G. Mathew’
V.U. Reddd
A. Poulmf
‘Dept. of Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore- 560012, India
e-mail: vurQece.iisc.ernet .in
‘Information Systems Laboratory, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Tel: 415-725-8307 F~x:415-723-8473
can be obtained from the eigenvector corresponding to the
minimum eigenvalue of (R,, RW).
Many researchers have addressed the problem (1) for
given R, and R, and proposed methods for solving it.
Moler and Stewart [2] proposed a QZ-algorithm and Kaufman [3] propoeed an LZ-algorithm for iteratively solving
(1). But, their methods do not exploit the structure in
Ry and R,,,. On the other hand, the solution of (1) in
the special case of symmetric R, and symmetric positive
definite R, has been a subject of special interest and several dficient approaches have been reported. By using the
Cholesky factorization of R,, this problem can be reduced
to the standard eigenvalue problem as reported by Martin and Wilkinson [4]. Bunse-Gerstner [5] proposed an a p
proach using congruence transformations for the simultaneous diagonalization of R, and R,. Shougen and Shuqin
[6]reported an algorithm which makes use of Cholesky, QR
and Singular value decompositions when R, is also positive
definite. This algorithm is stable, faster than QZ-algorithm,
and much superior to that of [4]. Auchmuty [l] proposed
and analyzed certain cost functions which are minimized at
the eigenvectors corresponding to some specific eigenvalues.
In the case of adaptive signal processing applications,
however, & and R, correspond to asymptotic covariance
matrices and they need to be estimated. In this paper, the
data covariance matrix of g(n), i.e., R,(n), is taken as the
estimate of R, and M estimate of R,, say R,, is assumed
to be available based on some o priori measurements. The
sample covariance matrix at nth data instant is calculated
We first introduce a constrained minimization formulation
for the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem and then
recast it into an unconstrained minimization problem by
constructing an appropriate cost function. Minimizer of this
cost function corresponds to the eigenvector corresponding
to the minimum eigenvalue of the given symmetric matrix
pencil and all minimizers are global minimizers. We also
present an inflation technique for obtaining multiple generalized eigenvectors of thia pencil. Based on this asymptotic
formulation, we derive a quasi-Newton adaptive algorithm
for estimating these eigenvectors in the data case. This
algorithm is highly modular and parallel with a computational complexity of O ( N z ) multiplications, N being the
problem-size. Simulation results show fast convergence and
good quality of the estimated eigenvectors.
Consider the matrix pencil (R,, R,) where R, and R, are
N x N symmetric positive definite matrices. Then, the task
of computing an N x 1 vector x and a scalar X such that
R,x = XR,x
is called the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem.
The solution vector x and scalar X are called the generalized eigenvector and eigenvalue, respectively, of the
pencil ( R Y , R w ) . This pencil has N positive eigenvalues
viz. XI 5 X2 5
5 AN, and corresponding real R,orthonormal eigenvectors e,j = 1,.. .,N [9,1]:
q T R w Q t = 6i,
i , j €{1, ..., N }
where y ( n ) is the data vector containing the most recent
of ~ ( n ) .Thus, the problem we address in this
paper ie as follows. Given the timc-series ~ ( n )develop
adaptive algorithm for estimating the first D (D 5 N) generalized R,-orthogonal eigenvectors of the pencil (R,,R,)
using (R,(R), k,) as an estimate of (R,,R,).
The paper is organized as follows. The generalized eigenvdue problem ie translated into an unconstrained minimization problem in Section 2. A quasi-Newton adaptive algorithm ie derived in Section 3. Computer simulations are
presented in Section 4 and finally, Section 5 concludes the
N samples
where 6, ie the Kronecker delta function.
The generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem has extensive applications in the harmonic retrieval / directionof-arrival estimation problem when the observed data g(n)
is the sum of a desired signal z(n) and a coloured noise
which is of the form u w ( n ) , where U is a scalar. For example, consider z(n) to be the sum of P real sinusoids and
m u m e ~ ( n to
) be uncorrelated with z(n). Then, if R,
and R, represent asymptotic covariance matrices (of size
N x N with N 1 2P+1) of g(n) and w(n), respectively, with
R, assumed to be non-singular, the sinusoidal frequencies
1058-6393/95$4.000 1995 IEEE
In this section, we recast the generalized symmetric eigen-
a*'.Rwa*),we get from Theorem 1 that a* is a stationary
point of J(a, a). Let y = a* + p, p E RN.Then, it caa be
ohown that
value problem into an unconstrained minimization framework. We first consider the case of the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue (henceforth referred to
as the minimum eigenvector) and then extend it to the case
of more than one eigenvector uaing an inflation approach.
The principle used here b a generalization of the approach
followed in [SI.
+f [2pTRwa*+ pTRwp]'.
Single Eigenvector Case
We first introduce a constrained " i z a t i o n formulation
for seeking the minimum eigenvector of (R,, R,). Consider
the following problem:
aTRwa= 1.
Let R, = L,LE be the Cholesky factorization of
Then, (3) can be re-written as
min aTR,a
subject to
bTb = 1
subject to
V p E RN. Thus, a* is a global minimizer of J ( a , p ) .
Only if part:
Since a' is a global minimizer, we have
m a t i o n a r y point of J ( a , p ) and ii) H(a*,p) is
positive semi-definite. Hence, from Theorem 1, we get
&a* = XmRwa' with Am = p(1 - a* R,a*), a* = @qm
and @ =
for some m E { 1, . , N). Then, with
aiqa, it can be shown that
- + 2fiB26mi)a?.
pTH(a*,C C =
where R, = LZ1R,&GTand b = LEa. Since the eigenvalues of (R,, R,) and R, are identical and the eigenvectors of
(R,,,R,) are the eigenvectors of R, premultiplied by LGT,
it follows from (4) that the solution of (3) is the minimum
eigenvector of (R,, &).
Using the penalty function method [7], the constrained
problem (3) can be translated into unconstrained " i z a tion of the cost function
aTR,a p(aTR,a
J ( a ,P ) = 2
- 1)?
Since H(a*,p) is positive semi-definite, (9) implies that
Xi 2 Am for a l l i = 1 , . .. ,N. That is, a* is the minimum
eigenvector of (R,,R,). Further, since H(a*,p ) is positive
semi-definite even if a* is a local minimizer, it follows that
dl minimizers are global minimizers.
Corollary 1 The value of p should be greater than A,
Corollary 2 The eigenvectors of (R,, R,) arrociated with
the non-minimum eigenvalues correspond to saddle points
of J ( a ,a).
where p is a positive scalar. Below, we give results to establish the correspondence between the minimizer of J(a, p )
and a minimum eigenvector of (R,, R,,,).
The gradient vector g and Hessian matrix H of J ( a , p )
with respect to a are
g(a, P ) = R,a p(aT&a - l)Rwa,
H(a, P ) = R, 2 ~ ( R , a ) ( L a ) ~
+p(aTR,a - 1 ) L .
Clearly, minimizer of J ( a , p ) will be unique (except
for the sign) only if the minimum eigenvalue of ( R Y , R w )
is simple. The main result of the above analysis is that all
minimizers of J(a, p ) are aligned with the minimum eigenvectors of (RY,Rw).Since all minimizers are global minimizers, any simple search technique will suffice to reach the
2 Xmin V y E RN,
correct solution. Further, since
the bound for p in Corollary 1 can be satisfied by choosing
Using (6) and (7), we get the following results.
(1 1)
Inflation Technique for Seeking Multiple
Now, we present an inflation technique which, combined
Theorem 1 a* is a rtationarypoint of J(a, p ) if and only
if a* is an eigenvector of (R,, R,) corresponding to the
eigenvalue X ruch that X = p ( l - a* Rwa*).
with the result of the previous section, is used to seek the
fist D (D 5 N ) Rw-orthogonal eigenvectors of (R,, R,).
The basic approach is to divide the problem into D s u b
problems such that the kth subproblem solves for the k t h
eigenvector of (R,,R,).
Let at, i = I , . . . ,k 1, (with 2 2 k 2 D ) be the R,orthogonal eigenvectors of (R,, R,) corresponding to the
eigenvalues Xi = p(1 -a: R,at) for i = 1,. ,k - 1. To
Thie result immediately follows from (6).
Theorem 2 a* is a global minimizer of J(a, p ) if and only
if a* is a minimum eigenvector of (R,,,R,) with eigenvalue
Xmin = p ( l
a* L a * ) , when Amin = XI. Further, all
minimizers are global minimizers.
replacing R,, Rw and a?, i = 1,.. .,k 1, with Ru(n),R,
and aj(n), i = 1,. ,k 1, respectively. Thus, we obtain
obtain the next &,-orthogonal eigenvector a;, consider the
coot function
.. -
with h I ( n ) = R,(n).
Further, we approximate the Hessian by dropping the
last term in (16) so that the approximant is positive definite and a recursion can be obtained directly in terms of
its inverse. Sutwtituting this approximated Hessian along
with (15) in (14), we obtain the quasi-Newton adaptive dgorithm for estimating the eigenvectors of (R,, R,) (after
some manipulations) as
with RY1= R,. Eqn.(l2) represents the inflation step and
its implication is discussed below.
Let a: = pip,, p, > 0, i = 1,.. . , k 1. Post-multiplying
(11) with qJ,we get
ak(n) = ik(n - l)R;;(n)Ck(n
. -
a/3;)Rwe j = 1,. . ,k I
= XjRwQ
j = k, ...,N .
R u b e = (A,
That is, (RY,Rw)
and (RYh,RW)
have the same set of
eigenvectors but k 1 different eigenvalues. Now, choose Q
such that
j = 1 , ...,k-1.
- 1)
k=1, ...,D
1 ar(n 1)ck(n 1)
2p(Cr(n l)R,':(n)Ck(n 1))
k = l , ...,D
= R;;&)
- RFi-l (nlck-1 (n)cT-i (fl)RLi-l(n)
+ cT-l(n)RFi-l (nlck-1 (n)
Then, clearly, the minimum eigenvalue of (RYh,Rw)
with qk as the corresponding eigenvector. Hence, if a; is
a minimizer of Jk(ak,p, a), then it follows from Theorem 2
that a; is a minimum eigenvector of (RYr,Rw)
with eigenT
value x k = p(1-a; Rwat). By construction, a; is nothing
but the k t h R,srthogonal eigenvector of (R,, R,).
A practical lower bound for Q io p. Thus, by constructing
D cost functions Jk(ak,p , a),k = 1,.. . , D , as h (10) and
finding their minimizers, we get the first D Rw-orthogonal
eigenvectors of (R,, R,).
C k ( n ) = Ei,ak(n).
This algorithm can be implemented using a pipeline architecture as illustrated in Fig. 1. Here, krh eigenvector
is estimated by the kth unit and it goes through the following steps during n'" sample interval (time indices are
suppressed in the figure):
i) pass on q - i ( n - A) and ak(n - k) to (k +
ii) accept RLi-l(n-k+l) and ak-l(n-k+l) from (k-l)'h
unit and
iii) update q - i ( n - k ) and ak(n-t) to R ; : ( n - k + I ) and
ak(n k + 1).
Observe from (18)-(21) that the computations required
for updating the eigenvector estimates are identical for all
the units, thus making the algorithm both modular and
parallel. Consequently, the effective computational requirement is equal to that required for updating only one eigenvector estimate and it is about 5.5" multiplications per
In this section, we combine the inflation technique of the
previous section with a quasi-Newton method and derive an adaptive algorithm for estimating the first D Rworthogonal eigenvectors of (R,,R,) in the data case.
Let ak(n),k = 1,.. . , D, be the estimates of these vectors
at nth adaptation instant. Newton algorithm for updating
ak(n 1) to ak(n) is of the form
- 1) - H;'(n - l)gk(n - 1)
ak(n) = ak(n
[R;'(n - 1)
- R ~ ' ( R- I)y(n)yT(n)Ry'(n- 1)
n - 1 + yT(n)R;'(n - l)y(n)
= R;'(n) =
where &(n-1) and gk(n-1) are the Hessian and gradient,
respectively, of Jk(ak,p,a ) evaluated at ?ik = ak(n 1).
Since R,, R, and a?, i = 1,. . . ,k - 1, are not available,
estimates of gk(n - 1) and Hk(n 1) can be obtained by
We have the following remarks regaruding the convergence
of this algorithm. Following the steps as in the convergence analysis of a similar-looking algorithm given in [E],
we can show that i) the algorithm in locally convergent
(asymptotically) and ii) the underired stationary points
(i.e., the undesired eigenvectoro) are unrtable. However,
when R,(n) = RYfor AU n, the algorithm can get stuck at
an undesired eigenvector. Thus, the propoeed algorithm is
globally convergent with probability one.
the data length,
s‘ = [l,expljarf), exp(j4*f), ,
urp(j(N 1)2xf)lT and H denotes Hermitian transpose.
The peaks of S(f)rue taken as the estimates of the sinusoidal frequencies in the desired signal z(n). The aversged
results are shown in Fig. 3. Observe that that the desired
frequencies are well estimated in spite of the fact that the
undesired signal frequencies are closely interlaced with the
desired signal frequencies.
4. S I M U L A T I O N R E S U L T S
In this section, we present some computer simulation results
to demonstrate the performance of the proposed adaptive
The performance measures used for evaluating the quality
of the estimated eigenvectors are as follows. To see how
close the estimated eigenvectors are to the true subspace,
we use the projection error measure, E ( n ) ,defined M
11 - S(STS)”ST] z(n)l12
E(n) = [I
where z ( n ) = F ( n ) ,
,ED(n)], X,(n)
6. C O N C L U S I O N S
The problem of seeking the generalized eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix
positive definite pencil ( R Y , R w )has been translated into
an unconstrained minimization problem. This was then extended to the case of more than one eigenvector using an
inflation technique. Based on this asymptotic formulation,
a quasi-Newton adaptive algorithm was derived for estimating these eigenvectors in the data case. Note that the algorithm requires the knowledge of noise covariance matrix to
within a scalar multiple.
S = [si,q 2 , . . . ,q ~ ] In
. order to know the extent of R,-
orthogonality among the estimated eigenvectors, we define
an orthogonality meaeure, Orthmal(n), as
[l] G. Auchmuty, “Globally and Rapidly Convergent Algorithms for Symmetric Eigenproblems,” SIAM J. Motriz Analysis and Applications, ~01.12, 110.4, pp.690-
706, Oct. 1991.
[2] C.B. Moler and G.W. Stewart, “An Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problems,” SIAM J . Numerical Analysis, ~01.10,pp.241-256, 1973.
Thus, the smaller the values of E ( n ) and Otihma=(n), the
better is the quality of the estimated eigenvectors, and viceversa.
In the simulations, the signal y(n) was generated as
g(n) = z(n) uw(n) where
(31 L. Kaufman, “The LZ-Algorithm to solve the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem,” SIAM J. Numericol Analy818, VOl.11, pp.997-1024, 1974.
[4] R.S. Martin and J.H. Wilkinson, “Reduction of the
Symmetric Eigenproblem Ax = XBx and Related
Problems to Standard Form,” Numerische Mathematik, ~01.11,pp.99-110, 1968.
+ 61) + psin(2r(0.24)n + 6,)
+ 6,) + sh(2*(0.23)n + 0 , )
+an(2~(0.25)n+ 0,) + U(.).
= psin(2*(0.2)n
= sin(2*(0.21)n
(51 A. BunseGerstner, “An Algorithm for the Symmetric
Generalized Eigenvalue Problem,” Linear Algebra and
Applications, ~01.58,pp.43-68, 1984.
[6] W. Shougen and Z. Shuqin, “An Algorithm for Ax =
XBx with Symmetric and Positive-Definite A and B,”
SIAM J . Motriz Analysis and Applications, v01.12,
110.4, pp.654-660, Oct. 1991.
[7] D.G. Luenberger, Linear and Non-linear Programming, pp.366-369, Addison-Wesley, 1978.
[E] G. Mathew, V.U. Reddy and S. Dasgupta, “Adap
tive Estimation of Eigensubspace,” to appear in IEEE
h n s . Signal Processing, Feb. 1995.
[9] B.N. Parlett, The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem,
Prentice-Had, Englewood Cliffs,NJ, 1980.
Here, u(n) is a zero-mean and unit variance white noise
and 6,’s are the initial phases (assumed to be uniform in
[ - r , 4 ) . Values of N and D were fixed at 10 and 6, respectively, and U at 0.6325.
The algorithm waa initialized as ak(0) = i k , k = 1 , . . ,D,
and Rr’(1) = 1001 where i k is the kth column of I. The matrix R, WM taken to be the asymptotic covariance matrix
of w(n). 100 Monte Carlo simulations were performed.
Values of E(n), averaged over 100 trials, are plotted in
Fig. 2 for p = 5.00 (high signal to noise ratio (SNR)) and
1.58 (low SNR). Observe that the algorithm converges quite
fast especially in the high SNR case. Values of Orthm,=(n)
(not shown here) are of the order of IO-‘ and
p = 5.00 and p = 1.58, respectively, implying that the implicit orthogonalization built into the algorithm through the
inflation technique is very effective.
In order to see how this subspace quality reflects in frequency estimation, we used the spectral estimator
5 0.5
operating On dbta
upto (n - D l)'* innant
operating on data
I)* innmt
operating on data
upto nr*instant
upto (n - h
Modular implementation of the proposed method
Figure 1.
rrmpl, no.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Convergence performance of the proposed method
Spectrum estimate using the estimated eigenvectors