OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO AutoSPEC Adaptive Spectral Estimation for Nonstationary Time Series DAVID S. S TOFFER Department of Statistics University of Pittsburgh Ori Rosen Sally Wood UTEP U.Melbourne DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO F OURIER T RANSFORM AND P ERIODOGRAM Collect stationary time series {Xt ; t = 1, ..., n} with interest in cycles. Rather than work with the data {Xt }, we transform it into the frequency domain: Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT) Xt 7→ dj = n−1/2 Pn t=1 Xt e−2πı̇t j/n Periodogram (j= 0, 1, . . . , n − 1) " P (νj ) = |dj |2 = #2 " #2 n n 1X 1X j j Xt cos(2πt n ) + Xt sin(2πt n ) n t=1 n t=1 80 j cycles . n points P (νj ) 60 Xt −6 0 −4 20 −2 40 0 2 4 That is, match (correlate) data with [co]sines oscillating at freqs νj = 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.0 Time 0.1 0.2 0.3 Frequency DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation 0.4 0.5 OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S PECTRAL D ENSITY The periodogram P (νj:n ) = n−1/2 Pn t=1 2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) is a sample jn n concept. Its population counterpart is the (νj:n = → ν) Spectral Density f (ν) = lim E{P (νj:n )} = n→∞ ∞ X γ(h) exp(2πı̇νh) h=−∞ provided the limit exits (i.e. |γ(h)| < ∞ where γ(h) = cov{Xt+h , Xt }). It follows that f (ν) ≥ 0, f (1 + ν) = f (ν), f (ν) = f (−ν), and because P 1/2 Z γ(h) = f (ν) exp(−2πı̇νh) dν −1/2 The sample equivalent of the integral equation is: n−1 X P (j/n) n−1 = S 2 . j=1 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S PECTRAL D ENSITY The periodogram P (νj:n ) = n−1/2 Pn t=1 2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) is a sample jn n concept. Its population counterpart is the (νj:n = → ν) Spectral Density f (ν) = lim E{P (νj:n )} = n→∞ ∞ X γ(h) exp(2πı̇νh) h=−∞ provided the limit exits (i.e. |γ(h)| < ∞ where γ(h) = cov{Xt+h , Xt }). It follows that f (ν) ≥ 0, f (1 + ν) = f (ν), f (ν) = f (−ν), and P Z 1/2 f (ν) dν = var(Xt ) [ = γ(0) ]. −1/2 The sample equivalent of the integral equation is: n−1 X P (j/n) n−1 = S 2 . j=1 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S PECTRAL D ENSITY The periodogram P (νj:n ) = n−1/2 Pn t=1 2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) is a sample jn n concept. Its population counterpart is the (νj:n = → ν) Spectral Density f (ν) = lim E{P (νj:n )} = n→∞ ∞ X γ(h) exp(2πı̇νh) h=−∞ provided the limit exits (i.e. |γ(h)| < ∞ where γ(h) = cov{Xt+h , Xt }). It follows that f (ν) ≥ 0, f (1 + ν) = f (ν), f (ν) = f (−ν), and P Z 1/2 f (ν) dν = var(Xt ) [ = γ(0) ]. −1/2 The sample equivalent of the integral equation is: n−1 X P (j/n) n−1 = S 2 . j=1 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S OME E XAMPLES 2 δ h . The spectral density WN: Wt is white noise if EWt = 0 and γ(h) = σw 0 f (ν) = X 2 γ(h) exp(−2πı̇νh) = σw − 1/2 ≤ ν ≤ 1/2, is uniform (think of white light). MA: Xt = Wt + .9Wt−1 AR: Xt = Xt−1 − .9Xt−2 + Wt 0.2 0.3 frequency 0.4 0.5 140 80 spectrum 40 20 1.0 0.5 0 0.0 0.1 60 2.0 1.5 spectrum 2.5 100 1.2 spectrum 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.0 AR 120 3.5 MA 3.0 1.4 White Noise 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 frequency DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 frequency for better segmentation 0.4 0.5 OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S OME A SYMPTOTIC R ESULTS cos(2πtνj:n )−ı̇ sin(2πtνj:n ) n z }| { X d(νj:n ) = n−1/2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) t=1 = dc (νj:n ) − ı̇ ds (νj:n ) Under general conditions on {Xt } (n → ∞, νj:n → ν ): dc (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, ds (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, 1 2 1 2 f (ν) f (ν) dsc (νj:n ) ⊥ dsc (νk:n ) ∀ j, k (νk:n → ν 0 6= ν and terms not the same) Pn (νj:n ) = d2c (νj:n ) + d2s (νj:n ), thus 2Pn (νj:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 , so E[Pn (νj:n )] → f (ν), but var[Pn (νj:n )] → f 2 (ν) ←- BAD One remedy? Kernel smooth for consistency: Z 1/2 Pn (λ)Kn (ν − λ)dλ fb(ν) = −1/2 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S OME A SYMPTOTIC R ESULTS cos(2πtνj:n )−ı̇ sin(2πtνj:n ) n z }| { X d(νj:n ) = n−1/2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) t=1 = dc (νj:n ) − ı̇ ds (νj:n ) Under general conditions on {Xt } (n → ∞, νj:n → ν ): dc (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, ds (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, 1 2 1 2 f (ν) f (ν) dsc (νj:n ) ⊥ dsc (νk:n ) ∀ j, k (νk:n → ν 0 6= ν and terms not the same) Pn (νj:n ) = d2c (νj:n ) + d2s (νj:n ), thus 2Pn (νj:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 , so E[Pn (νj:n )] → f (ν), but var[Pn (νj:n )] → f 2 (ν) ←- BAD One remedy? Kernel smooth for consistency: Z 1/2 Pn (λ)Kn (ν − λ)dλ fb(ν) = −1/2 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S OME A SYMPTOTIC R ESULTS cos(2πtνj:n )−ı̇ sin(2πtνj:n ) n z }| { X d(νj:n ) = n−1/2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) t=1 = dc (νj:n ) − ı̇ ds (νj:n ) Under general conditions on {Xt } (n → ∞, νj:n → ν ): dc (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, ds (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, 1 2 1 2 f (ν) f (ν) dsc (νj:n ) ⊥ dsc (νk:n ) ∀ j, k (νk:n → ν 0 6= ν and terms not the same) Pn (νj:n ) = d2c (νj:n ) + d2s (νj:n ), thus 2Pn (νj:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 , so E[Pn (νj:n )] → f (ν), but var[Pn (νj:n )] → f 2 (ν) ←- BAD One remedy? Kernel smooth for consistency: Z 1/2 Pn (λ)Kn (ν − λ)dλ fb(ν) = −1/2 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S OME A SYMPTOTIC R ESULTS cos(2πtνj:n )−ı̇ sin(2πtνj:n ) n z }| { X d(νj:n ) = n−1/2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) t=1 = dc (νj:n ) − ı̇ ds (νj:n ) Under general conditions on {Xt } (n → ∞, νj:n → ν ): dc (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, ds (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, 1 2 1 2 f (ν) f (ν) dsc (νj:n ) ⊥ dsc (νk:n ) ∀ j, k (νk:n → ν 0 6= ν and terms not the same) Pn (νj:n ) = d2c (νj:n ) + d2s (νj:n ), thus 2Pn (νj:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 , so E[Pn (νj:n )] → f (ν), but var[Pn (νj:n )] → f 2 (ν) ←- BAD One remedy? Kernel smooth for consistency: Z 1/2 Pn (λ)Kn (ν − λ)dλ fb(ν) = −1/2 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S OME A SYMPTOTIC R ESULTS cos(2πtνj:n )−ı̇ sin(2πtνj:n ) n z }| { X d(νj:n ) = n−1/2 Xt exp(−2πı̇tνj:n ) t=1 = dc (νj:n ) − ı̇ ds (νj:n ) Under general conditions on {Xt } (n → ∞, νj:n → ν ): dc (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, ds (νj:n ) ∼ AN 0, 1 2 1 2 f (ν) f (ν) dsc (νj:n ) ⊥ dsc (νk:n ) ∀ j, k (νk:n → ν 0 6= ν and terms not the same) Pn (νj:n ) = d2c (νj:n ) + d2s (νj:n ), thus 2Pn (νj:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 , so E[Pn (νj:n )] → f (ν), but var[Pn (νj:n )] → f 2 (ν) ←- BAD One remedy? Kernel smooth for consistency: Z 1/2 Pn (λ)Kn (ν − λ)dλ fb(ν) = −1/2 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO W HITTLE L IKELIHOOD Given time series data x = (X1 , . . . , Xn ), for large n, n−1 Y 1h Pn (νk ) i −n/2 L(f x) ≈ (2π) exp − log f (νk ) + , 2 f (νk ) k=0 νk = k/n, and k = 0, . . . , [n/2]. this part intentionally left blank DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S TATIONARY C ASE E STIMATION OF S PECTRA VIA S MOOTHING S PLINES In the stationary case, let Pn (νk ) denote the periodogram. For large n, approximately [recall 2Pn (νk:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 ] Pn (νk ) = f (νk )Uk iid where f (νk ) is the spectrum and Uk ∼ Gamma(1, 1). Taking logs, we have a GLM y(νk ) = g(νk ) + k where y(νk ) = log Pn (νk ), g(νk ) = log f (νk ) and k are iid log(χ22 /2)s. Want to fit the model with the constraint that g() is smooth. Wahba (1980) suggested smoothing splines. This can be done in a Bayesian framework. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S TATIONARY C ASE E STIMATION OF S PECTRA VIA S MOOTHING S PLINES In the stationary case, let Pn (νk ) denote the periodogram. For large n, approximately [recall 2Pn (νk:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 ] Pn (νk ) = f (νk )Uk iid where f (νk ) is the spectrum and Uk ∼ Gamma(1, 1). Taking logs, we have a GLM y(νk ) = g(νk ) + k where y(νk ) = log Pn (νk ), g(νk ) = log f (νk ) and k are iid log(χ22 /2)s. Want to fit the model with the constraint that g() is smooth. Wahba (1980) suggested smoothing splines. This can be done in a Bayesian framework. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S TATIONARY C ASE E STIMATION OF S PECTRA VIA S MOOTHING S PLINES In the stationary case, let Pn (νk ) denote the periodogram. For large n, approximately [recall 2Pn (νk:n )/f (ν) ⇒ χ22 ] Pn (νk ) = f (νk )Uk iid where f (νk ) is the spectrum and Uk ∼ Gamma(1, 1). Taking logs, we have a GLM y(νk ) = g(νk ) + k where y(νk ) = log Pn (νk ), g(νk ) = log f (νk ) and k are iid log(χ22 /2)s. Want to fit the model with the constraint that g() is smooth. Wahba (1980) suggested smoothing splines. This can be done in a Bayesian framework. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation log(f ) OVERTURE 11 I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO −5 AR(2) −10 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.25 ν — true g = log f • log Pn 4 0.15 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 - - - 95% credible intervals 2 log(f ) 0 22 −2 −4 −6 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 ν 0.3 0.35 frequency DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation 0.4 0.45 0.5 OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO AR(2) • log Pn — true g = log f - - - 95% credible intervals frequency DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO H OW I T ’ S D ONE : P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Place a linear smoothing spline prior on log f (ν). Let yn (νk ) = log Pn (νk ) and g(νk ) = log f (νk ). g(νk ) = α0 + α1 νk + h(νk ) linear [α] + nonlinear [h()] α0 ∼ N (0, σα2 ), α1 ≡ 0, since (∂g(ν)/∂ν)|ν=0 = 0. h = Dβ , is a linear combination of basis functions where √ h = (h(ν0 ), . . . , h(νn/2 ))0 , and the j th column of D is 2 cos(jπν), ν = (ν0 , . . . , νn/2 )0 . β ∼ N (0, τ 2 I) τ 2 ∼ U (0, cτ 2 ) Wood, Jiang, Tanner (2002). Bayesian mixture of splines for ... nonparametric regression. Biometrika DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO H OW I T ’ S D ONE : P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Place a linear smoothing spline prior on log f (ν). Let yn (νk ) = log Pn (νk ) and g(νk ) = log f (νk ). g(νk ) = α0 + α1 νk + h(νk ) linear [α] + nonlinear [h()] α0 ∼ N (0, σα2 ), α1 ≡ 0, since (∂g(ν)/∂ν)|ν=0 = 0. h = Dβ , is a linear combination of basis functions where √ h = (h(ν0 ), . . . , h(νn/2 ))0 , and the j th column of D is 2 cos(jπν), ν = (ν0 , . . . , νn/2 )0 . β ∼ N (0, τ 2 I) τ 2 ∼ U (0, cτ 2 ) Wood, Jiang, Tanner (2002). Bayesian mixture of splines for ... nonparametric regression. Biometrika DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO H OW I T ’ S D ONE : P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Place a linear smoothing spline prior on log f (ν). Let yn (νk ) = log Pn (νk ) and g(νk ) = log f (νk ). g(νk ) = α0 + α1 νk + h(νk ) linear [α] + nonlinear [h()] α0 ∼ N (0, σα2 ), α1 ≡ 0, since (∂g(ν)/∂ν)|ν=0 = 0. h = Dβ , is a linear combination of basis functions where √ h = (h(ν0 ), . . . , h(νn/2 ))0 , and the j th column of D is 2 cos(jπν), ν = (ν0 , . . . , νn/2 )0 . β ∼ N (0, τ 2 I) τ 2 ∼ U (0, cτ 2 ) Wood, Jiang, Tanner (2002). Bayesian mixture of splines for ... nonparametric regression. Biometrika DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO H OW I T ’ S D ONE : P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Place a linear smoothing spline prior on log f (ν). Let yn (νk ) = log Pn (νk ) and g(νk ) = log f (νk ). g(νk ) = α0 + α1 νk + h(νk ) linear [α] + nonlinear [h()] α0 ∼ N (0, σα2 ), α1 ≡ 0, since (∂g(ν)/∂ν)|ν=0 = 0. h = Dβ , is a linear combination of basis functions where √ h = (h(ν0 ), . . . , h(νn/2 ))0 , and the j th column of D is 2 cos(jπν), ν = (ν0 , . . . , νn/2 )0 . β ∼ N (0, τ 2 I) τ 2 ∼ U (0, cτ 2 ) Wood, Jiang, Tanner (2002). Bayesian mixture of splines for ... nonparametric regression. Biometrika DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO H OW I T ’ S D ONE : P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Place a linear smoothing spline prior on log f (ν). Let yn (νk ) = log Pn (νk ) and g(νk ) = log f (νk ). g(νk ) = α0 + α1 νk + h(νk ) linear [α] + nonlinear [h()] α0 ∼ N (0, σα2 ), α1 ≡ 0, since (∂g(ν)/∂ν)|ν=0 = 0. h = Dβ , is a linear combination of basis functions where √ h = (h(ν0 ), . . . , h(νn/2 ))0 , and the j th column of D is 2 cos(jπν), ν = (ν0 , . . . , νn/2 )0 . β ∼ N (0, τ 2 I) τ 2 ∼ U (0, cτ 2 ) Wood, Jiang, Tanner (2002). Bayesian mixture of splines for ... nonparametric regression. Biometrika DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO H OW I T ’ S D ONE : P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Place a linear smoothing spline prior on log f (ν). Let yn (νk ) = log Pn (νk ) and g(νk ) = log f (νk ). g(νk ) = α0 + α1 νk + h(νk ) linear [α] + nonlinear [h()] α0 ∼ N (0, σα2 ), α1 ≡ 0, since (∂g(ν)/∂ν)|ν=0 = 0. h = Dβ , is a linear combination of basis functions where √ h = (h(ν0 ), . . . , h(νn/2 ))0 , and the j th column of D is 2 cos(jπν), ν = (ν0 , . . . , νn/2 )0 . β ∼ N (0, τ 2 I) τ 2 ∼ U (0, cτ 2 ) Wood, Jiang, Tanner (2002). Bayesian mixture of splines for ... nonparametric regression. Biometrika DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S AMPLING S CHEME ∼ M ETROPOLIS -H ASTINGS (M-H) The parameters α0 , β and τ 2 are drawn from the posterior distribution p(α0 , β, τ 2 y), where y = (yn (ν0 ), . . . , yn (νn/2 ))0 , using MCMC: α0 and β are sampled jointly via an M-H step from n 1 n−1 Xh i α0 + d0k β + exp yn (νk ) − α0 − d0k β p(α0 , β τ 2 , y) ∝ exp − 2 k=0 o α2 1 − 02 − 2 β 0 β , 2σα 2τ where d0k is the k th row of D . τ 2 is sampled from the truncated inverse gamma distribution, 1 p(τ 2 β) ∝ (τ 2 )−J/2 exp − 2 β 0 β , τ 2 ∈ (0, cτ 2 ], 2τ where J = number of frequencies. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S AMPLING S CHEME ∼ M ETROPOLIS -H ASTINGS (M-H) The parameters α0 , β and τ 2 are drawn from the posterior distribution p(α0 , β, τ 2 y), where y = (yn (ν0 ), . . . , yn (νn/2 ))0 , using MCMC: α0 and β are sampled jointly via an M-H step from n 1 n−1 Xh i α0 + d0k β + exp yn (νk ) − α0 − d0k β p(α0 , β τ 2 , y) ∝ exp − 2 k=0 o α2 1 − 02 − 2 β 0 β , 2σα 2τ where d0k is the k th row of D . τ 2 is sampled from the truncated inverse gamma distribution, 1 p(τ 2 β) ∝ (τ 2 )−J/2 exp − 2 β 0 β , τ 2 ∈ (0, cτ 2 ], 2τ where J = number of frequencies. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO Locally Stationary Time Series P IECEWISE S TATIONARY j−1 1 n1,m ξ0,m nj−1,m ξ1,m . . . m j ξj−1,m nj,m nm,m ξj,m . . . ξm,m Suppose x = {X1 , . . . , Xn } is a time series with an unknown number of Suppose x = (x1, . . . , xn)0 is a time series with an unknown number of stationary segments. locally stationary segments. m: unknown number of segments (m = 1 means stationary) nj,m :mnumber of observations the j th segment, nj,m ≥ tmin . unknown number of in segments ξj,m : location of the end of the j th segment, j = 0, . . . , m, ξ0,m ≡ 0 and nξj,m number of observations in the jth segment, nj,m ≥ tmin. m,m ≡ n. fj,m :ξj,m spectral densities location of the end of the jth segment, j = 0, . . . , m, ξ0,m ≡ 0 and ξm,m ≡ at n.νkj = kj /nj,m , 0 ≤ kj ≤ nj,m − 1. Pnj,m : periodograms DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO W HITTLE L IKELIHOOD L(f1,m , . . . , fm,m x [data], ξ m m Y j=1 (2π)−nj,m /2 [partition] nj,m −1 Y kj =0 )≈ n 1h Pn (νk ) io exp − log fj,m (νkj ) + j,m j 2 fj,m (νkj ) this space intentionally left blank DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO P RIOR D ISTRIBUTIONS Priors on gj,m (ν) = log fj,m (ν), j = 1, . . . , m, as before. Pr(ξj,m = t m) = 1/pjm , for j = 1, . . . , m − 1, where pjm = n − ξj−1,m − (m − j + 1)tmin + 1 is the number of available locations for split point ξj,m . The prior on the number of segments Pr(m = k) = 1/M, DAVID S TOFFER for AUTO SPEC k = 1, . . . , M. for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO S AMPLING S CHEME LIFE GOES ON WITHIN MOVES AND WITHOUT MOVES Within-model moves: (location of end points) Given m, ξk∗ ,m is proposed to be relocated. The corresponding and β s are updated (absorb α0 s into β s). These two steps are jointly accepted or rejected in a M-H step. The τ 2 s are then updated in a Gibbs step. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME Between-model moves: I FALL TO P IECES (number of segments) mp = mc + 1† Select a segment to split Select a new split point in this segment. Two new τ 2 s are formed from the current τ 2 Two new β s are drawn. mp = mc − 1 Select a split point to be removed. A single τ 2 is then formed from the current τ 2 s A new β is proposed. Accept or Reject in a M-H step. † c=current, p=proposed DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO Between-Model Moves: mc → mp Let θ m = {ξ m , τ 2m , β m } and suppose the chain is currently at (mc , θ cmc ). p p p p We propose to move toc (mc , θ mp ) by drawing (m , θ mp ) from a proposal p p density q(m , θ mp m , θ mc ) and accepting this draw with probability ( p(mp , θ pmp |x) × q(mc , θ cmc α = min 1, p(mc , θ cmc |x) × q(mp , θ pmp p p ) m , θ mp ) mc , θ cmc ) , where p(·) is the approximate likelihood. The M-H transition kernel is composed of the q(mp |mc ) × α. These are essentially a likelihood ratios. Thus the decision of whether or not to change m via the posterior is essentially based on the likelihood ratio. Within-model moves, relocation of end points, is similar. ... and model averaging! ... and all data used for estimation, not just segmented data! DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO Between-Model Moves: mc → mp Let θ m = {ξ m , τ 2m , β m } and suppose the chain is currently at (mc , θ cmc ). p p p p We propose to move toc (mc , θ mp ) by drawing (m , θ mp ) from a proposal p p density q(m , θ mp m , θ mc ) and accepting this draw with probability ( p(mp , θ pmp |x) × q(mc , θ cmc α = min 1, p(mc , θ cmc |x) × q(mp , θ pmp p p ) m , θ mp ) mc , θ cmc ) , where p(·) is the approximate likelihood. The M-H transition kernel is composed of the q(mp |mc ) × α. These are essentially a likelihood ratios. Thus the decision of whether or not to change m via the posterior is essentially based on the likelihood ratio. Within-model moves, relocation of end points, is similar. ... and model averaging! ... and all data used for estimation, not just segmented data! DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO E XAMPLE −2 −0.4 0 Xt at 0.0 2 0.4 4 Consider two tvAR(1) models Xt = at Xt−1 + Wt for t = 1, . . . , 500 (blue) at = t/500 − .5 There is no optimal segmentation in this case. (green) at = .5 sign(t − 250) 100 200 300 Time 400 500 0 100 200 300 Time 400 500 0 100 200 300 Time 400 500 0 100 200 300 Time 400 500 −3 −0.4 Xt −1 at 0.0 1 0.4 3 0 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO In each case, m = 2 is the modal value [posteriors in paper] on the data) and number of partitions. Plotted below are Pr(ξ = t 1,2 Pr(ξ1,2 < t data), where ξ1,2 is the change point when m = 2. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0 ← time-varying −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 0 0.1 1 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.4 Frequency 0.2 0.5 2 0 Time (rescaled) 1.5 1 Log(Power) Log(Power) 0.2 0.5 0 −0.5 change-point → −1 −1.5 0 0.1 1 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.4 Frequency DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC 0.2 0.5 0 for better segmentation Time (rescaled) OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES El Niño – Southern Oscillation DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES (a) W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO (b) 40 (c) 3 4 30 3 2 20 2 10 1 1 0 0 0 −10 −20 −1 −1 −2 −30 −2 −3 −40 −50 1880 1920 1960 Year 2000 −3 1950 1970 1990 2010 −4 1951 Year 1970 1990 Year Plots of (a) SOI from 1876–2011; (b) Niño3.4 index from 1950-2011; (c) DSLPA from 1951–2010. DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation 2010 OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO The Posteriors – Pr(m = k x) k SOI Niño3.4 DSLPA 1 2 3 0.95 0.05 0.00 0.93 0.07 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.00 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation OVERTURE I T ’ S A LL THE S AME I FALL TO P IECES W E ’ RE SO SORRY, U NCLE ENSO The Posteriors – Pr(m = k x) k SOI Niño3.4 DSLPA 1 2 3 0.95 0.05 0.00 0.93 0.07 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.00 DAVID S TOFFER AUTO SPEC for better segmentation