure in alkaline solutions." Svensk. Kern. Tids, 39 90-6 (1927). CA 21 14059. Fiawley, L. F. "Hardwood distillation ludustry." Cheni. iviet. Eng. 25 137-140, 237-141 (1927). Holmberg, Bror (Kerni) "The chemistry of forest industries." Tecknisk. Tidskrift Upplag 57 101-6 (1927). CA 22 867. Johnsson, P. "Furnace and process for carburizing sawmill waste." (1927). Swed. 63 511 Laucks, I. F. "The screw as a carbonization machine." md. Eng. Chem. 19 8-11 (1927). Lowe, L. P. "Gas from refuse wood." Am. Gas J. 126 27 (1927). 13 Miles, S. H. "Carbonization--present and future." Gas J. 177 809-13 (1927). Fostovskii, I., Appolov, N. A., and Lugovkin, B. P. "Studies in gas generator tar from wood." Ann. Inst. Polytech. Oural 6 2li.1-L (1927). Rogatkin, N. N. and Boretskaya, V. A. "Charcoal for use in metallurgy." J. Chem. md. (Moscow) ! 150-2 (192?). Schwalbe, C. "The chemical utilization of wood; wood waste recovery and wood preservation." Z. Angew. Chem. 14.0 1172-6 (1927). Seib, J. "Wood carbonization products. I. The acids of the crude wood vinegar." Ber. 60B1390--9 (1927). CA21 2980. Wilcox, W. D. "Making gas from wood." Gas Age Record 1669. 59 155-6 (1927). CA 1928 Anonymous "Wood distillation In 1921 and 1925." 132 5 (1928). Oil Paint Drug Rep. Bone, K. C. S. "Wood distillation; modern charcoal burning.t' Suppi. (London) 23 30 (1928). CA 23 1500. Times Trade Eng. Dupont, G., Lussaud, C. L., and Allard, J. "Study of the possibility of using wood carbonized at low ternperature as a fuel in gas producers." Ann. combust. liquides 3 553-5, 555-75 (1928). CA 23 3559. Frolich, K., Spaulding, H. B., and Bacon, T. S. "Destructive distillation of wood and cellulose under pressure." md. Eng. Chem. 20 36-14.0 (1928). CA 22 1035. Gambarotta, V. (1928). 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CA 22 2659. 1929 Dupont, G., Allard, J., and Kupferberg "Action of catalysts on distillation of wood." Ann. combustibles liquides I Li83-91 (1929). CA 2L 2590. Dupont, G., Lussaud, C. L., and Allard, J. "Study of distillation of various woods at different temperatures." Inst. du Bin. Bull. inst. pin. No. 57 65-69 (1929). CA 23 2550. Dupont, G., Lussaud, C. L., and Allard, J. "Study of' possibility of using wood carbonized at low temperatures as a fuel in gas producers (for motor vehicles)." Bull. inst. pin. 1929 323-6. CA 2! ]190. Egloff, 0. and Morrell "Motor fuels and other products from the cracking of wood tars." md. Eng. Chem. 21 537 (1929). - Ipatev, V. N and Petrov, A. D. "Pyrogenous decomposition of' wood tar in the presence of H and under pressure." Akad. Wiss. Leningrad Ber. 62B !0l-7 (1929). CA 23 3567. Krase, N. W. "Wood distillation still prospers in southern states." Eng. 36 396-8 (1929). Chem. Met. Kozhevnikov, V. I. and Maluishevskjj "Treatment of laboratory methods for the determination of the yields of the products of destructive distillation of wood." Trans. Siberian cfrst. Agr. Forestry 13 No. 1, 53-83, 85-6 (English). CA 26 3658. iviariller, C. "Treatment of' pyroligneous distillates.' CA 2L. 953. 868-76 (1929). Chimie and Industrje 22 Schofield, M. "Some aspects of hardwood, distillation and its products." Chemist 5 191-6 (1929). CA 23 3567. Razous, P. "Wood carbonization and distillation." 20t-6, 252-3, 296-7 (1929). md. Industrie chimique U l2-1),. CA 18 3712. 1930 Dupont, G. "Uses of wood tars." Enstrom, A. F. Bull. Inst. pin. 1930 17-23. "Use of' waste wood for making oil." CA 21 ti.1i3, 62 (1930). CA 8590. Svensk. Pappers-Tid. 33 351- 15 Mi. Soc. Fogler, B. B. "Utilization of wood waste in chemical industries." Mech. Eng. Advance paper Oct 16-17 (1930). CA 25 2555. Krestinskii, V. and Solodkii, P. Wood turpentine from pine stumps." CA 2I 2590. Chein. 26 1-23 (1930). J. Prakt. Mullin, C. E. and Hunter, H. L. "Manufacture of acetic acid by hardwood distillation." Cellulose 1 138-L1.l (1930). CA 25 3818. Nelson, W. G. "Waste wood distillation by the Badger-Stafford process." Eng. Chem. 22 312-15 (1930). Sandonnini, C. "Pyrolysis of wood." md. chim. applicata 20 262-70 (1930). CA 2!i. 5283. Schofield, M. "The distillation of wood waste and the utilization of the products." Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 8 i1..O-5i (1930). Waris, Oswald "Generation of power from wood waste." (1930). CA 25 1059. Chem. Age (London) 23 5L6-7 Wislicenus, H. "New methods of wood utilization and wood research." Deut. Ing. 7L lLi.69-78 (1930). CA 25 1965. Z. Ver. 1931 Alikseev, S. V. and Laptev, I. M. "Composition and rational utilization of wood tar." J. App. Chem. (u.s.s.R.) L 9Lt8-57 (1931). CA 26 2OLtS. Basore,, C. A. "Putting wood wastes to use." Chem. Met. Eng. 38 5L.3 (1931). Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. N. "Heating sawdust under pressure in the presence of reduced iron." Iva 1931 No. 2, )4-5. CA 26 3909. Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. N "Phenol and guaicol in pine wood tars." Iva 1931 No. 1, 1.-16. CA 26 3909. Coutant, M. "Carbonization of resinous wood and of its sawdust." Chirn. suer. dist. L8 352-5 (1931). CA 26 3909. Bull. Assoc. Derevyagin, L. A. "The most recent problems of the work of scientific investigation in the field of dry distillation of wood." J. Chem. md. (Moscow) 8 l06i-I (1931). CA 26 20L5. Hawley, L. F. Jenkins, J. H. "Chemical utilization of wood waste." J. Forestry 29186-92 (1931 "Sawmill waste and its utilization in B. C., Canada." Interior, Forest Srvce Ottawa 56 . (1931). Dept. of 16 Nogen, K. I., Liverovskjj, A. A., and Sukhanovskjj, N. "Destructive distillation of aspen." Priroda I Khozaistov Uchebnuikh. Lespromkhrsov. Lestckh. Akad. 3 15-22 (1931). CA 28 5233. Schofield, M. "Distillation of wood waste arid utilization of products." Engineering 131 25 (1931). 1932 Albin, T. C. "Wood chemical plant built to meet competition of synthetic product.s' Chern. Met. Eng. 39 382-7 (1932). Benson, H. K. "Chemical utilization of wood." U. S. Dept. Commerce, 22nd Rep't. Nat'l Comm. Wood Util. 1932 151 p. CA 27 592. Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. "Carbonization of wood containing various added substances." Iva 1932 No. 3, 55-6. CA 27 2796. Bergstrom, H. "Oils and other products from wood." CA 26 3658. Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. No. i, 82-6. CA 26 3658. Iva 1932 No. 1, 12-18. "Dry distillation of wood tars." Iva 1932 Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. "Preparation of phenols from wood tar." 1932 No. 1, 58-6!i. CA 26 3658. Hartman, A. N. "The pyrolysis of wood in the presence 0±' NaN." (Moscow) 1932 No. 3, LO-3. CA 26 L7O8. Jahn, E. C. "Wood chemistry research at Idaho tIniversitj." No. 1, L7-8 (1932). CA 26 5203. Iva J. Chem, md. Paper Tr. J. 95 McBride, R. S. "Hardwood distillation faces new economic and raw material problem." Chem. Met. Eng. 39 531t-8 CA 27 186. (1932). Nogin, K. "Dry distillation of sawdust of the conifers." (U.S.S.R.) No. 1, 5l-5L (1932). CA 27 5958. ci. Mitt. forstt. AkUd. Palazzo, F. "Ailanthus wood charcoal." 2nd Congr. intern. carbone carburant (Milan) 1932, 188-93. Chimie at industrie 30 106Lt (l931). Poste, E. P. "Suida process for acetic acid recovery." (1932). Schofield, M. "Conversion of wood waste into fuel gas." (1932). Vidron, F. md. Eng. Chein. 2L 722-6 Indust. Chemist 8 351-6 "Carbonization of slash." 2nd Congr. intern. carbone carburant Chimie et industrie 30 106-iLL. CA 28 2173. (vii1an) 1932, 180-7. 1933 Ruzicka, C. "Chemical developments linked with charcoal-iron project in Pacific Northwest." Oil, Paint & Drug Rep. 137 3 (1933). Winkler, L. W. "Ash number of wood char." ?harm. Zentraihalle 714 291 (1933). CA 27 14066. 19314 Bobrov, P. A. Trudui "Thermal decomposition of wood with superheated steam." Narkomlo z Tzentral, Nauch. -Issledovatel. Le sokhixri. Inst tivo distillation of wood U.S. S R. De struc- 109-314 (19314.). Brother, H. "Wood distillation in the laboratory." CA 28 5297. J. Chem. Ed. 11 1479-80 (19314). Derevyagin, A. A. "Commercial use of tars obtained in the destructive distillation of leafy trees." Trudui Tzentral, Nauch.-1ss1edovatel. Lesokhim Inst. Narkomleza U.S.S.R. Destructive distillation of wood 5 109-314 (19314). Freise, F. W. Jabn, E. C. "Wood charcoal." Brenristoff und Waermewirtschaft "Forest products research in Idaho." 189-91 (19314). Timberman 35 22-3 (19314). "Destructive distillation of wood." Koslov, V. N. and Mishin, A. D. Tzentral Inst. Narkomleza, U.S.S.R. 5 142-77 (19314). Trudul "Activated carbon from fir, pine, and Liang, T. II., Ni, C. F., and Tao, L. 0. bamboo." Bull. soc. chem. (5) 1 1233-141 (19314). CA 29 1215. Miurd, I. "Distillation of wood and utilization of wood wastes in Japan." 5th Pacific Sd. Congr. 5 3913-18 (19314). Neumann, K. E. "Chemical utilization of waste wood." CA 28 7522. Papier-Fabr. 32 Tech.-wiss. Tell 321-6 (19314). I. Qualita"Physiocheiiiical studies of wood. Tainaru, S., Imai, Y., and omma, S. tive and quantitative studies of gaseous products by heat decomposition of different kinds of wood impregnated with different chemicals." J. Chem. CA 28 2523. Soc. Japan 55 30-142, 143-52 (19314). Werburg, Z. "Position and outlook of destructive distillation of wood." Hem. Form. 8 90-3 (19314). CA 28 6991. Archly. 1935 Bergstrom, H., and Lindman "Carbonization of' wood in mobile kilns." Ann. N. 2 39-53 (.935). Jerikontorets 18 Bobrov, P.A. "Thermal decomposition of wood with superheateci steam." Prom. !, No. 3, 9-15 (1935). CA 29 8310. Lesokhini. Bourgoiri, Louis; Lefebore, Gerard; and Tremblay, Chas. "A study of Canadian wood, charcoals." Rev. trimestr. can, 21 837-55 (1935). CA 30 2713. Chmelar, S. "The increase of the Jydrocarbo containing gasoline during the distillation of wood," Plyn. a Voda 15 2L8-55 (1935). CA 32 1L38. Libeau, F., Marmasse, P.., Michel, R, and Viel, G. "The charring of 9 indigenous and 6 colonial constituents." Ann. coinbüsbitles liquides 10 1027-76 (1935). CA 30 2359. Liverovskjj, A. A., and Chalov, N. V. "Determination of tars, acetic acid, and other substances in tlie raw producer gas from wood." Lesokhim. Prom. No. 8, 5-11, No. 9, 9-iL,. (1935). CA 30 8593. Othmer, D. F. "Acetic acid arid profit from wood distillation." L,.2 356-6. (1935). Schulz, N. "Recovery of chemical raw materials from wood tar." 59 113-]J. (1935). Schalbe, C. G. arid Neumann, K. E, L8 207-12 (1935). Chem. Met. Eng. Chemiker Zeitung "The wet carbonization of wood." Angew. Chem. 1936 Jones, N. C. "Utilization of wood waste." Keitaibi, K. "Dry distillation of wood (abstract)." Soc. Cheni. md. 55 92-3 (1936). Engineering 1L,.2 261,. (1936). Keitaibi, K. "Dry distillation of wood and its thermal balance sheet." Chem. Eng. Cong. World Power Conf. 1936. Advance proof E3 7pp (in German). CA 31 3678. Losev, L. P., Petrov,, G. S., Anth'ianov, K. A., and Panas3uk, P. tar from gas generators for the md. (Moscow) 12 1171-6 (1936). "The use of wood preparation of plastic compounds." J. Chain. CA 30 liL,.6. Masakin, S. P.., Gaag, A. V., and Kamjnskje "Dry distillation of commercial lignin.' Lsokhjni, Prom. 5 No. 2 11-16 (1936). CA 30 8592. Nealey, J. B. "Distilling olne products in New Orleans." 20-1 (1936). CA 30 27Lj2. Chem. Met. Eng. ti3 Spoon, VI. "Carbonized wood fron Dutch East Indies, and the preparation of active carbon." Indisehe Mercuur 59 L,.75-6 (1936). CA 30 6900. Tai, A., Tsao, C., and Suai, S. "Experiments on dry distillation of 10 woods." Chemistry (China) 3 211-18 (1936). CA 7832. 19 1937 Anonynious "Wood distillation and charcoal manufacture." Chem. Met. Eng. h14 232 (1937). Albin, T. C. "Advantages of predrying wood in wood distillation plants." Let. Eng. 14 Thi (1937). Chem. Chadwick, T. C. and Palkin, S. "Composition of American steam-distilled wood. turpentine and a method for its identification." Am. Soc. T. 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Influences of alkali metal salts of various organic acids on thermal decomposition of wood." J. Soc. Chem. md. Japan 140 213-114 (1937). CA 31 6872. Petroechi, G. "Study of the carbonization of wood and the recovery of the byproducts." Atti accad. Georgofili (6) 3 302-39 (1937). CA 11439. 1938 Charles, E. "Wood carbonization industry and its possibilities." No. 277 142-8 (1938). Charrin, V. Tech. md. CA 33 3576, "Distillation of wood." J. usines gaz. 62 1i07-8 (1938). CA 2320. 20 Dominik, L "Methods of treatnynt of the products of wood distillation." Przeglad Chem. 2 207-10 Haertel, IVI. H. (1938). CA 32 9172. "Hardwood as a chemical raw material." Keitaibi, K. "Present position of wood-carbonjzjn Ztg 38 105-8 (1938). CA 30 3996. 261-71 (1938). Chem. md. ) industry." Oesterr. Chem.- Lanibris, and Boll. "Activated carbon--Die Herstellung aktiver Kohie aus Holz und aus Steinkohie." Brennstoff Chem. 19 i77-8L (1938). MeckJ.enburg, L. "A new charcoal burner." Chem. Ztg. 62 317-8 (1938). CA 32 6o!6. Nekleevich, B. 0. "Carbonization of wood." Mem. Inst. Chem. Tech. Acad. Sd. Ukraine S.S.R. No. 8 ti5-61 (1938), CA 32 725L. Scribner, C. F. "Waste material as seen by industrial engineer." 20-1 (1938). Wiesenthal, H. "Wood charcoal." Teer. und Bitumen Wood-worker 57 36 398-9 (1938). 1939 Anonymous "Manufacture of charcoal in the "Sparreholia" kilns." (1939). Anonymous "Profitable disposal of wood waste." Anonymous "Hardwood distillation iridustr 135 5 (1939). Wood-worker is surveyed." Anonymous "Manufacture of charcoal in portable kilns." (a. Brit.). Forest Products Research Records No. Engineering 111.8 89-90 (1939). Anonymous "Wood chemicals." Induct. Chemist Skogen 26 382-3 58 L2-3 (1939). Oil, Paint, Drug Rept. Dept. Sci. md. Res. 29, 20 p (1939). 15 318-19, 328 (1939). Bergstrom, H. and Trobeck, K. G. "Dry distillation of wood, moss, and similar material." Tek. Tid. 69 Hppl. A.-C. Kemi 1t9-52, 5763, 67-71 (1939). CA3L877. Bergstrom, H., Ann. Hoglund, and Nord0ujst. 123 1-39 (1939). "Wood charcoal production." Jernkontorets Chalov, N. U. "Losses of methyl alcohol in the gas purifying systems of wood gasifying plants." Lesokhim Prom. 1938 No. 3-i., 7-11 (1939). Khim. Referab Zhur, 2 No. 1. 13]. (1939), CA 3L 216L. Danks, F. S. Escourrou, R. "Charcoal." Tech. Pamphi. For, Dept. Cypress No. "The various uses of wood and of cellulose." 861-76 (1939). CA 33 9617. L, 6 p. (1939). Chimie et. md. 2]. "Unit process thermal decomposition." Faith, W. L, J. Chem. Educ. 16 279-83 (l939). Garvie, W Chem. and "Rise and development of the wood naval stores industry." md. LL 263-5 (1939). "Extraction of methyl alcohol from the products of gasification Kropotov, V. I. of wood material." Lesokhim. Prom. 1938 No. 5, 32-3. Khim. heferat. Zhur. 2 No. L, 131 (1939). Lothigius, iN. CA 3L. 216Lt. Skogen "The "Trollebo" charcoal kiln." 26 L26-7 (1939). Lesokhim. Revagov, A. N. "New solvents from waste products of wood distillation." 2 No. L1., 131-2 (1939). Prom. 1938 No. 5, 33-b. Khim. heferat. Zhur. CA 3b 2l6b. "The utilization of light oils from wood carbonization for motor fuels." Lesokhim. Prom 1939 No. 3, 32-L0. Khim. Referat Zhur. 1939 Tilicheev, lvi. D. No. 7, 101 (1939). CA 3b b538. "Preparation of gas from wood." (1939). CA 33 9617. Vainshtein, V. b6-7 Van Romaine, E. Waliman, P. H. "Naval stores 1919-1939." Novosti- Tekhniki Chein. md. 1939 No. 11-12, Li$ b02-8 (1939). "Charcoal manufacture in thnes of crisis." 26 b20-1 (1939). Skogen N., Lapahin, S. I., Zarakovskaya, A. I. "The utilization of the permanent gases from the dry distillation of wood for organic synthesis. The sulphur compounds in the products of thermal decomposition of wood." Lesokhirn. Prom. 1939 No. b 22-6. Khim. Referat. Zhur. 1939 No. 8 117 (1939). Zhemochkin, lvi. CA 3b 5272. "The composition and yield of permanent gases produced during dry distillation." 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"Charcoal burning in kilns and 'home charcoal-burning'." Jernkontorets Annaler 12)4 265-73 (19)40). Grant, J. "Wood wastes and their utilization." md. Chem. 16 17)4-6 (3.9)40). Jahn, E. C. and hcCarthy, J, L.. "Exotherdc decomposition temperature of sawdust; effect of mineral salts." md. Eng. (ihem, 32 1257-8 (19)40). Lindman, K. Lothigius, W. "Charcoal burning of green wood." Skogen "A charcoal kiln in every parish." 27 377-8 (19)40). Skogsagaren 16 107-10 (19)40). Lyamin, V. A. "The effect of reducing the size of the wood blocks on the yields of various products of gasification." Lesokhim. Prom. 3 No. - CA 37 2161. , 3)4-8 (19)40). Lyaniin, V. A. and Nernkin, A. S. "The effect of the composition of the blast on the yield of acid in the gasification of wood shavings." Lesokhim Prom. 19)40 No. 1, 35-8. Khim. Referat. Zhur. No. 6, 12)4 (19)40). CA 36 1997. Molin, A. "Gasificatjon of wood in Sweden." Monat Bull. 20 121-2 (19)40). Schweiz. Ver. Gas-u. Wassèrfach, CA 35 6766. Robertson, E. D. "Charcoal kilna in the Matang Mangrove forests." 178-53 (19)40), Malay For. 2 Rudback, E. "Manufacture of wood tar, tar oil, arid turpentine in small retorts." Skogsagaren 16 197-9 (19)40). Schofield, M. "Chemistry in forest of Dean." md. Chem. 16 65-9 (19)40). Sumarokov, V. P. and Klinskjkh, E. V. "Removal of tar from hardwood distillation products by the action of organic solvents." Lesokhim. Prom. 19)40 No. 2, 25-3)4, Khim. heferat Zhur. No. 8, 120 (19)40). CA 36 6780. Suniarakov, V. P. and Klinskikh, E. V. "The removal of tar from aqueous distillates from the dry distillation of hardwood by the use of organic solvents." Lesokhjm, Prom. 3 No, 8, 3-9 (19)40). A 37 2162. Tobler, J. 'Wood carbonization, the process taking place in the wood gas producer." Schwejz. Ver. Gas u, Wasserfach Monats Bull. 20 113-21, 1)43-9, 165-9(19)40). CA 35 6766. - 23 Van der Linden, A. "Charcoal manufacture." Willans, K. W. Anonymous "Gas manufacture from wood scrap." Het. Gas 61 60-1 (1910). Wood 5 37-9 (19)30). "Manufacture of charcoal briquettes from tree foliage." Chem. Fabr. 1)3 108 (19)31). "Charcoal from savanill wood waste." Arnot, D. B. Malay.For. 10 98-101 (19)31). A practical introduction." Bourquin, A. "Carbonization of wood in kilns: Schweizrischer Ver. fur Waldwirtschaft. 32 p. (19)31). Buenteflo, H. C. (19)31). "A wood distilling plant." CA 35 8257. Economia nuel. (Mex.) 1 No. 2, 13-18 "Further notes on the manufacture of charcoal in portable kilns." Donald, G. H. For. Prod. Res. Lab. Princes Risborough, Bucks. 10 p. (Jan. 19)31). Gillette, A. and Fastre, M. L. "Carbonization of organic natural substances." Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 50 239-56 (19)31). CA 37 32)39. "Light oil from dry distillation of wood." Isobe, H., Hasegawa, K. and Miyake, I. 7668. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 20 1008-11 (19)31). CA Jaeger, J. C. and Johnson, C. lvi. "A study of the carbonization of some Tasmanian timbers." Papers Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 62-72 (19)31-19)32). Mauger, J. "Carbonization and distillation of wood." CA 39 3899. md. Chim. 28 6-9, 21-)3 (19)31). Millot, H. "A solution of the problems of industrial wood distillation in the forest." Rev. Agr. France 73 210-li (19)31). "Activated carbon from char, coconut, charcoal New Zealand J. Sci. Tech. 22 216-2)3 (19)31). CA 35 Neubauer, L. G. and Hands, lvi. B. and wood charcoal." 6766. - "Destructive distillation of Maple wood." Othmer, D. F. and Schurig, W. F. Eng. Chem. 33 188-96 (19)31). CA 35 1969. Razous, P. "Plants for carbonizing and distilling wood." (19)31). CA 37 25)32. md. - Genie civil 118 1-7 "Total distillation of wood." Schweiz. Ver. Gas. u. Wasserfach Monats Bull. 21 17-26 (19)31). CA 35 8257. Schenker, lvi. Stenberg, 0. "Determination of gas circulation and air infiltration in ovens for Iva 19)31 153-6 (19)31). the ôarbonization of wood from the gas analysis." CA 37 32)39. 2L l912 Anonymous "A modern charcoal-hurnin,. plant for stump wood." (19L2). Anonymous "A transportable Finnish charcoaj. kiln." Skogsagaren Anonymous "Charcoal burning for the man of the land." No. 2, .5 p. (19LL2). Anonymous "Characteristics of wood tars." Iva Skogsagaren 18 lI5-8 18 29-30 (191i2). Leaf 1. For. Comm. Vict. 19!L2 No. 1, 12-13 (l9L2). Anonymous "Naval stores and terpene chemicals, flow sheet of Newport industries." Chem. Met. Eng. L9 112-15 (19!2). Anonymous "Victoria Government scheme for stepping up charcoal production." Aust. Timb. J. 8 733-3 (19!2). Alcutt, E. A. "Wood charcoal in vehicle gas producers (abstract)." 153 L77 (19!2). Aries, R. S. (19L2). "Chemical utilization of wood waste." Chem. Industries Engineering - 51 190-7 Bray, W. W. "Recovery of fats, waxes, resins, and turpentine from wood." Tr, J. 115 14 (19142). Dupont, G. "The gasificatjon of wood and wood charcoal." nati. 1141 1-15 (19142). CA 38 3112. Paper Bull. soc. encour. md. Risi, J. "The wood carbonization industry in the Province of Quebec." 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(19)43). Jorge, F. and Larinata, G. "Study for the construction of a wood-distillation plant." Acto y trabajos congr. pruano guiin. z. I 350-5 (19)43). CA Kurihara, T. J. Pharra. Soc. Japan "Dry distillation of bamboo." CA !i5 1750. Merritt, R. W. and White, A. A. "Partial pyrolysis of wood." - 63 330-3 (19)43). md. Eng. Chem. 35 297-301 (19)43). Montero, J. G. Ion. "Distillation of the wood of conifers and the products obtained." 3 553-6 (191.3). Othmer, D. F. and Katzen, It. "Tar elimination in pyroligneous acid, removal of md. Eng. tar-forming constituents by polymerization and condensation." Chem. 35 288-96 (191i.3). "Destructive distillation of lignoOthmer, D. F., Muller, R. E. and Katzen, R. cellulose." md. Eng. Chem. 35 302-5 (19)43). Spitzner, R. and Chiocarello, P. "The domestic (Brazilian) wood distillation industry." Rev. Quim. md. hio de. J. 12 1)4-25 (19)43). Vecchiatti, J. "Distilacao e-carbonisacao de lenha." itevista Paletecnica 1)4)4-5o ('9)43). Vila, A. 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R. and Hicock, H. W. "A charcoal kiln made of cinder-concrete blocks." Bull. Conn. Agric. Exp. St. No. 19)4, 30 p. (l9!.6). Rieck, H. G., Locke, E. G., and Tower, E. "Charcoal-industrial fuel from conChemurgic Digest 5 273-8 (19)46). trolled pyrolysis of sawmill wastes." Sherwood, P. W. "Activated-carbon production at I. G. Farbenindustrie, Leverkusen.' FIAT Final Rept. Brit. Intell. Obj. Sib-omm. No. 863 (19)46). "A simple apparatus for carbonizing wood and the determination Van Duuren, A. J. of the distillation products." Chem. Weekblad. )42 19-20 (19)46). CA 2607. 19)47 Anonymous "A continuous charcoal manufacturing process." Chem. and Engr. News 25 2162 (19)47). Anonymous "Die Entfernung des Kohiendioxyds aus dem Holzgas." Bauzeitung 65 202-LL (19)47). Schweiz. Aries, R. S. "Recent developments in the produOtion of charcoal and it byproducts." Bull. Nthest. Wood Util. Coun. No 1, 25-i3 (19)47). Aries, R. S. and Kidder, H. C. "Recent advances in wood distil1ation." Cont, Cult. Drug and Assocd, Econ. Plants California 19)47 1)40-5. Proc. CA 617. Aries, R. S. "The continuous process of wood distillation." Timber of Canada 75, 1)48, 150, l53-)4, 157-8 (19)47). Beglinger, E. "Hardwood distillation industry." U.S.D.A., Forest Service, For. Prod. Lab. Rept. No. R738, 20 p. (19)47). CA )42 )4333. Besson, A. "Laboratory experiments in the dry distillation of some tropical woods." Les techniques du bois 3 )49-53 (19)47). Chalov, N. V. "Production of chemicals from by-products in the manufacture of wood gas." Lesnaya Prom. 9 17-19 (19)47). Delaunay, R. "The Lacotte process for the manufacture of synthetic methanol from wood: The pilot plant at Decazeville (Aveyron)." Les techniques du bois 3 62-7 (19)47). 30 Enkvist, T., Makela, K. and Krohn, T. "Lubricating oil from pine tar and tall oil" Papp Tray. Fini. 29 336-8 (19)47). Ervin, H. 0. "Wood waste carbonization - I." Ervin, H. 0. "Wood waste carbonization - II." Fletcher, T. I,. and Harris, E. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. lignin." Gachot, L. Wood 2 No. 2 (19)47). Wood 2 No. (19).7). Li. "Destructive distillation of Douglas Fir 69 3114)4-5 (19)47). CA 142 1735. "Dry- distillation of wood in tropical countries." bois 35).-9 (19)47). Les techniques du Galli, J. A. and Blanco, A. P. "Gasoline antioxidant obtained from by-products from dry distillation of wood." Quinnica md. (Uruguay) 1 91-101 (l91,.7). CA 14)4 370)4. - Guislain, A. "The manufacture of synthetic nethnol from wood." Rev. Eaux For. 85 526-33 (19)47). Hellstrom, Nils "Distillates from wood." Acta Polytech no. Kgl. Tek. Hogekol. 1andl. No. 14(19)47). CA 142 8LL6. Hughes, J. F. (19)47). "Charcoal made in forty-gallon drums." 9, l3p. (19)47). E. Afr. agric. J. 12 195-6 Krenkel, T. G. "The effect of temperature on the destructive distillation of wood from the White Quebracho," Revista de Ia Fac. de Cienc. quim. La Plata 20 19-2)4 (19)47). Kurth, E. F., Ervin, H. 0. and Kroll, R. L. 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"Studies on carbonization of wood." Bull. Tokyo Univ. For. No. 38, 1-141, 143-57 (1950). 3L. Noakes, D. S. P. tiThe mangrove charcoal industry in Matang." Malay Forester 13 80-3 (1950). Peck, G. C. A. "Unit operation of fluidiatjon." Shibamoto, T. and Kuriyama, A. For. Soc. 32 Warhadpande, Ti. L3-6 et seg. Indus. Chemist 26 515-21 "Carbonization of ooi (in 10 parts) J. Japan. (1950). CA i7 8992. H., Mene, P. S. and Saletore, S. A. "Destructive distillation of woods of some central provinces." 3. Sd. Irid. Res. (India) 9B (1950). CA hS 5390. Zenczak, P. (1950). "A new method of wood pyrolysis." 27-31 (1950). 23L-6 Trend in Engr., Univ. Wash. 2 "Metal charcoal kilns." J. For. Inst., Teheran 2 9-11 (1951). Aries, H. S. "New method for making charcoal.1' South. Lumberman 182 76-78 Anonymous (1951), Burgoyne, 3. H. and Richardson, J. F, "Influence of zinc chloride on the ignition of Scotch pine and its charcoal." Fuel 30 l3i6 (1951). Kishimoto, S., Furu,a, T. and Unrinin, G. For. Soc. 33 11-7 at seq. (1951). "CharcoaL" (in 5 prts) J. Japan. 899L. CA Lewis, H. C. "Distillation of' wood and coal by the fluidized powder process." Research Engr. Atlanta, Ga. No. 1, 5-6, 17-19 (1951/52). Onda, K. "Utilization of wood tar." J. Fuel Soc. Japan, Saitdnla-Kawaguchi 30 88-9S (1951). Terzibasjjan, G. G. and Leibzon, Z. I. tTesting of new nodels of motor cars equipped with wood-fuel gas producers." Avtooioti1jnja i Traktornaja Promyslennostj, iviokva 3 27-30 (1951). Wright, H. H. and Hrard, A. M. "Kinetics of the th], decomposition of Can. J. Technol. 29 5O3-1Q (1951). CA 16 6375. woc 1952 Anonymous "Charcoal burning in pits." Rapp. Inst. nab. Ebude agron. Congo beige 16 (1952). Baldwin, H. I. Bull. No, Charles, E, "Charcoal prodnr;tion in steel 37, 27-.3 (1952). drurAjs," Northeast. Wood Util. Counc. CA )43 L200. "The modern distillation of wood." Chirnie and Industrie (1952). 67 56-62 35 Fidel, Carlos M. "The composition and thermal values of the uncondensable gases evolved in the destructive distillation of f cur Argentine woods." Rev. Lao. cienc. quiin., Univ, naci, La Plata 2)4 97-105 (1952). CA )47 2)460. "Fractionation of tars obtained in the destructive distilla- Franzese, Tomas A. tion of Argentine woods at different temperatures." Rev. Lac. cienc. quim., Univ. naci. La Plata 2)4 87-95 (1952). CA )47 2)459. Giaccalia, Aldo U. "A study of the liquid yields in the destructive distillation of some Argentine woods at different teriperatures." Rev. Lao, cienc. quill., Univ. naci. La Plata 2)4 7985 (1952). CA )47 2L.60. Gillet, A. and Urlings, J. "Pyrolyse comparee de bois, de la cellulose, de la lignine et des houifles." Chimie et industrie 67 909-19 (1952), 68 5560 - (1952). - tISmafl rectangular charcoal kline." Northeast. Wood Util. Council Bull. No. 37 21-5 (1952). CA 6 )4200. Kuriyania, A. and Sugiura, G. ttA portable charcoal kiln: the Black Rock Forest kiln." J. Jap. For. Soc. 3)4 262-)4 (1952). Hicock, H. W. Lainbiotte,.A. "Continuous carbonization of wood - S. I. F. I. C. process." Northeast. Wood Util. Council Bull. No, 37 35-)47 (1952). CA )46 )4200. Laviuzza, 0. L. "The destructive distillation of the woods of the white quebracho, the algarobba, the urunday, and the guayacan., with the view of obtaining metallurgical carbons." Rev. Lao. cienc. quill., Univ. naci. La Plata 107-9 (1952). CA )47 2)460. Mabesa, C. "Construction and operation of a charcoal oven." 3)49-61 (1952). Machacek, S. ttTh Philipp. J. For. 6 dry distillation of wood." Chemie (Prague) 8 88-90 (1952). CA )47 11725. "Deplegmaion of wood distillation vapors." J. Sci. md. Research (India) IIB 33-5 (1952). CA )46 6365. Mene, P. S. and Warhadpande, U. R. "Beehive kiln operation." Northeast. Wood Util. Council Bull. No. 37, 67-70 (1952). CA )46 )4195. Pukkaman, S. "Wood distillation pilot plant of the Kaset Sawmill No. 1." Othmer, D. F. Vanasarn 10 )46-9 (1752). Shibainoto, T. and Kawana, A. "Studies on carbonization of wood." Bull. Tokyo Univ. For. No. )43, l27-33 (1952). nni. K. and Endo, i. Shibaxnotc, T., For. Soc. 3)4 Lld-2, 77-.32 (:19'2). StucIis on carbonization of wood." J. Jap. Ph;sical arid chemical properties of corerci Stokes, C. A. aud Friednsin, H io 1\Tojtnet Ylood Uti Council o i'Yj cbcoa1 ui ''1 u Bull. No. 37 7-19 (92). CA Lô )4200. 36 Sumarokov, V. P. and Volo1utskaya, Z. lvi. "Recovery of pure propionic acid from wastes in production of slvocciernica1 acetic acid. Zlur. Prikiad. Khim. 25 86o-6 (1952). CA Li.? 11125. Vroom, Alan H. "Bark pyrolysis by fluidization techniques: new approach to utilization." Pulp Paper Mag. Canada 53 l21-Li. (1952). CA L!.6 637. bark 1953 Gillet, A. and tJrlings, 252-7 (1953). J. "Pyrolysis of wood in palm oil." Chlrn. et. md. 69 Kedare, B. S. and Tondolkar, 0. 5. "Destructive distillation of some hardwood species of Bombay state." J. Sci. md. iesoarch (India) 12B 217-21 (1953) CA L7 11725. Kishimoto, S., Naito, K., Tochizawa, K., Furaya, G., Kono, K. and Unrinin, G. '1Studjes on chai'coa]. manufacture." Bull. For. Exp. St. i/Leguro, Tokyo No. 60, 1-L8 (1953). Morgan, L. W., Armstrong, G N. and Lewis, H. C. "Distillation of hardwood in fluidized bed." Chen. Eng. Frog. Li.9 9810l (1953). CA i7 Li.063. Pacault, A. and Sauret, 0. Sciences-Cop "Sur une iiethod nouvelle de cracking." Academie des Rendus 236 1659-61 (1953). Chern. Age 69 81 (1953). PATENTS Au str;1 ia Atcherley, J. R. Rudolf, J. K. "Charcoal briquets." Austrel. llL, 035 (19)i.l). "Uiti1iatjon of wood and recovery of volatile products." 115,899 (l91i.2). CA L.0 '97. Austral, Austria Strache, H. and Polcich, H CA 23 970. Suida, H. "Carbonjzjn "Distillation of wood." wood." Austrian 109,397 Austrian 109,173 (1927). CA .a (1927). !i.790. 37 Ulxnann, H., Lutz, E. and Umlauf, E. "Shaft furnace for continuous carbonization of wood." Austrian 116,067 (1929). CA 214 2596. Fehmel, A. "Shaft furnace for continuous carbonization of wood." 135,883 (1933). CA 28 2522. Suida, H. "Carbonizing wood." Kietaibi, K. Austrian 133,675-6 (1933). "Apparatus for carbonizing wood." Austrian CA 27 14920. Austrian 1146,377, 31,7,510 (1936). CA 30 7821,.. Holzel, A. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." Austrian 1514,272 (1938). Planki, F. "Motor fuel from wood distillation products." CA 33 3115. Zeuch, A. "Dry distillation gases." Lerner, P. and Pressler, H. 157,963 (19140). CA 33 1926. Austrian 155,320 (1938). Austrian 156,820 (1939). CA 36 21214. 1tPortable equipment for wood distillation." Austrian CA 36 21214. Belgium Depasse, H. and Debecq, A. CA 26 5750. "Wood distillation retorts." Belgian 385,151 (1932). "Furnace for the 1w temperature carbonization of wood." 1425,9149 (1938). CA 33 2702, Szek, J. T. Belgian Britain Robinson, E. B. and Edwards, W. C. 214,961 (1906). CA 1 2521. Pages, A. arid others "Apparatus for distilling wood." "Extracting pyroligneous substances." British British 10,775 (1907). CA 3 2145. Southern Manufacturing Co. "Products from wood." British 29,886 (1909). CA 2330. Felizat, L. "Combustible agglomerate of wood charcoal." British 5010 (1910). CA 5 31147. Thomas, W. "Destructive distillation of wood." British 110,217 (1916). 1419. Blair, Campbell, and others CA 13 71. "Destructive distillation." CA 12 - British 118,960 (1917). 38 Ledoux, E "Carbonizing and distilling wood." Poore, P "Distilling wood." British Seaman Waste Wood Chemical Co. CA 12 2LL38. Tissier, L. E. "Carbonizing processes," Spicer, H. H. "Carbonizing wood." Stafford, 0. F. Poore, P. "Distilling wood." British "Carbonizing processes," "Destructive distillation," "Distilling wood." British British 110,360 British CA 12 L2L. British 120,560 (1918). CA 13 1637. 119,0l0 (1918). British British 116,939 (1917). (1917). 12L,27Li (1918). 137,0145 (1919). 152,7141 (1919). CA 13 1529. 115. CA 11 (1917). "Distilling wood, etc." Societe E. Barbet et Fils et Cie CA 13 660. Berg, M. J. 131,006 123,111 (1917). British CA 13 71. CA 114 2702. CA 15 9145. Roberts, J. C. "Recovery of wood distillation products." CA 15 751. British 152,1420 (1919). Morgan, J. S. "Effecting chemical reactions (carbonization in molten metal)." British 176,1438 (1920). CA 16 2376, Sawtelle, E. M, "Destructive distillation of wood." British 1143,5145 (1920). CA 114 2985. Ironside, T. G. "Distilling carbonaceous material." CA 17 21495. British 189,51i.2 (1921). Nielson, H. and Laing, B. "Distillation of solid carbonaceous materials.t' 192,515 (1921).. CA 17 321414. Perte, R. "Distilling wood." Quinan, K. B. White, W. C. "Dry distillation," "Carbonizing wood." DeLoisy, M. and Grauce, E, CA 18 17143. Truinbie, M. J. CA British 177, 177 (1922). British l8Lt,L15i British "Distilling peat, coal, wood, etc." CA 17 321414. British British ID. CA 19 3157. Jaffrennou, G. M. CA 19 393. "Apparatus for carbonizing wood." "Distilling solid fuels." British 210,1.i02 (1923). 221,052 (1923). "Distilling coal, wood, and other solid materials." 217,5514 (1923). Deperrois, E. CA 17 202. 192,0140 (1922). 19 887. Wisner, C. B. CA 16 3203. (1922). "Distilling solid materja1s. British British British 229,6914 (19214). 229,299 (19214). CA 19 3157. 39 Malbay, R. "Jacketed retort for carbonizing wood." 233,335 (192L). British CA 20 663. Strache, H. and Polcich, G. "Carbonizing wood." CA 21 British 253,206 (1925). 2557. Winzer, C. and Brown, P. 250,661 (1925). British "Retort system for carbonization of wood." CA 21 13L3. Enders, A. and others "Portable furnace and retorts for carbonizing wood." British 279,709 (1927). CA 22 30L3. British "Carbonizing plant for wood or coal." Me'turi, G. 293,321 (1927). CA 23 17Li0. 288,335 (1927). British "Carbonizing low grade fuel such as wood." Migeon, M. CA 23 690. British "Continuously operated apparatus for carbonizing wood." Winzer, C. B. 330,980 (1929). CA 21t 598L. "Retorts for destructive distillation of carbonaceous I. G. Farbenend. - A. 0. material." British 359,507 (1930). CA 27 lLi87. "Rotary furnace for partial distillation of wood." Bourdet, A. P. 393,293 (1933). Dreyfus, H. CA 29 "Distilling British CA 27 5588. solid carbonaceous materials." British Li,23,860 (1935). 5252. Guillaume, P. "Apparatus and method for carbonizing wood." (1935). CA 30 853. British )433,256 British Lj$O,Li.i6 (1936). Rininan, E. L. "Wood distillation." Winzer, C. B. "Coking processes and apparatus." CA 31 227. British )437,033 (1936). CA 2356. Williams, K. W. "Portable charcoal kiln." British Zeuch, A. "Vertical retorts for wood distillation." CA 32 1431)4. Hadamovsky, P. )477,058 (1937). British "Retorts for low temperature carbonization." CA 33 837. (1938). British CA 32 )431)4. )476,909 (1937), British 1488,313 502,1)45; 502,151 (1939) CA 70914. Golightly, H. H. "Charcoal kilns." Thinker, L "Improvements in the manufacture of wood charoal." British H. A. 26,l35 (19)40). Petterason, P. M. "Method and means for manufacturing briquettes." British 526,1491 (19)40). Whitfield, C. (19)40). Improvements in or relating to charcoal kilns." British 526,1416 Lie Strevens, J. L. and Milford, W. B. "Apparatus for the destructive distillation of carbonaceous material," British 516,146I (l9L2). CA 37 14233. Heller, 0. "Manufacture of charcoal." Heller, 0. "Recovery of by-products from the manufacture Qf charcoal." 593,906 (19)44). British 563,1460 (191414). 563,1461 (191414). CA 140 2962. British Compagnie Francaise de Raffinage "Process for improving useful qualities of wood charcoal and products thereof." British 596,1426 (19148). Johanason, E. A. "Apparatus for the dry distillation of shale, peat, sawdust, wood, etc." British 620,029 (19149). CA 1i3 56148. Richardson, N. A. and Smith, D. N, "Production of charcoal." (19149). Lambiotte and Co. (1950). "Recovering volatile substance from gases." CA 145 105148. Dalin, D. and Hedback, T. J. British 631,1439 British 61 7 2141 "Distillation of wood, shale, eth." (1950). British 6148,7)114 Canada Hilton, R. W. "Destructive distillatIon of wood." 2962. SaWtelle, E. M. Bone, K. "Wood distillation." "Wood distillation." Canada Canada Canada 175,795 (1917). 233,8314 (1923). 2714,953 (1927). CA CA 11 17 3603. CA 22 1233. Denmark Jeppesen, V. "Destructive distillation." Sorensen, A. "Carbonization of wood." Denmark Denmark 29,391 (1922). CA 18 1461. 514,1408 (1938). Arnbok, L. J. "Continuous furnace for carbonizing wood." CA 140 14196. CA 32 7260. Denmark 63,372 (l915), France Bonello, J. and Laurent, V. (1927). CA 23 698. "Furnace for the carbonization of wood," Fr. 639385 141 Cblson, A. "Apparatus for carbonizing wood." Colson, A. "ApDaratus for carbonizing and distilling wood." CA 214 1500. 314,667 (1927). Fr. 6145,706 (1927). Fr. CA 23 2031. La carbonization industrielle Fr. 33,289 (1927). CA Merturi, G. Perey, P. "Portable apparatus for the manufacture of charcoal." 23 2031. "Distillation of wood or coal." "Furnace for carbonizing wooth" Soulie, J. "Carbonizing wood." Fr. CA 23 970. 6140,8145 (1927). Fr. CA 23 2811. 6148,978 (1927). Fr. 638,232 (1927). CA 23 275. Trihan, E. "Furnace for carbonizing wood and recovering by-products." (1927). CA 23 3079. Vitrac, M. and others Aube, P. "Wood distillation." "Furnace for carbonizing wood." Barbet, E. Fr. CA 214 Fr. 6614,929 Laurent, V. Fr. 675,097 "Wood carbonizing furnace." Ringe1mann, 1\iI. Rongier, J. Trihan, E. (1928). "Plant for carbonizing wood." Fr. 2868. 214 2596. CA 6614,605 (1928). Fr. CA 9148. Fr. 656,293 CA 23 14061. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." "Distillation of wood." Fr. 35,321 Fr. (1928). 214 3898. CA "Furnace for carbonizing 687,14514 (1929). CA 25 811. "Continuous furnace for carbonizing wood with recovery of by-products." Turpin, F. 685,500 (1929). Barbet, E. and Malbay, A. CA 26 1772. chimiques Les produits CA 214 6002. "Apparatus for carbonizing wood." purs. "Wood distillation." Fr. Carboriite." "Distilling ligneous 711,632 (1930). CA 26 2051. Societe anon. Magliocci, M. Monier, J. CA 214 673,361 (1928). Fr. Chaudronnerie et oteliers de construction d' Ermont wood." Fr. 688,258 (1929). CA 25 811. Fr. 9146. CA "Furnace for carbonizing wood with recovery of tar." (1920). Fr. (1928). 720, "Carbonizing wood." Dejouariy, L. 6148,756 657,685 (1927). CA 23 14569. "Apparatus for carbonizing wood with recovery of by-products." 663,1458 (1928). Poore, P. Fr. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." "Furnace for carbonizing wood." Fr. Fr. and Fr. 7114,190 (1930). 7014,936 (1930). cellulosic materials." 711,2143 (1931). 716,1487 (1931). CA 25 52814. CA CA 26 1772. 26 2313. Moore, S. "Apparatus for distilling wood." Guillaunie, P. Fr. 736,L59 (1932). "Charcoal from creosoted wood," Monier, J. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." Trihan, E. "Apparatus for carbonizing wood." Brisset, A. Giorla, CA 27 1)487. Fr. 751,031 (1933). Fr. )42,330 (1933). CA 27 5532. (1936). Fr. 806,79)4 CA 28 118)4. CA 31 5138. "Furnace for carbonizing Wood." Fr. 813,373 (1937). CA 32 1076. A. "Multicellular furnace CA 32 3951. Hadamovsky, P. for wood." carbonizing "Retort for carbonjzatjo 5606. of wood." Fr. 619,382 (1937). Fr. 822,122 (1937). - CA 32 Aubertie, J. and Villedieu, J. "Transportable furnace for carbonizing wood." Fr. 828,008 (1938). Brisset, A. CA 32 7260. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." (1938). Fr. 832,5)41 Deutsche Gold-und Silber-.5chejcjeantaj..t vornials Roessler," izing wood." Fr. 829,1410 (1938). CA 33 1)478. Haro, L. "Carbonization of combustibles." National Carbonizing Co. (1938). "Apparatus for carbon- Fr. 832,)480 (1938). Aurior, L. and Gatel, L. Fr. 826,897 (1938). "Retort for carbonizing wood." "Distilling wood," Fr. 8)49,767 (1939). CA 35 Fr. 850,577 (1939). 7690. Genty, H. "Carbonized agglomerate of wood, sawdust and lignite." (1939). CA 33 7529. "Improving the methods of carbonizing wood." CA 3)4 5633. "Furnace for the carbonization of wood." Fr. 837,)420 Fr. 8L2,107 (1939). "Furnace for distilling wood at low temperatures." CA 35 6)426. Brisset, A. Fr. 822,115 CA 32 8118. CA 36 212)4. Szek, J. CA 33 2683. "Apparatus for the carbonization of wood." "Vegetable coke." Raphael, M. 2683. CA. 32 5606. Spatz, R, Boll, H. CA 33 Fr. 8149,23 (1939). CA 36 Fr. 853,771 (19)40). 2172. Establjssements Laxnbiotte freres 859,7)41 (19)40). Gaujal, "Carbonization of cellulose material." Fr. CA )42 3556. J. "Furnace for manufacture of wood charcoal." Fr. 851,267 (19)40). CA 36 212)4. 143 "Device for the carbonization of wood." Trihan, E. 21214. Fr. 851,289 (19140). CA "lertica1 furnace for the continuous cax'bonization of wood." Andiganne, A. Fr. 863365 (i9lii). CA 142 9128. "Furnace for carbcnizing wood." Lely, A. Fr. "Aparatus for the carbonization of wood." Alepee, a. J. G. CA 143 14838. "Carbonisation et charbons actifa." CA 142 6092. 860,9146 (19141). "Active charcoal." Fr. Fr. 872,835 (19142). 872,035 (19142). CA 143 14838. "Carbonization of wood." Christien, A. A. "Carbonization furnace." Peaudecerf, M. and Lassalle, P, (19142). CA 143 14837. 872,686 (19142). Fr. 872,1143 (19142). Fr. Fr. 872,1414 CA 143 14837. "Continuous carbonization furnace." "Portable furnace for wood carbonization." Renault, L. CA 143 14838. "Carbonization furnace." David, E., halissard, G. and Dutin, J. (19142). CA 143 14837. Mazzoleni, R. Fr. Fr. 872,551 869,638 (19142). CA 143 14838. Saintenoy, 0. F. of wood." "Apparatus for the recovery of by-products from carbonization Fr, 868,788 (19142). CA 143 1952. "Condensation and recovery of by-products from the distillation Saintenoy, G. F. of ood and other ligneous materials." Fr. 877,180 (19142). CA 147 14586. Vitex, S. A. "Wood tar." Fr. 877,1148 (19142). CA 1475668. "L.ecovecy of tvrpentines, rosins, etc from wood waste." Fabre, R. (191414). CA 147 5119. Fr. 890,616 Frederich-Blanc, F., Fabre, i. and Gamier, 4. "Method of eliminating tars during wood charcoal manufacture." Fr. 892,283 (l914L). Fuchs, A. C. "Extraction of oily material and by-products from cellulose substances." Fr. 52,338 (191414) (2nd add. to Fr. 875,783). Fr. 52,667 (19145) (3rd add. to Fr. 875,783). CA II? 5668. Sterlini, lvi. J. "Fuel briquettes." Fr. 891,099 (19144). "Wood distillation ith recovery of methanol and acetone giving Lefranq, M. products suitable for carburization of steel." Fr. 53,082 (19145) (1st CA 147 14586. add. to Fr. 868,912). Pinel, A. "Method of carbonizing cellulosic materials." Bout.11ier, A. "Continuous heat-treatment of mate.ià1s." CA 144 6688. Fr. Fr. 905,1433 (19145). 9140,116 (19148). Societe Anonynie des Petroles Jupiter "Carbonization of ligneous substances and an apparatus therefor." Fr. 96Lt,796 (1950). Suida, H. "Recovery of concentrated acetic acid from wood distillation products." Fr. 967,7b0 (1950). CA !6 6835. Cochez, J. "Liquid fuels from distillation of 77614. Couquet, L. iv. wood." Fr. 979,14.59 (1951). CA 1'7 "Apparatus for distillation of wood." Fr. 979,526 (1951). 776L. CA Duplan, F. P. E. S. "Hydrocarbons from tar, wood, etc." Fr. 979,536 (1951). CA Li.? 776L. Laboratoires de recherches industriefles "Treating carbonization products." Fr. 976,022 (1951). CA Li.? 1920. Les Consonrnateurs de Petrole, S. A. "iviethod of and apparatus for the manufacture of substitutes for petroleum derivatives from wood or any other cellulose-containing material." Fr. 977,I5 (1951). Levi, F. "Apparatus for the recovery of by-products in wood distillation." Fr. 979,023 (1951). CA 141 612Z. Roux, 13. "Charcoal briquettes." Fr. 973,231 (1951). Societe pour l'exploitation des procedes Ab-cler-Halden "Apparatus for the continuous carbonization of wood." Fr. 977,787 (1951). CA L7 5668. Tu.rpin, F. A. 8351i.. "Apparatus for distillation of wood." Fr. 972,Lt38 (1951). CA 14.6 Verniorel, V. F. A. "Apparatus for the recovery of tar from the distillation of wood." Fr. 97t.,175 (1951). CA 14.6 116!.6. Welsch, H. L. G.. "Continuous distillation of wood by-products." Fr. 979,01.2 (1951). CA 1.7 6l21. Germany Huller, J. "Charring wood shavings." Ger. i85,93I. (1905). CA 2 216. Fritz, H. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." Ger. 265,oLi (1911). CA 8 14.17. Plauson, H. and von Tiachenko, G. CA 9 523. "Distillation of wood." Ger. 276,811 (1912). Ditttner, R. "Carbonizing wood." Ger. 275,516 (1913). CA 8 3117. Noerdlinger, H, "Alcohol-soluble asphalt-like products." Ger. 286,650 (1911.). CA 10 1L31. Ziegler, E. "Distilling retort for wood." Ger. Soc. anon. "la Carbonite." !Apparatus for (1915). 29t,0l5 carbonizing wood." CA 12 lt21. Qer. 513,125 (1926). CA 25 1363. Societe anon. des produits chimicues de Ciamecy "Working up crude products from the distillation of wood." Winzer, C. B. er. CA 26 iiiL. 53L,698 (1926). "Tunnel apparatus for carbonizing wood." Ger. 569,358 (1930). CA 27 228Lj. Reichert, T. Strupp, E. "Dry distillation." Ger. 666,387 (1938). "Dry distillation of wood." Ger. CA 33 231b. 660,236 (1938). CA 32 770L. Azett-Gas-Aparate-Bu G .m.b H. "Transportable apparatus for producing wood charcoal," Ger. 671,062 (1939). CA 33 358L. Groh, H. and Lang, A. Seidenschnur, F. "Distillation of wood." Ger. "Distilling wood." Ocr. 682,761 (1939). CA 35 1866. CA 33 7O9L. 6Th,819 (1939). Kirchhoff, L. and Vogt, A. E. "Portable oven for distillation of wood." Ger. 701,015 (19Lo), CA 35 7690. Lerner, P. and Pressler, H. "Disinountable retort furnace." Ger. 696,0L1 (19L0). CA 35 6096. 1\aschinenfabric Heciann G.m.b.H. CA 35 L80. (19L.o). "Retort for distillation of wood." Reichert, T. "Carbonizing ood, peat or lignite." Ger. 712,552 Ger. 692,323 (19141). CA 37 145514. Japan Teroshima, S. Takaoka, J. "Dry distillation of sardust." J. 30,816 (1917). "Distilling apparatus." J. 371479 (1920). J. CA 16 131L.. Kojima, E. "Furnace for iiianufacturing charcoal." Mandai, S. "Furnace for manufacturing charcoal." J. 39,950 Tsuchiya, T. CA 12 223. 39,589 (1921). "Furnace for dry distillation of ood." J. (1921). CA 16 3203. CA 16 37514. 38b6 (1921). CA 16 37514. Kimura, Y. "Charcoal oven." J.. 1421tl (1922). CA 18 751. Murao, K. "Apparatus for collecting acetic acid from smoke of carbonization of woods." J. 2221 (1951). CA 147 850. Norway Ingraidsen, 3. "Retort for dry distillation of wood." CA )40 16)48. Nor 68,778 (19)45). Ingeberg, H. C. H. "Apparatus for the recovery of highly volatile constituents of wood distillation acids," Nor. 71,111 (19)46). CA 14]. 850. Ingeberg, H. C. H. "Absorption of organic acids from wood distillation gases." Nor. 71,112 (19)46). CA )4i 850. Russia Povarnin, G. G. and Tzilliakus, A. P. Russ. 36(192)4). CA 27 3813. "Nultichainber wood-carbonization furnace." Spitalskii, G. "Furnace for carbonizing wood." Russ. 12,079 (192)4). Klyachin, N. K. "Heating wood carbonization ovens." Russ. 23,3)49 (1931). 1772. Nasakin, S. P. 1772. CA 2)4 1500. "Plant for dry distillation of wood." Russ. 23,350 (1931). CA 26 CA 26 Glotov, A. A. "Retort for dry distillation of vegetable substances." Russ. 30,671 (1933). CA28 3582. Iv, V. T. and Iurin, N. N. "Retort for dry distillation of wood." Russ. 30,672 (1933). Bochkov, D. A. 8322. Leonov, P. CA 28 3582. "Apparatus for distillation of wood." Russ 35,8)43 (193)4). "Removing tar from pyroligneous acid." 358)4. Nainetkin, S. S. arid Perrotte, V. Russ. 146,576 (1936). N. Russ. )4658o (1936). CA 29 CA "Removing tar frci'. wood-distillation prod"cs'J CA 33 358)4. Sharkov, V. I. "Dry distillation of wood." Russ. 53,501 (1938). CA 3)4 5278. Pryanishnikov, A. A., Kcvenskii, I. R. and Khlyzov, A. N. "S'paration of aicohols and ketones in wood distillation oils." Russ. 58,51)4 (19)40). CA 39 10h2, Kudryavtsev, E. A. (19)47). "Furnace for destructive distillation of wood." Russ. 68,960 CA 143 6398. L7 Sweden "Utilizing the heat from charring and dry distillation of wood." Hoikenstrom, N. 10,910 (1916). Swed. CA 10 2635. "Carbonizing wood." Hockenstrora, A. Bergstroem, H. 0. V. "Destructive Swede Ll,633 (1916). distillation of wood." 15L3. CA II Swed. 52,526 (1922). CA 18 l7Li.8. "Utilizing wood waste." Brandes, F. W. "Carbonizing wood." Funquist, G. G. Hoiragren, T. Swed. "Carbonizing and coking." Lindblad, A. R. (1931). Swed. 53,129 (1922). 51,!26 (1923). Swed. CA 17 3LiiL. CA 17 3Lj114. 55,996 (1921i.). CA 18 3709. Swed. "Thernial decomposition and reduction of wood." CA 27 3069. Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. "Distilling wood products." Swed. 72,6L6 78,693 (1933). CA 26 2178. "Treatment of wood, peat, arid brown coal." Bergstrom, H. and Cederquist, K. CA 32 31Li.. Swed. 9l,3L6 (1938). Bergstrom, H. 0. V., Cederquist, K., and Trobeck, K. G. wood." Swed. 105,339 (l9L2). CA 10 7627. Bergstrom, H. and Trobeck, K. G. (l9L5). CA L]. 819. Brenuner, G. P. and Oman, E. Cederquist, K. W. "Liquid products from "Liquid fuels from wood or peat." "Distillation of wood tar." "Hydrocarbons from wood." Lindhe, J. H. 0. and Tamrin, K. A. (19L5). CA 141 8148. Swed. Swed. Swed. 11l,193 i11,162 (19145). 115,120 (19L5). "Motor fuels from wood tar." CA Iii 850. Swed. 113,02 Cederquist, K. N. "Cooling the residues obtained in the destructive distillation of wood." Swed. 118,195 (19147). CA 141 7710. "Apparatus for destructive distillation of wood and other Cederquist, K. N. organic material." Swed. 118,1456 and 118,1457 (19147). CA 141 7711. Wendt, H. "Recovery of acetic acid from destructive distillation gases." 118,100 (19147). Swed. CA 141 6oLo. "Apparatus for the dry distillation of shale, peat, sawdust, Johansson, E. A. coal." Swed. 121,305 (19148). CA 143 3176. Moller, E. 0. (19146). "Solvents, fuels, and lubricants from wood waste." Swed. 123,267 Switzerland Trihan, E. "Dismountable furnace for carbonizing wood." Swiss. CA 23 970. Souvier, H.1 "Automatic portable oven for carbonizing wood." CA 36 3662. Bouvier, H. "Oven for carbonizing wood." Bouvier, H. "Portable oven for carbonizing wood." 3662. Bouvier, H. 216,1)47 (19)41). 3662. Swiss. CA 36 3662. Swiss. CA 3 216,6)42 CA 36 3662. 216,367 (19)41). "Installation for carbonizing wood." 215,896 (19)41). 216,1)48 (19)41). Swiss. CA 36 3662. "Wood carbonizer." Broulhiet, G. Zorn, R. Swiss. "Apparatus for carbonizing and distilling wood." (19)41). Pahud, A. Swiss. 126,997 (1927). Swiss. 217,172 (19)42). CA 36 "Furnace for carbonizing wood by distillation in a closed container." CA 14.2 56)46. Swiss. 216,6)42 (19)41). .Aktiengesellschaft fur chemische Holzversertung "Carbonization of wood and other organic compounds." Swiss. 237,758 (19)45). CA 143 6398. United States Darrin, C. B. "Extracting products from wood." Haminatt, C. S. Pope,. F. "Distilling wood." U.S. "Extracting wood products." U.S. 839,119 (1907). 8)43,599 (1907). U.S. CA 1 918. 852,078 (1907). CA 1 20)40. Gautier, T. B. "Distilling wood." Copilovich, H. "Wood distilling apparatus." U.S. Doughty, H. W. "Distillation of wood." 930,27)4 (1909). Hough, W. J. U.S. 896,292 (19O8). U.S. "Recovery of resin from ligneous material." Loomis, B. and Pettibone, H. CA 3 2373. Walker, G. U.S. "Manufacture of gas from wood." "Extracting resin and turpentine from wood." CA 3 2051. CA 2 3282. 918,)421 (1909). CA 32632. CA 1 65)4. U.S. CA CA 3 1810. 2627. 931,608 (1909). U.S. 927,148 (1909). 922,369 (1909). 149 Bergstrom, F! 0. V. "Process for dry distillation of wood." U.S. 953,019 (1910). CA 14 15143. "separating the products of destructive distillaKennedy, T. H. and Heckel, F. J. tion. U 969,635 (1910). CA 14 3296. "Apparatus for extracting turpentine from wood." Lembke, C. U.S. 970,2146 (1910). CA 14 3297. "Wood distillation process." Rasche, H. U.S. 962,668 (1910). "Manufacture of gas from wood." Zindler, A. Hainlin, P. M. (1911). "Apparatus for recovery ol' turpentine from wood." CA 5 2329. "Wood distilling apparatus." CA 14 1661i. U.S. 96,0l9 (1910). U.S. 990,862 U.S. 992,325 (1911). "Recovering products from resinous wood." Yaryan, H. T. CA 5 2571. Dungan, T. A. CA 14 2S68. U.S. 1,007,3141 (1912). "Apparatus and method for distilling wood." Pope, F. CA 6 2523. Strobach, R. "Recovering wood distillation products." CA 6 802. CA 6 152. U.S. 1,030,011 (1912). U.S. 1,015,519 (1912). "Making charcoal from nut shells, sawdust, peach stones, etc." Felizat, L. U.S. 1,087,1486 (19114). CA 8 13143. "Distilling wood to obtain turpentine." Pritchard, T. W. CA 8 3627. "Apparatus for distilling wood." Waterman, F. W. U.S. 1,110,820 (19114). U.S. 1,099,779 (19114). CA 8 2801. "Destructive distillation of wood." V'hitaker, M. C. U.S. 1,110,850 (19114). CA 8 3627. "Destructive distillation of wood." Woidich, F. 1870. "Producing charcoal." Wright, 0. U.S. 1,092,1418 (19114). "Destructively distilling cordwood." Cameron, A. 1689. Castona, J. H, Dorman, J L "Distilling resinous wood." "Distilling woOd." U.S. 1,092,620 (19114). CA 8 1870. U.S. 1,137,255 (1915). U.S. 1,1149,027 (1915). U.s. 1,122,0814 (1915). CA 8 CA CA 9 2587. CA 9 375. "Recovering volatile products of wood distillation." Johnson; J. E. 59? (1915). CA 9 2813. U.S. 1,151, 50 Lyster, B. R. and lvi. (1915). J. "Destructive distillation of wood." Angle, H. M. and Root, F. J. 1L31. Campbell, C. L. Dorrnan, J. L. "Wood distillation." Spurlock, J. W. (1917). Iwaxnoto, S. "Wood distillation." u.s. "Wood distilling apparatus." Quattlebaum, A. W. and Mooney, 13. S. 1,215,990 (1917). CA 11 1297. Chute, H. CA U.S. reissue "Destructive distillation of wood." U.S. 12 532. MacRae, H. 114,300 (1917). U.S. "Vertical still for destructive distillation of wood." CA 12 1833. (1918). McKee, B. F. U.S. 1,236,88)4-5 (1917). "Apparatus and method for wood distillation." 0., l,208,L53 U.S. CA 11 2152. "Destructive distillation of wood." CA U 2962. CA 10 l,l90,L75 (1916). CA 10 2298. "Apparatus for distilling wood." CA 11 2152. Seaman, S. E. 1,179,616 (1916). U.S. 1,227,lLj.8 (1917). U.S. CA CA 10 2LO2. "Apparatus for destructive distillation of wood." CA II 300. "Wood charcoal." Seaman, S. E. U.S. 1,157,316 l,l7i,537 (1916). U.S. 1,192,987 (1916). "Destructive distillation of wood." l59!, Barnes, J. W. U.S. CA 9 3357, 1,250,282 (1918). U.S. 1,268,7)42 "Electrical apparatus for producing gas from carbonaceous material." U.S. 1,2)49,151 (1918). CA 12 1421. Palmer, R. C. "Destructive distillation of wood." U.S. 1)419. von Hochstetter, H. CA 12 223. V'hite, W. W. "Destructive distillation of wood." U.S. Clark, C. T. CA 12 992. "Wood distillation." Hanson, D. L. (1920). Perry, W. P. U.S. 1,337,3)42 (1920). U.S. CA 1)4 1036. "Apparatus for distillation of wood." U.S. CA 1)4 1603. 1,330,632 1,3)41,517 (1920). "Destructive distillation of carbonaceous materials." (1920). U.S. CA 114 1895. "Oils from destructive distillation of wood." 2257. CA 12 1,2)41,789 (1918). "Destructive distillation of solid carbonaceous material." 1,257,772 (1918). Turner, C. 1,259,277 (1918). U.S. CA 114 1,336,26)4 "Phenols from Redwood." Hund, W. J. U.S. CA 15 91. l,365,L1.07 (1921). U.S. "Apparatus for the destructive distillation of sawdust." 1,375,7lL (1921). CA 15 2720. McLeod, H. N. "Retort for destructive distillation of wood." Quinker, E. E. (1921). U.S. 1,385,17O CA 15 3906. "Destructive distiiation of wood." US. Sawtelle, E. M. CA 15 2720. Stafford, 0. F. "Destructive disti1tion of wood." U.S. l,3Th,887 (1921). 1,330,262 (1921). CA 15 3393. "Distilling wood." Thomas, W. 1,365,128 (1921). CA 15 9L2. U.S. "Furnaces for carbonization of wood." von Post, T. 1,375,9L1.3-I (1921). U.S. CA 15 2720. "Carbonizing wood." Wells, J. F. 1,383,888 (1921). CA 15 3738. U.S. "Destructive distillation of wood." Berthelon, E. U.S. l,I26,3L6 (1922). CA 16 375L. "Destructive distillation of wood." Duncan, W. U.S. 1,L1fl7,017-18 (1922). CA 16 1658. 1,L30,L52 (1922). Poore, P. CA 16 L.053. "Distillation of wood." Pearce, J. U.S. "Generator and retort for distilling and gasifying wood." Lewis, G. P. "Distillation of wood." U.S. U.S. l,395,8667 (1922). CA 16 6L3. 1,397,181 (1922). "Apparatus for distilling wood." Deeter, E. D. "Charcoal kiln." Albin, T. C. U.S. 16 6L3. l,L1.37,292 (1923). 628. CA 1,L87,908 (l92L). CA 18 i7L18. "Retort plant for treating wood.1' Fish, K. K. U.S. CA U.S. 1,L9)4,536 (192L). CA 18 22L6. "Horizontal rotatable retort for distillation of coal and wood." l,I98,9l7 (l92L). CA 18 2599. Hutchins, W. S. U.S. Ott, C. F. "Retort for dry distillation of wood." U.S. 1,L78,2147 (l92L). CA 751. Ott, C. F. "Wood distillation." Wilcox, P. S. U.S. l,L88,278 (l92L). "Destructive distillation of wood." U.S. CA 18 1Th8. 1,510,730 (l92L). CA 18 3713. Corfield, S. H. (1925). "Apparatus for distillation of wood, coal, etc." U.S. 1,532,686 52 De Bartolemeis, R. Barbet, E. "Distilling solid fuel." U.S. l,52L,78t (1925). CA 19 10!5. "Removing tar from pyroligneous vapors of wood distillation." 356Lt. U.S. 1,598,5!7 (1926). CA 20 Cline, M. "Apparatus for extracting turpentine and rosin from wood." 837-5 (1926). CA Forssen, S. "Retort for making charcoal from wood." CA 20 3077. Frame, A. CA U.S. "Apparatus for distilling methanol from wood." Garrow, J. R. (1926). Grifuiths, C. l,589,7b6 (1926). U.S. 20 316. 1,589, U.S. 20 3077. 1,562,880 (1926). "Low and medium temperature carbonization of wood." U.S. CA 20 3228. 1,593,333 "Apparatus for distilling wood or other carbonaceous material." u.s. 1,573,82I (1926). CA 20 1314. Morgan, J. S. "Destructive distillation of wood." 3077. Queneau, A. "Retort for carbonizing wood." Shaw, D. P. "Destructive distillation of wood." "Rotary apparatus for dr CA 20 316. 1,566,778 (1926). Weaver, J. L. U.S. CA 20 distillation of ligneous material." "Apparatus for wood distillation." U.S. "Destructive distillation of wood." 173. Nielsen, H. CA 20 CA 20 106. 1,559,99lj (1926). U.S. 109. Ljungdabl, W, 1,590,901 (1926). 1,560,855 (1926). U.S. 109. Strathain, N. U.S. U.S. 1,560,517 (1926). U.S. CA l,603,31i3 (1927). CA "Destructive distillation of coal, wood, and similar materials." 1,605,761 (1927). Wernicke, 0. CA 21 CA 21 168. "Destructive distillation of woody materials." 319. Hennebutte, H. and Goutal, E. (1928). CA 22 3773. Hobsori, F. and Shelton, J. U.S. "Apparatus for carbonizing wood." 1,607,328 (1927). U.S. 1,680,613 "Vertical retort apparatus for distilling wood." CA 22 2655. u.s. 1,672,860 (1928). Kemp, W. "Carbonizing wood or other materials." 3290. Lykken, H. U.S. 1,677,7814. (1928). "Apparatus for low temperature distillation of wood." CA 22 14280. (1928). U.S. CA 1,685,1496 53 1,6814,875 (1928). U.S. "Apparatus for carbonizing and distilling wood." Malboy, R. CA 22 14790. U.S. 1,6614,14814 "Removing tar from gases produced in wood distillation." (1928). CA 22 18148. Piron, E. U.S. 1,678, "..4nnular or straight ovens for carbonizing coal or wood." Winzer, C. CA 22 3763. 687 (1928). "Rotary horizontal retort for coal or Dwyer, T. wood." U.S. 1,703,1418-9 (1929). CA 23 2021. "Apparatus for distilling Twining, R. "Distilling wood." "Carbonizing Crow, W. (1930). CA 214 solid 1,716,7145 (1929). U.S. CA 23 5014. CA 23 3806. U.S. vegetable material such as wood." 1,773,959 5138. "Carbonization and distilling solid carbonaceous material." Odell, W. 1,7147,731 (1930). Day, E. U.S. 1,690,933-h (1929). wood." Hubmann, 0. CA 214 U.S. 1725. "Apparatus for destructive distillation of wood." U.S. 1,820,600 (1931). CA 25 5759. Doherty, H. U.S. "Distilling carbonaceous material such as wood." (1931). Myers, J. T. 1,781,871 CA 25 399. "Wood distillation plant." Snyder, F. T. U.S. 1,795,14014 (1931). "Distilling solid carbonaceous materials." U.S. CA 25 2559. 1,781,9314 (1931). CA 25 399. Snyder, F. T. "Distillation of wood." Brass, F., Otten, N. and Toland, G. U.S. 1,836,305 (1932). CA U.S. 1,822,383 (1931). CA 25 5972. "Retort and furnace for wood distillation." 26 nib. Clifton, B. and Cooper, W. "Appratus for distillation of solid materials such as wood." U.S. 1,867,877 (1932). CA 26 14985. Egloff, G. and Benner, H. "Wood distillation." U.S. 1,859,292 (1932). CA 26 3916. Howard, J. D. "Destructive distillation of wood waste." U.S. 1,8145,917 (1932). CA 26 2313. and Laing, B. "Distilling hydrocarbon oils from wood." US. 1,830,8814 (1932). CA 26 837. Nielsen, H. Schaffer, J. C. "Apparatus for wood distillation." U.S. 1,836,510 (1932). ililt, Thomsen, A. M. "Wood distillation." U.S. 1,839,277 (1932). CA 26 11436. CA 51.i. Day, E. L. "Wood distillation 678 (1933). CA 27 )40. Derby, I. H. and treatment of by-products formed." "Driving off volatile substances from wood." CA 27 3057. Frye, R. U.S. "Destructive steam distillation of resinous woods." (1933). Karrick, L. C. 1,900,381 (1933). U.S. CA 27 3813. 1,909,397 "Distilling solid carbonaceous material such as wood." CA 27 3062. U.S. 1,901,169 (1933). Nielsen, H. "Distilling carbonizable materials." 1L87. Nielsen, H. 1,886,350 (1933). "Apparatus for distilling solid carbonizable fuel." (1933). "Destructive distillation of vegetable materials." (1933). U.S.. (l93L). CA 27 59!.3. "APparatus for carbonizing organic material." U.S. CA 28 )4222. "Carbon monoxide gas from wood distillation." CA 29 7068. Derby, I. H. and Homer, H. R.. 2,029,759 (1936). Gronbeck, A. C. CA U.S. l,957,36Li. 2,0l2,1t77 (1935). "Retort and apparatus for distilling wood." 30 1981. "Apparatus for low temperature distillation of wood." 2,033,138 (1936). CA 30 3208. "Portable charcoal kiln." Hardy, R. and Aram, E. U.S. 2,159,310 (1939). CA "Activated carbon from pine sawdust." U.S. Hadamovsky, P. "Low temperature distilling apparatus." CA 314 2655. Pope, F. U.S. 33 7O9!. 33 5161. Reichert, T. "Dry distillation of materials such as wood." CA 33 755Li.. 6096. CA U.S. "Distillation of solid carbonaceous materials such as woodU U.S. 2,l5l,8L9 (1939). Davis, R. G. 1,879,502 "Retort system and associated apparatus for carbonizing wood." 13. Stafford, 0. F. Bang, C. CA 27 1,908,651 CA 27 11.11. U.S. 1,929,132 (1933). Olson, E. T. U.S. CA 27 3806. Rinman, E. L. Winzer, C. U.S. 1,878, U.s. "Retort for destructive distillation of wood." CA 314 2160. U.S. 2,l6O,311 (1939). 2,2145,579 (19140). U.S. U.s. CA 2,186,169 (19140). 2,182,750 (19140). 35 55 Reichert, T. "Carbonizing cellulose materials such as wood." (19)40). CA 3)4 6800. Saltsman, D. J. "Apparatus for distilling wood." U.S. 2,202,231 U.S. 2,196,3)43 (19)40). CA 5278. Goss, W. C. "Furnace and retort for distillation of wood." CA 36 )4629. "Partial pyrolysis of wood." White, A. H. U.S. 2,276,6)49 (19L1.2). U.S. 2,360,60)4 (19)4)4). CA 39 1292. 2,393,700 (19)46). Molinari, V. "Treatment of crude tar acid fractions." CA )40 2962. U.S. Records, E. A. 2,397,)432 (19)46). "Treating carbonaceous material." U.S. 3868. CA )40 Reiter, A. A. and Beman, F. L. "Separation of acetol acetate from wood distillate." U.S. 2,)40l,27)4 (19)46). CA )40 7576. "Production of wood tar and charcoal by successive direct and indirect heating steps in a kiln." U.S. 2,)429,272 (19)47). Melaznid, M. "Separation of wood-pyrolysis products by fracReiter, A. A. and Beman, F. L. tioia1 distillation." U.S. 2,)416,270 (19)47). CA )4l 2878. Reiter, A. A. and Beman, F. L. "Purification of crude formic acid from wood distillation." U.S. 2,)433,323 (19)47). CA )42 2088. Pieters, J. A. L. "Continuous vertical destructive distillation furnace for wood products." U.S. 2,)477,390 (19)49). CA )43 8122. "Destructive distillation of solids in a liquid bath." (19)49). CA 143 3175. Stamm, A. J. 550 U.S. 2,L159, Suida, H. "Direct recovery of concentrated acetic acid from wood distillation vapors." U.S. 2,509,539 (1950). CA 1414 8096. Dalin, D., Hedback, T. J., Gejrot, C. J. and Johannson, A. W. retort for oil shale, coal, or wood." U.S. 2,550,677 Jenkins, C. E. "Apparatus for gasification of wood." "Dry distillation (1951). CA 145 6376. U.S. 2,556,090 (1951). "Bringing finely divided solids into contact with gases." 2,539,263 (1951). CA 145 366)4. Munday, J. C. Coutor, C. "Distillation of wood carbonization products." CA 147 14066. Mora, P. M. "Apparatus for cracking vegetable or wood tars." (1952). Peters, 1ff. 3-2)4-55 gh U.S. U.S. 2,623,8)45 (1952). U.S. 2,621,150 CA 147 14586. "Sawdust carbonizing apparatus." U.S. 2,631,930 (1953). CA 5668.