q4c4Iiilf aid CONTESTS By W. P. Duruz, Professor of Pomology, and Horticulturist ose-up view of one of the contestants. No ladder being available, a chair served his purpose. Grafting and Budding Contests Grafting and budding contests have become popular as a part of the agricultural instruction in high schools of Oregon. The recent development of such contests, in which many students participate, promises not only to increase student interest in horticulture, but also to be an important factor in the future improvement of orchards of this state. The following rules and score cards have been prepared and used for contests during the past several years. It is assumed that the contestants have been properly instructed in the various methods of grafting and budding before they take part in such contests. Oregon State System of Higher Education Federal Cooperative Extension Service Oregon State College Corvallis Extension Bulletin 530 September 1939 2 EXTENSION BULLETIN 530 RULES FOR GRAFTING AND BUDDING CONTEST 1. The contest will be divided into two phases: (l) grafting of mediumsized fruit trees or limbs cut off and fixed to stakes; (2) budding of willow whips fixed in place. Each phase will have equal value in determining the ranking of contestants, 2. Each school will be limited to not more than two contestants. Each contestant takes part in both phases of the contest. The time limit will be 25 minutes for each phase. 3. The following rules will apply: A. GRAFTING One tree will be grafted by each contestant. He will make as many grafts as time permits. Cleft, bark, and whip grafts may be employed. Scoring will be on the following points: Selection of scions Cutting of stocks and scions Placement of scions Tying and waxing 20 30 30 20 100 B. BUDDING 1 Willow or other shoots will be used as stocks and filbert or other bud sticks for the buds. Raffia and rubber budding 2. 3. 4. strips will be used for tying. The Shield or T method will be used. Each contestant will complete as many buds as time permits. Scoring will be on the following points: Selection and cutting of buds 25 Making the T 25 Inserting the bud 25 Tying the bud 25 100 4. Judging will be by a qualified authority and will be based on the above points. Contestants will be ranked according to the total number of points. Awards will be given the three highest contestants. 5: The basic publication that will guide in the preparation for this contest is Grafting and Budding, Bulletin 528, Federal Cooperative Extension Service, Oregon State College. Note: In preparing for the grafting and budding contest, the following equipment should be arranged in advance: trees or large limbs with branches for grafting, brought to the contest ground, and firmly wired to stakes driven about 10 feet apart; scion wood and bud sticks of whatever kind desired should be taken in advance and kept dormant by burying in the ground or placing in cold storage. The willow GRAFTING AND BUDDING CONTESTS 3 shoots should be cut so that the bark will be slipping and kept fresh until the time of the contest. Grafting and budding tools and equipment should be in place, the judges should have been selected and notified in advance, and given their tabulation sheets. Assistants who are to be supplying the materials should have been instructed, so that contestants will have available all items needed. Those not participating in the contest should be kept at a distance to allow the contestants and judges to perform their functions properly. Time should be kept, and contestants periodically advised of the remaining time, before their time is up. At the end of the contest, the judges summarize their results and announce the awards. Erri F. F.A. TING CONTEST ; - Grafting contest for Future Farmers of America held on the campus of Oregon State College. The "trees" are brought from the orchard and fastened to stakes driven into the ground. EXTENISON BULLETIN 530 4 FORMS TO BE USED BY JUDGES ,1 JUDGE'S RECORD SHEET *GRAFTING Contest- ant's Number Tree Number Waxing Cutting of Placement stocks and of scions (30) scions Selection of scions (20) (20) Total (100) Rank Total (100) Rank (30) JUDGE'S RECORD SHEET BUDDING Contest- ant's Number Stock Number Cutting of buds (25) Making the T (25) Inserting Tying the bud (25) the bud (25) JUDGES' SUMMARY GRAFTING AND BUDDING Contest- ant's Number Points in Grafting (100) Points in Budding (100) Total (200) Rank ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS Contestant's Number Contestant's Name Address Total Points Rank Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics Wm. A. Schoenfeld, Director Oregon State College and United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914