col I Station Circular of Information No. 161 November, 1936 RELATIVE AVERAGE PR.ICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS IN OREGON BY DISTRICTS AND COUNTIES 1926-1935 Published in Cooperation with the Federal Works Progress Administration in connection with a plan of Cooperative Rural Research by L. R. Breithaupt, J. W. Deremiah and Elvera Horrell AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Oregon State Agricultural College Wm. A. Schoenfeld, Director' Corvallis, Oregon AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Oregon State Agricultural College Wa. A. Schoenfeld, Director Corvallis, Oregon Circular of Information No. 161 November, 1736 RELATIVE AVERAGE PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS IN OREGON, BY COUNTIES AND DISTRICTS, 1926-1935* These data are not market quotations for any certain grade or kind of product at any particular point in the count; or district for which they are given--they are intended to indicate the general average relative farm price level during the 1926-1935 period, in the various counties and districts in Oregon. Together with production and marketing statistics, farm price data are valuable in calculating the trend in farm income and the relative importance of variocs enterprises in the agricultural industry, and they are valuable in regard to the marketing of farm products. INDEX County Baker Benton ty CLackainas 2 2 2 C1tsp 2 Columbia Coos Crook Curry Descnutes Douglas 2 Gilliain Grant Barney Hood River Jackson Jefferson Josephine Elamath 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Lake Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Morrow Multhomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla Union Wallowa Wasco Washington Wheeler Yamhill gg District jNgp Dist.Noj Dist. No. 1: (Benton, Clacksaws, Lens, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington, Yamhill) ............ (Gilliam, Hood River, Morrow Sherman, Umatills, Wasco, Diat. No. 2: (Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Lincoln, Tiliamook) . B Diet. No. 3: (Douglas, Jackson, Josephine) ....... Distrirt B Wheeler) ........ B Dist. No. 5: (Baker, Grant, Malheur, Union Wallows) ........ 8 Dist. No. 6: (Crook, Deschutes, Harney, Jefferson, Elamath, Lake) ........... B *These price data were prepared in fulfillment of Works Progresadministration Project No. 569 (o.P. 65-94-776), under the direction of L. R. Dreithaupt, Extension Agricultural Economist, Oregon State College, serving as State Supervisor of Rural Research. The county and district data are straight averages of monthly and yearly average prices, as prepared and estimated by J. W. Deremiah, project supervisor, assisted by Elvera Horrell, statistical secretary in the office of the extension agricultural economist. The estimates are based largely upon figures taken Lrom records loaned for the purpose by the United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. These records resulted from the reports made monthly by voluntary farm price reporters, which are used in preparing the weighted estimated average farm prices which are published each month on a statewide basis but not by counties or districts. -1- ESTIMATID RELATIVE PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS: Baker ANIMAL PRODUCTS: 23.8 23.6 26.1 dos. Eggs, 16.5 15.6 15.9 lb. Chickens, 26.0 25.6 Turkeys, dressed,lb.(l) 24.0 33.1 33.4 lb. 33.5 Butterfat, 55.06 62.99 62.15 hd. Milk Cows, 2.03 1.99 1.93 cwt. Milk, 8.28 8.08 7.77 Hogs, $ cwt. 4.86 5.26 5.20 cwt. Sheep, 24.0 25.2 22.9 lb. Wool, 7.61 7.62 7.57 Lambs, $ cwt. 7.72 7.50 7.19 Fat lambs, $ cwt. (2) 6.17 6.11 Feeder lambs, $ cw-t. (2) 6.52 1.90 2.45 Goats, $ hR. (3) 27.1 28.0 lb. (4) Mohair, 6.43 6.57 6.45 Beef cattle, $ cwt. 7.37 7.47 6.73 Fat steers, $ cwt. (5) 6.07 5.89 Feeder steers, $ cwt.(5) 594 39.81 42.27 .43.04 Beef cows, $ lid. (6) 9.32 9.01 832 Veal calves, $ cwt. 82.92 71.33 57.63 Horses, $ hR. 65.93 61.60 Mules, $ hd. (7) -1935 AVERAGE Columbia Clatso Coos 26.8 17.4 25.5 26.6 17.3 16.5 35.6 63.03 1.87 8.29 34.1 35.0 59.68 56.42 1.97 8.39 1.85 8.25 5.03 25.0 7.81 6.08 2.31 28.8 6.60 6.55 40.67 9.09 41.39 9.41 74.90 38.25 8.39 69.23 47.4 1.43 47.8 61.6 1.42 61.7 1.57 10.63 10.65 10.24 6.47 CROP PRODUCTS: Wheat,c bu. Rye, bu. Oats, Barley, liii. bu. Potatoes, $ cwt. lb. (7) flops, 82.4 77.2 87.3 91.6 42.7 59.1 1.33 44.3 61.8 1.40 18.6 12.95 44.9 62.0 1.26 18.8 12.83 9.95 9.94 10.63 10.66 10.20 10.39 10.46 10.80 11.02 18.44 18.51 2.99 6.05 3.74 19.02 18.51 3.10 6.02 3.28 .88 .86 .84 baled, $ Ton (7)12.58 HAY, LOOSE: 8.67 All loose hay, $ Ton 8.98 Alfalfa, $ Ton 9.41 Clover, $ Ton Vetch, $ Ton (8) 8.63 Grain, $ Ton (6) SEEDS: Red clover, $ cwt. Alsike clover, $ cwt. (9) Common vetch, $ cwt. (10) Hairy vetch, $ cwt. (9) Ryegrass, $ cwt. (9) .88 Apples, $ tai. Prunes, dry, lb. (7) Hay, All 11.09 11.17 .83 to April, 1928 or subreported previous 71) Not reported previous to Oct., 1928. (2) Not Not reported previous to April sequent to Feb., 1935; reports fox year, 1933 missing. (3)1933 missing. (4) Not reortsd 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-.Tune, to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 missing. previous to April, 1928 or subsequent 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; Jan.-July, 1933 (5) Not reported previous to April, missing. (6) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for Jan.-June, 1933 missing. ot reported. (8)Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for year (7) 1926 and 1927 Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reportsd for years 1932 and 1933 missing. ) ) 1933. (10) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported from Mar.-Aug., 1932 and Jan.-July, 1933. -2- ESTIMATE) RELATIVE PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS: Cugyhutes ANIMAb PRODUCTS: Eggs, dos. Chickns, lb. 25.7 17.2 lb.(l)24.8 33.2 68.68 Turkeys, dressed, Butterfat, lb. Milk Cows, hd. Milk, cwt. Hogs, cwt. Sheep, cwt. Wool, t lb. cwt. Lambs, Fat lambs, cwt. (2) Feeder lambs, $ cwt. (2) Goats, hd. (3) Mohair, lb. (4) Beef cattle, $ cwt. Fat steers, cwt. (5) Feeder steers, cwt.(5) Beef cows, $ hR. (6) Veal calves, $ cwt. Horses, $ hd. Mules, $ hd. (7) 7.91 5.21 22.1 7.60 7.50 6.51 6.76 7.38 6.11 44.44 9.00 65.01 72.23 36.4 52.79 1.79 8.07 5.08 24.9 7.49 25.8 16.8 24.1 33.1 64.70 1.91 8.02 5.10 22.5 7.55 7.47 6.30 2.17 26.2 6.09 6.50 7.13 5.85 35.95 8.59 45.59 8.89 68.83 CROP PRODUCTS: Wheat, bu. Rye, Corn, Oats, bu. 1926-1935 AVERAGS qgesGi1iiamGt 23.6 16.2 24.9 33.2 50.40 2.18 8.07 5.35 25.0 7.31 7.22 5.91 1.89 27.4 6.37 6.73 5.68 36.05 9.20 70.74 63.42 103.1 83.8 24.7 17.6 26.8 16.7 34.3 57.36 33.5 63.83 7.98 5.41 22.5 7.61 7.42 6.47 7.67 5.35 22.3 7.38 7.50 6.56 6.50 6.76 5.85 45.37 8.43 57.03 65.12 6.38 6.86 5.86 46.48 8.48 56.79 53.22 81.4 97.4 83.5 87.6 bu.(7) bu. 47.1 Barley, bu. 63.2 Potatoes, $ cwt. 1.35 Hay, All baled, $ Ton (7)l3.9 1.54 46.4 62.4 1.33 14.36 50.9 64.8 1.65 14.29 11.28 11.56 11.1)1 9.70 14.41 12.02 11.85 11.92 9.25 9.88 10.86 9.85 59.3 13.12 50.4 67.6 1.58 12.38 )(,L0OSE: All loose hay, $ Ton Alfalfa, $ Ton Clover, $ Ton Vetch, $ Ton (8) Grain, $ Ton (6) 10.20 10.75 10.07 9.52 10.09 19.06 Alsike clover, $ cwt.(9)l8.50 Common vsth, $ cwt.(lO) Ryegrass, $ cwt. (9) Apples, $ bu. Prunes, dry, lb. (7) 18.97 18.69 SEEDS: Red clover, $ cwt. 19.40 3.62 4.17 .86 5.1 .88 (1) Not reported previous to Oct., 1928. (2) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for year, 1933 missing. (3) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-June, 1933 missing. (4) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 missing. (5) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., i935; Jan.July, 1933 missing. (6) Not reported previous to April, 1928. Reports for Jan.-June, 1933 missing. (7) 1926 and 1927 not reported. (8) Not reported previous to April, i928; reports for year, 1933 missing. (9) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reportel for years 1932 and 1933. (10) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported for Mar.-A ug., 1932 and Jan.-July, 1933. -3- ESTIMATED RELATIVE PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS: Hood River Jackson ANIMAL PRODUCTS: 25.0 25.0 26.4 dos. Eggs, 17.1 16.6 16.2 lb. Chickens, 25.3 lb.(l) Turkeys, dressed, 34.4 lb. 34.3 33.5 Butterfat, 63.63 66.39 57.65 Milk Cows, $ hd. 2.06 Milk, $ cwt. 7.87 8.07 7.96 Hogs, $ cwt. 5.46 5.24 Sheep, $ cwt. 24.4 22.2 lb. Wool, 7.41 7.63 Lambs, $ cwt. 7.05 7.39 Fat lambs, $ cwt. (2) 6.10 Feeder lambs, $ cwt.(2) 6.46 2.10 Goats, $ hd. (3) 27.0 lb. (4) Mohair, 6.51 6.38 Beef cattle, $cwt. 6.43 6.75 Fat steers, $ cwt. (5) 5.63 Feeder steers, $ cwt.(5) 5.83 40.59 45.07 Beef cows, $ hd.(3) 8.44 8.73 Veal calves, $ cwt. 72.05 52.76 Horses, $ hd. 73.62 58.63 Mules, $ hd. (6) CROP PRODUCTS: bu. Wheat, 85.8 bu. Rye, be. (6) Corn, 48.7 bu. Oats, 62.0 bu. Barley, 1.65 Potatoes, $ cwt. lb. (6) Hops, Beans, dry, $ cwt. Hay, All baled, $ Ton (6) HAY, LOOSE: 9.11 All loose hay, $ Ton 9.64 Alfalfa, $ Ton Clover, $ Ton 8.80 Grain, $ Ton (3) Apples, $ bu. 97.6 1926-1935 ERAGE JeffronJosehineK1arnath 33.4 58.76 8.08 5.66 22.7 7.67 7.95 6.52 6.72 7.13 6.36 49.01 8.71 61.68 64.46 24.6 17.4 25.8 34.7 56.21 8.11 26.0 6.15 6.56 5.53 39.50 8.01 63.80 1.37 86.5 49.7 64.3 1.66 16.11 6.03 14.78 11.45 14.32 10.90 11.97 10.81 11.27 11.29 12.47 11.15 11.18 10.80 10.81. .85 .97 6.51 6.78 6.07 48.18 8.56 68.02 71.07 85.9 71.8 83.3 82.2 60.6 26.8 17.2 24.8 34.2 67.69 1.88 8.05 5.56 22.7 7.76 7.83 6.39 2.21 50.4 64.6 1.62 19.1 5.47 15.28 42.9 60.3 1.32 9.31 9.62 9.64 7.86 12.21 .84 (1) Not reported previous to Oct., 1928. (2) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or (3) Not reported previous to subsequent to Feb., 1935; reportS for year, 1933 missing. April, 1928; reports for Jan.-.June, 1933 missing. (4) Not reported previous to A pril, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 missing. (5) Not reported (6) 1926 previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; Jan.-July, 1933 missing. and 1927 not reported. -4- ANIMA[_PRODUCTS: Eggs, ç doz. lb. Chickens, Lake Lane 28.2 24.2 16.0 17.8 Turkeys, dressed, lb.(l) Butterfet, lb. 33.7 Milk Cows, hd. Milk, 'wt. Hogs, Sheep, Wool, Lambs, 62.57 7.63 8.09 5.28 22.8 4.82 24.8 7.27 7.14 6.00 2.28 cwt. cwt. lb. cwt. Fat lambs, 7.39 cwt. (2) 7.03 6.48 Feeder lambs, cwt.(2) lid. (3) Goats, Mohair, lb. (4) Beef cattle, cwt. Fat steers, cwt. (3) Feeder steers, cwt.(3) Beef cows, hd. (5) Veal calves, $ cwt. Horses, $ hd. Mules, $ lid. (6) CROP PRODUCTS: Wheat, bu. bu. Rye, Corn, bu. (6) bu. Oats, bu. Barley, Potatoes, $ cwt. lb. (6) Hops, Beans, dry, $ cwt. Hay, all baled, $ Ton (6) All loose hay, 6.37 6.45 5.93 46.66 7.97 50.14 57.61 Malbeur Marion 25.9 16.8 22.7 15.3 24.6 23.6 34.2 32.9 49.Jl 56.51 23.7 15.1 24.7 33.7 62.31 1.76 1.82 8.15 8.14 7.78 8.36 4.71 25.2 7.25 7.06 5.18 23.2 5.00 24.9 7.43 7.39 7.26 7.42 5.93 6.22 6.47 64.0 1.67 Alsike clover, $ cwt. (8) Common vetch, $ cwt. (9) Hairy vetch, $ cwt. (8) Ryegrass, $ cwt. (8) Apples, $ bu. 9.52 9.82 9.48 44.4 61.8 1.52 18.6 5.44 12.88 9.99 10.77 10.52 10.12 16.2 24.8 33.6 58.32 1.94 2.33 2.15 1.84 27.5 6.31 27.4 6.18 6.61 5.49 41.12 8.61 76.38 75.33 26.5 6.38 7.13 5.89 38.43 37.16 9.07 90.2 $ Ton Prunesdrlj) 26.0 6.22 6.49 5.69 39.80 8.85 78.40 68.21 Liim 78.4 Alfalfa, $ Ton Clover, $ Ton Vetch, $ Ton (7) Grain, Ton (5) SEEDS: Common alfalfa, $ cwt. Red clover, $ cwt. 25.5 32.9 56.61 2.20 Lincoln 1.50 10.07 11.23 6.32 6.40 5.61 42.23 7.73 57.29 65.47 9.04 68.73 74.93 87.0 78.3 83.8 41.2 61.9 1.42 18.8 5.36 12.33 80.8 76.9 79.1 44.4 59.4 1.23 5.20 11.67 86.5 80.1 85.0 42.4 61.1 1.27 18.6 5.33 12.54 9.31 8.77 9.63 10.08 9.88 9.97 8.40 8.47 8.70 10.67 10.69 10.85 12.52 18.47 18.62 18.20 18.21 3.04 5.90 3.81 2.85 5.27 3.80 .91 .97 _.A___ (1) Not reported previous to Oct., 1928. (2) Not reported .92 18.03 18.29 3.01 5.31 3.90 .89 .90 A.2 previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for year, 1933 missing. (3) Not reported previocs to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb. 1935; Jan.-Juiy, 1933 missing. (4)Not reported prv)ous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 misBing. 5) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for Jan.June, 1933 missing. (6) 1926 and 1927 no reported. (7) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for year, 1933 missing. (8) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported for years, 1932 and 1933. (9) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported from Mar.-Aug., 1932 and Jan.-Aug., 1933. -5- __EETIITEEUEPCRECFIIVED Multnomah Morrow ANIMAL PRODUCTS: doz. Eggs, 23.2 16.9 Turkeys, drecsed, lb.(l)24.8 Butterfat, lb. 33.6 57.62 Milk Cows, $ hd. Chickens, lb. Milk, cwt. Hogs, cwt. cwt. Sheep, Wool, 34.0 66.93 1.97 8.05 5.31 8.42 22.2 lb. Lambs, $ 25.1 17.1 7.61 cwt. 7.47 Fat lambs, $ cwt.(2) Feeder lambs, $ cwt.(2) 6.41 Goats, $ lid. (3) Mohair, lb. (4) 6.59 Beef cattle, $ cwt. 7.17 Fat steers, $ cwt. (5) Feeder steers, $ cwt.(5) 6.05 44.02 Beef cows, $ hd. (3) 8.84 Veal calves, $ cat. 53.24 Horses, $ hd. 60.96 Mules, $ lid. (6) 82.0 90.6 bu. bu. bu. Oats, Barley, bu. Rye, ç* 61.8 FPRS:l9235AVERAGE Polk 23.7 16.5 24.7 33.5 59.43 1.68 8.27 5.03 24.8 7.80 Sherman Tillainook Umatilia 23.6 27.3 17.6 24.7 16.7 33.7 59.92 40.1 68.51 1.90 7.98 8.40 5.22 21.8 7.72 16.2 24.8 33.8 60.89 2.03 8.02 5.48 22.5 7.56 7.42 6.62 6.37 73.24 6.42 6.98 5.78 43.16 8.73 63.48 6.53 6.73 5.69 41.68 8.28 67.69 67.83 70.48 77.29 86.8 80.9 81.8 84.4 60.6 45.1 58.1 1.28 6.20 1.95 27.1 73.43 CROP PRODUCTS: Wheat, BY 44.7 43.0 61.1 1.51 1.47 1.31 1.42 18.6 5.80 5.33 Hay, all baled, $ Ton (6)12.46 13.91 12.47 12.83 10.54 9.51 Potatoes, $ cat. lb. (6) Hops, Beans, dry, $ cat. All loose Alfalfa, hay, $ Ton $ Ton Clover, $ Ton Vetch, Grain, $ $ Ton (7) Ton (3) 9.88 10.03 10.29 11.40 9.93 11.45 10.19 10.71 10.45 10.89 11.14 10.31 10.23 11.41 SEEDS: Red clover, $ cwt. Alsike clover, $ cwt.(8) Common vetch, $ cwt. (9) Hairy vetch, $ cat. (8) Apples, $ bu. ib) 18.34 18.15 2.81 5.77 .85 .95 .89 5.2 5.0 Prunes, dry, (l)Not reported previous to Oct., 1928. (2) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for year, 1933 missing. (3) Not reportad previous to (4) Not reported previous to April, April, 1928; reports for Jan.-June, 1933 missing. 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 missing. (5) Not reported (6) 1926 previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; Jan.-July, 1933 missing. and 1927 not reported. (7) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for year, 1933 (8) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for years 1932 and 1933 missing. (9) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported for Mar..Aug., 1932 and missing. Jan.-Aug., 1933. -6- ESTIMATED RELATIVE PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS: Wallowa Wasco Union 1926-1935 AVERAGE Washington Wheeler Yainhili 24.3 16.8 25.6 34.5 68.80 1.85 8.51 24.8 17.1 23.7 16.7 25.3 34.4 60.42 1.75 8.18 4.93 24.2 7.60 7.55 6.00 2.12 26.8 6.47 7.01 5.85 41.48 8.79 70.43 72.37 ANIMAL PRODUCTS: dos. Eggs, Chickens, lb. Turkeys, Dressed, Butterfat, lb. lb.(l) 25.5 15.7 33.1 58.55 Milk, $ cwt. 1.98 Hogs, cwt. 7.79 Sheep, 5.21 cwt. Wool, lb. 23.0 Lambs, $ cwt. 7.72 Fat lambs, $ cwt.(2) 7.43 Feeder lambs, $ cwt.(2) 6.65 hd. Milk Cows, 24.8 15.8 23.3 33.2 61.84 8.02 4.98 22.3 7.53 7.08 6.30 Goats, $ hd. (3) lb. (4) Beef cattle, $ cwt. 6.44 Fat steers, $ cwt. (5) 6.77 Feeder steers, $ cwt. (5)5.64 24.3 16.9 24.8 33.5 57.85 2.04 7.99 5.09 22.4 7.69 7.82 6.66 1.92 25.8 Mohair, 62.07 62.53 6.53 6.92 5.83 44.86 7.72 58.42 55.76 6.64 7.22 6.02 42.34 8.77 59.77 64.41 83.88 66.67 78.1 75.3 40.6 54.5 1.32 75.8 70.6 42.9 55.9 1.38 83.5 89.1 45.2 61.3 1.43 43.4 Deans, dry, $ cwt. 5.52 Hay, All baled, $ Ton (6)11.99 12.90 14.65 12.52 9.07 9.27 9.08 9.35 9.57 10.78 12.34 8.35 8.00 11.95 9.81 12.41 10.65 10.78 10.21 Beef cows, $ hd. (3) Veal calves, $ cwt. Horses, $ hd. Mules, $ led. (6) 46.55 8.56 33.4 56.33 8.13 5.17 22.4 7.64 7.55 6.55 6.53 6.99 6.03 43.73 8.44 55.07 CROP PRODUCTS: Wheat, bu. Rye, bu. Oats, bu. Barley, 0 bu. Potatoes, Hops, 0 $ cwt. lb. (6) 62.2 1.31 18.4 87.0 91.9 60.3 42.8 61.7 1.35 18.5 5.57 12.34 HAY, LOOSE: All loose hay, $ Ton Alfalfa, $ Ton Clover, $ Ton Vetch, $ Ton (7) Grain, $ Ton (3) 9.99 10.67 10.22 9.33 10.10 9.68 9.73 SEEDS: Red clover, $ cwt. Alsike clover, $ cwt.(8) 18.10 18.11 3.00 5.66 Common vetch, $ cwt. (9) Hairy vetch, $ cwt. (8) Ryegrass, $ cwt. (8) Apples, $ bu. .83 rj±b.J)_5.l (1) Not reported previous to Oct., Prunes 555.O (Thot reported previous to .90 .85 18.22 18.07 2.99 5.74 3.98 .89 5.0 April, 1928 or sub1928. sequent to Feb., 1935; reports for year,l933 missing. (3) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for fmn.-June, 1933 missing. (4) Not reported previoles to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 missing. (5) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; Jan.-July, 1933 missing. (6) 1926 and 1927 not reported. (7) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for year, 1933 missing. (8) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported for years 1932 and 1933. (9) Not reported previous to April, l928; not reported from Mar.-Aug., 1932 and Jan.-Aug., 1933. -7- ESTIMATED RELATIVE_PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS: District District District No. 1* ANIMAL PRODUCTS: dos. Eggs, 23.8 Chickens, lb. 16.3 Turkeys, dressed, lb.(l)25.1 Butterfat, lb. 33.5 Milk Cows, $ hd. 60.59 Milk, $ cwt. 1.89 8.25 Hogs, $ cwt. 4.89 Sheep, $ cwt. lb. 24.8 Wool, Lambs, $ cwt. 7.43 Fat ]*mbs, $ cwt.(2) 7.33 Feeder lambs, $ cwt. (2) 6.11 2.14 Goats, $ hd. (3) 26.8 Mohair, lb. (4) Beef cattle, $ cwt. 6.37 7.01 Fat steers, $ cwt. (5) Feeder steers, $ cwt.(5) 5.82 40.49 Beef cows, $ hd. (3) 8.94 Veal calves, $ cwt. Horses, $ hd. 75.50 Mules, $ hd. (6) 69.73 No. 2* 26.3 17.1 36.2 60.48 1.87 8.27 5.09 25.0 7.65 6.08 2.29 27.4 6.40 38.60 8.91 72.06 No. 3* 24.2 16.7 25.1 34.0 56.91 2.10 7.99 5.43 24.9 7.33 7.19 5.94 1.91 27.2 6.44 6.49 / 5.62 39.79 8.49 71.40 67.57 1926-1935 District No. 4* 24.5 AVERAGE District No. 5* District No. 6* 16.5 25.0 15.7 26.4 17.1 33.8 59.99 2.03 8.00 5.30 22.3 7.62 7.53 6.48 33.4 61.45 1.94 7.85 5.19 22.8 7.48 7.27 6.39 33.7 64.41 1.89 7.96 5.36 22.5 7.59 7.47 6.46 6.54 6.93 5.87 42.85 8.51 61.08 71.21 6.40 6.71 5.79 44.46 .l8 58.26 60.84 6.45 6.77 5.95 46.14 8.53 59.59 62.07 CROP PRODUCTS: 100.6 81.7 83.8 Wheat, bu. 88.2 77.9 74.8 bu. 88.9 75.8 78.8 Rye, 46.1 45.1 42.7 bu. 43.0 47.6 50.6 Oats, 61.6 61.5 bu. 61.7 64.3 59.2 57.6 Barley, 1.33 1.65 1.47 1.33 1.33 Potatoes, $ cwt. 1.32 18.6 Hops, lb. (6) 5.31 5.75 Be.ns, dry, $ cwt. 5.43 13.29 12.26 14.70 13.07 Hay, All baled, $ Ton (6)12.65 HAY, LOOSE: 8.91 11.00 10.49 10.29 9.59 All loose hay, $ Ton 9.71 10.45 12.26 10.67 8.95 Alfalfa, $ Ton 9.64 11.70 8.97 10.44 Clover, $ Ton 10.39 Vetch, $ Ton (7) 11.63 11.20 8.78 8.94 10.36 Grain, $ Ton (3) SEEDS: 18.03 19.40 18.99 Red clover, $ cwt. 18.29 18.60 Alsike clover, $ cwt. (8)18.31 Common vetch, $ cwt.(9) 2.97 Hairy vetch, $ cwt. (8) 5.72 4.17 3.81 Ryegrass, $ cwt. (8) .86 .86 .84 .88 Apples, $ ba. .95 Prunes, dry, lb. (6) 5.0 (1) Not reported previous to Oct., 1928. (2) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for year, 1933 missing. (3) Not reported previous to April (4) Not reported previous to April, 1928 or 1928; reports for Jan.-June, 1933 missing. subsequent to Feb., 1935; reports for Jan.-May, 1933 missing. (5) Not reported previous to April, 1928; or subsequent to Feb., 1935; Jan.-July, 1933 missing. (6) 1926 and 1927 not reported. (7) Not reported previous to April, 1928; reports for year, 1933 missing. (8) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported for years, 1932 and 1933. (9) Not reported previous to April, 1928; not reported from Mar.-Aug., 1932 and Jan.-Aug., 1933. *For names of counties, see pagu 1. -8-