Spring 2007 AHE Adult Ed & Higher Ed Leadershp LAURIE BRENDLE-SLEIPNESS, 403 EDUC, 737-4317 Title RESEARCH Crs# 501 Sec# CRN 400 36758 CR Meeting Time 1-16 TBA Location TBA INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 400 36759 1-16 TBA READING AND CONFERENCE 505 400 36760 PROJ/ADULT EDUCATION 506 INTERNSHIP Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Russ-Eft, D. TBA Shintaku, R. TBA TBA Shintaku, R. 400 36763 1-16 TBA TBA 510 400 36768 1-18 TBA TBA CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS 521 400 36772 3 TBA TBA INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM DESIGN II 532 400 36775 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. WORKPLACE LEARNING NEEDS ASSES 533 400 36776 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. LEGAL ISSUES IN HIGHER EDUC 582 400 37950 3 TBA TBA Sanchez, A. ST/ISSUES IN ADULT EDUCATION 599 400 36787 3 TBA TBA Webster, J. ST/INFORMATIONAL TECH I 599 407 36785 1 TBA TBA READING AND CONFERENCE 605 400 36788 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shintaku, R. SEMINAR/RESEARCH 607 400 36789 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shintaku, R. INTERNSHIP 610 400 36792 1-15 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shintaku, R. ST/LEADERSHIP IN STUDENT SERV 621 400 36793 3 TBA TBA Roper, L. ST/INSTRUCTIONAL LEADER II 621 401 36794 3 TBA TBA Schaafsma, C. ST/RESEARCH ISSUES 621 402 36796 3 TBA TBA Copa, G. Spring 2007 ALS 3 Crs# 114 Sec# CRN 400 36034 CR 2 ACADEMIC SUCCESS 116 400 36820 2 ANTH Webster, J. Sanchez, A. Russ-Eft, D. Chatfield, K. Academic Learning Services Title CAREER DECISION MAKING Spring 2007 Shintaku, R. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. MOIRA DEMPSEY, 101 WALDO, 737-2272 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA TBA TBA Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Cassady, E. Lockhart, J. Anthropology DAVID McMURRAY, 238 WALD, 737-4515 Title *INTRO TO CULTURAL ANTH Crs# 110 Sec# CRN 400 34712 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA *COMPARATIVE CULTURES 210 400 35035 FROM APE TO ANGEL 240 400 34726 *PEOPLES WORLD-NORTH AMERICA 311 *PEOPLES OF THE WORLD-AFRICA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA 400 36160 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mathewson, M. 315 400 36161 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hewlett, B. *PEOPLES WORLD-JAPAN & KOREA 319 400 36682 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Morrison, C. *EVOL OF PEOPLE, TECH, SOCIET 330 400 36163 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Purdy, S. LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND SOCIETY 350 400 35036 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofer, A. ^FAMILY, GENDER, & GENERATION 370 400 36162 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hedges, J. *CULTURES IN CONFLICT 380 400 36164 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Murray, M. T/OREGON ARCHEOLOGY 430 400 35037 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Prouty, G. T/ARCHEOLOGY & SUSTAINABILITY 430 401 35038 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Prouty, G. T/NONTIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS 480 400 37979 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. *NAT RESOURCES & COMM VALUES 481 400 36216 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spring 2007 ARAB Instructor Mishra, R. Hofer, J. Hedges, J. JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Crs# 111 Sec# CRN 400 36670 CR 4 FIRST-YEAR ARABIC 112 400 36671 FIRST-YEAR ARABIC 113 400 36672 AREC Fees Jameson, J. Arabic Title FIRST-YEAR ARABIC Spring 2007 Registration Restrictions Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Al-Saaidi, F. 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Al-Saaidi, F. Agricultural & Resource Econom Title *EVOL OF US ENV & NAT RES LAW Crs# 253 Sec# CRN 400 34746 CR 4 AGRICULTURAL LAW 388 400 38469 4 Fees Instructor Al-Saaidi, F. GREG M. PERRY, 213 BALE, 737-2942 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA TBA TBA Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Johnson, L. SEM/CRRNT ISSU IN RURAL POLICY 407 400 36675 3 TBA TBA *^AGRI & FOOD POLICY ISSUES 461 400 34288 4 TBA TBA Spring 2007 ART Steel, B. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Art Diebel, P. JOHN MAUL, 105 FAIR, 737-4745 Title *INTRO TO VISUAL ARTS Crs# 101 Sec# CRN 400 35572 CR 4 INTERNSHIP 410 400 38160 1-12 TBA ART FOR TEACHERS I 415 400 37997 4 TBA TBA Houska, M. ART FOR TEACHERS I 515 400 37998 4 TBA TBA Houska, M. Spring 2007 ATS BA Crs# 210 Sec# CRN 400 37985 CR 3 Crs# 390 Sec# CRN 400 35533 CR 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 462 400 38125 4 BB Crs# 350 BEE BI Sec# CRN 400 38052 CR 4 Crs# 439 Sec# CRN 400 37437 CR 4 Sec# CRN 400 36203 CR 4 ECOLOGY 370 400 32736 MARINE BIOLOGY 450 400 37286 MARINE BIOLOGY LABORATORY 451 MARINE BIOLOGY 550 MARINE BIOLOGY LABORATORY 551 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Tahnk, W. JAMES COAKLEY, 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meeting Time TBA Fees Instructor Mc Alexander, J. Larson, E. P. SHING HO, 2011 ALS, 737-4511 Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Ahern, K. Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor English, M. Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stone, J. 8 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, S. 400 37287 8 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, S. 400 37288 8 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, S. 400 37289 8 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, S. Chemistry Sec# CRN 400 36158 CR 5 *GENERAL CHEMISTRY 123 400 36159 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 332 400 37952 *TECHNOLOGY, ENERGY, AND RISK 374 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 390 COMM Instructor Robinson, T. Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 5 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Travers, J. 400 32844 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Loveland, W. 400 32845 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Loveland, W. Communication Crs# 328 Fees DOUGLAS KESZLER, 153 GILB, 737-2081 Crs# 122 Title NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION ROBERT A. DUNCAN, 110 OAO, 737-5189 Meeting Time TBA Title *GENERAL CHEMISTRY Spring 2007 Folts, J. T. POWELL, 2042 CORD, 737-2993 Crs# 311 CH Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biology Title GENETICS Spring 2007 TBA Instructor Maul, J. Biological & Ecological Engr Title IRRIGATION PRINCIPLES & PRACT Spring 2007 Fees Biochemistry and Biophysics Title ELEMENTARY BIOCHEMISTRY Spring 2007 Registration Restrictions Business Administration Title MARKETING Spring 2007 Location TBA Atmospheric Sciences Title INTRO TO THE ATMOSPHERIC SCI Spring 2007 Meeting Time TBA Sec# CRN 400 37990 Fees Instructor Nafshun, R. Nafshun, R. ROBERT ILTIS, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Wendt, N. Spring 2007 CSS Crop & Soil Science R.S. KAROW, P. MULLETT, 3005B ALS, 737-2894 Title *SOILS: SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEMS Crs# 205 Sec# CRN 400 34685 CR 4 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions *WORLD FOOD CROPS 330 400 34696 *WORLD SOIL RESOURCES 395 400 32640 ST/CROPPING SYS FOR SUSTAIN 499 ST/ORGANIC FARMING 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 401 34750 1 TBA TBA Hannaway, K. 499 402 34752 1 TBA TBA Hannaway, K. ST/GENETICALLY MODIFIED 499 403 35039 1 TBA TBA Hannaway, K. ST/SOIL QUALITY 499 404 36171 1 TBA TBA Hannaway, K. ST/BIOPRODUCTS 499 405 36173 1 TBA TBA Hannaway, K. ST/AGRICULT & ANIMAL INTERFACE 499 406 37955 1 TBA TBA ST/CROPPING SYS FOR SUSTAIN 599 400 34751 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hannaway, K. ST/ORGANIC FARMING 599 402 34753 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hannaway, K. ST/GENETICALLY MODIFIED 599 403 35040 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hannaway, K. ST/SOIL QUALITY 599 404 36172 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hannaway, K. ST/BIOPRODUCTS 599 405 36174 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hannaway, K. ST/AGRICULT & ANIMAL INTERFACE 599 406 37956 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hannaway, K. Spring 2007 ECON Economics Crs# 201 Sec# CRN 400 32464 CR 4 *INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS 202 400 32465 4 ENG Sec# CRN 400 32848 CR 3 *MODERN SHORT STORY 374 400 36199 ST/SOCIAL CLASS & THE AMER NOV 465 400 34697 Crs# 410 Sec# CRN 400 35383 *^ENVIRONMENTAL CASE STUDIES 479 400 38095 ES Crs# 544 EXSS FOR TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Instructor Pipoblabanan, C. Voyteshenko Livingston, O. Location TBA 3 TBA TBA Mc Donnell, P. 3 TBA TBA Weber, J. CR Meeting Time 1-12 TBA 3 Registration Restrictions TBA Sec# CRN 400 37957 Crs# 475 Sec# CRN 400 36680 Instructor Sanborn III, W. LINDA JAMES, 2046 CORD, 737-2404 Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Lajtha, K. Milstein, R. CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Fees Instructor Peters, K. ANTHONY WILCOX, 214 LANG, 737-2643 Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Forest Resources Fees Instructor Kudlacek, T. J. WALSTAD, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Sec# CRN 400 36807 CR 3 *ISSUES IN NATURAL RES CONSERV 365 400 33975 WILDLAND FIRE ECOLOGY 446 400 34730 Fisheries and Wildlife Fees ERLINDA GONZALES-BERRY, 230 STAG, 737-0709 Crs# 111 FW TBA Fees Meeting Time TBA Title INTRODUCTION TO FORESTRY Spring 2007 Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Exercise and Sport Science Title *POWER AND PRIVILEGE IN SPORT Spring 2007 Location TBA Ethnic Studies Title NATIVE AMERICAN LAW Spring 2007 Meeting Time TBA Environmental Sciences Title ENVIRON SCIENCE INTERNSHIP Spring 2007 Bronick, C. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Crs# 317 ENSC Hannaway, K. Hannaway, K. English Title *AMERICAN NOVEL: BEG TO CHOPIN Spring 2007 Instructor Reuter, R. CARLOS MARTINS-FILHO, 303 BALE, 737-2321 Title *INTRO TO MICROECONOMICS Spring 2007 Fees Meeting Time TBA Location TBA 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Walstad, J. Anzinger, D. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reed, M. W. DANIEL EDGE, 104 NASH, 737-4531 Title PRINCIPLES OF F&W CONSERVATION Crs# 251 Sec# CRN 400 34748 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA SURV OF GEO INFO SYS IN NAT RE 303 400 33129 BIOLOGY OF BIRDS 311 400 32485 BIOLOGY OF FISHES 315 BIOLOGY OF MAMMALS 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ivey, G. 400 34749 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Remple, S. 317 400 35041 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. De Mars, C. INTRO POPULATION DYNAMICS 320 400 36812 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Gertseva, V. MGMT PRIN OF PAC SALMON IN NW 323 400 32616 3 TBA TBA *GLOBAL CRISES RESOURCE ECOL 325 400 37456 3 TBA TBA *MULTICULT PERS IN NAT RESOURC 340 400 36214 3 TBA TBA *ENDANGERED SPECIES, SOC & SUS 350 400 36679 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dugger, K. PRINCIPLES OF WILDLIFE DISEASE 427 400 38158 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mortenson, J. WILDLAND FIRE ECOLOGY 446 400 34731 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reed, M. *ECOLOGY AND HISTORY: COLUMBIA 470 400 34698 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spence, M. WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 481 400 36255 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Austin-Bythell, S. PRINCIPLES OF WILDLIFE DISEASE 527 400 38159 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mortenson, J. ECOLOGY AND HISTORY: COLUMBIA 570 400 34699 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spence, M. WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 581 400 36256 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Robinson, W. Spring 2007 GEO Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Mahrt, M. Whitney, L. Ford, M. Geosciences MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 737-1238 Title *THE SOLID EARTH Crs# 101 Sec# CRN 400 37372 CR 4 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA *EXPLR DEEP/GEOG OF WORLD OCEA 103 400 35042 *ENVIRONMENT CONSERV & SUSTAIN 300 400 36074 MAP AND IMAGE INTERPRETATION 301 *LIV WTH ACTIVE CASC VOLCANOES 305 *PARK GEOLOGY & PRESERVATION *GLOBAL CHANGE & EARTH SCIENCE 4 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Becker, L. 400 35643 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kimerling, A. 400 38093 3 TBA TBA 307 400 36798 3 TBA TBA Lillie, R. 308 400 37953 3 TBA TBA Yalcin, K. *ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 309 400 37353 3 TBA TBA *GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE 326 400 36797 3 TBA TBA Kahn, J. *GEOG OF THE U.S. AND CANADA 329 400 35638 3 TBA TBA Kahn, J. *EARTHQUAKES IN THE PACIFIC NW 380 400 34728 3 TBA TBA Dziak, R. GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEMS & SCI 465 400 34133 3 TBA TBA Wright, D. GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEMS & SCI 565 400 34134 3 TBA TBA ADV GIS APPLICATIONS IN GEOSCI 580 400 37378 4 TBA TBA Spring 2007 GER Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Yalcin, R. Keller, R. Keller, R. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Yalcin, K. Wright, D. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. German Wright, D. JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Title FIRST-YEAR GERMAN Crs# 111 Sec# CRN 400 36657 CR 4 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. FIRST-YEAR GERMAN 112 400 36658 FIRST-YEAR GERMAN 113 400 36659 SECOND-YEAR GERMAN 211 SECOND-YEAR GERMAN 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. 400 36660 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. 212 400 36661 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. SECOND-YEAR GERMAN 213 400 36662 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. THIRD-YEAR GERMAN 311 400 36813 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. THIRD-YEAR GERMAN 312 400 36814 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. THIRD-YEAR GERMAN 313 400 36815 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. *GERMAN CULTURE 331 400 36816 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. *GERMAN CULTURE 332 400 36817 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stehr, C. Spring 2007 H Public Health Title STRAT MGMT OF HEALTH SERV ORG Crs# 456 Fees Instructor Stehr, C. MARIE HARVEY, 254 WALD, 737-2686 Sec# CRN 400 35057 CR 3 Meeting Time M 1800-2050 4/2/07-6/8/07 Location STAG 109 Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Friedman, L. REIMBURSEMENT MECHANISMS 458 400 35061 3 TBA TBA LONG-TERM CARE ALTERNATIVES 467 400 35059 3 TBA TBA ST/HEALTH CARE INFO SYSTEMS 491 400 38223 3 TBA TBA ECON ISSUES IN HLTH & MED CARE 532 400 36220 3 HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEM 539 400 36805 3 TBA TBA Churchill, B. STRAT MGMT OF HEALTH SERV ORG 556 400 35058 3 M 1800-2050 4/2/07-6/8/07 STAG 109 Friedman, L. REIMBURSEMENT MECHANISMS 558 400 35062 3 TBA TBA LONG-TERM CARE ALTERNATIVES 567 400 35060 3 TBA TBA Spring 2007 HDFS Crs# 201 Sec# CRN 400 36221 CR 3 *HUMAN SEXUALITY 240 400 34714 CHILD & YOUTH WITH SPEC NEEDS 432 400 36222 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT 444 400 32552 Churchill, B. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff Hogan, J. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. HHS Hogan, J. CAROLYN ALDWIN, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Registration Restrictions 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meierdiercks, P. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lee, S. Sec# CRN 400 34694 CR 2 *LIFETIME FITNESS 241 400 34695 1 HST Crs# 255 Sec# CRN 400 36678 Instructor Srinivasan, E. ANTHONY WILCOX, 214 LANG, 737-2643 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA TBA TBA Horticulture Title HERBACEOUS ORN PLANT MATERIALS Fees Mawdsley, J. HHS - Lifetime Fitness HORT Seifert, N. Location TBA Crs# 231 Spring 2007 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meeting Time TBA Title *LIFETIME FITNESS FOR HEALTH Spring 2007 Seifert, N. Human Dev and Family Sciences Title *CONTEMPORARY FAMILIES IN U.S. Spring 2007 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Massa-Gonzalez, A. Massa-Gonzalez, A. ANITA AZARENKO, DEBBIE MAYNARD, 4155 ALS, 737-5448 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions History Fees Instructor Maynard, D. PAUL FARBER, 306 MLM, 737-3421 Title *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Crs# 201 Sec# CRN 400 34720 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 202 400 34721 *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 203 400 34722 *ANCIENT NEAR EAST 320 *MODERN LATIN AMERICA-TO 1810 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reid, T. 400 32612 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ferngren, G. 350 400 38028 3 TBA TBA *EAST ASIA 391 400 32850 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. ST/HISTORY OF THE U.S. FAMILY 415 400 32843 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. *THE HOLOCAUST IN ITS HISTORY 425 400 38349 3 TBA TBA HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC NW 469 400 32635 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. del Mar, D. CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION 475 400 37363 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Carson, M. *ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY OF U.S. 481 400 32634 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. THE HOLOCAUST IN ITS HISTORY 525 400 38350 3 TBA TBA Spring 2007 HSTS Sec# CRN 400 32425 CR 3 *^HISTORY OF MEDICINE 417 400 34723 *SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 418 400 34724 *TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGE 421 *ECOLOGY AND HISTORY: COLUMBIA ECOLOGY AND HISTORY: COLUMBIA Title Reid, T. Frasure, C. del Mar, D. Kopperman, P. del Mar, D. Kopperman, P. PAUL FARBER, 306 MLM, 737-3421 Crs# 412 JPN Instructor Reid, T. del Mar, D. History of Science Title *HISTORY OF SCIENCE Spring 2007 Fees Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reid, T. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reid, T. 400 34725 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reid, T. 470 400 36358 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spence, M. 570 400 36359 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spence, M. Japanese Crs# Fees Instructor Zernel, J. JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor *JAPANESE CULTURE Spring 2007 333 LS 400 36187 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Liberal Studies Anderson, R. JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 Title PROJ/CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE Crs# 406 Sec# CRN 401 32443 CR Meeting Time 1-16 TBA Location TBA PROJ/ARTS AND HUMANITIES 406 404 32444 1-16 TBA TBA PROJ/SOCIAL SCIENCES 406 409 32445 1-16 TBA TBA INTERNSHIP/ARTS & HUMANITIES 410 400 33976 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bottaro, L. INTERNSHIP/SOCIAL SCIENCES 410 401 33977 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Elias, K. Spring 2007 MB MTH Crs# 230 Fees Instructor Jeneva, P. Bottaro, L. Elias, K. Microbiology Title *INTRODUCTORY MICROBIOLOGY Spring 2007 Registration Restrictions THEO DREHER, 220 NASH, 737-1833 Sec# CRN 400 37323 CR 4 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Fees MIB1 fee of $25.00 Mathematics Instructor Bruslind, L. CHAIR, 368 KIDD, 737-4686 Title ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Crs# 065 Sec# CRN 400 32426 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 400 32427 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 401 34063 ALGEBRAIC REASONING 103 *INTRO TO CONTEMPORARY MATH 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff 400 35067 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Clark, S. 105 400 32428 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Van Wey, A. *COLLEGE ALGEBRA 111 400 32429 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bowers, S. *ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS 112 400 36223 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bowers, S. *FOUNDS ELEM MATH 211 400 32430 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff FOUNDATIONS OF ELEMENTARY MATH 212 400 32431 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dietz, C. *CALC FOR MGT & SOCIAL SCI 241 400 32432 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Rokni, M. *MATH FOR MGT, LIFE, & SOCIAL 245 400 32433 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bowers, S. *DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 251 400 32448 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Garity, D. INTEGRAL CALCULUS 252 400 32620 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Pohjanpelto, P. FOUNDATIONS OF ELEMENTARY MATH 390 400 33978 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dietz, C. Spring 2007 MUED Music Education Title RESEARCH IN MUSIC EDUCATION Spring 2007 MUP Crs# 562 Sec# CRN 400 36225 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Music (Studio) Clark, S. Fees Instructor Bull, T. ERIC HENDRIX, 101 BENT, 737-4061 Crs# 192 Sec# CRN 400 34700 CR 1 IND LSNS: STRINGS/GUITAR II 192 401 36150 IND LSNS: STRINGS/GUITAR III 192 402 36151 MUS Instructor Clark, S. ERIC HENDRIX, 101 BENT, 737-4061 Title IND LSNS: STRINGS/GUITAR I Spring 2007 Fees Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Grandstaff, N. 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Grandstaff, N. Music Fees Instructor Grandstaff, N. ERIC HENDRIX, 101 BENT, 737-4061 Title *MUSIC APPRECIATION I: SURVEY Crs# 101 Sec# CRN 400 34690 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA *MUSIC APPRECIATION I: SURVEY 101 401 36799 *MUS APPREC II/SURVEY OF JAZZ 102 400 37362 SS/BUSINESS OF MUSIC 199 SS/BUSINESS OF MUSIC 399 Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Peck, S. 3 TBA TBA Parsons, J. 3 TBA TBA Shaman, S. 400 36217 3 TBA TBA Hartman, K. 400 36218 3 TBA TBA Hartman, K. Spring 2007 NFM Nutrition and Food Management Title *FOOD IN NON-WESTERN CULTURE Spring 2007 Crs# 216 NMC Crs# 410 OC Sec# CRN 400 37441 CR Meeting Time 1-16 TBA PHL Crs# 103 Sec# CRN 400 36044 CR 4 Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Holmes, Z. JOEL P. THIERSTEIN, 216 OAK CREEK BLDG, 737-4580 Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Philosophy Fees Instructor Bottaro, L. Fees Instructor Keller, R. COURTNEY CAMPBELL, 208 HOV, 737-2955 Crs# 160 Sec# CRN 400 36237 CR 4 *INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 201 400 33130 *ASIAN THOUGHT 312 400 37303 *WORLD VIEWS & ENVIRON VALUES 443 WORLD VIEWS & ENVIRON VALUES 543 PS Location TBA ROBERT A. DUNCAN, 110 OAO, 737-5189 Title *QUESTS FOR MEANING: WORLD REL Spring 2007 Meeting Time TBA Oceanography Title *EXPLR DEEP/GEOG OF WORLD OCEA Spring 2007 CR 3 New Media Communications Title INTERNSHIP Spring 2007 Sec# CRN 400 36806 ANTHONY WILCOX, 214 LANG, 737-2643 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions 4 TBA TBA Dorbolo, J. 4 TBA TBA Anderson, R. 400 36238 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holden, M. 400 36239 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holden, M. Political Science Fees Instructor Arnold, D. WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Title *INTRO TO US GOVT & POLITICS Crs# 201 Sec# CRN 400 36165 CR 4 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA STATE & LOCAL GOVT & POLITICS 331 400 34719 PROJECTS/INTERNSHIP 406 400 36169 SEM/CRRNT ISSU IN RURAL POLICY 407 SEM/CURR ISSUES IN RURAL POLIC 407 POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP ^T/AMER POLIT HIST IN FILM 4 TBA TBA 2 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bernell, D. 400 36676 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. 401 37567 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff 410 400 36170 2 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bernell, D. 419 400 34693 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bernell, D. *GENDER AND LAW 425 400 36810 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff ^TOPICS IN COMPARATIVE POLITIC 449 400 37565 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS & POLIC 475 400 36818 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. INTL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS 477 400 36167 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. T/AMER POLIT HIST IN FILM 519 400 36166 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bernell, D. T/COMP ENVIRON POLITIC & POLIC 549 400 37566 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS & POLIC 575 400 36819 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. INTL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS 577 400 36168 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. Spring 2007 PSY Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Sahr, R. Steel, B. Psychology FRANK BERNIERI, 204 MORE, 737-2311 Title *GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Crs# 201 Sec# CRN 400 37366 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA *GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 202 400 35531 HUMAN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 350 400 32633 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 360 PERSONALITY 370 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Mandernach, B. 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Simmons, D. 400 35532 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Jourden, F. 400 32434 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Jourden, F. 381 400 36800 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Jourden, F. 454 400 33131 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brown, D. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 456 400 33132 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brown, D. ^PSYCHOMETRICS & PSY TESTING 470 400 37365 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mandernach, B. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION 485 400 32621 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brown, D. Jourden, F. INDUSTR & ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCH 496 400 34797 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Jourden, F. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 498 400 32435 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brown, D. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 554 400 38534 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brown, D. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION 585 400 36801 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brown, D. Spring 2007 RHP Radiation Health Physics JOSÉ N. REYES, JR., 115 RC, 737-2343 Title RESEARCH Crs# 501 Sec# CRN 400 37958 CR Meeting Time 1-16 TBA Location TBA RESEARCH 501 401 38425 1-16 TBA TBA Higley, K. READING AND CONFERENCE 505 400 37959 1-16 TBA TBA Higginbotham, J. READING AND CONFERENCE 505 401 38424 1-16 TBA TBA Higley, K. PROJECTS 506 400 37960 1-16 TBA TBA Higginbotham, J. PROJECTS 506 401 38423 1-16 TBA TBA Higley, K. Spring 2007 RNG Rangeland Ecology & Management Title WILDLAND FIRE ECOLOGY Crs# 446 Sec# CRN 400 34732 CR 3 RIPARIAN ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT 455 401 32841 RANGELAND MANAGEMENT PLANNING 490 400 32842 Spring 2007 Registration Restrictions SNR Fees Instructor Higginbotham, J. W.C. KRUEGER, 202 STAG, 737-3341 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 4 TBA TBA Fees Instructor Reed, M. Ehrhart, R. Ehrhart, R. Sustainable Natural Resource Title IND PROJ IN NAT RESOUR SUSTAIN Crs# Sec# CRN 506X 400 37284 CR 2 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. SUS NAT RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 511X 400 37961 SOCIALLY SUSTAINABLE NAT RESOU 520X 400 37280 ECON OF SUS NAT RESOURCE MGMT 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lach, D. 521X 400 37285 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kerkvliet, J. BASIC BELIEFS & ETH IN NAT RES 522X 400 37962 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Vogt, B. ECOL PRIN OF SUS NAT RESOURCE 530X 400 38282 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Perry, D. SUSTAINABLE SILVICULTURE 531X 400 37281 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fletcher, R. PLANNING AGROFORESTRY PROJECTS 532 400 38040 2 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bishaw, B. REDUCED IMPACT TIMBER HARVEST 534X 400 37343 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kellogg, L. SUS MGMT OF AQUATIC & RIP RES 535X 400 37282 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Giannico, G. Spring 2007 SOC Sociology Fees Instructor Radosevich, S. Radosevich, S. REBECCA WARNER, 307 FAIR, 737-2641 Title *INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY Crs# 204 Sec# CRN 400 36802 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA *SOCIAL PROBLEMS & ISSUES 206 400 36803 *SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY 312 400 37474 HEALTH, ILLNESS AND SOCIETY 350 SEM/CRRNT ISSU IN RURAL POLICY 407 *SOCIAL INEQUALITY *SCI & TECH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT 3 TBA TBA 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 400 37306 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Vogt, B. 400 36677 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Steel, B. 426 400 36808 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Edwards, M. 456 400 35043 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cordray, S. *SOCIETY AND NATURAL RESOURCES 481 400 34399 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cramer, L. READING AND CONFERENCE 505 400 38596 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Warner, R. SOCIAL INEQUALITY 526 400 36809 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Edwards, M. SOCIETY AND NATURAL RESOURCES 581 400 36664 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cramer, L. Spring 2007 ST Title PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Rowe, O. Rowe, O. Statistics Warner, R. ROBERT SMYTHE, 44 KIDD, 737-3366 Crs# 201 Sec# CRN 400 32436 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Egenolf, J. PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS 202 400 32437 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Egenolf, J. PRINS OF HYPOTHESIS TESTING 209 400 32438 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Egenolf, J. INTRO TO HYPOTHESIS TESTING 211 400 32439 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Egenolf, J. Spring 2007 TCE Teacher & Counselor Education CHRIS PEÑA, 204 EDUC, 737-8575 Title ED PSYCH, LEARNING & DEVELOPM Crs# 411 Sec# CRN 400 36756 CR 3 CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION 418 400 36757 INTRO TO COUNSELING 441 400 38027 INTRO TO COUNSELING 441 401 37966 INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 400 38528 PROJECTS 506 400 36745 PROJ/ADV PORTFOLIO DEVEL 506 401 36761 PROJECTS/PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT 506 402 37967 SEM/CIT 507 400 38697 PRAC/READ EC/ELEMENTARY 509 401 36765 3 PRAC/READ MIDDLE/SECONDARY 509 402 36766 INTERNSHIP/ESOL/BILINGUAL 510 401 36767 INTERNSHIP/STUDENT TEACHING 510 402 36769 INTERNSHIP/STUDENT TEACHING 510 403 37968 PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING 514 400 37969 1-3 TBA TBA COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 400 37970 1-15 TBA TBA CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION 518 400 36771 2 TBA TBA RACIAL & CULTURAL HARMONY 522 400 36773 3 TBA TBA Moule, M. TEACHER AS REFLECTIVE PRACT 524 400 37971 2 TBA TBA O Malley, H. TEACHER AS REFLECTIVE PRACT 524 401 37972 2 TBA TBA Cohen, L. USE ASSESSMENT TO IMPROVE INST 528 400 36774 3 TBA TBA Siegel, R. FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELING 530 400 37749 3 TBA TBA Ingram, M. FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELING 530 401 37973 3 M 1800-2050 4/2/07-6/8/07 EDUC 201 TEACHER LEADERSHIP 542 400 36777 3 TBA TBA Hess, R. TEACH DIFFERENTIATE/DIVERSE CL 549 400 36778 3 TBA TBA Staff ACTION RESEARCH 561 400 36779 THEOR FDNS LANG ACQ P-12 EDUCA 572 400 37974 3 TBA TBA LANG POLICY/ISSUES BILING/ELL 576 400 36782 3 TBA TBA CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELING 581 400 36749 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Pehrsson, D. ST/ISSUES IN EDUCATION 599 400 37975 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cohen, L. ST/CRITICAL ISSUES TEACH MATH 599 402 37978 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Samek, L. ST/ONLINE INST DESIGN/COURSE 599 403 38009 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lamley, J. ST/ADVANCE PROB IN TECHNOLOGY 599 412 38124 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stern, S. READING AND CONFERENCE 605 400 38529 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brazier, A. INTERNSHIP 610 401 36791 1-15 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Winograd, K. ADV RESEARCH METHODS IN ED 614 400 38039 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Winograd, K. ADV RESEARCH METHODS IN ED 614 401 38495 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dalton, M. INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING 619 400 37976 1-12 T 1800-2050 4/2/07-6/8/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Pehrsson, D. CE QUANT RESEARCH METHODS III 664 400 36751 3 M 1700-1950 4/2/07-6/8/07 EDUC 107 ADV CAREER DEVL & CONSULT IN E 668 400 37977 3 W 1700-1950 4/2/07-6/8/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dykeman, C. Spring 2007 WR Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions 2 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Adams, T. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Pehrsson, D. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Pehrsson, D. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brazier, A. 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lamley, J. 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lamley, J. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cohen, L. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ciechanowski, K. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. STPF fee of $25.00 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. STPF fee of $25.00 Winograd, K. 3 TBA TBA STPF fee of $25.00 Ciechanowski, K. 11 TBA TBA STPF fee of $25.00 White, E. 1-18 TBA TBA STPF fee of $25.00 Cohen, L. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. STPF fee of $25.00 Rubel, D. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. STPF fee of $25.00 3 1-3 S 0830-1330 4/7/07 3 Fees Instructor Dubkin-Lee, S. Winograd, K. Rubel, D. Adams, T. Williams, T. EDUC 201 Winograd, K. Ciechanowski, K. Ciechanowski, K. Courtney, E. Written English STEVE KUNERT, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title *ENGLISH COMPOSITION Crs# 121 Sec# CRN 400 37561 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA Registration Restrictions Restrictions apply. See web SOC. *WRITING IN BUSINESS 214 400 33979 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION 222 400 37373 *INTRO TO FICTION WRITING 224 *ENGLISH COMPOSITION 323 Fees Instructor Mc Donnell, P. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Peters, P. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mc Donnell, P. 400 37376 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Weber, J. 400 37374 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mc Donnell, P. *SHORT STORY WRITING 324 400 37375 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Weber, J. *TECHNICAL WRITING 327 400 32466 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Peters, P. *TECHNICAL WRITING 327 402 37448 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sanborn III, W. *UNDERSTANDING GRAMMAR 330 402 37449 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sanborn III, W. ADVANCED FICTION WRITING 424 400 37377 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Weber, J. Spring 2007 WS Women Studies SUSAN SHAW, 200 GILK, 737-2826 Title *WOMEN: SELF AND SOCIETY Crs# 223 Sec# CRN 400 32440 CR 3 Meeting Time TBA Location TBA *WOMEN: PERSONAL/SOCIAL CHANGE 224 400 32441 *WOMEN IN THE MOVIES 230 400 37305 T/GLOBAL WOMEN IN THE MOVIES 299 T/WOMEN IN SPORT Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Watkins, P. 3 TBA TBA Watkins, P. 3 TBA TBA Watkins, P. 400 38178 3 TBA TBA Shirazi, M. 299 401 36681 3 TBA TBA Kudlacek, T. *GENDER AND TECHNOLOGY 320 400 36202 3 TBA TBA VanLonden, P. T/FEMINIST SPIRITUALITY 399 400 34727 3 TBA TBA Lockhart, J. T/SEX AND THE CITY 399 401 38606 3 TBA TBA INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 400 32632 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shaw, S. *ECOFEMINISM 450 400 34287 T/MARRIAGE AND POWER 499 400 36357 INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 400 38563 ECOFEMINISM 550 400 34747 3 TOPICS/FEMINIST SPIRITUALITY 599 400 35074 3 Leer, A. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holden, M. 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. del Mar, D. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shaw, S. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holden, M. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lockhart, J.