Filtering for discretely observed jump diffusions September 20th, 2012

Filtering for discretely observed jump diffusions
Murray Pollock, Adam Johansen, Gareth Roberts
Dept. Of Statistics, University Of Warwick
September 20th, 2012
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Problem Outline
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Framework I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Framework II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Framework III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Framework IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Framework V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? VII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? VIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? IX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? X
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? XI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? XII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? XIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What is a Diffusion? XIV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
The Problem
- Key Problem
- Not possible to simulate entire diffusion sample paths. . .
- . . . Finite representation.
- . . . Transition density inaccessible.
- What can we simulate?
- ...
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
The Problem
- Key Problem
- Not possible to simulate entire diffusion sample paths. . .
- . . . Finite representation.
- . . . Transition density inaccessible.
- What can we simulate?
- ...
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
The Problem
- Key Problem
- Not possible to simulate entire diffusion sample paths. . .
- . . . Finite representation.
- . . . Transition density inaccessible.
- What can we simulate?
- ...
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
The Problem
- Key Problem
- Not possible to simulate entire diffusion sample paths. . .
- . . . Finite representation.
- . . . Transition density inaccessible.
- What can we simulate?
- ...
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
The Problem
- Key Problem
- Not possible to simulate entire diffusion sample paths. . .
- . . . Finite representation.
- . . . Transition density inaccessible.
- What can we simulate?
- ...
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? VII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? VIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? IX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? X
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XIV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XVI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XVII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XVIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XIX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
What can we simulate? XX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
- What about everything else?
- “Discretize” diffusion dynamics.
- Euler discretization, for instance (PJS09, Jav05).
Xt +∆t =
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t )
µ (Xt ) ∆t + σ (Xt ) N(0, ∆t ) + ν (Xt − )
w.p. e −λ(Xt − )∆t
w.p. 1 − e −λ(Xt − )∆t
- Miltstein, Shoji & Ozaki,. . .
- Drawbacks?
Implicit error.
Computationally expensive.
Moving beyond ‘bootstrap’?
Performance evaluated using (finely discretised) simulated data.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Talk Outline
- Problem Outline & Motivation.
- Area Estimator
- Exact Algorithm (BPRF06, BPR08, PJR12a)
- Jump Exact Algorithm (CR10, Gon11)
- Filtering for Jump Diffusions (FPR08, FPRS10, PJR12b)
- Other (Related) Work. (PJR12a, PJR12b)
- Questions (& Hopefully) Answers.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Area Estimator
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Expectations of Positive RVs
Goal. . .
Evaluate E(P ) for some r.v. P ∈ R+
Suppose for now. . .
P ∈ [0, 1]
u ∼ U [0, 1]
Consider a biased coin Cp . . .
Heads (1) if u ≤ P
Tails (0) if u > P
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Expectations of Positive RVs
Goal. . .
Evaluate E(P ) for some r.v. P ∈ R+
Suppose for now. . .
P ∈ [0, 1]
u ∼ U [0, 1]
Consider a biased coin Cp . . .
Heads (1) if u ≤ P
Tails (0) if u > P
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Expectations of Positive RVs
Goal. . .
Evaluate E(P ) for some r.v. P ∈ R+
Suppose for now. . .
P ∈ [0, 1]
u ∼ U [0, 1]
Consider a biased coin Cp . . .
Heads (1) if u ≤ P
Tails (0) if u > P
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Expectations of Positive RVs
Why is this interesting. . . ?
P Cp = 1 = E 1 u ≤ P
= E E 1 u ≤ P P
= E P Cp = 1P
- P(X ) = E(1X )
- Tower Property
- P(X ) = E(1X )
To estimate E P unbiasedly we can simply throw a Cp coin
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator
Let’s consider an example. . . Suppose we want to evaluate,
( Z
P := E exp −
If 0 ≤ f (t ) ≤ M then P := exp −
(P ) = P ⇒ find and flip Cp
f (t ) dt 
f (t ) dt ∈ [0, 1]
Consider a Poisson process with instantaneous rate f (t ) on [0, T ],
( Z
P N = 0 = exp −
f (t ) dt
PN =0 ≡P=EP
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator
Let’s consider an example. . . Suppose we want to evaluate,
( Z
P := E exp −
If 0 ≤ f (t ) ≤ M then P := exp −
(P ) = P ⇒ find and flip Cp
f (t ) dt 
f (t ) dt ∈ [0, 1]
Consider a Poisson process with instantaneous rate f (t ) on [0, T ],
( Z
P N = 0 = exp −
f (t ) dt
PN =0 ≡P=EP
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator
Let’s consider an example. . . Suppose we want to evaluate,
( Z
P := E exp −
If 0 ≤ f (t ) ≤ M then P := exp −
(P ) = P ⇒ find and flip Cp
f (t ) dt 
f (t ) dt ∈ [0, 1]
Consider a Poisson process with instantaneous rate f (t ) on [0, T ],
( Z
P N = 0 = exp −
f (t ) dt
PN =0 ≡P=EP
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator
Let’s consider an example. . . Suppose we want to evaluate,
( Z
P := E exp −
If 0 ≤ f (t ) ≤ M then P := exp −
(P ) = P ⇒ find and flip Cp
f (t ) dt 
f (t ) dt ∈ [0, 1]
Consider a Poisson process with instantaneous rate f (t ) on [0, T ],
( Z
P N = 0 = exp −
f (t ) dt
PN =0 ≡P=EP
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator
Let’s consider an example. . . Suppose we want to evaluate,
( Z
P := E exp −
If 0 ≤ f (t ) ≤ M then P := exp −
(P ) = P ⇒ find and flip Cp
f (t ) dt 
f (t ) dt ∈ [0, 1]
Consider a Poisson process with instantaneous rate f (t ) on [0, T ],
( Z
P N = 0 = exp −
f (t ) dt
PN =0 ≡P=EP
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator
Let’s consider an example. . . Suppose we want to evaluate,
( Z
P := E exp −
If 0 ≤ f (t ) ≤ M then P := exp −
(P ) = P ⇒ find and flip Cp
f (t ) dt 
f (t ) dt ∈ [0, 1]
Consider a Poisson process with instantaneous rate f (t ) on [0, T ],
( Z
P N = 0 = exp −
f (t ) dt
PN =0 ≡P=EP
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator I
The algorithm. . .
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator VII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator VIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator IX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator X
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XIV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XVI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XVII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XVIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XIX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XXI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Retrospective Area Estimator XXII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Denisty
- First consider no jumps
- Transform Diffusion - Lamperti Transform
dXt = α(Xt ) dt + dBt
- Propose sample paths (which can be simulated) - Brownian motion.
- Absolutely continuous.
- Accept or reject.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Denisty
- First consider no jumps
- Transform Diffusion - Lamperti Transform
dXt = α(Xt ) dt + dBt
- Propose sample paths (which can be simulated) - Brownian motion.
- Absolutely continuous.
- Accept or reject.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Denisty
- First consider no jumps
- Transform Diffusion - Lamperti Transform
dXt = α(Xt ) dt + dBt
- Propose sample paths (which can be simulated) - Brownian motion.
- Absolutely continuous.
- Accept or reject.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Denisty
- First consider no jumps
- Transform Diffusion - Lamperti Transform
dXt = α(Xt ) dt + dBt
- Propose sample paths (which can be simulated) - Brownian motion.
- Absolutely continuous.
- Accept or reject.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Denisty
- First consider no jumps
- Transform Diffusion - Lamperti Transform
dXt = α(Xt ) dt + dBt
- Propose sample paths (which can be simulated) - Brownian motion.
- Absolutely continuous.
- Accept or reject.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density VII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density VIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density IX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density X
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XIV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XVI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Transition Density XVII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm
Exact Algorithm
1 Simulate end point - y ∼ h
2 Propose sample bridge
3 Accept or Reject proposed sample bridge (and GOTO 1)
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm VII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm VIII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm IX
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm X
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Exact Algorithm XI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Random Weights I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Random Weights II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Random Weights III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Poisson Estimator I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Poisson Estimator
- Key Idea: Poisson Estimator - Simulate unbiased importance weight,
( Z
exp −
φ(Xu ) du
- What if φ(Xu ) ∈ [0, M ]?
- Broader class of Poisson Estimators
- Unbiased
- Finite Variance (Generalised Poisson Estimators (FPR08))
- Positivity (Wald Generalised Poisson Estimator (FPRS10))
- Auxiliary Poisson Estimators (APES (PJR12b))
- Generalised APES (GRAPES (PJR12b) - Jump Diffusions)
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Poisson Estimator
- Key Idea: Poisson Estimator - Simulate unbiased importance weight,
( Z
exp −
φ(Xu ) du
- What if φ(Xu ) ∈ [0, M ]?
- Broader class of Poisson Estimators
- Unbiased
- Finite Variance (Generalised Poisson Estimators (FPR08))
- Positivity (Wald Generalised Poisson Estimator (FPRS10))
- Auxiliary Poisson Estimators (APES (PJR12b))
- Generalised APES (GRAPES (PJR12b) - Jump Diffusions)
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Poisson Estimator
- Key Idea: Poisson Estimator - Simulate unbiased importance weight,
( Z
exp −
φ(Xu ) du
- What if φ(Xu ) ∈ [0, M ]?
- Broader class of Poisson Estimators
- Unbiased
- Finite Variance (Generalised Poisson Estimators (FPR08))
- Positivity (Wald Generalised Poisson Estimator (FPRS10))
- Auxiliary Poisson Estimators (APES (PJR12b))
- Generalised APES (GRAPES (PJR12b) - Jump Diffusions)
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Poisson Estimator
- Key Idea: Poisson Estimator - Simulate unbiased importance weight,
( Z
exp −
φ(Xu ) du
- What if φ(Xu ) ∈ [0, M ]?
- Broader class of Poisson Estimators
- Unbiased
- Finite Variance (Generalised Poisson Estimators (FPR08))
- Positivity (Wald Generalised Poisson Estimator (FPRS10))
- Auxiliary Poisson Estimators (APES (PJR12b))
- Generalised APES (GRAPES (PJR12b) - Jump Diffusions)
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Poisson Estimator
- Key Idea: Poisson Estimator - Simulate unbiased importance weight,
( Z
exp −
φ(Xu ) du
- What if φ(Xu ) ∈ [0, M ]?
- Broader class of Poisson Estimators
- Unbiased
- Finite Variance (Generalised Poisson Estimators (FPR08))
- Positivity (Wald Generalised Poisson Estimator (FPRS10))
- Auxiliary Poisson Estimators (APES (PJR12b))
- Generalised APES (GRAPES (PJR12b) - Jump Diffusions)
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Particle Filter I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Particle Filter II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Particle Filter III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Particle Filter IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Transition Density
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Transition Density I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Transition Density II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm I
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Jump Exact Algorithm VII
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Example: Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions I
An Example. . .
Exact Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions In Practice!
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Example: Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions II
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Example: Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions III
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Example: Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions IV
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Example: Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions V
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Example: Particle Filtering for Jump Diffusions VI
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Other (Related) Work
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Other (Related) Work
Current Work
- Poisson Estimator
- As discussed. . .
- minu∈[s ,t ] α2 (Xu ) + α0 (Xu )
- Exact Algorithm
- Alternative to EA3 (EA4 - ‘Mondrian’ EA)
- EA3 Implementation
- Jump EA
- -Strong Simulation (BPR12)
- Initialisation
- Various Sampling Steps
- Extensions
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Other (Related) Work
Current Work
- Poisson Estimator
- As discussed. . .
- minu∈[s ,t ] α2 (Xu ) + α0 (Xu )
- Exact Algorithm
- Alternative to EA3 (EA4 - ‘Mondrian’ EA)
- EA3 Implementation
- Jump EA
- -Strong Simulation (BPR12)
- Initialisation
- Various Sampling Steps
- Extensions
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
Other (Related) Work
Current Work
- Poisson Estimator
- As discussed. . .
- minu∈[s ,t ] α2 (Xu ) + α0 (Xu )
- Exact Algorithm
- Alternative to EA3 (EA4 - ‘Mondrian’ EA)
- EA3 Implementation
- Jump EA
- -Strong Simulation (BPR12)
- Initialisation
- Various Sampling Steps
- Extensions
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
References I
[BPR08] A. Beskos, O. Papaspiliopoulos, and G. O. Roberts. A
factorisation of diffusion measure and finite sample path
constructions. Methodology and Computing in Applied
Probability, 10:85–104, 2008.
[BPR12] A. Beskos, S. Peluchetti, and G. O. Roberts. -strong
simulation of the brownian path. Bernoulli., 2012.
[BPRF06] A. Beskos, O. Papaspiliopoulos, G.O. Roberts, and
P. Fearnhead. Exact and computationally effcient
likelihood-based estimation for discretely observed diffusion
processes (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology)., 68(3):333–382,
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
References II
[CR10] B. Casella and G. O. Roberts. Exact simulation of
jump-diffusion processes with monte carlo applications.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,
13(3):449–473, 2010.
[FPR08] P. Fearnhead, O. Papaspiliopoulos, and G. O. Roberts. Particle
filters for partially-observed diffusions. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology).,
70(4):755–777, 2008.
[FPRS10] P. Fearnhead, O. Papaspiliopoulos, G. Roberts, and A. Stuart.
Random-weight particle filtering of continuous time processes.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical
Methodology)., 72(4):497–512, 2010.
[Gon11] F. Gonçalves. Exact simulation and Monte Carlo inference for
jump-diffusion processes. PhD thesis, Dept. Of Statistics,
University of Warwick., 2011.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick
References III
[Jav05] A. Javaheri. Inside Volatility Arbitrage. Wiley., 1st edition, 2005.
[PJR12a] M. Pollock, A. M. Johansen, and G. O. Roberts. EA4. Technical
report, CRISM, Department of Statistics, University of
Warwick., 2012.
[PJR12b] M. Pollock, A. M. Johansen, and G. O. Roberts. Exact Particle
Filters. Technical report, CRISM, Department of Statistics,
University of Warwick., 2012.
[PJS09] N. Polson, M. Johannes, and J. Stroud. Optimal filtering of
jump-diffusions: Extracting latent states from asset prices.
Review of Financial Studies, 22(7):2259–2299, 2009.
Murray Pollock (University Of Warwick)
Filtering for jump diffusions
SMC 2012 – Warwick