Cc30.71 c9r 3cj .-lt 5 - LIST OF AVAILABLE MIMEOGRAPHED 3 EXPERIMLNT STATION CIRCULARS OF INFORMkTION AND EXTENSION CIRCULARS Extension Circular 5i8 (Revision of Ext. Oir. 49) May 1948 Issued by Agricultural Experiment Station and Federal Cooperative Extension Service of the Oregon State System of Higher Education Oregon State College Corvallis Federal Cooperative Extension Service Oregon State College Corvallis Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics Wsn. A. Schoenfeld, Director Oregon State College and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 EGON STATE LIBRARY 0.71 Or3c. I 513 c.3 May 1948 Extension Circular 518 COLLECTION (Revision of EXt OPEGo Cii'. 489) LIST OF AVAILABI MIMEOGRAPHED EXPERIMENT STATION OIRCULRS OF INFORMATION AND EXTENSION CIRCULARS Issued by Agricultural Exper:bnent Station arid Federal Cooperative Extension Service of the Oregon State System of Higher Education Oregon State College Corvallis AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Extension Circulars EC 498 EC 491 EC 441 EC 440 EC 439 EC 438 EC 437 EQ 427 EQ 423 EQ 375 EQ 353 EC 334 EQ 319 EC 318 EC 305 EC 301 EQ 300 EC 299 More grain--By efficient use, cutting losses, better production. Investment in pit cessing facilities and employment in the Oregon walnut and filbert industry. (Agricultural statistics 1869-1944.) Oregon by counties Wheat: Oregon. Preliminary Release. Sheep, lambs and wool: Oregon. (Agricultural statistics 1867-1944.) Oregon by Counties - Preliminary Release. Oregon farmers need farm volunteers for all summer work. Oregon farmers: Do you need boys like this? Oregon (Agricultural statistics 1867-1944,) Cattle on farms: Oregon. by Counties - Preliminary Release. (Agricultural statistics Loganberries and Boysenberries and Youngberries. 1936.-1943.) Oregon by Counties - Preliminary Release. Farm machinery repair check list. Forage seed crops - 1940. Production ad income statistics for Oregon by counties. Production and income statistics for specialty farm products, Oregon 1939. Production and income statistics for specialty farm products. Oregon 1938. Production and income statistics for certain specialty farm products in Oregon - 1937. Production and income statistics for certain specialty farm,products in Oregon - 1936. 1927-36. Dried fruit shipments from Oregon by water Carlot unloads of fruits arid vegetables from Oregon in 66 markets, 1925-35. Agricultural income in Oregon - sources and trends. Carlot shipments of fruits and vegetables in Oregon by points of origin. 2 periment Station Circulars of Information 301 424 SCI 423 301 422 SCI 415 301 397 SCI 395 SCI 353 SCI 342 301 341 301 SCI 501 SCI 340 338 337 313 SCI 306 SCI 289 Sd 286 SCI 281 301 271 301 250 SCI 230 Cost of producing carrots in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. A preliminary summary. Cost pf producing table beets in the Willaniette Valley, Oregon, A preliminary summary. Cost of producing sweet corn in the Willainette Valley, Oregon. A preliminary summary. Cost of producing pole beans in Willaniette Valley, Oregon. 1'eliminary Report. Progress report of special agricultural investigations authorized by the Oregon Legislature. Cost of producing sweet cherries (for processing) in the Willaniette Valley and The DaUes area, Oregon. Progress report of special agricultural investigations authorized by the Oregon Legislature, 1943 session (House BjJlls 413, 291, and 209). Harvest labor efficiency on hops in Oregon. Youth labor efficiency in harvesting sweet cherries, Willamette Valley, Oregon. Harvest labor efficiency on sour cherries in Oregon. Harvest labor efficiency on strawberries in Oregon. Harvest labor efficiency on cane fruits in Oregon. Considerations relating to state and federal regulation of fluid milk prices in Oregon. Renting farm machinery. Farm furnished living on Wiflamette Valley farms. Progress report of special agricultural investigations authorized by the Oregon Legislature, 1941 session (House Bill 534). Survey of farm trucks in Oregon. Some elements of cost in wheat farming with special consideration of the cost of black and trashy fallow. Progress report: Farm organization study, lower Powder River Valley, Baker county, Oregon, 1939 - Keating and Sparta areas. Report of special agricultural investigations authorized by the Oregon Legislature, 1937 and 1939 sessions. (House Bills 465 and 496.) AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Extention Circulars 30 487 Ed Ed EC 30 EC 30 30 EC 480 458 456 455 450 449 447 446 0.3.0. farm building plan service. Listing farm houses, farm buildings and equipment plans available. A boom-type stacker. Rust preventive compounds. Cattle guard (wood construction). Cattle guard (reinforced concrete). n electric drag saw. Tractor-mounted manure loader. A tractor-mounted post-hoJ,.e auger. Power buck rake. AGRICUI2URAL ENGINEERING (Continued) Extension Circulars (continued) EQ EC BC EC EQ EQ EQ EQ BC EC 416 406 404 403 402 400 395 368 332 330 Household equipment - its care and simple repair. Two-way drag buck. Overshot stacker. Slide hay stacker. Truck buck rake. Portable hog house. A self-feeder for hogs. Liquid manure tanks. A low-head turbine for farm hydro-eleotric development. 4.-H club rural electrification project. Experimept Station Circulars of Information SCI 408 Pump irrigation, Harney Basin, Oregon. SCI 385 An effective homemade rat trap. Sal 383 A progress report on the agricultural tests with the Besler Aerosol generator. SQl 356 Tilting-bed implement trailer. SQl 355 Three-section orchard roller. SQl 309 Construction and operation of a home electric food dehydrator. SQl 262 Tapered boom-type weevil duster. CROP PESTS AND DISEASES Extension Circulars EC 516 EQ 515 EC BC EQ EQ EC EQ EQ EQ 509 508 488 454 410 383 352 327 Suggestions for the control of hop downy mildew. Insect and disease control program for home plantings of cherries and peaches. Insect and disease control program for hme plantings of apples and pears. Spray program for apples and pears in the Willamette Valley. Walnut blight control in the Pacific Northwest. Zinc treatment for little lea!, Pea weevil control in 1943. Spraying for the control of filbert blight in Oregon. Fumigation against insects. Method for determining pea weevil infestation. eriment Station Ciroulars of Information SQl 426 A progress report on control of the Orange Tortrix. SQl 416 Materials and sprays available for onion mildew spraying. SQl 414 Control of the western eleven-spotted cucumber beetle on peaches in western Oregon. SQl 413 DU residue problems on vegetables. SQl 41,2 D]YP residue problems on apples and pears. 4 CROP PESTS AND. DISEASES (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information (continued) 410 301 407 Sd Sd 406 SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI Sd 405 404 402 401 399 393 392 391 SQl SCI SCI 501 390 386 384 383 301 38]. SCI 379 Sd 378 501 375 SQl 372 301 370 SQl 366 301 357 SCI 352 SCI SCI SCI SCI 301 SCI 501 SCI 324 323 320 312 305 295 294 293 Control of the filbert moth. Spray program for the control of diseases and insect pests of sweet cherries in western Oregon. Spray program for the control of diseases and insect pests of peaches in western Oregon. Control of insect pests arI diseases of prunes in western Oregon. Spraying for the control of the filbert worm and filbert blight in Oregon. Crown treatment for hop downy mildew control. Control of the pear thrips on prunes in Oregon. Bacterial ring rot of potatoes. The hop aphid and its control in Oregon. Strawberry root-rot and a plan of crop rotation for its control. Recommendations for control of bunchy top and dieback nematode diseases of IL1ium longifloz'um. The Oriental fruit moth, a new pest in Oregon. Curly-top disease of vegetable crops in Oregon. Insect pests of mint in Oregon. A progress report on the agricultural tests with the Besler Aerosol generator. DUI' products and precautions in their use. X-disease and other forms of yellow bean mosaic in western Oregon. Control of the black mold disease of Manetti rose root stock. Questions and answers about the cherry fruit fly. Control of weevil in hairy vetch grown for seed. Fireblight (pear blight) of pears, apples, etc. ControllIng lawn weeds tdth chemicals. The control of the clover leaf weevil. Control of the oblique-banded leaf roller on cane berries in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Control of weevil in garden and field peas in 1944. Powdery mildew of grape. Leaf... and cane-spot of cane fruits. Control of corn earworm on sweet corn. Stopping damping-off in vegetable seedlings. The onion maggot. Lecaniuni scale control of stone fruits. A progress report of investigations concerning the symphylid and its control. SCI SCI Sal 301 301 291 290 283 270 267 SCI 266 SCI 260 Late-blight of tomato. Late-blight of potato. Use of boron in controlling canker of table beets. Sycamore leaf_anda.itwtgblight (Anthracnose). Suggested substitutes for the poisoned bait spray for cherry fruit fly control. Spittle bug on etrawberries. Potato leaf roll. CROP PESTS MJD DISEASES (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information (continued) SCI 259 The insect pests of the rose. Sd 258 The garden slug and its control. SCI 257 Suggestions for the control of tomato mosaic and streak. 301 256 Xdisease of peach in Oregon. 254 Browncore rootrot of strawberries in Oregon. Sd SCI 243 Strawberry rootweevil control in Oregon. SCI 237 The hop red spider and dusting equipnent for its control. 501 236 A rosinpotash spreader for spraying hops for downy mildew control. SCI 235 Preliminary reprt on LV dusts in relation to their effect on nursery stock when used for the control of the common red spider. SCI 234 Turf diseases and their control. SCI 233 Onion yellow dwarf. 801 232 Preliminary results of methyl bromide fumigation for satin moth. Sd 228 Insect pests of holly. SCI 227 Potato flea beetle control. SQl 22]. Principles of disease control applicable to bulbous iris. SCI 208 Leaf reddening in oats in Oregon. SQl 207 Foot-rots and rootrots of small grains in Oregon. Sd 202 Bacterial gummosis of cherry. SQl 187 Preliminary recommendations for the control of the root and crown disease of Cypress. SQl 178 Suggestions for controlling pea diseases in the Eastern Oregon pea canning area. SQl 149 The blackberry mite. 801 143 The European earwig controlled by poison bait. SQl 142 A synopsis of some of the more important insect enemies of coniferous nursery stock in Oregon. SQl 132 Blossom end rot of tomato. SQl 108 Seed potato treatment. SCI 71 Yellow rust of red raspberry. Extension Circ4ars EQ 479 BC 453 EC 436 EQ 398 EC 374 Ed 316 Ed 286 Brucellosis (Undulant fever). products. Bicel1osis (Undulant fever). Bloat in dairy cattle. The relation of the disease to dairy Brucdilosis vaccination. Bn chartAmount of concentrates to feed daily with good quality roughage. Judging dairy cattle by classification and production. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedatuffs grovn (50 cents charge.) and fed in Oregon. Emergency maintenance rations for dairy cattle. r:i DAIRYING (Continued) bcreriment Station Circulars of Infox,nation SCI 427 Raising dairy heifers-- n roughage alone and with grain. SCI 371 Artificial breeding associations. Sd 369 Bacteria, yeasts, and molds and their relation to milk and milk products. SCI 368 Control of the flavor of milk. SCI 321 The reproductive perfonnance of dairy cattle in Til].ainook county and possible relationship to available feed (Progress Report). 501 311 Rotational grazing of irrigated pasture. 301 310 Feeding grain to dairy cows on irrigated Laclino clover and grass pastures. 501 288 The use of chlorine solution in clean milk production. SCI 216 Acidophilus milk as a treatment for scours in calves. FARTh CROPS tension Circulars BC BC BC BC Ed BC 516 498 484 408 396 322 Suggestions for the control of hop downy mildøw. More grain--By efficient uses cutting losses, better production. Killing potato tops with chemicals in Oregon. Harvesting smooth dry peas. Oregon corn hybrids and growers - 1942, Feeding cull potatoes to hogs. eriment Station Circulars of Infoniation SCI 402 Crown treatment for hop downy mildew control. Sd 399 Bacterial ring rot of potatoes. SCI 396 Yellow sweet corn hybrids for canning, freezing and fresh market. SCI 393 The hop aphid and its control in Oregon. 801 379 X-.disease and other forms of yellow bean mosaic in western Oregon. SCI 376 Results of permanent pasture grass and legume experiments. Red Hill Soils Experimental Area, Oregon City, Oregon. SCI 372 Control of the weevil in hairy vetch grown for seed. SCI 354 Fiber flax varieties in Oregon. 501 329 Establishing red clover stands on "Red Hill" soils. SCI 326 Austrian winter field peas for dairy cattle. SCI 283 Use of boron in controlling canker of table beets. SCI 272 Flotation method of improving potato seed quality. 501 265 Yield trials with hybrid field corn. SCI 249 The use of ethylene gas in ripening tomatoes. 301 239 AgrononLic studies with hops-1939 and 1940. SCI 236 A rosin-potash spreader for spraying hops for downy mildew control SCI 227 Potato flea beetle control. 801 218 Surplus wheat for fattening cattle in eastern Oregon. 501 208 Leaf reddening in oats in Oregon. 801 203 Crested wheat grass practices on wheat farms in four eastern Oregon counttea. SCI 108 Seed potato treatment. S S C 7 FOOD INDUSTRIES Extension Cjrculars EC 386 Dehydration possibilities for Oregon fruits and vegetables. Experiment Station Circulars of Information 301 425 SCI 365 SCI 501 SCI SCI SCI SCI Canning Dungeness crabmeat. Preservation of apple cider and fruit juices. Testing for enzyme activity in commercial fruit and vegetable processing. Milt or soft roe preservation. Benzoates as aids in kippered fish preservation. Freezing razor clams. Drying and bleaching walnuts. 364 351 318 301 201 198 Home preparation of maraschino cherries. HORT ICULTURE Tree Fruits Extension Circulara EQ 515 EC 509 EC 508 EC 491 EC EC EC EC EC EC 488 425 383 362 338 237 Insect and disease control program for home plantings of cherries and peaches. Insect and disease control program for home plantings of apples arid pears. Spray program for apples and pears in the Willamette Valley. Investment in processing facilities and employment in the Oregon walnut and filbert industry. Walnut blight control in the Pacific Northwest. Pruning suggestions for fruit trees. Sprying forthe control of £ilbei't blight in Oregon. Pollination requirements of nuts in the Pacific Northwest. Miscellaneous nut crops. Directions for the preservation of specimens of green plants and fruits. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI 414 301 412 $01 410 Sd 407 SCI 406 $01 405 SCI 404 3Cr 401 Control of the western elevenspotted cucumber beetle on peaches in western Oregon. DUP residue problems on apples and pears. Control of the filbert moth. Spray program for the control of diseases and insect pests of sweet cherries in western Oregon. Spray program for the control of diseases and insect pests of peaches in western Oregon. Control of insect pests arid diseases of prunes in western Oregon. Spraying for the control of the filbert worn and filbert blight in Oregon. Control of the pear thrips on prunes in Oregon. . a 8 HO1ICULTURE (Continued) Tree Fruits (continued) xperiment Station Circulars of Information (continued) SCI 390 The Oriental fruit moth, a new pest in Oregon. Sd 375 Questions and answers about the cherry fruit fly. Sd 370 Fire blight (pear blight) of pears, apples, etc. SCI 363 Progress report on the use of boron in walnut and filbert orchards. SCI 335 A plan for improving Oregon-grown fruit nursery stock. Sd 328 Tree fruits fcr bhe home orchard in western Oregon. SCI 256 X-disease o± peach in Oregon. SCI 220 Feeding value of cull dried prunes for fattening pigs. Sd 202 Bacterial gumnosis of cherry. Sd 201 Drying and bleaching walnuts. Small Fruits Extension Circulars EC BC EC BC Ed BC EC 493 Plan for producing strawberry foundation planting stock. 483 Regulations for strawberry plant certification. 481 Construction and maintenance of a strawberry barrel. 435 After harvest care of strawberry plants. 428 The blueberry in Oregon. 369 1&iskmelons, cantaloupes, and miscellaneous melons. 356 Suggestions for training Boysenberries and Youngberries. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI 426 A progress report on control of the Orange Tortrix. SCI 421 The Chehalem blackberry. Sd 392 Strawberry root-rot and a plan of crop rotation for its control. Sd 352 Control of the oblique-banded leaf roller on cane berries in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. SCI 254 Brown-core root-rot of strawberries in Oregon. SCI 149 The blackberry mite. SCI 71 Yellow rust of red raspberry. Ornamental Plants ctension Circulars BC 354 Landscape architecture HORTICULTURE (Continued) Ornamental Plants (continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI 409 501 398 SCI 391 Suggestions for growing English holly in western Oregon. Suggestions for growing Easter lily bulbs in the Pacific Northwest. Recommendations for control of bunchy top and dieback nematode diseases of Liliuin longiflorwn. SCI SCI SCI SCI 378 360 259 235 SCI 232 Sd 228 Sd 221 301 187 SCI 142 Control of the black mold disease of Manetti rose root stock. Control suggestions for rose diseases under Oregon conditions. The insect pests of the rose. Preliminary report on DN dusts in relation to their effect on nursery stock when used for the control of the common red spider. Preliminary results of methyl bromide fumigation for satin moth. Insect pests of holly. Principles of disease control applicable to bulbous iris. Preliminary recommendations for the control of the root and crown disease of Cypress, A synopsis of some of the more important insect enemies of coniferous nursery stock in Oregon. Vegetable Cps Extension Cirou1ar EC Ed EC EC EC EC Ed EC EC Ed EC EC Ed Ed 517 500 499 486 465 463 462 459 451 448 434 433 429 426 Growing carrots for market and manufacture. Growing garden peppers. Greenhouse management. Rhubarb growing and forcing. Asparagus growing and management. Growing cannery beets. Cauliflower growing and preparation for market. Small greenhouses for amateur gardeners. Grcvdng green peas for market and manufacture. Sweet corn growing for market and manufacture. Growing snap beans for market and for manufacture. Growing greenhouse vegetables cucumbers. Growing cucumbers for pickles. Production of smooth dry edible peas. EC 422 Bsse1s sprouts. Ed 421 Ed 419 411 Celery growing and marketing. Production and marketing of onions. Broccoli growing and marketing. Potato production in home gardens. Garlic culture and marketing. Starter solutions for tomato and other transplants. A monthly schedule of suggested operations in growing vegetables for home use. .Li,J t'-1 40]. Ed 399 Ed 384 Ed 377 S 10 HORTICULTURE (Continued) Vegetable Crops (continued) Extension Circulars (continued) EC EC EC C EC EC EC EC EC 361 358 343 342 313 277 275 258 252 Spinach growing and preparation for market. Lettuce growing and preparation for market. The flueheated hotbed in growing early vegetable plants. Growing early vegetable plants under glass. Growing late cabbage. Growing squash and pumpkins. Growing vegetable plants in the manureheated hotbed. Construction and operation of the cold frame in vegetable growing. Globe artichokes. eriment Station Circulars of Information SCI 416 Materials and sprays available for onion mildew spraying. SCI SCI SCI SCI DDT residue problems on vegetables. 413 396 386 379 Yellow sweet corn hybrids for canning, freezing and fresh market. Curlytop disease of vegetable crops in Oregon. SCI 212 Celery stem crack and the use of boron in its control. Suggestions for controllii)g pea diseases in the eastern Oregon pea X.-disease and other forms of yellow bean mosaic in western Oregon. SCI 257 Suggestions for the control of torhato mosaic and streak. SCI 249 Use of ethylene gas in xipening tomatoes. SCI 233 Onion ysilow dwarf. Sd 178 SCI 132 canning area. Blossom end rot of tomato. LIVESTOCK ctension Circulars EQ 495 EC 485 EC 400 Ed 395 EC 364 EC 335 Ed 324 Ed 322 Ed 316 What Oregon has done in studying sheep disease problems, Sodium fluoride for removing large roundworms from swine. Portable hog house. A selffeeder for hogs. Potatoes as livestock feed. Feeding calves for veal. Feed and care of the brood sow. Feeding cull potatoes to hogs. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedstuffs grown and fed in Oregon. (so cents charge). 11 LIVESTOCK (Continued) Experiment Station Cjrou]a rs of Information SCI 427 Sd 382 Sd 373 Sd 371 SCI 311 Sd 277 SCI 220 Sd 218 SCI 217 SCI 216 Raising Dairy Heifers---On roughage alone and with grain. Suggestions for barn and cattle spraying for fly control. Limitations for urea as a protein in the ration roninants. Artificial breeding associations. Rotational grazing of irrigated pasture. Saving Oregon's ewes and lambs (Pregnancy disease of ewes). Feeding value of cull dried prunes for fattening pigs. Surplus wheat for fattening cattle in eaatern Oregon. Pulpy kidney disease in Oregon lambs. Acidophilus milk as a treatment for soours in calves. POULTRY Extension Circulars EC 405 Coccidiosis control. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI 419 Breeding for improvement of broadbreasted bronze turkeys. SCI 394 Brooder stove residue burns on turkey poults. SOIL AND SOIL WATERS Extension Circulars Ed 415 Ed 389 Composts for garden soils. Straw and stubble are fertilizers - use them. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI SCI SCI SCI 418 The status of minor elements in Oregon soil fertility and plant nutrition. 408 Pump irrigation, Harney Basin, Oregon. 387 Lnprovement of alkali land. 325 Maximum amount of fertilizers recommended for use in following food production order 5 (FF0 5). SCI 247 Culling wheat land in eastern Oregon. SCI 238 Soi1 nutrient, and irrigation requirements of fiber flax. Sd 196 Use of boron on western Oregon soils. VED ERADICATION Extension Circulars Ed 507 Ed 407 Method of killing trees, sprouts and brush. Equipnent for field spraying for weed control. 12 WEED ERADICATION (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI 403 Soil fumigants for weed control. weeds with chemicals. Sd 366 Controlling la SCI 336 Control of wild morning-glory or bindweed by cultural methods. MISCELLANEOUS Extension Circulars EC 518 List of availal:iLe mimeographed Experiment Station Circulars of Information and Extension Circulars.: EC Ed EC EC Ed EC EC EC EC EC Method of killing trees, sprouts and brush. How to use cut-outs in planning your farmhouse. Standard commands for mounted organizations. (Extension farm labor, 4-year summary.) Fighters on the farm front. Measuring volumes of trees and logs. Food for the family program. The kind of radio programs farm families want. United Nations proposals for world security (Dumbarton Oaks). World famous Christmas carols. Neighborhood leaders in Oregon, 1942-1943 (Summary of major activities). Preventing fire losses from spontaneous ignition of hay. Food for health. Grow our own garden, meat, poultry, milk. Collecting, pressing, drying, and mounting of plant material. A score card for coxnmunity booths at county and local fairs. Directions for the preservation of specimens of green plants and fruits. Ed Ed EC 507 497 494 492 490 482 460 457 442 417 412 390 381 365 EC Ed 33]. Ed 237 Experiment Station Crculars of Information Suggestions for mosquito control in Oregon. 420 The usa of co1chicie in plant breeding. 417 The Goicen Buprestid as a 'iousehold pest. (Flat-headed borer in early staga.) 400 The raising of cavies (guinea pigs). 389 Use of DDT for the control of certain household pests. 388 Hoae ants. 359 So-called salmon poisoning in dogs. 350 Nutritional status of rural youth. Maiheur county (Progress report). 349 Nutritional status of rural youth. Sherman county (Progress report). 348 Nutritional status of rural youth. Tillamook county (Progress report). 347 Nutritional status of rural youth. Josephine county (Progress report). 346 Oregon's Agriculi.ura]. Experiment Station. PERF0RM IN WAR AND PREPARES FOR A biennial report, 1942-44. PEACE. 319 Nutritional status of rural youth in Marion county (vitamin C deficiency). 285 Oregon mushrooms or toadstools. 205 Yellow jackets. 39 Combating fleas. SCI 428 831 531 SJI 561 301 SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI Sd SCI