T() V4T4 ANI) Sl'fCifiC4TI()NS ()N Ttif USI IN

V4T4 ANI) Sl'fCifiC4TI()NS ()N
Ttif USI
(4\'ailable fvr
()f W()()()
at fvrest l'rvdu_c ts lab()rat()ry)
- ----- ----·--~- ---------
(Availo.ble for Reference at the Forest Products Laboratory)
HECK ; · Eng i neer
The purpose of this compilat i on is to pl ace under
one cover · references
to pertinent data and specifications r elat inG to the use of wood in aircraft
that a re availabl e at the For e st Products Lab or atol"'J · Tho compilat ion,
other than specifications , r elates la.rgely to Labor atory data , hut r eferences
to works from other sources·are also inc luded for convenience. Specifica­
tions are l argel y those issued by various Govermuent agencies having to do
with the Nat i onal Defense . The r efe rences under each heading are l i sted in
al phabetical order .
Bending . .
Coatings .
Decay .. . .
Design . .. . . . . , .
Factors affe~ting strength ..
Fastenings . ...
Fire proofing .
Gene ral.
Gluing . . . Glue joints ••
Ident ification .
Improve d wood.
Inspect iou . . •
Kiln drying .
Kilns . . . .. . . • .
Laminated construction.
Mater ial s . .
Methods ....•.
Moistur e • . ..• • .
Nomencl ature .
10 10 11 11 11 0
12 12 13
J'ag,e Plastics •. .. Plywood •. •. Propellers. Pro pe r ties , mechanical. Properties , physical . Seasoning • • . .• . •. Species... ..
Specifications: Coatings. Corle ... • . Defects. Fast enings. General ••.. • Glues and gluing . . Housing . ..•.. . .•. • Kiln drying .. . ..•. Lumber and timber . Packing and marking. Phenolic material . • Plywood .• . . Pr opellers . . Properties. Wing beams.
Stor age .. . .. ... • . .
Structure , wood .
Wings • •.
Wing beams ..
Wing ribs •.
Wo od . . . •...
WorkiTib stresses.
13 14 16 16 lS 19 19 .. .
21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 2S 26 2S 2S 2S 2S· 29 30 30 Adhes ives
·- - -­
Animal glues : Thei r manufaeture , testine; , and pr epara tion.
Mi meo. R'+92. · Rev . 193 7 .
Ar tific i al r es i n e;lue s for pl yw·ood .
F . l-' . L . Mimeo . 1U055 ·
1939 ·
Bl ood a l bu mi n gl ues : Th ei r manu fac t ure , testing , ann prepar ation.
F . P . L . Mi meo . R2gl - 2 . Rev . 193 S .
Casein glue s : The ir manufact ure ,
Mimeo . R250. Rev . 1939 .
pn~parnt i on ,
a.ncl appl icati on .
F . P . L.
Contr ibutions of synthetic r es i ns t o improvement of plywood properties,
by Don Br ouse . Paper presented at Fr anklin Insti tute , Philadelphia ,
Jan . 10 , 1 939 . F . P . L . Mimeo . Rl 21 2 . 1939·
Coppe r sal t s i mprove case i n gl ue ,
F . P . L . Tech . l\fote 170 .
Rev . 1930 .
De ve l opment of wood adhesives and gluing techni c , by T. R . Truax .
A.S . M. E . Tr ans. 1 931; F . F . L . J1:j.meo . lf}l·7· 1932 .
A dry- g l ue method of l ayinc -vonenr , by '.l' . R . Truax .
F . P . L . Mineo. R914. Veneers, Oct. 1930 ;
Ef fect of wood str uctur e on g lue penetr a tion, by El oi s e Gerry and T . H. Tr uax . Furn . Nfr . · & Art isan , Apr . 1 922 .
Glu es fo r use with wood .
F . P . L. Te0h . Note 207.
Rev . 1941 .
F . P . L . Mimoo . R<169.
I mportant f a cto r s in gl u i nt;; with a n imal g lu e.
Impr ovement of wood by t;l uinr; with synthetic r esin , b y P . Br enner und
0 . Kraeme r . FachausGh~ss fUr Ho l zfra~en. T.:Iitteilunben 12 (1 935) .
Tr ans • by G. Krafft.
Th e natur'e of adhesion , by N. D. Del3r uyne .
to Fli [;ht , Dec , 2~~ . 1 939 ·
Over heating r educesstrength of ani mal e;l ue .
'r he Air craft
l~ngin . ;
Sup .
F' . P , L. Tech . Note 104 .
phys ical prope r tie_s of syntheti c r es i n mate r ial s , b y Meyer Fishbei n .
K. A.C .A. Tech . Note 694 . 1939.
Pr opo r ties and uses of a r tific i al resin g l ues , by Edgar Mor ath .
al s Roh- und Wer kstoff , Nov. 1937· ·rrans . by A. L . Gunn.
Str ength of conunerci11l l iquid gl u es .
F . P . L. Tech . Note F- 2 .
Synthetic pr odu cts as adhesives , by Frit z Ohl.
st off e , V.5 , PP · 35- lt 3 ( 193 7 ) .
Rl2 73
Hol :.:
Ge l a t ine , Leim, Kl eb­
Water- r esistant animal glue , by F . L . Browne and c. E. Hrubo sky.
&. Engin . Chem . , Feb . 1927 ; F.P . L . Mimeo. R'-W. Rev. 1933.
ffater - resistant col d press b l ood albu1nin g lu e .
Rev . 1936.
F . P . L . Teeh . Note 202 .
Wate r resistant glue s .
Rev. 1940.
F.P.L. Tech . :Note F- 1+.
References to published literature on the bending of woo d , by T. R.
Wilson . Jan . 3 , 1930.
Vifood bending , by T. H . C . 1ifilson . A . S.J\1 . E. Trans . Hood Industries
'."..D I - 51 - 27 , Sept . -Dec . 1929 ; F . P . L . Mimeo . R966 ; with appendix (1941)
on Appar atus for bendin~ boat ribs .
Aluminum coating s for moisture pr oofi ng vmod .
Rev. l94o .
F . P.L . Tech . Hoto 22 8 .
Coatinc; s for minimizing changes in t he moistur e content of vmod.
Tech . Note 1 61 . Rev . 1 933;
Coatings that prevent e nd checks.
F . P . L. Tech. Note H~6.
F.P . L.
Itov. 1'),36 .
Effectiveness of moisture-excluding coo.tinr.; s on wood, by G. H. Hunt .
U. S . Dept . Agr . Circ . 12 ~ . 1930.
Effeetiveness of .paints as protecti ve coatinr;s for wood, by F. L. Browne .
Indus . (:; Engin . Chem . , Jul y 193 6 ; F . P . L . Mimeo . R974-.
Efficiency of aluminum l eaf covering on airpl{lne prop-elle rs, by~A. C.
Knauss . Sci. Ame r. Mo., Feb . 1920.
End coatinGs for l o r;s and lumber , by L . V . Teesdal e .
Feb. 17 , 1930.
Juner. Paint Jour .,
Moistu r e - resistant fi nishes for a ir.p lnne woods , by Iii. E . Dunlap .
· Rpt . S5 . 1 920. (Out of print.)
Uneven coaLinr; s on wood· cause warping .
1-' . P . L . Tech . No1;e D-12.
Cause and prevention of b l ue stain in wood .
Rev. 193e. ­
F . P.L. Tech . Note 225.
Docays and dis c o l orati ons in n.i r plane woods , by J ,
Dept . Agr . Bul . 1128 . 1 923. (Out of pr i nt . )
.i3oyce .
U. S .
Dippint: helps to conser v e s t r engt h of l umbe r , by 'I' . n. C. Wilson a nd
c . A . Richur ds . Thu Timb \,r man , May 1 93S; Alno r . LbrJ,-:-..n ., May 21 , 1938 ;
South . Lbrman ., J une 15, 193 iS; Hardwood. Recor d , May 193~ .
Tho effect of Pol yporus s clrweini t zi i and Tr ametcs p i ni on shock­
resis t ancu ' compr 'esr. i on pa r u ll o l to gr all1- s trength , and s pec i fic
gr o.vity of Sitka s pruc e , by R . H . Col1ey , T. R . c . Wilson, and
R . F . Luxfor d . Jul y 3, 1925 . (F . P . L . Fro j . 243- J J.. )
Kill ing mol ds on l umbv r by s t e ami ng .
F .P. L . Te c h . Note 136 .
Stai ns of sapwood a nd sapwood prod ucts and the ir c ontr o l , by T. C.
Scho_ff.e r t:trJd R . K. Lindgr en . U. S . D. A. 'r0 ch . Bul. 7 11~.• 1 91~0 .
The y (c:llmv·· s tain f1.mgus m1d i ts eff.:.l c t on the strength of white oak,
by R . E . \Jo ll ey , T . !L c. ·!Jilson , and R . F . Luxfor d. Apr . C, 1 924 .
(F . P . L. Proj . 2·'-:-)-J2.)
The yellow sta i n on hcrdvrood ,
Airp l an0 structure s .
F' . P . L . Tech . lTot o 1 GG .
U. s. \'fo.r Dept . Te:ch . iv1P.nuo.l.
Ai r p l ane str uctures , by A. · S . Nilos o.nd J . S . l'Tewoll.
·wil ey , 1340 . ('r .M. 1·· 410 . ) 1940 .
2d e d .
If. Y ., Bipl ane _viind combinations ~ ~'find tumwl t est s made to d e termine advantages
r csul t i n t; f r om combinin:; differ ent uppe 1· and l owe r wing sections on bi­
pl anes. • U. s. War Dopt . , Bur . Ai r c r aft Prod . , A:Lrp l :.~te ErJ.G in . Dopt . 191e; .
J ane ' s \ all tha.world ' s ai r eraft . Comp . and c d . by c. G. Gr e y and Leonar 'd Bride;rna.r.. . London , Sampson Low, Har ston & Co ., Ltd . 19j9 . ( Issue d a nnual ly . ) Str en gt h of ai rcraft el-::monts .
Str esses
and Cur
Dept .
Ar my-Navy - Ci v il Connnit-l;ee .
in di vin g and loopi nG cal cul at i ons of force s on an a irp l ane i n
stoep dives and loops . Compa rison of for c e s on Cl ark Tr actor
tis ,m2. U. S·. War Dept ., Bur . · Aircraft Pr od . , Ai rpl ane Engin .
1913 .
St r u ctures : Suet . 2 , Pt . l+ of handbook of instr uctions for a i r plane de ­
signe r s , 8th c d . U . s . Army Ai r Corps , Mater ial Div . 1936 .
Th eor y of plo.te s and she lls , by Stephen Tir.1oshonko .
1 91.~0 .
( Engin . Socic"':;i es Jt.Iono 3raphs . )
::tl 273
U. Y .,
l~cGraw-·Hill ,
Wood in aircraft construction , by
Lbr . ?;ff'rs. Assn . 1930.
G . ~-~ .
Traye r .
1:ifash. , D. C . , lJatl.
Wood in a i rcraft construction . Aircraft design data Uo . 12 , by For est
Products Labor ato r y , issued by U. S . Navy Dept ., U. S . Bureau Construct.
& Repai r , 191 9 . (Out of pri nt . )
Effect of time of cutting t i mber on its durabi l ity .
F- 15 .
F . P . L . Tech. Note
Factor s that infl uence the decay of unt r eated wood in service and compar a ­
tive decay resistance of diff e rent species , by G. r:i , Hunt . F . P.L .
Mime o . RtiS . Rev . 1 941.
yactors Affecting St r engt~
Causes of b r ashness in vmod , by Arthur Koehl e r .
Bul . 342 . 1933 ·
U. S . Dept . Agr . Tech .
Comparative strength of air- dried and kiln-driod ·vvood .
F . P . L. l'ech . Note
Compre ss i on VlOOd cause
bovfing and tv:isti n g , by ll. y . Pillovr . ",{ood­
.working Ind).ls . , Nov . 1930 ; Viood Construction , Nov . 1 , 1 930 ; Jour .
Forestry , Doc . 1930 ; Timberman , Nov . 1930 ; South . Lbrman ., :Mar . 1 , 1931.
Di ff e r ence s b etween heartwood and sRpwood.
Rev . 193G . F . P . L . Tech . Note 189 . Effe ct of hi gh tempe r atures on the r:tode of fractu r e and othe r properties
of a'-)1ardwood , by M. Y. Pillow . l"ioou Workine; Indus ., Oct . 1929 ;
Hard,mod Reo ., June 1930 ; South . Lbrman . , Oct . 15 , 1929 .
Effe ct of high tumperatur es on t he mode of fracture of a softwood , by
Arthur Koe hle r and M. Y. Pillow . South . Lbrma n ., D0c. 19, 1925.
Tho effo ct of Polyporus schwe initzii and Tr ametes pin~ on shock­
r e sistance , compression parall e l to gr a in stre ngth , and spec i fic
gravity of Sitka s pr uce , by R . H. Colley, T. R. C. Wilson , and R . F .
Luxford . Jul y 3 , 1925. (F;P . L . Proj. 243-Jl.)
Effe ct of r ate of loading on the strength of wood , by H.
Aug . 1 5 , 1921.
(F . P . L . Proj . 1 21 -1. ) ·
Rl 273
- 6­
Grenoble .
Effect of spiral gr ain on the strength of wood , by T. R. C. YTi l son. Jour . For estry, Nov . 1921. The influence of the form of a wooden beam on its stiffness and strength;
pt . I : Deflection of beams with special r ef er ence to shear de formati ons ,
by J. A. Newlin and G. W. Trayer . N.A . C.A. Rept . l SO . 1924. (Out
of print . )
The i nfluence of the form of n wooden beam en i ts stiffness and st rength;
pt. II: Form factors of bea;ns subjected to tra.nsYerse l oading onl y ,
by J . A. Newlin and G. W. Trayer . N.A. C.A . Rept . l Sl. 19 2~-.
The infl uence of the fo rm of a wooden beam on its stiffnes s and strength;
Ft . III: Str esses in wood members subjected to combined column and
beam action , by J . A. IJewlin and G. W. Traye r, N.A. C.A. Rept . H~e .
1924. (Out of print . )
Notes on the rate of l oad i nG and othe r factor s affecting the strength of
Sitka spruc e for airplane design , by R. F . Luxford . June 13 , 1941 .
Pitch pockets and their r elat ion to the inspection of airplane pa r ts,
by J . R. Watkins . Jour . Fr anklin Inst . , Aut;. 1919.
The r e lation between color and toughness strength in corruner cial white
ash, by R. H. Colley . Apr. 16 , 192~~ . · (F.P . L. P::oj . 24).)
Tho strength of black vmlnut !lS r e l ated to its shades of color, by R. F.
Luxford . Apr . ll , 1923 . (F.P. L . Proj. 221 - lB.Jl.)
Str ucture , oc~urr ence , and prope r ties of compression wood , by M. Y. Pillow and R. F . Luxford . U. S . Dopt . Agr . Tech , Bul. 546 . 1937 · Str uctural timbers : Defe cts and thei r influence on str ength, by J . A.
Newlin and R. P . A. Johnson , A. S . T. J.I . Proc . , 1924 . F. P. L. Mimeo . Rl 04l.
The yellovy·· stain fungus and its effect on the strength of white oa)lo , by
R. H. CoHey, T. R. C. "H ilson , and R, F. Luxford . Apr . 8 , 1924. (F . P. L.
Proj . 243 - J2.)
Bearing strength of bol ts in wood , by H. S . Gr enoble , Fore st Products
Labor ato ry . Pub . by U. S. Na~; Dupt . , Bur. of Aeronau t ., Tech . Note
147 . 1925 .
Bearing strength cf wood under air c r aft bo l ts and washers and othe r
'factors influencing fittin g design, by G. W. Trayer. N.A. C.A. Tech ,
Note 296 . Oct . 1928 .
The bearinr; strength of wood unde r bolts , by G.
Agr. Te ch . Bul. 332 . 1932 .
Rl 273
- 6a-
Trayer .
U . S. Dept .
(p . 7 follows)
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- --
Tests on tho strength of scre·w f astenings for · use in the design of metal
tips for propeller blades , by II . s . Grenoble. June 25, 1 923 . (F.P . L .
Proj . 233-12.)
Timbe r fastenings , pp. 119-1415 U. S. Dept. Agr. Wood Handbook.
by Fore st Products Laborator y.
Experioonts in firepr oofing wood: Fifth progress r eport , by C. A. Harr:i.­
son and R. H. Baechl er . Amor . Wood-Pres. Assn. Proc ., 1935· F .P.L.
Himeo. RlllS .
Tho fire proofing of wood , by T. R . Truax .
Assn. F . P . L . }!Iimoo . R94~. 1931.
Proc. Nat l. Fire Prot e ction
Aeronautical ~riodicals and s e rials in the Librar y of Congress.
Pt . l, America ; Pt. 2 , British Empire. Vfash.,D . C., Library of
Congress. 19315.
Aircraft yearbook for 1 940. Statistics, detailed description of industry ,
personnel, etc. N.. Y., Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of Amer.
Issued annually .
· Journal of the a e ronautical sciences.
N. Y.
Laboratory studies i n rela1cion to aircraft , by G·. ~y . Trayer.
Mili.t ary Ene;in ., Nov .-Dec . 1929.
Private and commercial air.craft manufactured und.er approved type certi­
fica'tes . Aero Digest , Mar. 19l+1 .
Summary of aircraft research problems suggested in Wilson ' s report , Yvood
in aircraft construction , Sept. 17, 1940 . (F . P . L. Proj. 302-4, Field
Trip Report. )
Technical notes , U. S . l'Yavy Dept ., Bur . of Aeronautics .
Chemical treatment of surfaces improves g lue joints in certain woods .
F.P.L . Tech. Note 232. 1930.
Dry film gluing in plywood manufacture , by Ray Sorensen.
Mfr. , July 1933 ; July 193L~ .
Gl uing pr actice at airc raft manufactur ing plants and r epair stations ,
by T. R . Tr uax. N. A. C.A . Te ch . Note 291 . 1928 .
Gluing venee r at high moisture contents .
P. . P . L . Tech . Note F- 11.
Gl uing wood in air craft manufa_ctu r e , . by T. R. Truax.
Tech . Bul. 205 . 1930 .
Gluing wood in aircraft v:ork, by T. R. L'ruax.
Trans. 1928 .
The g l uing of wood , by T. R . Truax.
U . S . Dept. Agr.
A. S. N. E . ,. Aeronaut . Div .,
U. S . Dept . Agr . Bul. 1500 .
Gl uing wood treated w-ith fire rete. r dant chemical s , by Don Brouse.
Auc; . 17 , 1 933 . (F . P . L . Proj . 179 . )
Gluing wood with various chemic als , by Don Brouse .
( F • P • L • Pro j . 17 9 • )
Oct . 24 , 1 93C.
Gl ue Joints
Age and strengt h of g lue joi nts , by Don Brouse .
J une 1931 ; Har dwood Ro c . , Aug . 1 931 .
Wo od Wo r king Indus • ,
Behavi or of casein and blood g l ue joints , by Don Brouse . Furnitur e
Mf r ., Sept . 1 931.~ ; Wood Products , Oct . 1 934 ; F . P . L . l1imeo. Rl050. 1 934,
Drying and c onditioning gl ue joi nts .
F . P . L . Mir~o . R475·
The dur ability of glue joints , by Don Br ouse .
Proj . 157 . )
Rev . 1935 ·
Oct . 1 8 , 1930.
(F . P . L .
Effect of treat i ne; pl ywood wit h tetrachlorophono l , chloro r t h ophenyl pheno l ,
and ~n i troch l or obenzene on dur abil i ty of gl uo joints , by Don Bro use .
Apr . 18 , 1940 . (F . P . L . Froj . 157.)
Effect of t r eat i ne; plywood with beta naphtho l on du r ability of gluu
joi n t s , by Don Brouse . May 26_, 1939. (F . P . L. Pro j . 1 57.)
Effe ct of preservatives on the durability of glued jo ints ~ by C. E .
Hr ube s ky . Oct . 22 , 1 927. (F . P . L . Pr oj . l57- 3JJ7 .)
Effect of surfacing on the str ength of the g lued joi nt , by Don Drouse .
· June 25 , 1925. (F. P . L . Pro j . 157··3J32.)
Eff iciency of s carf joi nts g lued with l auxito No . 4 r;l u e , by R. F .
Luxfor d . May 28 , 1 91.~1 ~ (F . P . L . Pr oj . L- 302-- ~~ ND . )
A factor y method fortestine; hardness of gl ue joints.
F . P . L. Tech . NoLe
Se rvicea:bility 'or gl ue joints , by Don Brous e .
F . P.L . Mimeo . Rll72. 1938 .
Mech . Enr;i n. , Apr~ 1 93~;
The si gnificanc e of mechanical wood joint tests for the s e lection of _
woodworking glues , _ by T • .R. Truax , F.• L. Br owne , and Don Brouse .
Indus. & Engin. Chern . , Jan . 1 92~ ; F.P . L . Mimeo . Rllll.
glue. joints • . F . P . L. Tech . Note 193 .
Tooth- planing or sandine; not necessary to cff0ct s tronr:; glued wood
joints . F . P . L . Tech . !Jote 227 . 1929 . Strong and weak g lue join:t s .
F . ? . L . Tech . Note 211 . Identification
DistinguishinG characteristics of maho~:;any and woods co:mmonl y called
mahogany . F . P . L . Tech . Note 1G2 . Rev . 1936 .
Guidebook for the identification of woods used fo r t i es and timbe rs,
by Arthur Koe hler . U.S . Dept . Ag r. Unnumbered Pub . 1917 .
How to distinguish black ash from comme rcial white ash l umber .
Tech. Note D-11.
Identification of oak woods.
F.P . L.
F . P .L. Tech. Note 125.
The i dentification of true mahogany , certain so- ca_ll e d mahoganies , and
some common substitutes , by Arthur Koehl er • U . S . Dept . Agr . Dul.
1050. 1922 .
(Out of print .)
Hardwood R~c ., Jan . 1939· ~
Improved wood , by Ralph Casselman .
Manufactur e and uses of improvedwood , by C. H . Hayward .
Wood. , May,l939 ·
New structural mate rials : App lications of improved ·woods to highly~
stressed ·membc~s , by A. :I . T iltJn.a~ and -A. -E . Ellison . Aircraft
Prod. Dec. 1938 .
(Protection and improvem€mt of wood)
Hans Hadort . Otto Elsner, Berlin,
Holz s chutz und holzveredlung; )
l'hc us e and testing of highl y conden sed wood , by Kurt Riechers .
al s Roh-und Yie rkstoff 1 Mar . 1939 . Trans . by Don Brouse .
Rl 273
- 9­
Li st of instruments for inspector s of a.irpl me wood wi t ~1. notes rcr;arcline;
the i r use.
Manual for the i nspecti on of ai r craft wood and gl u o i'or the U. S . Navy ,
by Fo r e st Products Laborator y. U. S . Navy Dept ., Bur . Ae ronautics.
Rov . 1940 .
Nevv touc:;hncss machine is aid i n wood s e l e cti on , by L . J . Mar kwardt •. 1i1Joocl
wor king Indus ., .Jnn . 1926; F . P. L. Mimoo . R976 .
See a l so Specificatious .
Dryi ng
Car e and use of tho hygr ometer in kil n d r ying .
F . P . L. Tech . lJoL: D-13.
Caseh arde n e d lumbe r and warpe d products .
Detection and r e lief of cas e hardening .
F.F. L. Tach . Note 148 .
li' , P . L . Te ch . Not e 213 .
Rev . 1940 .
The dr ying r ate of sugar mapl e as a f f e cted hy r e l ative humidi ty and air
velocity ~ by 0. W. Tor be son .
F. P . L. Iviimeo . Rl 2 64 , Dec . 1940 .
The effe ct of k iln dr ying: oh the str ength _of a i rplane woods , by 1'. R. C.
Wilson . N. A. C. A. Re pt . 6S. 1920.
Funct i on and calcul a t ion of ventile.tion in dr ying compartment s , by 0 . 'if .
To r ge son . F . ? . L . · Mimeo . Rl 2o5 , Apr . 1941 .
How t~ accompli sh r a:rid kiln d r y i ng .
F . P . L . Tech . Note D-14- .
The kil'n._ _drying of woods fo r ai r plario s , by H. D. Ti emann .
~~ · ~ ·
Kiln drying handbo-ok, by .R'o lf The l en .
Lessons in kiln drying , by H . D. 'l'iema.n.Yl .
1938 . 110 p •
N. A. C.A.
De pt . Ar;r . Bul.·
1136 .
1929 .
Nashvill e , Tenn ., South. Lb r man , ,
. Re lation
of moistur e conten t and dry 'rate of wood to humidity of
atmosphe r ·3 , by Arthur Koe hl e r . Arne r . Lbrman. , July 12 , I919 ; 'li' . P . L .
Mi meo . R509 , rev . 1 9L~1.
Simpl ifie d diagr ams will aid in dry kiln ope r a tions, by R. C. Ri e tz.
Bar re l & Box & Packages , May 1932.
Simplifying tho c a lculation of the qua nt ity of air require d in kiln dry­
ing iumbe r, by 0 . W. 'Torge.son . F . P . L . Mi meo. Rl 26G , Apr. 1 9t~1.
----------------------------------------- -- -
Use more sticker s and save lumber; warping and end·· checking may be greatly
r edu c e d by prope r attent i on in pi l ing on k iln trucks , by L. V. Teesdale .
Lumber World Rev., Nov. 10, 1924 .
Al so sec Spec i ficat ions -- Kiln Drying.
Air circulat i on in dry kilns.
F .P.L. Tech . Note 199 .
List of dry kiln ma nufactur e r s and dry kiln engineers in the United
States . F.P . L. Mimoo . Rl 03l. 1940 .
Materials used in dry-ki l n construction .
Reversibl e -circulat i on i nternal - f an kiln.
F.P. L. Tech . Note 124.
F . P .L. Tech . Note 208 . Rev .l940.
Smoke-mak:!.ng device for testing t he c ir culation i n kilns .F . P .L. Tech . Note 127.
Laminated Conbtruction
On s ome elastic properties of . .laminated wood fo r c onstructional purposes ,
by E . B . ·"Nolf and J , G. van J7#ijk. Cong;r e s 'IntGrnatl. · pour l' Essai
dos II!Iate riaux , "Amsterdam, 192·(, v . 2 , pp.551-566.
The glue d laminate d wooden a rch, by T. R. C. Wils on .
Te ch . Bul . 691. 1 939 · U. S. Dept . Agr . .Inte r na l stresses in l aminated 9onstruction, by A.- 1'. Heim, A. C. Knauss ,
and Louis Seutte r. N. A. C. A. Rept . 145 . 1922. (Out of print . )
I nvest i gat ion of solid. wood , p l ywood , and laminated wood in vi ew of their
uses i n aircr a ft, by Wilhe lmKuch. Holz a ls Roh-·uncl rle r kstoff, JuJ.yAug .\' 1 939 .- ·r rans . by A. L. Gunn .
Stresses in lamino.ted wood construct.i on .
F . P . L . Tech. Note l iW .
Materia ls
Materials of aircraft const r uction , by H. J. Gough .
Jour., Nov:. 193 S .
Royal Aeron aut . Soc .
New structu.r-al materials : Applic ations oi' improved woods to highly­
str e ssed membe rs , by_ A , H • .Tiltman and A. E. Ellison: Aircr aft Prod . Doc . 1938 . Strength and chara cte ristic s of wood used in a ircraft construc,tion, . by
G. vr . 'l'rayer. Symposium on a ircraft mat erials, · A.S. T.M. · Proc·. , 1930.
Pt . 2, Tech . Pape rs~ ·
Rl 273
··ll ­
Supplies and production of ai rcraft vmods , by
Ropt. 67. 1919 .
H. Sparhawk.
Thiokol - - A new material for varied aircraft use.
N. A. C.A .
Aero Digest, July l:JJo.
Electrical moisture meters for wood, hy H, E, Dunlap .
Rll46. Rev. 1939 ·
F . P.L. Mimeo .
A mechanical method for determini ng the quality of aircraft woods . (U .S.
Civil Aeronaut . Author ity Aircraft Air worthiness ., Sect. Rept. l S .) 1940.
Method of determining moisture content of wood.
F.P.L . Tech. Note B-11.
Method of determining the specific gr avity of wood.
F.P.L. Tech . Note
Standard methods of conducting static t os ts of timb ers in structural sizes.
(Dl9S- 27)
A.S.T.M. Proc., 1927 .
Standard methods of tBsting small clear specimens of timber.
A.S.T.M . Proc. 1927 .
Controlling moisture changes in lumber in clos ed storago sheds, by J. S.
Mathewson. Timberman, Fob. 1937; F.P . L. Mime o. Rll40.
Correct moisture contant of lumb e r .
F . P . L. Tech. Nqte D- 5·
Effect of storage on the moisture cont ent of lumber , by J . S . Mathewson .
Hardw~ od Rec., Jul y 1935; F.P. L. Mirneo . Rl07l.
Electric;l··moisture motors for wood, by M. E •. Dunlap.
Rll46. Rev . 1939. Humidity tabl e for wet·ancl dry bulb hygrometer .
F. P. L. Mim~o . F . P . L. Tech . liiote 156.
An instrument for measuring wood equilibr ium moisture content.
Tech . Note 239 ·
F.P . L.
Moisture content change in· lumber during rail shipment, by G. E . -French.
Timberman, Dec. 1927; F.P. L, Himeo. RS26,
Moisture content of softwood lumb;::r shipped from western mi l ls in tho
summer , byE~ C. Peck, Amer. Lbrman., Oct. 20, l.92El ; Timberman,Jan . l929.
Moi sture content for aircraft wood •. F.·P.L . Tech. Note 230.
.,. { ~ . .
Moi stu r e equilibr ium of wood under actual condit ions of ser vice , by
A. L. Hcim . (Proj . L-134-lJl~- 2d Prog . Rcpt . , Dec. 23 , 1927 . }
Moi stur e content of wood at diffe r ent humidities.
Mo i stur e content of wood in dwel l ings , by E.
Circ . 239 · 1932 .
F. P. L. Tech . Note F-13.
Peck .
U. S . Dept . Agr .
A wide - r ange vacuum- tube r e sistance bridge , by I . I.. Davies .
Oct . 1937 .
Wood mois:l:;ure b~l anc e , by R. · C. Rietz •
Furniture Mfr. , Apr. 1936 .
Nomenclatur e
A hundr ed defini tions pertaini ng to wood and other fore st pr oducts .
F.P.L . Tech . Note 240 . 1932 .
Nomencl ature for aeronautics .
N. A. C.A. Rept . 474.
What is me r nt by "har dwoods " and " softwoods . "
F . P. L, Tech. Note 187 .
Pl ast ics
Ai r craft possibilitie s of cellulose acetate pla stics , by Al exande r Kl emm . Aero Digest, Nov. 193~ . Compounding plastics and wood by a new proce ss , by R. Decat .
Digest , Feb . 1941 .
Illus .
Composit e wood and plastic propell er blades , by F . E. Weick.
S.A. E. Jour., June 1939.
Illus .
De s:i,gn for . a. ,plast ic wing, by Sj.dney Ire land .
1936 . (See al so B- 1 . )
A discussion about pl astics .
The Ae roplane , Matf . l S ,
The Ae roplane , Oct . 30, 1935 ·
Improving the c r eep str ess of plastics, by Aero Re search Ltd .
193 6 , pp. 231 - 232 . (See also F-1 and L- 1t. )
Fe·b . 19 ,
The incr ea s ing appl ication of plastics , by H. Pennington . · Aer o Dig est,
July 1936 .
. ·
Laminated pla stics for aircraft parts , by S . W. Place .
.Digest , Jan . 1941. Illus .
Aero Materials i n aircr aft constrv,.ction, by H. J. Gough. · Royal Aeronaut . Soc ,
Jour ., Nov . 193~ .
"'-13 ­
Molded ai r planes for . def(ms o .
More about plastics .
Ill us .
Mod . Plastics, July 1940 . The Aeroplane , Feb . 10 , 1937 . Pl astics as structura l mate rials fo r aircraft , by G. M. Kline .
Tech . Note 628 , 1937 ; Modern Plastics , Aug .- Sept . 1938.
n . A. C. A. Plastic· mater ials ; r einfor ced synthetic r es i ns ; s omu pos sihl e appl ications
of p l astics to the primar y structure , by A. H. Tiltman and A. E·. Ellison .
Air 9raft Prod ., Jan . 1 939·
Plast ic air p l ane.
Modm·n Pl astics , Ma.r. 1939 ·
Plastips at Hatf i eld , by E . P . King .
!he Aeroplane , Feb . 17 , 1937 .
Plast i c materials for air craft construction , by Marcu s Langl ey .
Ae roplane , . Oct. 9 , 1935 ·
Plastic air plane .
Illus .
Mech . Engin ., July 1939. Pl e xigl as in ai rc raft , by G. P . Young .
Ae r o Digest , Feb . 1937. Structural consider ations favo ring plastics in air craft str uctures , by C. F. Mar sc)u1er . Il lu s . Mode r n Pl astics . Sept . 1 93.9 ·
Synthetic r esins in modern ai rplane constr uction , by H. N. Haut .
. Chem . Indus ., Jan . 1941 .
IJ.lus •
Synthetic mate rials fo r aircraft constructions, by. N. A. Do.Bruyn'e ,
Aeroplane, .Feb.• 3, 1937 ·
Test new method of making plastic aircraft wings .
Wood Prod. , Se pt' . 1940.
Thiokol -- A new material ·finds varied aircraft use .
July .1 936 . ­
Aero Digest ,
Towards tho mol.de.d .air plane . · Anon .
The Ae r opl ane , ·Oct • .9 , 1935 ·
Co.mparativ e stre~gth of westc.r n hemlock and DouP.;las ··fir plywood, by
R . F. Luxford . May 16 , 1941.
The a ntishrink trea,tment .or. ~ood with synthetic r esin fo rming IllB.ter ials
and its application in making supe rior plywood , by. A. J . Stamm and R . M.
Seborg . South . Lbrman. ·, Doc. 1 5 , 1 938 ; F . P . L . Mime.o . Rl21) .
(Construction and gluing of p l ywood for aeropl anes) Anfbau und verleimung
,vonflugzeugsperr holz , by 0 . Krame r . Luftfahrtforschung , July 3 , 1934 .
Tests made at the' Aeronautical Expe r ime1~t Stat i ori of Gor many at Berlin­
Adler shof - - Notes by H. W. March .
Contributi.ons of synthetic r es ins to improveme nt of pl ywood properti e s,
by Don Brouse. F . P. L. Mimeo . Rl212 . 1939 ·.
Data on the design of pl yvrood for aircraft , by Armin Elmendorf .
Rept .• ~4 . . 1920 • . (Out of print.)
Exposure t ests on bi r ch
F . P.L . :Mimeo. Rllg5,
pl~roo~ ,
by Don Brouse .
N.A.C .A.
Me ch . Engin ., Nov. 193g ;
Factors affecting the test val ues of casein wate r -resistant pl yvfood , by
Don Brouse . Thesis s ubmitted f or the degr ee of chemi ca l engineering ,
Purdue University , 1927 .
Hot pre ssing technique for pl~vood, by T. D. Perry ana M. F. Bretl .
A. S . M. E. Trans . (vmr-60-3) Jan . 1938 .
Manufacture of casein water-resistant pl ywood , by Don Brouse .
1 926 . (F . P.L. Proj . 225- 13 . )
June 17 ,
Mechanical test made on pl ywood , by L, J.
Hardwood Rec., July 10, 1919.
1~rk~far dt
and Armin Elmendorf.
The mechanical .properties of plywood, by Forest Pr o.d ucts Laboratory . U. S.
Navy D~pt. , Bur • .Aeronaut . Tooh. Note 35 ; U. S. Navy Dept . Bur. Construe .
& Repair Aircraft Tech . Note 91. 1916 .
Methods of increasing dur ability of pl~fOod, by Don Br ous e .
Indus . , Feb . 1932 ; F. P. L. I1Timoo . Rll25 .
Wood Working
Memorandum on the use of plywood for wing cove ring , by 1·. J . Markwardt .
Apr. 3. l 9le.
Molded airplanes for defense .
Modern Plastics , July 1940 .
Notes on the manufacture of plywood ,
F.P . L. Mim0o . R5'+3 . Rev . 1936 .
Properties of ord~nar.y wood compared with pl ywood.
F . P.L. Tech . rfuote 131.
Re sume of r ecent deve lopments in wood , plywood, and eonversion products
of inter est in air craft construction, by L. J . Markwardt. June 17, 1936 .
Some cause s of warping in pl ywood and ve noe red products , by Don Brouse.•
Oct . 1940 . F. P.L . Mimoo. R1252.
Strengt h of screw fastenings in plywood .
F . P. L, · Tech , Note
Strength tests of screw fast enings of plywood , by H ~ S. Grenobl e .
Age Weekly, Jan , 31, 1921 .
Supe r - pressed pl ywood , by R. K. Bernhard, T. D. Perry, and E. G. Stern .
Mech .· Engin . , Mar . 1940 .
The t echnique of p l ywood , by C. B. Norris .
-- July 1939 .
Hardwood ReG .,
1 937
Tests on thin p l ywood as a substitute for lin en in au r opl ane constr uction ,
by Armin ~lmendo rf . Ae ria l Age, Sopt . l, 1 919 .
Twisted pl yvvood pane ls, by T . R . Truax and Don Brouse .
Indus ., June 1 931.
Wood Workinp;
The us es and propsrtie s of water -r esistant p l ywood , by Ar min El mendor f .
A. S . T . M. Proc., 1920 .
Prope ll e rs
Air craft pr opellers .
S . 1iiar D·Jpt . Te ch. Manual (TM 1- 412) .
1940 .
The airplane propolle r ; pr epar ed by the Pr ope ll e r Sect . Eng i n. Div .,
War De pt·. , McCook F'i v ld , Dayton, Ohio . 1920 •
Airpl ane p r opeller wastar:e red1Jced , by Rol f The l •Jn . ·Aviation & Aeronaut.
Engin ., May 1, 19 19 .
· The air p r ope lle r, its s treugth and corre c t shape, by H . Diets iu s , from
Tech . Bcr . F8b . 1923 . N. A. C. A. Tech. Note 127.
Boxes for shipping p rop.;ll c rs. U . S. Navy Dent., Bur . of Aeronaut . Te ch ,
Note 105 , 1923 ; Reprint '.r . N. 226 , ·Aug . 30 , l922 .
· Bra z:llia n wood s s u i tab l e for a i rplane manuf actu r e , b~r ~ . F . Horn .
1919 .
Tho i nfluenc e of atmospheric and manufa.cturinr; conditions on a irpl ane
p r opeller s : Pr elim . Rept ., by A. L . He im and A. C. Il"lauss . Jul y 5,
1 920. · (F . P. L. Pr oj . 233 - 1.)
I nstruc ti·ons for f i nishing ai rplnn e propell ers by the a l uminun l o!tf­
spir it varnish proces s , by H . :!: . Dunlap. Jan . 4 , 1 ')1 9 . ( F. P.L . Proj, 134-5.) Light weight mate r ial fo r prope llers , by J . A. Nowlin .
Su pt . 28 , 191 1'5 .
List of manufactur e rs
propo l b rs for ai rc raft .
Commerce , Civil Ae ronautics .
Aug . 7 , 1 94·0 .
Dept .
Wood in pr opelle r constru ction , by J . A. Nowlin .
F . P . L. fuli~oo . R44. 191 ~ .
Prope rties, Mech ani c al
Aircraft woods : Their prope rties , se l e c tion , and char acteristics , by
L . J, l'larkwardt . N. A. C. A. Rept . 354 . 1 930 . Al so F. P . L . Mimeo . Rl 0 79 •
Rl 273
-1 6­
Average strength and related properties of five fo ::oign woods tested at the Forest ~·oducts Laboratory, by G. E. Heck . Furnlture Index, Ma r~ 1937; F.P . L. Mimeo . Rll39 ·
Bearing strength of wood at angle to the grain , by J . A. Newlin .
News - Recor d , May 11 , 1939 ; F. P. L. Mimeo . Rl 203 .
The bearing strength of wood under bolts , by G. w· • Trayer .
Agr. Tech . Bul. 332 . 1932 .
Eng in.
U. S. Dept .
Bearing strength of wood under steel aircraft bolts and washer.s and other factors influencing fitting design , by G. W. Trayer. N.A.C .A. Tech . Note 296. 1928. Comparative strength pr operties of woods gr own i n the United States , by ·
L. J . ~~rkwardt . U. s . Dept . Agr . Tech . Bul . _15e . 1930 .
The. distribution and the mechanica l proper ties of Alaska. woods , by L. J .
Mar kwardt . U. S. Dept . Agr • .Tech . Bul. 226 . 1931.
El astic instability of Jnembers having sections common in aircraft construc­
tion , by G. W. Trayer and H. Vl . March . N.A.C . A. Rept.• 382 . 1931.
The mechanical proper,ties of Panama mahogany , by C.
V..· Maudlin.• Oct.11,1917.
Mechanical properties of Bataan mahogany, by C. V. Maudlin .
Nov . 5 , 1917 .
Mechanical properties of cqrat1.4 (tests of cora.tu for suitability i n air­
plane propeller construction), by G. E. Heck, Jan. 15 , 191n.
Nail ··holdint; power of American woods .
F . P. L. Tech . Uote 236 .
method of calculating l ongitudinal shear in checked wooden be ams ,
J . A. Newl in , G. E. Heck, and H. W. March . A. S. M. E. Trans ., Oct . 1934.
The relatt on of the shr inkage and strength properties of wood to iits specific gravity , .by. J . A. Newlin and T. R. C . Wilson . U. S . Dept . Agr. Bul . 676 , 1919 . • Shear in checked beams, by J . A. Newlin.
Amer . Ry . Engin . Assn . Bul. 364.
Splintering propertiessof airpl ane woods , by G. E. Heck.
Indus ., June 5, 1919;/Amer . Sup ., Aug. 2 , 1919 . Automotive Standard terms for describ i ng wood , by L. J . l~.arkwardt and G. E . Heck , Jour . Forestry, Jan . 1938; F. P. L. Mimeo . Rl1G9 . Strength values for various Ame rican and European species of wood : Results
of -tests on small clear specimens, py Forest Products Laboratory.
Table , 1925·· .
- 17­
Strength and character istics of wood used in ai r cr aft construction, by
G. W. Trayer . Symposium on aircraft mat erials. A. S . T. M. Proc., 1930 .
Pt . 2 - Tech . Pape rs.
Strength-moisture r elati ons for wood, by .T. R. C. Yiilson.
Agr . Tech . Bul . 282. 1932.
U. S. Dept .
Strength and r el ated properties of woods grown in the United States , by
L. J, Markwardt and T. R. C. Hi lson , U. S . Dept .Agr . Tech, Bul.479 ,1935·
The torsion of members having s ections common in aircraft constructi on ,
by G. W. Traye r and H. W. March. N.A. C. A. Rept . 334 . 1930 .
Toughness tests of ai rplane woods , Dougl as-fi r , coast type, by R. F . Luxf ord. June 10 , 1926 . (F . P.L . Pr oj . 233-1 3 . ) Toughness te sts of airplane woods , Sitka s pruce , and white ash, by R. F.
Luxfor d. Jul y 24, 1924 . ( F.P . L. Proj . 233- 13.)
Toughness tests of propeller woods: v\f[lite oak , by R. P. A. Johnson and
W. B. Anthony. Aug . l, 1923 . (F.P . L. Pr oj . 233- 13.)
Toughness tests of airplane v,rood s , yellow bi rch and black walnut fo r
propell er construction, by R. F. Luxford and R. P. A. Johnson. Jan. 24,
1924. (F . P.L. Proj . 233-13.)
Prope r ties , Physical
Longitudina l shrinkage of wood ,
F.P . L.
Tech . Note 23L~ .
Longi tudinal shrinkage of wood , by Arthur Koehler .
Indus ., Apr. 1931 ; F. P. L. Mimeo. fll093·
1930 .
A. S. li• .l!:. Tr ans . ; Wood
Minimiz ing shrinking and swelling of wood by .r epl acing the water vvi th non­
vo l ati~ materials , by A. J . Stann and L. A. Hansen . Indus. & Eng in.
Chern., Dec . 1935 ; F.P. L. Mimeo • .Rl062.
Shrinkage of wood (se r ie s of 3 articles), by H. D. Ti emann.
July, A'-;le; ., and Oct . 1929.
Shrinkage of so.:. call ed "compr ession wood. "
Shrinkage table f or softv•ood lumber .
Barrel & Box ,
F. P.L. Tech . Note B-12.
F . P. L. Tech. Note 241 .
Shrinking and swelling of wood, by Ar thur Koehler .
1933 ·
F.P.L . Mimeo . R736. 1931.
Specific gr avity and relat ed prope rties of softwood lumbe r, by E.
U. s·. Dept •. Agr . 'Tec h . Bul. 343 . 1933 ·
~echnolo~ie des holz es , by Franz Ko llman . Berlin, Julius Springe r, 1936.
Weights· of va.rious wood·s · grown in the United States .
F . P.L. Tech.Note 21S .
Air seasoning of western softwood lumbe r , by S . V. l<'ullaway, H. M. John­
s on, and. C. L . . Hill. U . S. Dept . Agr . Bul. 1425. 1 92<1.
Air seasoning of wood , by J. S , l:lathewson.
174. l9Jq.
Seasoning of ash , by W. K. Loughborough .
Tech. ~ote llS. 1923 .
U . S . Dept . Agr . Te.ch. Bul.
Abstracted in Bur. of Aeronaut .
Summary of observations on seasoning practice made during an inspection
of naval aircraft establishments and contractors 1 plants, by I{ol f The l en .
Rev, Nov. 21 , 1927~ (F . P . l.. Proj . l 42-35-J22.)
Balsa wood (table giving_general str ength characte~istics).
Nov. 15, 1917.
Aviation ,
Balsa wood for cores in plywood (memorandum for l\•1r . Hicks).
Oct . 23,191S .
Bataa~ mahogany' (see mechanical pro perties).
Comparison of western yellow pine and Sitka spruce and possible substi ­
tutes for use in airplanes , by J. A. Newlin. Aug . 20, 191<1 .
Comparison of weste rn yellow pi ne with Sitka spruce and Douglas fir for
use in airplanes , by J. A. newlin. Au~; . S , 1915.
Coratu (se~ .mechanical properties).
Defects in spruce , laminating , splicing , and the use of substitutes in
spars. U, S . Civil Aeron(3.ut . Authority , Aircraft Airworthiness Sect .
Rept ; )-5 . 1940 . Comments by T. R. C. Wilson, ·Forest Pr-oducts Lab.
Doug+as - fir of Oregon and ifashington and the World war 1917-lS, by U. S.
War Industries Board. 19 19 . ·
Information on spruce substitutes secured from British sources, by Halsey
Dunwoody, U . S. Air Servic'e · Te-ch. Sect . (Compiled by F . P . L. fr om
Mechanical properties of balsa wood , by J. 0 . Draffin and C. E . 1Iuhlen­
bruch . V.J7, Pt. II, Tech. Papers, p.5S2 , 1937; A.S . T. M. Proc. 1937·
Memorandu~ r elative to the substitution of rock e lm for ash in airplane
frames , by J . A. Newlin.
June 7 , 191 7.
Memorandum r e latfve to the suitability of Douglas fir as a substitute for
E?P~"U:ce in airplane construct i on, by J . A. Newlin .
June 14 , 1917.
-1 9­
Memorandmn relative to the suita"bility of western yellovr pine as a sub­ stitute for spru ce in airplane construction , by L. J. Markwardt. Mar . 12 , 1913. Memorandum regarding the relative suitability of species for specifi c uses ,
by J . A. Newlin . Oct . 23 , 1917.
The. need for spruce for airplane construction , by T . R . C. -iJi l son, Nov. 17, 1939 . Notes bear ing on the use of ash in a i rpl ane constr uction, by J . A. Newlin .
F . P.L. Mimeo. Rl+!). 1 9HL
Notes bear ing on the use of spruce in airplane construction, by . J . A.
Newlin. F . P.L . Mimeo . R4~. 1917 .
Panama mahogany ( see mechanical prope r t i es) .
Product i on of Douglas f i r in Oregon and Yiashi ngton f r om the standpoint of
use ~ n airplane constru cti on , by Jul ius F . KUmmel. ,J uly 29, 1918.
Product i on of Port Orfor d cedar from the standpoint of use i n airplane
construction, by J. F. KUmmel. 1918.
Si tka spruce: I ts uses , r;rowth , and management , by N. L. Cary .
Agr . Bul. 1060. 1922. (Out of print.)
Some references on balsa and other li ght- we ight vmods .
1937 ·
U. S . Dept .
F . P~L . :Mimeo. Rl l 52.
Substitutes for spruce in airpl ane frames, by J. A. Newlin .
May 29, 1917.
s·urvey of production of sawmills engaged in the manuft;tcture of Sitka
spruce l umbe r , by Yfest Coast Lbrmen ' s . Assn .
(See J. T. Gray ' s · -~ Chief ,
U. S. Civil Aeronaut .· Authority Aircraft Airworthiness Sect . -- lett e r
Nov . 20 ,\ 19)_1-0 to I. A. McCoy, Siti~a Spruce Trade :gromot i on)
Us e of balsa wood for fairing : Tr ied as a substitute for spruce where
strength is not ess ential, by U. S . War Dept ., Bur. Aircraft Prod. ,
Airplane Engin . Div. 1918 . (Special treatment fo r balsa described . )
Utilization of ash, by W. L. Sterrett.
U. S . De:tJt . Agr . Bul. 523 .
1 917 •
Coating, protective , for r efinis hing woo den propellers .
Bur . Aeronaut . Process Spec. 15A. July 5 , 1927 .
U. S. l'Tavy Dept .
General specifications for paint and r elated materi als • . U. S. Ar my Spec.
3- lE . Dec . 27, 1933 ·
General spec ificat ion for protective coatings and finishes for a i rc raft
and aircraft parts . U. S. Army Spec. 3- lOOH , Aug . 11, 193G ; Amend .
3, May 24 , 1940 .
Pa int, bitumi nous coal- tar pitch bas e (blend type).
Corps Spec . 14076 . Feb . 19 , 1934 .
U. S . Army , Air
Painting special ai rcraft , tentative proces s specification.
Dept ., Naval Aircraft Factor y Spec. PF- 6. Aug . 2 , 1934 .
U. S. Navy
Varnish , spar, water-res ist i ng . Fed . Standard Stock Catalog, Fed . Spec.
TT-V-l2la. May 7, 1935· (Used by Navy . )
Waterpr oofing wooden hull s anu floats .
Process Spec . 23 . June 10 , 1926 .
U. S. Navy Dept .
Bur . Aeronaut .
Cork, composition, gasket , and sheet . Fed . Standard Stock Catalog .
Spoc . HH··C- 576, Dec . 17, 1936; Amend . 1 , Aug . 20 , 1937 .
Fe d.
Cork, compressed (corkboard)~ Fed. Standard Stock Cata l og , Fed . Spec .
HH- C- 56l a , Nar . 1, 1939 ; Amend. l, Dec . 20, 1939 ·
Cork, granulated , insulating .
HH- C- §7la . June 6, 1933 ·
Fed . Standard Stock Catal og , Ji'ed . Spec.
Cork, g:r:-ound (f or insulating pur poses) .
Nov . 1, 194o .
U. S. Navy Dept . Spec . 32C7a .
Cork, ground (for prevent ion of sweatint; of paint ed surfaces) .
Navy Dept . Spec •. 52C7 ( INT ), liov . l, l 9LW .
Cork, sheet . U. S. Army Spec.• 23- 30 .
40, 022- B. June 3, 1926.) July 20, 1926 .
U. S .
(Supersedes Defects
Process spec i ficat i on for inspe ct ion, allowabl e defect s in manufacturing
wo od aircraft parts . U. S. Navy Dept ., Naval Air craf t Factory Spe c.
ffiV- 26 . Oct . 26 , 1931. (Supersedes A. P. S. l4. Apr . 13 , 1924 . )
- 21··
Specifications (continued)
Fastenings in wood f l oat and hull construction. U.S . Navy Dept ., Ha.val Air-·
cr aft Facto r y . Proposed Aeronaut. Process Spec . SF-lOB . Jr:ly H1, 1930 .
General specification s for inspect ion of mate ria l.
Sept . 1 , 1934 .
Appendix 4: Lumb er and timber . Juno 2 , 1930 .
Mater ial and proce ss spucifico.tions : Bul. 23.
U . S . Ar my, Air Corps.)
U. S. Havy De pt . Rev .
(Index is sued monthly by
Selling to th~ Na vy , for the i nformat i on of thos e desirint; busine ss r e l a­
t i onship with the Navy. u . S. Na vy Dept . 1940 .
Glues and Gl uing
Ca sein ceme nt , Bri tish standar d spe cification for a irc r aft material.
Standards I nst . Spec . 3V.2. Oct . 1931 .
Glue , animal (fo r woodworki ng) .
C- G- 451. May 26 , 1931 .
Br i t.
Fed. Standard Stock Catal og , Fe d . Spec .
Glue , aviation , mar ine , waterproof. U. S . Navy Dept . , Bur . Ae ronaut . ,
Army- Navy Aeronaut . Spec . AN-TT- G- 4S6. Fob . 19, 1940 . (Supe rs ede s
U. S . Army Spec . 3-153 · Oct . 14 , 1931 .)
casein , pr eparation , and appl i ca·Hon . U. S .
Aaronaut . Proce ss Sp3c. SR-37 · Jan . 15, 1934. Glue ,
Dept ., Bur . Glue , cas e in, water -re s istant .
U. S. Army Sp0c . 3-152A.
Glue , case i n , V1at0r - r e s i stant .
U . S. Nav-y De pt . Spec. 52GSB . Ju l y 1, 1932.
Sept .
30 , ~ 1931.
Glue , col d setting resin. U. S. llfavy Dept ., Bu r.Ae r onaut . Spec . G-29 . Apr .~·,l 9L~l.
Glue, l iquid . ·
u. s .
Na'Vy Dept . Spec . 52Gl b .
May 1 , 1929 .
Glue, mari'ne '(a.er omiutic) , wat~rpr oof . U . S . Navy Dept . Spec . 5·2-G-1 0 .
Aug . 1, 1932 . (Supe rs edes 49G2. Apr . l , 1926.)
Handling hide gl ue .and testing gl ued joints of aircr aft .
Spec . 9S- 21001D. ~fur. 5 , 1931. Synthetic r esin glues , material specification.
Mater ials Spec . D.T . D. 335· Nov. 1937· Rl 273
- 22­
U. S. Ar my Brit . Air Ministry Specifications (continued)
Hou sin[
Sta.iid.a.r~· ·specifications f or t emporary housing . U . S. War: Dept. Office
·or Quartermaster Gen . Construct . Div . Spec . 1700E, vrith addenda. Rev.
Sept . 12 , 1940 . (Supersedes 1692E .)
_!\j ln Drying
General specifications for inspection of material , appendix 4 , par t 6,
p. 21-27 . U. s. Navy Dept . Jun~ 2, 1930 .
Kiln- drying, general pr ocess of , for ai rplane stock . U . S. Navy Dept.,
Bur. Aer onaut . Process Spec. A-~V-13. Oct . l, · 193g ,
Kiln drying proces s for ai rcraft lumber. U. S. Army Spec. g2-13. Sept . 5, 1929 . (Supe rsedes 20500-B. Dec.5, 192'1 . ) Lumber and Ti mber
Ash; white (aircraft use).
U. S . Navy Dept . Spec. 39A-2 . Dec. 2 , 1929.
Ash_, white , for air craft use.
Ba.l sa. (achroma.) .
U . S.Army Spec . g2-3c.
July 2 , 1935· U. S . Navy Dept . Spec . 39B5. · May 2 , 1927 . Douglas - fir for aircraft construction . U. S . Army , Bur. Aircraft Pr oduc­ tion Spec . 15025-B . (Old spec. no~ no~ in force .)
Douglas fi r for ai rcr aft spar s .
Spec. 871. Nov . 15, 1940 .
Stearman Air cr aft
(Uichita., Kans .)
Gene r a l ,spec i fications for inspect ion of material , appendix 4 : lumbe r
and· timber. U. s . Navy De pt . June 2 , 1930 .
Laminated compr essed wood , material specificati on .
Spec . D.T . D. 370 . Dec . 1939 .
Lumber , balsa (achr oma) .
Lumber , birch .
U. S . Army Spec . 15056-A.
U. S. Army Air Corps Spec. 15058- A.
Lumber, mahogany.
Oct . 13 , 1939.
U. S . Ar my Air Corps Spec . 15068- A.
Lumber, mapl e . ·u. S. Ar my Spec . g2 -l-B.
Lumber , oak .
·Brit . Air Ministry
1939 ·
Aug . 22 , i938.
Oct . 31, 1938 .·
U. S. Army Air .Corps Spec . 15069 .
- 23­
May 10, 1934 .
-SEecificat i ons
Lumber and Timber (conti nued)
Lumbe r , pr0pell er (ai r craft use ) .
1929 . Cancel l ed May 7, 1940 .
Lumb e r , propell e r .
U. S . lJavy Dept . Spec. 39L3.
U. S . Ar my Spec. ~2 - 5A .
Nov . 1,
May 14, 1925 .
Lumbe r and timbe r , ha r dwood . Fed . Standard Stock Catal .qg, Fed . Spec .
MM-L-736. May 7 , 1935 · (Used by U. S. Army.)
Lumbe r and timber , softwood .
MM- L- 75lb . Aug . 3 , 1940 .
Fed, Standar d Stock Catal og, Fed, Spec .
Lumbe r, yellow pine (crating) . U. S . NaVIJ Dept., Naval Aircraft Factor y
Mat erial Spec , W- 28 . (Obsolete . )
Mahogany , Centr al Ame r i can . U. S . Navy Dept ., Naval 1 Aircraft Fact or y
Materi al Spec . W- 9D . May 27 , 1930 .
Memor andum r egar ding proposed Civil Aeronautics Authority specification
f or 11 mill gr ade ai r craft spruce 11 and 11 minimum acceptable standar ds for
l aminated and spl iced spr uce spars . 11 (Sea l etter 'to J . T. Gr ay , Chief,
Aircr aft Airworth:Lness Sect ., C.A.A., Aug . 19 , 1940 .)
Oak, white, bending .
U. S. Navy Dep·f.:; , Spec . 39- 0- 6b .
Sitka spruce as rough timbe r.
2~B . Apr . 1940 .
Oct . 1, 193[1 ,
Bri t . Air Minist ry Hate ri a l Spec . D. T. D.
Sitka spruc e or appr oved substitutes (as used in aircraft parts) . Br:it . Ai r Ministry Mate rial Spe c . D. T. D. 36B . Dec . 1939 . Spruce , air craft us e .
U. S.• Navy Dept . Spec·. 39S3d .
Nov . 2 , 1936 . '\ Spruce for aircraft construction .
1931; Amend . 1, June 30 , 1936 . U. S . Ar1ny Spec .
Wood , black walnut , for small arms .
~2- 2B ,
Nov .
12 ,~ U, S . Army Spe c , S2-ll. May 12,1927 .
Box, aircraft batt0r y , for shipment .
U. S. Ar my Spec, 23- 33A.
June 1,1936 .
Box , aircraf t engine , f or domest i c and overseas s hipment .
U. S . Army Spec . 23- 31 .
Dec , 8 , 1926 .
Box and crate fo r dome stic shipment , Air Corps supplie s and equ i pment .
U. S. Ar my Spec . 23- 54- B. Jan . 11 , 1926 .
Rl 273
- 24­
Specifications (continued)
Packing and Marking ( contin].led)
Box , shipping, fer oxygen suppl y tanks .
1927 .
U. S . Army Spe c. 23- 36.
(Supe r s e des 40542- C• . Oct . l, 1927 ;)
Boxes , wood , nailed and l ock cor-ner .
Spec . -NN-B- 62 l a .
Dec . 20 ,
l<'ed. Standard Stock Catalog , Fed.
Feb . 6 , 1934 .
Mate rial for aircraft boxe.s and cr ates .
Jan . 11, 1926 .
U. S , i1.rmy Spec . 94-40, 523A .
Packing aircraft pr~pe lle rs for export and doma stic shipment .
. Spe c . 23-3SA. · .ltpr . 12 , 1939 .
U. S . Ar my
Packing and boxi ng aircraft , gene ral spe cifications for ove r sea shipmont.
U. S. Army Spec . 23 ~ 7eA. Sept . 30, 1931. (Supersede s 23-7S and
9S-40553-B . )
Packing cases .
U. S. Nn.vy Dept . Ae r onaut. Proce ss Spec . SC- 15b.
Plywood packing box.
S . Army Spe c. S2-ll.i-A .
Standard spe cifications for ma r king shipments.
Feb . 4, 1933; Amend . l, July 6, 1936 .
Pheno l ic
Apr . 23 ,
June 17, 1940 .
Army Spe c . 100-2D,
Phenol i c mate rial , laminate d.
1940 .
Phenolic material, molded .
U. S . Navy Dept . Spe c . 17P5 (INT).
U. S. Havy Dept . Spe c . 17P4 .
May 1,
Nov . 2, 1936 .
S~1the tic
resin (pheno l ic) moulding mate r~ als and mouldings (poor shock
r e sis t ance ) . Br it . Ministry of Air craft Prod . Material Spe c . D. T. D. 45l.
Nov . 1940.
Synthetic r e sin (phenolic) moulding mate rials and mouldings (low shock
r e sistance ). Brit . Ministry of Air craft Pr od . Mate rial SpE; c , D. T. D.452 ·
Nov . 1940 .
Synthetic r esin (phenolic) moul ding mate rial s and moul dings (me dium shock
r e sis t ance ), Brit . Ministry of Ai rcraft Prod. rfute rial Spec . D. T. D.453 ·
Nov . 1940 .
Sy,nthetic r esin (phenolic ) moulding mat e ria ls and mould i ngs (high shock
r es istance ) . Brit . Ministry of Aircraft Pr od . 1futerial Spec. D. T.D .454 ·
Nov . 1940 .
- 25­
Specifications (cont inue d)
Aircraft plywood .
Stearman Aircraft (iii chita, Kans . )
Spe c. 875·
Australian standard specification for airc r aft material : plywood. Stand··
a rds Assn . of Aust . Eme r gency Standard (E) D. S04-1940. Dec . 1940 .
Douglas-fir pl ywood (domestic grades) . 4t h ed .
Commerc ial Standard CS45-40 . Aug . 20 , 1940 .
Douglas-fir pl ~vood (export gr ades) ,
Standar d CS45E- 36 . Nov. 1 , 1936 .
Nu.t l. Bur. Standards
Natl. Bur . Standards Comme rcial
Plywood , air craft . U. G. Army-Navy Aeronaut. Spe c. AN-NN-P-5ll, Nov . 30,
193e ; Amend. l , Oct. 19lt0, (Supa rs odes Navy specification 39Pl3b,
Nov . 1 , 193'l , 49Pl, Nov . 30, 1938, and S2-6C , ' Sept . 10, 1934,
Pl ywood , fir, tentative specificatinn .
FactoryMaterial Spe c. P- 34 . 193'+.
U. S. Navy Dept . , Naval Aircraft
Pl ywood for li ghtl y stre ss ed pa rts of aircraft , mate ri al, spe cification.
Brit . Ministry of Aircr aft Prod. Mate rial Spe c. D. T. D. l~27, Jul y 1940;
Amend . 1, Oct. 1940.
Plywood for structur ally important par ts of ai rcraft.
Inst. Spec . 5V · 3 · Dec . 1939 ·
Br it. Standards
Plywood for unstress ed and li ght l y stre sse d parts of ai r c r aft .
Standards Inst . Spec . V . 3t~ . Dec . 1932 .
Brit .
Plywood , plankine: , ai rcraft (2- ply diagonal) . U . S. 1io.r DeJ_Jt ., Air Corps Spe c. 15057- A, Jan. 15, 1940; Amend . 1, Feb . 29, 1940. '\ '·
Propell ers
(see also Coa tings ; Lumb 0r : Packing)
Airplane propellers . U , S . 1;avy Dept. Aeronaut . Spe c. llS .
1922 . (Supersedes DA 102 . ) Lumber, propAlle r.
U. S. Army Spec , 82-SA .
Lumber, prope lle r (aircraft use).
1929 . (Cancelled May 7, 1940 . )
May 14, 1925.
U , S. Navy Dept . Spec . 3913 .
Propeller, micarta , general specification .
Nov . 15, 1927 .
July 1, - 26­
Nov. 1,
U. S. Army Spec . 98- 2951~-C.
Speci ficati ons (cont i nued)
Pr ope ll ers (cont i nued)
Pr opel l er, wood , general specifi cati on .
' Au·g . 31, 1927 •
Prope ller s , woo den , stowage of.
Process Spec . SP- 13 .
U. S . Ar my Spec . 98- 29500H .
U. S ~ Navy.Dept ., Naval Air cr aft Facto r y
Pr operties
Deter:mi nation of moistur e content in wood . U. S. Navy Dept ., Bur .
· ··Aer onaut . Process Spec . 5 · Feb . 15 , 1924 . .
Determi nat i on of the specifi c gr avity of vmou .
Aer onau t . Process Spec . 4 . Feb. 2 , 1924 .
U. S. Navy Dept ., Bur .
Mi nimum speci f i c gr avi t i es of wood all owabl e . U. S . NaV'J Dept ., Naval
Ai rcr aft. Factory Mate r ial Spec . W-llf.b. May Hi , 191S .
Moistur e content , dete r mi na tion of , i n wood . U. S . Ar my Spec . S2 - 9 .
Nov . l S , ~926 . (Supe r s edes 20504-c , Oct . 7 , ,1926 . )
Specific gr avit i e s of wood .
U. S. Army Spe.c . S2- Lf.B .
June 13 , 1931.
lifi ng Beams
Defects in spr uce ~ laminati nr; , spl i cing , and the use of substitute
· ~a1;er:lal s i n s pars . U, S . Ci vil Aer onaut . Authority Aircraft Air­
wor thiness Se c t . Rept . 15 . Jan . 1940 .
Dou glas ..:.fi r for. airc"raft spar s .
S71 . \Nov . 15 , 1940 .
Stear man Airc r aft (Wichita, Kans . ) Spec .
Memorandum r egar di ng pr oposed Civil Aer onautics Authority specificati on
for 11 mil l grade air c r aft spruce" and 11 minimum acceptabl e standards for
l aminated and spliced spruce spars. 11 (See l etter to J , T. Gray , Chief ,
Ai r cr af t Airwor thi nes s Sect . , C. A . A ., Aug; 19 , 1940 .)
Stearman Aircraft (~:richi ta , Kans . )
Port Or fo r d ce dar for ai r craft spars .
Spec . S72. Apr. 22 , 1941.
Splices i n wooden >ring beams . U. . S . Navy Dept . 1 . Naval Aircraft Factory
Pr oc e ss Spe c . SB- 14 . · Apr . 11, 1930 .
Vlfestern heml ock for aircraft s pa.r s ,
S12ec • . S73. J\.pr ~ 22, 1941.
St earman Air cr af t (Wi chita , Kans ,)
- 27­
Storag e
Hints on storing tir.lber to prevent decay.
F.P.L. Tech, Note A-1.
Prope r care of airplr,ne wood, by F. J. Halla,Jer .
Timberman , June 1919 .
$tructure, Wood
Relation of the mc.nner of failure to the structure of wood under compression
parallel to the grain, by J.L.Bienfait. Jour . Agr.Research, July 15 , 1926 .
'fhe structure of' a hardwood.
F.P . L. Tech. Note 210. The structure of a soft1.rood.
F.?.L. Tech. Note 209 . Struts
Tapered struts of unifOl'r.! strenr;th vrith sir.:;ilar c ross sections , by H. D.
Frary and H. T. B'.lrges s . Oct . 17, 1919. (F . P .L. , Proj. 228-l.)
Effect of the method of cutting veT1eer on the strength and durability of ply­
wood panels, by W.L • .Jones aml Don Brouse . Oct . C~ ,l 'J25 . (F .P.L.Proj.225-7J8.)
The manufacture of vonecr, by 'l' . R. Truax.
F . P.L. :Mimeo . R285.
Short assembly pe ri ods reduCe veneer expansion , by Don Brouse.
~Vor king Indus • , June 1931.
1925 .
Strength test on an a ll-veneer airplane w·ing , by Armin Blmendorf a nd
H. S. Gr ;moble .
June 25, 1919 .
(F.P.L. Proj. 225-2. )
Yveatherfu_g tests on an all-veneer wing section, by H. S . Gr enobl e . Oct. 1, . 1 920. (F.P . L. Proj. lj4-5Jl.)
~ ~Vin~
Approximate stress analysis oi' :raultistringer bean s wit~ s hear d eformation
of tho flanc;es , by Paul Ku)m, H •.A . C .A. Hopt. G36. 1938 .
App roximations for co lumn effect in airpLme lJdng spars, by E . R . ·warner
8.l1d Mac Short. N. A . C. A . Rept. 251. 1 926 .
Built- up construction fo r airn1ane wing beams , by H. D. Frary.
1919. (F. P. L . Pro j . 228-3.)
June 19,
The d e sign of p 1yvmod W6bs for airplano wing beams 1 by G. 'JT . Traye r.
N.A.C .A. Rept. 344. 1930 .
The influence of blocks and fillets on the strength of wooden membe rs , by
G. W. Trayer and T. R. C. Ylfi lson. Apr . 20, 1923. (F .P.L. Pro j . 228-3 J7 . )
The lateral buckling ahd twistint; of deep beams , by G. W. Tr ayer.
7, 1927. (F . P . L. Proj . 228··3Jl3.)
A method of cal cul ating the ul timate strength of continu ous beams , by
J . A . Newlin and G. W. Trayer.
N.A. C. A. Rept . 347 . 1930 .
Merit s of different splices f or a irplane w ing beams, by H. D. Fr ary.
Soc. Auto . Engin . Jour ., Aug . 1921.
Results obtained from i mpact b ending tests upon bake liz ed canvas wing
spars, by~· V. N~udlin . Oct . 11, 1917 .
Some splice tests in JN- 4 wing beams , by :.!; , R. Maurer , H. D. Frary, and
C. B. No rris . Oct. 30 , 1918. (F . P. L. Pro j . 22S- 3 . )
The strength of one - pie ce solid, built-up and l ar.linate d wood ai rplane
wing beams, by John H. Ne lson. N. A. C. A. Rept . 35· 1918 .
Stress analysis of beams with shoar deformation at the flanges , by Paul Kuhn. N. A.C. A. Rept . 60S. 1937 · Te sts of airplane wing beam splices , by E. R . Maur e r, H. D. Fr a ry , and
C. V. Norri s . May 22, 1919 . (F . P. L. Pro j . 228- 3 . )
Tests of ~xperimental built- up DH4 wing boams, by E . R. Maurer , H. D.
Frar y , and C. B. Norris . May 22 , 1919 . (F . P. L. Proj~ 223- 3 . )
Use of pl ~¥ood in airplane wing beams , by G. E. Heck .
(F . P.L . Proj. 228- 3J5.)
Wing Ribs
July 21, 1925 .
The design of airplane ·w ing ribs , by J . A . Nowlin and G, W. Tr ayer .
N.A. C.A . Rept . 345 . 1930 .
-2 9­
The future of wood in aircraft constr uct ion, by G. 'if. 7rayer,
Lbr~an. , Dec . 15, 1930.
Improved wood , by Ralph Casselman.
Hardwood Rec ., Jan . 1939 .
Manufactur e and uses of i mproved wood, by C. H. Hayw·ard.
(Protection und i mprovement of wood) :
Hans Hudert . Berlin, Otto Elsne r,
South .
Vfood , May 1939·
Holzschutz und holzve r edlung , by
Studies of timb er , plywood , anci laminated wood vli th respect to its use
in a ircraft , by Wilhe lm Kuch . Holz a l s Roh-und Werks toff , July, Aug.
1939 · Trans. by A. L. Gunn.
Supplies and production of aircraft woods , by Vi . N . Sparhawk .
Twpt . 67. 19 19. (Out of print.)
Tochno logi e des hol ze s, by Fra nz ICollm~:m .
N. A.C,A.
Borlin, Julius Springer . 1936.
The use and testing of inproved vrood , by I~urt Riechers.
Werkstoff, 1~iar . 1939. Trans. by Don Brouse .
Wood in aircraft construction, by G. '. T. Tr ayer .
Mfrs. Assn. 1 930.
Holz als Roh und
'Nash ., D. C. , Uatl. Lbr.
Wood in airpl ane construction, b J.• T. R. C. Wilson.
(F . P . L . Proj . 302- 4 .)
Sept. 17, 1940 .
Woo d handbook: Basic information on wood as a material of construction
with dat u for its use in design and specifications , by Forest Products
Labor a tory . UmlUmbered U. S. Dept . il.gr . publication. 1935 · Rev. l 940 .
Wood versus metal in airpl ane construction, by H. Seehase .
Tech. Memo. 212 . 1923 . Wood or metal?
Fokker Air c r aft .
Amsterdam .
N. A. C. A.
193S . Working Stresses
Factors inf luencing working stresses for tirooer used in airplane construc­
tion , by J , A. Newlin . June 12, J917 .
-30 ­