CHEMICAL POTENTIAL • I am teaching Engineering Thermodynamics to a class of 75 undergraduate students. • I plan to go through these slides in one 90-minute lecture. Zhigang Suo, Harvard University The play of thermodynamics ENTROPY energy temperature heat capacity Helmholtz function space pressure compressibility enthalpy matter chemical potential charge electrical potential capacitance Gibbs function thermal expansion Joule-Thomson coefficient 2 plan • • • • • Definition of chemical potential Examples of chemical potential Equilibrium of two systems Equilibrium of a chemical reaction Equilibrium of phases 3 Model an open system as a family of isolated systems weights valve for H2O gas open system valve for N2 liquid H2O tank N2 tank 2O gas liquid a family of isolated systems of four independent variables: U, V, NH2O, NN2 fire • The wine contains many species of molecules (components) and two phases. • The wine is an open system, exchanging energy, space, and two components with the rest of the world. • Make the wine an isolated system by insulating the bottle, jam the piston, and shut the valves. • A system isolated for a long time reaches a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. • Define the entropy of the isolated system: S = log (number of quantum states). • Isolating the wine at various values of (U,V, NH2O, NN2), we obtain a family of isolated systems of four independent variables. 4 • Model the family of isolated systems by function S(U,V, NH2O, NN2). Derivative 2O gas 1. an operation in calculus 2. a thing based on something else liquid a family of isolated systems S(U, V, NA, NB) dS = ( ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ¶U ) dU + ¶S (U ,V , N A , N B ) dV + ¶S (U ,V , N A , N B ) dN ¶V ¶N A A+ ( ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ¶N B ) dN B 5 Name derivatives by Gibbs equations Define temperature: Define pressure: Define chemical potential: Define chemical potential Calculus: ( ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ¶U ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ( ¶V ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ( ( ¶N A ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ¶N B dS = )= 1 T )=P T ) = - mA T ) = - mB T m m 1 P dU + dV - A dN A - B dN B T T T T 6 Notes on chemical potentials ( ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ( ¶N A ¶S U ,V , N A , N B ¶N B • • • • • • ) = - mA T ) = - mB T These equations define the two chemical potentials. Each chemical potential is a child of entropy and a component. Chemical potential of a component is an intensive property of a system. T appears in the definition by convention. Negative sign appears in the definition by convention. Thus, an isolated system increases entropy when a component goes from a place of high chemical potential to a place of low chemical potential. Grammar: The chemical potential of a component in a system (e.g., mA is the chemical potential of water in the wine, and mB is the chemical potential of nitrogen in the wine). 7 Why don’t we know chemical potential as well as temperature? • Blame our parapets. Our parents tell us a lot about temperature, but never tell us about chemical potential. (But they do tell us about humidity, and smells of many kinds.) • Blame our world. The world confuses us with many species of molecules. 8 Breed equations (Gibbs 1878) Gibbs equation: Solve for dU: Calculus: dS = m m 1 P dU + dV - A dN A - B dN B T T T T dU = TdS - PdV + m AdN A + m BdN B T= ( ¶U S,V , N A , N B -P = mA = mB = ) ¶S ¶U S,V , N A , N B ) ¶V ¶U S,V , N A , N B ) ( ( ( ¶N A ¶U S,V , N A , N B ) ¶N B 9 Breed more equations Gibbs equation: A Legendre transform defines the Gibbs function: Combine the above two equations: dU = TdS - PdV + m AdN A + m BdN B G =U -TS + PV dG = -SdT +VdP + m AdN A + m BdN B -S = Calculus: V= ( ¶G T ,P, N A , N B ¶T ¶G T ,P, N A , N B mA = mB = ( ) ) ¶P ¶G T ,P, N A , N B ( ( ¶N A ¶G T ,P, N A , N B ¶N B ) ) 10 On being extensive Gibbs equation All independent variables are extensive: Increase all extensive properties proportionally: Derivative with respect to l: Solve for U: Definition of the Gibbs function: Combine the above two equations: dS = m m 1 P dU + dV - A dN A - B dN B T T T T l S (U,V , N A , N B ) = S ( lU, lV , l N A , l N B ) S= m m 1 P U + V - A N A - B NB T T T T U = TS - PV + m A N A + m B N B G =U -TS + PV G = m A N A + mB N B 11 plan • • • • • Definition of chemical potential Examples of chemical potential Equilibrium of two systems Equilibrium of a chemical reaction Equilibrium of phases 12 Pure substance Define Gibbs function per molecule (or per mole): Define chemical potential of a pure substance: Compare the two definitions: Recall the definition of the Gibbs function: Recall the Gibbs equation: ( ) ( ¶G T ,P, N ) G T,P, N = Ng T ,P m= ( ) ¶N m = g (T ,P ) m = g = u -Ts + Pv dm = dg = -sdT + vdP 1. For a pure substance, we know how to measure TVPUS. 2. From TVPUS we can calculate the chemical potential m. 3. Chemical potential requires the absolute entropy. 13 Incompressible pure substance Gibbs equation: Incompressibility: Integration: dm = -sdT + vdP v = constant m (T,P ) = m (T,P0 ) + ( P - P0 ) v 14 Ideal gas Gibbs equation: Law of Ideal gas: dm = -sdT + vdP Pv = RT Integration: m (T ,P ) = m (T ,P0 ) + RT log Look up values: m (T,P0 ) = u (T ) -Ts (T ,P0 ) P P0 P0 = 1 atm 15 Ideal-gas mixture chemical potential of component A in an ideal-gas mixture chemical potential of pure ideal gas A at 1 atm m A (T,PA ) = m 0A (T ) + RT log PA partial pressure of component A The chemical potential of a component in an ideal-gas mixture is the same as the chemical potential of the component in the pure gas, provided we use the partial pressure of the component. 16 Chemical potential of water in moist air relates to relative humidity Model the moist air as an ideal-gas mixture ( m T ,PH 2O ) = m (T ,P H2O, sat ) + RT log P PH O 2 H2O, sat RH = (T ) PH O 2 ( ) PH O, sat T 2 17 plan • • • • • Definition of chemical potential Examples of chemical potential Equilibrium of two systems Equilibrium of a chemical reaction Equilibrium of phases 18 Two systems exchanging energy, space and molecules diathermal, moving, permeable to components A and B U’, V’, NA’, NB’ S’(U’, V’, NA’, NB’) open system (‘) U’’, V’’, NA’’, NB’’ S’’(U’’, V’’, NA’’, NB’’) isolated system open system (‘’) Isolated system conserves energy, space, and matter over time: dU’ + dU’’ = 0. dV’ + dV’’ = 0 dNA’ + dNA’’ = 0 dNB’ + dNB’’ = 0 Isolated system not in equilibrium generates entropy over time: dS’ + dS’’ > 0 Isolated system in equilibrium keeps entropy constant over time: dS’ + dS’’ = 0 19 Equilibrium of two systems diathermal, moving, permeable to components A and B U’, V’, NA’, NB’ S’(U’, V’, NA’, NB’) open system (‘) U’’, V’’, NA’’, NB’’ S’’(U’’, V’’, NA’’, NB’’) isolated system open system (‘’) æ1 ö æ 1 ö m¢ m¢ m ¢¢ m ¢¢ P¢ P ¢¢ ¢ ÷÷ + çç dU ¢¢ + dV ¢¢ - A dN ¢¢A - B dN ¢¢A ÷÷ d S ¢ + S ¢¢ = çç dU ¢ + dV ¢ - A dN ¢A - B dN B T¢ T¢ T¢ T ¢¢ T ¢¢ T ¢¢ èT¢ ø è T ¢¢ ø æ m ¢ m ¢¢ ö æ m ¢ m ¢¢ ö æ1 æ P ¢ P ¢¢ ö 1 ö ¢ = ç - ÷ dU ¢ + ç - ÷ dV ¢ - çç A - A ÷÷ dN ¢A - çç A - A ÷÷ dN B è T ¢ T ¢¢ ø è T ¢ T ¢¢ ø è T ¢ T ¢¢ ø è T ¢ T ¢¢ ø ( ) Thermal equilibrium: T ¢ = T ¢¢ Mechanical equilibrium: P¢ = P¢¢ Chemical equilibrium of component A: m¢A = m¢¢A Chemical equilibrium of component B: m¢B = m¢¢B 20 Measuring chemical potential of a component in a system chemical potential of water in the wine Chemical potential affects everything. Everything measures chemical potential weights A membrane permeable to H2O only gas pure H2O m(T,P) open system liquid fire 21 Hygrometer humidity sensors First inventor: Johann Heinrich Lambert (1755) Humidity affects everything. Everything is a hygrometer. Today’s opportunity: The Internet of things. • • • • • • • • Bimaterial strip Hair-tension hygrometer Wet-bulb and dry-bulb Dew-point hygrometer Capacitor Resistor Thermal conductivity Weight 22 Sensors for chemical potentials of various components • • • • • Humidity sensor pH sensor Oxygen sensor CO2 sensor Electronic nose 23 Henry’s law (1803) N2 in air PN2 N2 dissolved in water yN2 ( )( PN in air = Henry's constant yN in water 2 2 ) 24 Solubility N2 in air PN2 N2 dissolved in rubber mole/volume (r N2 in rubber ) = (sulubility)( P N2 in air ) 25 plan • • • • • Definition of chemical potential Examples of chemical potential Equilibrium of two systems Equilibrium of a chemical reaction Equilibrium of phases 26 Reaction piston weights Fix T,P Change U,V NA, NB, NC, ND, Isolated system (IS) reaction chamber Qout thermal reservoir, T A chemical reaction conserves the number of atoms in each species n A + n B Û n C + n D A B C D (ni are stoichiometric coefficients): Increment of the number of each dN A = -n Ade , dN B = -n Bde , dNC = n Bde , dN B = n Dde component (e is the degree of reaction): Conservation of energy: Qout +U + PV = constant Entropy is additive: Q SIS = out + S U ,V , N A , N B , N C , N D T ( ) 27 Equilibrium of a reaction Conservation of atoms: dN A = -n Ade , dN B = -n Bde , dNC = n Bde , dN B = n Dde Conservation of energy: Qout +U + PV = constant Entropy is additive: Q SIS = out + S U ,V , N A , N B , N C , N D T ( Condition of equilibrium: dSIS = 0 Calculus and definitions: dSIS = dQout T + ) dU PdV m AdN A m BdN B mC dN C m DdN D + T T T T T T Chemical equilibrium: -m An A - m Bn B + mCnC + m Dn D = 0 28 Ideal-gas reaction Chemical reaction: n A A + n B B Û n C C + n D D Condition of equilibrium: -m An A - m Bn B + mCnC + m Dn D = 0 Chemical potential of a component in an ideal- gas mixture: Define mi (T,P ) = mi0 (T ) + RT log Pi n Condition of equilibrium: ( ) n PC C PDD n A nB PA PB Equilibrium constant: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 DG0 T º n C mC0 T + n Dm D T - n Am 0A T - n Bm 0B T = KP é 0 DG T K P T = expêê RT ë ( ) ( ) ùú ú û 29 van’t Hoff equation Equilibrium constant: Algebra: Calculus: é 0 DG T K P T = expêê RT ë ( ) ùú ( ) ( ) log K P T = - dT ( ) ( ) DG 0 T ( ) =- d log K P T ú û RT ( ( )) d DG 0 T RTdT + ( ) DG0 T RT 2 ( ) Recall: dDG0 T = -DS 0 T dT Recall: DG0 T = DH 0 T -TDS 0 T van’t Hoff equation: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) = DH 0 (T ) d log K P T dT RT 2 30 Simultaneous reactions Reaction 1 Reaction 2 1 H2O Û H2 + O2 , 2 1 H2O Û H2 +OH, 2 PH P 1/2 2 O2 PH O 2 = K P1 P 1/2 POH H2 PH O 2 = K P2 31 plan • • • • • Definition of chemical potential Examples of chemical potential Equilibrium of two systems Equilibrium of a chemical reaction Equilibrium of phases 32 Equilibrium of two phases U’, V’, NA’, NB’ S’(U’, V’, NA’, NB’) phase (‘) U’’, V’’, NA’’, NB’’ S’’(U’’, V’’, NA’’, NB’’) isolated system phase (‘’) Thermal equilibrium: T ¢ = T ¢¢ Mechanical equilibrium: P¢ = P¢¢ Chemical equilibrium of component A: m¢A = m¢¢A Chemical equilibrium of component B: m¢B = m¢¢B In equilibrium, the two phases have the same temperature, the same pressure, and the same chemical potential of each component. A total of 2 + C equations. C = number of components. 33 The Gibbs phase rule IV = 2 + C - PH IV = number of independent variables C = number of components PH = number of phases in equilibrium C components: 1, 2,…, C PH phases: (‘), (‘’),… Composition of phase (‘): y’1, y’2,…y’C-1 Composition of phase (‘’): y’1, y’2,…y’C-1 … All phases have the same T and the same P. 2 variables Total number of number fractions: PH(C-1) Chemical potential of each component is the same in all phases: (PH-1)C equations IV = 2 + PH(C-1) –(PH-1)C 34 The Gibbs phase rule Pure substance, C = 1 Gibbs rule: IV = 3 - PH IV = number of independent variables PH = number of phases in equilibrium. Number of phases in equailibrium PH IV Single phase 1 2 Two phases in equilibrium (two-phase boundary) 2 1 Three phases in equilibrium (triple point) 3 0 35 Two-component (binary) system, C = 2 Gibbs rule: IV + PH = 4 IV = number of independent variables PH = number of phases in equilibrium. Set pressure at a fixed pressure A diagram of two variables, T and yB 36 Three phases in equilibrium in a binary mixture: eutectic point 37 Water-salt phase diagram 38 Three-component (tertiary) system, C = 3 Gibbs rule: IV + PH = 5 Set pressure at a fixed value Set temperature at a fixed value IV = number of independent variables PH = number of phases in equilibrium. Gibbs triangle: Each point in the triangle represents a composition, , yB and yC 39 Stainless steel phase diagram at 900 degrees Celsius (ASM 1-27) Summary • Chemical potential is a child of entropy and a component. • Chemical potential (of a species of molecules) in a pure substance coincides with the Gibbs function per molecule. • Chemical potential of a component in an idealgas mixture is the same as that of the pure component, provided we use partial pressure of the component. • Use chemical potential to analyze equilibrium of systems, reactions, and phases. 40