Summary There must be no residues of pesticides in milk or milk products. On the basis of present limited information, it appears that the greatest danger of pecticide residues appearing in milk results from: • Direct application of nonrecommended insecticides or improper applications of recommended insecticides to dairy cows, or in dairy barns. • Feeding forage which bears residues of pesticides in excess of established tolerances. • Feeding crop residues, field, or cannery wastes from crops treated with pesticides which have longlasting residues. • Pesticide drift on pastures. Cooperative Extension work in Agriculutre and Home Economics, K. E. Price, director. Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 20M—6-60 Insect Control and Prevention of Pesticide Residues in MILK Fungicides Field waste and cannery refuse of fruit and vegetable crops which were sprayed or dusted with fungicides and are carrying fungicidal residues probably are not suitable as feed for dairy or meat animals. Included will be the waste or refuse from crops which were sprayed or dusted with fungicides according to recommended practices and are carrying the maximum or less than maximum established residue. At present it is not known if crop waste or refuse carrying any fungicidal residue will contaminate milk or meat when fed to dairy or meat animals. Pesticide Drift This information was compiled by the Oregon State College Extension Service in cooperation with Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Pesticide drift may be a problem to dairymen in some localities. Growers whose crops are immediately adjacent to pasture being utilized by dairy animals should recognize the difficult problem 'that confronts the dairymen. They can help by applying only those insecticides which do not leave persistent residues. Efforts should be made to apply these materials under conditions that minimize the possibility of drift. Orchardists whose plantings are immediately adjacent to hay crops or pastures being utilized by dairy cows can be of assistance by modifying their spray programs to minimize the possibility of drift from commonly used insecticides having persistent residues such as BHC, DDT, dieldrin, TDE, toxaphene, Kelthane, and Tedion. There is less risk of milk contamination from drift where methoxychlor, Sevin, Guthion, malathion, parathion, Phosdrin, and TEPP are used. In some cases orchardists could cooperate by using these materials on the several outside rows of their orchards adjacent to pastures or hay crops. Dairymen could also help by pasturing next to orchards prior to spraying and then fencing off a strip approximately 150 to 200 feet next to the orchard and leaving this area ungrazed for a period of about 10 days after each spraying. n the vegetable. A residue tolerance of 7 parts per million has been established for Telvar monuron on asparagus ; a tolerance of 1 part per million on spinach, onions (dry bulbs only), grapes, and several crops not grown in Oregon, such as citrus, cottonseed, sugarcane, etc. Specified tolerances would not be exceeded in or on the parts of these crops, if properly used. Insect Control and Prevention of Pesticide Residues in Milk Sesone has not been cleared or registered for use on any crop which might be used for animal feed. It is recommended also that any vegetable crops treated pre- or post-emergence with 2,4-D not be fed to livestock. DAIRYING REQUIRES fly control, but flies must be controlled in ways that will not result in pesticide residues in milk or milk products. The Food and Drug Administration, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, has emphasized that no amount of any insecticide residue is permissible in milk. Some insecticides when applied to dairy animals or to forage fed to them will result in residues in milk. Use of these insecticides must be avoided. Herbicides registered for use on vegetable crops on a no-residue basis include Simazin, Atrazine, Alanap-3, Dalapon, potassium cyanate, IPC, Endothal, CIPC, Eptam, Randox, MCPA, and Vegedex. Current information indicates that when used as directed, Simazin, Atrazine, Alanap-3, IPC, CIPC, Eptam, Randox, and Vegedex will leave no residue in on on any of the vegetables used for human consumption or on any of the other plant parts used for animal feed. Because there is insufficient information available at the present time, it is recommended that field waste and cannery refuse from vegetable crops treated with Dalapon or MCPA not be fed to livestock. Potassium cyanate breaks down rapidly into harmless products. Hence, its use results in no residue problem. Table or crystal salt and Stoddard Solvent oil, which are widely used for weed control in certain vegetable crops, are considered to be nontoxic and therefore no question of residue has arisen. It appears on the basis of these registrations and other available information that when used as directed, field refuse and cannery wastes from fields treated with the following herbicides could be fed to dairy animals: Simazin, Atrazine, Alanap-3, IPC, CIPC, Eptam, Randox, Vegedex, Endothal, potassium cyanate, table or crystal salt, Stoddard Solvent oil, Telvar monuron, dinitro amine. Vegetable crop field refuse and cannery wastes from fields treated with the following herbicides should not be fed to dairy animals : Dalapon, MCPA, Sesone, 2,4-D, Amino Triazole. Even the best managed dairy will usually require some fly control in buildings and on animals. Infestations of horn flies and stable flies are common. They reduce milk production and contribute to unsanitary conditions. Sanitation is the first step in fly control. Flies require moisture and organic matter, so dairymen should practice systematic removal of manure and other wastes. Proper drainage to remove excess moisture and screening milk rooms to keep out flies are a part of good dairy management. Follow these suggestions when using fly sprays: • Do not apply any insecticide recommended for house fly control except pyrethrum in the milking parlor, barn, or loafing shed while animals are present. • L'se only pyrethrum sprays in the milk room. • Do not apply fly sprays in such a way that they will contaminate feed mangers, feed, or water. • Use fly control materials only in the amount and manner recommended. They are most effective when applied with a good sprayer. • Treat before fly populations build up and repeat applications before a fly problem develops. a < C S S Irt °= I- 3 1 -a _. ^ '43 T3 _ O —. Be V a, 8"C o w 2 rt o fe ^ ^^ o I o t, c O 3 c §."2 si 'tj u c OJ If. 3 x) u 0 1* -a i 1 in jO 0) -a; 10 •g) c« _3 <N o a _C 'C ° M O .1 s i| =9 8 |1 j" >, o 3 vi 3 S | & O <u c 'Si I« C _3 O. 'C "5 !0 *-> 7i lbs. 5% wettable powder as a spray, or prepare a wash with 12 ozs. 5% rotenone wettable powder plus 4 ozs. laundry soap per gal. of water or rub dust containing li% rotenone into back. Two applications about 2 to 3 weeks apart necessary for best results. 5 Rotenone treatments are of limited value. They kill only about 80% of the grubs in the back and usually have no appreciable effect on subsequent infestations when control work done on an individual basis. For spraying use high pressure, at least 250 pounds. When using wash, rub solution into back with stiff brush. Use brush or hand to rub dust into back thoroughly. First application just before grubs drop and repeat at 30-day intervals until grubs no longer appear. One 37.5 gram pill per 300 lb. body weight. Do not treat within 60 days of lactation. Trolene Restrictions—Remarks Dosage Amount of Insecticide Per 100 Gallons of Spray or Other Treatment as Indicated such as sabadilla, rotenone, sulfur, and pyrethrum, because of their inherent safety, are exempt from requirement of a tolerance. These are generally less effective in the control of insects and are not often used. The degree to which pesticide residues may concentrate in cannery wastes or ensilage made from these wastes is known for only a few crops. For example, apple pomace which consists largely of the outside skin of the fruit may contain DDT residues much greater than the 7 parts per million allowed on the whole, fresh fruit. It is extremely difficult to give definite instructions for safe feeding of cannery wastes to dairy animals. To guide County Extension agents, processors, poultrymen, dairymen, and those interested in livestock feeding, situations where they should be alert to possible residue problems appear in the Oregon Insect Control Handbook (Co-op Bookstore, Oregon State College, $2 per copy). Attention to these suggestions will aid in preventing residue contamination of milk, poultry and poultry products, and other meat. In general, it is unwise for dairymen, poultrymen, or those fattening animals for slaughter, to feed field wastes or cannery refuse from any crop treated with aldrin, aramite, BHC, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, Kelthane, lindane, Perthane, Sevin, TDE, Thiodan, toxaphene, and Trithion. Additional feeding tests may alter these suggestions in the future. On the other hand, it would appear that cannery waste from vegetable crops treated with the insecticides Diazinon, Dibrom, malathion, methoxychlor, nicotine sulfate, parathion, Phosdrin, pyrethrum, sabadilla, rotenone, and TEPP could be fed provided the recommended dosages were not exceeded, and the proper interval between application and harvest were followed. Herbicides With the exception of Telvar monuron, dinitro amine, Sesone, and 2,4-D, all of the herbicides currently recommended for use on vegetable crops are registered with the USDA on a "no residue" basis. Dinitro amine has a zero tolerance. This means the FDA has specifically stated that no residue is allowable on the portion of the plant used as human food. If used before emergence of the vegetable crops there would be no residue in or on any part of Herbicides Cannery Wastes Diuron, IPC, and Chloro-IPC are the only herbicides which have been cleared for use on forage crops. Diuron is cleared for 2 parts per million residue in alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, and grass crops, for hay or seed. CIPC and IPC have been cleared on a no residue basis for alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, red clover, crimson clover, and white clover. 2,4-D is registered on a no residue basis for wheat, barley, oats, and rye. On the basis of these registrations it appears that forage from fields treated with these herbicides could be fed to dairy animals without resulting in milk contamination. 2,4-DB is registered for use on legume seed crops. Hay or field wastes from treated fields should not be fed to livestock. Insecticides Some dairymen use cannery wastes as feed or ensilage. It is necessary to protect practically all vegetable crops from insect attack. Information on the amount of insecticide residue which might appear on field refuse and cannery waste is extremely limited. The FDA has established residue tolerances for most insecticides on raw agricultural crops. These tolerances are specific for insecticides and the crops to which they can be applied. Dosage rates are recommended by Federal and state workers. Intervals between application of insecticides and harvest date based on residue data are a part of pest control recommendations. To avoid residues, recornmendations for use of pesticides sometimes require that applications be made before the edible portion of the crop appears. Some insecticides are recommended only for preplanting soil treatment. The fact that a residue tolerance has been set and control recommendations followed, is no assurance that the parts of the plant not used for human consumption would be free of objectionable residues. Often these are the parts used as livestock feed. Because of their short life, certain chemicals may be registered on a "no residue" basis. This means that data have been submitted to the U. S. Department of Agriculture showing that, when used as directed, no residue would be present on the portion of the plant used for human food. A few chemicals ^-v QJ •a 3 C ■4*) o JO "(3 E "c < >> u o c u +■» O) o <u OH *• 0 S5 i—i c 4» H 5 0 >> a m 0 s PL, 0) -a c 0 O P K in u n u Z 1H o g J5 o o rt t. >. u 1- J3 3^ o 1 S ,_ O to 3 go 3 S " 9 as o PC i o rt S bo rt E v III .til M c-z 1^2 b£ t*"- C 'P re -2 5 > ' ' rt ^ rp u ^ ii 2 i!-s « e o = 5 3-2 = H - « ,, 3 = o y a> II i 11 V -S « -. P K: >= £3 o r; rt 3 0 "rt '3 SI .11 ^ * > — C rt u fc H en J; 'be |M tl '5^ & 3 OJ CJ ^1 r-H rt u c B 'C "ij t/; u <u II t |l o .E "* o 11 11 Ji > "> >. .i w ti o B Tc — al IN 'S a i V IT) u u 1 o u D ■S _5 ♦ *_ .5 CO _« S ~>> a; H .j) S X o s § -'. _■:' •^0 . T3 s'^ ^m < "H. > V E £ 1 — .1 "C en .Si rs 'o o £ £ (U X, —(3 s a; ^-i rt g i rt '5 ^o i- u "S § u i CD ^ rt i 3^ J cii S -9 o^ J; e« = "C l«H ^O <s s u s 0 ti 3 (VI (VJ "(5 Sb IM o 3 6 U in rt be U 0 iT (U o ? a; s§ sc ^§ tSi -r- "I e a o a >* cd & rt3 O Ui CM o M bo "(3 (V) u 0 U •a a ? 1 #8 o^ T 3 2g U c« O o g -a c 1H* o c, jy i a CO & r4 u X o 11 ll N 3 O 'Z Is P •& | || a 0..3 3 vS « (M to R rt c e ?*> o 2 Use as space spray in accordance with manufacturer's directions. o 1-" Ks 1 u V 3 s V •a o Sc u 53 aj 1 3 eg c o in O M & u-) C rg O Ci o >CJ l| § <u 5 Id o 1 to 3 u u <v & S sc "S u '3 <u . ^ 5 >.^ i- n Q S Do not use in milk rooms or contaminate feed and water. Apply all sprays at rate of 1 to 2 gallons per 1,000 square feet of surface. 32 lbs. 25% wettable powder, or 8 gals, of 12% emulsifiable concentrate, or 4 gals, of 24% emulsifiable concentrate. « c CO Dosage Amount of Insecticide Per 100 Gallons of Spray or Other Treatment as Indicated Hay and Forage Crops Insecticides Parathion Malathion S parts per million 1 part per million 8 parts per million The lrood and Drug Administration has established residue tolerances for a few insecticides on hay and forage crops. When such chemicals are used according to directions, no residues should occur in the milk. This must be assured before tolerances can be established on forage crops. The following insecticide residue tolerances have been established on hay and forage crops: Demeton 1 part per million 100 parts per million Phosdrin Methoxychlor Malathion, parathion, demeton, Phosdrin, and methoxychlor have been recommended to control some of the insect pests that attack Oregon hay and forage crops. If these are used in the amounts recommended and if the suggested interval between application and cutting is observed, the forage can be fed safely to dairy animals. Aldrin, aramite, dieldrin, heptachlor, DDT, toxaphene, benzene hexachloride, and lindane are recommended to protect legume and grass seed crops from destructive insect pests. All of these leave persistent residues that may appear in milk when forage treated with them is fed to dairy animals. Trithion is recommended for limited use on legume seed crops. The persistence of Trithion residues on these crops has not been established. Dieldrin, used to control overwintering adult alfalfa weevil, will not result in residues on hay crops if applied in early spring prior to new growth. The FDA has established a tolerance of zero for aldrin, aramite, dieldrin, and heptachlor on hay and forage crops. No specific tolerance on hay or forage has been set for DDT, toxaphene, benzene hexachloride, and lindane. Crop residues or field refuse from forage legumes or grass seed fields treated with any of these chemicals should not be fed to dairy animals. Pelletized or wafered livestock feeds which incorporate crop residues from fields treated with any of these insecticides must not be used as dairy feed. o « c Dosage Amount of Insecticide Per 100 Gallons of Spray or Other Treatment as Indicated CO 3 6 3 U (VI in rtbe 1-" Ks 1 s V 53 1 § "(5 Sb (VJ IM U u V (U 0 iT o •a o Sc u o 3 l| >CJ aj Ci o u-) C rg O s§ sc ? a; ^§ tSi -r- "I <u 5 11 ll 3 O 'Z N Is o CM M "(3 bo (V) u 0 U •a 1H* a ? 1 #8 o^3 T 2g o c, jy i Use as space spray in accordance with manufacturer's directions. ti 32 lbs. 25% wettable powder, or 8 gals, of 12% emulsifiable concentrate, or 4 gals, of 24% emulsifiable concentrate. Do not use in milk rooms or contaminate feed and water. Apply all sprays at rate of 1 to 2 gallons per 1,000 square feet of surface. u s0 Hay and Forage Crops Id o 2 1 to o 3 ?*> ec u u <v & S sc "S u rt U & ea M >.^ i- n Q S c« a o o 3 3 eg O rt Ui to R r4 0..3 O in O c o CO 3 vS « (M a '3 <u . ^ 5 >* cd & & g -a c a u X o •& | || P Insecticides The lrood and Drug Administration has established residue tolerances for a few insecticides on hay and forage crops. When such chemicals are used according to directions, no residues should occur in the milk. This must be assured before tolerances can be established on forage crops. The following insecticide residue tolerances have been established on hay and forage crops: Malathion 8 parts per million Parathion 1 part per million Demeton S parts per million Phosdrin 1 part per million Methoxychlor 100 parts per million Malathion, parathion, demeton, Phosdrin, and methoxychlor have been recommended to control some of the insect pests that attack Oregon hay and forage crops. If these are used in the amounts recommended and if the suggested interval between application and cutting is observed, the forage can be fed safely to dairy animals. Aldrin, aramite, dieldrin, heptachlor, DDT, toxaphene, benzene hexachloride, and lindane are recommended to protect legume and grass seed crops from destructive insect pests. All of these leave persistent residues that may appear in milk when forage treated with them is fed to dairy animals. Trithion is recommended for limited use on legume seed crops. The persistence of Trithion residues on these crops has not been established. Dieldrin, used to control overwintering adult alfalfa weevil, will not result in residues on hay crops if applied in early spring prior to new growth. The FDA has established a tolerance of zero for aldrin, aramite, dieldrin, and heptachlor on hay and forage crops. No specific tolerance on hay or forage has been set for DDT, toxaphene, benzene hexachloride, and lindane. Crop residues or field refuse from forage legumes or grass seed fields treated with any of these chemicals should not be fed to dairy animals. Pelletized or wafered livestock feeds which incorporate crop residues from fields treated with any of these insecticides must not be used as dairy feed. >. u 1H Herbicides u Z Diuron, IPC, and Chloro-IPC are the only herbicides which have been cleared for use on forage crops. Diuron is cleared for 2 parts per million residue in alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, and grass crops, for hay or seed. CIPC and IPC have been cleared on a no residue basis for alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, red clover, crimson clover, and white clover. 2,4-D is registered on a no residue basis for wheat, barley, oats, and rye. On the basis of these registrations it appears that forage from fields treated with these herbicides could be fed to dairy animals without resulting in milk contamination. 2,4-DB is registered for use on legume seed crops. Hay or field wastes from treated fields should not be fed to livestock. Some dairymen use cannery wastes as feed or ensilage. It is necessary to protect practically all vegetable crops from insect attack. Information on the amount of insecticide residue which might appear on field refuse and cannery waste is extremely limited. The FDA has established residue tolerances for most insecticides on raw agricultural crops. These tolerances are specific for insecticides and the crops to which they can be applied. Dosage rates are recommended by Federal and state workers. Intervals between application of insecticides and harvest date based on residue data are a part of pest control recommendations. To avoid residues, recornmendations for use of pesticides sometimes require that applications be made before the edible portion of the crop appears. Some insecticides are recommended only for preplanting soil treatment. The fact that a residue tolerance has been set and control recommendations followed, is no assurance that the parts of the plant not used for human consumption would be free of objectionable residues. Often these are the parts used as livestock feed. Because of their short life, certain chemicals may be registered on a "no residue" basis. This means that data have been submitted to the U. S. Department of Agriculture showing that, when used as directed, no residue would be present on the portion of the plant used for human food. A few chemicals t. 3^ J3 in u n o g 1 J5 — .1 o "C o > o c 4» E v 1 S ,_ O 0 1^2 JO a ti 'S IN a to 3 "c < >> u c o o +■» O) <u s en i V PL, S5 II i 11 V -S « -. a> P K: => £3 o r; •^0 IT) 1 c 11 D ■S K "S § i- u 0 "rt 11 "* o o .E SI .11 |l ^ * i u ^ CD 3 S u u o u '5 ^o '3 rt 0 O P rt Ji > _■:' -a OH *• 0 = H - « ,, 3 = o y go 0) u o = 5 3-2 "> >. s § 0 g i re 3 5 "(3 E u ^ ii > -'. o ^-i rt 2 i!-s « e rt — al m ' rt . T3 s'^ ^m ■4*) >> ' ^ rp .i w H 3 C C 'P o B Tc QJ III .til M c-z rt ^-v •a rt b£ t*"- -2 5 bo rt E £ < i o S V "H. Cannery Wastes Insecticides 1- " 9 as o PC en C rt u J; fc H II t > — i i—i 3^ J 'be |M tl .Si rs 'o o ♦ £ ~>> £ X, (U _5 X o *_ & <u 3 '5^ t/; .5 B 'C _« CJ a; CO u S S r-H H .j) — (3 s a; ^1 u c OJ rt "ij cii S o^ J; e« = "C -9 l«H ^O <s s _ O —. Be V a, C o fe8"C 2rt o w ^ ^^ o I o t, c 10 •g) <N o c« _3 a _C 'C ° 3 x) M O u 0 1* -a i 1 .1 s i| =9 8 j" >, |1 o 3 3 S | & in O jO vi O 3 'Si I« c <u c §."2 'tj si _3 O. u OJ If. c 0) C 'C "5 -a; *-> 5 For spraying use high pressure, at least 250 pounds. When using wash, rub solution into back with stiff brush. Use brush or hand to rub dust into back thoroughly. First application just before grubs drop and repeat at 30-day intervals until grubs no longer appear. Do not treat within 60 days of lactation. 7i lbs. 5% wettable powder as a spray, or prepare a wash with 12 ozs. 5% rotenone wettable powder plus 4 ozs. laundry soap per gal. of water or rub dust containing li% rotenone into back. a < Rotenone treatments are of limited value. They kill only about 80% of the grubs in the back and usually have no appreciable effect on subsequent infestations when control work done on an individual basis. '43 T3 One 37.5 gram pill per 300 lb. body weight. _. ^ Trolene I- Two applications about 2 to 3 weeks apart necessary for best results. Restrictions—Remarks Irt °= 3 1 -a Dosage Amount of Insecticide Per 100 Gallons of Spray or Other Treatment as Indicated S S !0 such as sabadilla, rotenone, sulfur, and pyrethrum, because of their inherent safety, are exempt from requirement of a tolerance. These are generally less effective in the control of insects and are not often used. The degree to which pesticide residues may concentrate in cannery wastes or ensilage made from these wastes is known for only a few crops. For example, apple pomace which consists largely of the outside skin of the fruit may contain DDT residues much greater than the 7 parts per million allowed on the whole, fresh fruit. It is extremely difficult to give definite instructions for safe feeding of cannery wastes to dairy animals. To guide County Extension agents, processors, poultrymen, dairymen, and those interested in livestock feeding, situations where they should be alert to possible residue problems appear in the Oregon Insect Control Handbook (Co-op Bookstore, Oregon State College, $2 per copy). Attention to these suggestions will aid in preventing residue contamination of milk, poultry and poultry products, and other meat. In general, it is unwise for dairymen, poultrymen, or those fattening animals for slaughter, to feed field wastes or cannery refuse from any crop treated with aldrin, aramite, BHC, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, Kelthane, lindane, Perthane, Sevin, TDE, Thiodan, toxaphene, and Trithion. Additional feeding tests may alter these suggestions in the future. On the other hand, it would appear that cannery waste from vegetable crops treated with the insecticides Diazinon, Dibrom, malathion, methoxychlor, nicotine sulfate, parathion, Phosdrin, pyrethrum, sabadilla, rotenone, and TEPP could be fed provided the recommended dosages were not exceeded, and the proper interval between application and harvest were followed. Herbicides With the exception of Telvar monuron, dinitro amine, Sesone, and 2,4-D, all of the herbicides currently recommended for use on vegetable crops are registered with the USDA on a "no residue" basis. Dinitro amine has a zero tolerance. This means the FDA has specifically stated that no residue is allowable on the portion of the plant used as human food. If used before emergence of the vegetable crops there would be no residue in or on any part of the vegetable. A residue tolerance of 7 parts per million has been established for Telvar monuron on asparagus ; a tolerance of 1 part per million on spinach, onions (dry bulbs only), grapes, and several crops not grown in Oregon, such as citrus, cottonseed, sugarcane, etc. Specified tolerances would not be exceeded in or on the parts of these crops, if properly used. Insect Control and Prevention of Pesticide Residues in Milk Sesone has not been cleared or registered for use on any crop which might be used for animal feed. It is recommended also that any vegetable crops treated pre- or post-emergence with 2,4-D not be fed to livestock. DAIRYING REQUIRES fly control, but flies must be controlled in ways that will not result in pesticide residues in milk or milk products. The Food and Drug Administration, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, has emphasized that no amount of any insecticide residue is permissible in milk. Some insecticides when applied to dairy animals or to forage fed to them will result in residues in milk. Use of these insecticides must be avoided. Herbicides registered for use on vegetable crops on a no-residue basis include Simazin, Atrazine, Alanap-3, Dalapon, potassium cyanate, IPC, Endothal, CIPC, Eptam, Randox, MCPA, and Vegedex. Current information indicates that when used as directed, Simazin, Atrazine, Alanap-3, IPC, CIPC, Eptam, Randox, and Vegedex will leave no residue in on on any of the vegetables used for human consumption or on any of the other plant parts used for animal feed. Because there is insufficient information available at the present time, it is recommended that field waste and cannery refuse from vegetable crops treated with Dalapon or MCPA not be fed to livestock. Potassium cyanate breaks down rapidly into harmless products. Hence, its use results in no residue problem. Table or crystal salt and Stoddard Solvent oil, which are widely used for weed control in certain vegetable crops, are considered to be nontoxic and therefore no question of residue has arisen. It appears on the basis of these registrations and other available information that when used as directed, field refuse and cannery wastes from fields treated with the following herbicides could be fed to dairy animals: Simazin, Atrazine, Alanap-3, IPC, CIPC, Eptam, Randox, Vegedex, Endothal, potassium cyanate, table or crystal salt, Stoddard Solvent oil, Telvar monuron, dinitro amine. Vegetable crop field refuse and cannery wastes from fields treated with the following herbicides should not be fed to dairy animals : Dalapon, MCPA, Sesone, 2,4-D, Amino Triazole. Even the best managed dairy will usually require some fly control in buildings and on animals. Infestations of horn flies and stable flies are common. They reduce milk production and contribute to unsanitary conditions. Sanitation is the first step in fly control. Flies require moisture and organic matter, so dairymen should practice systematic removal of manure and other wastes. Proper drainage to remove excess moisture and screening milk rooms to keep out flies are a part of good dairy management. Follow these suggestions when using fly sprays: • Do not apply any insecticide recommended for house fly control except pyrethrum in the milking parlor, barn, or loafing shed while animals are present. • L'se only pyrethrum sprays in the milk room. • Do not apply fly sprays in such a way that they will contaminate feed mangers, feed, or water. • Use fly control materials only in the amount and manner recommended. They are most effective when applied with a good sprayer. • Treat before fly populations build up and repeat applications before a fly problem develops. Fungicides Field waste and cannery refuse of fruit and vegetable crops which were sprayed or dusted with fungicides and are carrying fungicidal residues probably are not suitable as feed for dairy or meat animals. Included will be the waste or refuse from crops which were sprayed or dusted with fungicides according to recommended practices and are carrying the maximum or less than maximum established residue. At present it is not known if crop waste or refuse carrying any fungicidal residue will contaminate milk or meat when fed to dairy or meat animals. Pesticide Drift This information was compiled by the Oregon State College Extension Service in cooperation with Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Pesticide drift may be a problem to dairymen in some localities. Growers whose crops are immediately adjacent to pasture being utilized by dairy animals should recognize the difficult problem 'that confronts the dairymen. They can help by applying only those insecticides which do not leave persistent residues. Efforts should be made to apply these materials under conditions that minimize the possibility of drift. Orchardists whose plantings are immediately adjacent to hay crops or pastures being utilized by dairy cows can be of assistance by modifying their spray programs to minimize the possibility of drift from commonly used insecticides having persistent residues such as BHC, DDT, dieldrin, TDE, toxaphene, Kelthane, and Tedion. There is less risk of milk contamination from drift where methoxychlor, Sevin, Guthion, malathion, parathion, Phosdrin, and TEPP are used. In some cases orchardists could cooperate by using these materials on the several outside rows of their orchards adjacent to pastures or hay crops. Dairymen could also help by pasturing next to orchards prior to spraying and then fencing off a strip approximately 150 to 200 feet next to the orchard and leaving this area ungrazed for a period of about 10 days after each spraying. n Summary There must be no residues of pesticides in milk or milk products. On the basis of present limited information, it appears that the greatest danger of pecticide residues appearing in milk results from: • Direct application of nonrecommended insecticides or improper applications of recommended insecticides to dairy cows, or in dairy barns. • Feeding forage which bears residues of pesticides in excess of established tolerances. • Feeding crop residues, field, or cannery wastes from crops treated with pesticides which have longlasting residues. • Pesticide drift on pastures. Cooperative Extension work in Agriculutre and Home Economics, K. E. Price, director. Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 20M—6-60 Insect Control and Prevention of Pesticide Residues in MILK