UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2015-2016 R+W Examination Template – Guidance The Reading and Writing Examination Template is in four parts: • R+W Examination Template – Guidance (this document) • R+W Examination Template – Task repository • R+W Examination Template – Questions • R+W Examination Template – Answers You should also refer to the Course Units 2015-2016 Student Handbook for details on language/words/task types/points etc. For 2015-2016 all answers will continue to be written in separate CLIE course unit answer booklets; the question papers will only contain the documents and tasks and will be able to be removed from the examination hall by candidates at the end of the examination. Sample layouts for the most common task types are given in ‘R+W Template – Repository’. Steps: 1. Open ‘R+W Template – Questions’; save as e.g. ‘RW2016-FrenchA-Questions.docx’ 2. Open ‘R+W Template – Answers’; save as e.g. ‘RW2016-FrenchA-Answers.docx’ These two documents will be the ones that you return to Adam once completed and discussed at the Course Units Coordinators Meetings. 3. For each task, you can either type it directly into your questions document (‘RW2016-FrenchA-Questions.docx’ in the example above), or copy the sample task from ‘R+W Template – Repository’ that most closely matches your task and paste it into your document. When pasting text from ‘R+W Template – Repository’, from ‘Paste Options’ [shown below] choose ‘Keep Source Formatting’. When pasting from other sources please choose ‘Match Destination Formatting’ or ‘Keep Text Only’. Word 2007 Paste options 4. Word 2010 Paste options For each task replace ‘X points’ with the actual number of points. You are recommended to turn on the show formatting option (Word 2003: ‘Tools’ → ‘Options’ → ’View’ → ‘Formatting Marks’ – check ‘All’; Word 2007 and Word 2010: click ¶ [on the ‘Home’ tab, in the ‘Paragraph’ box]) so you can see all the paragraph and tab marks as well as page breaks etc. Please ensure that you spell-check the document(s) and the tasks before submission. Documents All documents should be supplied as plain text (tables should NOT be used) without paragraph numbers and without line numbering – these will be added once the paper has been formatted. EACH DOCUMENT MUST HAVE A TITLE, AN AUTHOR, A SOURCE AND A DATE. A full reference is required for copyright reasons when examinations are published. Properties/attributes: Justification/alignment: Justified Font: ‘Calibri’ 11pt for all documents and tasks (use ‘Arial’ 11pt if you do not have Calibri). For emphasis please use bold. For Japanese: ‘Calibri’ 11pt for English text (use ‘Arial’ 11pt if you do not have Calibri), otherwise ‘MS Gothic’ 11pt Do NOT use italics in the question paper Use italics ONLY for answers in the answer paper Line spacing: Documents: 1.5 for syllabi A and B; 1.0 for all other syllabi Single for all tasks and answers Language: Please set the language of the text to Arabic/Dutch/French/German/Italian/Japanese/Mandarin/Spanish as appropriate Punctuation: Should be correct for your country AND CONSISTENT ACROSS LEVELS Quotes: “X” or „X“ (German) or « X » (French) Apostrophes: ‘ (e.g. l’espresso) After each sentence there should be TWO spaces Only in French should there be a space before punctuation symbols ? ! : ; Accents: Should be correct for your country AND CONSISTENT ACROSS LEVELS Tasks Tasks should be numbered Task 1, a, b, c etc. Do NOT use automatic numbering in Word; please type the characters manually (a, b, c or 1, 2, 3 etc) Points Please use the correct format (Question papers are different from Answer papers), ensure that sub-totals and totals are correct, and check that the grammar is correct (i.e. 1 point, 0/2/3 etc points). Do NOT change: Fonts; Text size; Tab settings; Margins; Line spacing; Spacing/number of lines between paragraphs; Paragraph properties.