Pattern-Constrained Test Case Generation
Martin Atzmueller and Joachim Baumeister and Frank Puppe
University of Würzburg
Department of Computer Science VI
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
{atzmueller, baumeister, puppe}
Abel 2002; Gupta & Biegel 1990): These approaches rely
on an existing knowledge base, and they generate test cases
based on the available set of derivation knowledge.
In contrast, this paper introduces a novel method for the
generation of test cases that is independent from the actually used knowledge representation. Here, test cases are
generated in a separate phase ignoring probably existing
derivation knowledge. Therefore, it is especially useful to
be applied within test–first methodologies, e.g., the agile
methodology for developing knowledge systems (Baumeister, Seipel, & Puppe 2004). Those process models intend
to define the test knowledge before the applied problemsolving knowledge; among other things this process is motivated by the evolutionary way the system is developed. In
the context of this paper, we focus on the domain of diagnostic/classification systems, i.e., for a given input of findings a
(set of) solution(s) is derived by the system explaining the
given findings.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We first introduce subgroup patterns and Bayesian networks, and describe the issues and the challenges of generating test cases
for empirical testing. After that, we introduce the test data
generation process in detail. Next, we provide a case study
where we generate test cases for a knowledge base from the
biological domain. Finally, we conclude the paper with a
discussion of the presented approach, and we show promising directions for future work.
In this paper we present a novel approach for patternconstrained test case generation. The generation of test cases
with known characteristics is usually a non-trivial task. In
contrast, the proposed method allows for a transparent and
intuitive modeling of the relations contained in the test data.
For the presented approach, we utilize a general-purpose data
generator: It relies on easy to understand subgroup patterns
which are mapped to a Bayesian network representing the
data generation model. The data generation phase is embedded into an incremental process for quality control and adaptation of the generated test cases. We provide a case study in
the biological domain exemplifying the presented approach.
The use of test cases for empirical testing is probably the
most natural method for the validation of intelligent systems
(Preece 1998). For this black-box testing method the intelligent system derives new solutions for previously solved test
cases and compares the solutions stored in the cases with
the derived solutions. As a result of the method appropriate
measures like precision/recall can be used to evaluate the
validity of the system.
Among others, the use of empirical testing is useful for
the following reasons:
• Removing communication errors: Defining test cases
before the implementation of the knowledge base can be
very helpful for removing communication errors between
the developer and the domain specialist.
• Detecting side effects: When extending the knowledge
base the definition of (new) test cases is helpful for identifying unwanted interference of old and new problemsolving knowledge.
• The actual validation of knowledge using a suite of test
cases covering the broad spectrum of the system use.
However, the manual creation of test cases is a complex
task and is therefore often ignored or accomplished with decreased interest due to the primary complexity of building
the knowledge base.
Therefore, a number of methods have been proposed to
decrease the acquisition costs of the test knowledge by automatically generating test cases, e.g., (Knauf, Gonzalez, &
In this section we first introduce the used knowledge representation and describe the basics of subgroup patterns. After
that, we give an informal introduction to Bayesian networks.
Finally, we introduce the principles of empirical testing and
their challenges.
General Definitions
Let ΩA the set of all attributes. For each attribute a ∈ ΩA
a range dom(a) of (nominal) values is defined. Furthermore, we assume VA to be the (universal) set of attribute
values of the form (a = v), where a ∈ ΩA is an attribute and v ∈ dom(a) is an assignable value. A case
c = {a1 = v1 , . . . , ak = vk }, (ai = vi ) ∈ VA , is a set of
individual attribute values. These attribute values comprise
of two parts: First, we distinguish the problem description of
c 2007, American Association for Artificial IntelliCopyright gence ( All rights reserved.
the case, i.e., the input to the knowledge system containing
the findings of the case. Second, the attribute values additionally contain at least one solution for the case, denoting
the output of the intelligent system. Let CB be the case base
containing all available cases.
Empirical Testing During the development of the system the test suite is used to check the validity of the created/modified knowledge. Here, the test cases are subsequently given to the system as input, and the derived solution is compared with the solution already stored in the test
case. Measures like precision, recall, and the E-measure are
commonly used for the comparison of the solutions.
Subgroup Patterns Subgroup patterns (Klösgen 2002;
Atzmueller, Puppe, & Buscher 2005), often provided by
conjunctive rules, describe ’interesting’ subgroups of cases,
e.g., "the subgroup of 16-25 year old men that own a sports
car are more likely to pay high insurance rates than the people in the reference population."
Subgroups are then described by relations between independent (explaining) variables (Sex=male, Age=16-25, Car
type=Sportscar) and a dependent (target) variable (Insurance rate). The independent variables are modeled by selection expressions on sets of attribute values. In the context
of this paper, the target variables usually correspond to the
solutions of a case, and the independent variables refer to
specific findings.
A subgroup pattern relies on the following properties: the
subgroup description language, the subgroup size, the target
share of the subgroup, and the target variable. In the context
of this work we focus on binary target variables.
Coverage of Generated Cases An important property of
the test suite is its coverage with respect to the tested knowledge. For rule-based knowledge representations appropriate
methods have been investigated thoroughly in the past, cf.
(Barr 1999; Knauf, Gonzalez, & Abel 2002).
Since we propose a generation method that is independent of the inspected knowledge base, we cannot guarantee
a suitable cover of the knowledge to be tested. For this reason, we propose a post-processing step to be applied after the
test case generation: We run the test suite and create a simple statistics on the knowledge elements used, e.g., for rulebased systems we count the rules that were actually used. If
the coverage of the test suite is found to be unsatisfactory,
then we propose a collection of input values that should also
be included in the test cases (they are extracted from the
unused knowledge elements). These new input values can
serve as input for a second (parametrized) generation phase.
Definition 1 (Subgroup Description) A subgroup description sd = {e1 , . . . , en } consists of a set of selection expressions (selectors) that are selections on domains of attributes,
i.e., ei = (ai , Vi ), where ai ∈ ΩA , Vi ⊆ dom(ai ). A subgroup description is defined by the conjunction of its contained selection expressions.
The Test Case Generation Process
In the following we define the incremental process model for
generating test case data, which is discussed in more detail
in the following subsections. We apply a generation model
given by a Bayesian network as the underlying knowledge
representation: Using the network, we are able to define
the dependency relations between the individual attributes
and the solutions capturing the specific data characteristics.
These data characteristics correspond to the goal characteristics of the test cases. Using the generation model, we can
generate the output data quite easily, e.g., by applying sampling algorithms for Bayesian networks, e.g., (Jensen 1996).
The difficult part is the construction of the Bayesian network itself which is usually non-trivial: The nodes of the
network with the attached conditional probability tables are
only easy to model at the local (node) level. In contrast,
entering all the conditional probabilities is often a difficult
problem, e.g., if relations between nodes need to be considered that are not directly connected.
Therefore, we aim to help the user in an incremental process, where the data characteristics can be described from
abstract to more specific ones. Parts of the generation model
can be described using subgroup patterns which are structurally mapped to the defined Bayesian network in turn. Alternatively, the Bayesian network can be defined or modified
directly with an interactive adaptation step using the given
(subgroup pattern) constraints as test knowledge.
The process consists of the following steps that are also depicted in Figure 1 (read from left to right):
1. Define Domain Ontology: We first define the domain
ontology, i.e., the set of attributes (inputs and solutions)
and attribute values used for the test case generation.
The description language specifies the individuals belonging to a subgroup s = {c | c ∈ CB ∧ sd(c) = true}:
The latter is then given by the set of cases c that fulfill
the subgroup description sd(s), and are thus contained in
the respective subgroup s. The parameters subgroup size n
and target share p are used to measure the interestingness
of a subgroup, where n is the
number of
cases contained
{c | c ∈ s}; the target share
in a subgroup
p = n1 · {c | c ∈ s ∧ t ∈ c} specifies the share of subgroup
cases that contain the (dependent) target variable t ∈ VA .
Bayesian Networks A Bayesian network consists of a set
of attributes and a set of directed edges connecting the attributes, e.g., (Jensen 1996). For each attribute a the range
dom(a) has to contain a finite set of distinct values. A directed acyclic graph is defined by the attributes and the set
of edges inducing dependency relations between pairs of attributes. For each attribute a and its parents pa(a), induced
by the edges, a conditional probability table (CPT) is attached. For an attribute with no parents an unconditioned
prior probability is used.
Empirical Testing and Case Coverage
The building block of empirical testing is a suite of test
cases, i.e., a collection of representative cases with correct
solutions covering the (expected) application of the intelligent system.
Define Domain
Case Base
Case Replay –
Test Case
Figure 1: Process model for the case generation.
2. Specify Data Generation Model: The Bayesian network or fragments of the network can either be specified
manually, or they can be generated automatically by using
subgroup patterns.
More specifically, for test case generation we need to
model sets of attribute values (association test-patterns)
that occur together with a specific solution (target variable), and attribute values that do never occur with a certain solution (target variable, i.e., exclusion test-patterns.
Both association and exclusion test-patterns are modeled
with respect to a specific solution (target variable) in relation to a set of attribute values (independent variables).
The defined patterns and network fragments are then
structurally merged into the generation model for the output generation. The relations between the variables in the
network are represented by connections of the individual
nodes. Using the subgroup parameters, constraints are derived in order to check these relations. Such constraints
can also be supplied by the user directly.
3. Optimize Model: Initially, the conditional probability
tables of the nodes contained in the Bayesian network,
i.e., the generation model, are initialized with default values. Since the strengths of the modeled relations depend
on these, the parameters of the relations are usually not
correct initially. Therefore, the model is tested given the
available set of constraints, and an optimization step is
applied in order to adjust the conditional probability tables contained in the network. If the model fits the constraints, then the process is finished, and the data generation model is ready for use. As an alternative to the
optimization step, the user can also either adapt the patterns/constraints, modify the network structure, or try to
edit the conditional probability tables by hand.
4. Generate Data: After the generation model has been fit
to the specification of the user, the final generation step is
performed using a sampling algorithm. Given the network
we apply the prior-sample algorithm (Jensen 1996): In a
top-down algorithm for every node a value is computed
according to the values of its parent nodes.
5. Case Replay and Test: After the prototypical test cases
have been generated they are used in an initial empirical
testing phase.
6. Adapt Specification: Based on the results of the previous steps, usually the modeled patterns need to be adapted
when there are errors with respect to the generation model
or the knowledge base: We apply certain adaptation operators in order to handle incorrectly solved cases. Sometimes the knowledge base needs to be adapted, or a generated case needs to be removed completely. We will discuss the applicable set of operators in detail below.
7. Test Case Selection: After the final set of test cases has
been obtained, we apply a selection technique in order
to arrive at a more diverse set of cases, i.e., cases with a
diverse coverage of the problem space. Then, the result
set of cases is inserted into the test suite.
In the following sections we first give an overview of the approximation of the generation model, and we then describe
the particular phases of the process model in more detail.
Overview: Approximating the Generation Model
A collection of subgroup patterns describe dependencies between a target solution and a set of findings. Using such
subgroup patterns a two layered network can be constructed
automatically. Either the target variable can be designated
as the parent of the explaining variables, or as its child.
For each target variable a constraint is generated using the
specified total target share considering the entire population,
i.e., the prior probability of the target variable p(t). Constraints for the parameters of the subgroup patterns are based
on the contained target variable t and the set of selectors in
the subgroup description sd = {e1 , e2 , . . . , en }. Two constraints are generated for each pattern, i.e., the subgroup size
equivalent to the joint probability p(e1 , e2 , . . . , ek ), ei ∈ sd,
and the target share of the subgroup equivalent to the conditional probability p(t | e1 , e2 , . . . , ek ), ei ∈ sd.
Using the subgroup patterns defined for a target variable
the user can select from two basic network structures that are
generated automatically, if the respective nodes contained
in the subgroup description are not already contained in the
network: Either the target variable is the parent of the subgroup selectors, cf. Figure 2(a), or the target variable is the
child of the subgroup selectors, cf. Figure 2(b). The first figure depicts the relation ’IF target TV THEN selectors Si ’;
the latter models the inverse relation ’IF selectors Si THEN
target TV’.
Both structures have certain advantages and drawbacks
concerning the optimization step: Option (a) includes a simple definition of the prior probability of the target variable;
using the CPTs of the children selectors it is very easy to
adapt the parameter subgroup size. On the other hand, op-
(a) If target TV,
then selectors Si
Constraint-based Model Optimization (Phase 3)
For the details of the constraint-based optimization method,
we refer to (Atzmueller et al. 2006). In summary, we need to
compute arbitrary joint and conditional probabilities in the
network, check the available set of constraints, and apply
a hill-climbing constraint satisfaction problem solver, that
tries to fit the model to the constraints minimizing a global
error function. After the CSP-solver has been applied the
resulting state of the model can be controlled by the user interactively: The deviations of the defined patterns and the
patterns included (implicitly) in the network are compared.
Then, the model is tuned if necessary: The automatic optimization process is either restarted, or the user can interact
manually by adapting the conditional probability tables of
the network, or by modifying the structure of the Bayesian
(b) If selectors Si ,
then target TV
Figure 2: Possible network structures for modeling the dependency relations between the target (dependent) variable
and the selectors (independent variables).
tion (b) allows for an easier adaptation of the subgroup target
shares (contained as values in the CPT of the target variable). Furthermore, option (b) typically results in larger
CPTs. This allows for better adaptation possibilities for the
optimization algorithm. However, the size of the CPT of the
target is exponential with respect to the number of parent
Test Case Generation (Phase 4)
In the case generation phase we use the prior-sample algorithm (Jensen 1996) also known as forward-sampling: In a
top-down algorithm for every node a value is computed according to the values of its parent nodes. Then, we generate
a set of test cases of arbitrary size corresponding to the data
characteristics that are modeled in the Bayesian network.
Modeling Test Patterns (Phase 2a)
As outlined above, a test pattern, i.e., either an association
or an exclusion pattern, is modeled with respect to a specific
solution (target variable) relating a set of attribute values (independent variables) to it. For example, if a specific solution
should be derived categorically with respect to a set of input
findings, then a target share p = 1 is assigned to the corresponding subgroup pattern, i.e., the solution (target concept)
is always established. Otherwise, for a probabilistic relation
the target share is given by p ∈ [0; 1]. The second important parameter of a subgroup pattern is given by the (relative) subgroup size that controls the generality of the pattern
(rule): It corresponds to the frequency (support) the pattern
will be observed in the generated test data set.
If the solutions are independent from each other, then we
can build a model for each solution following a generative
programming approach. We then need to merge the sets of
test cases into the final suite of test cases. Such an approach
can significantly reduce the complexity of the data generation models in a divide-and-conquer approach. Therefore,
the practical applicability and tractability is often increased.
Case Replay and Test (Phase 5)
The empirical testing phase was implemented with an automated test tool (Baumeister, Seipel, & Puppe 2004). Essentially, we provide all generated cases to the tool, then the
tests are processed automatically. Visual feedback is given
by a colored status bar, which turns green, if all tests have
passed successfully. An error is reported by a red status bar,
i.e., if for some of the tests a different set of solutions was
derived compared to the solutions stored in the respective
generated case. This metaphor of a colored status bar was
adopted from automated testing techniques known in software engineering. Furthermore, a more detailed report of
each test result is presented. Figure 3 shows an example
of the automated test tool with an incorrectly processed test
suite; we will give more details in the case study.
Adaptation and Refinement (Phase 6)
In general, it will be likely that some of the generated test
cases fail during the empirical testing phase. An automatically generated test case can fail because of the following
1. Deficient test generation knowledge: The problem description of a case is incorrect due to incorrectly/incompletely defined test generation knowledge,
i.e., the subgroup patterns and/or parts of the network are
incorrect/incomplete. The developer can choose from a
set of different possible operators:
• Extend pattern base: Add missing relations to pattern
base. This action is often applicable if there are at least
two factors with a meaningful missing dependency relation, and if this relation is necessary for the model.
• Modify patterns: Alternatively, it may be sufficient to
modify existing patterns, i.e., adapt the subgroup parameters.
Modeling of a Bayesian Network (Phase 2b)
In addition to the specification of a set of subgroup patterns the user can also define the Bayesian network directly
by connecting the nodes/attributes. Additionally, the conditional probability tables of the nodes in the network can be
adapted. If additional nodes are entered manually, then the
entries of the conditional probability tables need to be specified. However, this step is usually the most difficult one.
In an advanced step the network structure can be enriched
using hidden nodes that enable further possibilities for data
generation: Hidden nodes are used to add constraining relations of the active nodes that are used for case generation.
The hidden nodes are then used for the case generation step,
but they are not visible in the generated test cases.
For assessing the similarity of the query case q and a retrieved case c, we use the well-known matching features
similarity function.
sim(c, c ) =
|{a ∈ ΩA : πa (c) = πa (c )}|
where πa (c) returns the value of attribute a in case c. The
diversity of a set of test cases TC = {ci }k of size k is then
measured according to the measure diversity(TC ):
diversity(TC ) =
k i=1 j=i+1
1 − sim(ci , cj )
k · (k − 1)/2
We select the k most diverse test cases from the generated
set of n test cases with k ≤ n.
Case Study
Figure 3: The d3web.KnowME testing tool.
The applicability of the presented approach was evaluated
using a rule base from the biological domain: The plant system (Puppe 1998) is a consultation system for the identification of the most common flowering plants vegetating in
Franconia, Germany. For a classification of a given plant
the user enters findings concerning the flowers, leaves and
trunks of the particular plant. The plant knowledge base defines 39 solutions and 40 inputs; each input has a discrete
range of possible finding values. We generated test data for
several selected solutions. The case study was implemented
using a special data generator plugin of the VIKAMINE
system (Atzmueller & Puppe 2005).
In the following we give an exemplary introduction into
the modeling issues with respect to one solution of the plant
knowledge base, i.e., the plant Camomile (Matricaria Inodora). Figure 4 shows the structure of the (generated)
Bayesian network for the plant Camomile.
• Modify data generation model: The developer can
modify the Bayesian network directly, if some dependencies can be handled more easily by modifying the
structure of the network. Then, commonly a hidden
node is introduced in order to add a exclusion relation
between two solutions. Consequently, either edges between nodes can be added or removed, or hidden nodes
can be introduced. Additionally, (simple) changes of
the conditional probability tables can also often be performed manually.
• Remove case: Sometimes the modification of the test
knowledge as described above is too costly for the convenient creation of test cases. As a trade-off between
the (potentially) increased complexity of the generation
model and the generation of successful test cases we
also propose to simply delete cases, that do not fit into
the expectations of the developer.
2. Deficient knowledge base: The failed test case uncovered an incorrect/unexpected behavior of the knowledge
base. In contrast to classical test case generation methods, this method is able to uncover missing relations in
the knowledge base (whereas the classical methods only
can detect incorrect knowledge).
• Refinement: Extend or modify the knowledge base
with respect to the missing or incorrect relations.
Sometimes, it might also be useful to adapt the test
knowledge patterns in order to take care of the uncovered relations.
Figure 4: Generation model for the solution Camomile (Matricaria Inodora) - in german.
Test Case Selection (Phase 7)
In order to select a representative but diverse set of test cases,
we can apply a post-selection step on the total set of generated test cases. By applying this step we can ensure that the
problem descriptions of a selected subset of the generated
test cases are not too similar to each other. We use a technique adapted from case-based reasoning (CBR) for measuring the diversity of a set of cases, c.f. (Smyth & McClave
In the case study we can make the independency assumption between the particular solutions, i.e., plants. This significantly simplifies the modeling effort for each solution,
and also increases the understandability and maintainability
of the constructed model. We only consider single findings
that are counted positive for deriving the solution (association patterns), and exclusion patterns made up of findings
that are negative for inferring the solution. Therefore, we
opted for the dependency structure for which the target is
the parent of the subgroup selectors, i.e., the findings, since
the combinations of these findings do not need to be modeled explicitly in the network.
In Tables 1 and 2, we show examples of the positive and
negative factors for deriving the solution Camomile (Matricaria Inodora), respectively. We denote the strength of the
relations by the symbols ’P1’, ’P2’, ’P3’ which denote positive categories in ascending order, and the equivalent ’N1’,
’N2’, ’N3’ for the negatives categories:
Input Finding
Blossom Type: Daisy family
Blossom Color: White
Blossom leaf edge: Not serrated
Coarse Blossom Type: Star-shaped
Chalice Color: Yellow
In this paper we presented a novel process model for test
case generation based on modeling simple subgroup patterns. The approach makes no use of the underlying knowledge representation, and is especially useful to be integrated
into test-first development methodologies. We successfully
demonstrated the method in a case study implemented in the
biological domain.
In the future, we are planning to enhance the postprocessing of generated cases by automatically proposing
appropriate adaptation operators for handling cases that
were incorrectly solved in the initial empirical testing phase.
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Table 1: Single factors that are positive for deriving the solution Camomile.
Input Finding
Leaf Cirrus: Exist
Stipe Spine: Exist
Leaf edge: With spines
Leaf edge: Not kibbled
Blossom Type: Not dandelion
Table 2: Single factors that are negative for deriving the solution Camomile.
For this solution we first generated 100 test cases only
including the positive factors. This resulted in 54 falsely
solved cases, since the inhibiting factors were missing. After that, exclusion relations were included resulting in 27
incorrectly solved cases. By further optimizing the pattern
constraints we obtained 100 test cases with only 9 incorrect
cases which were removed after a manual inspection. After
Figure 5: Three generated cases for the solution Camomile.
that, the model was not further optimized by including additional patterns in order to guarantee its concise and clear
semantics. These points are usually important for further
extensions and maintenance. Figure 5 shows a screenshot of
generated cases.