DeathGertification and Registration RffiilymaMock,mD W] EMORY At|anta,GA \-/ UNIVERSITY Goals of the Presentation Afterthe presentation, attendees will be ableto: Lecturelnformation . Thishandoutwasdesigned for a two-hour presentation. . An abbreviated one-hourpresentation has beenprepared. . Theslidesincludedin the one-hour presentation areindicated withO in the bottomleftcornerof the slide,as shown below. . Otherslidesare providedin the handoutas an additional sourceof information The Problem.... . Understand how death certificate information is processed and used . Apply specific concepts to write cause-ofdeath statements of good quality . Properly Complete the certifier's section of the death certificate . Appropriately use mechanismsof death when writing cause-of-death statements . Report appropriate cases to the coroner o TheResponse. TheOutcome. CardiacArrest O Anothercommonone... Sepsis It's Axiomatic. . Physicians, Coroners,and Coroner'sPathologists certify deaths(theyare certifiers) . Thesecertifiersare professionals . Professionals shouldproduce professionalwork products . The DeathCertificateis a work product a o Therefore...... Also to be considered... j. . Ethicalresponsibility . End-of-LifeCare . May be a legalduty Certifiers should produce professional quality DeathCertifications The duty should not be shirked o a EducationalResources EducationalResources Laminated Guds 2 EducationalResources EducationalResources CAP Publications l-800-323-4040 Gofllege Fathoflognsts ofAmnedcam Hf,stry Mamuafl Disclaimer:The CAP derives revenue from sales but Hanzlick does not &arh Cdtfr €te Complelion umn*fim$amecg On-line Tutorial Origin of the DeathGertificate "* . : ,-"::'l\rP World Health Organization(WHO) "-J iL-{"" W '192Member "States" The USA is one of the member "States" Signatory States must follow the WHO rules .:' ! ! loP r'jD/ State Vital Statistics Offices Ndromafl DahGoflhcted Thmo@ Goqerffifumcememb pantd GDG) tsetweem Sffies aMNGHS Why Accuracyis lmportant Fam ily r'tD/ Research o Statistics Fundi ng Programs Responsibilities -Compleles pa.ts ofthe death certificate -Ensures certifier does his/her part -Files certificate with Registrar Certifier of Death -ComDleles cause of death section -Responds lo queries from Registrar -Supplements or amendments, as needed -Conducts queries -Registe6 and assigns state file number -Foruards data to NCHS L -Works with and assists states -Complies data and generates reports 4onducts research -Provides National leadershiD Nebraska Mortality Data ryear2.o3l . AllDeaths . NaturalDeaths . Non-Natural MVA Suicide Acc Falls Homicide Acc Poisoning Acc Drowning Acc Fires Acc Guns OtherAccident 15,439 14.406 306 175 121 63 35 21 16 5 191 o 4 Nebraska Mortality Data ryear2oo3r NebraskalnfantMortalityData lYear20031 Heartdisease 3,948 Cancer 3,331 Cerebrovascular 1,090 ChronicLungDisease 785 Accidents 695 Alzheimer's 461 Diabetes 406 Pneumonia 404 . TotalDeaths 141 . Neonates 96 . Post-Neonates 45 . Low Birthweight 88 . Birthdefects . SIDS 36 24 Nebraska's Death Certificate is based on a U.S. Standard Certificate of Death 2003 VeEion F The Cause-of-DeathStatement PadI) a. Most recent condition b. o*", An otder condition certiner-F C. o*o, An even older condition d- '*., Oldest Condition (what started it all) Pan II) dt' E o Something that contributed to death but did not cause the ones listed above A G o o dO n e . . . . . Pad I a. Terminology Paf I Systemic sepsis b. o*., Infected decubitus ulcers C- -"", Intermediary Systemicsepsis' I b. o*", Infected decubitus ulcers Bedridden state from previous stroke c. o,",., Bedridden state from previous stroke Cl.o*", Cerebral artery arteriosclerosis d. o*", Cerebral artery arteriosclerolis )ad II )sc: a. lmmediate Cause Pad II osc: Insulin-dependenldiabetesmellitus tnsulin-dpent diabetes mellitus Other Significant Condition o Terminology PaN I a. You can use all 4 lines in Par tI... Pad I lmmediatecause c. -"", Intermediary cause c. o*", Bowel obstruction d. o*", Adenocarcinoma of cecum Pan lI osc: Other Significant Condition(s) This is a "Sequential Part I Format" o Or 3, if appropriate.... Pad I Peritonitis b. o*", Ruptureof ileum d. o*", Underlyingcause osc: A. b. o*", Intermediary cause Pad Il a. Or2,if appropriate...... Pad I Ruptured esophagealvarices a. Acute myocardial infarction b. o*., Cirrhosis of the liver b. o*", Coronaryartery atherosclerosis C. o*., ChronicAlcoholism C- o*r O, o*r o Underlying Cause o O. o*o Pad U Pan Il osc: OSCi This is a "Sequential Part I Format" a This is a "Sequential Part I Format" Or just one,if required... Pad I a. T h eU n d e r l y i nC g ause..... Pad I Metastaticadenocarcinomaof prostate a. Acute myocardial infarction D. o*o b. o-", Goronary artery atherosclerosis C. mr, c. o*u, d. o* d. o*,, ,/ / Pan I osc: It is Underlvinqin 2 respects: -Position in Part I -Position in causal sequence This is a "Single Line Part 1 Format" a lt is the "Bottom j One condition per line in Part I Pad I a. Line" of both Part II can have multiple conditionslisted Subarachnoid hemorrhage Pad I a. Peritonitis b. o*o, Ruptured berryaneurysm b. o*", Perforatedgastric peptic ulcer G. o*t c. *"", d. o*" Helicobacter pylori infection A Pad II osc: Pad II osc: o Ghronic gastritis, chronic alcohol use a No LaundryLists Please Limit it to conditionsthat actuallycausedor contributedto death. a. Right middle cerebral infarct Pad II osci o lschemic heart disease: diabetes mellitus Let'stry doingone.... Oneway to do it.... Pan I HISTORY: A 56 year old malewith hypertensionis admittedand diagnosedwith acuteMl. 4 days laterhe's found dead in his hospital bed. Autopsy shows cardiac tamponade,rupturedMl, recent thrombus in the LAD, > 90o/o stenosis by ASCVD,and a 500gram heartwith LVH. o Pad I a. C. o*., Coronaryarterythrombosis Cl.o*", Atherosclerotic coronary disease Pad Ir osc: Essential hypertension with cardiomegaly There is often more than one acceptableway Yet anotherwav to do it..., Pad I Cardiac tamponade a. Ruptured myocardial infarct b. o*., Ruptured myocardial infarct b. o*r, Atherosclerotic coronary disease c. tub, Atherosclerotic coronary disease C. o*o d. *" O, o*u Pad II osc: Cardiac tamponade b. o*", Ruptured myocardial infarct o Anotherway to do it.... a. Pad lI osc: Essential hypertension with cardiomegaly There is often more than one acceptableway O Essentialhypertension There is often more than one acceptableway o What Happensto Your Gause-of-DeathStatement? What Happensto Your Gause-of-DeathStatement? Pad I Hepatic cirrhosis (K70.3) -l o*", Chronic alcoholism (F10.2) Pan ll osc: ACME (Automated Classification of Medical Entities) SuperillCAR (Medical Indering. Classification,and Retrieval System) TRANSAX Underlying Cause of Oeath For "Single Cause" Moriality Data Both recorded for "Multiple Cause" Mortality Data 8 GeneralRulesfor ICDCoding Example Pad I . lf two or moreconditionsare reportedon a linein Part| , thefirstone mentioned will be givenpriority, usually . Specificentitiesareusuallygiven preferenceovernonspeciflc ones a. (Hypertensio)and coronary artery disease b. o*. ' C. mr" O. o* r' Pad ll . Keepthesethingsin mind,butdo notlet theseprocedures dictatehowyou certify the death. osc: Preferenceis usually given to the first condition reported Its better to reporl the most important in Part I and the lesser important in Part ll Another Example Pad I a. Congestive Heart Failure D, o*o C. o*o d. o*., Preferenceis usually given to the most specific condition It would be better to reDortlhe coronary disease on Line B in Part l. GeneralRules . Alwaystry to includea specific undedyingcauseof death . Try to includethe immediatecause, when possible . Try to includeintermediary causes when reasonably known . Try to reportonlyone conditionper linein Partl. o TheCauseof DeathStatement: Let'stry anotherone.... . ls yourbestopinion . ls notset in stone . Canbe changedif needed . Poseslittlelegalrisk HISTORY: While cleaninghis gutters,a 65 year old man falls off his ladder and breakshis hip. Surgicalhip repair is performed.One week later,he has a massivepulmonary embolismand dies. o o Pad I CoronerCases a' * n^a'tdolil k - - . . I -^r. ,rdunldo8th r- "- c. o"",.I lrrr rrvu' d "tDgath J€SulrEc _- lrhrru Pad II osc: o r Gallthe coroner!! Many seemingly"Natural"deathsare not Naturaland the Coronershouldat leastbe notifiedto determine investigationand certificationstrategy. . . . . . Griminalmeans or violence. Homicideor suicide. By drowning. lf sudden or unusual. lf drug-related. o CoronerCases(cont'd) GoronerCases(cont'd) . lf sudden infant death syndromeis suspected. . When involvingthe suddenand unexplaineddeathof a child betweenthe ages of 1 week and 3 years,and when neglect,violence, or any unlawful means are possible. . When death is not certifiedby attendingphysician. . When an individualhas died while being apprehendedby or while in the custody of a law enforcement officer or detentionpersonnel. . Any suspicious,unexplained,or unattendeddeath. a o OtherNebraska Coronerlssues Problemsarisewhen.... . The CountyAttorneyis the Coroner . TheCoronerappointsCoronerPhysicians to assistand certifydeaths. . TheCoroner's Physician ensures performance of autopsieswhen requested by the coroner . Driversand Pedestrians 16 andoldermust be examinedand havetoxtestsif theydie within4 hours . Autopsies are requiredin certaincases than age 19, death is sudden and not due to disease or accident) O lLess 10 TypicalProblemCases Typical ProblemCases(cont'd) . . . . . Peritonitisfollowing ruptured viscera that may havehad a traumaticcause . Complicationsof prolongedcoma followinga drug overdoseor old injury . Sepsisfollowingan injury (suchas a burn)or poisoning A fall with hip fracture or head injury Post-traumatic seizure disorder Complicationsof paralysisfrom an old injury Subdural, subarachnoid,or epidural hemorrhage that may have been due to injury . Pulmonary embolism from immobility due to an injury . Pneumoniaas a complication of injury or poisoning o o "Unnatural"and MedicalGare . . . . . . Medicaloroblem: . Fracturedhip Pulmonary emboli . . Seizure disorder . Paralysis Coma/Unresponsive. . Intracranial hemorrhage Thecoroner'sconcern: Fall? lmmobility from injury? Post-traumatic? From an injury? Poisoning? Head trauma? lf uncertain. call the coroner! Mannerof Death . . . . Natural Accident Suicide Hom icide . Undetefmined (courdnotbedetemined) . PendingInvestigation NOTE: lf you are not a coroner or are not acting on behalf of lhe coroner, afyou are tempted to check any manner otherthan Natural, call the coroner. O 11 "!n Cardiac tamponade 6inutes Other Checkbox ltems Dueb dasaoe@@eol Rupture of myocardium DBb l"_--**-i" uNo I d6acoss*d Myocardial infarct IUYES tr".ry;"l@frl 7 days ouab da6aMsa*ed " Coronaryarteryatherosclerosis Part II Years IUYES F"@"..fu;;l sMomrd.d?_ / I luYEs I Interval Between Onset and Death JII " r".thl*lop"v May indicate "Partial" or "Limited" uNo I uNo| I / Natural a lndicate YES even tr;M;M;--_l lrinutes tr YEs D No tr PRoBABLYE uNKNowN This applies lo fire deaths and other iniury cases as well -Generic inlervals may be used, when necessary- Other Gheckboxltems lf Female D n D D D Not pregnantwithin past year Not pregnairtat time of death Not pregnant,but pregnantwithin 42 days Not pregnant,pregnant43 days to 1 year beforedeath Unknownif pregnantwithin the past year Dates... MM/DY^/R(03/05/05) formatacceptablefor mostinformation items (March3, 2005)for: Use MONTH/DY^/EAR . Dateof Death . DatePronounced . DateSigned o O Except for Date Pronounced, you may qualify a date as "Found" or "Approximate" Times.... . Mifitary time is preferred (14421 . 0000 starts the new day Physician Certification Natural Death Except for Pronounced Time, you may qualify a time as "Found", Approximate," or "Unknown" in SelectedCases o All Applicable llems Completed o 12 GeneralRules . . . . . . . . Makesure you use the current DC Form Makeentrieslegible Use permanentblackink Do not abbreviate Do not makealterations Do not eraseor use whiteout ForwardDC in timely fashion Put decedentnamein margin In Nebraska, this is on the bottom sstion o t1n - Pneumocystispneumonla to. b, or.s 5 d$+eE SomeAdditional Cause-of-Death Statements MakingSomelmportant Points Acquired lmmuns Deficiency Syndrome Dialysis-dependentrenalfailure 3 years d , Essentlalhypertenslon years Human lmmunodefioiency Virus lnfecUon t0 yea^ D@b,n6a6EWed OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: Parl II hdids6Mhob6slDl6@hhu@0@soredhPdl Cryptococcal myocarditis Natural o to. b or as a 6ne+de ,Veeks d D@b,d6a@sq€ror _ O "in ofthe form Cryptococcal myocarditis is a ccmorbid condition, in this case, clinically less important than Fneumocyslis pneumonia, so it is placed on Part ll as an OSC Parr ^ Heart dlsease requiring t implanted defibrillator to6 b, or s . oe(wa I 5 years ol , Chronicischemicheart disease ) weeks , years D@b.d * a@qE6ol to.b, oueb das6onsoffid OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Part II OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: Part II Dcscnbc llow bdbsmhbuhqb&sbrmtmi{'nhul@s@eor&dntonl Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes Mellitus lnjlryG(fr D.sdb Natural 1 This connotesthe end-stagenatureof causeof death How lrjrq Ocdrd Natural O This illustrates the interplay between Part I and Part II 13 B e i n gG e n e r i c . . . . Pad l Qualifyinga cause.... a. Natural causes associated with old age Pad I b. o*" a. Probableintra-cerebralhemorrhage b. o*.,Hypertension C. o*u C. o* ro O. o* ro A Pad n osc: Pad ll osc: When generic statements are used but another specific condition is reported, the specific condition will be coded as the underlying cause of death 1 o Its Okay to use the word "probable" or " presumed" CaseScenario Pad I HISTORY: A 23-yearold male becamequadriplegic after an automobileaccident.He livedfor severalyears but developedrecurrent urinarytract infections.His most recent admissionto the hospitalfor UTI was 2 weeks ago, and he died of systemicsepsis while still in the hospital. u' * n^n'|doifl b' "*."-..- t- -^t' "afuraldo8th r- '-' c, o*" ! lllg -- !-:rr"u d."*t,Dean lGsurrw oi"' * saffthecaraner!! Injuryor PoisoningDeaths Pan I a. Fatal derangement b. "*," Bodily Trauma InjuryDeaths c. "..,., lnjury Event O. o*o (External Causes) Pad Il osc: CAVEAT: 1) Do not certify such deaths unless the coroner requests il 2) Some knowledge of injury death certification is helpful. o Similar to lmmediate, Intermediary,and Underlying Causes o 14 For our "Fall" Scenario InjuryDeath Pad I a. lFell off of ladderwhile cleaning gutte6, died laler of pulmonary embolisml Pad I Intra-thoracichemorrhage a. Pulmonary embolism b. o,,,",Penetratinglung injury b. o*", lmmobility from hip facture c. o*", Stab wound of left chest c. o*", Fall from height O, o* ro Pad lI osc: Pad II Similar to lmmediate,Intermediary,and Underlying Causes a PoisoningDeaths Pad I osc: Pneumothorax a. Similar to lmmediate,Intermediary,and Underlying Gauses But there's more when external causes occur...... tin Probable cardiac dysrhythmia , Chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicity b. o*", Chlorinated hydrocarbon toxicity DPro osc: a6acdqE@d . Inhalationof paintfumes C. o*", Inhalation of paint fumes Paf ll Probable cardiac dysrhythmia oueb o,ass@nse*d Part II Dcsci& Similar to lmmediate,Intermediary,and Underlying Causes The futal derangement, bodily t.auma, and iniury event scheme may be used DescribeHow InjuryOccurred Accident 1 I O How lnjuryGcurd Huffing. Sprayed paint into plastic bag and inhaled painl fumes. + Manner of Death How injury'occurred Examples: Describe How Iniury Describe How Iniury Occurred Huffing. Sprayed paint into plastic bag a n d i n h a l e dp a i n t f u m e s . Shot self in head with .38 caliber revolver Describe How . Be complete . Avoidcitingindividual peopleor individualentities/businesses . ln Homicides, be a littlemoregeneric Unrestraineddriver of sports utility vehicle which veered off interstate highway and struck a tree. How Shot by other(s) 15 OtherInjurylnformation lnterstale Highway Exit Ramp u E d tr Be Specific but Genericl Typical Examples: ln Own Home Parking Lot Fast Food Restaurar* Wooded Area Lake 2-Lane City Street Car in Driveway unveiluperator Passenger Pedestrian other(specify) E*4;--]G;ff; t (found, These maybeaualified approx, etc) I oelosios ll tgzo I . 125 Second Hand Avenue, North Platte, NE 69103 Injuryat Work?(=Yes).... Injuryat Work?(=No).... .Working or in vocational training on job premises .While on break or at lunch or in parking lot on job premises .Working for pay or compensation, includingat home . Working as a volunteer law enforcement official etc. . While traveling on business, including to/from business contacts . Engaged in personal recreational activity on job premises . While a visitor (not on official work business) to job premises . Homemakerworking at homemaking activities . Student in school . Working for self for no profit (mowing yard, repairing own roof, hobby) . Commuting to or from work tin , systemicsepsis Due b. o' as a @nscds Catheter-associated bladder infecUon Coroner Ce,tification 2 weeks 0€ ro. o 6 a cosq€Eol Quadriplegia from cervical spine injury 3 years 0Fb,o'.sa@neamedl Iniury Death , Motor vehicle accident A Lot More lnformation Needed tf Non-Natural Several ol 3 years Parl II Dcscd$How Accident hj!ryocdRi Passenger in car that left roadway, rolled over, and ejected the vicUm. Remember! Medical complications may result from injuries which can make you forget that it's a coroner's case. Always keep this in mind. 16 Mannerof DeathPrinciple Combinations of lnjuryand Disease CAVEATS: 'l.There a.e exceptionsto every rule 2.There is often more than one acceptable way to do things. CaseScenario . . . . . . Natural Accident Suicide Homicide Undetermined notbedetemined) Pending Investigation (coutd NOTE: A general rule is that if an extemal cause (injury or poisoning) combined with natural disease to cause death, preferen@ is given to the non-natural manner "lf Anotherway of looking at it: the injury had not o6urred, would death likely have occured when it did?" lf no, then the manner will prcbably be other than Natural. "gut fol, the injury, death would not have @urred when it did. Oneway to do it...... ":n . A 65-year-old ladywith previousMl has chestpainwhiledriving.Shepassesout and losescontrolof the car and hitsa tree . Shelivesseveralhoursin the hospital. . Autopsyshowsmultiplerib fractures, pulmonary lacerations, andan old myocardialinfarctwith no acutechanges in the heartor coronaryarteries. ^ Rlb fractur€ with lung lacerauons OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: hdids 6hbln9 b dd br id Eshng Dcscdh tlow Injq D h. ui&ilE c&e d 4il ii Pd I &@ed Driver ofcar. Had acute cardiac event. Losl control and ran into rear ofanother car. Anotherwavto do it.... Another way to do it. tin ^ Bluntforce injuryofchest Motor vehicle colllslon with tree Descnb Ilow Injury Ocdred Driver ofcar. Had acute cardiac event. Lost and ran into rear ofanother car, Descnhllow Accident InjrqGdd Driver of car. Had acute cardiac event. Lost control and ran into rear of another car. 17 Another way to do it..... Part I tin ^ Bluntforce chesttrauma complicating coronaryarteryatherosclerosis to.b,d$aoscled: 1 Motor vehicle collision with tree tub ^ I hours; Intracerebral hemorrhage Minuie! to6b,ds€@r@d u ' Hours Acute cocaine lntoxlcation HouB 0€b,d6s6W@ol aEsmswd toeb,nad@'twed dl@ffi i toeb,d6aoiew.d :p,retrqtrgn: Part OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONOITIONS $E"S] t; Part ,: OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: hdls6ffi6gbdblrcl.d@nhun@hgc.6ol6dhn II Desdh Accident Ho* rdry Dedb Driver of car, Had acute cardiac €vent. Losl control and ran into rear ofanol her car. 0F b, d ds r @ne{@ How Injq Ocffid e(id Accident Smoked illicit crack cocaine. Dev€loped a Hemorrhase in the brain, Some intoxications can causean otherwise"natural"event This method makes the story clearer ". Pd I Hypertension t"t r-fr:" Il d Acute cocalne Intoxlcallon aggravaUng ischemic heart disease Dc*ib How Injq Deaths of The Elderly ccid Srnoked illicit crack cocaine which aggravated Usingwords such as "complicating"or "aggravating"can be helpful ":n ^ Chronicaspirationpneumonia Weeks o "in 0Fb,d6a6isQ@d , " h6 Senile Dementia Environmentalhypothermla b, or as a 6ieae@ " l5 years 0Eb,ssrcrymol 0€b,d6 DFb Hours d Cold exposurecomplicating AlzheimerDementia 15 yeaF sms{Erol dasadisQmed D€b,d6a@tr4deol Part tl OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDIlIONS OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Part IT D*db Ho* lrj0ry ocord Dc$ne Natural I Specify the immediate cause and the type of dementia Accident O Ho$ rijury Go,rd Wandered away from home in cold weather. Inadequately dr€ssed.Died ofcold exposure Note that the Manner corresponds to underlying cause 1B "?n ^ Pulmonaryembolism Due b, or 6 s @r'wo Or.,... "in ^ Pulmonaryembolism Minutes d 0@b o,ossonse#dl " lmmobility 0€b Minute! 6 days d6adsB@0, . Hip fracture aggravaung senile demenua , lmmobility i days; Years 6 days Dblo d6acss#rol . Hip fracture aggravating senile dementia i days; Years DFb.dsa@nw*6ol Dueb 6rasB@eae@d 6 days Fall while walking OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Pa.t II Part OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONSi II Descnb Ilow ljury&dtu De*nb Unstable on feet. Fell while walking. Fractured left hip. Accident Accident o How lnjury ocdwd Unstable on feet. Fell while walking. Fractured left hip. o Or..... "?n ^ Seniledementia "!n Years ^ Fat embolism Due b. { 6s a @nws D!€ b.orasa6n*tu*eoj , Pathologicfracture of right femur D€b,d tub Minutes ol 2 days 6 acdseqEdor d6o@s4€eol Years , Osteoporosis ouab.o.asaonsQmed OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDlTIONS Parl II Pulmonary embolism followinghipfracture De*Dh Accident rlow I tDry Part II 66!o66nhbdn0bedh Des6& {}qwd Unstable on feet. Fell while walking. Fractured left hin. o tormrrcu[ns nhun4nscaleolddhh Pdl Seniledementia How Injury OccDnd Natural a Pad I a. Natural causes associated with old age ti* ^ Unspecifiednaturalcauses Due b or as a onewme d D. n.u DEro n6a(oseG@dl d. o*" Pan II osc: OTHERSIGN]FJCANT COND!TIONS Part II I)J(nh o When generic statements are used but another specific condition is reported,the specific condition will be cbded as the underlying cause of death IIo!''ifryrn{rql Natural a Although"Senescence"is probablyOK, it is not needed. Do not do this unlessyou have no likelycause. 19 The importantthings.... Deathsof Neonates and Infants . Usually more than one way to certify . Getthe major conditionson the DC . Put conditionsin a logicalorder : Correctlyclassify manner . Completethe injury informationas needed . Use the various "tricks" . Reportappropriatecasesto the Goroner o o "1^ ^ Necrotlzing enterocolitis Extremeprematurity 3 Days 2 week! Maternalplacental abruption Neonates DBb 28 Daysor Younger or.r.Meee€d Part u D€db low lnjury Gcffid Natural O "in ^ 0Db " tub Hypoxic cerebral hemorrhage Hours Try to includethe underlyingmaternal/gestational condition lnfantS to 1year] [1monflr orrs.oi$amedl Premature onset of labor I day dsadqEEd Undeterminedspecific cause toeb,aroso@rwd Part II Descih Uow Injury Gdnd . . . . Glear-cutcause(s) SIDS-L|ke Not SIDS,but no cause known Inadequateinvestigation (Hopefully,these will be non-existentl Natural This let's a reader know you thought about it 20 Clear-cut causesarehandled as usual.... Clear-cutcausesare handledas usual.... OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Desdb Hov lDj!ry Ocerd Injuries inflicted by another person(s) SIDSOID Cases... 'ad . Undetermined . Consistentwith SIDS . SIDS plus disease . SIDS plus external stressor . Not consistent with SIDS; no cause identifiable . Inadequate investigation 'ad n &i,.,of I | oTHER StGNtF|CANT CONDTIT0NS ,"fu,.-*"."" l D.ih Undetermined *.",-, l*,"'"' I There are better ways to certify such deaths " T r i p l eR i s k M o d e l " . . . Uncomplicatedcase Each would be coded as R95 SIDS The Manner does not matter Some might be non-natural o 21 GrayZone Case with Disease p:d Gray Zone Case with External Stressors ^ Sudden Unexplained lnfant Death Pad lI I OTHERSTGNFTCNTCONoITONS I cl.q4a@htuu I p1d Upperrespira!0rybactviral infeclior I D.*nh t ln.l€ternined lb$ r,iB Sudden Unexplained lnfant Death u o..h, lk"r. I Undeternin€d ifexrernst H* b!ry tuMd I Undetermined Undctermincd ifcxtcrnal causcs*erc involvcd. I I Bed sharing wilh 4 aduhs.Found facedosn. catrses w€ru involved This would be codedas SIDS This would be codedas SIDS Zone Case with ExternalStressorand Disease "1n pad Sudden Unexplained Infant Death SuddenUnexplainedlnfant Death OT}IERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Pad n n Bedstrarinswitb 2 edults .F t Indetermined Undercrmincd ifexternal cauxs were involved. I I B{d sharins wilh 4 adulls. Found facc down. Undeterrnined ljndrtcrrnincd if cxtcrnalcause$ wcrc inrol*d. AnotherFormatOption(wouldbe coded as SIDS) This would be codedas SIDS Part I ^ Sudden Unexolained Infant Death associated with bedsharino with adults O T H E RS I G N I F I C A NC TO N D I T I O N S tsan II Undetermined AnotherFormatOotion(wouldbe erc involved. :11"1""1o: l Stressors.... . . . . . . . . . . Bedsharing Unsafe or soft sleep surface (if found face down) Previous unexplained infant death of sibling E x c e s s i v eb l a n k e t i n go r w r a p p i n g Face down position when found Intoxication (defined as detection of a substance in infant's system) Abrupt change in sleep position Abrupt change in sleep location Abrupt change in sleep surface Injuries ofunknown significance (specifying the type) In many settings, after investigation and autopsy, SIDS-like deaths account for about 53% of infanl deaths, and 70% ofthose have gray zone findings. 22 lnadequateInvestigation Not SIDS: But no cause identified after complete investiqation "in ^ tin Unexpectedand UndeterminedCause ^ Unclassified Infant Death OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Pan u I Undetermined if external cruss were involvcd. I Found dead ia bassin€s€. No autoDsv was Derformed Undetermined Would NOT be coded as SIDS Gomplications of Treatmentor Diagnostic Procedures o Category of Complication or Outcome Suggested Manner l. Malfunction of(or a defective) medical devicq tool, or diasnostic/theraDeutic asent (malfunctionins thermostal) Accident 2. Itrconet use ofa medical deyice, tool, or diagnostic/theraDeutic asent (wrons dore of drus) Accident 3. Rarely occuring complication with a reognizd untoward Dotential (anaDhylaxis after dye) Variable* 4. Utranticipated complication oigating wroDg artery) Variable* 5. Reasonably anticipated outcome of a indicated medical ther.Dv or Drocedure (disoxitr ioxicitv) Natural 6. InhereDt and accepted risk ofan invasive procedure or surgery (yery ill and can't wean from pump) Natural 7. Nonspecific strEses ofr procedure or therapy (high risk patient who di6 during hip replacement) Natural 8. Periprocedural death not otheryise classilialrle (healthy man di6 during henia reDairi no caus) Undetermined O'*'-":l?;["Tft.;mfi:Pds'ondjdsmdbdd "in tin ^ Bilateral pneumothoraces ^ Digoxlntoxicity Deb.daa6iea*ed Treatment of refractory heart failure , Complicationof ventilatorysupport Delo a6adqe@d Chronic ischemic heart dlsease Pneumocystispneumonia to.b orrsadneQdedl Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Pail II Mmdol )an tl OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS D.dh Natural Descdb I How lnjnry&e'rd Natural 23 'ad ^ Pseudomonasburnwoundsepsis , Cutaneousscald burns , Whirlpool therapy for leg contractures Complications of cerebrovascular stroke turdof&db lhcnbUNltriu*Occud ACCident waterin a whirlpool. I Scaldedin overheated I o C o n s i d earl lo f t h e s e . . . . . . . . Ageand underlying condition of patient Was the procedureelective? Emergentnatureof the procedure Inherentdifficultyand reasonablyknown risksof the procedure . Acceptability of the untowardoutcome -TerminalEvents-Nonspecific Processes-Mechanisms- These issues have to do with manner of death classifi€tion. Regardless ofthe manner, be sure to include the complication in the Cause-of-Death Statement. o "Mechanisms" of Death O For the Cause-of-DeathStatement: NO Terminal Events should be used . TerminalEvents (e9.,asystole,cardiopulmonaryarrest) . NonspecificAnatomic Processes (e9.,cirrhosis,DAD,peritonitis) . NonspecificPhysiologicDerangement (e9.,hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia) o dissociation OK to use if certain conditions are met: . Nonspecific Anatomic Processes . Nonspecific Physiologic Derangements o 24 &s@ss Abdomlnal khesions hemorhag€ I Carclnomatosis | Cadiac dy3rhythmia lcardiomyopathy ftult ultrospiratorydistr€ss rospiratorydistr€ss lCellulitis I Cellulitis svndrome | &rsbral dema kute my*ardial Atered mental status tu€nia tuoxla tuoricencephalopathy I Cerebrovascular accident Cerehllartonsillar I hemiation bdridden state I Chronic bedridden lclrrhosis I Disseminated intra I vascular I coasulopalhy GeneralRules: lDyErhythmla I End-staoeliver di*rse lnclude NAP or NPD in GOD Statement if: . lts a recognized potentially fatal complication of the underlying cause of death . lts NOT a symptom or sign . lt was involved in the cause of death sequence in the case in question . lts existence in the patient would not be known unless reported in the COD statement . lts inclusion is not an oversimplificationor redundant . A specific underlying cause is also reported I Ehd-stage renat disase lEDiduralhematoma Exsang!ination t thrive II Failure to lFractur€ Gangrene lGastrointestinal I hemorrhage I Haad failuro I HemothoEx I Hepatic failure Hepatitis II Hepalitis | Hepatorenalsyndrcme Aspiration Atrial fibrillation Bacteremia &dddden Biliary obstruction Bowelobstruction lbasulopathy &mDresstontractur€ Congestiva head hilure I Cohwlsions I Decubiti I D€hydration hmentia (wheh I &mentia {when not I otheruise srifid) lDiarrhea Braininjury | HyFrulyemia lHyrrkalemia | | Hypvolemlc Arrhythmia Erain stem herniation shock ...ptus many more Nonspecific Processes and Derangements (M&hanisms) O These need to have an g!ggl!y!!g cause reported. o An example: Possiblecandidatesfor the DC History: A chronicalcoholicdeveloped cirrhosis,portalhypertension, hyperammonemia, hepaticcoma, asterixis,respiratoryarrest,and thenasystole. . . . . . . . . o a Applying the rules.... '-nSyStete- Oneway to do it.... Pad I TerminalEvent @Terminal . Hepatic encephalopathy !4lrperclmmeFemia-rA€*€fD€i* Event a. Hepatic Encephalopathy b. *", Portal hypertension c. o*", Cirrhosis of liver tmplicit d. "*", Chronic alcohol abuse Sign Pad tr . Portal hypertension . Cirrhosis . Ghronicalcoholabuse o Asystole Respiratoryarrest Hepaticencephalopathy Hyperammonemia Asterixis Portal hypertension Cirrhosis Chronicalcoholabuse osc: O 25 Another way to do it.... Pad I a. Hepatic Encephalopathy b. "*", Cirrhosis of liver c. ,,"", Chronic alcohol abuse O, o*o -Queries-Amendments-SupplementalReports- Pad II o Queriesby Registrar o Amendments & Supplements [Changesl . Registrar contacts Certifier . To verify DG accuracy or obtain missing information . Extent of queries vary regionally . lf you are queried,you should respond promptly a !.Jpdaiing a Pending Recordl Certifier: . Writes to registrarspecifying needed changesor updates(in a pendingcase) FuneralDirectoror Nextof Kin: . A specific form is used . Documentaryevidenceis required . A fee is chargedfor the process and for each new copy ofthe correctedDC a An ldea a 26 The "HospitalGertifier"Goncept Mostare Easy.... ffi*@f=oc o l @HW o "in Some Final Examples ^ Uppergastrointestlnalhemorhage touB kb,d$.ffiq€md , UndetermlnedNaturalCause Db b, d 6 ,6qE@ d DEb,d6rco|wd Part II Ddb How Injq &c@d Natural Making Natural Causes Evident t?n ^ Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage tos b or r. a MeQme d . Presumedgastric ulcer 0Fb "i* Hours . Probableberryan€urysm Daysto DEb,d6€d5€@ol 0u.b dasa6iee*.ol OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS HouF DEb,d6r6E@.d c6ac(,rj.Grol Part II " NontraumaUc subarachnoid hemorrhage oue b, d as a onseffi d Part II Dcnnh Ilow lnjury&ord Natural D.*db How rnjq Gc&d Natural Let the history guide you Let the history and medical knowledge guide you 27 tin Part Pneumonia , Cerebralcontusions 5 days . Blunt force trauma of head 5 days , Motor vehicle collision 5 days Mm.rof 4 yeaF Humanlmmunodefi ciencyVirus infection I y€re pneumonia Intravenous druguse,pneumocystis I esihHwbjqkd I Unrestraineddriver of sportsutility vehicle thal I left the roadwavand srrucka tree . Accident ffi; lh6hnwhiqc.*d Part ll contains a risk factor and other sequel of HIV Part ll contains other significant injuries "in . AcquiredlmmuneDeficiencySyndrome Parl II Multiple skullfraclures,subdural hematoma hrb 2 w6k OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: Part tr Cryptococcal myocarditis 3 days "ln , Pyelonephritis , Recurrent E coli bladder infections 2 yeaB , 3 years Indwelling urinary catheter Perforating injury of head and brain Minute! , Contact gunshotwound of head Muliiple sclerosis OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONOITIONS OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDIIIONS Pan n Pad n Aspirationpneumonia gastriccancer Clinicalhistoryol depressiol metastatic Derb H@ b!ry edd I ;;t'*t lk;b'Nhtsrycdftd Sequential history is evident by reading the cause Pad I ^ I Shotselfin headwith 38 caliberrevolver SUiCide Appropriate to include psych conditions and possible medical reasons "i" Oxycodone poisoning Asphyxia Ho!rs Overmedication of degenerative disc disease Days; OTHERSIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: Pad n Analgesicdependency M.nnc'ofDcdh lD.$nh.ENt'iurGcumd ACCident prescribedmedication. I Took excessive t ' Specifiesunderlyingcause,acute poisoning,drug dependency tr Acutealcoholintoxication Mini.rorD.5rh ID.dkHovhjuryoauftd Accident l:**gl*::::::::fl::*l::,"'r".. Risk factor in Part ll 28 tin "in Intra-abdominalhemorrhage , Bronchopulmonaryarterytistula Delayedrupture of contused spleel ' Blunt force injury of abdomen Fall from height , Bronchopulmonaryhemorrhage ' 5 days Squamouscell carcinoma, left lung 5 days OTHERSIGNIFICNT MNDTNNS: Ofr ERSIGNIFICANT CONOITIONS Pad I tr &S& Md\F, Houts or hh e$,h HN Natural Accidenrl)Yl:**:--{':l"ll"-l.o-1".:1T1"j1.:'j::"c'*d Immediate,Intermediary,UnderlyingCause;SequentialPart I Format Fatal derangement,bodily injury, injury event "1n llow bj!ry ftd b,ry()ffid I Metastaticcarcinomaof prostate l0 yean ContactPoints Randy Hanzlick,MD Chief Medical Examiner,Fulton County, GA Professor of Forensic Pathology Emory School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA II Miiu of &dh De$dh Hs h!ry tuud I Natural I Single Line Part I Format 430PryorSt SW Atlanta,GA 30312 404-730-4400 randy.hanzlick@co.fu o 29