Intelligent Sensor Integration and Management with Cooperative, Heterogeneous Mobile Robots From: AAAI Technical Report WS-99-15. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Robin Murphy, Aaron Gage, Jeff Hyams, Mark Eichenbaum, Brian Minten, Min Shin, Brian Sjoberg Mark Micire, ComputerScienceand EngineeringDepartment,Universityof SouthFlorida, 4202E. Fowler Avenue,TampaFL 33620 Abstract The two-robotentry from the University of SouthFlorida received a TechnicalInnovationAwardfor Conceptualand Artistic Designin the Horsd’OeurvesAnyone? event of the 1999 AAAIMobile Robot Competition. The entry was fielded by a team of seven students from the Computer Scienceand Engineeringand Art departments.Threeof the team memberswere undergraduates. The robots were uniquein their approachto maximizing the time the robot wasengagedin serving: one robot acted as the server, who wouldcall the secondrobot to bring refills as needed.This allowedthe entry to creatively exploit the differences in sensors on the tworobots. Theentry wasalso novelin its application of multi-sensor integration within a hybrid deliberative/reactive architecture. Fivesensor modalities were used (vision, thermal, range, sonar, and tactile). Behavioral sensor fusion was used for five reactive behaviors in eight states, significantly improving performance. . Each of the two robots can be thought of as actors, literally following abstract behaviors called scripts (Murphy 1998). The Borg Shark was the "star" of the show. She was given an aggressive, smarmypersonality. She is programmedto navigate an a priori route using dead reckoning and sonars, pausing at waypoints to look for humans with her camera. If she sees humans (and confirms with thermal sensor), she attempts to makeeye contact with them and scan the group in a natural way while looking for VIPs (special colored ribbons). She uses her laser to count the numberof treats removedfrom her jaws, and then calls Puffer to bring refills. If someone grabs treats, but isn’t visible, Sharkwill stop and look for the person and other humans to serve. She talks via DECtalkbut cannot perlbrm voice recognition. 1 Introduction The USFentry was motivated by our ongoing research in intelligent sensing management. The AAAIevent provided an interesting domainto makeprogress toward three technical objectives: 1. 2. with own capabilities, communicating with each other at a symbolic, human-likelevel. Gain more experience with interacting with humans. Previous efforts by the USFrobots have concentrated on interacting with humansto accomplish the task. This entry considered the additional challenges of howto attract attention to the robots andentertainthe audience. Costumes and interactive media were developed by an undergraduate student from the USF Art Department, Push the envelope on hybrid deliberative~reactive architectures by expanding them to include intelligent sensor integration and management at all levels. A specific goal was to demonstrate a new algorithm, MCH,for dynamic allocation of sensor and effector resources (Gage and Murphy1999). The implementation of MCHrequired the integration of deliberative scheduling with reactive behavioral execution. The competition was a good test bed for dynamic sensor allocation because the USF entry involved five sensing modalities (vision, thermal, laser, sonar, contact) and five effectors (drive, steer, pan,tilt, fan). Demonstrate advances in cooperation between multiple, heterogeneousrobots to achieve a task. The USFentry treated each robot as an independent agent 13 The Puffer Fish was assigned a supporting role of aiding the Borg Shark. It was given a personality and body language associated with being (grumpy, resentful of working for the Shark). Puffer Fish sleeps until "bothered" by humans(it whines and turns its "head" of cameras away muchas a sleeping child would do), or is awakenedby a request from Shark. Then she navigates to and from the Borg Shark’s estimated coordinates and homebase using sonars and vision. If path is blocked or annoyed (such as when she is near the Borg Shark), Puffer Fish lives up to her nameand puffs up. 2 Robots The entry consisted of two Nomad200 robots, Butler (aka Borg Shark) and Leguin (aka Puffer Fish), costumedwith interactive media by the USFArt department. The robots were heterogeneous in sensing capabilities and functionality. The robots are shownin Figure 1. a. The software built on previous work from manysources. First, both robots were programmedunder the biomimetic SFX architecture. This provided an object-oriented framework for coordinating reactive behaviors and deliberative software agents. The entry also used a form of the vector field histogram (VFH)obstacle avoidance algorithm provided by the Naval Research Laboratory. Instead of using an HSVor RGBcolorspace, all color vision used the Spherical Coordinate Transform (SCT) taken from medical imaging (Hyams, Powell, and Murphy1999). Third, the reactive layer made use of large existing library of behaviors developedfor the 1997 AAAIcompetition and Urban Search and Rescue work. C~b~ ; Cor~x4ike ’, functions b. Figure 1 Robots in costumes: a) Borg Shark. Thermal sensor is the "third eye" and Sick laser is inside mouth,b) Puffer Fish with striped skirt inflated. Both robots have 2 CPUs ( 166MHzPentiums on Borg Shark, and 233MHzPentiums on Puffer Fish), two cameras mountedon a pan/tilt head, and 2 Matrox Meteor framegrabbers. Each was programmedin C++ (reactive layer) and LISP (deliberative layer) under Sensor Fusion Effects architecture (Murphy 1998). All execute autonomously with all onboard computation, but communications with a local workstation is maintained via radio ethernet in order to monitor progress. The robots are also permitted to communicatewith each other via radio ethernet. In addition to the commonaspects, Borg Shark has redundant sensor rings (upper and lower), E2T thermal sensor, a Sick planar laser ranger, and redundant sonar rings. Puffer Fish has the common components plus an actuator for inflating her skirt. Borg Shark suffered one hardware failure, one software driver failure on site, and had one significant design flaw. Her power board had a circuit failure and was repaired onsite by the team. This resulted in about seven hours of down time. A bug was discovered in the Nomadic software driver, robotd, for controlling the redundant sonar rings. Whenthe rings, either polled singly or together, received manyclose "hits" the robotd driver would crash and send the robot into a slow circle. This bug had been intermittently seen before, but since there were no patches from the manufacturer and the source code is closed source, the decision was madeto field the entry anyway. At the competition, Borg Shark crashed over 10 times in two hours. In manycases, the audience thought the frequent circling behavior was programmed. 3 Previous Work 14 Focus¢~f attention, recalibration Figure 2 Layout of SFXarchitecture. The SFX architecture has been used since 1990 for mobilerobot applications emphasizingthe role of sensing and sensor fusion in both behaviors and in more cognitive functions. Figure 2 shows the organization of the SFX architecture. Dashed boxes indicate areas of the architecture where sensing functionality corresponds to the organization of sensing in the mammalian brain. The mainpoint of the architecture is that it is divided into two layers: reactive and deliberative, The reactive layers consists of a reactive behaviors which use sensor data directly. All sensor processing, representation, and fusion is local to the behavior, The deliberative layer consists of a set of software agents whichmanagedifferent activities (ex. Sensing Manager, Effector Manager), or create and operate over global data structures (ex., the Cartographer). One of the manyadvantages of using mangerial software agents is that they can serve as the glue for basic modules. For example, under SFX sensors and effectors are modular and do not need to knowthe presence of others. The Sensor Manager establishes the needed correspondences, providing a "plug and play" framework. each behavior with sensing resources, and maximizethe quality (or preference) of sensing for all behaviors. Second, the allocation mechanismmust operate in realtime (on the order of 33 msec) to permit a smooth transition between behavioral regimes as behaviors are unpredictablyinstantiated and de-instantiated. Figure 3 Layout of intelligent architecture. sensing within the SFX 5 Advances in Intelligent Sensing Previous work by (Gage and Murphy1999) demonstrated in simulation that a variant of the MIN-CONFLICT scheduling algorithm is well-suited for this problem. The variant is called Min-Conflict with Happiness, or MCH, because it makes all behaviors "happy" by optimizing their preferences. For the AAAIcompetition, MCHwas implementedin the Sensing and Effector Manageragents within the deliberative layer of SFX, and was used on both robots. It functioned correctly, handling up to five behaviors and five sensors through eight behavioral control regimes. The resulting dynamic sensor and effector allocation process is as follows. Whena behavior is instantiated, it makes a request to the Sensor Manger for a logical sensor(s) and to the Effector Mangerfor an effector. The request to the Sensor Manageris in the form of an a priori list of logical sensors in a preference ordering. The requests, along with the current allocation, can be treated as a plan or schedule. If multiple behaviors request the logical sensor, then the conflict over physical resources can be considered a failed plan. Min-Conflict uses plan repair, so it finds a set of alternative bindings. The Happiness modification executes Min-Conflict recursively to achieve a global optimization. The research focus of this entry was on intelligent sensing. It makes contributions to the managementof sensing and multi-sensor integration at the behavioral level. 5.1 Intelligent Sensor Management Sensor managementis needed for robots with a large set of concurrent behaviors operating with a small set of general purpose sensors and effectors. This is a many-toone relationship and suggests that contention for resources will be a problem. However,the small set of general purpose sensors are tailored for specific behaviors by processing algorithms. Due to the breadth of sensor algorithms, a robot may have several redundant (or logically equivalent) means of extracting the same percept. An example is extracting range from vision: a robot might have vision-based algorithms using depth from motion, depth from stereo, depth from texture, as well as laser and sonar. In SFX, equivalent (physical sensor, perceptual processing algorithm) modules are called logical sensors after (Henderson and Shilcrat 1984). The correspondencebetween behaviors and logical sensors can be one to many. This means that contention for physical sensing can often be resolved by finding equivalent logical sensors that use alternative physical sensors. The sameissues apply to effectors. 5.2 Multi-sensor Integration The USF entry also demonstrated multi-sensor integration, cueing, and focus-of-attention. Multi-sensor fusion was added at the behavioral level to overcome noise and unreliable sensing algorithms without adding computational complexity. Borg Shark used color and motion visual face detection and tracking algorithms. However due to the complex environment of the competition, these algorithms would return a false positive on the order of 25%of the time. By adding the thermal sensor to the behavior (must have both a visual indicator and a thermal indicator to be a face), false positives were almost totally eliminated. Borg Shark also used sonars to reduce false positives from the laser in counting treat removal. The laser would intermittently give false returns, particularly in wide open spaces. This would result in a false treat removal count and a prematurecall for a refill. Tocombatthis, sonar data from the front of Borg Shark was fused to suppress false returns. The mechanism for allocating sensing resources is complicated by two factors. First, there are qualitative differences in logical sensors. A set of equivalent logical sensors mayproduce the same percept but they are likely to have unique characteristics (update rates, environmental sensitivity). As a result, there is preference ordering on the logical sensors for a particular behavior. The sensor allocation process should provide 15 The entry also used cueing and focus of attention mechanisms to improve performance. Borg Shark had a module that used the location of the humanface in the image to determine the likely region of the badge in the image. This was tested but not integrated into the final code due to time limitations. Puffer Fish also used cueing. For both finding BorgShark and the refill station, it used dead reckoning to navigate to nearby the goal and then trigger a vision-based recognition process. The robots interact with humansin two ways. One was to maximizepoints for recognizing the presence of humans and what they were doing. Borg Shark needed to be able to detect faces and interpret the meaningof badges. An important lesson learned was that the sensing needed to accomplish this was simple. Also, Borg Shark needed to determine when humanshad removedalmost all the treats in orderto call for refills, A second form of interaction was howthe robots called attention to themselves while protecting themselves from negative human involvement. The USF entry used costumesand interactive media to attract humaninterest. Negative humaninvolvement was a concern for several reasons. Previous observations of audience interactions the AAAIMobile Robot Competition (Murphy 1997) have yielded numeroustales of humanspoking at robots, attempting to herd them into dangerous situations, and even attempting to pick up robots and carry them off. Also, people tend to crowdaround the robots preventing navigation. The basis for the cooperative robot approach was that the Puffer Fish could bring a refill faster than Borg Shark could do it herself. If Borg Shark is blocked by people, that is acceptable since she was the primary interface to the audience, but if Puffer Fish was blocked, she had to have a mechanismto encourage the crowd to makeroomfor her. Finally, Puffer Fish was intended to spend a large amountof time at the refill station in a "’wait state" or sleeping mode.People were likely to a) ignore the robot, which would not be an interesting interaction, or b) comeup the robot and attempt to touch sensors and generally interact in negative ways. 6 Advances in Agent Interactions The USFentry also explored interactions between agents: robots cooperating with other robots, and robots interacting with humans. 6.1 Cooperation Both robots act as peers, communicating only at symbolic,human-likelevel ("I need a refill"). Arobot has to wait for the other to completea particular task before it can continue with its mission. For. example, Puffer Fish must sleep until called by Borg Shark. Borg Shark must stay in the sameplace until Puffer Fish arrives, otherwise Puffer Fish may not be able to find Borg Shark in a crowd. The waiting intervals are unpredictable. The details of the cooperative interactions follow. When Borg Shark runs out of food, she calls a subscript. The subscript uses radio ethernet to call Puffer Fish for a refill at the deliberative (symbolic) level. BorgShark transmits to Puffer Fish her approximate X,Y coordinates. The two robots use the same size occupancygrid with dimensions in absolute coordinates, but not an actively localized map. WhenPuffer Fish receives the radio message, she appears to wake up. She then heads for Shark using a move-togoal behavior informed by dead reckoning. WhenPuffer Fish is within 1.0 feet, she then shifts to visually looking for Shark’s distinctive blue body to determine when "close enough"(size, position in image)to stop. To both present interesting personalities and attract attention, the robots were conceptualized as a team of colorful fish. BorgShark’s personality has been described previously. Puffer Fish was given the role of the sullen assistant. Since she is in a sleep modeat the refill station, she was given literal "’sleeping" behaviors to run at that time. She puffs up the inflatable skirt regularly to simulate breathing. Her sonars remainactive, allowing her to turn her camerahead awayto protect it from people while she is sleeping and to complainthat she wants to be left alone. Our observations indicated that the costumeand breathing did attract people, and the "’complaining" behavior kept theminterested but also prevented themfrom touching the robot. As she is navigating she puffs up with her path is blocked and has to turn more than 180 degrees; this "amusingagression" was intended to be an alternative to nudging people. Due to the numeroussoftware problems, this effect was not observed at the competition enoughto make any claims as to its effectiveness. As part of her personality and to indicate that she had recognized the Borg Shark, Puffer Fish also puffed up in the presence of the Borg Shark. At that point, both robots are nowin a wait state. The humanhandler swaps trays, then communicatesto Puffer Fish that the refill process is done by kicking her bumper. (Borg Shark’s bumpersensor was malfunctioning.) Puffer Fish uses radio ethernet to transmit to BorgShark that the refill process is complete. Borg Shark resumes where she left off in her serving script. Puffer Fish returns to the refill area, again using dead reckoning to get in the vicinity and then color segmentationto recognize the USF banner. 6.2 Interactions with Humans 16 7 Results and Lessons 8 Summary Learned The USFentry can be summarizedin terms of the criteria for judging and the research contributions it made. The Borg Shark (Butler) robot was used for finding and approachingpeople. It fused visual motion detection with a thermal reading for reliability. The face detection algorithm did not execute while the robot was moving, since it used a simple image subtraction technique. Borg Shark was programmedto stop at multiple waypoints and to stop if the laser detected a treat removalevent. Once BorgShark had stopped and identified a face, it continued to track the region for five seconds, makingeye contact. It wouldthen scan the area for nearby humans. The integrated performance of the robot team was poor. Due to time spent on the hardware failure and unsuccessfully trying to create a workaround for the robotd bug, the badge recognition software was tested separately but not integrated with the system. The blackboard system introduced several timing issues, requiring re-tuning after each addition of new functionality. Altogether, Borg Shark was only able to venture 10 feet before attracting a crowd, thereby causing the robotd driver to crash. Over a two hour period, Borg Sharkonly twice called for refills. The first time, Puffer Fish crashed due to an apparent timing error. The second time Puffer Fish did navigate to Borg Shark and the entire refill process was carried out. Unfortunately, this occurred when(and because) there was no one aroundto see it. Both Borg Shark and Puffer Fish used sound and body language to communicate information about what the robots were doing and personality. While Borg Shark was moving and serving, it used the onboard DECtalk voice synthesizer to attract attention to itself with bad puns. Puffer Fish exhibited a sullen personality, and used her inflatable skirt to evincing sleeping (in and out breathing) and annoyance (puffing when blocked or when serving the fish). Despite the poor integrated performance, the components of the software worked well and showed advances in robotics technology. The entry provided data showingthat multi-sensor fusion significantly improves perception. The MCHdynamic resource allocation algorithm and Sensing and Effector Manageragents worked very well. The modularity and ability of the managerial agents to provide "plug and play" functionality was very clear as two components (shark-finding code and the radio ethernet call for a refill) were integrated into the architecture in less than 20 minutes. The impact of these changes on the behaviors and other aspects of the architecture were automatically propagated through the system. Finally, the cooperation betweenthe robots at the symbolic level appears promising. Somepainful lessons were learned. Most significantly, there is a major flaw in the SFXimplementation. The blackboard/whiteboard global data structure is a good idea, but our implementation executed too slowly and required synchronization between processes. Weare now moving the architecture implementation to a CORBA system. Also, color-based face detection is problematic. Our use of the SCTcolor space solved color dependency on lighting, but not the problemof howto segmenta face from a similarly colored wall. The logical sensor was eventually changedon site to one using motion detection, but it was discovered that about half of the people viewingthe robot stood very still confoundingthe results. BorgShark handledthe task of getting refills in two ways. First, it used sensor fusion of the laser range reading and sonar to determine whena treat was removed(or at least the likelihood that a hand had passed in the mouth). Second, she used the Puffer Fish as a cooperative, heterogeneous agent who had the sensing sufficient for navigation but not for interactions with humans and counting treat removal. The entry did not attempt to manipulate trays or food, but instead relied on a human handler to swaptrays. Software was written and tested independently for recognizing VIPs by their ribbons. This methodsearched an area in the image for blobs of ribbons colors represented in SCT space. The area of the image was identified using a focus-of-attention based on the location of the face in the image; the ribbons were assumedto be on the left of the face. The SCTappeared quite robust in test trials, but problems with the lower level software prevented this being from integrated on the competition version. The research contributions of the USFentry were: an extension to the SFXarchitecture exhibiting intelligent sensor management, including dynamic sensor and effector allocation using the MinConflict with Happiness algorithm and multi-sensor integration, and an application of cooperative heterogeneous robots. As such, it further progress towards meeting the team’s ambitious technical objectives. The introduction of personality and emotional state appears to be a very interesting research area. At first, personality was treated as a hack for points on clever human interaction functionality. However, the implementation and general approach is converging on a belief, desire, intention (BDI)framework.The major issue is howto integrate personality across the deliberative and reactive layers 17 Acknowledgments Aspects of this entry were madepossible in part through NSF grant CDA-9617309and NRLcontract N00173-99P-1543. The team would like to thank Alan Schultz and Bill Adamsfrom the Naval Research Laboratory for code and hardware loans, Dr. Bruce Marsh at USF for his assistance, and especially the organizers, sponsors, and judges of the AAAIcompetition. References Gage, A; and Murphy, R. 1999. Allocating Sensor Resources to Multiple Behaviors, In Proceedings IROS 99. Forthcoming. Hyams,J,;Powell, M.; and Murphy,R. 1999. Cooperative Navigation of Micro-Rovers using Color Segmentation. In Proceedings CIRA99. Forthcoming. Murphy, R. 1998. Coordination and Control of Sensing for Mobility using Action-Oriented Perception. In Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Robots, MITPress, 1998. Murphy, R, 1997, 1997 AAAI Mobile Robot Competition, guest editoral, Robot Competition Corner. In Robotics and AutonomousSystems, Nov., vol. 22, no. 1: Elsevier Press. Henderson, T., and Shilcrat, E., 1984. Logical Sensor Systems. In Journal of Robotic Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 169-193. 18